Procedural Safeguards (English), Last Updated June 2022
Procedural Safeguards (English), Last Updated June 2022
Procedural Safeguards (English), Last Updated June 2022
The following procedural safeguards apply to all eligible students with disabilities, including eligible students
who require continued public school educational experience to facilitate his or her successful transition and
integration into adult life through age 21, inclusive -- unless his or her 22nd birthday occurs during the school
year, in which case he or she is eligible for such services through the end of the school year. In addition,
beginning January 1, 2022, children who received early intervention services prior to their third birthday and
are found eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and whose birthday falls between May 1 and
August 31 may continue to receive early intervention services until the beginning of the school year following
their third birthday. As the parent/guardian, you have the right to choose to take the extended option and then
reverse your decision and deny this option at a later date, so that your child will start early childhood education
services prior to the beginning of the school year.
As the parent/guardian of a student or adult student with a disability who is receiving or may be eligible to
receive special education and related service, you have rights that are safeguarded by state and federal law.
Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal law concerning the education of
students with disabilities, requires schools to provide parents of a child with a disability with a notice containing
a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under IDEA and U.S. Department of Education
regulations. The rights to which you are entitled are included in this document. A full explanation of these
rights is available from your child’s school district. Please review this document carefully and contact the
district if you have questions or need additional clarification regarding your child’s services or the procedural
safeguards available to you.
The notice of your procedural safeguards must be made available to you only one time a year. However a
copy also must be given upon an initial request for an evaluation, upon receipt of the first written complaint or
first due process complaint to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), upon a disciplinary removal that
constitutes a change in placement, or upon request.
Additional information about your rights is available on the ISBE website in a document entitled The Parent
General Information
The local district is required to provide you with prior written notice (certain information in writing):
• When the district proposes to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, educational placement,
or the provision of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to your child; or
• When the district refuses to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, educational placement,
or the provision of FAPE to your child; or
• One year prior to your child reaching the age of majority (18 years of age). All educational rights
transfer from parent(s)/guardian(s) to the student unless determined otherwise.
The written notice must be provided at least 10 days prior to the proposed or refused action and must include:
1) A description of the action proposed or refused by the agency;
2) An explanation of why the agency proposes or refuses to take the action;
3) A description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the agency used as a
basis for the proposed or refused action;
Electronic Mail
You may choose to receive the following by email if your school district offers such a choice:
• Prior written notice;
• Procedural safeguards notice; and
• Notices related to a due process complaint.
Your informed consent indicates that you were given all the relevant information in your native language or
other mode of communication. It also indicates that you understand and agree in writing to the activity. The
local district must obtain your informed written consent (using state-mandated forms) in the following
• Initial Evaluation - Conducting an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education
• Initial Services/Placement - Initially providing special education and related services to your child, or
• Reevaluation - Reevaluating your child.
Your consent is not required before your school district reviews existing data as part of an evaluation or
reevaluation or before your school district administers a test or other evaluation that is administered to all
children, unless consent is required from the parents of all children before that test or evaluation.
Special Rules for Initial Evaluation for Wards of the State or Youth in Care
In Illinois “Ward of the State” may be referred to as “Youth in Care”
Ward of the State, as used in the IDEA, means a child who is:
1) A foster child, unless the child’s foster parent has been assigned the right to make educational
decisions on the child’s behalf by a judge overseeing the child’s case or a public agency with
responsibility for the general care of the child;
2) Considered a ward of the state under state law;
3) Considered a ward of the court under state law; or
4) In the custody of a public child welfare agency.
For initial evaluations only, if the child is a ward of the state and is not residing with the child's parent, the
public agency is not required to obtain informed consent from the parent for an initial evaluation to determine
whether the child is a child with a disability if –
1) Despite reasonable efforts to do so, the school district cannot find the child’s parent;
2) The rights of the parents have been terminated in accordance with state law; or
3) A judge or a public agency with responsibility for the general care of the child has assigned the right
to make educational decisions and to consent for an initial evaluation to an individual other than the
Certain conditions are applicable if you refuse to provide consent for the following:
• Initial Evaluation - If you do not provide consent for an initial evaluation or fail to respond to a request to
provide consent, the district may, but is not required to, pursue having an initial evaluation conducted
using mediation and/or due process hearing procedures.
If a due process hearing is held, a hearing officer may order the school district to proceed in conducting
an initial evaluation without your consent. This is subject to your right to appeal the decision and to have
your child remain in his/her present educational placement pending the outcome of any administrative or
judicial proceeding.
