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UNIDO Partnership Programme


Quality Circle
Quality Circle


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Chapter and Content
No. No.

1. Chapter 1 – An Introduction to Quality Circle ¼DokfyVh lfdZy & ,d laf{kIr ifjp;½ 5-31

a) Definition of Quality Circle ¼DokfyVh lfdZy dh ifjHkk"kk½ 5-6

b) Top Management’s Role ¼'kh"kZ çcU/ku dh Hkwfedk½ 7-9

c) Role of Coordinator ¼la;kstd dh Hkwfedk½ 12-14

d) Role of Facilitator ¼çorZd dh Hkwfedk½ 14-21

e) Role of Member ¼lnL;ksa dh Hkwfedk½ 22-26

f) Role of Leader ¼uk;d dh Hkwfedk½ 26-31

2. Chapter 2 – Quality Cirlcle Tools ¼DokfyVh lfdZy VwYl½ 35-56

a) Popular Q.C. Tools ¼yksdfç; D;w lh VwYl½ 35-46

b) New Q.C. Tools ¼uohu D;w lh VwYl½ 47-56

3. Chapter 3 – Successful Operation of Quality Circle ¼DokfyVh lfdZy dk lQy lapkyu½ 57-73

a) General Guidelines for Q.C. Operation ¼DokfyVh lfdZy lapkyu gsrq fn'kk funs'Z k½ 59-60

b) Major steps for Problem solving ¼leL;k lek/kku ds çeq[k pj.k½ 61

c) Matrix of problem solving steps vs tools ¼leL;k lek/kku ,oa VwYl eSVhª Dl½ 62

d) Tips for Presentation ¼çLrqfrdj.k ds fy, funs'Z k½ 63

e) General Guidelines for Q.C. Record maintenance 64-73

¼DokfyVh lfdZy fjdkMZ eaUs Vsual
s gsrq fn'kk funs'Z k½

4. Chapter 4 – Evaluation of Quality Circle ¼DokfyVh lfdZy dk ewY;kadu½ 77-86

a) Tata Steel Evaluation System ¼VkVk LVhy eas ewY;kadu½ 77-78

b) CII Evaluation System ¼lh vkbZ vkbZ esa ewY;kadu½ 79

c) Q.C. FI Evaluation System ¼D;w lh ,Q vkbZ esa ewY;kadu½ 80-81

d) Forms in Use ¼bLrseky esa vkus okys QkeZ½ 82-86

1 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

2 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle


Q.C. Definition
Role of Top Management
Role of Co-ordinator
Role of Facilitator
Role of Leader
Role of Members

DokfyVh lfdZy dh ifjHkk"kk

'kh"kZ çcU/ku dh Hkwfedk
la;kstd dh Hkwfedk
çorZd dh Hkwfedk
lnL;ksa dh Hkwfedk
uk;d dh Hkwfedk

3 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

4 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdZy dh vo/kkj.kk

DokfyVh lfdZy dh ifjHkk"kk %

DokfyVh lfdZy igys Lrj ds deZpkfj;ksa dk ,d NksVk lewg gS] ftlds lnL; vius dk;Z]
mRikn vkSj lsokvksa dh xq.koÙkk dk fu;a=.k djrs gq, mlesa yxkrkj lq/kkj ykrs gSaA

;g NksVs lewg %

Lok;Ùk :i ls dk;Z djrs gSa] xq.koÙkk fu;a=.k ds flðkUr vkSj rduhdksa rFkk lq/kkj ds fy,
vU; rduhdksa dk mi;ksx djrs gSa] lnL;ksa dh jpukRed {kerk dks fu[kkj dj vkRe fodkl
vkSj ijLij fodkl dks c<+kok nsrs gSaA

DokfyVh lfdZy ds dk;ksZ dk mðs'; gS %

lnL;ksa dh {kerkvksa dks c<+kok nsuk] lnL;ksa }kjk dk;Z djus esa igy djuk] dk;Z{ks= dks vf/kd
[kq'kgky] lfØ; vkSj larks"ktud cukuk] xzkgdksa esa larks"k c<+kuk vkSj lkekftd ;ksxnku nsukA

mPp vf/kdkjh vkSj çcU/kd ;g lqfuf'pr djrs gSa fd %

DokfyVh lfdZy ds dk;Zyki ds fodkl esa ;ksxnku nsA DokfyVh lfdZy ds dk;ksZ dks deZpkfj;ksa
ds fodkl vkSj dk;Z {ks= dks lfØ; cukus ds ek/;e dk çeq[k vax ekusa vkSj çcU/kd Lo;a
daiuh Lrj ij fodkl ds fy, lEiw.kZ xq.koÙkk çcU/ku ¼Vh-D;w-,e-½ tSls dk;Z djsaA lHkh
deZpkfj;ksa ds ekuoh; i{k dk vknj djrs gq, lHkh dh lgHkkfxrk ds fy, ekxZn'kZu djsa vkSj
mls leFkZu nsaA

DokfyVh lfdZy ds ewy flðkUr gS%

ekuoh; {kerkvksa dks iwjh rjg fu[kkjdj vUrr% vlhfer laHkkoukvksa dks mn~?kkfVr djuk ekuoh;
i{k dk vknj djrs gq, dk;Z{ks=ksa dks [kq'kgky] lfØ; vkSj larks"kçn cukuk laLFkk dh çxfr vkSj
fodkl esa ;ksxnku nsukA

5 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle


Quality Circle Definition :

A Quality Circle is a small group consisting of first-line employees who continually control
and improve the Quality of their work, products and services.

These Small Groups :

Operate autonomously, utilize Quality Control concepts and techniques and other
improvement tools, tap members creativity and promote self and mutual development.

Quality Circle Objective :

Develop member’s capabilities and achieve self-actualisation, make the workplace more
pleasant, vital and satisfying, improve customer satisfaction and contribute to society.

Executives and managers ensure that Quality Circle activities contribute to improving the
health of the enterprise by:

Treating Quality Circle activities as an important part of employee development and

workplace vitalisation, personally practicing company-wide improvement activities such as
TQM, and providing guidance and support for total participation while respecting the
humanity of all employees.

The basic principles of Quality Circle activities :

Fully reveal human capabilities and eventually draw out infinite possibilities. Respect
humanity and build a pleasant, vital and satisfying workplace and Contribute to the
improvement and development of the enterprise.

6 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

ROLE OF TOP MANAGEMENT 'kh"kZ çcU/ku dh Hkwfedk

Dr. J. M. Juran on role of Top Management MkW- ts- ,e- tqjku ds vuqlkj xq.koÙkk
in Quality Management
çcU/ku esa ofj"B çcU/kdksa dh Hkwfedk
1. Serving on the Quality Council.
1- xq.koÙkk ifj"kn~ esa dk;Z djukA
2. Participating in policy formation.
2- uhfr fuekZ.k esa lgHkkfxrkA
a. Helping to identify the need for
Quality policies. d½ xq.koÙkk uhfr;ksa dh vko';drk dks tkuus esa
lgk;rk djukA
b. Assigning responsibilities.
[k½ ftEesnkjh lkSia ukA
c. Reviewing, revising and approving.
x½ iqujkoyksdu djuk] la'kks/ku djuk vkSj vuqeksfnr
3. Participating in goal setting and djukA
3- y{; fu/kkZj.k vkSj foLrkj esa lgHkkxh gksukA
4. Providing the needed resources.
4- vko';d lk/ku çnku djukA
5. Establishing the organisational
infrastructure. 5- laxBukRed bUQzkLVªDpj dh LFkkiuk djukA

6. Reviewing progress. 6- çxfr dh leh{kk djukA

7. Giving recognition. 7- ekU;rk nsukA

8. Serving on a Quality improvement team. 8- xq.koÙkk lq/kkj Vhe ds lkFk dk;Z djukA

'kh"kZ çcU/ku % ¼VkWi eSustesUV½ %

Top Management
'kh"kZ çcU/ku ds varxZr funZs'kd e.My ds v/;{k] çcU/k
Top Management comprises of the
Chairman, Managing Director, Functional
funsZ'kd] dk;Zdkjh funZs'kd rFkk vU; funZs'kd gksrs gSA
Directors, EICs and GMs. Chiefs at the unit laLFkk ds çeq[k vf/k'kklh dh v/;{krk esa cukbZ xbZ
level and department heads are also a lapkyu lfefr Hkh 'kkh"kZ çcU/ku dk vax gksrh gSA ;g
segment of the Top Management. It is
responsible for the implementation of the lEiw.kZ xq.koÙkk fu;a=k.k dk;Z ds vfuok;Z vax ds :i esa
policy, laying guidelines and reviewing the DokfyVh lfdZy dks fujksfir djus ds fy, uhfr
policy implementation and results there of. It
also spells out strategies and systems for fu/kkZfjr djrs gSaA ;g uhfr ds dk;Z fu"iknu] ekxZn'kZu
the achievement of results. rFkk uhfr dk;kZUo;u&leh{kk rFkk mlds ifj.kkeksa ds
fy, mÙkjnkf;Ro gksrs gSaA og ifj.kkeksa dh çkfIr ds fy,
dk;Z uhfr vkSj dk;Ziðfr Hkh mn~?kkfVr djrs gSaA

7 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Role of management in improvement lEiw.kZ xq.koÙkk çcU/ku ¼Vh D;w ,e½@

team. DokfyVh lfdZy dh LFkkiuk esa çcU/ku
1. To have a Quality culture in the dh Hkwfedk
organisation the CEO should take the
lead in the Process of Change. 1- laLFkk esa xq.koÙkk laLÑfr ¼DokfyVh dYpj½ ds fuek.kZ
gsrq ifjoZru dh çfØ;k dk;Zikyd esa eq[; ¼lh-bZ-vks-½
2. CEO has to establish continuous dks vkxs vkuk pkfg,A okLro esa] ;g l-xq-ç- esa çcU/ku
improvement in Quality as the
organisation’s primary objective at all
dk dk;Z gSA
levels, starting with himself. Personal 2- eq[; dk;Zikyd dks pkfg, dh xq.koÙkk dks daiuh dk
change is a prerequisite for
çkFkfed vk'k; eku dj lHkh Lrjksa ij lrr
organisational Quality improvement.
lq/kkj@çxfr fuf'pr djsa] tks mUgh ls çkjEHk gks] D;ksa
3. Top management should learn and fd laxBukRed xq.koÙkk lq/kkj dh igyh vko'o;drk
teach others on principles and oS;fDrd ifjorZu gSA
managing of continuous improvement.
3- 'kh"kZ çcU/ku dks fujUrj lq/kkj dh çcU/k O;oLFkk rFkk
4. Provide guidance and steadfast flðkUrksa dks lh[kuk vkSj nwljksa dks fl[kkuk pkfg,A
determination to continuous
improvement through team work. 4- Vhe Hkkouk ls dk;Z djrs gq, fujUrj lq/kkj ds fy,
ekxZn'kZu çnku djus ds fy, d`rladYi gksuk pkfg,A
5. Provide long term stability to the
5- LaxBu ds usrR` o dks nh?kkZof/k vkSj LFkk;hRo çnku djus
leadership of the organisation through
building up the cadres down the line. ds fy, fupys Lrj rd dSMj fuekZ.k djuk pkfg,A
6- 'kh"kZ vkSj e/; çcU/ku dks n`<+ Vhe Hkkouk rFkk vuqdy
w u
6. Inspire strong team spirit and
orientation among all the employees
ds fy, çksRlkfgr djrs gq,] lkFk gh] lcls fupys Lrj
i.e., from Top Management to Grass rd Vheksa o Vhe dk;ksZ ds fy, çksRlkfgr djuk rFkk
Root Level employees. deZpkfj;ksa dks DokfyVh lfdZy cukus dk vf/kdkj
7. Ensure change from the old system of
7- mRikn vkSj dk;Z ço`fr dh iqjkuh O;oLFkk
DRIVEN” to “CUSTOMER AND ls xzkgd vkSj çfØ;k ço`fÙk dh vksj
PROCESS DRIVEN”. Production and ifjorZu@cnyko lqfuf'pr djukA mRiknu
Quality target orientation to Quality
vkSj xq.koÙkk ds vuqlkj dk;Z ls xq.kork vkSj xzkgd dh
and Customer orientation.
vksj vfHkeq[k djukA
8. Ensure free flow of communication and 8- laç"s k.k dh NwV vFkkZr vfHkO;fDr dh Lora=krk rFkk
open management by sharing
[kqyes u ds çcU/ku dks lqfuf'pr djuk] tks
information on targets/goals so that
there is one common language in the y{;@mðs';ksa çfr lwpukvksa dh lgHkkfxrk ds ek/;e
whole organisation and every one is ls gks rkfd iwjs laxBu dh ,d gh ckr gks vkSj lHkh yksxksa
motivated to work in teams/groups for dks vke mðs'; ds çfr Vheksa@leqgksa esa dk;Z djus dks
common objectives.
çsfjr fd;k tk;A

8 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

9. Build positive working relationship with 9- dk;Zcy vkSj etwnj la?kksa dh chp dk;ksZ dks lEiUu
the work force and trade union. djus ds fy, ldkjkRed lEcU/k LFkkfir fd, tk;as
Remove barriers.
vkSj lHkh ck/kkvksa dks nwj fd;k tk;A
10. Provide sufficient budget support for
10- lrr tkjh çf'k{k.k dk;ZØeksa rFkk ubZ iðfr;ksa ds
ongoing training activities and for
wimplementation of new methods.
dk;kZUo;u ds fy, i;kZIr ctV çnku fd;k tk;A

11. Redesign organisation’s motivation and 11- DokfyVh lfdZy ds ek/;e ls fujUrj lq/kkj vkSj nh?kkZof/k
reward systems to generate y{;ksa ds fy, çfrcðrk dks dk;e j[kus ds fy, ,oa
employees’ continued commitment to deZpkfj;ksa dks çsfjr djus ds fy, migkj&O;oLFkk rFkk
long term goals of continuous
laLFkk dh çsj.kk iðfr;ksa dks le;&le; ij cnyk tk;A

MkW- ds- bf'kdkok ds djks vkSj u djks

funsZ’k ¼çcU/kdksa@i;Zos{kdksa ds fy,½
Do’s and dont’s for Managers/
Supervisors by Dr. K. Ishikawa
• xq.koÙkk fu;a=k.k ¼DokfyVh lfdZy½ rFkk lEiw.kZ
• Study Quality Control and Total Quality xq.koÙkk fu;a=k.k ¼Vh D;w lh½ dk ifjJe ls v/;;u
Control diligently and show your djks vkSj mls leFkZu nksA vkids daiuh ls l-ax-qfu-
support. Practice Quality Circle with
ds Hkkx ds :i esa vius lgdfeZ;ksa ds lkFk ftuesa
your colleagues who are also in
i;Zos{kd Hkh gksa] xq.koÙkk fu;a=k.k dk vH;kl vkSj
supervisory functions as part of your
company’s TQC. vkpj.k djksA

• Give support to Quality Circle activities • DokfyVh lfdZy xfrfof/k;ksa dks vkidk leFkZu nks
and be prepared to lead them when
vkSj vko';drk iM+us ij mldk usr`Ro djksA
needed. Your backing must be based
on your true understanding of the vkids leFkZu dk vk/kkj DokfyVh lfdZy dh
fundamentals of Quality Circle activities xfrfof/k;ksa dh ekSfyd vkSj lgh le> rFkk vkids
as well as of actual conditions within laxBu dh okLrfod fLFkfr;ksa dh tkudkjh gksuk
your organisation. To know Quality
pkfg,A DokfyVh lfdZy dks tkuus ds fy, vkidh
Circle, you must attend Quality
Circles conferneces and other related daiuh esa vkSj ckgj Hkh DokfyVh lfdZy ds
meetings both within and outside your lEesyuksa rFkk vU; lacaf/kr cSBdksa esa Hkkx yksA
own company. Learn from the nwljh daifu;ksa] fMohtuksa] foHkkxks dh xfrfof/k;ksa
activities of other companies,
ls lh[kksA
Divisions, Departments.

