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New Allotment 2024

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RULES, 2024)
1 Short Title and Commencement. 1 Short Title and Commencement
1) These rules may be called the Kendriya Vidyalaya (1) These rules may be called the Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan Allotment of Residence Rules, 1998. Sangathan (Allotment of Residential Accommodation) -
Rules, 2024.
(2) They shall come into force at once. (2) They shall come into force on ……..2024.

2 Application. 2. Application

(1) These Rules shall apply to the employees wording in (1) These rules shall be applicable in respect of all the
Kendriya Vidyalayas, Regional Office and Head quarters residential accommodation under the administrative
office or any other establishment under the administrative control of KVS for allotment to KVS employees including
control of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. pool of residential accommodation earmarked by sponsoring
authority to KVS.

(2) Any valid allotment of a residence which is subsisting (2) Any valid allotment of a residence which is subsisting
Immediately before the commencement of these rules shall immediately before the commencement of these rules shall
be deemed to be an allotment duly made under these rules be deemed to be an allotment duly made under these rules
and all the provisions of these rules shall apply in relation to and all the provisions of these rules shall apply in relation to
that allotment and to that officer accordingly. that allotment and to that officer accordingly.

3 Definitions: Definitions

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires – In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-
(1) 'Allotment' means the grant of n licence to occupy a (1) 'Allotment' means the grant of a licence to occupy a
residence In accordance with the provisions of these rules; residential accommodation in accordance with the
provisions of these rules.
(2) 'Allotment Year' means the year beginning on 1st April or (2) 'Allotment Year' means the year beginning on 01 st
such other period may be notified by the KVS 1Hqrs. April or such other period as may be notified by the KVS

(3) Allotting Authority' means. (3) 'Allotting Authority' means:-

i) Joint Commissioner(Admn.) in respect of the residences (i) Joint Commissioner(Admn.), KVS in respect of the
under the control of the Head quarters office of the residences under the control of the Headquarters office of
Sangathan; the Sangathan;
ii) Assistant Commissioner of the Regional Office concerned
in respect of the residence under the administrative (ii) Deputy Commissioner of the Regional Office concerned
control of the Regional Offer. in respect of the residential accommodation under the
administrative control of the Regional Office.

iii) Principal of the Kendriya Vidyalaya concerned in respect (iii) Principal of the Kendriya Vidyalaya concerned in
of the residences placed under the control for allotment: respect of residential accommodation placed under his
control for allotment.

(iv) Assistant Commissioner of the Regional Office or any (iv) Deputy Commissioner of the Regional Office or any
other authority specified by the commissioner of the other authority specified by the Commissioner of the
Sangathan to respect of the residences declared as Sangathan in respect of the residential accommodation
Common Pool for allotment to the employees of two or more declared as Common Pool for allotment to the employees of
Kendriya Vidyalayas and/or Regional Offices; or two or more Kendriya Vidyalayas and/or Regional Offices;
v) Any other authority declared by the Commissioner of the (v) Any other authority approved by the Commissioner of
Sangathan as allotting authority in respect of residence the Sangathan as allotting authority in respect of residential
under the control of any other establishment ander the accommodation under the control of any other
Sangathan. establishment under Sangathan.

(4) "Emoluments" means the emolument as defined in S12 4."Emoluments" means the emolument as defined in SR
317-11-2 (1) and the orders issued by the Government or 317-B-2 (1) and the orders issued by the Government or
the Sangathan thereunder from time to time. the Sangathan thereunder from time to time.

(5) Employee' menus a person in the regular employment of 5.'Employee' means a person in the regular employment of
a Kendriya Vidyalaya, Regional Office or the Headquarters a Kendriya Vidyalaya, Regional Office or the Headquarters
office or any other establishment of the Kendriya Vidyalaya office or any other establishment of the Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan and includes officers working on deputation in Sangathan and includes officers working on deputation in
the Sangathan for the purpose of allotment under these the Sangathan for the purpose of allotment under these
rules. rules.

(6) "Government" means the Central Government. 6. "Government" means the Central Government.

(7) Family' means the wife or husband as the case may the 7.'Family' means the wife or husband of allottee, as the
und children/step children legally adopted children, parents case may be, and children, step children, legally adopted
brothers or sisters, who ordinarily reside with and/or are children, parents, brothers or sisters, as ordinarily reside
dependent on the employee. with and/or are dependent on the allottee.

(8) 'Licence Fee' means the sum of money payable monthly 8. 'Licence Fee' means a fee payable monthly in respect of
in accordance with these rules in respect of a residence the accommodation allotted under these rules.
allotted under these rules.
(9) 'Priority Date of an officer in relation to a type of 9.'Priority Date' of an officer in relation to a type of residence
residence to which he is eligible under Rule & of these to which he is eligible under Rule 6 of these Rules, means
Rules, means the earliest date from which he has been the earliest date from which he has been continuously
continuously drawing emoluments relevant to a particular drawing emoluments relevant to a particular type or a higher
type or a higher type in a post under the Kendriya Vidyalaya type in a post under the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan or
Sangathan or the Central Govt. or State Govt. or on foreign the Central Government or State Government, or on foreign
service except for periods of leave. service except for periods of leave provided that where
Provided that where the priority date of two or more officers the priority date of two or, more officers is the same,
is the same, seniority among them shall be determined by seniority among them shall be determined by the
the emoluments, the officer in receipt of higher emoluments emoluments, the officer in receipt of higher emoluments
taking precedence over the officer in receipt of lower taking precedence over the officer in 'receipt of lower
emoluments; where the emoluments are equal, by the length emoluments; where the emoluments are equal, by the
of service; and where both the emoluments and length of length of service and where both the emoluments and
service are equal, on the basis of the scale of pay of the length of service are equal, on the basis of the scale of· pay
officer, the officer working in a post having higher scale, of of the officer, the officer working in a post having higher
pay taking precedence over the officer in receipt of lower scale of pay taking precedence over the officer in receipt of
scale of pay. lower scale of pay.

(10) 'Residence' means any building under the control of the 10.Residential Accommodation' means a covered structure
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Regional Office(s) and Headquarters or part thereof whether permanent or semi-permanent or
office of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, and authorized temporary, which has at least a living room and a lavatory
to be used as residence, including residence belonging to with or without kitchen under the administrative control of
the sponsoring agencies and handed over to the Sangathan the Kendriya Vidyalaya, Regional Office (s) and
for allotment to the employees of the Sangathan. Headquarters Office of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

(11) 'Sangathan' means Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 11.'Sangathan' means Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
including its Headquarters office, Regional Offices, Kendriya including its Headquarters Office, Regional Office, Kendriya
Vidyalayas and any other establishment under it. Vidyalayas and any other establishment under it.