• Initial Services/Placement – If you refuse to provide consent for the initial provision of special education
and/or related services, the district will not provide these services. Furthermore, the district may not pursue
mediation or due process procedures in order to obtain a ruling that services may be provided.
In the event that you refuse to consent to the initial provision of special education and/or related services,
the district will not be considered to be in violation of its requirement to make FAPE available to your child.
Nor is the district required to convene a meeting to develop an IEP for your child.
Reevaluation – If you refuse to provide consent for a reevaluation, the school district may, but is not required
to, pursue override procedures through mediation or a due process hearing. However, the school district may
pursue the reevaluation if it made reasonable efforts to obtain your consent and you failed to respond. If the
school district chooses not to pursue such procedures, the school district is not in violation of providing FAPE
to your child.
If your child is currently receiving special education and related services, you have the right to revoke (take
back) your consent for such services at any time. You may revoke consent either orally or in writing. If you
revoke your consent orally, the district must provide you with written confirmation within five days of your oral
revocation. When you revoke your consent, either orally or in writing, the district must provide you with prior
written notice to acknowledge your revocation and the date upon which all special education and related
services will cease.
Once services have ceased, your child will be considered to be a general education student. All rights and
responsibilities previously held by your child (as described in this document), including special education
disciplinary protections, will also cease.
NOTE: The effect of your revocation will result in a complete termination of all special education and
related services to your child. However, if you are in a disagreement with the type or amount of
services your child is receiving, but believe that your child should continue to receive special
education and related services, please review the “Complaint Resolution,” “Mediation,” and “Due
Process Hearing” sections to learn about your rights in the case of a disagreement over services.
You must be afforded the opportunity to participate in meetings regarding the identification, evaluation,
eligibility, reevaluation, and educational placement of your child. The school district must provide you with a
10-day written notice of the meeting. The notice must inform you of the purpose, be held at a mutually
agreeable place and time, and inform you who will be in attendance. The notice for the IEP meeting must also
include a statement that you have the right to invite individuals with special knowledge or expertise about your
child to attend the IEP meeting with you. You have the right to request that the school district provide an
interpreter for the meeting. You have the right to request that the interpreter serve no other role in the IEP
meeting other than as an interpreter, and the school district should make reasonable efforts to fulfill this
request. If you believe that the school district unreasonably denied your request for an interpreter who serves
no other role in the IEP meeting, you have all rights under IDEA and Article 14 of the School Code. These
rights include a due process hearing, State complaint, mediation, ISBE monitoring, and by filing a complaint
with the Office for Civil Rights.
You have the right to written translations of vital IEP process documents. The school district is required to
notify you through the Parent/Guardian Notification of Conference form (ISBE form 34-57D) on how to request
translated documents and who to contact with any questions or complaints about the translations.
As a parent, you are an important member of your child’s IEP team and are encouraged to be involved in
meetings where decisions are made regarding the educational placement of your child. However, if you cannot
attend the meeting, the school district must use other methods to ensure your participation, including individual
ISBE 34-57J (7/22) Page 4
or conference telephone calls. Decisions about your child’s services and placement can be made by the IEP
team even if you do not attend the meeting, but the district must maintain a record of its attempts to arrange
a mutually agreed-upon time and place for the meeting that includes evidence, such as detailed telephone
calls made or attempted and the results of those calls, copies of correspondence sent to you and any
responses received, or detailed records of visits made to your home or workplace and the results of those
The notice for a child beginning at age 14½ (or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team) must
indicate that one purpose of the meeting will be the development of a statement of the transition service needs
of your child and that the school district will invite your child to the meeting and indicate any other agency that
will be invited to send a representative to the meeting. The district must take whatever action is necessary to
ensure that you and your child understand the proceedings at a meeting, which may include arranging for an
interpreter if you or your child is deaf or your native language is not English.
The IEP team must meet at least once a year and must have an IEP for your child in effect by the beginning
of each school year. After the annual meeting, you and the school may agree not to convene an IEP meeting
for the purpose of amending your child’s IEP. Instead, the IEP may be amended or modified via a written
document. The IEP team members must be informed of the changes.
No later than three school days prior to a meeting to determine your child's eligibility for special education and
related services or a meeting to review your child’s IEP (or as soon as possible if an IEP meeting is scheduled
within three school days with your written consent), the local school district must provide you with copies of
all written material that will be considered by the IEP team at the meeting so that you may participate in the
meeting as a fully informed team member. You have the option of choosing from the available methods of
delivery, which must include regular mail and picking up the materials at the school.
You must be informed of your right to review and copy your child's school student records prior to any special
education eligibility or IEP review meeting, subject to the requirements of applicable federal and state law.
