Engineering Chemistry Q & A INTERNAL-1

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Question Bank
( PART-A, Two marks )

(PART-B, 13 Marks & PART-C, 15 Marks)



PART-A (2 marks)

1. Define the hardness of water. (CO1, K1)

Hardness is a characteristic or properties of water. Water does not give lather with soap solution.
2. Mention the two types of hardness. (CO1, K1)
Temporary hardness and Permanent hardness.
3. Differentiate between temporary hardness and permanent hardness. (CO1, K2)
Temporary hardness Permanent hardness
The hardness due to Ca The hardness due to Ca and
bicarbonates and Mg Mg salts like chlorides and
bicarbonates salts sulphates
It is also known as non
It is also known as carbonate
carbonate hardness or non
hardness or alkaline hardness.
alkaline hardness.
This hardness can be removed This hardness cannot be
easily by boiling. removed easily.
This hardness can be removed
This hardness can be removed
by either ion exchange (or)
by filtration.
Zeolite methods.

4. What is caustic embrittlement? (CO1, K1)

Caustic embrittlement means intercrystalline cracking of boiler metal
It is caused by sodium carbonate in water

5. Define desalination and mention it uses. (CO1, K1)

The removal of common salt (NaCl) from water is known as the desalination process.
This process is used for conversion of sea water into drinking water.
6. How Reverse Osmosis works? (CO1, K2)
Solvent flows from higher concentration side to lower concentration side by applying external
pressure. This process is called reverse osmosis.
7. Compare hard water and soft water. (CO1, K2)

Hard Water Soft Water

It does not produce lather with soap It produces lather readily with soap
solution. solution
It gives wine red colour with EBT. It does not give wine red colour with EBT
This is due to the presence of dissolved This is due to the absence of Ca and Mg
Ca and Mg salts. salts.
It produces white precipitate It does not produce white precipitate

8. Name any two salts that cause temporary hardness and permanent hardness. (CO1,
K1) Calcium bicarbonate
bicarbonate Calcium
sulfate Calcium
9. What is Calgon conditioning? write its equation (CO1, K1)

Calgon is sodium hexa meta phosphate Na2[Na4(PO3)6]. This substance interacts with calcium
ions forming a highly soluble complex and thus prevents the precipitation of forming salt.

2CaSO4 + Na2[Na4(PO3)6] Na2[Ca2(PO3)6] + 2Na2SO4

10. List the potable water treatment process. (CO1, K1)

1. Screening
2. Aeration
3. Sedimentation
4. Coagulation
5. Filtration
6. Sterilisation (or) disinfection
PART-B (13 marks)

1. Explain how reverse osmosis works and what makes it a preferable method for
cleaning water?

1. Removal of common salt (NaCl) from water is called ‘Desalination’.

Fresh water == 1000ppm.

Brackish water = 1000 to 35000ppm.
Sea water == > 35000ppm.

Reverse osmosis is used to convert sea and brackish water to fresh water.

2. Osmosis: When two different concentrated solutions are separated by a semi permeable
membrane, due to osmotic pressure, low concentrated solvent flows to higher one. This is known as

3. But when we apply an excess and opposite Hydrostatic pressure to overcome the osmotic pressure,
then higher concentrated solvent will flow to the lower one. This is known as reverse osmosis.

4. During this RO process, only the water flows across the membrane and it prevents the salt
migration. So, this method is also called as ‘Super-filtration’. The membrane is made up of
cellulose acetate or cellulose butyrate.

Advantages of Reverse Osmosis:

1. High life time
2. Removes ionic, non-ionic and colloidal impurities.
3. Low capital cost.
4. Simple operational procedure.


2. Write notes on
(a) Explain Priming, Foaming and Caustic Embrittlement (7) (CO1, K1)
(b) Distinguish between sludge and scale in boilers (6) (CO1, K1)

Scale and Sludges

If the water contains hardness causing salts like MgSO4, MgCl2 ,CaSO4 , Ca (HCO3)2
On evaporation, the salts are precipitated to produce scale and sludge.

S.No Sludge Scale

1 Loose, slim , non-adherent precipitate Hard, thick , adherent precipitate
2 Due to salts like MgSO4 , MgCl2 Due to salts like CaSO4 , Ca(HCO3)2
3 Due to poor conductance, they Due to poor conductance, they decrease the
decrease the boiler efficiency to lesser boiler efficiency to maximum extent, cause
extent and causing chocking in the reduced fuel economy , improper boiling, boiler
pipelines. explosion etc.,
4 It can be prevented by periodical It can be prevented by special methods like
replacement of concentrated hard i) External treatment of ion exchange
water by fresh water. This process is ii) Internal carbonate, phosphate, Calgon
known as “blow down” method. conditioning
iii) Mechanical hard scrubbing methods.