9 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

• Remember that Quality Circle activities • ;kn j[kks fd DokfyVh lfdZy dh xfrfof/k;k¡ LoSfPNd
are voluntary activities. Do not voice
gksrh gSA mlesa gLr{ksi dj viuk vfHker er nks vkSj
your opinion to interface, and let the
activities move at their own pace. Trust dk;Zdykiksa dks viuh xfr ls pyus nksA tks yksx rqEgkjs
the people who are working for you. fy, dk;Z djrs gS] mu ij fo'okl djksA bl /kkj.kk ls
Proceed with the notion that man is by
nature good. vkxs c<+ksa fd vkneh LoHkko ls vPNk gSA
• DokfyVh lfdZy xfrfof/k;ksa dk vk;kstu ekuork ds
• Quality Circle activities are conducted
because of respect for humanity. They çfr lEeku ds dkj.k fd;k tkrk gSA muds y{;ksa esa
have as their goals enhancement of yksxksa dh ;ksX;rkvks dks c<+kok nsuk Hkh gksrk gSa bl dkj.k
people’s abilities. This will, in turn, help
the individuals involved, the divisions, Øe'k% blls dk;Zjr O;fDr;ksa] çHkkxksa vkSj daiuh dks
and the company. Quality Circle can ykHk feyrk gSA DokfyVh lfdZy dsoy daiuh ds ykHk
never be conducted just for benefit of
the company. ds fy, gh dHkh Hkh ugha vk;ksftr dh tk ldrh gSA
• tcrd dk;ZLFky dk vfLrRo gS] DokfyVh lfdZy dh
• As long as there is a workplace, Quality
Circle activities must be continued. xfrfof/k;k¡ pyrh jguh pkfg,A ;s dksbZ {kf.kd Hkkoqdrk
They are not a fad for this particular ;k lud ugha gSA
• DokfyVh lfdZy dk lEkFkZu 'kCnksa ls
• Show your support for Quality ugha dk;Z ls nsuk pkfg,A mudh lgk;rk
Circles not by words but by action.
djks&tc os y{; fu/kkZfjr dj jgs gks tc os mudh
Help them when they are establishing
their goals, when they are setting up laxBukRed lajpuk,a cuk jgs gks ¼tSls fd] uk;dksa vkSj
their organisational structures (for QSflfyVsVjksa dh cSBdksa dh lkfj.kh cuk jgs gks½ tc os
example, scheduling meetings for
leaders and promoters), when they are 'kS{kf.kd ;kstuk,a cuk jg gksa tc os DokfyVh laxksf"V;ksa
organising Quality seminars or ;k lEesyuksa dk vk;kstu dj jgs gksa ¼mudks Hkst jgs
conferences (within their divisions, etc.),
and when they are sending people gksA mUgsa fuf'pr vkSj Bksl ;kstuk cukus esa vkSj mlds
outside the company. Help them to dk;kZoU; esa lgk;rk djks½
establish guide, concrete plans and
help them in their implementation. • DokfyVh lfdZyks dks eghus esa de ls de
nks ckj vkSj lkekU;r % lIrkg esa ,d ckj
• Quality Circle must meet at least cSBd cqykuk pkfg,A eghus essa ,d ckj
twice a month, and preferably once a
week. A circle that meets only once a cSBd cqykus ls lfdZy lks tkrk gSA vkids
month is a sleeping circle. Some of dqN dkexkj cSBdksa ds fy, ckj&ckj cqykuk pkgrs gksaxAs
your workers may want to have more
frequent meetings. If you are their ;kfn vki muds i;Zo{s kd gS rks ,slk er dgks fd vHkh ge
supervisor, do not say, “we are too busy cgqr O;Lr gSa] bl lIrkg cSBd er cqykvksA dk;ZLFky
now, don’t have a meeting this week.”
The busier the workplace, the more ftruk O;Lr jgsxk] DokfyVh lfdZy dh cSBd cqykuk
appropriate it is to have a Quality Circle mruk gh vklku gksxkA ml lfdZy dks ;g irk yxkuk
meeting. That circle must investigate
the reason why everyone must work so
pkfg, fd dSls lHkh l[r esgur dj ldrs gSA blds
hard. A fundamental solution is needed. ekSfyd lek/kku dh vko';drk gksrh gSA

10 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

• Quality Circle activities are • DokfyVh lfdZy xfrfof/k;k¡ daiuh ds

inseparable from the company’s nSfud dk;Z ls vyx ugh gksrh gSaA dqN
day-to-day work. Some people
consider Quality Circle to be an yksx DokfyVh lfdZy dk ,d vfrfjDr
additional burden. This attitude is of Hkkj ekurs gSA fuLlansg ;g fopkj xyr
course wrong, and supervisors must gS vkSj i;Zos{kd dks pkfg, fd bls lgh
find a way to correct it.
• Do not seek immediate results, study
first. Foremen and workers will become
• rqjar ifj.kkeksa dh vksj er ns[kks] igys v/;;u
better trained through the circle djks@lfdZy xfrfof/k;ksa ls QksjeSu vkSj dkexkkj
activities, and before long results will vPNh rjg çf'kf{kr gks rks tYnh gh ifj.kke fn[kkbZ
become noticeable. As supervisor you nsaxsA i;Zos{kd ds ukrs vkidks /khjt j[kuk pkfg,A
must be patient. Take time to nurture
circle activities and promote them. lfdZy dh xfrfof/k;ksa ds fuokZg ds fy, le; yks
vkSj mUgsa c<+kok nksA
• As supervisors you have a lot to
contribute. You can help the circles get • i;Zos{kd ds ukrs vkidks cgqr ;ksxnku nsuk gksrk gSA
started, you can approve the themes vki lfdZy çkjaHk djus esa lgk;rk ns ldrs gS muds
they proposes, and you can check their }kjk çLrkfor vk'k;ksa dk vuqeksnu dj ldrs gSa vkSj
activity plans and report. You can also mudh xfrfof/k;ksa dh ;kstuk vkSj fjiksVZ dh tkap dj
help them find a time and place to
meet. You can help assemble and ldrs gSaA vki mUgs cSBd ds fy, LFkku vkSj le; dk
prepare data and materials. You can p;u djus esa lgk;rk ns ldrs gSaA vki mUgsa vkadM+ks
provide for Quality activities perks vkSj lkexzh dks tek djus es Hkh lgk;rk ns ldrs gSA
when needed. And you can help make
awards and create channels through
DokfyVh lfdZy dh xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, vko';d gks
which suggestions of QCs can really rks vki /ku çnku dj ldrs gS vkSj ,sls ekxZ cuk
be accepted. ldrs gS ftuls DokfyVh lfdZy ds lq>ko okLro esa
Note: Here, Wherever supervisor is viuk, tk lds A
mentioned it applies to a manger also. uksV % ;gk¡] tc dHkh i;Zos{kd fy[kk x;k gS] ogk¡
What management should do to sustain çcU/kd ls Hkh rkRi;Z gS] vFkkZr&i;Zos{kd çcU/kdA
Quality Circles
DokfyVh lfdZyksa dks dk;e j[kus ds
The three dimensions of management role
in this can be summarised as follows:- fy, çcU/ku dks D;k djuk pkfg, \
blds fy, çcU/ku dh rhu vk;keh Hkwfedk dk lkjka'k uhps
• Listening (Caring)
fn;k tkrk gS %&
• Teaching (Transmitting values and • lquuk ¼/;ku nsuk½ %
providing role-model)
• v/;kiu ¼ewY;ksa dk çs"k.k rFkk vkn'kZ Hkwfedk çnku
• Facilitating (Helping people to achieve)
To be able to practice the above three • çorZu ¼yksxksa dks y{; çkfIr esa lgk;rk nsuk½
aspects, one should meet people, what Tom mi;qZDr rhuksa igyqvksa ds vkpj.k ds fy, yksxksa ls feyrs
Peters calls as MBWA – “management by
walking around” – and establish new jguk pkfg, rkfd deZpkfj;ksa] ls uohu dk;Z lEcU/k LFkkfir
working relationship with the employees. gksA blh dks VkWe ihVjl~ us ,e ch MCY;w , & eSustesaV
ckb okfdax vjkm.M ¼vFkkZr ?kqeUrq çcU/ku½ dgk gSA

11 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Listening: It is to understand peoples’ lquuk% blls dk;Z esa yksxks dh leL;kvksa dks le> dj
problems in work and removing the dfBukbZ ;k ck/kk dks nwj fd;k tk ldrk gSA /;ku nsus dk
hurdles and irritants. There is no
substitute for caring. Caring is one of the dksbZ fodYi ugha gksrk gSA /;ku nsdj ijokg djus ls cgqr
greatest motivators and bindings force, çksRlkgu feyrk gS vkSj esytksy lqn<` + gksrk gS vkSj ;g
be if work life, domestic life or in society.
dk;Zthou esa gh ugha ?kjsyw thou vkSj lekt esa Hkh gksrk gSA
Teaching: When one teachers his v/;kiu% tc dksbZ O;fDr f'k{kk nsrk gS rks og u dsoy
people, it is not only transmitting
knowledge and values but also Kku vkSj ewY;ksa dks lEçsf"kr djrk gS cfYd v/;kidksa esa
reinforcing them within the teacher and mls lqn`<+ cukrk gS vkSj yksxksa esa ewY;ksa dh vksj çfrcðrk
enhancing one’s commitment to the c<+krk gSA
çorZu % yksxks dks dsoy f'k{kk nsdj viuk çcU/k dj
Facilitating: Merely teaching and leaving ysus ds fy, NksM+ nsus ls ifj.kke ugha feyrs gSaA çcU/ku ds
people to fend for themselves will not
help to bring result. Management people yksxksa dks çnk;d cukuk pkfg, vkSj yksxksa us tks dqN
should be “enablers”, help people to put lh[kk mlds vkpj.k ds fy, mUgsa yxkrkj lgk;rk]
into practice what is learnt by constant
assistance, guidance and support. ekxZn'kZu vkSj leFkZu çnku djuk pkfg,A
bl çdkj] 'kh"kZ çcU/ku dk usr`Ro fupys Lrj rd çsj.kk
Thus, it is the leadership from the top
management that can provide inspiration vkSj çksRlkgu çnku djuk gS vkSj dk;Zdykiksa esa fLFkjrk
and motivation down the line below and rFkk lrr çpkyu ls DokfyVh lfdZyksa dks dk;e j[k
sustain the activities, providing stability ldrk gSA
for continued operation.
la;kstd dh Hkwfedk
(Quality Coordiantor/ Business ¼DokfyVh dksvkWfMZusVj@fctusl ,DlhysUl
Excellence Facilitator in Tata Steel) QSflfyVsVj & VkVk LVhy½
Coordinator – Definition la;kstd ;k dksvkWfMZusVj & ifjHkk"kk
As the name implies, coordinator carries
out coordination work. He is the link
tSlk fd uke gS la;kstd fd Hkwfedk la;kstu djuk gSA
between steering committee, the og lapkyu lfefr] çorZdks vksj DokfyVh lfdZy
facilitators and Quality Circle Leaders.
uk;dks ds chp dh dM+h gksrk gSA mldh dbZ
His responsibilities are many.
ftEesnkfj;k¡ gSA
What are the responsibilities of a
coordinator? la;kstd dh D;k ftEesnkfj;k¡ gS \

• To register Quality Circles in the • laxBu dh bdkbZ ;k çHkkx esa DokfyVh lfdZyksa dks
unit/ division and serve as a store iathÑr djuk RkFkk DokfyVh lfdZyksa dh lqpukvksa
house of information of QCs the
plant/ organisation. dks IykaV@QSDVjh ;k laxBu esa çlkfjr djukA

• To have liaison with the facilitators for • çorZdksa ls lEidZ cuk, j[kuk] ;g lqfuf'pr
ensuring regularity of Circle meetings, djus ds fy, fd lfdZy dh cSBdsa] e/;kfof/k
midterm presentations etc.
çLrqfr;k¡ vkfn fu;fer gks jgh gSaA

12 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

• Convene Steering Committee • lapkyu lfefr dh cSBdksa dks vk;ksftr djuk

Meetings periodically and regularly
rFkk cSBdksa dk dk;Zo`r ¼fjdkMZ&uksV½ ifjpkfyr
and circulate record notes of the
meeting. djuk ,oe~ cSBd dh dk;Zokgh dh fjiksVZ lEcfU/kr
O;fDr;ksa dks HkstukA
• Appraisal to the steering committee
on the functioning of Quality Circles • DokfyVh lfdZyksa ds dk;ksZ ds ckjs esa lapkyu
in the company.
lfefr dks tkudkjh ¼vçsty½ nsukA
• To organise systematic
• DokfyVh lfdZyksa ds dsl&v/;;uksa dk O;ofLFkr
documentation of Quality Circles’
case studies, compile and publish :i ls çys[ku@nLrkosthdj.k] ladyu rFkk
them. Arrange exchange of the çdk'ku djuk bu v/;;uksa dh lEcð bdkb;ksa esa
studies among different sister units.
vnyk&cnyh dh O;oLFkk djukA
• Handling request for starting new
Circles. • ubZ lfdZyksa dks çkjEHk djus ds vuqjks/k ij
dk;Zokgh djukA
• Organising training sessions for
facilitators, Quality Circle leaders and • çorZdks] DokfyVh lfdZyksa ds uk;dksa vkSj lnL;ksa
members and serving as a faculty. ds fy, çf'k{k.k l=kksa dk la;kstu djukA

• Arrange facilities for Quality Circle • DokfyVh lfdZy dh cSBdksa ds fy, lqfo/kkvksa dh
O;oLFkk djukA
• Organise management presentations • DokfyVh lfdZyksa ds dsl&v/;;uksa dh çcU/ku ds
and case study presentation of QCs
outside the company and also to the lkeus çLrqfr vkSj daiuh ds ckgj çLrqfr dh
Steering Committee. O;oLFkk djukA
• Monitor meetings of Quality Circles • DokfyVh lfdZy dh cSBdksa dk çcks/ku ¼ekWuhVj½
regularly and suggest corrective
actions needed.
• DokfyVh lfdZy xfrfof/k;ksa ij vU; la?kBuksa ls
• Liaison with outside organisations on
Quality Circle activities. lEidZ ¼yk;tsu½ j[kukA

• To prepare training material for • çf'k{k.k foHkkx ds lg;ksx ls uk;dksa vkSj çorZdksa
Leader / Facilitators in association ds fy, çf'k{k.k lkexzh rS;kj djuk vkSj mls
with training department and
constantly update them.
ges'kk v|ru ¼viVwMsV½ j[kukA
• DokfyVh lfdZy dh vo/kkj.kk dks ;kstukcð
• To expose all employees at grass
roots and different levels of rjhds ls fupys Lrj ls ysdj fofHkUu Lrjksa ds
executives to the concept of Quality vf/k'kkfl;ksa rd lHkh deZpkfj;ksa dks ifjfpr
Circles in a planned manner.
• To publish periodicals, pamphlets etc.,
• DokfyVh lfdZy ds çpkj ds fy, i=k&if=kdk,W
for the promotion of Quality Circles.
gLri=k ¼ikEQysV~l½ vkfn çdkf'kr djukA

13 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

• To organise six-monthly/annual • DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL;ksa] çorZdks rFkk lapkyu

social get togethers of Quality Circle
lfefr ds lnL;ksa dk N% ekgh ;k okf"kZd Lusgfeyu
members, facilitators and Steering
Committee members. ¼lksf'k;y xsV&Vw&xsnj½ vk;ksftr djukA
• Develop faculty for Quality Circle • DokfyVh lfdZy dk;ZØeksa ds fy, ladk;
programmes. ¼QsdYVh½ fodflr djukA
• Organise annual conventions within • okf"kZd lEesyuksa dk vk;kstu djukA
the company.
• tgk¡ rd DokfyVh lfdZyksa dk lEcU/k gS muds
• Act as conscience keeper as far as
QCs are concerned. foosd dks cka/ks j[kukA
• To conduct periodical surveys on the • DokfyVh lfdZykssa dh fLFkfr ij lokf/kZd losZ{k.k
health of Quality Circles and present the djuk vkSj mlds ifj.kkeksa ls lapkyu lfefr dks
findings to the Steering Committee and
also suggest remedial measures for voxr djkuk vkSj lapkyu lfefr dh ppkZ esa
discussion in the Steering Committee. lq/kkj ds mik;ksa dks çLrkfor djukA
• Organise for sponsoring and deputation • DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL;ksa] çorZdks dks laxBu ds
of facilitator, Quality member for
seminars, competitions, conventions ckgj laxksf"B;ksa ¼lsfeukj½] çfr;ksfxrkvks]
etc., outside the organisation. lEesyuksa vkfn esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, çfrfu;qDr ;k
ç;ksftr djokukA
çorZd dh Hkwfedk
Facilitator – Definition

He/She is a nominated manager of an area çorZd % ¼QsflfyVsVj½ & ifjHkk"kk

and he/she ought to catalyse and stimulate
the Quality Circles. His/Her role is that of a
og ,d {ks=k dk ukfer çcU/kd gksrk gkSA og DokfyVh
parent, caring for children. Event without lfdZyksa dks mRçsfjr vkSj çksRlkfgr djrk gSA mldh
Quality Circle, a manager’s role is to
Hkwfedk cPpksa ds çfr ekrk&firk tSlh gksrh gSA DokfyVh
develop the people working with him/her
and enable them to achieve and give them lfdZy ds fcuk Hkh çcU/kd dh Hkwfedk vius lgdfeZ;ksa
the pride of achievement. He/She should dk fodkl djuk rFkk mUgsa mís'; çkfIr ds ;ksX; cukdj
be a role model and a value shaper. The
facilitator could be rotated once in 2 years, xkSjo fnykuk gksrk gSA mls ,d vkn'kZ ik=k vkSj ewY;
or as may be deemed fit by the fu/kkZjd gksuk pkfg,A çorZdksa dh vof/k nks o"kZ esa ,d
ckj ;k tSlk laLFkk dks mfpr yxs iwujkorZuh; gks ldrh
What is facilitation? gSA
It is to çorZu ¼QsflfyVs'ku½ D;k gS \
• Educate Quality Circle
• DokfyVh lfdZyksa dks çf'k{k.k
• Serve as a resource person to the
circles • lfdZy ds fy, lk/ku;qDr O;fDr ds :i esa dk;Z
• Keep the circle activitis on the right djukA
• lfdZy ds dk;Zdykiksa dks lgh fn'kk esa ys tkukA

