Amazing Antarctica

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Quick Check Amazing Antarctica

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Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. What is the main idea 3. Based on the book, why aren’t

of this book? there trees in Antarctica?
A Antarctica is studied by many A The sun does not shine there.
scientists throughout the year.
B The strong winds blow them
B Antarctica’s location is so over every year.
far south that people never
knew it was there.
C The trees cannot grow in
the freezing temperatures.
C Antarctica’s ice has built D The continent receives
up over the years because too much rain.
the snow never melts.
4. Most of the Earth’s fresh water
D Antarctica is an amazing place is frozen in Antarctica’s ice.
that is important to protect
What is fresh water?
and learn more about.
2. What was the effect of the
A Water that does not melt.
1961 treaty that was signed B Water that does not have salt
by many countries? in it.

A Homes that were built on the C Water that does not have
continent had to be moved. animals in it.

B Tourists were allowed D Water that does not help

to visit the continent for plants grow.
the first time. 5. Which word names a continent?
C Wars are not allowed to take A Africa
place in Antarctica.
B penguin
D Penguins are protected from C scientist
people harming them.
D Earth

Quick Check continued on following page

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Quick Check (continued) Amazing Antarctica

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6. Which of the following 8. Why might penguins be

statements is a fact from in danger if leopard seals
this book? are nearby?
A The best place for scientists A Leopard seals warn penguins
to study is Antarctica. when storms are coming.
B The wildlife in Antarctica is B Leopard seals are fierce
the most diverse in the world. predators of penguins.
C Antarctica would be a prettier C Leopard seals warn penguins
place if trees grew there. when people are nearby.
D Antarctica has only one native D Leopard seals and penguins
insect species. compete for the same food.
7. Why does a male penguin hold 9. What is the effect of the Earth
an egg between its feet for turning away from the Sun in
two months? June and July?
A to protect the egg and A The Sun never sets
keep it warm in Antarctica.
B to save the egg from the B The Sun never rises
mother penguin in Antarctica.
C to keep it from being taken C The Sun is up for half
by a scientist of the day.
D to watch the egg while the D The Sunlight is weaker.
mother penguin makes a nest

Quick Check continued on following page

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Quick Check (continued) Title

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10. Read this sentence from the

book: People around the
world have worked hard to
protect Antarctica’s animals
and land. What is another
word for protect?
A buy
B observe
C steal
D guard
11. Extended Response: Why is most
of the animal life in Antarctica
found near the coast or sea?

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Quick Check Answer Sheet Amazing Antarctica
Main Comprehension Skill: Make Inferences / Draw Conclusions

1. D Main Idea and Details

2. C Cause and Effect

3. C Make Inferences / Draw Conclusions

4. B Vocabulary

5. A Vocabulary

6. D Fact or Opinion

7. A Cause and Effect

8. B Make Inferences / Draw Conclusions

9. A Cause and Effect

10. D Vocabulary

11. Answers will vary but will

likely include details such as
the following: In Antarctica,
animals live by the sea so they
can survive. If they were to live
farther inland, it would be too
dry, and there would be less
water for them to drink or food
for them to eat. There are plants,
fish, and other sea animals that
live in the ocean for animals to
feed on, and there is plenty
of water.

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