Introduction meriem hedhli

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The share of young people who are neither in employment, nor in education or training in
the youth population is valued by the “NEET rate”. This is a relatively new indicator, but one
that continues to attract increasing attention from international organizations and the media. A
review of the literature shows that the acronym NEET first appeared in the United Kingdom
in the late 1980s, reflecting an alternative way of categorizing the youth population (Furlong,

NEETs were first specifically mentioned in European policy discussions under the flagship
initiative 'Youth on the Move'; the term was broadened to include people aged 15 to 24 and,
later, those aged 15 to 29.

The term covers unemployed and inactive young people who are not enrolled in any formal
or non-formal education. Since its inception, the NEET concept has proven to be a powerful
tool for improving understanding of young people's vulnerabilities in terms of labor market
participation and social inclusion.

Indeed, young people are limited not only by unemployment, but also by their personal
circumstances (e.g. family and housing problems, health and lack of transport). Personal
problems often place greater strain on women, who may remain inactive due to family
responsibilities. Being NEET among 16–18-year-olds was a major predictor of unemployment
at age 21 in the UK. The vulnerability of young people leaving school early was evident; that
is, they tend to either experience an initial period of NEET or gain early access to
employment, but subsequently spend periods out of work or in precarious employment
(Furlong, 2006).

In the literature, it is widely accepted that youth unemployment is more sensitive to

cyclical changes in the economic cycle to the extent that it increases much more during
recessions than the overall unemployment rate (Freeman and Wise, 1982). It must also be
emphasized that there are always a certain number of young people who abandon their studies
and have not been able to find a job or have not wanted to look for one. Williamson (1997)
mentions that the door to returning to employment, education or training was more open in
the past. Until the end of the last century, the integration of young people into society and the
labor market and their transition to adulthood were considered a normal extension.

of school towards activity and job. Education should be a solid shield against the risk of
unemployment (Eurofound,2012).

Currently, this dynamic of transition of young people to adulthood has become more
complex and longer than in the past (Eurofound, 2012; Eurofound, 2014). Furthermore, their
transitions now form more diverse and individualized trajectories, and include different
pathways of human capital accumulation – through formal and informal channels.

The popularity of the "NEET" concept would therefore be attributed to its supposed
potential to describe a wide range of vulnerabilities among young people, namely those
relating to the problem of unemployment, early school leaving or dropout and discouragement
in the market of work, the weakening of full-time routes through education and training, the
growth of part-time and mixed working models, and changes in labor markets and the
availability of jobs (ETF 2015) . These are all questions that deserve greater attention to
combat exclusion, marginalization and to promote the inclusion of young people who
continue in all countries of the world to feel, more or less intensively, the consequences of
cyclical and structural fluctuations. economic crises. To capture these aspects and quantify the
situations and problems that hinder the possibility of accumulating human capital, traditional
employment indicators are not well suited, which is why the exploration by NEET and the
explanation of its diversity offers an avenue of choice (Eurofound, 2012).

In this study the objective is to retrace, through a review of the literature, the conceptual
evolution and measurement techniques of NEET throughout the world and certain comparison
countries in relation to Tunisia. Particular attention will be paid to data from Eurostat and the
ILO. We first present the definition, calculation method and categorization of NEET.
Secondly, we offer a panel of conceptual interpretations of the NEET through several studies
and academic articles. Thirdly, it is a question of describing the standard schema for empirical
analysis of the NEET concept by distinguishing five main categories. Fourthly, an overview
of the main studies on NEET in Europe, Canada, Albania, Egypt, Georgia and Palestine will
be carried out. In this context, the main results will be recalled. In addition, a description of
the NEET phenomenon for 15–24-year-olds will be provided based on ILO data.
Finally, particular attention is devoted to the Tunisian case. We will therefore recall the main
studies which have directly or indirectly affected the NEET phenomenon. We show the
presence of an information deficit to properly analyze and identify the causes of NEET, which
justifies the need for appropriate studies and surveys.


 Bernard, C. (2017). Amener les jeunes à être acteurs de leur raccrochage. Les Cahiers
du Développement Social Urbain, 2(2), 24-25.

 Couronné, J. & Sarfati, F. (2018). Une jeunesse (in)visible : les « Neets vulnérables »
de la Garantie jeunes. Travail et emploi, 1(1), 41-66.

 Cuzzocrea, Valentina (2014) « Chapitre 5. La catégorie des NEET : quel avenir ? »,

Conseil de l’Europe éd., Points de vue sur la jeunesse – Volume 1. 2020 – Quelles
perspectives ? Conseil de l'Europe, 2014, pp. 73-87.

 /*Danner Magali, Guégnard Christine, Joseph Olivier, « Les jeunes NEET : résis-
tances et évolutions sur vingt ans », Formation emploi, 2020/1 (n° 149), p. 61-85. DOI
: 10.4000/formationemploi.8059. URL :

 Dares Analyse février 2020 N° 006 « Les jeunes ni en études, ni en emploi, ni en for-
mation (NEET) : quels profils et quels parcours ? » https://dares.travail-

 ELDER, Sarra (2015) What does NEETs mean and why is the concept so easily misin-
terpreted? Youth Employment Programme. Employment Policy Department. ILO.

 Kramarz, Francis, et Martina Viarengo (2015), « Introduction », Ni en emploi, ni en

formation. Des jeunes laissés pour compte, sous la direction de Kramarz Francis, Via-
rengo Martina. Presses de Sciences Po, 2015, pp. 9-16.

 Mohammed, Bedrouni. (2018). Lesjeunes (15-29 ANS) ni Scolarises, ni en Emploi,ni

en Formation NEET en Algerie, Egypte, Liban, Maroc et Tunisie. Revue Algérienne
des études de population vol. 2 N°1 juin 2018.

 (2014) Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Développement, « Tunisie :

Surmonter les Obstacles à l’Inclusion des Jeunes », Rapport No. 89233-TN

 (2017) Inclusion sociale en Tunisie : Les enjeux de l’emploi, de l’éducation et de la ré-

partition des revenus. ITCEQ mars 2017.

 (2015) Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) an overview

in ETF partner countries. European Training Foundation. Prepared by Ummuhan Bar-
dak, Martiño Rubal Maseda and Francesca Rosso.

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