Priming and Foaming:
Due to rapid boiling, the steam may carry some water droplets along with it.
This is called wet steam .The process of wet steam production is called Priming.

Priming is due to:

a) Improper design of boiler
b) High water level
c) High velocity of steam
d) Uneven boiling

Priming can be controlled by

i) Proper boiler design
ii) Maintaining proper water level
iii) Proper boiling

Foaming is due to:

If oils and greases are present, they produce bubbles on the water surface. This will increase the wet
steam production. This is known as “Foaming”.

Foaming is prevented by adding:

i) Anti foaming agents (e.g.) synthetic poly amides , castor oil

ii) Coagulants (e.g.) Aluminium hydroxide.

Foaming and priming are collectively known as ‘ Carry over”.

Caustic Embrittlement

 It is the intercrystalline cracking of boiler due to NaOH.

 NaOH content is increased due to the dissolved salts like Na2CO3
 which is added during internal treatment.

Na2CO3 + H2O  2 NaOH + CO2

 This NaOH occupies the hair line cracks of boiler metal and
 Converts the insoluble Fe into soluble Sodium Ferroate.
 Thus it makes the cracks bigger in bents, joints and crevices.

Fe + 2 NaOH  Na2FeO2 + H2 ↑
(Insoluble) (Soluble)

Prevention of caustic embrittlement:

1. We can use sodium phosphate instead of sodium carbonate.

2. Using Tannin and Lignin.

3. What are phosphate, colloidal, sodium aluminate, and Calgon conditioning, and
explain how they work? (CO1, K2)
a). Sodium Aluminate Conditioning

Purpose: Coagulation, pH adjustment.

Benefits: Effective in removing suspended solids, adjusts pH.
Limitations: May increase aluminum levels.

b) Carbonate conditioning:
 Used for low pressure boilers.
 Salts like CaSO4 are converted to removable CaCO3.
 But some times it produces NaOH, CO2 and hence Carbonic acid.
 So it is less preferred.

CaSO4 + Na2CO3  CaCO3 + Na2SO4

c) Phosphate conditioning:

 Used for high pressure boiler.

 No risk of CO2 liberation.

3CaSO4 + 2 Na3PO4  Ca3(PO4)2 + 3 Na2SO4

Three types of Phosphate salts are used:

Na3PO4 - Tri sodium Phosphate - Used for highly acidic water
Na2HPO4 – Disodium hydrogen Phosphate – Used for slightly acidic water
NaH2PO4 – Sodium di hydrogen phosphate – Used for alkaline water

d) Calgon conditioning:

 Calgon is the trade name of sodium hexa meta phosphate- Na2 [ Na4 (PO3)6].
 With calcium ions it forms a soluble complex and prevents scale and sludge formation.
 It is used for high and low pressure boilers.
2CaSO4 + Na2[ Na4 (PO3)6]  Na2 [Ca2(PO3)6] + 2 Na2SO4


Conditioning Agent Purpose Benefits Limitations

Phosphate Corrosion prevention Forms protective film May lead to
Colloidal Suspended solids Enhances particle May require additional
removal removal treatment
Sodium Aluminate Coagulation, pH Effective in removing May increase aluminum
adjustment suspended solids levels
Calgon Corrosion inhibition Forms protective film May not be effective in
4. With a neat sketch, illustrate the process of treating the water to ensure its safety
and quality for drinking. (CO1, K3)

Treatment of water for domestic purpose involves several steps to remove contaminants and make it
safe for drinking, cooking, and other household purpose

Water Treatment Process:

1. Screening: Removing Floating Materials like leaves, wooden log
2. Aeration: Mixing air with water remove odor problems (Gases like H 2S removed)
3. Sedimentation: Settles heavy particles by gravity by allowing standing undisturbed
4. Coagulation: Removes dirt and other suspended particles.
5. Filtration: Removes remaining suspended particles.
6. Disinfection: Kills bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.
7. Storage and Distribution: Stores treated water for household use.

Disinfection Methods:
1. Chlorination: Adds chlorine gas or liquid to water removes bacteria and viruses
2. Ozone Disinfection: Uses ozone gas to kill microorganisms.
3. Ultraviolet (UV) Light: Uses UV light to inactivate microorganisms.
4. Boiling: Boiling water for half an hour kills microorganisms
5. Bleaching Powder: Adding Calcium oxy chloride into water removes microorganisms

5. Explain Break Point Chlorination in Details (CO1,K1)

Breakpoint chlorination is a critical concept in water treatment, ensuring effective disinfection and safe
drinking water.