Your school district must use a variety of evaluation tools and strategies when conducting an evaluation of
your child. The evaluation must assess your child in all areas related to the suspected disability. The school
district must use technically sound instruments and procedures that are not biased against your child because
of race, culture, language, or disability. The materials and procedures must be provided and administered in
the language and form most likely to provide accurate information on what your child knows and can do.
Initial Evaluation
Either you or the school district may initiate a request for an initial evaluation of your child. Within 14 school
days after receiving a request for an evaluation, the district shall determine whether an evaluation is
warranted. If the district determines not to conduct an evaluation, it shall provide written notice to you.
A) The district shall convene a team of individuals (including you) having the knowledge and skills
necessary to administer and interpret evaluation data. The composition of the team will vary
depending upon the nature of the child's symptoms and other relevant factors.
B) The team shall identify the assessments necessary to complete the evaluation and shall prepare
a written notification for you. The notification shall either describe the needed assessments for
each domain or explain why none are needed.
If it is determined that an evaluation is necessary, the district must complete the evaluation no later than 60
school days following the date you signed the written consent to perform the needed assessments. If fewer
than 60 school days remain in a school year after the date you have provided consent, the eligibility
determination shall be made, and the IEP meeting shall be completed prior to the first day of the following
school year.
The evaluation must be conducted by a team of qualified individuals and include your input. Your child will not
be determined to be a child with a disability if lack of appropriate instruction in reading, math, or limited English
proficiency are judged to be determinant factors.
If a district fails to conduct the evaluation, you may appeal this failure in an impartial due process hearing,
request consideration of this failure using the state complaint procedures, or request mediation.
The school must reevaluate your child at least every three years after the initial evaluation, unless you and
the school agree a reevaluation is unnecessary.
You shall be given a copy of the Parent/Guardian Notification of Conference Recommendations form at the
conclusion of an IEP meeting. This specifies the options considered by the team and informs you of your right
to obtain an independent educational evaluation (IEE) if you disagree with the findings.
The school district may ask you why you object to its evaluation, but it cannot unreasonably delay or deny the
evaluation by requiring you to explain your disagreement.
If the district agrees to pay for the IEE, it must provide information to you upon your request about where an
independent educational evaluation may be obtained. Whenever an IEE is at public expense, the criteria
under which the evaluation is obtained, including the location of the evaluation and the qualifications of the
examiner, must be the same as the criteria that the district uses when it initiates an evaluation.
If you obtain an IEE at public expense or share with the district an evaluation obtained a private expense, the
results of the evaluation must be considered by the public agency, if it meets agency criteria, in any decision
made with respect to the provision of FAPE to your child.
You may also present the IEE as evidence in a due process hearing.
Within 10 days after receiving a report of an IEE conducted at either public or private expense, the district
shall provide written notice stating the date upon which the IEP team will meet to consider the results.
This section describes your child’s rights when you voluntarily place him/her in a private (including religious)
All children with disabilities residing in the state who are in need of special education and related services,
including children attending private schools, must be located, identified, and evaluated. This process, called
Child Find, is the responsibility of the public school district where your child’s private or home school is located.
If your child is determined eligible for special education services, Child Find includes the right to a
reevaluation, which must occur once every three years. The rights described in this document related to
identification and evaluation apply even when you place your child in a private school/facility.
However, when you choose to place your child with a disability in a private school, your child does not have
a right to receive any of the special education or related services he or she would receive if enrolled in the
public school. Some special education services may be available to your child while enrolled in the private
school, but the type and amount will be limited by how the public school where your child’s private school is
located decides to serve private school students. The school’s decision is made after consulting with
representatives of private schools and a representative group of parents of private school children with
disabilities. The school determines how to use the limited federal funds that are designated for private school
services. If a public school elects to provide any type of service to your child, then a services plan must be
developed and implemented.
Services Plan
The services plan must include the “how, where, and by whom” special education and related services will be
provided for your child. A services plan must reflect only the services offered to a parentally placed private
school child with a disability designated to receive services, and must, to the extent appropriate, meet the IEP
content requirements in IDEA. Since students with disabilities who are entitled to FAPE must receive the full
range of services under Part B, their IEPs generally will be more comprehensive than the more limited services
plans developed and implemented for those parentally placed private school children with disabilities
designated to receive services from a Local Education Agency (LEA). The requirement that a services plan
meet the requirements of an IEP, to the extent appropriate, will ensure that the services actually provided to
a parentally placed private school child with a disability will meaningfully address the child’s individual needs.
• A court or hearing officer may require the district to reimburse you for the cost of that enrollment if it
is found that the district did not make a FAPE available in a timely manner prior to that enrollment.
