Ajol-file-journals 401 Articles 268870 662238f4ce301
Ajol-file-journals 401 Articles 268870 662238f4ce301
Ajol-file-journals 401 Articles 268870 662238f4ce301
Firehiwot Abebe
School of Information Science, Addis Ababa University, P.O.Box 1176,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. fire.abebe10@gmail.com
Lemma Lessa1
Assistant Professor of Information Systems, School of Information Science,
Addis Ababa University, P.O.Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Nowadays the world witnessed a rapid growth in mobile commerce and the
widespread use of mobile devices. The growth of mobile commerce depends on
widely accepted mobile payment systems. However, this trend is not well
experienced in developing countries like Ethiopia. Even though merchants
somehow benefited from the rapid growth in electronic commerce and the use
of mobile devices in e-commerce, they still hesitate to effectively employ in their
day-to-day transactions. Little research has been conducted to examine and
explain the merchants' views on the new payment technology. In this paper, we
explore the factors that affect merchants’ adoption of mobile payment in
Ethiopia. The result suggests that relative advantage, ease of use, usefulness,
attitude, trust, risk/security, and cost are factors that affect mobile payment
adoption positively and significantly. Whereas compatibility is found not
significant for merchants’ adoption of mobile payment systems in the Ethiopian
context. Based on the findings, the study proposes a conceptual model for
mobile payment adoption to guide practice and future research in this emerging
Corresponding author
Firehiwot Abebe and Lemma Lessa 25
People carry out transactions by using physical money in the form of coins and
bills for so long and still significantly rely on it throughout the world and still
more in the developing world (Finance Monthly, 2017; Kiong et al., 2022).
Since the diffusion of IT, people have the comfort of choosing how to carry out
payment transactions using IT instruments and services like mobile phones,
credit cards, and so on. Mobile payment is a two-sided market, where retailers
or merchants accepting mobile payments represent one side, and customers
using the service another (Apanasevic, 2013; Abrahão et al., 2016). These days,
mobile payment systems are becoming an important payment mode for today’s
businesses (Dahlberg et al., 2008; Wrobel-Konior, 2016) and have lots of
advantages over other technologies, such as interacting with anybody
anywhere, being in use independently, customized information and services,
and getting quick answers from users (Coursaris & Hassanein, 2002; Dastan,
2016). It is also much less expensive than opening bank branches especially in
rural areas (Pidugu, 2015; Wijayanthi, 2019). Mobile phones are providing an
extraordinary opportunity for expansion of financial activity in developing
countries where the number of phone users exceed the number of those having
bank accounts (Nurhussen, 2016).
In line with this, there is still a poor cashless payment mechanism in Ethiopia,
especially among people in rural areas and young people without a bank
account (Mothobi & Grzybowski, 2017). In 2017, for instance, out of total
utility bills paying Ethiopian customers, 99 percent were paid using cash only,
whereas the corresponding figure was only 12 percent in Kenya, 27 percent in
Journal of Business and Administrative Studies (2022), Vol. 14, No. 1
Alm et al. (2022) in their part argue that the mass adoption of mobile payments
will only be triggered when the benefits – both perceived and real - become
clear to consumers and merchants. Because mobile payments are still relatively
new, the benefits largely pertain to the perceived potential until the service is
adopted widely and the benefits accrue to everyone (ControlScan, 2013).
Mohammadi and Jahanshahi (2008) established a framework for evaluating the
barriers and drivers of the customer and merchant adoption of mobile payments.
Accordingly, the distinct four categories of barriers to merchant adoption:
relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and costs. Network externalities
and security and trustworthiness of mobile payments were also considered
relevant factors in mobile payment adoption.
found that the main obstacles to the development of E-payments are lack of
customer trust in the initiatives, unavailability of payment laws and regulations,
particularly for e-payment, lack of skilled manpower and frequent power
disruption. Furthermore, Bezaalem (2019) examines the factors affecting
customers’ adoption of mobile payments with a special focus on the customers
of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Dashen Bank, and M-Birr. Hence, local
studies focused either on the e-payment aspect in general or on customers’
adoption aspect of mobile payment and did not explore the factors affecting
mobile payment adoption by merchants in Ethiopia.
H1: Ease of use has a positive effect on attitude towards the adoption of
mobile payment technology.
2) Usefulness
Usefulness is “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular
system would enhance his or her job performance” (Davis, 1989). Perceived
usefulness explains the user's recognition that the interactive mobile payment
adoption will enhance their task performance in the purchase of goods and
mobile cash (Cudjoe et al., 2015).
