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bl iqfLrdk ij dqN Hkh fy[kus ls igys Question Booklet No.

: –

fuEufyf[kr funsZ'k /;kuiwoZd i<+sa iz'u iqfLrdk la[;k % -

1- viuk mÙkj fy[kuk çkjEHk djus ls igys viuh ç'u iqfLrdk dh Hkyh&Hkk¡fr tk¡p dj ysa] ns[k ysa fd blesa mijksä ç”uksa dh bl iqfLrdk dks vkns'k feyus ij gh [kksysa
la[;k bafxr gSa vkSj blesa fçafVax laca/kh vFkok vU; fdLe dh dksbZ deh ugha gSA ;fn fdlh çdkj dh dksbZ deh gks rks i;Zos{kd
dks lwfpr djsa rFkk iqfLrdk cny ysaA mÙkj nsus ls iwoZ vki ;g vo'; lqfuf'pr djsa fd vkidks lgh fo|k'kk[kk iqfLrdk feyh Time Allowed : 2 Hours
Assistant/Head Clerk Total No. of Questions : 100
gSA PAPER-I (English Language)
vuqer le; % 2 ?k.Vs iz'u dh dqy la[;k % 100
2- viuk uke] vuqØekad la[;k vkSj vks-,e-vkj- (OMR) la[;k vkeq[k i`"B ij fy[ksaA mÙkj i= ij uhys@dkys ckWy Iokb±V isu Time 10:00 AM – TO - 12.00 NOON
ls HkjsaA mÙkj if=dk ij viuk uke fyf[k, rFkk gLrk{kj dhft,A
Roll No. OMR Answer Sheet No
3- ;g ,d oLrqijd fdLe dh ijh{kk gS ftlesa çR;sd ç'u ds uhps Øekad (A) ls (D) rd pkj çLrkfor mÙkj fn;s gSaA vkids vuqØekad:……………………………… vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj if=dk la[;k : ………………….
fopkj esa tks Hkh mÙkj lgh gS mldks vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj i= esa fpfUgr dhft,A vius mÙkj ç'u iqfLrdk esa u yxk,A
Name of the Candidate (in capital letters):
4- lHkh ç”u vfuok;Z gSaA vH;FkÊ dk uke % ………………….………………….……………………………
5- mÙkj&i= ij u rks jQ+ dk;Z djsa u gh vkSj fdlh çdkj dk fu'kku vkfn yxk,a ;k bls eksaM+sA Candidate's Signature Invigilator's Signature
vH;FkÊ ds gLrk{kj % ------------------------------- d{k fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj % -----------------------------
6- mÙkj if=dk bysDVªkWfud ek/;e ls lalkf/kr dh tk;sxhA vr% bls eksM+us ;k ;=&r= fpUg yxkus vFkok mÙkj if=dk dks [kjkc
djus ,oa viw.kZ@vlR; Hkjus ij mÙkj if=dk dks fujLr fd;k tk ldrk gS ,oa bldh iwjh ftEesnkjh vH;FkÊ ij gksxhA READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY
7- jQ+ dk;Z iqfLrdk esa fdlh Hkh [kkyh LFkku esa fd;k tkuk pkfg,A fdlh vU; dkx+t ij bls djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA BEFORE WRITING ANYTHING ON THIS BOOKLET
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ys tkuk oftZr gS ,slk djuk n.M.kh; vijk/k gSA 3. This is an objective type test in which each objective question is followed by four responses serial led (A) to (D).
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fgUnh esa vuqns”k vfUre i`’B ¼Back cover½ ij fn;k x;k gSA
Question Nos ( 1 to 15) Rough Work
Comprehension jQ dk;Z
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
Imagining a future where clean air is no longer a dream and our cities are not smog filled concrete jungles,
this could well become a reality in the coming years if the world begins to increasingly adopt the use of cleaner
options like alternate-fuel vehicles.
The rise in economic activity and the burgeoning population have led to a tremendous demand in the
transport sector, especially in urban India. By 2020, India’s urban population is expected to grow five fold to a
staggering 200 million while pollution is expected to grow seven times. With this tremendous growth has
emerged a very critical issue of keeping air and noise polution in urban areas under control.
If we can have 3 lakh electric vehicles(EVs) on the roads by 2020 including three wheelers, cars and
scooters we would have reduced pollution by 16 lakh metric tonnes, saved Rs.3700 crores in foreign exchange
earnings and substantially reduced health care costs. Small electric buses , three wheelers and electric scooters are
ideal for city mobility in India but it could take between five to ten years before they b ecome viable for
commercial use.
The electric vehicle uses electric energy which is stored in batteries that feed the electric motor. Driving an
electric vehicle is easier and more relaxing than a traditional one because it has no speed-gear and functioning
noise. It is enough to turn the key and press the acceleration pedal; you need only two driving pedals-accelerator
and brake.
The need to reduce air pollution along with the availability of new advanced batteries have allowed EVs to
reappear as a clean alternative to internal combustion vehicles. Electric drive systems are virtually non polluting
and extremely energy efficient. While internal combustion vehicles can convert about 20% of the chemical
energy in gasoline into useful work, 75% or more of the energy from a battery has productive power in an electric
Electric motors can also provide power at almost any engine speed . While internal combustion engines
must be revived upto high rpm to achieve maximum power, eletric motors provide nearly peak power even at low
speeds. This gives electric vehicles strong acceleration performance from the start.
Apart from being environment and user friendly, there are several other reasons for alternate fuel cars to
flourish in India. Firstly, electricity for EVs can be produced from various sources for which India has natural
resources and does not need to depend on the import of oil. Although EVs will not replace LPG, CNG or petrol
and diesel for inter city use, the infrastructure required for EVs in the form of electricity distribution
infrastructure, is already available in all the major cities and minimum costs are required to install additional
Q1. Whattypeofpollutionthepassagetalksabout?
 1) Noisepollution 2) Waterpollution
 3) Airpollution 4) Noneandthreeabove

