Financials Management With SAP Business One (US)
Financials Management With SAP Business One (US)
Financials Management With SAP Business One (US)
Solution Brief
SAP Technical
Solutions for Small Businesses
and ProductCompanies
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SAP Business One
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Headline Title
runs herewith
and The SAP® Business One
application provides a
here Business
SAP® and Here One reliable, integrated solution
Manage Accounting,
Subheadline Title runs
and to streamline your financial
and and hereTransactions operations. It automates
your everyday financial tasks
and integrates them with
Integrated, Comprehensive ing to distribution rules, which are cus
Financials Management tomizable specifically for your business other business processes,
needs. such as purchasing and
As your business grows, so do the
challenges associated with managing With the banking and reconciliation sales, in real time, resulting
its financials. Without an integrated and tools in SAP Business One, you can in faster transactions and
automated financials management solu handle all your payment processing,
tion, increased business complexity can including bank transfers, checks, cash, improved cash flow.
overwhelm your existing financial and credit cards, and bank reconciliations.
accounting processes, giving rise to You can import electronic bank state
inefficiencies and inaccuracies that can ments and automatically reconcile them.
lead to missed opportunities and lost The reconciliation tool also allows you
revenue. to quickly reconcile incoming and outgo
ing payments with vendor and customer
The SAP® Business One application invoices.
offers a complete and integrated set of
tools to effectively manage and automate SAP Business One offers powerful re
all of the accounting and financial pro ports, analytics, and tools to help you
cesses in your growing company. As satisfy the financial analysis and report
the core component of SAP Business ing requirements of your business. With
One, financials management incorporates complete integration with every part of
all key accounting processes, such as your business including sales, purchas
ledger and journal entries, accounts ing and inventory, you get a clear and
receivable, and accounts payable. The complete overview of your business
software automatically triggers account performance and ability to take quick
ing postings in real time when business actions.
transactions occur.
SAP Business One supports automatic
tax calculations as well as multicurrency SAP Business One handles all your
transactions. Posting templates and accounting transactions effectively
recurring postings further streamline and comprehensively. You can use its
and simplify your accounting processes. complete chart-of-accounts templates
as they are or customize them based
With SAP Business One, you can man on your business requirements.
age cash flow, track budgets, and com Chart-of-accounts templates consider
pare actual and planned figures at any specific legal requirements for each
time to get an accurate and up-to-date country, such as segmentation or
picture of your business. You can readi specific numbering, and thereby help
ly create profit or cost centers and then ensure compliance with local laws and
allocate revenue and expenses accord regulations. The application supports
Financials Management Features of SAP® Business One
Accounting Controlling (or Cost Accounting) Banking and Reconciliation
Implement and adapt predefined Define and manage budgets Manage incoming and outgoing payments
chart-of-accounts templates with cash, checks, electronic bank
transfers, and credit cards
Manage accounting transactions such as Handle payment terms, customer Process bank statements and perform
journal entries, journal vouchers, recurring reminders, and cash collections automatic reconciliation of your ledgers
postings, and posting templates
Manage multiple currencies for accounts Manage direct and indirect expenses Clear multiple accounts receivable and
payable and accounts receivable and revenues for multiple cost centers payable invoices automatically in batches
Create balance sheet, profit and loss, and Maintain distribution rules for automated Print check batches and generate check
other financial reports revenue and expense allocation. and payment reports
Streamline accounting operations Manage costs and improve profitability Automate reconciliation
Expedite month-end closes Forecast cash-flow accurately Minimize payment roadblocks
multiple global financial reporting stan postings and posting templates for quick access to real-time financial infor
dards, currencies, and languages with transactions that repeat from period to mation, reducing the time it takes to
40 country-specific versions. For exam period, eliminating redundant tasks and close your books at the end of every
ple, with SAP Business One, you can potential mistakes. You can also use period.
process and report transactions in journal vouchers to create multiple
multiple currencies including invoices, journal entries and then process these Controlling (or Cost Accounting)
checks, statements, and much more. vouchers in batch mode, posting all
entries simultaneously. SAP Business One provides intuitive
SAP Business One integrates account features and reports that let you effec
ing journal entries and automatically up SAP Business One automatically calcu tively manage cash flow and profitabili
dates them whenever relevant business lates taxes, such as sales tax, value- ty for your business. It helps you opti
transactions occur in the application. added tax, and withholding tax, for each mize liquidity by accurately forecasting
For example, a goods receipt posting line item on each transaction, taking your cash flow and cash requirements
will automatically create the necessary into account country-specific allocation and by giving you the power to effi
journal entry to adjust inventory levels and reporting requirements. It auto ciently handle payment terms, custom
and valuation as well as update corre mates the computation and reporting er reminders, and cash collections.