Firehiwot Abebe and Lemma Lessa 29
H2: Usefulness of the use of mobile payments has a positive effect on attitude
towards the adoption of mobile payment technology.
3) Relative Advantage
Relative advantage is to express to what extent the new technology or product
is perceived as better than the existing product. In relative advantage, there are
a number of sub-dimensions like the degree of economic profitability, low
initial cost, a decrease in discomfort, savings in time and effort, and the
immediacy of the reward (Dahlberg et al., 2015; Albuquerque et al., 2016). The
relative advantage of an innovation generally, as perceived by members of the
social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption (Rogers, 1995;
Abrahão et al., 2016). The potential adopters can gain an economic and social
advantage if innovation is undoubtedly advantageous (Rogers, 1995).
H3: The relative advantage of using mobile payment has a positive effect on
attitude towards the adoption of mobile payment technology.
4) Compatibility
Compatibility indicates the degree in which the technology service is perceived
as consistent with socio-cultural values and beliefs; with the previous and
present ideas; and with client needs of innovation (Rogers, 1995). Using mobile
payment systems only require understanding operation procedures and
application areas, and it does not change users’ behavior with payment activities
(Cudjoe, et al., 2015).
5) Trust
Due to the inherent nature of mobile payments, trust is believed to influence
directly or indirectly the intention of adoption and acceptance of mobile
payments because mobile services are exposed to various uncertainties and
uncontrollable consequences (Aithal, 2016; Sarder, 2016). Loss and theft of
mobile devices result in identity theft inconveniences such as frustration and
unavailability of mobile payment services caused by network failure, and data
pilfering attacks, to name just a few examples (Mallat & Kristiina, 2005).
H5: The perceived trust of using mobile payments has a positive effect on the
attitude toward the adoption of mobile payment technology.
Journal of Business and Administrative Studies (2022), Vol. 14, No. 1
6) Risk
Perceived risk in consumer adoption intention of financial technology has three
important dimensions: security, privacy, and monetary and it can be used by
merchants as well. Perceived privacy risk is defined as the possibility that inline
businesses might use personal information inappropriately invading
consumer’s privacy with mobile payment consumers authorize the retailer to
use their personal information and gain access to their bank account
(Featherman & Pavlou, 2003; Olivia, 2018), Perceived financial risk refers to
users’ perception about the possible monetary loss caused by the usage of
mobile payment (Featherman & Pavlou, 2003; Abrahão et al., 2016). The
transfer of money between accounts in mobile payment may raise great concern
about financial information, such as accounts and passwords being stolen and
the subsequent risk of losing money.
H6: Perceived risk has a positive effect on trust to use of mobile payment
7) Attitude
Attitude is defined as an individual’s positive or negative evaluation of new
technology adoption of acceptance. Attitude toward adoption is the cognitive
process that depicts the prospective adopter’s affection for adopting new
technology (Fishbein, 1979; Aithal, 2016). Attitude toward adoption is
hypothesized in different beliefs perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness,
relative advantage, and compatibility. Attitudes are described as the sum of
beliefs attributed to a particular behavior (Aithal, 2016; Nag, 2018).
H7: Attitudes towards mobile payment systems has a positive effect on the
adoption of mobile payment technology.
8) Cost
Within the context of mobile payment technologies, the cost could be defined
as the amount of money that has to be spent on the usage of mobile payment
technologies and/or required tools to acquire related technology (Aithal, 2016;
ÖRS, 2018).
H8: Cost of mobile payment systems has a negative effect on the adoption of
mobile payment technology.
Firehiwot Abebe and Lemma Lessa 31
An empirical quantitative research approach is employed to assess factors
affecting mobile payment adoption. The research followed a cross-sectional
survey study design as it is conducted within a specified period and place to
explore factors that affect merchants’ mobile payment adoption.
As of the end of May 2019, the number of business users or merchants for the
mobile payment system of CBE is 4,756 that of M-Birr put up at 1,309. Thus,
the total number of mobile payment accounts of consumer users in the two
selected companies was 6,065. Selecting only registered merchants from Addis
Ababa and around is because there are a lot of merchants in the area so including
everyone in the population may take too long. In order to determine the sample
size, the researchers used the formula recommended by (Yamane, 1967).
n is a sample size
N is a total population
e2 is a probability of an error
n= 376
Since this research is aimed to identify and analyze factors for merchants'
adoption of mobile payments in Ethiopia, considering all mobile payment
service providers in the country would have been better. However, due to time
and resource constraints, only two service providers were randomly selected:
CBE Birr and M-birr. To make sure the manageability of the research process
and guarantee the achievement of a reliable outcome, a simple random sampling
technique was used for the selection of banks. Populations of the study which
are merchants of mobile payment users at the specified companies are chosen
with a systematic random sampling method.