ISBE 34-57J (7/22) Page 7
The amount of reimbursement awarded by the hearing officer may be reduced or denied:
• If, at the most recent IEP meeting you attended prior to the removal of your child from the public
school, you did not inform the IEP team that you were rejecting the placement proposed by the district,
including stating your concerns and intent to enroll your child in a nonpublic school or facility;
• If 10 business days (including any holidays that occur on a business day) prior to the removal of the
student from the public school, you did not give notice to the district of the information mentioned
• If prior to your removal of your child from the public school, the school district informed you of its
intent to evaluate your child, but you did not make him/her available for such evaluation; or
• Upon a judicial finding of unreasonableness with respect to actions taken by you.
The cost of reimbursement may not be reduced or denied for failure to provide such notice if:
If your child’s behavior impedes his/her learning or the learning of others, strategies that include positive
behavioral interventions and supports must be considered in the development of your child’s IEP. If your child
violates the student code of conduct, school personnel may remove him/her from the current placement.
Definition of Suspensions
When you, as the parent, are asked to come to the school and pick up your student due to a disciplinary
infraction, this removal is counted as a “suspension” under the regulations. Suspension or expulsion may
include suspension or expulsion from school and all school activities and a prohibition from being
present on school grounds.
Short-Term Removals (Less than 10 School Days Over the Course of a School Year)
If your child violates the student code of conduct, school personnel may remove him/her from the current
placement for 10 days or fewer in a school year. The school district is not required to provide educational
services during these removals unless services are provided to students without disabilities under similar
Once the disciplinary removals total more than 10 school days, the school district must continue to provide
educational services. School personnel, in consultation with at least one of your child’s teachers, must
determine the extent to which services are needed so as to enable your child to continue to participate in the
general education curriculum -- although in another setting, -- and to progress toward meeting the goals set
out in the IEP during the removals.
Disciplinary removals beyond a total of 10 school days during the school year may be considered a change
in placement by school officials. If this occurs, the school district must notify you of its decision and provide
you with a copy of the procedural safeguards on the same day that the decision to remove is made. School
personnel, in consultation with at least one of your child’s teachers, must determine the extent to which
services are needed during the period of removal. Your child shall receive, as appropriate, a functional
behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention services and modifications, which are designed to address
the behavior violation so that it does not recur. Additionally, an IEP meeting must be convened as soon as
possible, but no later than 10 school days after the decision to remove has been made, in order to conduct a
manifestation determination review (MDR).
• If the behavior was caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to your child’s disability, or
• If the behavior was the direct result of the school district’s failure to implement your child’s IEP.
If the team determines that either of the above statements is applicable, then your child’s behavior must be
considered a manifestation of his/her disability.
The district shall be required to review the student's behavioral intervention plan or, if a behavioral intervention
plan has not yet been developed, to develop one.
Upon determination that the behavior was a manifestation of your child’s disability, the IEP team shall:
• Conduct a functional behavioral assessment and implement a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP),
provided that the school district had not already conducted such an assessment prior to the
determination of the behavior that resulted in change of placement,
• In the situation where a BIP is in place, review the it and/or modify the plan as necessary to address
the behavior; and
• Return your child to the placement from which he/she was removed, unless you and the school district
agree to a change of placement, except when the student has been removed to an interim alternative
education setting for drugs, weapons, and/or serious bodily injury. (See the next page for more
information on interim alternative educational setting [IAES].)
If it is determined that the behavior of your child was not related to his/her disability, pertinent disciplinary
procedures may be applied in the same manner they would be for students without disabilities — except that
students with disabilities must continue to receive a FAPE if removed for more than 10 school days in that
school year.
Additionally, if the school district believes that maintaining your child in his or her current placement is substantially
likely to result in injury to your child or to others, the school may request an expedited due process hearing to
change your child’s placement to an IAES. The hearing officer may order the placement even if your child’s
behaviors are a manifestation of his or her disability.
The expedited hearing must occur within 20 school days of the date the hearing is requested and must result
in a determination within 10 school days after the hearing.
School personnel may remove your child from his/her current educational placement to an IAES without your
consent if he/she:
Removal to an IAES shall not be more than 45 school days without regard to whether the behavior is
determined to be a manifestation of his/her disability.
If you disagree with the decision and request an expedited due process hearing to challenge the decision,
your child will remain in the interim alternative educational setting during the pendency of the hearing unless
you and the school district agree otherwise or until the 45-school day time period expires. A school district
may seek subsequent expedited hearings and alternative placements if after the first 45-school day term has
expired the school district believes your child is still dangerous.