2 15
Q97 ThelocalmemberoftheAssembly_________onaindefinitefasttopresshisdemands Q2. WhatisthestrategytobeadoptedtopreventAirpollution?
1) joined 2) go  1) Toinvestinalternatefuelvehicles
3) agreed 4) went  2) Tostoppollutingwaterbodies
Q98 Allthemembersoftheexecutivecommitteewereinfavourof______________ofanewbuildingforthe  3) Torefrainfrommakingnoise
 4) Tostopunnecessaryburningoflights
1) building 2) proposing
Q3. Whatarethereasonsfordemandintransportsector?
3) construction 4) establishing
 1) Increasedproductionofvehicles
Q99 Apersonwhorenounceswordlypleasuretoattainsalvation
 2) Concessiongiventoautomobileindustry
1) Devotee 2) Pilgrim
 3) Economicactivityandpopulationincrease
3) Sceptic 4) Ascetic
 4) Priceoffuels
1) will 2) wouldbe Q4. Whythereisaneedforkeepingairandnoisepollutionundercontrol?

3) willbe 4) can  1) Fivefoldincreaseinpopulation

 2) Seventimesincreaseinpollution
 3) Oneandtwoabove
 4) Tosurviveintheworld
Q5. Whetherelectricvehiclecanreduceairpollution
 1) Yes
 2) No
 3) Toagreatextant
 4) Willremovefully
Q6. Threelakselectricvehicleontheroadscanreduceairpollutionby
 1) Sixteenlakhmetrictons
 2) Fivelakhmetrictons
 3) Tenlakhmetrictones
 4) Twelvelakhmetrictones
Q7. Commercialvehiclesviableinfutureare
 1) Minicommercialbuses
 2) MinicommercialLorry
 3) Smallelectricbuses,threewheelersandelectricscooters
4) Electrictrains
Q8. Whichtypeofvehiclehasnospeedgearandfunctioningnoise
 1) Dieselvehicles
2) Cycle
 3) Petrolvehicles
 4) Electricvehicles