14 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

• Assist in the meeting process • cSBdksa ds lapkyu esa lgk;rk nsukA

• Develop the skills and abilities of the • Vhe ds lnL;ksa esa dkS'ky vkSj ;ksX;rkvksa]
team members, particularly fo'ks"kdj usr`Ro ds xq.kksa dks fodflr djukA
leadership Quality
• lfdZy vkSj laLFkk dh chp lEidZ LFkkfir
• Act as liaison between circle and the
organisation djukA

• Extend help as and when needed

• tc dHkh vko';d gks] lg;ksx nsukA

• Vhe dh cSBdksa ds nkSjku [kq'kgky okrkoj.k

• Help in creating a healthy
atmosphere during team meetings. cukukA

• Vhe dks lgh QhMcSd nsdj çksRlkfgr djukA

• To give correct feed and encourage
the team.
;g djus ds fy,] çorZd esa fuEu dkS'ky gksuk
To do this, facilitator should pkfg,A
possess skills to
d½ funsZ'ku ds fy,
a. Demonstrate
[k½ laçs"k.k ds fy,
b. Communicate
x½ çf'k{k.k ds fy,
c. Train
çf'k{k.k ¼Vsªfuax½
fdlh Vhe ;k lewg dks ;fn mfpr f'k{k.k vkSj
A team or group will work like a well çf'k{k.k fn;k tk;s rks og rsy Mkyh xbZ e'khu dh
oiled machine if proper education and rjg dk;Z djrh gSA çorZd dk dk;Z lewg ds çR;sd
training are provided. A facilitator’s job
is to provide guidance and harness the lnL; dks ekxZn'kZu nsdj mfpr :i ls rS;kj djuk
best from everyone of the group for the ftlls dqy feykdj lfdZy vkSj lkFk gh O;fDrxr
overall benefit of the circle as well as
:i ls çR;sd lnL; ykHkkfUor gksA blh ds vuq:i]
for the individuals. Accordingly he has
to plan and carry out training sessions DokfyVh lfdZy ds dk;Zfu"iknu Lrj dks Å¡pk
for the improvement and for enhancing mBkus ds fy;s ;kstukcð :i ls çf'k{k.k l=k pykus
the performance level of Quality
Circles. pkfg,A
lHkh lnL;ksa dh lgHkkfxrk ds fy, mlds uk;d dks
The best way to involve members is by
bl dk;Z ds vuqdwy cukuk gS] vr% usrk dks çf'k{k.k
propping up the leader. The leader
should be trained and guided so that vkSj fn'kkfunsZ'ku fn;k tkuk pkfg, rkfd og vkSj
he/she and his/her team members mldh Vhe ds lnL; mudh leL;kvksa dk lek/kku
tackle their problems with confidence.
The facilitator’s support and guidance fo'okliwoZd <ax ls dj ldsA çorZd dk leFkZu vkSj
should be continuous. ekxZn'kZu lrr feyrs jguk pkfg,A

15 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Communication laçs"k.k ¼dE;qfuds'ku½

Communication is transmittal of a laçs"k.k fdlh lans'k ;k n`f"Vdks.k dks lapkfjr djuk gSA
message or view point. It can be oral or ;g fyf[kr ;k ekSf[kd gks ldrk gSA DokfyVh lfdZyksa
written. In Quality Circles, oral
communication is more – in meetings, esa] ekSf[kd laçs"k.k cSBdksa esa] ppkZvksa vkfn esa vf/kd gksrk
discussions etc. More than what is said, gSA ifj.kkeska dh çkfIr ds fy, D;k dgk x;k gS ls vf/kd
how it is said, or presented becomes
dSls dgk x;k ;k çLrqr fd;k x;k gS] egRoiw.kZ gksrk gSA
important to get results. Hence in the
management of Quality Circles, blhfy, DokfyVh lfdZy ds çcU/ku esa] DokfyVh
Facilitator’s communication abilities lfdZyksa ds csgrj dk;Zfu"iknu ds fy, çorZd dh
play a vital role in encouraging Quality
Circles for better performance. laçs"k.kh;rk dh çeq[k Hkwfedk gksrh gSA
DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL; fofo/k i`"BHkweh ls vkrs gS vkSj
Quality members come from diverse
backgrounds and they should all be mUgsa vius n`f"Vdks.k dks vfHkO;Dr djus ds fy,
encouraged to express their view point. çksRlkfgr djuk pkfg,A DokfyVh lfdZyksa dks muds
Specific feedback given to the QCs with dk;Z ds lanHkZ esa vko';d QhMcSd nsus ls y{; dh çkfIr
respect to their tasks would help them
to move towards goals. gksrh gSA

Demonstration funsZ'ku ¼MseUlVªs'ku½

A facilitator should have faith in the çorZd dks lEiw.kZ xq.koÙkk fu;a=k.k@lEiw.kZ xq.koÙkk
TQC/TQM and particularly in Quality çcU/ku ¼Vh D;w lh@Vh D;w ,e½ esa fu"Bk gksuh pkfg,]
Circle movement and in the philosophy
associated with that.
fo'ks"kdj DokfyVh lfdZy vfHk;ku esa vkSj mlls lEcð
n'kZu esaA
Demonstration is visibility to others of
actions and practices. As such, vU; yksxksa dks tks dk;Zdyki vkSj vkpj.k fn[kkbZ nsrs
facilitator’s faith in Quality Circles gSa] ogh funsZ'ku gSA vr% DokfyVh lfdZyksa esa çorZdks dh
should be reflected in the actions.
Quality Circle members and more
fu"Vk muds dk;ksZ esa çfrfcafcr gksrh gSA DokfyVh
particularly leaders, watch the actions lfdZy ds lnL;] fo'ks"kdj uk;d ijke'kZ] ekxZn'kZu
of the facilitator for advice, guidance vkSj çksRlkgu ds fy, çorZd dh vksj ns[krs gSA
and inspiration.
DokfyVh lfdZyksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, çorZd dh
Evidence of concern and demonstration of fnypLih vkSj funsZ'ku dk l{; bl ckr ls feyrk gS fd
action for helping Quality Circles are seen
in speed with which facilitator attends to
çorZd lfdZyksa dh leL;kvksa ds çfr fdl xfr ls dke
problems of circles, facilities for holding djrk gS] cSBdksa ds vk;kstu esa çcU/ku çLrqfr dh O;oLFkk
meetings, arranging management esa] fdruh QqrhZ fn[kkrk gS rFkk DokfyVh lfdZy dh
presentation, motivating members and
others in participation etc. çfr;ksfxrkvksa esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, lnL;ksa dks vkSj vU;
yksxksa dks fdruk&çksRlkfgr djrk gSA

16 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Facilitator’s responsibility in Quality DokfyVh lfdZy çfØ;k esa çorZd

Circle process
dk nkf;Ro mls lqfuf'pr djuk
He should ensure that pkfg, fd
– Regularity of the meetings are there & cSBdsa fu;fer :i ls gks
– There is regularity of members & lnL;ksa dh mifLFkfr fu;fer gks
& cSBdksa dk lapkyu çHkkoh gks
– Meetings are conducted effectively

mls lgk;rk djuh pkfg,

He should assist in
& leL;k dks ifjHkkf"kr djus rFkk Li"V djus esa]
– Clarifying and defining the problem,
y{; fu/kkZfjr djus vkSj ;kstuk cukus esa
goal settings and planning.
& leL;k&lek/kku rduhdksa ds mfpr p;u vkSj
– Proper choice and application of
problem solving techniques. ç;ksx esa

– Preparation for management & çcU/ku çLrqfr dh rS;kjh esa

mls pkfg, fd lq/kkj ds fy, lfdZyksa dks mfpr QhM
He should also give proper feedback to
cSd nsaA
circles for improvement.
çf'k{k.k dSls fn;k tk; \
How can this training be done?
& DokfyVh lfdZy dh cSBdksa ds nkSjku *dk;Z ij
– During the Quality Circle meetings f'k{k.k^ tkjh jguk pkfg,A
on the job education should go on.
& ,d eghus esa DokfyVh lfdZy dh 4 cSBdksa esa ls]
– Out of the four meetings of the QCs
in a month (if they meet once a ¼;fn çfr lIrkg ,d cSBd gks rks½ vafre cSBd
week), the last meeting could be esa f'k{k.k fn;k tk ldrk gSA
used for education.
& çkS<+ O;fDr dk;Z djrs gq, csgrj lh[krs gSaA
– Adults learn better through doing.
& çorZd dks pkfg, dh leL;k dh igpku gksus ds
– Facilitator should link the application Lrj ls gh leL;k&lek/kku dh rduhd dks
of the problem solving techniques
from the stage of problem mlls lEcð djsaA
& tc dk;Z djrs gq, f'k{k.k çkIr gksrk gS rks
– When learning by doing takes place, DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL;ksa esa fo'okl c<+rk gSA
the confidence of the Quality
members would increase. & çR;sd Lrj ij fn'kkfunsZ'ku nsdj mUgsa dk;Z
fu"iknu ds ;ksX; cukukA
– Enabling them to perform by
providing guidance at every stage.
iii) dk;Z dh miyfC/k;ksa ls lnL;ksa dks çkIr larks"k
iii) Is seen in the satisfaction the members fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA
derive in task accomplishment.

17 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

The blocks of effective team work are: çHkkoh Vhe&dk;Z ds [kaM gS%

1) Sound procedure in decision 1½ fu.kZ; ysus dh foosdiw.kZ iðfr

lgh fu.kZ;ksa ds fy, mfpr ç.kkfy;ksa vkSj iðfr;k¡
Proper methods and procedures are
important for sound decisions. egRoiw.kZ gksrh gSa A lwpuk,¡] fo'ys"k.k rFkk loZlEefr
Informations, analysis and members ls fu.kZ; ysus esa lnL;ksa dks ;ksxnku] fu.kZ; dks Bksl
contribution to decision which would help
arriving at consensus, would enhance cukrs gSaA fu.kZ; ysus esa yphykiu dBksjrk ls vf/kd
soundness of decisions. Flexibility rather egRoiw.kZ gksrk gSA
than rigidity in arriving at decisions is
2½ leFkZu vkSj fo'okl
2) Support and Trust
lewg dk;Z dk eq[; vfHkçk; lgç;klksa] ldkjkRed
The very purpose of group working is for leFkZu vkSj fo'okl ls y{;ksa dks çkfIr ds fy,
mutual support and inter4dependence to
achieve goals through synergistic effort, vkilh leFkZu vkSj ,d&nwljs ij fuHkZjrk gSA
positive support and trust.
3½ Li"V mís'; vkSj ekU; y{;
3) Clear objective and agreed goals
lnL;ksa dks Li"V gksuk pkfg, fd og D;k miyC/k
Members should be clear about what they
want to achieve – goal clarity. They djuk pkgrs gSa & Li"V y{;A dk;Z dh fn'kk ds
should all have an understanding, lanHkZ esa muesa vkilh le> vkSj rkyesy gksuh
regarding the direction. With such an
understanding they will be better pkfg,A ,slh le> ls os csgrj <ax ls y{; çkfIr dh
equipped to achieve the goals. vksj vxzlj gksrs gSaA
4) Openness and confrontation
4½ [kqykiu vkSj erHksn
Confrontation on ideas or opinions are a
sign of openness and not conflict. This fopkjksa ;k lq>koksa ij erHksn fojks/k ugha vfirq
improves communication, feedback and [kqysiu dk ladsr gSA blls laçs"k.k] QhMcSd vkSj
clarity and helps group to move towards
goals. Li"Vhdj.k esa lq/kkj gksrk gS vkSj lewg dks y{;
çkfIr dh vksj vxzlj gksus esa lgk;d gksrs gSA
5) Cooperation and Conflict
5½ lg;ksx vkSj fojks/k
The very essence of team work is
cooperation. In any team work, team
objectives should be above an individual’s Vhe&dk;Z dk eq[; vk'k; gh lg;ksx gSA fdlh Hkh
objectives. Cooperation, commitment and Vhe dk;Z esa Vhe ds mðs'; O;fDr ds mðs';ksa ls
involvement in a team are a must. Then
free sharing of information and learning Åij gksus pkfg,A lg;ksx] çfrcðrk Vhe ds fy,
would take place. A certain degree of vfuok;Z gSa] rc gh lwpuk vkSj KkuktZu esa lgHkkfxrk
conflict on opinions on a constructive
basis is necessary for real
gksxhA okLrfod lg;ksx ds fy, jpukRed vk/kkj ij
cooperativeness. Such conflicts will not dqN gn rd fopkjksa esa erHksn vkSj fojks/k vfuok;Z
be disruptive in nature.
gSA ,sls erHksn LoHkko ls fo?kVudkjh ugha gksrs gSaA

18 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

6) Development of Quality Member 6½ DokfyVh lfdZy lnL; dk fodkl

Unless group members develop tc rd lewg ds lnL;ksa dk O;fDrxr fodkl ugha gksrk
themselves, contributions from them on a
continuous basis cannot be expected.
muls lrr vk/kkj ij ;ksxnku dh vis{kk ugha dh tk
7) Establishing sound Relationship
7½ e/kqj lEcU/k cukuk
As there may be may QCs in an
organisation, sound relationship with fdlh laLFkk esa ,d ls vf/kd DokfyVh lfdZy gksrh gSA
other QCs will help to achieve
organisational goals. bu DokfyVh lfdZyksa ds vkilh laaca/k e/kqj gksrs
laLFkkxr y{; dh çkfIr esa lgk;rk feyrh gSA
8) Leadership
8½ usr`Ro
The group,s morale and effectiveness
depend on the Quality of leadership. lewg dk eukscy vkSj çHkko usr`Ro ds Lrj ij fuHkZj
Trust, cooperation adherence to high djrk gSA fo'okl] lg;ksx] mPp ekunaMks ls lEcðrk]
standards, responsiveness are some of
the important leadership qualities. çHkkouh;rk vkfn usr`Ro ds dqN egRoiw.kZ xw.k gSA

9) Learning from Experience 9½ vuqHko ls lh[kuk

Looking back and looking ahead through ;kstukvksa vkSj y{;ksa esa la'kks/ku ds ek/;e ls ihNs ns[kuk
revising of plans and goals is yet another vkSj vkxs dh lkspuk Vhe dk;Z dk ,d vkSj vfuok;Z va'k gSA
essential part of team work.
çorZd dks bu 9 rRoksa dk ikyu djuk
A facilitator must foster the above 9
elements pkfg,A

Interactive behaviour in a group

lewg esa vkilh fopkj&fofu;e dk
To improve Quality Circle’s efficiency a
Facilitator should observe and guide DokfyVh lfdZy dh dk;Z{kerk dks c<+kus ds fy, çorZd
Quality Circles in their interactive dks DokfyVh lfdZyksa esa muds vkilh fopkj&fofu;e
O;ogkj ds çfr fn'kkfunsZ'ku nsuk pkfg,A
Some guidelines for good LoLFk laçs"k.k ds fy, dqN ekxZn'kZd
1. Seek knowledge : Know your 1- KkuktZu djks % çorZd ds :i esa vius
responsibilities as a facilitator.
nkf;Roksa dks tkuksA
2. Practice what you preach : Mere
2- tks mins'k nsrs gkss] mldk Lo;a
talking and exhortations will not get
results. It is through role modelling vkpj.k djks% dsoy c<k&p<+k dj ckr djus
and practicing what one preaches ls ifj.kke ugha vkrsA ifj.kke] mnkgj.k cudj
will get result.
Lo;a mins'k dk ikyu djus ij çkIr gksrs gSaA

19 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

3. Listen : All communication is two 3- lquks % lHkh laçs"k.k nksuksa vksj ls gksrs gSa /;ku ls
ways, be an attentive and active vkSj lfØ; gksdj lquksA fdlh O;fDr dk n`f"Vdks.k
lisener. A peron’s view cannot be
understood in isolation alone one’s vyx&Fkyx djds ugha tkuk tk ldrk] mldh
emotions, feelings, beliefs, values Hkkouk,¡] fopkj] fo'okl vkSj ewY;ksa dks Hkh le>uk
have to be understood.
4. Control : Control your desire to pas 4- fu;a=k.k j[kks % tc rd nwljs O;fDr dh ckr
judgement before you understand
empathically what the other person iwjh rjg le> ugha ikrs] dksbZ Hkh fu.kZ; ysus esa
says. fu;a=k.k j[kksaA
5. Question : Check whether the other 5- ç'u djks % irk djks fd tks vki dguk pkgrs
person has understood, what you gS og nwljk O;fDr le> x;k gSA
wanted to convey.
6- le>ks % ;g tkuus dk ç;kl djks fd nwljs
6. Understand : Try to know the other
person’s point of view and how he O;fDr dk n`f"Vdks.k D;k gS vkSj og fLFkfr dks fdl
sees the situation. rjg vkadrk gSA

7. Conciliate : Most of the problems in 7- le>kSrk djks % laçs"k.k esa dh cgqr lh

communication is lack of mutual leL;k,¡ vkilh le> ugha gksus ls vkrh gSaA
understanding. Conciliate in case of
disagreements. vlgefr gksus ij le>kSrk djsaA
8- lqjf{kr j[kks % O;fDr ds vga ¼bZxks½ dks {kfr er
8. Project : Do not damage a person’s
ego. Protect it. igq¡pkvks] mls lqjf{kr j[kksA
9- nwj djks % xyrQgfe;ksa dks xaHkhj leL;k
9. Unmask: Unmask misunderstandings
before they become serious problems cudj fojks/k mRiUu djus ds igys nwj djksA
and create conflict.
10- lkspks % dgus ds igys dbZ ckj lkspksA ckprhr esa
10. Think : Think thrice before you talk. Hkkoqd ugh gksukA ;fn vki nwljksa ls bPNkuqlkj
Avoid being implusive in talking. If
ldkjkRed çR;qÙkj pkgrs gSa rks viuh ckr dgrs
you want desired positive responses
from others, control your voice, tone le; vkokt] ygts vkSj 'kkjhfjd gko&Hkko ij
and body movements while you talk. fu;a=k.k j[kksA ;kn j[kks] vki D;k dgrs gSa] mlls
Remember, more than what you say,
how you say is important. ‘Music is egRoiw.kZ gS vki dSls dgrs gSA
more important than the Lyrics’. ßlaxhr xhr ls vf/kd egRoiw.kZ gksrk gSAÞ
DokfyVh lfdZy lewgksa dks QhMcSd
Feed-back to Quality groups – how
should it be? dSlk gksuk pkfg, \
1. Give them positive feedback that is 1- mUgsa ldkjkRed QhMcSd nsa vFkkZIr çksRlkgu] ;fn
encouragement when they are on the os lgh fn'kk esa Bhd dk;Z dj jgs gks
right direction and doing well.
2- mUgs lq/kkjRed QhMcSd ns] tc os lgh fn'kk esa ugh
2. Give them corrective feedback when
gSa] mUgsa lgh fn'kk eas vkus ds fy;s lg;ksx nksA
they are off the track and help them
come back to the right track.