What is Breakpoint Chlorination?

Breakpoint chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to water until the chlorine demand is satisfied,
resulting in a free residual chlorine concentration that can effectively disinfect and oxidize contaminants.

Impurities Removed
a) Microorganism
b) Reducing Agents
c) Free Ammonia
d) Organic matter

Key Concepts:
1. Chlorine Demand: The amount of chlorine required to react with contaminants and organic matter.
2. Breakpoint: The point at which the chlorine demand is satisfied, and free residual chlorine is present.
3. Free Residual Chlorine: The remaining chlorine concentration after satisfying the chlorine demand.

Breakpoint Chlorination Curve:

1. Initial Chlorine Demand: Chlorine reacts with contaminants and organic matter.
2. Breakpoint Point: Chlorine demand is satisfied, and free residual chlorine appears.
3. Residual Chlorine: Free chlorine concentration remains relatively constant.

Factors Affecting Breakpoint Chlorination:

1. pH
2. Temperature
3. Turbidity
4. Organic matter
5. Chlorine dose
6. Contact time

Benefits of Breakpoint Chlorination:

1. Effective disinfection
2. Oxidation of contaminants
3. Improved water quality
4. Reduced risk of waterborne diseases

Monitoring Breakpoint Chlorination:

1. Free residual chlorine testing
2. Total chlorine testing
3. pH testing
4. Turbidity testing

Calculating Breakpoint Chlorination:

1. Chlorine dose = (Chlorine demand + Desired residual chlorine) x Water volume
2. Breakpoint chlorine dose = Chlorine demand + (0.5-1.0 mg/L) x Water volume
PART-C (15 marks)

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with the ion exchange
method of water treatment, and how do these factors impact its practical
implementation and effectiveness? (CO1, K3).


1. In this process all the cations and anions are completely removed. It uses two cylinders of cation
exchange cylinder and anion exchange cylinder filled with resins.

2. Resins are linear, insoluble, cross linked, organic polyers. There are 2 types.
i) Cation exchange resins – RH2 (e.g) Sulphonated coals , RSO3H
ii) Anion exchange resins . R’(OH)2 (e.g) Urea formaldehyde, Amines R-NH2

3. The water is fed into cylinder –I where all the cations are replaced by RH2
RH2 + CaCl2  R Ca + 2 HCl
4. The cation free water is fed to cylinder II, where all the anions are replaced.
R’(OH)2 + 2 HCl  R’Cl2 + 2H2O
5. So, the resultant water is free from all types of ions.


On prolonged use, as all the resins are exhausted, there will be no H+ or OH – ions to exchange the
unwanted ions. So, they have to be regenerated. Cation resins are regenerated by HCl and anion resins by

R Ca + 2 HCl  RH2 + CaCl2

R’Cl2 + 2NaOH  R’(OH)2 + 2NaCl
Advantages of Ion exchange method:

i) Very good for use in high pressure boilers also.

ii) It can treat highly acidic or alkaline water.
iii) We can get pure water as hardness as low of 2 ppm.

Drawbacks of Ion exchange method:

i) Expensive
ii) Fe, Mn cannot be removed
iii) Cannot be used for turbid water.


2. How can you use the EDTA method to determine the total, permanent, and
temporary hardness of water? Write the principles, preparations, procedures,
and calculations involved. (CO1, K3)

Determination of total, permanent and temporary hardness of water sample (EDTA method)

Determine the amount of Total, Permanent and Temporary hardness of water sample. You are provided with a
standard hard water sample containing 1 mg of CaCO3 in 1 mL and EDTA as link solution.

Ca2++EBT [Ca – EBT] Wine-red
(Unstable complex)
[Ca -EBT]+EDTA [Ca – EDTA] + EBT (Steel blue)
(Stable complex)

Therefore the endpoint is the colour change from wine red to steel blue.