Protections for Students Not Yet Eligible for Special Education and Related Services
If your child has not been found eligible for special education but the district has knowledge that your child is
disabled before a behavior occurred for which disciplinary action is being taken, you may assert the same
protections in discipline afforded to a student with a disability.
If, prior to taking disciplinary action against a student, the local district had no knowledge that the student was
a student with a disability, the student may be subjected to the same disciplinary procedures as those applied
to students without disabilities who engaged in comparable behaviors.
An evaluation requested during the time period in which the student is subjected to disciplinary procedures
must be conducted in an expedited manner. However, the student must remain in the educational placement
determined by school authorities pending results of the evaluation. If the student is determined to be a student
with a disability based on the evaluation, the local district must provide appropriate special education and
related services.
Local districts or other agencies reporting a crime committed by a student with a disability must ensure that
copies of the special education and disciplinary records of the student are transmitted to the appropriate
authorities for their consideration.
Concerns with respect to any matter relating to the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a
student or the provision of FAPE to a student should be directed to the local school district.
You may file a signed, written complaint with ISBE, alleging that the rights of your child or several children
with disabilities have been violated. The following information must be included in a formal complaint:
• A statement alleging that a responsible public entity has committed a violation of a special
education requirement;
• The facts on which the statement is based;
• The names and addresses of the involved students and schools of attendance;
• The signature and contact information for the complainant;
• A description of the nature of the problem, including the facts relating to the problem; and
• A proposed resolution for the problem, to the extent known.
The complaint must allege that the violation occurred not more than one year prior to the date on which the
complaint is received. Within 60 days after receiving a complaint that meets the requirements listed above,
ISBE shall:
These actions will be conducted within a 60-day timeline, unless that time limit is extended under exceptional
circumstances or if you and the district engage in another method of dispute resolution, such as mediation.
If a complaint is filed involving one or more issues that are also the subject of a due process hearing, those
portions of the complaint will be held in abeyance pending the completion of the hearing. In addition, if an
issue has been previously decided in a due process hearing involving the same parties, the decision from the
hearing will be binding and that issue will not be investigated through the complaint process.
Further information on the dispute resolution processes and resources can be found on ISBE’s at the following
Illinois' mediation service is designed as a means of resolving disagreements regarding the appropriateness
of special education and related services to children. You may request mediation whether or not there is a
pending due process hearing, but mediation cannot be used to delay or deny a due process hearing. Both
you and the school district must voluntarily agree to participate in the mediation process. This service is
administered and supervised by the ISBE and is provided at no cost to either you or the school district.
The mediation will be conducted by a qualified and impartial mediator who is trained in effective mediation
techniques and is knowledgeable in laws and regulations relating to the provision of special education and
related services. The mediator is an impartial third party and has no authority to force any action by either
The number of participants shall generally be limited to three persons per party. You may bring an attorney,
advocate, interpreter, and other relevant parties. All discussions that occur during the mediation process shall
be confidential and may not be used as evidence in any subsequent due process hearing or civil proceeding.
You will not be asked to abandon basic beliefs about your child’s ability during mediation; rather you will be
asked to (a) consider alternatives which could be included in your child’s program, (b) listen to the concerns
expressed by the other party, and (c) be realistic about your child’s capabilities and the local district's
obligations and resources.
If you resolve a dispute through the mediation process, an agreement will be written and signed by both you
and a representative of the school district who has the authority to bind such agreement. Mediation
agreements are legally binding and enforceable in any state court of competent jurisdiction or in a district
court of the United States.
A request for mediation by a parent challenging a district proposal to change the child’s educational placement
shall invoke the “stay-put” provision. The “stay-put” placement shall be the last agreed-upon placement
between the parties. In the event a party declines to use mediation, the parent (or student if 18 years of age
or older or emancipated) shall have 10 days from the date of the refusal to request a due process hearing in
order to continue the “stay-put” placement. If mediation fails to resolve the dispute between the parties, the
parent (or student if 18 years of age or older or emancipated) shall have 10 days after the mediation concludes
to file a request for a due process hearing in order to continue to invoke the “stay-put” provision.
If you wish to request mediation services or to learn more about the mediation system, you may contact the
ISBE Special Education Department at (217) 782-5589 or toll-free for parents at (866) 262-6663.
Further information on the dispute resolution processes and resources can be found on ISBE’s at the following
A request for a hearing must be made in writing to the superintendent of the district in which you and your
child reside and must include the following information:
Within five school days of receipt of the request for a hearing, the district will contact ISBE by certified mail to
request the appointment of an impartial due process hearing officer. A model form for requesting a due
process hearing shall be made available upon request.
