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In 2022, for instance, CoSchedule surveyed 3,599 marketers and bloggers to identify their most successful
marketing practices. They found that marketers who documented their marketing strategy were 331 percent more
likely to report success than those who didn’t. Furthermore, marketers who were the most organized were found to
be 674 percent more likely to report success than those who weren’t.
Source: https://www.coursera.org/articles/marketing-strategy
“They found that marketers who documented their marketing strategy were 331 percent more likely to report
success than those who didn’t.”
Whom does word “They” refer to?
(A) CoSchedule surveyors
(B) Marketers
(C) Bloggers
(D) Organizer
Jawaban: A
Jawaban: C
The relationship between blood type and heart disease is still widely believed by the public until now. According to
a cardiologist and cardiovascular specialist from the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI), Dr. Hermawan, SpJP,
Subsp Ar (K), is not a blood type that causes a person to have coronary heart disease or even a sudden heart attack.
But indeed, there are genetic mutations that can trigger this type of cardiovascular disease, such as poor fat
metabolism. According to him, there is no study that legally states that blood type causes a major risk factor for
coronary heart disease. Maybe what has changed is a genetic mutation that has fat metabolism.
Source: http://health.detik.com
Jawaban: E
The causes of forest fires in Indonesia can be grouped into two. The first is forest fires caused by natural factors.
The second is forest fires caused by human factors. Causes of forest fires due to natural factors or naturally
triggered by lightning, volcanic lava melt, friction between trees which then cause sparks. Based on a report by a
research institute, the human factor is the cause of forest fires in a number of provinces. According to Syaufina
(2008) in her book, Forest and Land Fires in Indonesia, almost 99 percent of forest fires in Indonesia are caused by
human activities. Forest fires caused by human error can occur, such as cigarette butts being dumped in a forest
area, bonfires in the forest that are forgotten to turn off or don't actually die when left behind, burning trash, and
various other negligence. Another human factor that causes forest fires in Indonesia is land clearing. Land clearing
by burning forests is often the most common thing done by both individuals and companies. Forest burning is the
cheapest and easiest option to convert forest land into oil palm plantations, rubber plantations, and other agricultural
lands while increasing the selling price of land.
Source: http://alamendah.org
The followings are reasons why humans are said to be the cause of forest fires, except…
(A) human negligence in the forest environment.
(B) humans take a good care of the forest environment
(C) land clearing
(D) forest fires triggered by lighting
(E) cigarette butts being dumped in a forest
Jawaban: B
A hoax, unlike an honest error, is a deliberately concocted plan to present an untruth as the truth. It can take the
form of a fraud, a fake, a swindle, or a forgery and can be accomplished in almost any field: successful hoaxes have
been foisted on the public in fields as varied as politics, region, science, art, and literature.
A famous scientific hoax occurred in 1912 when Charles Dawson claimed to have uncovered a human skull and
jawbone on the Piltdown Common in southern England. This human remains were said to be more than 500,000
years old and were unlike any other remains from that period: such as they represented an important discovery in
the study of human evolution. These remains, popularly known as the Piltdown Man and scientifically named
Eoanthropus dowsoni after their discoverer, confounded scientists for more than forty years. Finally in 1953, a
chemical analysis was used to date the bones, and it was found that the bones were modern bones that had been
skillfully aged. A further twist to the hoax was that the skull belonged to a human and the jaws to an orangutan
Halaman 2
(A) a counterargument to the ideas in the first paragraph
(B) an illustration to support the ideas in the first paragraph
(C) an analogy to the ideas in the first paragraph
(D) a detailed definition of a hoax
(E) the main topic of the passage
Jawaban: B
The worry over rising prices is persistent - it’s been the number one concern for six months in a row. The level of
worry about inflation has doubled since the start of 2022, when 20% cited it as a significant problem. In this latest
edition, Ipsos names Great Britain and Germany as the countries with the most significant rise in inflation worries.
Despite inflation fears, the public's perception of their country's economy is unchanged from the previous month's
survey. That might be described as a worry in itself, as 67% of respondents said their nation's economy was in a bad
situation economically. Just 33% said their country's economy was in "good" condition
Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/10/worries-inflation-economy-concerns/
Jawaban: B
The worry over rising prices is persistent - it’s been the number one concern for six months in a row. The level of
worry about inflation has doubled since the start of 2022, when 20% cited it as a significant problem. In this latest
edition, Ipsos names Great Britain and Germany as the countries with the most significant rise in inflation worries.
Despite inflation fears, the public's perception of their country's economy is unchanged from the previous month's
survey. That might be described as a worry in itself, as 67% of respondents said their nation's economy was in a bad
situation economically. Just 33% said their country's economy was in "good" condition
Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/10/worries-inflation-economy-concerns/
Jawaban: C
Dissociation is a psychological process that comes in many forms. In the most common, everyday dissociation, your
mind is so absorbed that you are disconnected from your actions. You could be doing the dishes, start daydreaming
and not pay attention to how you are doing the dishes. Or you might seek immersive experiences—watching a
movie, reading a book or playing a game—that pass the time and cause you to forget where you are.
During these activities, your sense of reflective self-consciousness and the passage of time is reduced. People only
realize that they dissociated in hindsight. Attention is restored with the sense of “What just happened?” or “My leg
fell asleep while we were watching that movie!”
Dissociation can be a positive thing, especially if it’s an absorbing experience, meaningful activity or a needed
break. But it can also be harmful in certain cases, as in gambling, or come in conflict with people’s time
management goals, as with social media scrolling.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-social-media-makes-people-unhappy-and-simple-ways-to-
Jawaban: A
Most people know yoga as a kind of exercise which aims at developing strength and flexibility. To practice yoga,
you learn a series of ‘postures’, where you put your body into different positions. The correct breathing is also
important. However, yoga is really about more than just exercise. In 2014, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra
Modi, asked the United Nations to create an International Day of Yoga, saying that yoga ‘is not about exercise but
to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature’. He felt that yoga could not just help people to
be healthier but also help connect people to each other and to nature. The United Nations agreed, and International
Yoga Day is now celebrated on 21 June.
Some people say that yoga developed at least 5,000 years ago and the others claim it is nearer 10,000 years ago. It
was first developed in Northern India and at this stage was a spiritual as well as a physical form of exercise,
connected with both Hinduism and Buddhism. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, yoga was introduced to the
Western world when Swami Vivekananda travelled to the United States to talk about yoga at a conference in
Chicago in 1893. Others followed in the 1920s and 1930s, and by the 1960s yoga had become a very popular form
of exercise in the United States and in Europe. Most people who practice yoga today do not do it for spiritual
Source: https://www.belajaringgris.net/contoh-artikel-bahasa-inggris-dan-terjemahannya-14097.html
Jawaban: E
Halaman 4
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