Titration - I : Estimation of total hardness of water sample

Burette solution : Std EDTA
Pipette solution : Hard water
Indicator : Eriochrome black T
Endpoint : Wine-red to steel blue
Buffer solution : Ammonia Buffer
pH : 8 –10
Titration - II : Estimation of permanent hardness of water sample
Burette solution : EDTA
Pipette solution : Boiled water sample
Indicator : Eriochrome black T
Endpoint : Wine-red to steel blue
Buffer solution : Ammonia Buffer
pH : 8 –10
Titration - I
Estimation of total hardness

Standard EDTA vs Hard water sample

Burette Reading (mL) Indicator
Volume of
S.No. and
hard water sample
Initial Final End Point
(mL) (mL)
1. 0 Eriochrome
Black-T and
colour changes
2. 40 0 from wine-red to
steel blue

Concordant value V1= mL

40 mL of water sample = V1 mL of EDTA

1 mL of EDTA
= 1 mg of CaCO3

V1 mL of EDTA V1 mg of CaCO3

40 mL of hard water contains V1 mg of CaCO3

1000 mL of hard water contains = V1/ 40 X 1000 mg of CaCO3
= ………. /40 X 1000 mg of CaCO3

= ………… mg of CaCO3

Total hardness of water sample = ………….. ppm

Titration - II
Estimation of Permanent hardness

Standard EDTA vs Boiled hard water

Burette Reading (mL) Indicator
Volume of
S.No. and
boiled hard water
Initial Final End Point
(mL) (mL)

1. 40 0 Eriochrome
Black-T and
colour changes
2. 40 0 from wine-red to
steel blue

Concordant value V2= ml

40 mL of boiled water sample = V2 mL of EDTA

1 mL of EDTA = 1 mg of CaCO3

V2 mL of EDTA = V2 mg of CaCO3

40 mL of hard water contains = V2 mg of CaCO3

1000 mL of hard water contains = V2 / 40 X 1000 mg of CaCO3

= ………. /40 X 1000 mg of CaCO3

= ………… mg of CaCO3

Permanent hardness of water sample = ………….. ppm

Calculation of temporary hardness

Temporary hardness = Total hardness - Permanent hardness

= ……….. ppm
(i) Total hardness of water sample = .....................ppm
(ii) Permanent hardness of water sample = .....................ppm
(iii) Temporary hardness of water sample = .....................ppm



PART-A (2 marks)

1. What is a monomer? Give examples. (CO2, K1)

A monomer is a small or simple micromolecule that combines with other molecules of the same
or different to form a polymer.
Examples: ethylene, vinyl chloride, styrene, butadiene.
2. Define Polymer with examples. (CO2, K1)
A polymer is a macromolecule or giant molecule with high molecular weight formed by the
repeated addition of a large number of small molecules (monomers).

nCH2=CH2 → −(-CH2-CH2-)n−
Ethylene (Monomer) Polyethylene (polymer)
3. Mention the three types of polymerization reactions. (CO2, K1)
1. Addition polymerization
2. Condensation polymerization
3. Co- polymerization

4. What are free radical initiators? Give example. (CO2, K1)

In this step, free radicals are produced by the homolytic fission of organic peroxides. Free
radicals are odd electron species with high energy. In this type of polymerization, these free radicals act
as initiators.
Heat is used to produce free radicals by homolytic cleavage of weaker O-O bond of the organic
peroxide molecule
70 −9 0℃

− →
2 ⦁ ≡ ⦁

3 3 3

5. List the various steps involved in free radical addition polymerization. (CO2, K1)
i) Initiation
ii) Propagation
iii) Termination

6. What are plastics? Give its applications. (CO2, K1)
Plastics are organic polymers with high molecular weight. They can be molded into any desired
shape by the application of heat and pressure in the presence of a catalyst. Plastics have replaced glass,
metal, and wood components in engineering applications.

7. How the plastics are classified? List with examples. (CO2, K1)
Classification of plastics:
1. Thermoplastics Example: PVC, polyethylene
2. Thermosetting plastics Example: bakelite, polyester
8. Define composites (CO2, K1)
A composite material may be defined as, “a material system consisting a mixture of two (or) more
micro-constituents, which are mutually insoluble, differing in form (or) composition and forming distinct
phases”. Such a combination, possesses properties different from those of any of its constituents.
9. Write the constituents of composites? (CO2, K1)
i) Matrix phase (or) Matrix resin
ii) Dispersed phase (or) Reinforcing agents
10. List the uses of Glass-FRP. (CO2, K1)
Automobile parts, Storage tanks, Plastic pipes, Flourings, Transportation industries etc,.