Within five calendar days of filing your hearing request with the district, you are permitted the right to file an
amended hearing request that may cover issues that were not raised in your initial hearing request. After five
calendar days, you will only be allowed to file an amended hearing request with the agreement of the district
or with the authorization of the hearing officer. If you file an amended hearing request that raises issues other
than issues in your initial hearing request, you will be required to restart all hearing timelines and potentially
complete new resolution sessions and prehearing conferences. (See below.)
Resolution Meetings
Prior to the impartial due process hearing, the district will convene a meeting with you and relevant members
of the IEP team who have specific knowledge of the facts identified in the request for a due process hearing.
The purpose of the resolution meeting is for you to discuss your request for the hearing and the facts that
form the basis of the request so that the school district has the opportunity to resolve the dispute.
• Be conducted within 15 days of receiving the district’s notice of the request for a due process
ISBE 34-57J (7/22) Page 13
• Include a representative of the district who has decision-making authority;
• Not include district attorney unless you are also accompanied by an attorney;
• Allow you to discuss your request for a due process hearing.
You and the district may mutually agree in writing to waive the resolution meeting or agree in writing to use
the mediation process as described previously. Please note that you may use mediation at a later date if the
resolution session proves unsuccessful.
If a resolution is reached, the parties must execute a legally binding agreement that is signed by both you and
a representative of the district who has the authority to bind the district. The signed agreement is normally
enforceable in any state court of competent jurisdiction or in a district court of the United States. However,
either party may void such agreement within three business days of signing the agreement by providing notice
of the intent to void the agreement in writing to the other party.
If the school district has not resolved the request for due process hearing to your satisfaction within 30 days
of the receipt of the request, the due process hearing will continue. The due process hearing timelines will
begin at the expiration of the 30-day period.
Your failure to participate in the resolution meeting will delay the timelines for the resolution process and due
process hearing until the meeting is held unless you and the school district have jointly agreed to waive the
resolution meeting or have agreed to use mediation and you have filed a request for a due process hearing.
In rare instances, a hearing officer could dismiss your hearing request if it is determined that you have
intentionally hindered the district’s ability to conduct the resolution session.
A party to a due process hearing will be permitted one substitution of a hearing officer as a matter of right. A
request for a substitute hearing officer must be made in writing to ISBE within five days after you receive
notification of the hearing officer’s appointment. In the event that you and the district submit written requests
on the same day -- and these are received simultaneously -- ISBE will consider the substitution to have been
at the request of the party initially requesting the hearing. The right of the other party to a substitution will be
absolutely protected. When a party to the hearing submits a proper request for substitution, ISBE will select
and appoint another hearing officer at random within three days.
ISBE will appoint a new hearing officer if the appointed hearing officer is unavailable or removes
himself/herself before the parties are notified of his/her appointment.
Prehearing Conference
If you and the district are unable to reach an agreement through the resolution process, the due process
hearing requirements shall proceed. Unless a permissible extension of time is granted by the hearing officer,
a hearing decision must be rendered within 45 days after the close of the resolution session process described
previously. Prior to conducting the hearing, the hearing officer must conduct a prehearing conference with the
Within five days after receiving written notification by ISBE, the appointed hearing officer must contact the
parties to determine a time and place to convene the prehearing conference. The prehearing conference may
be conducted by telephone or in-person at the discretion of the hearing officer in consultation with both you
and the district. At the prehearing conference, you, as well as the district, will be expected to disclose the
Please note that if you raise issues at the prehearing conference that were not included in your hearing
request, you may be required to submit an amended hearing request and to complete a new resolution session
and prehearing conference at a later date. An amended hearing request may also result in a delay of the
hearing. (See “Requesting a Due Process Hearing” on page 13.)
At the conclusion of the prehearing conference, the hearing officer must prepare a report of the conference
and enter it into the hearing record. The report must include, but need not be limited to:
• The issues, the order of presentation, and any scheduling accommodations that have been made
for the parties or witnesses;
• A determination of the relevance and materiality of documents or witnesses, if raised by a party or
the hearing officer; and
• A listing of the stipulated (or agreed) facts as discussed during the prehearing conference.