14 3
Q9. Whereiselectricalenergystored? Q85 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(5)
 1) Petroltank 2) DieselTank 1) philosophy 2) culture
3) Battery 4) Noneoftheabove 3) ideas 4) knowledge
Q10. Whichofthefollowingisanonpollutivevehicle Q86 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(6)
 1) Electricdrivenvehicles 2) Internalcombustionvehicles  1) starting 2) onwards
 3) Gearlessscooters 4) Fourgearmotorcycles 3) from 4) beginning
Q11. Howmuchpercentageofabatteryhasproductivepower Q87 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(7)
 1) 74% 2) 70% 1) many 2) large
 3) 76% 4) 75% 3) several 4) enormous
Q12. WhichprovidepeakpoweratLowspeeds Q88 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(8)
 1) Internalcombustionengine 2) Fourstrokeengines 1) established 2) placed
3) Electricmotors 4) Dieselmotors 3) grown 4) functioning
Q13. Whichisanenvironmentanduserfriendlymotor? Q89 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(9)
 1) Inductionmotors 2) Magneticmotors 1) reason 2) responsible
 3) Internalcombustionmotors 4) Electricmotors 3) originator 3) manbehind
Q14. Electricvehiclescanbemostlyusedfor Q90 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(10)
 1) Intercityuse 2) Intracityuse 1) states 2) continents
 3) Longdistanttravel 4) Noneoftheabove 3) countries 4) zones
Q15. Greatestadvantageavailableforuseofelectricvehiclesinmajorcityare Q91 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(11)
 1) Electricitydistributioninfrastructure 2) Electricityboardmanpower 1) availability 2) vision
 3) Adequatepowersupply 4) Noneoftheabove 3) beginning 4) spread
Q16. Choosethealternativewhichcanreplacethewordprintedinboldwithoutchangingthemeaningofthe Q92 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(12)
1) attracted 2) brought
 Theteacheraskedthestudentstobeassiduouswhilechoosingtheircareers 3) sought 4) solicited
 1) alert 2) forceful Q93 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(13)
 3) inclusive 4) meticulous 1) representative 2) ambassador
Q17. Choosethealternativewhichcanreplacethewordprintedinboldwithoutchangingthemeaningofthe 3) highcommissioner 4) minister
sentence Q94 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(14)
 TheSchoolearneditsnamethroughyearsofdedicatedwork 1) commerce 2) dealing
 1) unwavering 2) hard 3) pursuit 4) trade
 3) compulsory 4) faithfull Q95 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(15)
Q18. Choosetheonewhichbestexpressesthemeaningofthegivenidiomorproverbinboldletters 1) reduce 2) dwindle
 ThePrincipalisatoughmanandgetsangryatthedropofahat 3) declined 4) shrink
 1) onseeingsomeone Q96 Thetraderknewthatheisnot_________whilesellingthegoods.Hewaslaterrevealedforhis
 2) instantly __________behaviour.
 3) afterdeliberating 1) Truthful:deceitful 2) Genuine:bogus
 4) aftersometime 3) Open:lying 4) Decent:indecent