20 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

3. Stimulate the thinking of the group 3- lewg dh lksp dks nks&rhu xaHkhj vuqHkoksa ls
through two or three critical
çsfjr djksA

4- vkykspd dh rjg fu.kZ; er yks ysfdu

4. Do notbe judgmental like a critic but
use a subtle approach like a ikyu&iks"k.k djus okys ekrk&firk dh rjg
nurturing parent. Say like the dq'kkxz ekxZ ij pyks] tSls fd] dqN yksx gh
participation was less wide spread
than ‘a few seem to have dominated dk;ZØe esa gkoh jgs dgus ds LFkku ij dgks]
the slow’. lgHkkfxrk vf/kd O;kid ugha jghA
5. Discuss role behaviour rather than 5- O;fDrxr O;ogkj ds cnys in@ik=k ds O;ogkj
individual behaviour.
ij ppkZ djksA
6. Highlight what helped in meeting
rather than what hindered. 6- cSBd esa tks vojks/k Fkk mlds ctk; tks
leFkZd Fkk mldh ppkZ djksA
7. Be sensitive to the information given
so that it could be positively used. 7- nh xbZ lwpukvksa ij /;ku nks rkfd mudk
ldkjkRed mi;ksx fd;k tk ldsA
Quality of a Facilitator in a nut shell

• Caring-like a parent çorZd ds xq.k ¼la{ksi esa½

• Good communicator • ekrk&firk tSlk ns[kjs[k

• Creative • vPNk laç"s kd
• Positive • l`tukRed
• Patient • ldkjkRed
• Persevering • /kS;Zoku
• Committed • n`<+ jguk
• Consistent • çfrcð
• Acceptatble • lqlaxr
• Enthusiastic
• Lohdk;Z
• Integrity
• mRlkgh

• fu"Bkoku

21 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

ROLE OF MEMBERS lnL;ksa dh Hkwfedk

Member – Definition lnL;x.k %
Quality Circle Member is one among the
o LosPNk ls DokfyVh lfdZy dh vo/kkj.kk vksj n'kZu dks
equals of a group. He/She becomes
members of a Quality Circle out of his/her iwjh rjg le>dj blds lnL; curs gSaA ;fn os fodkl
own volition and with understanding of the vkSj o`fð ¼O;fDr ds :i esa :i½ pkgrs gSa rks mUgs fu"Bk
concept and philosophy. If he/she is
interested in his/her growth and vkSj yxu ls Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A lQyrk dh vuqHkwfr rHkh
development he/she should get involved lEHko gS] tc lewg dk çR;sd lnL; vU; lnL;ksa ds
whole heartedly. It is only when one plays
the game with enthusiasm with the rest of lk/k feytqy dj iwjs mRlkg ds lkFk dke djsaA
the members of the team, can one
experience the thrill of victory. DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL; dSls curs
How do Members join Quality Circle?
DokfyVh lfdZy dh vo/kkj.kk dh tkudkjh çkIr gksus
After exposure of to the Quality Circle
concept, employees at the grass root ij rFkk DokfyVh lfdZy dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj n'kZu dks
level join QCs voluntarily, with the fully vPNh rjg le>us ds ckn xzkl :V Lrj ds deZpkjh
understanding of the concept and
philosophy of the Quality Circle. LosPNk ls DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL; curs gSA LosPNk
VOLUNTARINESS IS THE CENTRAL DokfyVh lfdZy dk dsUæ fcUnw gSA MkW bf'kdkok dgrs gS
Respecting human individuals will not be fd tcrd LosPNk ij tks ugha fn;k tkrk O;fDr dks
possible without insistence on ekuoh; vknj nsuk laHko ugha gSA
voluntariness says Dr. Ishikawa.

Role and functions of members lnL;ksa ds dk;ksaZ dh Hkwfedk

Unlike in any other concept or form of NksVs dk;Zdkjh lewg dh fdlh vU; ladYiuk ;k :i
small group working, the leadership in
Quality Circle is rotatable. Today’s ls fHkUUk] DokfyVh lfdZy esa usr`Ro vorZuh; gksrk gSA
Members would be tomorrow’s Leaders. vkt ds lnL; dy uk;d gksaxsA vr% ;g t:jh gS fd
Therefore, it is essential that each
member involves and develops
çR;sd lnL; Hkfo"; esa usr`Ro laHkkyus ds fy, vius
himself/herself to take up leadership role vkidks fodflr djuk pkfg,A DokfyVh lfdZy ds
at a later date. As a Quality Circle lnL; ds ukrs mls pkfg,A
member he or she should:
& ;g le>kuk fd D;ksa DokfyVh lfdZy lewg cuk;k
– Understand why Quality Circle is
formed and why one is a member x;k vkSj D;ksa dksbZ mldk lnL; curk gSA
– Attend Quality Circle meetings & fd DokfyVh lfdZy dh cSBdksa esa fu;fer :i ls
regularly mifLFkfr jgukA
– Cooperate with the leader and perform
roles assigned to him/her efficiently
& fd uk;d dks lg;ksx nsa vkSj mUgsa lkSaih xbZ Hkwfedk
dk çoh.krk ls fuokZg djsaA
– Respect other members and cooperate
with them

22 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

& fd vU; lnL;ksa dk vknj djsa] mudks lg;ksx nsa

23 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

1) After the meeting 1½ cSBd ds ckn

a. Circulate minutes and action plan v½ dk;Zo`Ùk vkSj dk;Z;kstuk lcdks lwfpr djksA
(QCs can record ‘minutes and
action plan’ in a register and ¼DokfyVh lfdZy ds fjdkMZ jftLVj esa dk;Zo`Ùk
communicate. No need for vkSj dk;Z;kstuk ntZ djks vkSj lcdks lwfpr djks½
separate typing etc.)
a. Evaluate meeting result? (How vk½ cSBd ds ifj.kkeksa dks eqY;kadu djksaA ¼ifj.kke
very purposeful it was?) fdrus lkFkZd jgs \½
Quality is for personal growth DokfyVh lfdZy O;fDrxr o`fð vkSj
and development – How could
they be perceived? fodkl ds fy, gS & mUgsa dSls cks/k
djk;k tk; \
Quality Circle is a PEOPLE BUILDING
philosophy and not a people USING DokfyVh lfdZy yksd fuekZ.k dk n'kZu gS] u fd yksxksa
philosophy, because Quality provides
opportunity for the holistic development dk mi;ksx dk n'kZu gS] D;ksa fd DokfyVh lfdZy
of the human individuals, realise the true oS;fDrd ekuo ds fodkl gsrq lqvolj çnku djrk gS
meaning of work and life.
vkSj thou vkSj dk;Z ds lgh vFkZ dk cks/k djkrk gSA
Interactive behaviours in group working
lewg es dk;Z djrs le; vkilh fopkj
Desired Positive Behaviours & foUe; dk vkpj.k
i) Initiate – To help generation okafNr ldkjkRed O;ogkj
(i) igy djuk & fopkjksa dh mRifr esa
ii) Hitchhike – Build up on other’s
ideas lgk;rk nsuk
(ii) vuqjks/k&lSj ¼fgp&gkbd½ & nwljksa ds fopkjks dh
iii) Give information – Share information mRifÙk
(iii) lwpuk nks & fuLladksp gksdj lwpuk
iv) Seek information – Ask for information yks&nks
from other group
members, if clarity
(iv) lwpuk çkIr djks & lewg ds vU; lnL;ksa ls
is needed lwpuk iwNksA ¼;fn
Li"Vhdj.k vko';d gks½
v) Support – If a good idea
comes from other (v) leFkZu & vU; lnL;ksa ls vPNs
members support fopkj feyrs gks rks mudk
it. It would help the
leFkZu djkA blls Vhe
team to move
forward. dks vkxs c<+us esa lgk;rk
feyrh gSA
vi) Disagreement – Confront by all
ideas or opinions means ideas which (vi) fopkjksa ;k vfHk;erksa & vO;kogkfjd fopkjksa dk
may not be ij vekU;rk tksjnkj [k.Mu@fojks/k
practicable, but
djks ysfdu fopkj nsus
never confront the
idea giver. okys dk fojks/k ughaA

24 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Making Quality meetings successful DokfyVh lfdZy cSBd dks lQy cukuk

(i) Attend meetings on time and do not (i) le; ij cSBd esa mifLFkr jgksA fdlh vU; }kjk
wait for some one else to remind
you. ;kn fnykus rd çfr{kk u djsaA

(ii) Always go prepared for the (ii) ges'kk cSBd esa rS;kjh ls tkvksA
(iii) Adhere to group norms and
(iii) lewg ds fu;eksa vkSj vuq'kklu dk ikyu djksA
(iv) cSBd esa lfØ; :i ls Hkkx yksA
(iv) Actively participate in the meetings
(v) ,d ckj loZlEefr ls fu.kZ; fy;k x;k rks
(v) Once a consensus decision is
taken, respect it and commit mldk vknj djks ,oa vius vkidks mlls
yourself to it. çfrcð djksA
(vi) When an action plan is drawn up,
take up the role assigned seriously. (vi) tc dk;Z ;kstuk cu tk, rks lkaSih xbZ Hkwfedk
dk xEHkhjrk ls fuokZg djksA
The happiness that one can derive
through QCs DokfyVh lfdZy ls çkIr gksus okyh
(i) Happiness in being self-confident. [kq'kh
(ii) Happiness in discovering one’s
(i) vkRefo'okl ls çkIr [kq'kh
(ii) ;ksX;rk dks <wa< fudkyus dh [kq'kh
(iii) Happiness in realising one’s self-
(iii) Lokeku ds vglkl dh [kq'kh
(iv) Happiness in continuous learning
and development (self and mutual (iv) yxkrkj KkuktZu vkSj fodkl ¼Lor% rFkk
learning). ijLij KkuktZu½ dh [kq'kh
(v) Happiness in belonging to a group (v) lewg ls tqM+us vkSj lkFk esa dk;Z djus dh
and working together.
(vi) Happiness in being recognised.
(vi) ekU;rk ikus dh [kq'kh
(vii) Happiness in being treated with
respect by the top and senior (vii) 'kh"kZ vkSj ofj"B çcU/ku ds O;fDr;ksa ls vknj
management people.
ikus dh [kq'kh
(viii) Happiness in realising that you are
contributing in your own way to the (viii) bl crk ds vglkl ls [kq'kh fd vki
qualitative improvement of your viusrjg ls vkids laxBu] lekt vkSj varr%
organisation, society and the
national at large. ns'k dh xq.koÙkk ds lq/kkj esa ;ksxnku ns jgs gSaA
(ix) Happiness in truly serving through (ix) viuh ;ksXrkvksa ds vuqlkj lPph lsok djus es
one’s abilities. [kq'kh

25 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

In Quality Circles: DokfyVh lfdZy esa %

i) People are respected. (i) yksxksa dk vknj gksrk gSA
ii) People get personal attention. (ii) yksxksa ij oS;fDrd /;ku fn;k tkrk gSA
iii) QCs kindle in people’s self- (iii) DokfyVh lfdZy Lo/;k; ds fy, yksxksa dks tkxzr
djrh gSA
iv) There is opportunity for learning (iv) ,d nwljs ls lh[kus ds volj çkIr gksrs gS
from one another (mutual learning)
¼vkilh KkuktSu½
v) Quality activities help sharpening of
one’s intellectual and creative (v) DokfyVh lfdZy dh xfrfof/k;ksa ls O;fDr dh cqfð
capabilities and expands them. rst gksrh gS vkSj jpukRed ;ksX;rk,¡ c<+rh gSA
vi) It enable people to gain new (vi) yksxksa dks vfHkuo Kku dh çkfIr gksrh gSA
(vii) uohu lkekftd lEcU/kksa dh LFkkiuk esa lg;ksx
vii) It serves to establish new social feyrk gSA
(viii) fo'ys"k.kkRed ;ksX;rk dk fodkl gksrk gSA
viii) It develops analytical abilities.
(ix) dk;Z fu"iknu djus okys yksxksa dks fu.kZ; dk
ix) Decision making power is given to
the people performing the tasks.
vf/kdkj fn;k tkrk gSA yksx fu.kZ; ysuk lh[krs
People learn to make decisions. gSAS
x) The focus is on the receive of a (x) mRikn ;k lsok dks çkIr djus okyk dsUæfcUnq
product or service and thus, making gksrk gSA vr% fdlh dks Hkh Lor% lksp ds ca/ku ls
one to unshackle oneself of self –
thinking, what one would get in eqfDr fnykrk gS fd mls çR;qÙ+ kj esa D;k feysxkA
(xi) tc vfr mÙke dk;Z fd;k tkrk gS vkSj mls dk;Z
xi) When an excellent job is done, esa fnyksfnekx ls tqV tkrs gS rc ml çsjd
applying one’s mind and heart to
the job, one realises the true
okrkoj.k esa dk;Z vkSj thou ds lgh vFkZ dk cks/k
meaning of work and of life in gksrk gSA
conducive atmosphere.
(xii) vUrksxRok] tc dksbZ O;fDr ewY;oku mRikn dks
xii) Eventually, when one concentrates xEHkhjrk ls cukrk gS rks mldk dk;Z vkSj
on producing something of value to
the receiver through one’s work, vUr%dj.k fu"diV gksrk gS vkSj mldk eu larq"V
his/her conscience is clear, a sense gks tkrk gSA ;gh ,d iqjLdkj gksrk gSA
of satisfaction fills one’s heart. This
itself is a reward. (xiii) gekjs 'kkL=k dgrs gS thou dks tks Hkh ifj"Ñr
djrk gS] mnkÙk cukrk gS] og vk/;kfRed gksrk gSA
xiii) Our scriptures say that “whatever
ennobles life is spiritual”. Perhaps, laHkor% tc MkW bf'kdkok us yksxksa ds vk/;kfRed
when Dr. Ishikawa spoke and wrote Lrj dks Å¡pk mBkus ds ckjs esa dgk ;k fy[kk] rks
about promoting the spiritual level
of people, he meant this.
mudk vFkZ Hkh ;gh jgk gksxkA

26 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Quality Circle and its value DokfyVh lfdZy vkSj mldk egRo
What people want in life generally as lkekU;r % yksx thou esa tks pkgrs gS mu ekuo ewY;ksa
“Human values” are described in the circle
below. dks uhps o`Ùk esa n'kkZ;k x;k gS %
1- O;fDrxr /;ku
1. Personal attention
2- vknj
2. Respect
3. Knowledge 8 1 3- Kku
4. Skill 7 2 4- dkS'ky
5. Decision making power Value Goals
ekuo ewY;
5- fu.kZ; ysus dh 'kfDr
6. Well-being-physical & mental 6

7. Adequate wages 5 4 6- raLokLF; ¼'kkfjjd rFkk ekufld½

8. Rectitude – freedom from
feeling of guilt. 7- i;kZIr osru llEeku thus ds fy,
Quality Circles provide opportunity for the 8- bZekunkjh & vijk/k & cks/k ls eqfDr
achievement of all these Human value
goals, which no other concept or philosophy DokfyVh lfdZy bu lHkh ekuo ewY;ksa ds y{;ksa dh çkfIr
provides so comprehensively.
ds volj çnku djrh gSa] tks vU; dksbZ vo/kkj.kk ;k
ROLE OF LEADERS n'kZu bruh O;kidrk ls çnku ugha dj ldrkA