(12) 'Subletting' includes sharing of accommodation by an 12. 'Subletting' includes sharing of accommodation by an
allottee with another person with or without payment of allottee with another person with or without payment of
licence fee by such other person. licence fee by such other person.

13. “Guest” mean a casual visitor staying temporarily with

the allottee.

14. “damages” means a compensation to be levied in

multiples of licence fee in the event of unauthorized
occupation or subletting or misuse of whole or any part of
accommodation or garages.

15. “Eligible type of accommodation” in relation to an

Officer means the type of accommodation to which he is
eligible under these rules.

16. “Immediate relation” means relationship such as

Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandsons, Granddaughters,
Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law,
and includes relationship established by legal adoption, in
case any relationship ceases by any order of court of law,
such relation shall not reside with the allottee.

17. “Misuse”, in relation to an allotment, means an

accommodation or a servant quarter or a garage being used
by allottee himself or by his family members or immediate
relations staying with him for the purpose other than the
purposes provided under these rules.

18. Estate Officer - The Allotting Authority will function as

Estate Officer in respect of the accommodation under his

19. Chief Estates Officer – Additional Commissioner
(Admn.), KVS or any other officer declared by him will act
as the Chief Estates Officer in respect of the residence
governed by these rules.

20. Revision of rates of damages for unauthorized

occupation of general pool residential accommodation will
be regulated as per guidelines contained in Ministry of
Urban Development, Director of Estates OM No. 18011/
1/2015-Pol.III dated 07.09.2016 and instructions issued in
this regard from time to time.

Explanation - Explanation:-
Any sharing of accommodation by an allottee with close Any sharing of accommodation by an allottee with
relations who do not contribute anything towards rent or immediate relations who do not contribute anything
Licence fee of the portion occupied by them shall not be towards rent or Licence fee of the portion occupied by
deemed to be subletting. them shall not be deemed to be subletting.

Note- In these rules 'he' in relation to an employee of the Note- In these rules 'he' in relation to an employee of the
Sangathan includes 'She' and 'Husband' includes 'Wife' as Sangathan includes 'She' and 'Husband' includes 'Wife' as
the case may be. the case may be.

4 Ineligibility of Employees owning House(s). 4 Ineligibility of Employees owning House(s).

(1) No employee of the Sangathan shall be eligible for

allotment of residence If either he or any member of his ------
family owns a house within 15 km (20 km for Delhi, Calcutta,
Bombay and Chennai) from place of his posting.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1) of this

rule, the Allotting Authority may allot or reallot residence to
any employee If.

(a) The house owned by him, his wife, any dependent child
or by his father/mother, or any other dependent relation has

been requisitioned by the Government/Local authority; or

(b) It is proved to the satisfaction of the Allotting Authority

that such house has been given out on lease:

i) Before the posting of the employee to the Vidyalaya,

Regional Office(s) and Headquarters office of the
Sangathan; and

ii) The Allotting Authority is satisfied that it is not possible for

the lessor, for reasons beyond his control, to obtain vacant
possession of the house,

Provided that if at any time it appears to the Allotting

Authority that no effort has been made to obtain vacant
possession of the house, it shall be open to the Allotting
Authority in cancel the allotment and require the allotted to
vacate the residence forthwith and to recover the damages
at the rates prescribed by Government of India or the
Sangathan as damages from the date of such cancellation
till the residence is vacated.

(3) When after a residence has been allotted to an

employee, he or any member of his family becomes owner
of a house within the limits mentioned in clause (1) of this
rule, such employee shall notify the fact to the allotting
authority and shall vacate the residence allotted to him by
the Sangathan under these rules within a period of one
month from the date the house is provided with electricity

(4) The provisions of this rule will not apply where sufficient
number of residences are available for allotment to all the

5 Allotment to Husband and Wife. 5 Allotment to Husband and Wife:
(1) No employee shall be allotted a residence if his/her
1) No employee shall be allotted a residence if his/her
spouse has already been allotted a residence at the same
spouse has already been allotted a residence at the same
station either by the Sangathan or by the Central or State
station either by the Sangathan or by the Central or State
Govt. or UT Administration or a Public Sector Undertaking or
Govt. or UT Administration or a Public Sector Undertaking or
an Autonomous Body mainly financed /controlled / managed
an Autonomous Body mainly financed/controlled/managed
by the Central/ State Government or by his/her employer;
by the Central/State Government or his/her employer; unless
unless such residence is surrendered.
such residence is surrendered;
Provided this clause shall not apply where the husband and
Provided that this clause shall not apply where the husband
wife are residing separately in pursuance of an order of
and wife are residing separately in pursuance of an order of
judicial separation made by a court.
Judicial separation made by a court.
(2) Where two employees in occupation of separate
(2) Where two employees in occupation of separate
residence by any of the authorities or bodies mentioned
residence by 'any of the authorities or bodies mentioned
above marry each other, they shall surrender the
above, marry each other they shall within one month of their
accommodation allotted by the other agency within one
marriage surrender the residence allotted by the other
month of their marriage if the allotment made by the
agency if the allotment made by the Sungathan is to be
Sangathan is to be retained. If accommodation in such a
retained. If residence in such a case is not surrendered, the
case is not surrendered, the allotment of the
allotment of the residence (or if both residences have been
accommodation (or if both accommodations have been
allotted by the Sangathan the allotment of the residence of
allotted by the Sangathan the allotment of the
the lower type) by the Sangathan shall be deemed to have
accommodation of the lower type or any one allotted at later
been cancelled on the expiry of such period.
date if the residences are of the same type) shall be
deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of such

(3) Where both husband and wife are employed under the
(3) Where both husband and wife are employed under the
Sangathan the title of each of them to allotment of residence
Sangathan the title of each of them to allotment of
under these rules shall be considered Independently.
residential accommodation under these rules shall be
considered independently.
(4) Where both husband and wife are Sangathan employees
residing in the same residence allotted by the Sangathan (4) Where both husband and wife are Sangathan
and the employee to whom the residence is allotted is employees residing in the same accommodation allotted by
transferred or promoted and posted out of station, the the Sangathan and the employee to whom the

existing residence may be allowed to be retained by his accommodation is allotted is transferred or promoted and
spouse till alternative accommodation as per entitlement of posted out of station, the existing accommodation may be
the spouse is made available provided a written request for allowed to be retained by his/her spouse till alternative
the said purpose is submitted within 30 days of the relief of accommodation as per entitlement of the spouse is made
the allottee. However, this will not apply to other family available provided a written requests for the said purpose is
members. submitted by both the employees within 30 days of the relief
of the allottee. However, this will not apply to other family

