Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Automated VS Manual
Chosen VS Indiscriminate
4. Risk- likelihood threat will cause harm
Threat Probability + Vulnerability Severity
5. Counter Measure- Control that reduce risk to an
acceptable level
Data Breach Example: Star Wars
Data Breaches in Nigeria
• Nigeria Data Protection Bureau commissioner investigates
more than 100 companies for potential data breaches
• Data breach: FG slams N400m fine on four banks, others
• The Data Protection Commission of Nigeria fined Meta $220
million for breaching data protection, consumer, and privacy
laws (29/07/2024). Details - NDPC
Communication Protocols
• Establish secure and reliable channels to
communicate updates internally and externally.
• Use communication tools.
Agency Response Procedures 2
Resource Management
• Assess personnel, equipment, funding needs.
• Mobilize resources to support emergency operations.
Delegation of Authority
• Pre-assign decision-making responsibilities to ensure
clarity in leadership during crises.
Alternate Worksites
• Designate backup locations or enable remote work to
maintain operations
Continuity of Operations 2
Vital Records and Databases
• Ensure access to critical documents and systems.
• Plan for a smooth return to normal operations once the crisis
• Assess damage, restore services, and evaluate the response
for lessons learned.
Cybersecurity Business Continuity Plan
Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan
IT disaster recovery strategies
● Backup and restore to recover lost data
● Cloud-based disaster recovery for scalable and flexible
● High availability solutions to ensure continuous operations
during failure
● Incident response
● Redundancy to prevent single point of failure
● Replication duplicates date in multiple locations
● Virtualization use virtual machines for quick recovery
Business Continuity Plan Objectives
Business Continuity Plan Steps
Business Continuity Plan Benefits
Contingency Plan Components
Company Profile
Name: The Galactic Empire
Size: 26,000 destroyers + auxiliary fleet
Business: Galactic Supremacy
The CEO, Emperor Sheev Palpatine, created his Empire on the shards
of the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Systems,
wallow in corruption and civil wars (in most cases the latter were
orchestrated by the mysterious Darth Sidious, who turned out to be
disguised Palpatine, the Naboo senator and then a chancellor) In the
times of the battle of Yavin the Empire had been around for 19 years and
was the supreme force in the galaxy.
Data Breach Example: Star Wars
Asset: Death Star Plans
Asset: Death Star Plans (Threat)
Security Breach: Response
● How was the security breach handled?
● Threat Mitigation?
Countermeasures: Mitigation
Star Wars: Lessons Learnt
● Not Mitigating Insider Threats
● Not Implementing Defense in Depth
● Falling for Social Engineering
● Not Putting a Face to Identity
● Not Shutting out Compromised Machines
● Allowing Mnemonic File Names (Weak Password)
● Single Point of Failure
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