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Racking Analysis

Following calculations pertain to evaluation of free field raking effect on station due to earthquake.
The height for calculating the deformation is considered as the distance between Cl of base Level
and the center line of Top Slab.
Clear height between centre line of Top Slab and Base slab = 20.185 m

Structural Dimensions
Depth of Fill Above Roof slab 3450 mm
Thickness of Top Slab 1000 mm CL of Top
Thickness of Outer wall 1200 mm 20185 Slab
Thickness of upper Concourse 700 mm
Thickness of lower Concourse 700 mm
Thickness of Base slab = 2500 mm CL of Bottom

Main References:
1. Hashash, Y.M.A., Hook, J.A., Schmidt, B., Yao, J.,"Seismic Design and Analysis of Underground Structures"
2. Wang, J., "Seismic Design of Tunnels"
3. Kuesel, R.K., "Earthquake design criteria for subways"
4. Macormick
5. Seismic microzonation manual,Ministary of Earth Science,Govt of India, New Delhi
6.Prediction of Shear Wave velocity using SPT-N value by Himanshu Jhinkwan and P.K.Jain
Seismic Parameters
Peak Ground Acceleration (amax)
Maximum design earthquake(MDE) = 0.16 g = 160 cm/sec²
Operating design earthquake(ODE) = 0.08 g
So Zone Factor (Z) = 0.16

As per IS: 1893-2002

Comprehensive Intensity Scale
Zone Z Intensity MSK64
II 0.1 Low VI or less
III 0.16 Moderate VII
IV 0.24 Severe VIII
V 0.36 Very Severe IX or more

So, ODE or DBE (Design Basis Earthquake) = 0.16g/2= 0.08 g = 80 cm/sec²

Peak Ground Accelaration at Depth (as)

As per Table 4 of Ref 1 As per IS 1893-1984

Ratio of ground Depth Ratio
motion at tunnel
Tunnel Depth (m) 0 1
depth to motion at
(d) ground surface 30 0.5
< or = 6 1 Depth of station = 14.043 m
6 to 15 0.9 [Depth from GL to mid of station box]
15 to 30 Depth Factor = 0.77
> 30 0.7

as = 0.77 x ama = 0.123 g = 123 cm²/sec

Peak Ground Velocity (vs)
Ref 4 As per Table 2 of Ref 1

Ratio: Vs (cm/sec) / amax (g)

Range of shear Wave
Magnitude Souces to site distance (km)
velocity (m/sec)
0 to 20 20 to 50 50 to 100
Rock > 750
6.5 66 76 86
7.5 97 109 97
8.5 127 140 152
Stiff Soil 200 to 750
6.5 94 102 109
7.5 140 127 155
8.5 180 188 193
Soft Soil
6.5 140 132 142 < 200
7.5 208 165 201
8.5 269 244 251

Ratio = 142
Peak Ground Velocity = 0.175 m/sec
Estimation of Free Field Deformation
Max Free Field shear strain of sub-strata (Ymax)
To estimate shear wave velocity proposed relationship with respect to N value of the soil has been carried out.
Ymax = Vs / Cm
Case-1 Cm = Effective shear wave propagation velocity (Table-8 of Ref 5)
= 80N 0.33

= 210 m/s Considering N=15

Case-2 Cm = Effective shear wave propagation velocity (ref Eqn 4-2 of Ref 2)
= (Gm/r)^0.5
Where Gm = Effective shear modulus of strata = 45000 Kpa
r = mass density of ground = 2 T/m3
Cm = = 150 m/s

Case-3 Table 1 of Ref 3

Soil Classification Shear Velocity (Feet/sec)Shear Velocity (m/sec)
Compact granular soil 1000 304.8
Silty sand 500 152.4
Medium Clay 200 60.96
Soft Clay 100 30.48