6 Classification of residence and eligibility. 6 Classification of Residence and Eligibility

1) Save as otherwise provided by these rules and employee
(a) Save as otherwise provided by these rules and
will be eligible for allotment of a residence of the type shown
employee will be eligible for allotment of a residence of the
in the table below:
type shown in the table below:
Type of Range of monthly emoluments on the list day
Type of Existing Grade Pay/Basic Pay Level of
residence of the allotment year concerned (Pre-revised) Residences Pay Matrix
I Rs.1300, Rs.1400, Rs1600, 1
I Upto Rs.949/- upto 3049 Rs.1650, and 1800
II Rs.1900, Rs.2000, Rs.2400, and 2,3,4,5
II Rs.950-1499/- from 3050-5499 Rs.2800
III Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800 6,7,8
III Rs.1500-2799/- from 5500-8499 IV Rs.5400 to Rs.6600 9,10,11
IV Rs.2800-3599/- from 8500-11909 V Rs.7600, Rs.8700 and above 12,13,13A
V Rs. 3600/- and above Rs.8900.
VI Rs. 10,000/- 14

Note: - In the matter of earmarked accommodation for any

category of posts, the provision of Grade Pay will not be
Application for allotment. Application for Allotment
7 1) Applications for allotment shall be invited by the 7
(1) Applications for allotment shall be invited by the
Allotting Authority in such form and manner and
Allotting Authority in such form and manner and before
before such date as may be specified by him.
such date as may be specified by allotting authority.
(2) An employee joining duty on transfer or on first
(2) An employee Joining duty on transfer or on first
appointment may submit his application in the prescribed
appointment may submit his application to the allotting
Performa to the allotting authority within a month of his/her

authority within a month of his joining duty. joining duty.
(3) Application received under clause (2) above on or
(3) Application received under clause (2) above on or before before the 20th day of a calendar month shall alone be
the 20th day of a calendar month shall alone be considered considered for allotment in the succeeding month.
for allotment in the succeeding month. (4) The calculation of date of priority and preparation of
waiting list for different types of accommodation shall be as
(i) The date of priority in r/o type I to type-V
accommodation (other than earmarked) shall be
determined on the basis of the date of joining of the
employee in the KVS and the eligibility for type of
accommodation shall be decided as per the level of the
applicant in the pay matrix; provided that an application
under this category shall be allowed to bid one type lower
accommodation than the type of eligible for such.

(ii) The inter-se seniority for type I to type V shall be

considered on the basis of the following factors namely :–

(a) Where the priority date of two or more applicants is the

same, the applicant having a higher level pay in the level
shall be senior in the waiting list.

(b) Where the date of priority and pay in the level of two or
more applicants are the same, the applicant who has
joined the KVS service earlier shall be senior in the waiting

(c) Where the date of priority, pay in the level and date of
joining the KVS service of TWO or more applicants are the
same, the applicant retiring earlier may be accorded priority
over the applicant retiring later; and

8 Basis of allotment. 8 Basis of Allotment

(1) Save as otherwise provided in these Rules, a residence (1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, a residential

falling vacant will be allotted preferably to an applicant accommodation falling vacant will be allotted in following
desiring a change of accommodation in that type, and if not order of preferences, a separate panel will be drawn for
required for that purpose, to an applicant without each category:
accommodation in that type having the earliest priority date
for tint type of residence. (a) Desiring a change of accommodation
(i) In the same types accommodation.
(ii) From entitled accommodation or one type below
the entitled accommodation.
(iii)From lower type to entitled class accommodation.

(b) The applicant without accommodation.

(2) Allotment of the residences earmarked for a specific (2) Allotment of the accommodation earmarked for a
employee or classes of employees shall be made only to specific employee or classes of employees shall be made
that specifie employees of those classes of employees in only to that specific employee or those classes of employees
whose favour the residence has been earmarked. in whose favour the residence has been earmarked.

(3) Employees joining the Sangathan on deputation may be (3) Employees joining the Sangathan on deputation may
allotted residence of the eligible category or one category be allotted residence of the eligible category or one
below on priority. category below on priority.

(4) Separate seniority list will be prepared showing the order (4) Separate waiting list will be prepared showing the
in which the allotment is to he made, for each type of order in which the allotment is to be made, for each type of
residence. accommodation. These separate waiting lists shall have
names of applicants applied for initial as well as for
change of accommodation and shall be prepared as per
entitlement for a type of accommodation.

(5) Reservation in allotment to Scheduled Caste and

Scheduled Tribe employees: (Swamys hand book 2024)p/193
10% of vacancies in Type I and II and 5% of vacancies
in Type III and IV accommodation have been reserved for
SC and ST employees respectively. The allotment is made
to the SC and ST employees in the ratio of 2:1. If there is no
SC employee, the quota reserved for SC would be allotted

to ST employee.
In respect of Types 'I' and 'II' accommodation, there
will be 60 Point roster system and vacancies at point Nos.
10, 20, 40 and 50 shall be for SC employees and point
Nos.30 and 60 for ST employees; and for Type 'III' and 'IV'
accommodation, point Nos.20 and 40 shall be for SC
employees and point No.60 for ST employees. SC/ST
employees will also be considered for allotment in their tum
along with general category employees.

The SC/ST officers, who are already in occupation of

lower type of residential accommodation, are also eligible
for allotment of higher type accommodation from the quota
for SC and ST employees.

(6) Out-of-Turn Allotments under 5% discretionary quota:

(Swamys hand book 2024)p/193
Discretionary out of turn allotments are made on medical
(for self-heart ailment and TB & Cancer for self and his/her
own family), Physical Handicapped, security and functional
grounds. These allotments are made one type below the
entitlement of the applicants. Requests of employees of
Sangathan on extreme compassionate grounds may also
be considered by concerned Committees. The overall
ceiling of discretionary out-of-turn allotments has been fixed
at 5% of vacancies occurring in each type of
accommodation in a calendar year.

(7) An employee may be allotted higher class

accommodation by the allotting authority at the normal
licence fee of that type if the accommodation is declared
surplus by the allotting authority with the approval of the
Commissioner of KVS.

(8) Drawing of Panel for Allotment of Residence: The

notification inviting applications for allotment of the

Residences in the Performa devised by KVS (HQ) will be
issued on first working day of July with last date as 15th July
of every year. The panels of Allotment will be drawn on first
working day of August every year.
(9) Drawing of panel / waiting list to be made / updated every
month for all types of accommodation.
9 Earmarking of residences. 9 Earmarking of Residences
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, any Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, any
accommodation may be earmarked for allotment to such accommodation may be earmarked for allotment to such
officer or officers of the Sangathan as may be specified by officer or officers of the Sangathan as may be specified by
the Commissioner. the Additional Commissioner (Admn.), KVS.