Leader/Deputy Leader-Definition
uk;dksa dh Hkwfedk
Leader is a person chosen by the
uk;d@miuk;d ¼yhMj&fMIVhyhMj½
members of the circle on consensus.
uk;d dks viuh Hkwfedk çHkko'kkyh <ax ls fuHkkus ds fy;s]
His is the most important function in a usr`Ro ds fy, rFkk usr`Ro ds xq.k vkSj dkS'ky dks fodflr
Quality Circle. For a leader to play an
effective role, he should be given the
djus ds fy;s visf{kr f'k{k.k vkSj çf'k{k.k nsuk pkfg,A pawfd
requisite education and training to lead DokfyVh lfdZy dh vo/kkj.kk fdlh Hkh laLFkk esa lcls
and to develop leadership qualities and
fupys Lrj ij O;kogkfjd çcU/ku gS] vr% mUgs bl ifjçs{;
skills. Since Quality Circle conceptually is
also ‘applied management’ at grass root esa vko';d çf'k{k.k fn;k tkuk pkfg,A
level, they are to be given training on all
those aspects. çorZdks ds vfrfjDr DokfyVh lfdZy dh lQyrk bl ckr
ij fuHkZj djrh gS fd uk;d fdruh dq'kyrk ls lewg dk
Aside from the facilitators, the success of
the Quality Circle will depend upon how usr`Ro djrk gSA
well the leader leads the group.
In some organisation a foreman is
dqN laLFkkvksa esa QksjeSu dks çcU/ku
considered a part of management then dk va'k ekuk tkrk gS rc D;k fd;k
what to do?
tk; \
In that case, it would be better to exclude
him from the Quality Circle. rc mls DokfyVh lfdZy NksM+ nsuk gh csgrj gksxkA

27 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

There are some organisations with the dqN laLFkkvksa esa vf/k'kklh@dk;Zikyd]
combination of executive, foreman and
other rank and file as members, is it QksjeSu vkSj vU; inksa ds feys tqys O;fDr
worng? lnL; gksrs gSaA D;k ;g lgh ugha gS \
For Quality Circle members’ independence DokfyVh lfdZy ds lnL;ksa dh Lora=krk vkSj fodkl ds
and development, it is always preferable to
fy, ges'kk ;g csgrj gksxk fd vf/k'kklh@dk;Zikydksa dks
exclude executives. Otherwise, Quality
Circle members will always be under their 'kkfey ugha fd;k tk;A vU;Fkk] DokfyVh lfdZy lnL;
shadow and dependent on them. Initiative ges'kk muds lk;s esa muij fuHkZj jgsx a As lnL;ksa dk fodkl
and development of members are likely to
be stunted. But, assistance and guidance vkSj mudh igy esa :dkoV dh lEHkkouk gksrh gSA ysfdu
can be sought from the executives tc dHkh vko';d gks vf/k'kklh@dk;Zikyd ls ekxZn'kZu
whenever needed. That is how Quality
Circle function is nurtured with the help of a vkSj lg;ksx ekaxk tk ldrk gSA bl rjg çorZd dh
Facilitator. lgk;rk ls DokfyVh lfdZy ds dk;Z lEiUu gksrs gSA
How does one become a Quality Circle dksbZ dSls DokfyVh lfdZy dk uk;d
curk gS \
He is chosen on consensus by the group,
whose members have come voluntarily to og lewg }kjk loZlEekfr ls pquk tkrk gS] ftlds lnL;ksa
form the group. us LosPNk ls lewg cuk;k gSaA
Who can become a leader? dkSu uk;d cu ldrk gS \
• A Quality Circle is a small group
formed at the grass root level.
• DokfyVh lfdZy lcls fupys Lrj ij cuk;k x;k
Therefore, it does not include an ,d NksVk lewg gksrk gSA blesa dk;Zikyd]
executive, an officer or any one of vf/kdkjh ;k ml dSMjokyk dksbZ ugha gksrk gSA
that cadre.
• dksbZ Hkh] QksjeSu ;k lgk;d QksjeSu ;k DokfyVh
• Any one, even a foreman or assistant
foreman or a member of the Quality (a lfdzZy dk lnL; ¼tks vf/kdkjh u gks½ dks uk;d
non officer) can be chosen a leader. pquk tk ldrk gSA ysfdu mldk pquko ges'kk
But, it should always be a consensus
choice. loZlEefr ls gksuk pkfg,A
• However, the following questions could • bl ckjs esa dqN yksx fuEu ç'u iwN ldrs gSA
be asked by some. D;k ges'kk laLFkk }kjk çnku fd, x,
Should it be always through education f'k{k.k vkSj çf'k{k.k ls gh dksbZ bu
and training provided by the xq.kksa dks viuk ldrk gS ;k fodflr
organisation that one develops or
acquires these qualities? dj ldrk gSa \
No, not necessarily. Basically ugha] vko';d ugha] ewyr% çcU/ku dks ;g çf'k{k.k çnku
management have to provide these djuk pkfg,A ysfdu dksbZ Hkh v/;;u }kjk vkSj viuh
trainings. But one can learn through study
and one’s own initiatives. Experience is igy ls lh[k ldrk gSA vuqHko ,d mÙke f'k{kd gSA
yet another best teacher. Quality Circle DokfyVh lfdZy Hkh ,sls volj çnku djrh gSA
itself provides such an opportunity

28 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

How to develop leadership qualities in DokfyVh lfdZy uk;d esa usr`Ro ds

a Quality Circle leader?
xq.kksa dks dSls fodkflr fd;k tk;\
It is primarily through continuous
education and training.
ewyr% yxkrkj f'k{k.k vkSj çf'k{k.k ds ek/;e ls DokfyVh lfdZy
A Quality Circle leader should have
uk;d dks fuEu ckrksa dk O;kid Kku vkSj dkS'ky gksuk pkfg,A
broad knowledge and skill in the
following: • rduhdh Kku
• Technical knowledge • xq.koÙkk fu;a=k.k rduhdsa
• Quality Control techniques • lq/kkjd rduhdsa
• Improvement techniques • ekuoh; lEc/k rduhdsa
• Human relations techniques • vius dk;Z{ks=k ds ckgj lkekU; dk;Z'kkyk O;ogkj
• Social relations techniques
Vhe Hkkouk ls dk;Z djus ds fy;s
• General workshop practices outside
his own work area. DokfyVh lfdZy ds uk;d dks dqN
ckrsa ;kn j[kuk pkfg,A
Few elements a Quality Circle leader
must remember to work as a team
• lnL; LosPNk ls curs gS vkSj mlh dk;Z{ks=k ds
• Members are voluntary and are from gksrs gSa vr% ,d nwljs dks vPNh rjg tkurs gSaA
the same work area and know one
another well. • lnL;ksa esa vkilh rkyesy gksuk pkfg,] rkfd Vhe
• Members are to be closely knit to work Hkkouk ls dk;Z gks ldsA
as a team. • lewg ds dk;Z dks lkFkZd cukus ds fy, lnL;x.k
• For group work to be meaningful, vkil esa i;kZIr ppkZ djuh pkfg,A
members should interact with one
another adequately. • lnL;ksa dk mðs'; ,d gksuk pkfg,A
• Members should share common • lewg esa [kwyseu ls dk;Z gksuk pkfg,A
• lnL;ksa dks ,d nwljs dk lEeku djuk pkfg,A
• There should be openness in the
group. • lgHkkfxrk esa lcdh cjkcj Hkkxhnkjh gksuh pkfg,A
• Members should respect one another. • çR;sd lnL; dh Lora=krk vkSj dk;Z djus dh
• All should be equal partners in igy lqjf{kr gksuh pkfg,A
• Independence and initiative of each • miyC/k lwpuk,¡ fcuk fdlh çfrcU/k ds lcdks
member should be protected. feyuk pkfg,A
• Information available should be shared • DokfyVh lfdZy ds uk;d dks lewg dk usr`Ro rks
without restrictions.
djuk gS] ysfdu dk;Zokgh ij gkoh ugha gksuk
• A Quality Circle leader has to lead the
group but should not dominate the pkfg,A
• DokfyVh lfdZy] KkuktZu] fodkl vkSj
• Quality Circle is a study and application
group for learning, developing and
çksUufr ds fy, ,d v/;;u vkSj O;ogkjxr
improvement. lewg gSA

29 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

How does one broadly develop through DokfyVh lfdZy ls dSls O;kid
fodkl fd;k tk ldrk gS \
In QCs:
D;w lh ¼;ksa½ esa%
• The group provides stimulus for
learning through pooling knowledge • Kku vkSj cqfð ds ,dhdj.k ls lewg lh[kus ds
and wisdom.
fy, çksRlkfgr djrk gSA
• Self-development and mutual
• fopkjksa vkSj vuqHkoksa ds vknku&çnku ls vkRe
development takes place through
exchange of ideas and experiences. fodkl vkSj ijLij fodkl gksrk gSA
• In solving problems “on the job • ßdke ij çf'k{k.kÞ ds lkFk leL;kvksa dk fuokj.k
training” is taking place. gksrk gSA
Within the small group activity people NksVs&lewg ds dk;Zdykiksa ls yksx
learn to :
lh[krs gS%
• Listen to others’ view points
• nwljksa ds fopkjksa dks lwuuk
• Understand the other person
• vU; O;fDr dks le>uk
• Accommodate other’s opinions/view
points • nwljksa ds fopkjksa@vfHkerksa dks lek;ksftr djukA

• Cooperate with one another • ijLij lg;ksx nsukA

;g lHkh HkkoukRed vkSj lkekftd fodkl gSA
All these are emotional and social
developments. DokfyVh lfdZy uk;d ds visf{kr xq.k
Qualities expected of a Quality Circle
• mÙkjnkf;Ro ysus ds fy, rRij jgrk gSA
• lnL;ksa dks nkf;Ro lkSirk gSA
• Ready to take responsibility
• Delegates responsibility • leUo; djrk gS
• Coordinates • mnkgj.k cudj usr`Ro nsrk gSA
• Leads by example • mRlkgh gksrk gSA
• Enthusiastic
• mldh {kerkvksa ds çfr mls Li"V gskuk pkfg,A
• Should be clear about what he is
capable of • Hkæ vkSj mnkj gksrk gSA
• Is accommodative • lgu'khy gksrk gSA
• Tolerant
• fo'oklksRiknd gksrk gSA
• Persuasive
• eS=khiw.kZ gksrk gSA
• Friendly
• A symbol of cognitive focus for group • lewg dh ,drk ds fy;s Kku&dsUæ dk fpUg gksrk
unity gSA

30 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

How does a leader begin his/her DokfyVh lfdZy dk;Z dks uk;d dSls
Quality function?
çkajHk djrk gS \
He/She should ask the following
questions and be clear himself/herself uk;d fuEufyf[kr ç'u iwNs vkSj igys ogh mÙkj nsA
i) lewg D;k ifj.kke çkIr djuk pkgrk gS \
i) What is the result the group wants to
achieve? ii) ml ifj.kke dh vko';drk D;ksa gS \
ii) Why that result is needed? iii) ;g mÙke <ax ls dSls çkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSa \
iii) How can it be best achieved?
iv) bls dc rd çkIr fd;k tkuk pkfg, \
iv) When is to be achieved?
v) ifj.kke çkIr fd, x, gSa dgus dk D;k ekinaM
v) What is the measure to tell that the gksuk pkfg, \
result has been achieved?

yhMj bl ckr dks /;ku esa j[ksa fd

A leader should be conscious of what
the Quality Circle member can realise D;w lh ds lnL; DokfyVh lfdZy esa
by working in Quality Cricle.
dk;Z djds ;g tku ys fd ;g ,d
It is happiness derived from [kq'kh gS tks fuEu :i ls çkIr gksrh
a. Developing self-confidence

b. Being able to display one’s d½ vkRe fo'okl dk c<+uk

[k½ viuh {kerkvksa dk çn'kZu
c. Being able to display one’s self-
x½ Lo;a dh çfrHkk dk çn'kZu
?k½ yxkrkj f'k{k.k
d. Being able to develop oneself by
continuos learning M-½ vkRe fodkl djuk
e. Having a opportunity to work as a p½ Vhe ds lkFk dke djus dk volj çkIr djuk vkSj
team and cooperate with one
another ,d nwljs ls lg;ksx djukA
N½ Vhe dk ,d fgLlk gks vkSj Vhe ds lnL;ksa rFkk
f. Being a part of the team and in
building closer human relationship vU; lkfFk;ksa ds lkFk utnhdh ekuoh; fj'rs
with the teammates and other cukukA
t½ ekU;rk feys vkSj çcU?ku ds mPp vf/kdkfj;ksa rd
g Being recognised and to have
accessibility to higher echelons-of igq¡p gksA
´½ laLFkk dh] lekt dh vkSj iwjs jk"Vª dh lPph lok
es yxs jgsaA

31 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Being of real service to the DokfyVh lfdZy uk;d dh Hkwfedk vkSj

organisation, to society and to the
nation as a whole. dk;Z

Role and Functions of a Quality d½ lkekU; dk;Z uk;d ls vyx] DokfyVh lfdZy ds
Leader uk;d dh Hkwfedk vf/kd dfBu gksrh gSA
a. Unlike a regular work leader, Quality [k½ DokfyVh lfdZy ds dk;Z esa Lokuq'kklu vko';d
leader plays a much difficult role.
gSaA DokfyVh lfdZy uk;d dks cgqr gh vuq'kkflr
b. Quality working needs self- O;fDr gksuk pkfg,A
discipline. A Quality leader should
highly disciplined person. x½ mls fu;fer cSBdsa vk;ksftr djuk pkfg,A
c. He/She should conduct meetings ?k½ lewg dks lkFkZd :i ls dk;Z djus ds fy, uk;d
regularly. dks lewg dh lfØ;rk vkSj vkilh fopkj&fofu;e
d. He/She should have a knowledge of ds vkpj.k dk Kku gksuk pkfg,A
group dynamics and of interactive M-½ mlls vis{kk gksrh gS fd og dk;Z fu"iknu
behaviours for purposeful group
function. djusokyk gks vkSj lkFk gh og lkekftd HkoukRed
ik=k Hkh gksA
e. He/She is expected to be task
oriented and at the same time play a p½ mls viuh Vhe dks y{; dh vksj ys tkuk pkfg,A
socio-emotional part too.

f. He/She is the one who should lead N½ lfdZy ds dk;Zdykuksa dk fjdkMZ j[krk gS
his team towards goals. ¼jftLVj j[krk gS½
g. Maintain records of circle activities. t½ ;kstukcð dk;Z djrk gS vkSj lHkh dks dk;Z nsrk
(maintains a register)
h. Works to plan and assigns roles.
>½ lHkh dks lfEefyr djds çcU/ku çLrqfr ds fy;s
i. Prepares for management rS;kj djrk gSA
presentation and involves everyone.

j. He/She is quite knowledgeable and

´½ mls i;kZIr Kku gksrk gS vkSj og lewg ds lnL;ksa
clarifies doubts of group members. dh 'kadkvksa dk Li"Vhdj.k djrk gSA

k. He/She does not take credit for V½ tc lewg lQyrk çkIr djrk gS rks og Js; ugha
himself/herself but gives credit to
his/her group members when the ysrk gS cfYd og lewg ds lnL;ksa dks bldk Js;
group wins. nsrk gSA

32 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

33 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle


Brainstorming Matrix data

Data collection analysis
Cause and Arrow diagram
effect diagram Affinity diagram
Histogram Matrix diagram
Pareto diagram Tree diagram
Control chart Process
Scatter diagram decision
Stratifications Programme
Flow diagram chart

czzsuLVkjfeax ;k fopkj eaFku eSVªhDl MkVk ,ukyhfll

vkadM+k ladyu ;k MkVk ,jks Mk;xzke
dysD'ku ,fQuhVh Mk;xzke
dkj.k & ifj.kke js[kk fp=k eSfVªDl js[kkfp=k
fgLVksxzke Vªh Mk;xzke
isjsVks js[kk fp=k çkslsl fMlhtu çksxzke pkVZ
daVkª y
s pkVZ fjys'ku Mk;xzke
LdSVj js[kkfp=k
LVªVs hQhds'ku fp=k
¶yks Mk;xzke

34 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

35 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

yksdfç; DokfyVh lfdZy VwYl

Popular Quality Circle Tools

czz suLVkjfeax ;k fopkj Brainstorming

Data collection
vkadM+k ladyu ;k MkVk
Cause and effect
dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke js[kk diagram
fp=k ;k fQ'kcksu Mk;xzke
Pareto diagram
isjsVks js[kk fp=k
Control chart
daVªksy pkVZ
Scatter diagram
LdSVj js[kkfp=k
LVªsVhQhds'ku fp=k
Flow diagram
¶yks Mk;xzke

36 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

37 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

czsuLVkjfeax djus gsrq fn'kk funsZ'k



a. Free Wheeling or Unstructured STRUCTURED MANNER

No hold, no bar system. No limit on 1. Keep the participants, preferably,

number of ideas at a time. It is between six to ten.
spontaneous and stimulates the creativity
of the individual. 2. Give required time for incubation.
b. Slip Method 3. Make it very clear to all the
When you need the involvement of a participants on what subject the
large groups such method is used. Brainstorming is done.

c. Round Robin or Structured 4. Enter the points on a Black Board,

Flip Chart or in a Transparency for all
Quality Circle uses this system.
to see.

KEY ELEMENTS CONCERNING 5. Explain the guidelines.