4 13
Q79 Pickachoicewhichgivesthecorrectsequenceofwords Q19. Choosetheonewhichbestexpressesthemeaningofthegivenidiomorproverbinboldletters
 Programmesharp10amatstartsthe  Sathyamhastoburnthemidnightoiltocompletehisprojectintime
123456  1) toworkhard 2) toworklateatnight
 1) 542613 2) 615243 3) tolightthelampinthenight 4) noneoftheabove
 3) 243561 4) 152436 Q20. Justasshootistogunpenisto
Q80 Pickachoicewhichgivesthecorrectsequenceofwords  1) talk 2) speak
 Exceltoshouldfocusbethe  3) write 4) argue
 123456 Q21. Findtheonewordsubstitutionfortheboldwordsinthefollowingsentence
1) 643521 2) 435216  Apersonwhoindulgesinthestudyofbirdsiscalled
3) 356421 4) 321564  1) educationist 2) philonthropist
Q81to95(Comprehension)  3) psychologist 4) ornithologist
Readthepassagebelowandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionforeach: Q22.Thedeathtollfromyesterday’s6.8____________tremorroseto200
 Therecent____________(1)inMohenjodaro,Harappa,Kalibangan,LothalandBetDwarakaconfirmsthat  1) scale 2) magnitude
India’s___________(2)withEgyptians,Sumerians,AssyriansandPersiansaremorethan5000yearsold.The  3) trembling 4) vibration
Q23. Thegreedymerchantdidnotknowwhereto________hisillgottenwealth
 1) keep 2) store
fromthesixthcenturyB.C.__________(6).The messageofBuddhawascarriedbytheBuddhistmissionaries
deputedbyEmperorAshokato_________(7)countriesinWesternAsiaandEasternEurope,throughthewell  3) hide 4) steal
established land and sea routes known to the traders.  During the 1st century B.C. there had been well Q24. Theelephant________drivenbyhungerenteredintothesugarcanefield
___________(8)BuddhistSangasatAlexandria,AthensinGreeceandAutiochinSyria.EmperorKanishkawas  1) group 2) team
 3) family 4) herd
the eastern shores of Caspian sea and China.  Emperor Ashoka was responsible for the ___________(11) of
Q25. Thecourtdeclaredthattheofficerwas__________ofgrossnegligence
countries in Eastern and Western Asia.  In the 1st  century  A.D. the Roman Emperor received the  1) blamed 2) sure
______________(13) deputed by the Pandian king of Tamil Nadu.   India’s ________(14) contacts with Rome  3) guilty 4) accused
andWestAsiancountries___________(15)whentheycameundertheIslamicRulers. Q26. Choosethewordorphrasewhichismostnearlythesametothekeyword
Q81 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(1)
 1) freelancejournalist 2) freelancephotographer
1) discoveries 2) invention
 3) freelanceeditor 4) freelancewriter
3) findings 4) openings
Q27. ChoosethewordorphrasewhichismostnearlythesametothekeywordSluggard
Q82 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(2)
 1) abrightman 2) anactiveman
1) communications 2) contacts
 3) alazyman 4) ashrewdman
3) transmission 4) touch
Q28. Choosethewordorphrasewhichismostnearlythesametothekeyword
Q83 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(3)
1) old 2) early
 1) complicatedsituation
3) ancient 4) past
 2) clearposition
Q84 Readthepassageandfillintheblanksbychoosingthebestoptionfor(4)
 3) activesituation
1) obtain 2) secure
 4) finesituation
3) clinch 4) gained