10 Allotment Committee. 10 Allotment Committee

1) All applications for allotment shall be considered by the (1) All applications for allotment shall be considered by the
Allotment Committee constituted separately for each Allotment Committee. The details of the Composition of
Kendriya Vidylnya, Regional Office, the Hqrs office or any Allotment Committee are as under:
other establishment of the Sangthan consisting of such
members as may be prescribed by the KVS Hqrs. a) RO accommodation:
I. Deputy Commissioner _ Chairman & Estates Officer
II. Assistant Commissioner -- Member
III. Administrative Officer -- Member Secretary
Out of these one member should belongs to SC/ST
(if available)

b) KV Accommodation :

.I. Principal/Incharge officiating or

Senior most teacher - Chairman & Estates Officer
II. Teacher in VMC (member) if the
teacher is Chairmen & also senior
most, a PGT may be nominated - Member
III Senior most office staff - Member Secretary

Out of these one member should belongs to SC/ST
(if available)

c) KVS (HQ) accommodation :

I. Joint Commissioner (Admn.) - Chairman & Estates Officer

II. Dy. Commissioner (Admn.) - Member
III. Assistant Commissioner - Member Secretary
(dealing with subject)
Out of these one member should belongs to SC/ST
(if available)
(2) The Committee shall draw up a list of applicants eligible 2) The Committee shall finalize the tentative Priority list
for allotment in the order in which residence may be allotted (panel) of applicants eligible for allotment in the order in
during the allotment year. The list shall remain valid for one which residence may be allotted during the allotment year.
year. A. fresh list will be prepared and approved by the The list (panel) shall remain valid for one year. A fresh list
Allotment Committee at the beginning of each allotment (panel) will be prepared and approved by the allotment
year. Committee at the beginning of each allotment year.

Note: The Allotment Committee may allot an appropriate Note: The Allotment Committee may allot an appropriate
place in the list to the employees Joining during the middle place in the list (panel) to the employees joining during the
of the year and apply for residence as mentioned in Rule 7. middle of the year and apply for accommodation as
mentioned in Rule 7.

(3) A residence falling vacant will be allotted by the allotting 3) An accommodation falling vacant will be allotted by
authority strictly in accordance with these rules after taking the allotting authority strictly in accordance with these rules
into account the list prepared by the allotment committee after taking into account the list (panel) prepared by the
under clause (2) of this rule. In the event of difference of allotment committee under clause (2) of this rule. In the
opinion between the allotting authority and allotment event of difference of opinion between the allotting authority
committee, the matter will be referred to the authority and allotment committee, the matter will be referred to the
immediately higher than the allotting authority whose authority immediately higher than the allotting authority
decision in the matter shall be final. whose decision in the matter shall be final.

(4) A letter of allotment shall he issued, in duplicate to every (4) A letter of allotment shall be issued in duplicate to
employee to whom a residence is altotted and he shall be every employee to whom an accommodation is allotted and

required to convey his acceptance or otherwise in writing (on he/she shall be required to convey his/her acceptance or
one copy of the letter) of the terms the allotment stipulated otherwise in writing (on one copy of the letter) of the terms
therein before actual possession of the residence is made of the allotment stipulated therein before actual possession
over to him. of the residence is made over to him/her.

(5) If an employee in whom n residence is allotted does not (5) If an employee to whom an accommodation is allotted
accept the allotment or take possession of the residence does not accept the allotment or take possession of the
within a period not exceeding 8 continuous days, from the accommodation within a period not exceeding 08
fate of receipt of the letter of allotment, the allotment will be continuous days, from the date of receipt of the allotment
treated as cancelled and he/she shall not be eligible for letter, the allotment will be treated as cancelled and he/she
another allotment for a period of one year from the date of shall not be eligible for another allotment for a period of
the allotment letter. one year from the date of the allotment letter.

(6) The accommodation allotment committee shall

ordinarily meet at least once in three months.
11 Non-acceptance of Allotment or offer or failure to 11 Non-acceptance of Allotment or offer or failure to
occupy the allotted residence after acceptance. occupy the allotted residence after acceptance.

If any employee fails to accept the allotment of a residence If any employee fails to accept the allotment of an
within five days or fails to take possession of that residence accommodation within five days or fails to take possession
after acceptance within eight days from the date of the of that accommodation after acceptance within eight days
receipt of the letter of the allotment, he/she shall not be from the date of the receipt of allotment letter, he/she shall
eligible for another allotment letter. Such an employee will not be eligible for another allotment letter. Such an
also not he eligible to the drawl of HRA for the period during employee will also not be eligible to the drawl of HRA for the
which the allotted residence remains vacant or surplus. period during which the allotted residence remains vacant or

12 Period for which allotment subsist and the 12 Period for which allotment subsists and the
concessional period for further retention. concessional period for further retention.

(1) An allotment shall be effective from the date on which it is (1) An allotment shall be effective from the date on which
accepted by the employee which should be communicated it is accepted by the employee which should be
within 5 days from the date of its receipt and shall continue communicated within 5 days from the date of its receipt
in force until: and shall continue till in the KVS service or in force until:

i) The expiry of the concessional period permissible under (i) The expiry of the concessional period permissible under
clause (2) of this rule after the employee ceases to be on these rules i.e. clause (2) of this rule after the allottee
duty in the Sangathan; ceases to be on duty in the Sangathan;

(ii) It is cancelled by the Allotting Authority or is deemed to (ii) It is cancelled by the Allotting Authority/Department or is
have been cancelled under any provisions of these rules; deemed to have been cancelled under any provisions in
these rules;
(iii) It is surrendered by the employee; or (iii) It is surrendered by the allottee; or
(iv) the employee ceases to occupy the residence. (iv) The allottee ceases to occupy the accommodation.

