Lesson Plan_group 4

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1. Description of class:
● Level: Pre-intermediate (B1)
● Size: 15-20
● Description of students: young adults (18-25) learning English to communicate
effectively at pre-intermediate level
● Time: 45 minutes
2. Materials:
● Textbook: Oxford solutions 2nd edition
● Facilities:
- Handout
- Videos
- Slides
3. Aims:
● Knowledge: To introduce and practice vocabulary related to personality traits.
To review and practice grammar structures using "love" and "like".
● Skills: Students will learn new vocabulary related to personality traits. Students
will review and practice grammar rules for using "love" and "like" in sentences.
● Behaviors: Students will actively participate in class discussions and activities.
Students will demonstrate understanding of the new vocabulary and grammar
through speaking and writing tasks.
4. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
● Knowledge: Identify and define at least 10 new personality traits. Understand
the grammatical differences between using "love" and "like" in sentences.
● Skills: Listen and comprehend sentences using the new vocabulary and
grammar. Speak fluently using the new vocabulary and grammar in context.
Write grammatically correct sentences using the new vocabulary and grammar.
● Behaviors: Engage in class discussions and activities related to personality
traits and expressing preferences. Demonstrate understanding of the new
vocabulary and grammar through active participation in speaking and writing
5. Methodology:
● Method: PPP (Present Practice Produce)
6. Approach: Procedure
Stage (time) Class activities Purposes Expected answers/
Teacher Students
Warm-up Activity 1:
(5 minutes)
T shows the picture Ss look at the picture on It helps to capture If Ss can not answer the
(appendix 1) on the screen the screen and listen to the students' attention questions, T will support Ss
and asks Ss: “What do you teacher’s questions and engage them in by asking some extra
think about this picture? the learning process questions: What can you see
Can you describe a little bit from the beginning in the picture? What is he/she
about it? Have you ever of the lesson doing? Is she/he good or
met these kinds of people bad?
in real life?”
T gives Ss 1 minute to
think about these questions
T invites some students to
stand up and answer.
T gives feedback on the Ss have 1 minute to think
student’s performance about the questions
T links to the new unit: Ss stand up and answer
After these questions, who the questions
can guess our topic, please
say it aloud. If no one can Ss listen to T
answer, T shows the topic
on the screen.
Pre-teaching Activity 2: Matching the
(10 minutes) words
T distributes Ss the handout
Ss listen to the teacher’s Ss know the
and asks Ss to do the
matching exercise instructions and follow Ss meaning of
individually (appendix 2) personality traits in
the reading passage.
T shows the answers about Therefore, Ss can
the personality traits and Ss check their own understand the text
gives the meanings. answers. better

T models the pronunciation

and tells Ss to repeat.
Ss repeat after T
While- Activity 3: *Each good answer gets Ss will be familiar
teaching a bonus with the topic of the
(25 minutes) T shows Ss a video about
some music genres and Ss watch the video and
asks them to guess the raise hands to answer
answer. (3’)
Activity 4:
T asks Ss to read the article Some Ss may be lazy, so T
Ss read the article Reading the whole
individually(5’) (Appendix should walk around to
individually article themselves
4) monitor the class to check
provides Ss a
whether they are serious
T divides Ss into 6 groups Ss work in groups to chance to practice
to do the exercises 4 complete the exercise reading skills. The competition may be
together (Appendix 5) (2’) Otherwise, they will noisy or chaotic, so T should
T asks the representative of The representatives of only read the remind them carefully
each group to go to the each group go to the board paragraph involving
board and write the answer. and write the answer. to the answers in
(1’) the exercise
T checks and corrects the
answers on the board. The Ss correct the answer
This type of
first 3 groups with the right themselves
competition helps
and fastest answer will get
Ss engage more in
2 bonuses and the remains
studying. Moreover,
will get 1 bonus. (1’)
giving group
Activity 5: bonuses as an
incentive to all Ss in
T asks Ss to do the exercise
5 individually (appendix 6)
(2’) Ss do the exercise 5
T calls Ss to stand up
randomly to answer the
questions and then checks Invited Ss answer T’s
the answers. (1’) questions and all Ss check
the answers

Activity 6:
T announces Ss to take
notice of the next session -
“Everyday English”
Ss take notice of the next
T plays the audio of the
dialogue of exercise 1 session - “Everyday
(appendix 7) (1’) English”
T asks Ss to practice the Ss listen to the audio
dialogue in pairs
Ss have chance to
T invites 2 pairs of Ss to
Ss practice the dialogue in practice speaking
practice the dialogue (2’) If there is student who has no
pairs skills
pair, she/she will practice
Invited pairs of Ss stand with the teacher
Activity 7: up and practice the
T asks Ss to do the exercise
2 individually (appendix 8)
(1’) Ss do the exercise
T invites random Ss to individually
answer then check the
Invited Ss answer T’s
answer. (1’)
questions and all Ss check
Activity 8: the answer
T plays the audio with 8
dialogues in the exercise 8
(appendix 9) (1’)
Ss listen to the audio
T asks Ss to repeat the
replies in the audio. (1’)

T asks Ss to work in pairs Ss repeat the replies in the

to take turns and react to audio
the sentences in exercise 9
Ss work in pairs to take If there are students who do
(appendix 10). (1’)
turns and react to the not pay attention, just remind
T invite 2 pairs to practice sentences in exercise 9 them directly
the exercise 9. (2’)
Helps Ss if they have any
difficulty when speaking
Ss practice the exercise 9
Post-teaching Activity 8:
(5 minutes)
T divides the class into 2 Ss listen to the teacher’s This activity can Some students may not feel
groups, Ss stand in 2 lines instructions and follow help Ss to review motivated to participate in
following their group, each him/her what they learned the game, leading to
member takes turns to go to and remember it disengagement =>
the board and write the longer
● Provide clear
words relating to
instructions and
personality adjectives that
objectives for the
they learned. Which group
game to ensure that
is faster will be the winner
students understand
the purpose and how
to participate.
● Incorporate elements
of choice and
autonomy by allowing
students to select their
preferred roles or
activities within the
● Create a positive and
supportive atmosphere
by praising effort and
encouragement to all
7. Evaluation:
8. Homework:
Review: Do fill in the blanks exercises (Appendix 3)
Prepare: Interview a family member or friend about their personality traits and
interests. Students can then write a short summary or report using the vocabulary and
grammar structures practiced in class.


Appendix 1:
Appendix 2 :

Word Meaning
1. rebellious A. having very strong feelings or
2. outgoing B. relaxed and not easily upset or worried
3. gentle C. oppose the ideas of the people in
authority and plan to change the system,
often using force
4. creative D. friendly and energetic and finding it
easy and enjoyable to be with others
5. easy-going E. calm, kind, or soft
6. passionate F. producing or using original and
unusual ideas
Answer: 1C, 2D, 3E, 4F, 5B, 6A

Appendix 3:
Complete the sentences by the word below

Appendix 4:
Appendix 5:

Appendix 6:
Appendix 7:

Appendix 8:
Appendix 9:

Appendix 10:

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