12 5
Q29 Againsteachkeywordaregivenfoursuggestedmeanings.Choosethewordorphrasewhichisopposite Q73 Changethefollowingsentenceintoreportedspeech.
inmeaningtothekeyword  “Thefilmbeganatseveno’clock,”hesaid
 Prudent  1) Thefilmwasbeganatseveno’clockhetold
 1) Sagacious  2) Hesaidthatthefilmwasbeginningatseveno’clock
 2) Judicious  3) Hesaidthatthefilmhadbegunatseveno’clock
 3) Canny  4) Thefilmwasgoingtobegunatseveno’clockhesaid
 4) Thoughtless Q74 Changethefollowingsentenceintoreportedspeech
Q30 Againsteachkeywordaregivenfoursuggestedmeanings.Choosethewordorphrasewhichisopposite  “Inevermakemistakes,”hesaid
 1) Hesaidthathenevermademistakes
 2) Heinformedthathenevermakemistakes
 1) greatness 2) sterling
 3) Mistakeswerenevermadebyhimhehesaid
 3) Despicable 4) Accurate
 4) Hesaidthathenevermakemistakes
Q31 Againsteachkeywordaregivenfoursuggestedmeanings.Choosethewordorphrasewhichisoppositein
Q75 SincetherewasnostaircaseinthefirstfloorofthebuildingRamwasnotabletocatchtheKiteentangled
 1) Unaccessible
 1) Outrageous 2) Obscene
 2) Notaccessible
 3) Disgraceful 4) Admirable
 3) Inaccessible
Q32 Choosethewronglyspeltword:
 4) Unreachable
 1) Indiscraminate 2) Indecent
Q76 “ToaddinsulttoinjurytheLandlorddisconnectedthewaterconnectionfornotpayingtherent.”.“Toadd
 3) Implore 4) Indecisive insulttoinjury”means_____
Q33 Choosethewronglyspeltword:  1) Tobehappy
 1) Coordinate 2) Collaterel  2) Tomakesituationworse
 3) Combination 4) Complexion  3) Togetangry
Q34 Choosethewronglyspeltword:  4) Tolovethehappenings
 1) Homage 2) Homeopathy Q77 AteamconsistingofaDeputySuperintendentofPolice,TwoInspectors,FourSubͲInspectorsalongwith50
 3) Homiside 4) Homophobia policepersonnelare_____________thestadiumtoavoiduntowardincidents.
Q35 Choosethewronglyspeltword:  1) watching
1) Spacious 2) Spastic  2) roaming
 3) Spasm 4) Spanierd  3) patrolling
Q36 Choosethewronglyspeltword:  4) rounding
 1) Arcade 2) Archaic Q78 Pickachoicewhichgivesthecorrectsequenceofwords
 3) Archaelogy 4) Archbishop  fromschoolswerechildrenlocalinvited
Q37 Choosethewronglyspeltword:  123456
 1) Behaviour 1) 415236
 2) Behind 2) 134526
 3) Betrothal  3) 524316
 4) Benevalent  4) 543612

6 11
Q65 Findtheonewhichisnotcorrectlymatched Q38 Choosethecorrectlyspeltword:

 1) Word:AbsolveSynonym:exonerateAntonym:acquit  1) Cavalcede 2) Cavalier

3) Catastraphe 4) Caterpiller
 2) Word:CommittedSynonym:pledgedAntonym:apathetic
Q39 Choosethecorrectlyspeltword:
 3) Word:AccidentSynonym:mishapAntonym:intentionally  1) Etymology 2) Ethicel
 4) Word:OrganiseSynonym:arrangeAntonym:disarrange  3) Espionege 4) Euthanesia

Q66 Findtheonewhichisnotcorrectlymatched Q40 Choosethecorrectlyspeltword:

 1) Lieutenant 2) Lingerie
 1) Word:ChallengeSynonym:dareAntonym:accept
3) Litereture 4) Lithogrephy
 2) Word:CrusadeSynonym:campaignAntonym:agitate Q41 Choosethecorrectlyspeltword:
 3) Word:CivilisedSynonym:urbaneAntonym:crude  1) Municipelity 2) Munifecent

 4 )Word:InnatelySynonym:inherentlyAntonym:artificially  3) Mutete 4) Multifarious