(2) A residence allotted to an employee may be retained on (2) The allottee may subject to conditions laid down in
the happening of any of the events specified in column (1) of these rules, be permitted to retained the accommodation on
the table below for the period specified in the corresponding the happening of any of the events specified in Column(2) of
entry in column (2) thereof, provided that the residence is the table below, for the period specified in the corresponding
required for the bonafied use of the employee or members of entry in Column (3) thereof, provided that the
his family: accommodation is required for the bonafide use of the
allottee or members of his family :-

Events Permissible period for S.NO. Event Permissible period

retention of the Residence for retention of the
i) Resignation, dismissal 1 month accommodation
removal from service (i) Resignation, dismissal or One month on
termination of service or removal from Service, normal licence fee
unauthorized permission. termination of service or
absence without unauthorized absence
permission. without permission,
compulsory retirement
{under CCS (CCA) Rules,
1965} and for non-regular
Government servants.
(ii) Retirement, voluntary Six months on
ii) Retirement or terminal 4 months retirement, retirement on normal licence fee
leave. medical grounds, terminal
leave or compulsory Addl. 06 months
retirement [under FR 56 (j)], on double licence

retirement on deputation fee.
from ineligible organizations
during the initial constitution
of such organization,
technical resignation, death
of allottee on re-employment
(irrespective of retention
availed on retirement) and
death of an allottee who is
not a regular Government
servant or deputation
outside India.
(iii) Twelve months on
normal licence fee
iii) Death of the allottee. 6 months and for a further
While in service. Death of the allottee while in period of twelve
service. months on normal
licence fee,
To eligible spouse or ward in provided the
case of death of the allottee deceased or
or in case of missing missing allottee or
persons (from the date on any member of the
which Police authority further family does not
have certified the employee own a house at
is missing). the place of
occupation of

(iv) Transfer to a place outside Two months on

iv) Transfer to another 2 months from the existing place, normal licence fee
KV/RO/ Headquarters at transfer to an ineligible office plus six month on
the same or other Station in the same station, on double licence fee.
in India. proceeding on foreign service
v) Transfer to another 2 months in India, temporary transfer in
establishment outside India or transfer to a place
the Sangathan or on outside India or deputation
within India.

deputation/foreign 4 months (v) All authorized and For the full period of
service in India. sanctioned leave except leave on normal
vi) Transfer to a KV outside 4 months extra-ordinary leave without licence fee.
India medical grounds.
vi)Leave (other than leave For the period of maternity
(vi) Leave Preparatory toFor the full period
preparatory to retirement, leave plus leave granted in
retirement or earned leaveof leave on full pay
maternity leave, medical continuation subject to the
granted to employees who subject to
leave, or study leave). maximum of five months.
retired under 56 (J). maximum of 180
a) Maternity leave.
days in the case of
vi) Leave Preparatory to For the full period of leave
leave preparatory
retirement or earned leave on full pay subject to
to retirement and
granted to employees who maximum of 180 days in
four months in
retired under 56 (J). the case of leave
other cases,
preparatory to retirement
inclusive of the
and four months in other
period permissible
cases, inclusive of the
in the case of
period permissible in the
retirement on
case of retirement.
normal licence fee.
vii) Study leave in or For the period of study (vii) Study leave in or outside Actual period of
outside India. leave India leave or two years,
whichever is
(viii) Deputation outside India. For the period of
viii) Deputation outside For the period of deputation leave but not
India. but not exceeding six months exceeding six

xi) Leave on medical For the period of leave but

ground, not exceeding six months.

xii) On proceeding on For full period of training.


Explanation -I Explanation – I
Where an employee on transfer is sanctioned leave und The allottee on transfer shall be allowed to remain the
avails of it before joining duty at the new place of posting he accommodation for the two months or for the period of
may be permitted to retain the residence for the period their leave not exceeding four months, whoever is more, if
mentioned against items (iv), (), (vi), and (vii) mentioned in the leave has been sanctioned before relinquishment of
clause (2) of this rule or for the period of leave, whichever is charge provided that an allottee availing joining time after
more. expiry of leave at the old station, may be allowed to retain
the accommodation until the expiry of the period of joining
time. Normal licence fee shall be charged for the period of
retention at the old station.

Explanation -II Explanation --II

Where an order of transfer is issued to an Employee while In case leave is sanctioned after the allottee joined duty at
he is already on leave, the period permissible under new station, this period may not be taken into account for
explanation 1, shall count from the date of issue of such the purpose of cancellation of allotment and retention may
order. be allowed for a period of two months only.

(3) Where a residence is retained under clause (2), the (3) Where a residence is retained under clause (2), the
allotment shall be deemed to be cancelled on the expiry of allotment shall be deemed to be cancelled on the expiry of
the admissible concessional period unless immediately on the admissible concessional period unless immediately on
the expiry thereof the employee resumes duty in the the expiry thereof the employee resumes duty in the
Sangathan. Sangathan.

(4) Where an employee is on medical leave without pay and (4) Where an employee is on medical leave without pay
allowances, he may retain his residence by virtue of the and allowances allottee may retain the accommodation by
concession under item (xi) of the Table below clause (2); virtue of the concession under item (v) of the table below
provided he remits the licence fee for such residence in cash clause (2); provided that allottee remits payment of the
every month and where he fails to remit such licence fee for licence fee in advance for such accommodation in every
more than two months, the allotment shall stand cancelled. month and where allottee fails to remit such licence fee for
continue four months, the allotment shall stand

(5) An employee who has retained the residence by virtue of (5) The allottee who has retained the accommodation by
the concession under Item(1) or item (ii) of the Table below virtue of the concession under item (i) or item (ii) of the

clause (2) shall, on re-employment in the Sangathan, within table below clause (2) shall on re-employment in the
the period specified in the said Table, be entitled to retain Sangathan, within the period specified in the said. Table be
that residence and the shall also be eligible for any further entitled to retain that residence and he shall also be eligible
allotment of residence under these rules; for any further allotment of residence under these rules;

Provided that if the emoluments of the employee on such re- Provided that if emoluments of the employee on such
employment do not entitle him to the type of residence re-employment do not entitle him/her to the type of
occupied by him, he shall be allotted a lower type of accommodation occupied, shall be allotted a lower type of
residence. accommodation.

(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (2), (3) or (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (2) ,(3) or
(5) of this rule when the employee is dismissed or removed (5) of this rule when the employee is dismissed or removed
from service or when his services have been terminated and from service or when his/her service have been terminated
the competent authority is satisfied that it is necessary or and the competent authority is satisfied that it is necessary
expedient In the public interest to do so the competent or expedient in the public interest to do so the competent
authority may cancel the allotment of the residence made to authority may cancel the allotment of the accommodation
such Sangathan employee either forthwith or with effect from made to such Sangathan employee either forthwith or with
such date prior to the expiry of the period of one month effect from such date prior to the expiry of the period of one
referred to in item (1) of the Table below clause (2) as he month referred to in item (1) of the Table below clause (2)
may specify. as he may specify.