PART-B (13 marks)

1. What are thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics? Differentiate between

thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. (CO2, K2)
S.No Thermoplastics Thermosetting
1 Soften on heating Do not soften on heating
2 Linear chain polymer Cross linked polymer
3 Formed by addition polymerization Formed by condensation polymerization
4 Usually soft, weak, less brittle Usually strong, hard and more brittle
5 Soluble in organic solvent Insoluble in organic solvent
6 Can be reused Cannot be reused
7 Can be reshaped Cannot be reshaped
8 Between the polymer chain weak forces Between the polymer chain strong forces
(covalent bond)

Thermosets Plastics

 Epoxy resins
 Phenolic resins
 Polyester resins
 Polyurethanes
 Silicon resins
 Bakelite


 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)

 Nylon (polyamide, PA)
 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
 Polypropylene (PP)
 Polystyrene (PS)
 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

2. How do we make PVC and Bakelite? What are they used for in real life? Explain
the properties of PVC and Bakelite (CO2, K2)

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) PREPARATION

Vinyl Chloride ------------------- Poly vinyl chloride

Properties PVC

1. Chemical resistance
2. Water resistance
3. Electrical insulation
4. Durability
5. Flexibility

Applications PVC

1. Pipes and fittings

2. Vinyl flooring
3. Window frames
4. Medical devices
5. Curtains, raincoats, jackets and sports bags.


Pheno+_ Fomaldehyde ----- Novoloc -------- Bakelite

Properties- Bakelite

1. High thermal resistance

2. Electrical insulation
3. Chemical resistance
4. Durability
5. Low moisture absorption
Applications -Bakelite

1. Electrical components
2. Automotive parts
3. Aerospace components
4. Consumer goods
5. Used in Ion Exchange Resin

3. Write a brief note on Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and its application. (CO2,

FRP (Fiber-Reinforced Polymer) – Composites structure in which polymer is strengthened by adding fiber

Types of FRP:

1. Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)

2. Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
3. Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (AFRP)
4. Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (BFRP)
5. Hybrid FRP (combination of different fibers)

Matrix - Major Phase & Continuous phase
Dispersed Phase – Minor Phase & Discontinuous phase
Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Glass + Polymer melt

Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Carbon fiber + Polymer melt

Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Aramid Fiber + Polymer melt
Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Basalt Rock powder + Polymer melt
Hybrid FRP (combination of different Fibre+ Powder + Polymer melt

Uses of FRP:

1. Construction: Building components, bridges, and infrastructure.

2. Aerospace: Aircraft and spacecraft components.
3. Automotive: Car bodies, chassis, and engine components.
4. Marine: Boat hulls, decks, and superstructures.
5. Chemical Processing: Tanks, pipes, and equipment.
6. Oil and Gas: Pipelines, tanks, and wellheads.
7. Medical: Implants, prosthetics, and diagnostic equipment.
8. Sports: Bicycle frames, golf clubs, and other equipment.

FRP Products:

1. Pipes and tubes

2. Tanks and vessels
3. Roofing and siding
4. Bridge components (e.g., deck, beams)
5. Automotive components (e.g., body panels, chassis)
6. Aerospace components (e.g., wing skins, fuselage)
7. Marine hardware (e.g., propellers, masts)

Benefits of FRP:

1. Corrosion resistance
2. High strength-to-weight ratio
3. Low maintenance
4. Chemical resistance
5. Electrical insulation
6. Thermal stability
7. Design flexibility
8. Cost-effective

Challenges and Limitations:

1. High initial cost

2. Limited recyclability
3. Sensitivity to damage
4. Limited standardization
5. Material variability
6. Fire resistance
7. Ultraviolet (UV) degradation
8. Bonding and joining difficulties

4. Explain the preparation, properties and uses of Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and
Teflon. (CO2, K2)

Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA) PREPARATION

Vinyl Acetate ------------- Poly vinyl acetate


Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)

1. Adhesive properties
2. Water solubility
3. Non-toxic
4. Flexible
5. Transparent


Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)

1. Adhesives
2. Paper coatings
3. Textile sizing
4. Medical applications
5. Gum base
6. Improve the stress and anti shrink properties.




1. Non-stick surface
2. Chemical resistance
3. High temperature resistance
4. Low friction coefficient
5. Electrical insulation



1. Non-stick cookware
2. Industrial coatings
3. Electrical insulation
4. Medical devices
5. Anti-friction device

PART-C (15 marks)

1. How do addition and condensation polymerization processes differ from each other in terms of
their mechanisms and the types of molecules involved in the polymerization reaction? (CO2, K3)
7 Can be reused Cannot be reused
8 Polymers integral multiples of Polymers need not be integral
monomer multiples of monomer
9 Linear Chain polymer Cross linked polymer
10 Acts as Commodity plastics Acts as Engineering plastics

2. Explain the steps in making polymers with free radicals, and what are the factors
that can change the reaction kinetics and polymer chain growth. (CO2, K3)

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