6. One idea only at a time.
FINDINGS) 7. Contribution in turn.

8. You may pass.

9. Clarify the point but don’t explain the
Capability of producing maximum ideas within ideas.
a given time.
10. No criticism
11. If session losses grip, have a break or
Ability for the mind to move from one aspect change.
to another.
12. To bring creativity use five Ws and
ORIGINALITY one H (When , Where, What, Who,
Why and How) appropriately.
Innovative or new ideas one can think of.
13. Get maximum number or ideas.
14. Guests are welcome but will abide by
Ability to look ahead into future. the rules
DRIVE 15. Clarify each one
Willingness to participate and contribute 16. Agree on a evaluation criteria.
without any hesitation.

38 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

vkadM+k ladyu gsrq fn'kk funsZ'k



TIME TEMP (Deg. Cen) TIME TEMP (deg. Cen)
0800 60 1300 61
Η Prepare the question which 0900
will make it clear and 1100 58 1600 63
precise. 1200 59 1700 59

Η Collect data relevant to CHECK SHEET

that. Component:
Operation Drilling
Nozzle Specie 0.080 + 0.05
Parameter : Sack hole thickness

Η Use data sheet, check 14


sheet and/or check list as

12 X
11 X
10 X X

per the requirement. 9

6 X X X X

Η Keep them simple and 5

4 X

3 X X X X X X
2 X X X X X X X
1 X X X X X X X X



















Η Reduce opportunities for
Η Capture data for analysis, PICTURE)

reference and traceability.

Η Form should be self
Η Analyze the collected data

relevance (for whom, when

or who collected the data
M/L No.: Shop manager :
are important.) Location : Supervisor :
Component Check Points
Η Present data in a way that Drive Noise

clearly answers the Gear Box


questions. Transmitter
motor Operation
Control Operation
Wiring Age

39 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke js[kk fp=k cukus ds fn'kk funsZ'k



TYPE a. An arrow with the box made and the defect is written

A diagram drawn asking

‘why does this dispersion
occur?’ This helps to
organise and relate the
factors for dispersion.
CLASSIFICATION TYPE b. Four Main causes identified
This system follows the BATTING BOWLING
process and all things that
may affect at various stages DEFEAT IN A
of processing. CRICKET
In this all possible causes OTHERS FIELDING
are simply listed. Causes
must by organised c. For each main cause sub causes identified
subsequently in accordance BOWLING
with the product Quality . SPINNERS
Preparing itself is an LACKED PUNCH
educational process.
Defeat in a
It can be used as a guide cricket match
for discussion.
You can use it to find out d. For each sub cause sub sub causes identified
reasons behind the causes NOT ENOUGH SEAMERS IN INDIA BOWLING
in a systematic manner. SPINNERS UNABLE TO
A detailed C & E diagram PACE ATTACK
making exercise helps to FITNESS PROBLEM TO FEW SEAMERS
have an in depth knowledge EXPERIENCE
about the process. LACKED PUNCH
It can be used for any kind Defeat in a
of a problem. cricket

40 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

e. For each sub cause sub causes identified f. Similar analysis for another sub cause
Bowling Bowling
Not enough seamers in India
Indian pitch do
not help
seamers Very few Pace
Spinners Lack of Tech. To Bad team
unable to face Pacers Selection
pace attack
Bowling in net exploit
without proper
warm up
Fitness problem to few seamers Not enough Main batsmen
Experience exposed to
Bowling shots
new ball
lacked punch
Defeat in a
Defeat in a
cricket match
g. Complete analysis for the other sub cause h. Similar analysis for another sub cause
Not enough practice in Few batsmen
fast wickets having fitness Improper
Lack of foresight problems Captain can not batting
No time to practice by selectors
No basic strategy motivate order
Players No
Lack of Tech. Bad Team do not No time to respected
prepare by
To face Pacers Different Selection contribute
wickets No Lot of
back home egohassless professional new
strategist batsmen
Politics at consulted
Batsmen lack good regional level Strategy Bad
back foot tech. Opening batters could not captaincy
see the new ball through No batsmen
Lack of concentration
takes lead Lack of Ego
Unsure of his No specialist openers
proff. help Lack of problems
place in team Inability Lack of
Main batsmen vide strategy
Irresponsible Immaturity
shots exposed to No game plan Batsmen
Infighting in new ball to play fast not studied Improper field
the team bowling placement
No proper instructions Others
from Caption Defeat in a
cricket match

FINAL DIAGRAM Bowling Kumble not a

Batting Few batsmen big spinner of
Not enough practice Not enough
having fitness the ball
in fast wickets seamers in India Wicket
Lack of problems Indian pitch
was flat
No time to practice foresight by do not help
seamers Very few & grassy
Bad Team
Pace Spinners
Lack of Tech. academies
Selection Inadequate unable to
To face Different
wickets pace attack exploit
Pacers back home
Bowling in Most
net without spinners condition
Politics at proper warm in a bad
Had to sacrifice
regional level up. patch
Batsmen lack good Fitness problem to few seamers spinner for
back foot tech. extra batsmen
Opening batters could
Lack of concentration not see the new ball Few bowlers lacked Not enough spinners in team
through Main bowlers sick
Unsure of his No specialist openers commitment
place in team
Main batsmen Bowling Not enough
Irresponsible lacked punch Experience
shots exposed to
Highly motivated
Infighting in new ball Flat track Frustrated
opposition Regional politics
the team spinners
No proper instructions Not motivated enough Bad team selection
from Caption
Defeat in
Lack of practice No fielders where batsmen
plays his favorite shots No basic strategy Captain can not Improper
motivate batting
Mis-fielding Lack of
No time to respected
do not
strategy prepare by
Bad field contribute
placement Batsmen not teammate Lot of
No No
specialist studied properly egohassless professional new
fielders strategist batsmen
No Sp. Fielders at Sp. Positions Bad field Strategy Bad
Wrong fielders at placement
wrong positions No batsmen
egohassless takes lead Lack of Ego
No game plan
proff. help problems
Dropped Inability Lack of
Lack of
catches Bowlers not consulted strategy Immaturity
No game plan Batsmen
to play fast not studied Improper field
No specialist Lack of placement
catching bowling
slip fielders Fielding
practice Others

41 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

fgLVksxzke cukus ds fn'kk funsZ'k


REFRIGERATOR 1.97 2.49 2.29 2.24 2.42 2.16 2.89 1.75 2.24 2.07 Row Xs XL
1.97 2.49 2.29 2.24 2.42 2.16 2.89 1.75 2.24 2.07
2.20 2.52 2.32 2.10 1.98 1.96 2.16 1.94 2.13 2.43
2.20 2.52 2.32 2.10 1.98 1.96 2.16 1.94 2.13 2.43 1 1.75 2.31
2.45 1.76 1.91 2.06 2.04 2.52 2.02 1.95 2.31 2.16
2.45 1.76 1.91 2.06 2.04 2.52 2.02 1.95 2.31 2.16 2. 1.84 2.49
2.00 1.96 2.00 2.29 2.33 2.08 2.23 2.05 1.92 2.25
2.00 1.96 2.00 2.29 2.33 2.08 2.23 2.05 1.92 2.25 3. 1.89 2.23
2.36 1.87 1.95 1.92 2.14 2.08 2.17 2.13 2.08 1.92
2.36 1.87 1.95 1.92 2.14 2.08 2.17 2.13 2.08 1.92 4. 1.74 2.29
2.04 2.00 2.08 1.86 2.34 2.05 2.04 2.16 1.74 1.96 2.04 2.00 2.08 1.86 2.34 2.05 2.04 2.16 1.74 1.96 5. 1.94 2.24
1.83 1.95 2.17 2.02 2.23 2.07 2.08 2.64 2.17 2.02 1.83 1.95 2.17 2.02 2.23 2.07 2.08 2.64 2.17 2.02 6. 1.91 2.28
2.45 1.76 1.91 2.06 2.04 2.52 2.02 1.95 2.31 2.16 2.45 1.76 1.91 2.06 2.04 2.52 2.02 1.95 2.31 2.16 7. 1.83 2.64
2.00 1.96 2.00 2.29 2.33 2.08 2.23 2.05 1.92 2.25 2.00 1.96 2.00 2.29 2.33 2.08 2.23 2.05 1.92 2.25 8. 1.93 2.54
2.36 1.87 1.95 1.92 2.14 2.08 2.17 2.13 2.08 1.92 2.36 1.87 1.95 1.92 2.14 2.08 2.17 2.13 2.08 1.92 9. 1.95 2.46
Have 80-100 observation. Put Find the minimum ((Xs) and maximum 10. 1.87 2.56

them in a data sheet like above (XL) in each line and circle them

Mark the lowest among XS and highest Compute the range

Calculate the approximate width of
value among XL R = X max - X min class intervals based on the formula
Row Xs XL (R+W)/ K where
R = 2.64 - 1.74
= 0.90 ‘R’ = range = 0.90
1 1.75 2.31
2. 1.84 2.49 Number of Recommended No of ‘W’ = accuracy in observation = 0.01
Observations classes or groups (K)
3. 1.89 2.23 and
<50 6
4. 1.74 2.29 ‘K’ = No. of classes = 7
51 - 100 7
5. 1.94 2.24
101 - 200 8 C = R + W = 0.90 + 0.01
6. 1.91 2.28
201 - 500 9 K 7
7. 1.83 2.64
501 - 1000 10
8. 1.93 2.54 = 0.13
9. 1.95 2.46 Here N = 100
10. 1.87 2.56 therefore K=7

Now specify the class boundaries. Based on that we get Class Tally Frequency
The lower limit of the first class is 1.735 - 1.865 //// / = 6
1.735 - 1.865
= X min - 0.5 W 1.865 - 1.995 1.865 - 1.995 //// //// //// //// //// / = 26
= 1.74 - 0.005 = 1.735 1.995 - 2.125 //// //// //// //// //// = 25
1.995 - 2.125
The Upper limit of the first class is 2.125 - 2.255 2.125 - 2.225 //// //// //// //// //// = 25
2.255 - 2.385 2.225 - 2.255 //// /// = 8
= 1.735 + C
2.385 - 2.515 2.385 - 2.515 //// / = 6
= 1.735 + 0.13
2.515 - 2.645 2.515 - 2.645 //// = 4
= 1.865


Lower Upper
28 spec. spec.
Limit Limit
20 Double Peaked Type
Skewed Type
4 Comb Type
1.54 1.67 1.8 1.93 2.06 2.19 2.32 2.45 2.58 2.71

Isolated Peak Type

Plateau Type

42 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

isjsVks js[kk fp=k cukus ds fn'kk funsZ'k

These are the data of 150 To make a Pareto Diagram Now arrange them in a table
defectives out of 100 fans rearrange data table. showing.
inspected. Type of Defect Number
Type of Defect Quantity of Quantity a) Type or defect
Motor winding 20 Motor winding 20
Bend in fan blades 15 Bend in fan blades 15 b) Number or quantum of
Cracks on central rod 14 Cracks on central rod 14
Capacitor 10 Capacitor 10
Scratched on surfaces 12 Scratched on surfaces 12 c) Cumulative
Regulator 40 Regulator 40
Bend in screws 25 Bend in screws 25 d) Percentage of defect to
Others 14 Others 14
total and
______ _______
Total 150 Total 150
e) Cumulative percentage
______ _______


Draw a Graph as shown below :
F. Regulator 40 40 27% 27%
G. Bend in Screws 25 65 17% 44%
150 100
A. Motor winding 20 85 13% 57% 130
120 80
B. Bend of wings 15 100 10% 67% 110
C. Cracks in central 14 114 9% 76% 90 60
rod 70
60 40
E. Scratches 12 126 8% 84% 50
D. Capacitor 10 136 7% 91% 30 20
H. Others 14 150 9% 100% 0 0

Total 150 100%

Construct a bar diagram Draw commutative curve Pareto Diagram before and after
to represent the data as and write down all values solving a problem
per tally sheet
150 100

150 100 140 126 90 100

140 80 W o rk e r F

90 114 70 80 W o rk e r E
120 80

120 80 60 70
W o rk e r C
110 100 70
70 50 W o rk e r E
90 60
90 60 40
80 85 50
W o rk e r A
W o rk e r D
70 65 20 20
60 40
60 40 W o rk e r G
50 30
30 0 0

30 20
30 20
10 10
0 0 0 0

43 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

daVªksy pkVZ fuekZ.k ds fy, fn'kk funsZ'k


A) Collect samples at fixed interval and record the measurements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
8.00 8.15 8.30 8.45 9.00 9.15 9.30 9.45 10.00 10.15 10.30 10.45 11.00 11.15 11.30 11.45 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45
498 502 500 498 500 500 494 500 492 502 502 502 500 500 504 498 500 496 502 508
502 492 500 506 492 500 502 502 500 496 498 510 504 502 502 500 498 500 496 502
502 504 492 490 502 502 506 506 496 498 498 496 504 508 496 498 500 498 500 508
496 496 500 508 498 502 500 498 500 498 502 494 498 502 504 502 500 502 500 494
500 500 502 498 500 502 498 496 502 500 504 498 502 502 502 504 500 502 504 502

B) Total the value for each D) Determine the range for each
subgroup. Calculate the average subgroup
for each subgroup Range is equal to largest value minus smallest
We call each measurement as ‘X’ and the value. Range for the first subgroup is 6, for
average of the subgroup as X. second 12 and so on.
First subgroup is = 498, 502, 502, 496,
First subgroup Second
Range (R) = 502-496 = 6
498 502
Second subgroup is = 502, 492, 504, 496,
502 492
502 504
496 496 Range (R) = 504-492 = 12
499 500 E) Calculate the average range
2498 2494 Ranges are = 6, 12, 10, 18, 10, 2, 12, 10,
10, 6, 6, 16, 6, 8, 8, 6, 2, 6,
Average = Total /Number of values 8 and 14.
2498 Total = 176
i.e X1 = ---------------- = 499.6 179
5 Average = R = ----------- = 8.8
2494 20
X2 = ---------------- = 498.8 and so on. F) Calculate the control limit for X
Read A2 from standard factor table to
C) Calculate the overall average. determine 3 σ limits.
This is called X For subgroup size 5, A2 = 0.577
Factors for Control Limit
Average X s = 499.6, 498.8, 498.8, 500 498.4,
5012, 500, 500.4, 498, 498.8 Size of
500.8, 500, 501.6, 502.8, 501.6, Sub A2 D3 D4 d*2 3/d2
500.4, 499.6, 499.6, 500.4 and Group (n)
502.8 2 1.880 --- 3.267 1.128 2.659
Total of Xs = 10003.6 3 1.023 --- 2.575 1.693 1.772
4 0.729 --- 2.282 2.059 1.457
Number of Xs = 20 5 0.577 --- 2.115 2.326 1.290
10003.6 6 0.483 --- 2.004 2.534 1.184
X = ------------------ = 500.18
*used for estimating the standard deviation
from the knowledge of R

44 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

daVªksy pkVZ ds fuekZ.k gsrq fn'kk funsZ'k

G) Calculate the control limits for X as H) Similarly Calculate the UCLR &
UCLX = X + A2 R = 500.18 + (0.577 x 8.8) LCLR using the factor D3 and D4
For ‘D’ value use the standard table given
= 500.18 + 5.08 = 505.26 above.
LCLX = X - A2 R = 500.18 - 5.08 = 495.10 UCLR = D4 R
2.115 x 8.8 = 18.6
LCLR = D3 R = 0 x 8.8 = 0


Variable Control Chart (X - R)

Part No. Chart No. 1
Part Name Process Characteristic : Specification Limits
Truck Tyre Band Ply Bias Cutter Ply width 500 mm + 5 mm
Operator Machine Measuring Unit of Measure X = 500.18
C. Madhusudan Bias Cutter - 1 Steel Tape Mm R = 8.8
Date : 31.7.98
SUB GROUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
TIME 8.00 8.15 8.30 8.45 9.00 9.15 9.30 9.45 10.00 10.15 10.30 10.45 11.00 11.15 11.30 11.45 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45
1 498 502 500 498 500 500 494 500 492 502 502 502 500 500 504 498 500 496 502 508
2 502 492 500 506 492 500 502 502 500 496 498 510 504 502 502 500 498 500 496 502
3 502 504 492 490 502 502 506 506 496 498 498 496 504 508 496 498 500 498 500 508
4 496 496 500 508 498 502 500 498 500 498 502 494 498 502 504 502 500 502 500 494
5 500 500 502 498 500 502 498 496 502 500 504 498 502 502 502 504 500 502 504 502

SUM 2498 2494 2494 2500 2492 2506 2500 2502 2490 2494 2504 2500 2508 2514 2508 2502 2498 2498 2502 2514
AVERAGE X 499.6 498.8 498.8 500 498.4 501.2 500 500.4 498 498.8 500.8 500 501.6 502.8 501.6 500.4 499.6 499.6 500.4 502.8
AVERAGE X 6 12 10 18 10 2 12 10 10 6 6 16 6 8 8 6 2 6 8 14

505.26 UCLX

500.18 X

495.10 LCLX

18.6 UCLR

8.8 R

Time - Hours

45 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

LdSVj js[kkfp=k cukus ds fn'kk funsZ'k


70 80
Orientatin angle (minutes)


before and after lapping in

10 20 30 40 50 60
quartz crystal unit
No After Before No After Before No After Before No After Before

1 37 36 7 48 51 13 58 55 19 71 68

2 41 39 8 51 57 14 58 58 20 70 72

3 41 45 9 53 42 15 53 49 21 71 73

4 42 46 10 55 47 16 54 46 22 76 77

5 44 44 11 46 48 17 46 48 23 80 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
6 47 48 12 47 48 18 67 69 24 71 73
70 80
70 80