Q42 Choosethecorrectlyspeltword:
Q67 Choosethecorrectpassivevoiceofthesentencegiveninthequestion.
 1) Presbytar 2) Premonetion
 3) Preliminary 4) Preocupation
 1) Theworkwascompleted
Q43 Choosethecorrectlyspeltword:
 2) Theworkhasbeencompletedbyhim
 1) Tremendous 2) Trepidetion
 3) Theworkistobecompletedbyhim
 3) Trigonomatry 4) Triggar
 4) Thecompletionoftheworkwasdonebyhim. Q44 FillintheBlank
Q68 Choosethecorrectpassivevoiceofthesentencegiveninthequestion
 1) went 2) gone
 1) Boyssangthesongs 2) Songsarebeingsangbyboys
 3) rose 4) stood
 3) Songswerebeingsungbyboys 4) Boyssingthesongs
Q45 Fillintheblanks
Q69 Choosethecorrectpassivevoiceofthesentencegiveninthequestion
 1) inaugurating 2) opening
 1) Isaletterwrittenbyhim 2) Aletterwaswrittenbyhim
 3) establishing 4) launching
 3) Lettersarewrittenbyhim 4) Heusedtowriteletters
Q46 Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisisyour
Q70 Choosethewordpairthathastherelationshipthatismostsimilartothatofthegivenpair
 1) Radio:Song 2) Walk:Shoe
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 3) Car:Drive 4) Rich:Poor
 3) (3) 4) Noerror
Q71 Inthesentence“Ramuwenttothemarkettobuyfruitsandpickedtheapple.”Thephrase‘tobuy’means
Q47 Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisisyour
 1) Take 2) Choose
 3) Purchase 4) Bought
Q72 Choosetherightmeaningof“sanguine”
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 1) confident 2) careful
 3) (3) 4) Noerror
 3) diligent 4) gloomy

10 7
Q48 Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisis Q56 Myfatherdecidedtotake_____andmysistertotheZoo
youranswer,otherwisechoose“Noerror” 1) I 2) mine
 (1)TheSpeakerasked/(2)thememberofLokSabha/(3)toobeyhisorders  3) me 4) myself
 1) (1) 2) (2) Q57 Mandoesnotliveby_______alone
 3) (3) 4) Noerror  1) meals 2) tiffin
Q49Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisisyour  3) bread 4) food
Q58 Ihatesitting___________himashismouthalwayssmellsbad.
 1) besides 2) along
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 3) at 4) beside
 3) (3) 4) Noerror
Q59 CertainpartsofHimalayamountainstillremain_______________tothecommonman
Q50 Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2,and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2,or3thenthisisyour
 1) inaccessible 2) impermeable
 3) impossible 4) Impenetrable
Q60 Hehasbeen________ofmurderinghiswife.
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 1) Informed 2) told
 3) (3) 4) Noerror
 3) Blamed 4) accused
Q51 Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisisyour
Q61 Kavithaalways_______thepermissionofherfatherbeforegoingformovies
 1) seeking 2) seeks
 3) sought 4) seeker
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 3) (3) 4) Noerror
Q52 Asentenceisdiviedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisisyour
answer,otherwisechoose“Noerror”.  In our life we face many choices and we are required to make decisions which makes an impact on our
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 3) (3) 4) Noerror wasinshapingourlife.ThisiswhatJobsrefertoas‘connectingthedots’.
Q53 Asentenceisdividedintothreeparts1,2and3.Ifthereissomeerrorinanypart1,2or3thenthisisyour Q62 WhoisSteveJobsreferredinthepassage
 1) ChairmanofInfosys
 2) ManagingDirectorofTelco
 1) (1) 2) (2)
 3) ChiefExecutiveOfficerofAppleInc.
 3) (3) 4) Noerror
 4) FounderofMicrosoft
Q54 Thepoormangazed_________atthepileofGoldcoinsinfrontofhim
Q63 Atwhatstageastudentfacesthegreatestdilemmaofhislife
 1) earnestly 2) admiringly
 1) 12thstandard 2) 10thstandard
 3) thoughtfully 4) avidly
 3) LKG 4) College
Q55 Theflightwasdelayedbymorethantwohours_________totechnicalfault
Q64 Whichtypeofdecisionshelpusachieveourdreamsoflife
 1) because
 1) decisiontakenbyparents
 2) due
 2) decisionofourpeers
 3) by
 3) decisionbasedonconvictions,interestandgutfeeling
 4) from
 4) decisiontakenbyourteachers

8 9

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