(7) The employees transferred and posted in North Eastern (7) Retention of the staff accommodation beyond the
Region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands will be eligible to retain permissible period:
the residence allotted under these rules for the period
prescribed by the Government from time to time. In the event of transfer of an allottee during his/her posting
to NE Region/Hard station, the allottee shall be allowed the
facility of retention of accommodation (with written request)
under occupation at the last place of posting prior to
transfer to NE Region/Hard station for the period
permissible on payment of prescribed licence fee under
these rules /orders issued by Government of India / KVS
from time to time will be restricted to a maximum of three
years or posted out from NE Region / Hard station
whichever is earlier. In case licence fee has not been
received continuously for a period of four months from an
allottee or the Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the office

of the allottee, the allotment of accommodation of the
concerned allottee shall be cancelled.

13 Maintenance of Residence. 13 Maintenance of accommodation.-

(1) An employee to whom a residence has been allotted (1) The allottee to whom a residential accommodation
shall maintain the residence and premises in a clean and has been allotted shall maintain the accommodation and
hygienic condition to the satisfaction of the Allotting Authority premises in a clean condition and such allottee shall not
and local authorities such as State Govt, Municipal Bodies grow any tree, shrubs or plants contrary to the instructions
ete. The employee shall not grow tree, plants ete. contrary to issued by the Government or by its maintenance agencies
the instructions issued the authorities or cut or remove any nor cut or lop off any existing tree or shrubs in any garden,
existing tree or plants without prior permission of the Allotting courtyard or compound attached to the accommodation
Authority. The trees or plants belong to the Vidyalaya and save with the prior permission in writing of the concerned
not to the allottee. The employee stall not make any maintenance agencies. Trees, plantation or vegetation,
additions and alternations to the residence and shall not grown in contravention of this rule may be caused to be
deface the glass panes, walls, floors, ete. No inflammable removed by the concerned maintenance agencies at the risk
article shall be stored in the residence. and cost of the allottee concerned.

(2) No employee or his/her spouse or dependent(s) is (2) No employee or his/ her spouse or dependent(s) is
permitted under any circumstances to keep animals like permitted under any circumstances to keep animals
Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Horse etc. Violating this clause will be including pet animal like Dog etc. violating this clause will be
treated as misconduct on the part of the employee and the treated as misconduct on the part of the employee and the
allotment of residence will be liable to be cancelled. In allotment of residence will be liable to be cancelled. In
addition to this it will be treated as breach of these rules for addition to this it will be treated as breach of these rules for
which the same penalty or damages will be applicable as which the damages will be charged without prejudice to any
mentioned under Rule XIV sub rule (3) to (7). other action liable to be taken against the defaulter.

(3) All allottees of accommodation will cooperate with

respective maintenance agencies of residential
accommodation in KVS staff colonies in carrying out all
kinds of repair or renovation works. In case a complaint for
non-co-operation is received from maintenance agency
against any allottee, strict action shall be taken against
him/her as per these rules and the instructions issued by the
KVS from time to time.

(4) The accommodation shall be used for residential

purpose only by the allottee and other authorized persons
as per these rules. Action shall be taken against the allottee
for unauthorized (e.g. for trade or business etc.) use of the
allotted accommodation as per these rules and instructions
issued by the Government of India (Directorate of Estates,
the Sangathan) in this regard from time to time.

(5) The allottees of accommodation shall pay the charges

and fees to all utility services such as electricity, water, gas
etc., regularly on receipt of the bill for such payment. In case
an allottee has not paid the dues to the public utility
authorities before vacation or surrender of the
accommodation, vacation or surrender of accommodation
shall not be accepted by the concerned estate officer.

(6) No unauthorized construction shall be allowed in

Government residential colonies and the unauthorized
constructions, if any shall be removed or demolished by the
concerned maintenance agency or the Estate Officer
notified under the Public Premises (Eviction of unauthorized
occupants) Act, 1971(40 of 1971), as the case may be in
accordance with the provisions of that Act. In case any
further unauthorized construction is found in the
accommodation of the same allottee, the accommodation
provided to such allottee shall be cancelled from the date of
inspection of the accommodation and he/she shall be
debarred for allotment of accommodation for remaining
period of service in future.

(7) The allottee shall ensure that the family members

behave decently at all times and their behavior should not
cause himself nuisance/disturbance for the other residents.
Any violation shall render him liable for cancellation of the
allotted accommodation and also over and above
disciplinary action will be initiated

14 Personal Liability of the Employer for Payment of 14 Personal Liability of the Employee for Payment of
Licence Fee. Licence Fee.

(1) The employee to whom a residence is allotted shall be (1) The allottee to whom an accommodation has been
personally liable for the licence fee thereof and for any allotted shall be personally liable for the payment of licence
damage beyond normal wear and tear caused thereto or to fee and for any damage beyond fair wear and tear caused
the furniture fixtures or fittings or services provided therein thereto or to the furniture, fixtures or fittings or services
during the period for which the residence has been and provided therein by the KVS during the period for which
remains allotted to him or where the allotment has been the accommodation has been and remains allotted to
cancelled or is deemed to be cancelled under any of the him/her or where the allotment has been cancelled or is
provisions in these rules, until the residence along with the deemed to be cancelled under any of the provisions in
nuthouses appurtenant thereto have been vacated and full these rules until the accommodation along with the
vacant possession thereof has been restored to the allotting outhouses appurtenant thereto have been vacated and full
authority. vacant possession thereof has been restored to the
allotting authority.
(2) Where the employee to whom a residence has been (2) Where the employee to whom a residence has been
allotted is not a permanent Sangathan employee he shall allotted is not a permanent Sangathan employee he shall
execute a security bond with a surety who shall be a execute a security bond with a surely who shall be a
permanent employee of the Sangathan of equal or higher permanent employee of the Sangathan of equal or higher
status for due payment of licence fee and other charges due status for due payment of licence fee and other charges
from him in respect of such residence and services and any due from him in respect of such residence and services
other residence provided in lieu. and any other residence provided in lieu.

(3) If the surety ceases to be in Sangathan service or (3) If the surety ceases to be Sangathan service or
becomes Insolvent or withdraws his guarantee or ceases to becomes insolvent or withdraws his guarantee or ceases to
be available for any other reasons, the employee shall be available for any other reasons, the employee shall
furnish a bond executed by another surety within thirty days furnish a bond executed by another surety within thirty days
from the date of his acquiring knowledge of such event or from the date of his acquired knowledge of such even or fact
fact and if he fails to do so, the allotment of the residence to and If he fails to do so, the allotment of the residence in him
him shall unless otherwise decided by the allotting authority shall unless otherwise decided by the allotting authority be
be deemed to have been cancelled from the date of that deemed to have been cancelled from the date of that event.

