AE204 Sensors and Transducers PDF
AE204 Sensors and Transducers PDF
AE204 Sensors and Transducers PDF
Definition of transducers– Classification of transducers – Resistance transducer- Capacitance
transducer Motion Transducers – Sound transducers- Pressure Transducers - Hall effect
transducers – Piezo electric sensors - Fiber optic sensor- Semiconductor sensor – Basics of
seismic instrument- Flow Transducers
Expected outcome .
The students will be able to
apply working principles of sensors and transducers while doing projects in instrumentation.
differentiate between the types of transducers available
gain information about the function of various measuring instruments and sensors and their
Text Book:
1. John P. Bentley, “Principles of Measurement Systems”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,
2. S.M. Sze, “Semiconductor sensors”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Singapore, 1994.
4. S. Renganathan “Transducer Engineering”, Allied publishers Limited, Chennai, 2003.
Part A
Answer any two out of three questions uniformly covering Modules 1 and 2. Each question
carries 15 marks and may have not more than four sub divisions. (15 x 2 = 30 marks)
Part B
Answer any two out of three questions uniformly covering Modules 3 and 4. Each question
carries 15 marks and may have not more than four (15 x 2 = 30 marks)
Part C
Answer any two out of three questions uniformly covering Modules 5 and 6. Each question
carries 20 marks and may have not more than four sub divisions. (20 x 2 = 40 marks)