Vs = Ratio x amax(g) = 0.175 m/sec

Based on above 3 cases and Considering Seismic calculation for Howrah station
Cm = = 90 m/sec
Hence Ymax (Strain per meter height) Vs/Cm = 0.00194
Corresponding free-field deflection (dmax) for MCE/MDE (2*DBE) without applying importance factor
dmax = Ymax x H

Distance between Free-Field Free-Field

centre line of Top Slab Deflection(dmax) in Deflection(dmax) in
Structure and bottom slab (mm) mm (MCE) mm (DBE)
station 20185 39 20


Shear Modulus of Soil mass G 45000 (Kn/m2)
Width of station 31 m

Height of station 20.185 m

Overall Height H 20.185 m

Movement due to 1KN load DBE 0.00005 m

Stifness of Box S1 20000 (Kn/m)
Movement due to 1KN load MCE 0.000074 m
Stifness of Box S1 13514 (Kn/m)

Flexibility ratio F GW/S1H DBE 3.46

MCE 5.11

From the above Graph

Structure/Free-Field Deformation DBE 1.65
MCE 1.8

Free field deformation DBE 20 mm

Structural Displacement DBE 32.3 mm

Free field deformation MCE 39 mm

Structural Displacement MCE 71 mm
STAAD Modelling for estimation of raking force
Next step of Seismic design of underground structures is the establishment of raking force. Raking force
is the load required to generate the deflection estimated above. Raking force is to be applied in maximum design
forces is adopted following manner.

Pinned Roller Pinned Roller

Concentrated Force Distributed Force

In the present design note, raking effects have been estimated for DBE/ODE case
Corresponding deflections are:

DBE/ODE Deflection MCE Deflection with

with importance factor importance factor in
Structure in mm mm
Station 32 71

Analysis for raking force has been done by STAAD. Each section has been analysed in separate STAAD file.
Input and output files are enclosed
To get a 32 mm deflection at the tip, the following loads are to applied.
For a concentrated forc P = 646.3 Kn
For a distributed force P = 97.3 Kn
Since 1.0EI considered in combined model the applied force reduced by 10% to get actual result

To get a 71 mm deflection at the tip, the following loads are to applied.

For a concentrated forc P = 952.8 Kn
For a distributed force P = 141.6 Kn
Since 1.0EI considered in combined model the applied force reduced by 10% to get actual result

Shear Modulus of Soil mass G 90000 (Kn/m2)

Width of station 22.5 m

Height of station 21.185 m

Overall Height H 21.185 m

Movement due to 1KN load DBE 0.000047 m

Stifness of Box S1 21277 (Kn/m)
Movement due to 1KN load MCE 0.000072 m
Stifness of Box S1 13889 (Kn/m)

Flexibility ratio F GW/S1H DBE 4.49

MCE 6.88

From the above Graph

Structure/Free-Field Deformation DBE 1.7

Free field deformation DBE 15.32 mm

Structural Displacement MCE 26.0 mm

Free field deformation DBE 20.42 mm

Structural Displacement MCE 40.8 mm

a b c b a

Where a= 2150 (overhang)
b= 2300 (wheel base in a bogie)
c= 12400 (distance between two axle)
L= 21300 (Length of a car)
All axle loads = 17 T
Ref: As per outline design specification
So considering two successive cars placed one after another gap between axle of the cars
2*a = 4300 mm (considering minimum distance to get maximum effect)

8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5

2.3 4.3 2.3 1509

2.375 Cross section


Train load per wheel = 8.5 T

Clear span of the station (L) = 9500 mm
Impact factor
### = 1.40
Distribution of LL along longitudinal direction = 1/4 of span on each side of loaded area
= 2.375 m
Ref: As per IRS Bridge Rules Cl: (b)
It is clear from the diagram that the dispersion of two wheel
So total width of load along longitudinal direction
Weff = ### = 13.6 m
Intensity of each load per meter run of the slab
= ### = 3.48 T/m

As the wheel load will give the balancing effect over base slab so it is neglected in design


Prepared Checked Approved

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