Sensors and Transducers-1

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Computer Science(Academic Year 2019-20 Onwards)

XXXXA12 Sensors and Transducers

(Basic principle, working and applications only expected)

Course Number: 15
Contact Hours per Week: 4T
Number of Credits: 4
Number of Contact Hours: 64 Hrs.
Course Evaluation: Internal – 20 Marks + External – 80 Marks
Course Outcome
The students will be able to

 Explain resistance, inductance and capacitance transducers.

 Perceive the concepts of temperature transducers.
 Perceive the concepts level transducers and pressure
 Explain flow transducers, electromagnetic transducers, radiation sensors and sound transducers

Course Outline


Transducers: Definition, Principle of sensing & transduction, Classification, Characteristics of

Resistance Transducer: Basic principle – Potentiometer –Loading effects, Resistance strain gauge–
Inductance Transducer: - Basic principle – Linear variable differential transformer –types.
Capacitance Transducer: Basic principle- transducers using change in area of plates – distance
between plates- variation of dielectric constants –Types

Thermal sensors: Resistance change type: RTD - materials, types, working principle, Thermistor
- materials, working principle, Thermo emf sensors: Thermocouple – Principle and types, IR
Radiation sensors: Principle and types.

Pressure Transducers: basic principle- different types of manometers-u tube manometer-well type
Level transducer-continuous level measurement-discrete level measurement-mass –capacitive level

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BSc. Computer Science(Academic Year 2019-20 Onwards)


Flow Transducers: Bernoulli’s principle and continuity, Orifice plate, nozzle plate, venture tube,
Rotameter, anemometers, electromagnetic flow meter.

Radiation sensors: LDR, Photovoltaic cells, photodiodes, photo emissive cell types
Sound Transducers: Sound level meter, Microphone.
Hall Effect transducers.

Text Books

1. D Patranabis, Sensors and Transducers, PHI, 2nd Edition.

2. Murthy D.V.S., ―Transducers and Instrumentation, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall

of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
Reference Books
1. E. A. Doebelin, Measurement Systems: Application and Design McGraw Hill, New York
2. A.K. Sawhney,- A course in Electrical & Electronic Measurement and
Instrumentation, DhanpatRai and Company Private Limited.
3. S.Renganathan, ―Transducer Engineering, Allied Publishers, 2005

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