30 40 50 60 70

80 I 1
10 20 30 40 50 60
10 20 30 40 50 60

70 I IIII 5

60 II I 4
50 II IIII 6
40 I III I 6
30 I 1
2 6 7 3 5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ANGLE BEFORE LAPPING Same diagram in the form of a table

Positive correlation Positive of a positive No correlation

70 80

70 80
70 80
10 20 30 40 50 60

10 20 30 40 50 60
10 20 30 40 50 60

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Negative correlation Possibility of a negative correlation
Diagram with peak and trough
70 80

70 80

70 80

10 20 30 40 50 60

10 20 30 40 50 60
10 20 30 40 50 60

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

46 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

LVªsVhQhds'ku fp=k cukus ds fy, fn'kk funsZ'k


• Try to have the clarity of the problem. This Material Based

will normally help to identify the DEFECTIVE QUALITY - SUPPLIER WISE
Stratification variables to be selected. 30
• If we have ready information and if they 20 A
are reliable they can be straightaway used, 15 B

otherwise, start collecting data needed. 10 C

• Make sure that all Stratification variables 0
are identified for data collection. Suppler

Quality Based
• Data collected may be enormous, which DEFECTIVE DATA IN A SHIFT
will call for establishing categories for 50
each Stratification variable. 40 N ar B ead
• The categories may be discrete values or 30
Kin k e d B e a d
20 P ulle d B e a d
range of values. 15
10 P inc he d B e a d
• Sort out the data into the categories of 0 O t he r

Stratification variables. T ype o f de f e c t

• Now summarize the number in each Worker Based

• If they are simple numbers then total them. 20
• If it is a range of values and needs further 10
classification provide it. 5

• Present the result in graphic form to 0

enable effective communication.
Machine Based
• Study the display. Production machine wise

• If you feel that Stratification has to be 60

done in a different way, go ahead and do it 50

on the same lines as stated above. 40

Machine A
Machine B
• Sometimes stratified information may 20
need to be further stratified. 10
• Once you are satisfied with the
Stratification, collect additional Power consumption process area wise
information, if needed to ensure that the
Power consumption %

interpretation is right. 30
Boiler House
25 Pare Mill
• Always present the total information of the 20
Pulp Mill
work done in an orderly manner to satisfy 10 Finish Area
the concerned that all aspects connected 5
to the problem are covered. Process area

47 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

¶yks Mk;xzke cukus ds fy, fn'kk funsZ'k





user quotation
sends obtained

material material
ORDERED made received I. i





No Yes

DIAGRAM there is



1. For defining the process Discuss the purpose of it. Ensure that it is about actual
flow. Decide on your expectation. process and not what is
intended. ACTIVITY
2. For defining the problem. Decide the boundaries. SYMBOL DECISION
3. For identifying the root Put each process in writing from Ensure rework loops are not
causes. the beginning. omitted.
4. For devising the solution. When you come to a decision Be honest about what you do.
5. For implementing the area follow one till you Observe actual process before
solution. complete. drawing a Flow diagram. FLOW LINES
6. At the time of review/ For unknown areas, check up Elicit support of other members
follow up. later on and complete. for accuracy and completeness
Ensure every branch is and allow them to review it.
Review it and ask other
members also to review. START & END

48 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdZy lapkyu gsrq fn'kk funsZ'k

1- DokfyVh lfdZy xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, dSysMasj o"kZ] pkyw o"kZ ds 1 flrEcj ls 'kq: gksxk ,oa vxys o"kZ ds 31 vxLr
dks lekIr gksxkA
2- DokfyVh lfdZy dsa 1 Vhe esa 6 ls T;knk O;fDr ugh gks ldrs gSa blesa ,d yhMj] ,d fMIVh yhMj 3 lnL; ,oa 1
QSflyhVsVj 'kkfey gSA
3- ,sls lHkh DokfyVh lfdZy ftUgksus us 1 DokfyVh o"kZ esa 5 ;k mls vf/kd leL;k dk lek/kku ,oa çLrqfrdj.k dj
fy;k gks oks fofHkUu Lrj ds çfr;ksxrkvks esa 'kkfey gks ldrs gSaA
4- dEiuh Lrj ij DokfyVh lfdZy çfr;ksxrk fuEufyf[kr 3 Jsf.k;ksa esa fd tkrh gS
i) eSuqQSDpfjx
ii) liksVZ lfoZlst
iii) I;ksj lfoZlst
5- eqY;kadu fd fof/k tkuus ds fy, pSIVj uŒ pkj ns[ksa A
6- lHkh DokfyVh lfdZyksa dks QUIKS esa jftLVj djkuk vfuok;Z gSA
7- dksbZ deZpkjh ¼yhMj ;k esEcj½ ,d ls vf/kd DokfyVh lfdZy eas lnL; ugha cu ldrk gSA ijUrq og nwljs lfdZy
dk esUVj cu ldrk gSA
8- çR;sd çLrqfrdj.k ds ckn QUIKS esa fjdkMZ vo'; viMsV djsaA
9- ckgjh çfr;ksxrkvksa tSls lh vkbZ vkbZ D;q lh ,Q vkbZ bR;kfn esa p;u ds fy, pkyw o"kZ ds fu;eksa dk ikyu
fd;k tk;sxkA
10- ,okMZ ¼lEeku½
i) dEiuh Lrj ij loksZÙke DokfyVh lfdZy
ii) loksZÙke efgyk Vhe
iii) rhuksa Jsf.k;ksa esa Js"B DokfyVh lfdZy
11- esUVfjax dk mís'; DokfyVh lfdZy Hkkouk esa xfr çnku djuk gSA
• esUVj ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd os u, lfdZyksa dk xBu djsa ,oa çR;sd Lrj ij uoxfBr lfdZyksa dk
fn'kkfunsZ'k djsa
• esUVjM lfdZyksa esa QsflfyVsVj dk gksuk vko';d ugha gSA
12- Qkbo *,l^ ,oa VhŒ ihŒ ,eŒ Vhe dks Hkh DokfyVh lfdZy dk lekukarj ntkZ gS c'krsZ fd oks Hkh DokfyVh lfdZy
dh ekU;rvksa dks iwjk djsaA ,sls Vhe esUVsusfofyVh] eSFkM bçwoesaV] daVkfeus'ku daVªksy] lkbZdy VkbZe fjMD'ku
bR;kfn ls lacaf/kr ifj;kstukvksa ij dk;Z dj ldrs gSaA
13- lHkh lfdZy viuh ifj;kstuk dks dk;kZfUor djus ds ckn foHkkxh; vf/kdkfj;ksa ds le{k çLrqfrdj.k djsaxsaA
• lfdZyksa dks 'kki¶yksj ij çLrqfrdj.k djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr djsaA blls nwljksa dk Hkh eukscy ,oa
vkRefo'okl c<+rk gSA
• uoxfBr lfdZyksa dks NksVh leL;k dk lek/kku dj çLrqfrdj.k djus dks çksRlkfgr djsa /khjs&/khjs os cM+h
leL;k,¡ Hkh ys ldsaxsA
14- ;fn dksbZ Vhe DokfyVh o"kZ ds nkSjku viuh Vhe dk iquZxBu djuk pkgrh gS rks vius foHkkx/;{k] QSflfyVsVj ,oa
yhMj dh lgefr ls ,slk dj ldrh gS fdUrq mls QUIKS esa vo'; viMsV dj ysaA

49 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle


1. At Tata Steel, a Quality Circle can have 5 persons in the team including the Leader. QCs can
be formed with less (not less than 3) or more (not morethan 6) members to meet the target
of100% TEI. Forthis purpose the departments should contact Excellence Group with a formal
2. All QCs (including existing) must be registered in QUIKS.
3. No person (Leader on Member) can participate in more than 1 Quality Circle. He can
howevere become a Mentor for another Quality Circle.
4. facilitators/Mentors should align the projects of Quality Circles in line with the Departmental
Quality Objectives / Score Cards / KPMs / MOUs etc. It is also suggested that departments
evolve themes around which QCs can take up projects.
5. After each presentation, records must be updated in ‘QUIKS’.
6. Calendar year for QC activities will be 1st September to 31st August.
7. The concept of Mentoring was introduced to increase the growth rate of QCs. Matured QCs
were expected to ‘Mentor’ new QCs:
• The Mentor Quality Circle was expected to create a new Quality Circle & guide the
new Quality Circle through all stages of problem solving exercies.
• A ‘Mentored’ Quality Circle need not have a Facilitator.
8. All Quality Circles are required to select projcets within their span of work, to bring about
incremental improvements on the shop floor.
9. 5-S & TPM teams are also considered QCs provided they meet the general criteria laid down.
The projects selected by such teams will be in areas of improving accessibility, maintainability,
introducing easier/convinient inspection methods, removal/control of contamination sources;
improving mean time between failures & mean tiem to repair, improving output quality & cycle
time of machines etc.
10. At the end of their project, each Quality Circle is required to make a presentation to th eSr.
Executives of their departments. This may be done at the shop floor itself in the presence of
other grass-root workers. (This has evolved after our interaction with various units of the
company. We have been informed that due to the existing illiteracy rate in our company, many
persons are reluctant to form QCs. They feel that the presentations required involve making
transparencies, utilizing complicated problem solving methodologies & elaborate record
keeping which are beyond them. Getting such people started should be the objective-
improvements are brought about with the maturing of the QCs.)
Please note that we need to include such persons also in our Quality Circle movement. to
overcome these inhibitions we suggest the following :

• Encourage QCs to make shop floor presentations. These presentations are to be

made to the HOD or the Sectional Heads without necessarily using OHP etc. They
only need to explain to the HOD or Sectional Head the problem that existed & the
solution they have adopted (or are recommending). The language must be best
understood between them. when doen on the shop floor, such presentations not only
inspire confidence in the team members but also generate enthusiasm amongst others
to form QCs.
• To begin with record keeping though essential may not be an elaborate affair. In
QUIKS, such case study presentations have been made easier to enter. However, a
certain amount of secretarial services will have to be provided for data entry. We would
also like you to encourage new QCs to take up small problems, to start with, rather
than trying to solve large problems. Failure in the initial stages detracts the newly
formed QCs from functioning further.

50 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

leL;k lek/kku ds eq[; pj.k

igyk pj.k % ek/;e@VwYl
✪ leL;k dh igpku@pquko czsuLVkjfeax] dLVej QhMcSd] losZ] MkVk dysD'ku
✪ leL;k dh çkFkfedrk dks r; djuk isjsVks fp=k] fopkj eaFku] fMlhtu eSVªhDl] MkVk
dysD'ku] ukfeuy xzqi Vsduhd
✪ leL;k dks ifjHkkf"kr djuk ¶yks Mk;xzke] czsu LVkjfeax ¼y{; ,oa le; lhek ds
nwljk pj.k %
✪ leL;k dk fo'ys"k.k MkVk dysD'ku] dkj.k&ifj.kke fp=k] LVªsVhQhds'ku]
xzkQ bR;kfn
✪ leL;k ds fofHkUu dkj.kksa dh igpku fopkj eaFku] ¶yks Mk;xzke] dkj.k ifj.kke fp=k]
LVªsVhQhds'ku] xzke bR;kfn
✪ leL;k ds ewy dkj.k dh igpku VsLVhax vkWQ F;ksjh] OgkbZ&OgkbZ Vsduhd] ¶yks
Mk;xzke] fjys'ku Mk;xzke] LVªsVhQhds'ku] LdsVj
Mk;xzke] fgLVksxzke bR;kfn
rhljk pj.k
✪ laHkkfor gy dks irk djuk fopkj eaFku] Vªk;y ,.M ,jj Vsduhd] MkVk dysD'ku
✪ lcls csgrj lek/kku dk pquko xzkQ] LdsVj Mk;xzke] daVªksy pkVZ] fMlhtu esVªhDl]
✪ ,DLiVZ dh jk;] çca/ku dh vuqefr ,oa ik;yV ju baLVªD'ku eSuqvy] fuekZrk dEiuh ls laokn] baVjusV ]
ukWyst lkbV] ihŒ MhŒ lhŒ ,Œ bR;kfn
✪ lek/kku ds ifj.kkeksa dh ekWfuVfjax ,oa lek/kku MkVk dysD'ku] ¶yks Mk;xzke] Xkzke] daVªksy pkVZ]
esa laHkkfor fnDdrksa dh igpku fgLVksxzke fopkj eaFku bR;kfn
pkSFkk pj.k % ek/;e@VwYl
✪ lcls csgrj lek/kku dk fu;fer baeIyhesaVs'ku ekby LVksu pkVZ] fjLiksukflfcfyVh esVªhDl] psd
,oa mldh ns[k js[k 'khV] daVªksy pkVZ] xkzQ bR;kfn
✪ çf'k{k.k ,oa lVSaMMkZbts'ku odZ baLVªD'ku ,oa çkslhM;ksj esa fjfotu@Dykl:e
,oa vkWu n tkWc Vªsfuax dh O;oLFkk] MkVk dysD'ku]
¶yks pkVZ bR;kfn
✪ çR;{k ,oa vçR;{k ykHk dh x.kkuk ,oa çca/ku MkVk dysD'ku] isjksV pkVZ] xzkQ] fopkj eaFku bR;kfn
✪ iqufuZ{k.k Nekgh fjiksVZ] daVªksy pkVZ bR;kfn

51 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

52 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

leL;k lek/kku ,oa DokfyVh VwYl eSVªhDl


dkj.k ifj.kke fp=k

LdsVj Mk;xzke
MkVk dysD'ku

Paretor Diagram

Scatter Diagram
¶yks Mk;xzke

Data Collection

Cause & Effect

fopkj eaFku
Flow Diagram

Control Chart

DaVªksy pkVZ
leL;k lek/kku ds

isjsVks fp=k


No. fofHkUu pj.k
Suggested steps for
problem solving

1 Identification of work
related problems

2 Selection of problem

3 Define the problem

4. Analysis the problem

5 Identification of

6 Finding out the root


7 Data Analysis

8 Developing solution

9 Foreseeing problem of

10 Trail implementation &

check performance

11 Regular

12 Follow-up/review

53 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

çLrqfrdj.k ds fy, funsZ'k


LykbMl@VªkalisjsUlh dks iwjh lko/kkuh ,oa çLrqfrdj.k lls dqN lIrkg

igys cuk ysaA

;fn çLrqfrdj.k ikoj IokbaV esa djuk gks rks mls lh Mh esa lqjf{kr dj
dgha ys tk,¡A

dsoy egRoiw.kZ ckrksa dks gh VªkalisjsUlh @LykbM esa fy[ksa ,oa cksyrs le;
mldh O;k[;k djsaA

Mªkbax@lfdZV Mk;xzke bR;kfn Li"V :i ls cuk,¡A

ofdZax ekWMy ds ek/;e ls leL;k dks le>kus esa vklkuh gksrh ,oa
çLrqfrdj.k çHkkoh gksrk gSA

çLrqfrdj.k esa lHkh lnL;ksa dh Hkkxhnkjh lqfuf'pr djsaA

iwjh Vhe ds lHkh lnL; leL;k ,oa mlds lek/kku dks vPNh rjg le> ys
,oa ;g r; dj ysa fd fdls D;k dguk gS ,oa fdl Øe esa dguk gSA

le; laca/kh fu;eksa dk l[rh ls ikyu djsa ;g Vhe odZ ,oa vuq'kklu dks
n'kkZrk gsA

çLrqfrdj.k dk iwokZH;kl vo'; djsaA vH;kl IokabUVj ds lkFk djsa ftlls

mldh vknr 'kq: ls gh cuh jgsA

çLrqfrdj.k ds le; iwjh Vhe lkQ&lqFkjs oL=kksa esa jgsaA ;fn Vhe fdlh
Mªsl dksM dks viukrh gS rks blls VheodZ ,oa vuq'kklu mHkjrk gS ,oa
çLrqfrdj.k çHkkoh gksrk gSA

54 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdZy jftLVj@fjdkMZ esUVsusal lacaf/kr

(General guidelines on QC Record Maintenance)

1- çR;sd jftLVMZ DokfyVh lfdZy nks ¼2½ jftLVjksa esa vius dk;Zdykiks dk C;kSjk ntZ djsxhA

2- igyk jftLVj fefVax jftLVj ds uke ls tkuk tk;sxk ,oa nwljk jftLVj çkstsDV jftLVj ds uke ls tkuk

3- çkstsDV jftLVj esa DokfyVh lfdZy Vhe vius }kjk lek/kku fd;s x;s leL;k ,oa mlds çLrqfrdj.k dks
Øec} rjhds ls ntZ djsaA mís'; ;g gS fd Hkfo"; esa ;fn dksbZ bl ckr dh tkudkjh ysuk pkgs fd fdu
leL;kvksa dk lek/kku DokfyVh lfdZy us fdu DokfyVh VwYl dk bLrseky djds fd;k gS ,oa mlls D;k
Qk;nk gqvk] rks bldh iwjh tkudkjh fey ldsA jftLVj dk ewY;kadu foHkkxh; DokfyVh dksfMZusVj @
fctul ,Dlhysal QsflfyVsVj ds }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA

4- fdlh Hkh çfr;ksfxrk ds le; DokfyVh lfdZy Vhe ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd oks viuk fefVax ,oa çkstsDV
jftLVj lkFk j[ksa ftlls ;fn fu.kkZ;d mls ns[kuk pkgs rks og miyC/k gksA

5- jftLVjksa dks ges'kk vPNk doj ,oa DokfyVh lfdZy Vhe ds ifjp; dk VSx yxkdj j[ksa ftlls mls igpkuus
esa vklkuh gksA

6- jftLVj dk fujh{k.k fdlh Hkh le; vkWfMVj@vlslj ds }kjk fd;k tk ldrk gS vr% mls ges'kk fu;fer ,oa
viMsV djrs jgsaA

7- jftLVj esa lnL;ks dh mifLFkfr] fyMj ,oa QSflfyVsVj dk fooj.k] cSBd dk fooj.k bR;kfn ntZ djus ds
fy, fn'kk fuZns'k vkxs ds i`"B ij fn;s x;s gSaA

8- jftLVj esa QSflfyVsVj] DokfyVh dksfMZusVj ds gLrk{kj le; & le; ij ysrs jgsaA

55 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

cSBd dh dk;Zokgh
uksV %
1- lfdZy lnL;] yhMj] fM] yhMj ] QSflfyVsVj o fM- QSflfyVsVj ds
vfrfjDr ;fn dksbZ cSBd esa mifLFkr jgrk gS rks mldk uke fo'ks"k
mifLFkfr esa fy[ksaA

2- fu/kkZfjr frfFk esa ;fn cSBd ugha gqbZ gS rks mld dkj.k fy[ksaA

3- cSBd esa QSflfyVsVj@fM- QSflfyVsVj o foHkkx çeq[k ds gLrk{kj dk vFkZ

gS fd mu yksxks us cSBd dh dk;Zokgh dks ns[k fy;k gS ¼;g mudh cSBd esa
mifLFkfr ugha n'kkZrk gSA½ lHkh cSBd dh dk;Zokgh esa muds gLrk{kj
vko';d gSA


Note :

1. Persons other than Members, Leader, Dy. Leader, Facilitator, Dy.

Facilitator attending the meeting their attendance will be recorded under
the heading Special Presence.