• Be accompanied and advised by counsel and by individuals with special knowledge with respect to
the problems of students with disabilities;
• Inspect and review all school records pertaining to the student and obtain copies of any such
• Have access to the district’s list of independent evaluators and obtain an independent evaluation of
the student at your own expense;
• Be advised at least five days prior to the hearing of any evidence to be introduced;
• Compel the attendance of any local school district employee at the hearing, or any other person who
may have information relevant to the needs, abilities, proposed program, or the status of the student;
• Request that an interpreter be available during the hearing;
• Maintain the placement and eligibility status of the student until the completion of all administrative
and judicial proceedings; and
• Request an expedited hearing to change the placement of your child or if you disagree with the
district’s manifestation determination or the district’s removal of the student to an interim alternative
educational setting.
The Hearing
ISBE and the hearing officer must ensure that a hearing is held within 45 days after receipt of a request for a
hearing, unless the hearing officer grants a specific time extension at the request of either party. Within
10 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer must issue a written decision that sets forth
the issues in dispute, findings of fact based upon the evidence and testimony presented, and the hearing
officer’s conclusions of law and orders. The hearing officer must make a determination about all issues raised
in the hearing request (unless settled by the parties prior to hearing) as well as the overall determination of
whether the district has provided the student FAPE based on the facts of the case.
• The resolution session must be convened within seven calendar days of the filing of the expedited
hearing request;
• The hearing must be conducted within 20 school days of the filing of the hearing request;
• The hearing decision must be rendered within 10 school days of the close of the hearing;
• No substitution of the appointed hearing officer may be requested.
• To the parent or guardian of a student with disabilities who is the prevailing party;
• To the prevailing party that is a State Education Agency (SEA) or district against the attorney of a
parent who files a complaint or subsequent case of action that is frivolous, unreasonable, or without
• To a prevailing SEA or district against the attorney of a parent, or against the parent, if the parent’s
complaint or subsequent cause of action was presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass,
to cause unnecessary delay, or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation.
Fees awarded shall be based on rates prevailing in the community in which the action or proceeding arose
for the kind and quality of services furnished. Attorney fees may be reduced by the court based on a number
of factors, including unreasonable rates charged, unnecessarily protracted proceedings, or the existence of a
settlement agreement between the parties. You are urged to discuss these matters with your attorney.
Upon enrollment of a student, the resident school district must make reasonable attempts to contact the parent
of a child who has been referred for, or needs, special education and related services. If the parent cannot be
identified or located or the child is a ward of the state residing in a residential facility and the residential facility
has not done so already, a representative of that facility shall submit to ISBE a request for an appointment of
a surrogate parent to ensure the educational rights of the child are protected. If the child is a ward of the state,
a surrogate parent may alternatively be appointed by the judge overseeing the child’s care. In the case of an
unaccompanied homeless student, the district will appoint a surrogate parent.
A child residing in a foster home or relative caretaker setting no longer requires the appointment of an
educational surrogate parent. The foster parent or relative caretaker will represent the educational needs of
each child placed in his/her home.
If your school appointed you to be a surrogate parent, all of the rights explained in this document belong to
you. You may not be an employee of a public agency that is involved in the education or care of the child,
may have no conflict of interest with the child, and must have the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure
adequate representation of the child. If you are an employee of a residential facility, you may be selected
as an educational surrogate parent for a child residing in that facility if that facility only provides non-
educational care for the child.
As an educational surrogate parent, you may represent the child in all matters relating to the identification,
evaluation, educational placement, and the provision of FAPE.
Your local district is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your child’s educational records.
• Destruction means physical destruction or removal of personal identifiers from information so that the
information is no longer personally identifiable.
• Education records – The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) defines “education records”
as records that are directly related to a student and maintained by an educational agency or by a party
acting for the agency.
• Participating agency means any school district, agency, or institution that collects, maintains, or uses
personally identifiable information, or from which information is obtained.
• Personally identifiable means information that has:
a) Your child’s name, your name as the parent, or the name of another family member;
b) Your child’s address;
c) A personal identifier, such as your child’s Social Security number or student number; or
d) A list of personal characteristics or other information that would make it possible to identify your
child with reasonable certainty.
Access Rights
As a parent, you have a right to inspect and review any educational records relating to your child that are
collected, maintained, or used by the district. The district shall comply with a request to review the educational
record without unnecessary delay and before any meeting relating to the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student. The request to inspect and copy records must be granted within 10 business days
In no case will a request to inspect and copy records be granted more than 15 business days after the request
is made unless the parent and the school district have agreed in writing to an extension of the time period.
• The right to a response from the school district to reasonable requests for explanations and
interpretations of the records;
• The right to have your representative inspect and review the records; and
• The right to request that the school district provide copies of education records, if failure to provide
those copies would effectively prevent you from exercising your right to inspect and review the records
at a location where they are normally maintained.
