Pps questions

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Unit – 1 Introduction to Computer & Programming

1. Draw the basic block diagram of computer and explain the functions of computer
2. Write a note on Classification of programming languages.
3. Define following terms: Algorithm, Flow charts and Pseudo code.
4. Explain various symbols used in Flow Charts.
5. Write an Algorithm to find average of two numbers.
6. Write an Algorithm to find out maximum of three numbers.
7. Write an Algorithm to find factorial.
8. Write an Algorithm to find reverse of a given number.
9. Write an algorithm to find Fibonacci Series up to given term.
10. Write an Algorithm to find LCM of two given numbers.

Unit -2 Fundamentals of C
1. Explain the Structure of C program with a sample code.
2. List and explain the fundamental data types used in C language.
3. Write a Short note on different types of operators used in C language.
4. What is Conditional operator? Write a small program to explain conditional operator.
5. Explain Types conversion using sample code.
6. Explain operator precedence and associativity.
7. Write syntax of scanf and printf function in different types of inputs and outputs.
8. What is formatted output? Explain with an example.
9. Explain the working of gets() and scanf() to take string as an input.
10. Write program to separate integer and fractional part of a float number and store them
in separate variable.

Unit -3 Control Structure in C

1. Explain working of following with and example
a. If……else
b. Switch statement
c. Break, goto and continue statement
2. What is loop? And explain various looping structures with an example.
3. State a difference between entry control loop and exit control loop.
4. Write a program to print multiplication table for a given number.
5. Write a program to find factorial of a given number.
6. Write a program to find average of 10 given numbers without using an array.
7. Write a program to check whether given number is prime or not.
8. Write a program to print reverse of a given number.
9. Write a program to print following series up to N given by user.
10. Write a program to print sum of individual digit of a given positive number.

Unit -4 Array and String

1. What is an array? Define its type.
2. Declare an array to store a matrix of integer numbers having 4 rows and 3 columns.
Write program to scan those integers.
3. What is string? What are the operations that could be performed on a string.
4. Write a program to find average of 10 numbers using an array.
5. Write a program to read an array of integer and print its elements in reverse order.
6. Write a program to print the position of a given element from an array.
7. Write a program to find maximum of 10 numbers stored in an array.
8. Write a program to scan a string using scanf().
9. Write a program to find smallest number in an array of N elements.
10. Write a program to find sum of all the odd number present in a given array of N

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