Cisco Portfast Configuration _ 21
Cisco Portfast Configuration _ 21
Cisco Portfast Configuration _ 21
Table of Contents
Unit 4: Spanning-Tree
Introduction to Spanning-Tree
Spanning-Tree Portfast
Spanning-Tree UplinkFast
Rapid Spanning-Tree
Spanning-Tree BPDUFilter
Spanning-Tree BPDUGuard
Spanning-Tree RootGuard
Troubleshooting Spanning-Tree
Unit 5: Etherchannel
Unit 6: Virtualization 1/8
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Unit 7: Design
Unit 8: Security
Unit 9: Miscellaneous
• Interfaces with portfast enabled that come up will go to forwarding mode immediately, the
interface will skip the listening and learning state.
• A switch will never generate a topology change noti cation for an interface that has portfast
It’s a good idea to enable portfast on interfaces that are connected to hosts because these
interfaces are likely to go up and down all the time. Don’t enable portfast on an interface to
another hub or switch.
Let’s take a look at the di erence of an interface with and without portfast. I’ll be using the
following topology for this:
I have two switches and one host connected to SW1. The only reason I have two switches is so
SW1 has another switch that it can send topology noti cation changes to. Let’s look at the
without portfast scenario rst…
Portfast disabled
To see the interesting stu I will enable a debug on SW1: 2/8
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Once I plug in the cable to connect the host to SW1 this is what happens:
STP: VLAN0001 Fa0/1 -> listening
STP: VLAN0001 Fa0/1 -> learning
STP: VLAN0001 Fa0/1 -> forwarding
This is just normal spanning-tree behavior, it walks through the listening and learning states
and ends up in forwarding.
Each time I unplug the cable, spanning-tree will generate a topology change noti cation. There’s
a nice command that you can use to check how many have been sent so far:
As you can see there have been 5 topology changes so far on VLAN 1. Let’s unplug the cable to
the host to see what happens:
STP: VLAN0001 sent Topology Change Notice on Fa0/24 3/8
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Spanning-tree will send a topology change noti cation on the interface towards SW2 and the
counter will increase:
In short, everytime we unplug the cable the switch will generate a TCN. Let’s see the di erence
when we enable portfast…
Portfast enabled
All we have to do is enable portfast on the FastEthernet 0/1 interface that connects our host:
We get a big warning that portfast shouldn’t be used on interfaces that connect to other
switches etc.
There is also a global command “spanning-tree portfast default” that will enable
portfast on all interfaces that are in access mode. The result will be the same but it
saves you from enabling it on each interface seperately.
STP: VLAN0001 Fa0/1 ->jump to forwarding from blocking 4/8
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Great, the interface skips the listening and learning state and goes to forwarding immediately.
Also, the switch will no longer generate topology change noti cations when you unplug this
cable anymore.
Want to take a look for yourself? Here you will nd the con guration of SW1.
hostname SW1
interface FastEthernet0/1
spanning-tree portfast
I hope this has been helpful to understand portfast, if you enjoyed this tutorial, please share it
with your friends or colleagues.
« Previous Lesson
Spanning-Tree TCN (Topology
Change Noti cation)
Next Lesson
Spanning-Tree UplinkFast »
Forum Replies
The port will lose its portfast status, and will continue to function like a normal port (without Portfast). It
will not be disabled unless BPDU Guard was also enabled.
chandrutkc 5/8
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Thanks Andrew. I have one more question, What is the real use of BPDU lter command in a Global
mode, if a normal portfast can achieve the same functionality. Why do we need to enable BPDU lter at
the global level and what enhancement does it provide at the global level. BPDU lter lesson says.
BPDU lter can be con gured globally or on the interface level and there’s a di erence:
Global: if you enable BPDU lter globally then any interface with portfast enabled will not send or receive
any BPDUs. When you receive a BPDU on a portfast enabled interface th
Hi Rene,
Hello Tejpal
What actually happens when a portfast con gured port receives a BPDU actually depends on the
con guration.
In simple STP (IEEE802.1D), a portfast port will be reset back to a normal port participating in STP if BDPUs
arrive on the port. If a physical L2 loop is created on such a port, it will result in a temporary L2 loop until
STP reconverges. This is why you will see this warning when con guring portfast (notice the word
lagapides 6/8
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Hello Swapnil
If a situation like this happens, the port that is con gured with portfast will receive a BPDU. What happens
next depends on how the port is con gured. Take a look at the previous post above to see more details.
In general it is best practice to enable portfast only on ports that have end devices connected to them and
not other switches.
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