15 Mutual Exchanges of Residence. 15 Mutual Exchanges of Residence
Employees to whom residence of the same type have been
Employees to whom residence of the same type have been
allotted under these rules may apply for permission to
allotted under these rules may apply for permission to
mutually exchange their residence. Permission for mutual
mutually exchange their residences. Permission for mutual
exchange may be granted if both employee are working in
exchange may be granted if both employees pro working in
the same Vidyalaya/Regional Office /Headquarter office of
the same Vidyalaya Regional Office/Headquarters office of
the Sangathan and if neither is likely to retire within 6
the Sangathan and if neither is likely to retire within 6 months
months and if neither is, as far as known to the Allotting
and If neither is, as far as known to the Allotting Authority,
Authority/ Allottees likely to be transferred out within 6
likely to be transferred out within 6 months

16 Sub-letting and sharing of residences. 16 Sub-letting and Sharing of Accommodation:

Persons to reside with allottee.
(1) No employee shall share the residence allotted to him or (1) The allottee shall reside in the accommodation allotted to
any of the outhouses, garages and stables appurtenant him/her with his/her family and immediate applicable
thereto except with the employee of the Sangathan eligible relations. In case any relationship ceases by any order of
for allotment under these rules. The Servants quarter, court of law, such relation shall not reside with the allottee.
outhouses, garages and stables may be used only for the
bonafide purposes including residence of the servants of the

(2) No employee shall sublet the whale or any part of his (2) The servant quarters, out-houses and garages may
residence; Provided that an employee proceeding on leave be used for the bonafide purposes only as permitted by
may accommodate, in the residence any other employee, as the Department.
a caretaker, for a period not exceeding six months.

(3) Any employee who shares or sublets his residence shall (3) The allottee who shares the accommodation with
do so at his own risk and responsibility and shall remain his/her family or immediate relations shall furnish prior
personally responsible for any licence fee payable in respect
intimation to the KVS/ Alloting Authority in such form,
of the residence and for any damage caused to the
as may be specified by the KVS, furnishing full
resilience or its precinct or grounds or services provided
therein beyond fair wear and tear. particulars of his/her family members or immediate
relations residing in the accommodation allotted to

him/her. Provided that the details of guests, if such
guest is likely to stay for more than fifteen days in the
accommodation, shall be intimated to the KVS/
allotment authority in such form, as may be specified
by the concerned estate officer, intimating full
particulars of the individual or individuals.

(4) An allottee proceeding on leave may accommodate, in

the accommodation any member of his family or immediate
relations, as a caretaker, by submitting, along with his/her
leave application, the details of such member of his/her
family or immediate relation, to the Directorate of Estates.
The maximum period of such accommodation by a
caretaker shall be not exceeding six months.

(5) Subletting of Government residential

accommodation in any form is not permissible. The
procedure to conduct subletting inspections by the
authorized officials shall be such as may be specified
by the concerned estate officer from time to time.

(6) An allottee can share has accommodation will

another KVS employees provided :-
Part :-1

17 Consequences of breach of rules and conditions. 17 Consequences of Breach of Rules and Conditions

(1) If an employee to whom a residence has been allotted (l) (a) If an allottee to whom a residential accommodation
shares his residence or sublets it or erects unauthorized has been allotted shares his accommodation or sublets it or
structure or uses it for a purpose other than that for which it erects unauthorized structure or uses it for a purpose other
is intended or tempers with the electric or water connection than that for which it is intended or tempers with the electric
or commits any other breach of the rules in this behalf or of or water connection or commits any other breach of the

the terms and conditions of the allotment or uses the rules in this behalf or of the terms and conditions of the
residence or the premises or pursuits or suffers the allotment or uses the accommodation or the premises or
residence or premises to be used for any purpose which the pursuits or suffers the residence or premises to be used for
allotting authority considers to be improper or conducts any purpose which the allotting authority considers to be
himself in a manner which is prejudicial to the maintenance improper or conducts himself in a manner which is
of the harmonious relations with his neighbors or has prejudicial to the maintenance of the harmonious relation
knowingly furnished incorrect information In any application with his neighbors or has knowingly furnished incorrect
or written statement with a view to securing the allotment, information in any application or written statement with a
the Allotting Authority may without prejudice to any other view to securing the allotment the allotting Authority may
disciplinary action or any other action specified hereunder without prejudice to any other disciplinary action or any
that may be taken against the employee, cancel the other action specified hereunder that may be taken against
allotment of the resident. the employee cancel the allotment of the allotted
Explanation:- In this clause the expression "employee"
includes, unless the context otherwise requires, a member of Explanation: -
his family and any person calming through the employee. In this clause the expression 'employee' includes unless the
context otherwise requires, a member of his family and any
person calming through the employee.

(b) Cancellation of the Allotment of Residence:

The Chief Estate officer, KVS may cancel the Allotment of
Residence governed by these Rules without assigning any
reason thereof if it is necessary or expedient in the public
interest. A maximum period of 30 days shall be allowed to
the occupant (s) to vacate the premises with payment of
damages for the said period also along with other damage
charges, if any.

(c) The Allotting Authority may proceed to get the

accommodation vacate under "Public Premises (Eviction of
un-authorized occupants) Act 1971" if the merits of the
case so warrant without prejudice to any other action to be
taken by the KVS against the unauthorized occupant of the

(2) If an employee sublets a residence allotted to him or any

(2) If an employee sublets a residence allotted to him or

portion thereof in contravention of these rules, he may any portion thereof in contravention of these rules he may
without prejudice to any other action that may be taken without prejudice to any other action that may be taken
against him, be charged damages at the rates that may be against him, be charged damages at the rates that may be
fixed by the Govt. of India or the Sangathan from time to fixed by the Government of India or the Sangathan from
those. The amount of damages to be recovered In each time to time The amount of damages to be recovered in
case will be decided by the allotting authority on merits. each case will be decided by the allotting authority on

