Research Instruments
Research Instruments
Research Instruments
☐ Male
☐ Female
2. Grade Level
☐ Grade 10
☐ Grade 11
☐ Grade 12
3. Which social media platform do you use the most?
☐ Facebook
☐ Instagram
☐ TikTok
☐ Twitter
☐ Snapchat
☐ Others
4. How often do you use internet slang in daily communication?
5. How often do you encounter internet slang in social media interactions?
6. How often do misunderstandings occur due to internet slang in your conversations?
7. What is the impact of misunderstandings caused by internet slang on
☐No impact
☐Minor confusion but resolved easily
☐Moderate communication problems
☐Significant communication barriers
8. In which context do misunderstandings due to internet slang occur most
☐Academic discussions
☐Casual chats
☐Group projects
9. How many hours do you spend on social media daily?
☐Less than 1 hour
☐1-3 hours
☐4-6 hours
☐More than 6 hours
10. Do you believe frequent social media use increases exposure to internet slang?
☐Strongly disagree
☐Strongly agree
11. How often do misunderstandings increase with higher social media use?
12. Rate the effectiveness of the following strategies in reducing miscommunication
caused by internet slang (1 = Least Effective, 5 = Most Effective)
Providing context for slang terms when used
☐ Least Effective
☐ Somewhat Effective
☐ Effective
☐ Very Effective
☐ Most Effective
Educating people on commonly misunderstood terms
☐ Least Effective
☐ Somewhat effective
☐ Effective
☐ Very Effective
☐ Most Effective
- Avoiding slang in formal conversations
☐ Least Effective
☐ Somewhat effective
☐ Effective
☐ Very Effective
☐ Most Effective
13. Rate the importance of the following school measures to address miscommunication
due to internet slang (1 = Least Important, 5 = Most Important)
- Conducting seminars on digital communication
☐ Least Effective
☐ Somewhat Effective
☐ Effective
☐ Very Effective
☐ Most Effective
- Including internet slang topics in language classes
☐ Least Effective
☐ Somewhat Effective
☐ Effective
☐ Very Effective
☐ Most Effective