A local school district may presume that you have authority to inspect and review records relating to your child
unless the school district has been advised that you do not have the authority under applicable state law
governing such matters as guardianship, separation, and divorce.
A local school district must provide you, upon request, a list of the types and locations of the educational
records collected, maintained, or used by the district.
Local school districts must make logs that record the delivery of related services administered under your
child's IEP and the minutes of each type of related service that has been administered available to you at any
time upon your request. The local school district must inform you within 20 school days from the beginning
of the school year or upon establishment of an IEP that you have the option to request those related service
logs. A local school district must make logs for speech and language services, occupational therapy services,
physical therapy services, school social work services, school counseling services, school psychology
services, and school nursing services.
You shall be provided all data collected and reviewed by the school district with regard to your child in the
scientific, research-based intervention or multi-tiered system of support process.
Record of Access
A district may only release information with your consent unless otherwise allowed by state or federal law. A
local school district must keep a record of parties obtaining access to educational records collected;
maintained; or used (except for parents and authorized employees of the local district), including the name of
the party, the date access was given, and the purpose for which the party is authorized to use the records.
Record’s Hearing
The school district must, upon request, provide you with an opportunity for a record’s hearing to challenge
information in your child’s records. This is not a due process hearing and is not held before a hearing officer
appointed by ISBE; rather, it is a hearing held at the local level.
If, as the result of a records hearing, it is decided that the information is inaccurate, misleading, or violates
your child’s rights, the school district must amend the information and inform you in writing that it has done
If, as a result of the records hearing, it is decided that the information is not inaccurate, misleading, or violates
your child’s rights, the school district must inform you of your right to place a statement commenting on the
information or setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the school district. Any explanation
placed in the records of your child must be maintained by the school district as part of your child’s records for
as long as the record or contested portion is maintained by the school district. If the records are disclosed by
the district to any party, the explanation must also be disclosed.
Except under the circumstances specified below, your consent is not required before personally identifiable
information is released to officials of participating agencies for purposes of meeting a requirement of IDEA.
• Your consent, or consent of an eligible child who has reached the age of majority under state law,
must be obtained before personally identifiable information is released to officials of participating
agencies providing or paying for transition services.
• If your child is enrolled or is going to enroll in a private school that is not located in the same school
district that you reside in, your consent must be obtained before any personally identifiable information
about your child is released between officials in the school district where the private school is located
and officials in the school district where you reside.
The following safeguards are in place for maintaining the confidentially of student’s records:
• Each participating agency must protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information at
collection, storage, disclosure, and destruction stages.
• One official at each participating agency must assume responsibility for ensuring the confidentiality
of any personally identifiable information.
• All persons collecting or using personally identifiable information must receive training or instruction
regarding confidentiality under Part B of IDEA and FERPA.
Destruction of Information
Your school district must inform you when personally identifiable information collected, maintained, or used
under Part B of IDEA is no longer needed to provide educational services to your child.
• Each school shall maintain student permanent records and the information contained therein for not
less than 60 years after the student has transferred, graduated, or otherwise permanently withdrawn
from the school.
• Each school shall maintain student temporary records and the information contained in those records
for not less than five years after the student has transferred, graduated, or otherwise withdrawn from
the school
Student’s Rights
FERPA specifies that the rights of parents regarding education records are transferred to the student at age
18. The rights of parents under Part B of IDEA regarding education records are also transferred to the student
at age 18. However, a public agency must provide any notice required under Part B of IDEA to both the
student and to the parents.
Your child becomes an adult student at the age of 18. All of the parental rights discussed in this document will
transfer to him/her at that time unless the school district is notified otherwise. You will share the right to receive
all of the required prior written notices and the school will provide these notices to both you and your child.
On or before your child’s 17th birthday, the IEP must include a statement that you and your child were informed
that these rights will transfer at the 18th birthday. Additionally, at this meeting, you will receive a Delegation of
Rights to Make Educational Decisions form.
Your child may decide to use this form to delegate you or another individual to represent his/her educational
interests upon his or her reaching the age of majority. This form must then be presented to the local school
The Delegation of Rights to Make Educational Decisions form must identify the individual designated to
represent your child’s educational rights and include both the individual’s signature as well as your child’s
signature (or by other means, such as audio or video format compatible with his/her disability). Your child may
terminate the Delegation of Rights at any time and begin making his/her own educational decisions. The
Delegation of Rights will remain in effect for one year after signing it and may be renewed annually.
The reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004)
was signed into law on December 3, 2004. The provisions of the Act became
effective on July 1, 2005. ISBE has provided this Notice of Procedural Safeguards
to inform you of your rights under the changes to the federal law.