3) Where action to cancel the allotment is taken on account

of unauthorized subletting of the premises by the allottee, a (3) Where action to cancel the allotment is taken on
period. of 30 days shall be allowed to the allotter, and any account of unauthorized subletting of the premises by the
other person residing with him therein to vacate the allottee, a period of 30 days shall be allowed to the allottee
premises. The allotment shall be cancelled with effect from and any other person residing with him therein to vacate
the date of vacation of the premises or expiry of the period the premises. The allotment shall be cancelled with
of 30 days from the date of the orders of the cancellation of effect from the date of vacation of the premises or expiry
the allotment, whichever is earlier. of the period of 30 days from the date of the orders of the
cancellation of the allotment, whichever is earlier.
(4) Where the allotment of residence is cancelled for conduct
prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonious relations with (4) Where the allotment of residence is cancelled for
neighbors, the employee at the discretion of the allotting conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonious
authority may be allotted another residence at any other relations with neighbors, the allottee at the discretion of the
place. allotting authority may be allotted another residence at any
other place.
(5) The allotting authority shall be competent to take all or
any of the actions under clauses (1) to (4) of this rule and (5) The allotting authority shall be competent to take all or
also to declare the employee, who commits the breach of any of the actions under clauses ( 1) to ( 4) of this rule and
rules and Instructions issued to him to be ineligible for also to declare the employee, who commits the breach of
allotment of residence for a period of 5 years and this period rules and instructions issued to him to be ineligible for
of ineligibility shall operate even If he is transferred to other allotment of residence for a period of 05 years and this
Vidyalaya/Office or Sangathan. period of ineligibility shall operate even if he is transferred
to other Vidyalaya/Office or any establishment under the
6) An employee/allottee who unauthorisedly sublets the
residence or commits any other breach of the rule(s) shall (6) An employee/allottee who sublets the accommodation,
also render himself to disciplinary action. the subject quarter is inspected by the Inspection Team.
Incase subletting is suspected by the Inspection team, a

show cause notice is issued to the allottee for hearing on a
fixed date. The case is heard by the Enquiry officer
detailed by concerned estate officer. The allottee is given
enough opportunity to plead his case and submit
documents in favour of his statements. In case Deciding
Authority is not satisfied, he may cancel the allotment. The
allottee has right to prefer an appeal against the decision
of Deciding authority to the Director of Estates, the
Appellate Authority, within a period of 30 days from the
date of cancellation order. In case Appellate Authority
rejects his appeal, his case is forwarded to Litigation
Section for initiating the eviction process. The subletting
case is processed under quasi-judicial process, hence,
there is no fixed time limit.

18 Recovery of Licence Fee. 18 Recovery of Licence Fee

(1) The house Rent Allowance if any admissible to the
(1) The House Rent Allowance if any admissible to the employee shall not be paid to the allottee of an
employee shall not be paid to the allotte of a residence and accommodation and the allottee of the residence shall
the allottee of the residence shall pay flat rate of licence fee pay flat rate of licence fee as fixed for the
as fixed for the residence by the Sangathan or the accommodation by the Sangathan or the sponsoring
sponsoring authority from time to time, for the period during authority from time to time for the period during which
which the allotment subsists. the allotment subsists.
(2) In addition to the licence fee, the allottee will bear the (2) In addition to the licence fee the allottee will bear the
expenditure on consumption of water and electricity in expenditure on consumption of water and electricity in
respect of the residence. respect of the residence.
(3) The payment of water, electricity charges ete will be (3) The payment of water electricity charge etc. will be
made by the allottee direct to the authorities concerned. If no made by the allottee direct to the authorities
separate meters for consumption of water and electricity are concerned. If no separate meters for consumption of
available in residence, the share for each residence, as water and electricity are available in residence the
determined by the allotting authority will be payable and share for each residence as determined by the
deducted from the pay bill along with the licence fee. allotting authority will be payable and deducted from
the pay bill along with the licence fee.

(4) If an employee is already in an occupation of a lower
type of accommodation and offered to the allotted an
accommodation of the type which he/she is eligible for,
the employee on refusal of the said offer of allotment
may be permitted to reside in the lower type
accommodation already allotted or to be allotted on
payment of licence fee of the type of residence the
employee is eligible for as per his/her grade pay.

19 Overstay in Residence after Cancellation of Allotment. 19 Overstay in Residence after Cancellation of Allotment
Where, after an allotment has been cancelled or is deemed Where, after an allotment has been cancelled or is deemed
to be cancelled under any provision contained in these rules, to be cancelled under any provision contained in these rules
the residents remains or has remained in occupation of the the residents remain or has remained in occupation of the
employee to whom It was allotted or of any persons claiming allottee to whom it was allotted or of any persons claiming
through him, such employee shall be liable to pay damages through him, such allottee shall be liable to pay damages for
for use and occupation of the residences, services, furniture unauthorized occupation of the accommodation, and for the
and garden charges etc. as may be determined by the Govt. use of any damage beyond fair wear and tear caused
or the Sangathan from time to time. This is without prejudice thereto or to the furniture, fixture or fittings or services
to the right of the competent authority to evict him from the provided therein by the Government or the Sangathan for
residence and the disciplinary action that may be initiated which the accommodation has been and remains to him as
against such defaulting employee. per Govt. of India Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates New Delhi Office Memorandum dated
07.09.2016. This is without prejudice to the right of the
competent authority to evict him from the residence and the
disciplinary action that may be initiated against such
defaulting employee.
20 Applicability of Rules framed by the Government. 20 Applicability to Rules framed by the Government

The Allotment of Government Residences (General Pont in The allotment of Government Residence (General Pool in
Delhi) Rules of the Government and the orders issued there- Delhi) Rules of the Government and the orders issued
under shall mutatis-mutandis apply in respect of the matters there-under shall mutatis-mutandis apply in respect of the
not provided under these rules as also in matters of matters not provided under these rules as also in matters
reservation of residences for allotment to the SC/ST and of reservation of residences for allotment to the SC/ST
other categories of employees and other categories of employees.

21 Applicability of the Rules of sponsoring agencies. 21 Applicability
of Rules in the case of the
Accommodations provided by the Sponsoring
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the
orders and rules of the sponsoring agencies shall mutatis- orders and rules of the sponsoring agencies shall
mutandis apply where the terms and conditions of allotment mutatis-mutandis apply where the terms and
so provide.
conditions of allotment so provide.
22 Relaxation of Rules, 22 Relaxation of Rules
The Commissioner of the Sangathan or any other officer The Commissioner of the Sangathan or any other officer
designated by him for the purpose may for reasons to be designated by him/her for the purpose may for reasons to
recorded in writing relax all or any of the provisions of the be recorded in writing relax any or all of the provisions of
rules in the case of any employee or residence or class of these rules in the case of any allottee or any
the employees or types of residences. accommodation or any group or class of allottees or type of
accommodation or on any other matter.
23 ___ 23 Delegation of power or function:
The Commissioner, KVS may delegate any or all the power
conferred upon it by these rules to any officer under its
control, subject to such conditions as it may deem fit to
24 Interpretation of Rules. 24 Interpretation of Rules

If any quotation arises as to the interpretation of these rules, If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules,
It shall be decided by the Commissioner of the Sangathan it shall be decided by the Commissioner of the
whose decision shall be final. Sangathan whose decision shall be final.


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