802.1Q Encapsulation Explained _ 8 - Copy
802.1Q Encapsulation Explained _ 8 - Copy
802.1Q Encapsulation Explained _ 8 - Copy
Table of Contents
802.1Q Encapsulation
InterVLAN Routing
Unit 4: Spanning-Tree
Unit 5: Etherchannel
Unit 6: Virtualization
Unit 7: Design
Unit 8: Security
Unit 9: Miscellaneous
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This is a normal Ethernet frame…do you see any eld where we can specify to which VLAN our
Ethernet frame belongs? Well there isn’t! So how does a switch know to what VLAN something
belongs when it receives a frame? It has no clue so that’s why we need another protocol to help
If you want to VLAN tra c between switches we have to use a trunk. A trunk connection is
simply said nothing more but a normal link but it is able to pass tra c from di erent VLANs
and has a method to separate tra c between VLANs. Here’s an example:
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As you can see we have computers on both sides and they are in di erent VLANs, by using
trunks we can make sure all VLAN tra c can be sent between the switches. Because our
regular Ethernet frames don’t have anything to show to which VLAN they belong we will need
another protocol.
802.1Q: This is the most common trunking protocol. It’s a standard and supported by many
ISL: This is the Cisco trunking protocol. Not all switches support it.
Here’s an example of an 802.1Q Ethernet frame. As you can see it’s the same as a normal
Ethernet frame but we have added a tag in the middle (that’s the blue eld). In our tag you will
nd a “VLAN identi er” which is the VLAN to which this Ethernet frame belongs. This is how
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There’s also a eld called “Priority” which is how we can give a di erent priority to the di erent
types of tra c. This is useful when you have one VLAN for voice over IP tra c and another
VLAN for data tra c, you probably want to give the VoIP tra c priority or your call quality
might su er.
If you want to know how to con gure trunks…take a look at this tutorial that I wrote earlier. It
explains how to con gure trunks on Cisco Catalyst switches.
« Previous Lesson
How to con gure VLANs
Next Lesson
How to con gure a trunk between
Tags: 802.1Q, Trunk
Forum Replies
Hi Laz,
Hello Azm
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Except for the labeling in the diagram, the network has the following elements:
Hello Laz,
EXCELLENT. This has been really helpful and thank you so much for your time.
Hello Laz,
I am sorry for asking you so many questions. One more question.
When I am doing a traceroute from to I am getting the below result.
When I am doing a traceroute from to, I am getting the below result:
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Hello Laz,
Got it. Great and accurate explanation once again. Thank you so much.
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