sponding expense accounts, if neces of tax processes, enabling you to fully For example, you can set up workflow-
sary. Any purchasing, sales, and inven comply with legal requirements. based alerts in SAP Business One that
tory transactions in SAP Business One notify you of any pending payments
automatically trigger corresponding SAP Business One enables you to that may affect the cash-flow condi
journal entries in real time without any accelerate your month-end closes. The tions of your business. Use aging
additional manual entries or postings. application automates business activi reports in SAP Business One to get an
For even greater efficiency, SAP Busi ties that lead to greater efficiency and analysis of outstanding receivables and
ness One allows you to use recurring fewer errors. It provides tools and liabilities for both your customers and
vendors, as well as how old the liability Banking and Reconciliation
or receivable is. In addition, you can
track customers who have not paid off With the banking and reconciliation
their invoices, and you can generate functionality in SAP Business One, you
automatic reminder letters depending can automate and accelerate incoming
on the extent of delay on the payment and outgoing payments. The payment
terms and the amount due. wizard allows you to clear multiple “We can now acquire
accounts receivable and accounts pay the information from
With budgeting features in SAP able invoices in batch mode for checks
Business One, you can set up budgets and bank transfers. The payments are restaurants in real time.
in any currency, using various budget executed according to your selection SAP Business One, connect-
allocation rules defined, and then accu criteria and payment methods (such as
rately track expenses. To make sure check, bank transfer, credit card, or ing directly with our bank
you stay on track, SAP Business One cash), and then the journal entry trans online, enhances the effi-
provides alerts that inform users when actions are automatically posted once
ever a transaction exceeds a defined the process is completed. With the ciency of collections and
budget limit, or it simply allows them to bank statement processing feature of payments. Precise daily and
block transactions. SAP Business One, you can also readi
ly process external bank statements to monthly data helps us a lot
Using cost accounting, you can track generate incoming and outgoing pay to make top-level strategic
departments, divisions, or various ge ments and to reconcile your balance
ographies separately to determine how sheet accounts. decisions promptly.”
much spending is being generated for
various business purposes. SAP Busi SAP Business One enables you to Yong-Kyu Choi
ness One allows you to manage direct match payments that are not automati Vice President of Accounting
expenses and revenues as well as cally reconciled, such as payments Kraze International Inc.
indirect ones, such as administration, made “on account,” to open items
advertising, and financing costs that either automatically or manually through
are spread across multiple business its reconciliation engine. You can filter Now that SAP Business One is fully
activities, by setting up distribution this engine by general ledger account integrated with Crystal Reports® soft
rules for automatic allocation of reve or by business partner. ware, an industry-leading reporting
nues and expenses. solution, the reporting and analysis of
Powerful Financial Reporting your financial data is even simpler, with
SAP Business One also enables you intuitive, easier-to-use features for
to create a detailed profit and loss SAP Business One provides a wide report creation, customization, and
statement based on direct and indirect range of financial reports, such as distribution across the company.
revenue and expenses as defined in balance sheets, profit and loss state
the allocation rules. You can choose ments, profitability reports, multiperiod Find Out More
between annual and monthly display comparisons, sales and purchasing For more information on how
formats and compare the results for analysis, aging reports, and budget SAP Business One can streamline
multiple periods. reports. With interactive drill-downs your company’s financial management,
and “drag and relate” functionalities, please see your SAP representative
you can click through the relevant data or visit
and get answers you need quickly. /businessmanagement/businessone.
Quick facts /contactsap
The SAP® Business One application enables you to simplify and automate financials
management. It provides a comprehensive and integrated set of tools that allows you to
manage all the accounting and financial processes in your company.
Business Challenges
• Inefficient and error-prone accounting and financial processes due to duplicate data
entries and lack of integration between financial data and key business functions, such
as purchasing, warehousing, and sales
• Inadequate access to the full range of accurate financial information needed to complete
month-end closings and make informed business decisions
Key Features
• Accounting – Automatically handle all key accounting processes, such as journal entries,
accounts receivable, and accounts payable
• Controlling (or cost accounting) – Accurately manage cash flow, track budgets, and
compare actual and planned figures
• Banking and reconciliation – Quickly process all reconciliations and all bank statements
and payments by various methods, including checks, cash, credit cards, and bank
• Financial reporting and analysis – Create a wide range of standard or customized
financial reports from real-time data for business planning and audit reviews
Business Benefits
• Streamlined financial operations – Automate, integrate, and manage all the financial
processes in your company with a single solution, eliminating duplicate entries and errors
• Faster closing process – Close your books faster with automated processes and ability
to access accurate and timely financial information
• Improved decision making – Get a unified financial view of your business by integrating
accounting data with sales, purchasing, inventory, and operational information
All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of
their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves
informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.