Journal of Business and Administrative Studies (2022), Vol. 14, No. 1
Two mobile payment system providers have been selected from the available
providers randomly. These organizations were government bank (CBE-Birr)
and non-bank (M-birr) and registered (active as well as non-active), mobile
payment users, as merchants in Addis Ababa and Oromia special zone,
surrounding Addis Ababa. In addition, study participants at the specified
companies were chosen with a systematic random sampling method (Singh &
Masuku, 2014).
According to Fornell & Larcker (1981) and Wong (2013), ICR values larger
than 0.7 are desirable to assure strong internal consistency reliability. In the
measurement model, composite reliability ranged from 0.867 to 0.895 and
Cronbach’s alpha range of 0.701 to 0.843. Therefore, high levels of internal
consistency and reliability have been demonstrated among all reflective latent
variables. Outer loadings for indicators of reflective variables show individual
indicators’ reliability. The reflective variables are more than the minimum
acceptable value of 0.7 (Table 1).
Adoption/Actual use of
0.701 0.870 0.770
Mobile Payment
Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity is another means of assuring construct validity. While
convergent validity involves the degree to which individual items reflecting a
construct converge in comparison to items measuring different constructs,
discriminant validity tests whether the items do not unintentionally measure
something else (Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Mothobi & Grzybowski, 2017)).
There are two common approaches to determining discriminant validity in
1. The square root of AVE is larger than the correlation between any pair of
corresponding latent variables; discriminant validity is confirmed (Fornell &
Larcker 1981; Cheung, 2019). The table below demonstrates that the square
roots of AVEs (highlighted and bold on the diagonal) are larger than all the
correlation values that confirm discriminant validity.
significant. A summary of path coefficients along with the t-value is presented in the
table below to show whether the initially assumed relations are confirmed or not.
Accordingly, all of the coefficients, except that of H4, are significant at the 5%
significance level providing strong support for the hypothesized relationships. Based
on the above parameter the results of the model analysis are presented in Table 3
Based on the analysis result, attitude (MPA) towards the adoption of Mobile
payment is modeled as a function of MPRA, MPCM, MPEU, MPT, and
MPU. From this, mobile payment Perceived ease of use (MPEU) was
hypothesized to have a significant positive effect on merchants’ attitude (H1).
The empirical evidence of the study indicated that PEU is the second powerful
factor in affecting customers’ attitudes to adopt Mobile payment with a path
coefficient of 0.127 and a p-value < 0.05 (or t-value >1.96), thereby
supporting the Hypothesis H1. This aligns with the findings of (Pal, Vanijja,
& Papasratorn, 2015; ÖRS, 2018). This suggests that merchants perceive that
Mobile payments are easy to learn and use. Therefore, H1 is accepted.
To achieve our research goal, an intensive literature review was done and a
conceptual research model was employed that consists of eight latent
variables adopted from ÖRS (2018). The study mainly focused on the effect
of the following factors on merchants’ adoption of mobile payments:
perceived ease of use, usefulness, relative advantage, compatibility, trust,
perceived risk, attitude, and cost, of Mobile payment service. The structural
model presents how much of the variable is explained by the underlying
factors of mobile payment adoption. In the inner variables attitude is modeled
as a function of MPRA, MPCM, MPEU, MPT, and MPU. These variables
explained 61.8 percent of the variance in AT as the R2 value or coefficient of
determination stood at 0.618. This implies that 39.2 percent of the variance in
MPA is explained by other factors not included in the model. MRA, MPEU,
MPU, and MCT are found to be positively and significantly affecting
merchants’ attitudes to adopt mobile payment.MPA and MPC as well
significantly affecting merchants’ attitudes to adopt mobile payment.
compared with the traditional sales, they should believe that mobile payments
are easy to use, understandable and can become skillful at using it, they
should also ensure that the cost of mobile payment service is reasonable and
affordable. Therefore, it can be concluded that merchants can adopt mobile
banking services when the value and benefit of mobile payment are evident.
On the contrary, MPCM is not significantly affecting merchants’ attitudes to
adopt mobile payment. This result indicates that for mobile payment to be
adopted by merchants compatibility doesn’t affect existing work practices and
the extent to which the payment system “fits” with their current work process.
Overall, the result of this study is indeed helpful to the banking industry,
microfinance, and other mobile payment system providers in Ethiopia and will
be used as the springboard for other researchers for future work in the area.
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