2. In case of change in scheduled date of the meeting, reasons for this must
be mentioned in meeting minutes.

3. Signature of Facilitator/ Dy. Facilitator and HOD is the indication that they
have seen the minutes of the meeting (This does not mean that they were
present in the meeting). All the meetings should be duly signed.

56 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle
DokfyVh l£dy lnL; ,oa yhMj dk foLr`r fooj.k

Quality Circle
Detials about Quality Circle Members & Leader
lfdZy yhMj
Øe- la- Ukke ilZuy uaŒ mez dk;Z vuqHko 'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk lnL;rk frfFk Circle leader period vU; fooj.k
Sl.No. Name P. No. Age Work Experience Literacy Level Date of Joning dc dc Other Details
ls@From ls@From
Material Source : Tata Steel

57 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle
QSflfyVsVj @ fM- QsflfyVsVj dk foLr`r fooj.k

Quality Circle
Detials facilitator/Dy. Facilitator
Øe- la- Ukke ilZuy uaŒ in QS- @ fM- QS- dc ls dc rd vkfQl ?kj vU; fooj.k
Sl.No. Name P. No. Designation Facilitator / Dy. Facilitator From To Ph. Off. Ph. Res. Other Details
Material Source : Tata Steel

58 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

fopkjeaFku }kjk ladfyr leL;k;sa

List of Problems Identified
fopkjeaFku }kjk ladfyr leL;k;sa ,d n`f"V esa / Identified problems through Brainstorming a a glance
Ø- la- leL;k;sa / Problem oxZ
S.No. Catg. A / B / C

59 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

gy dh xbZ leL;kvksa dk fooj.k ,d n`f"V esa

fujh{k.k frfFk
Øe- la- izkjEHk frfFk iw.kZ gksus dh frfFk Date of Inspection
pquh xbZ leL;k
Sl.No. Problem Selected ¼foHkkxh; vf/kdkjh
Started Date Compln. Date

60 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

lek/kku dh xbZ leL;k dk fooj.k

Details of Problems Solved at a Glance

EkkU;rk iznku dh izLrqrhdj.k dh iw.kZrk] ykxw gksus dh

frfFk lEHkkfor frfFk ykHk ¼izR;{k½
frfFk vU; fooj.k / Other Details
Date of Tentative date of Gains (Tangible)
Date of Approval Presentation total implementation

61 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

izLrqrhd`r ifj;kstukvksa dk fooj.k

Record of Case study Presentation
Ø- la- ifj;kstuk 'kh"kZd frfFk LFkku lqvolj miyfC/k;ka
S.No. Title of case study Date of Place Occasion Achievements

62 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh l£dy lewg mifLFkfr fooj.k

Quality Circle Attendance Record
fnukad / Date : From ...................................................... ls To ...................................................... rd
Øe- la- cSBd la- / Meeting No. -->
Sl.No. uke / Name fnukad / Date -->

Facilitator / Dy. Facilitator

A – dk;Z esa vk;s ij cSBd esa ugha vk;saA L – vodk'k

D – laLFkku us dk;Z{ks=k ds ckgj dgha dk;Z @ izLrqrhdj.k gsrq Hkstk gSaSA

63 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

cSBd dk C;kSjk
fnukad / Date : CSBd la[;k / Meeting No. : le; / Time :

fo'ks"k mifLFkfr %
Special Presence :

dk;Zokgh / Minutes of Meeting :

ØŒ laŒ ppkZ dk fo"k; ,ds'ku }kjk fjekdZ

Sl. No. Matter Discussed Action by Remark

yhMj QSflfyVsVj @ Mh- QSflfyVsVj la;kstd foHkkxk/;{k

Leader Facilitator / Dy. Facilitator BE Cordinator Dept. Head

64 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

65 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle


QC evaluation in Tata Steel

QC evaluation in QCFI

QC evaluation in CII

Forms in use

VkVk LVhy esa DokfyVh lfdZy dk eqY;kadu

D;q- lh- ,Q- vkbZ- esa DokfyVh lfdZy dk


lh- vkbZ- vkbZ- esa DokfyVh lfdZy dk


bLrseky esa vkus okys QkeZ

66 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

67 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

VkVk LVhy esa DokfyVh lfdzZy ds ewY;kadu

dh fof/k ¼2001&2002½
,isDl Lrj ij DokfyVh lfdZy dk dEifVf'ku dk ewY;kadu@ Evaluation Criteria for Apex
level Quality Circle Competition

Evaluation Weightage eqY;kadu dk vk/kkj

1. PROBLEM SELECTION 15 leL;k dk p;u
a) identification method 05 p;u dh fof/k
b) selection basis 05 p;u dk vk/kkj
c) relevance to dept. / organizational 05 foHkkfx; mís';@laLFkku dk mís';@cSysUl Ldksj dkMZ ls
needs / linkage to Score Card &
strategic goals leL;k dh lac}rk

2. ANALYSIS 20 fo'ys"k.k
a) data collection 05 vkadM+k ladyu
b) use of Quality tools (relevance for 05 DokfyVh lfdZy VwYl dk bLrseky
solving the problem)
C) root cause identification 10 ewYk dkj.k dh [kkst

3. SOLUTION 15 lek/kku
a) probable solution & evaluation 05 laHkkfor lek/kku ,oa mldk eqY;kadu
b) interaction with experts 03 ,DliVlZ ls ckrphr ,oa mudh jk;
c) extent of problem solving (remedial 03 leL;k dk fuokj.k ¼fdl gn rd@fdruk çfr'kr½
d) cost effectiveness of the solution 04 lek/kku dk dkWLV bQSfDVousl

4. HOLDING THE GAINS 15 gksfYaMx n xsUl

a) document standardization 05 nLrkost dk ekufddj.k ¼LVSaMMkZbts'ku½
b) training 05 çf'k{k.k
c) benefits (tangible & intangible) 05 Qk;nk ¼çR;{k ,oa vçR;{k½

5. PRESENTATION 15 çLrqfrdj.k
a) slides, models etc. 05 LykbM ,oa ekMy bR;kfn
b) team work (involvement, time etc.) & 05 Vhe odZ ¼lnL;vks dh Hkkxhnkjh ,oa le; dk ikyu
c) response to questions 05 ç'uksa dk mÙkj

6. SPECIAL FEATURES 20 fof'k"V igyq

a) innovative solution 10 buksosfVo lek/kku
b) mentoring another QUALITY CIRCLE 10 nwljs DokfyVh lfdZyksa esa esaVkfjax dh Hkwfedk vFkok
OR uses LCDs & computers for making
presentation and belongs to a Business
dI;qVjhÑr çLrqfrdj.k ¼mu {ks=kksa esa tgk¡ 'kr çfr'kr
Excellence Sub Council with 100% TEI deZpkfj;ksa dh DokfyVh lfdZy esa Hkkxhnkjh gks ½

7. KNOWLEDGE TEST/QUALITY QUIZ 20 ukWyst tk¡p @DokfyVh lfdZy fDot

MAXIMUM MARKS 120 iw.kk±d

68 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

VkVk LVhy esa DokfyVh lfdZy fjdkMZ

dk ewY;kadu
Evaluation of Quality Circle Records in Tata Steel

Evaluation Weightage eqY;kadu dk vk/kkj


a) 48 meetings and above 10 vM+rkfyl ;k vf/kd cSBdsa

b) 36 meetings 08 NÙkhl cSBdsa
c) 24 meetings 06 pkSchl cSBdsa
d) less than 24 meetings 04 pkSchl cSBd ls de


a) 80% and above 10 vLlh çfr'kr ;k vf/kd
b) 60% to 80% 8 lkB çfr'kr ls vLlh çfr'kr
c) 40% to 60% 6 pkyhl çfr'kr ls lkB çfr'kr
d) below 40% 4 pkyhl çfr'kr ls de

3. PROBLEMS SOLVED 10 leL;kvksa dk lek/kku

a) 5 cases or more 10 ik¡p ;k vf/kd
b) 4 cases 8 pkj leL;k
c) 3 cases 6 rhu leL;k

4. APPLICATION OF PROBLEM 10 leL;k lek/kku esa DokfyVh VwYl

dk bLrseky
a) 5 or more tools 10 ik¡p ;k vf/kd
b) less than 5 8 ik¡p ls de

5. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS 10 fjdkMZ dk esaVsusal


MAXIMUM MARKS 50 iw.kk±d

69 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

lh vkbZ vkbZ DokfyVh lfdzZy çfr;ksfxrk esa

ewY;kadu dh fof/k ¼2001&2002½

Evaluation Factors Weightage eqY;kadu dk vk/kkj

1. Selection theme / problem 2 leL;k dk p;u

2. Defining and understanding the problem 2 leL;k dh ifjHkk"kk ,oa mldh le>

3. analysis 5 fo'ys"k.k

4. Quality of presentation (including 3 çLrqfrdj.k dh xq.koÙkk ¼n`'; ,oa çlkj½

visual & oral part)

5. Results of the Study 3 v/;;u dk ifj.kke

6. Preventive Measures for Non- 3 iqujko`fÙk dh jksdFkke


7. Special featuers if any, in the 2 çLrqfrdj.k esa fo'ks"k Qhpj


TOTAL 20 iq.kk±d

çLrqfrdkj.k dh le; lhek % 15 feuV

Presentation Time Limit : 15 Minutes

70 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdzZy Qksje vkWQ bf.M;k esa

ewY;kadu dh fof/k ¼2001&2002½

çLrqfrdj.k ls iwoZ dsl LVMh dk ewY;kadu@Evaluation of Case Study Received In


Evaluation Factors Weightage eqY;kadu dk vk/kkj

1. Identificati of Problems 05 leL;k dh igpku

a) 50 and more problems 05 ipkl ls vf/kd

b) 40 to 49 problems 04 pkyhl ls mUpkl

c) 30 to 39 problems 03 rhl ls mUpkfyl

d) 20 to 29 problems 02 chl ls mUrhl

e) below 20 01 chl ls de

2. Selection of Problem 05 leL;k dk p;u

3. Defining the Problem 10 leL;k dh ifjHkk"kk

4. Analysis of Problem 10 leL;k dh fo'ys"k.k

5. Identification of causes 15 dkj.kksa dh igpku

6. Finding out the route causes 10 ewy dkj.k dh tkudkjh

7. Data Analysis 15 vkadM+k dk fo'ys"k.k

8. Developing Solutions 15 lek/kku dk fodkl

9. Foreseeling probable resistance 05 lEHkkfor fojks/k dk vuqeku

10. Trail implementation and check the 10 Vªk;y dk;kZUo;u ,oa eWkufVfjax

11. Regular implementation 10 fu;fer dk;kZUo;u

12. Follow-up/review 10 iqufufj{k.k ,oa iqujkoyksdu

TOTAL 120 iq.kkZd

71 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdzZy Qksje vkWQ bf.M;k esa

ewY;kadu dh fof/k ¼2001&2002½
daosU'ku ds le; dsl LVMh dk ewY;kadu@Evaluation of Case Study at the time of

Evaluation Factors Weightage eqY;kadu dk vk/kkj


1. Scrutinising the Quality register 20 DokfyVh lfdZy jftLVj dh tk¡p


1. Time Management by QC 10 le; çca/ku

2. Communication skill/Sequence and 10 laokn {kerk@Øe ,oa Li"Vrk

(For Oral) (For Visual)

3. Explanation of sequential steps of 10 çLrqfrdj.k esa mi;qDr inksa dh Øeokj O;oLFkk


4. Special features in presentation 10 çLrqfrdj.k esa fo'ks"k Qhpj


1. Knowledge evaluation 20 tkudkjh dk ewY;kadu

TOTAL 80 iq.kkZd

çLrqfrdkj.k dh le; lhek % 15 feuV

Presentation Time Limit : 15 Minutes

72 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdZy çLrqfrdj.k dh lwpuk


foHkkx % fMohtu %
DokfyVh lfdZy % iathÑr uaŒ %
çLrqfrdkj.k dh frfFk %
çkstsDV VkbZVy

Impacts areas : (Please Tick the most appro)

Cycle time reduction Quality Improvement
Avialability of Equipment/Machine Process Capability
Reduction in Cost/Rejection Welfare
Increase in productivity/efficiency Safety

çR;{k ykHk (TANGIBLE BENEFITS): (Please Workout the details here)


dk;kZUo;u ds igys dh fLFkfr dk;kZUo;u ds i'pkr dh fLFkfr

Status before Impementation Status after Implementation

foHkkx/;{k %
Head of Department :
uke %
Name :
in %
Design :

73 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Quality Circle
With key Internal Customers
Division / Department : ___________________________

ØŒ lŒ DokfyVh lfdZy dk uke jftLVj uŒ frfFk leL;k dk lek/kku çR;{k ykHk

S. No. QC Name Reg. No. Problem Solved Tangible Benefit
Material Source : Tata Steel

Note : Feedback on problems solved by Q.C. can also be fed directly in QUIKS by department.

74 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

Quality Circle
1st September (Current Year) – 31st August (of the following year)
QUALITY SUB COUNCIL : ___________________________

5 ;k mlls vf/kd
dqy 5 ;k mlls vf/kd çLrqfrdj.k djus esufVfjaax djus esuVj~M
tkx`r dqy leL;kvksa
jftLVMZ çLrqfrdj.k djus okys lnL; okys lfdZyksa dh lfdZyksa dh
Ø- l- foHkkx lfdZy dk lek/kku
lfdZy okys lfdZy No. of Members in la[;k la[;k
Total No. of
S. No. Dept. No. of QCs No. of QCs with 5 Teams with 5 or more
Total QCs Problems No. of QCs No. of QCs
ACTIVE* or more Presentation
Registered Solved Mentoring ** Mentored**
Presentation efgyk iq:"k
Ladies Gents

1. ACTIVE* QCs are those which

Material Source : Tata Steel

• Have solved atleast 1 problem & have made a Management Presentation

• Have been recently formed (between 1st June & 31st August of the current year) and are meeting
2. Mentoring ** : Those QCs whose Leaders or Members have started a NEW QUALITY (i.e. formed after
1st April of the current year) which is active.
3. Mentored *** : QCs formed after 1st April of the current year & are active due to the initiative taken by
Leaders or Members of matured QCs. Divisional/Deptt. BE Council

75 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdZy jftLVsª'ku@iquZxBu gsrq vuqjks/k


Name of Quality Circle

DokfyVh lfdZy dk uke
Registration Number *
jftLVªs'ku uŒ
Date of Registration
jftLVªs'ku rkjh[k


Ø- l- uke inuke ilZuy uŒ yhMj@lnL;

S. No. Name Designation Leader / Member
Facilitator /

(Note : A QUALITY Team cannot have more than 6 members including facilitator / mentor)

Signature of
Signature of Leader Signature of HOD
yhMj dk gLrk{kj QSflfyVsVj dk gLr{kkj foHkkx v/;{k dk gLrk{kj

* Note : Registration number can also be generated online from QUIKS by BE Co-ordinators

76 Material Source : Tata Steel

Quality Circle



Division / Department : _____________________

çLrqfrdj.k dh frfFk
ØŒ laŒ foHkkx D;q lh uke iath;u laŒ
Presentations made on the following dates
Sl. No. Department Q C Name Reg. No.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

77 Material Source : Tata Steel

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