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Quick Check Rocky Mountain National Park

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Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. How are the Rockies different 4. What is the main idea of

from other mountain ranges? the section “From Moose
to Marmots”?
A They are bigger.
B They are younger. A About 280 kinds of birds have
been seen in the park.
C They have cleaner air.
B Different areas of the
D They have more lakes. park are home to
2. According to the graphic The different animals.
Continental Divide, why is the C Many wildflowers grow
Colorado River important? in the park.
A It sends water to the north. D Trees stop growing at about
B It stops in Rocky Mountain 11,000 feet.
National Park. 5. Which animal lives in the park
C It empties into the Gulf above the tree line?
of Mexico.
A marmots
D It takes water to several B moose
big cities.
C elk
3. Trees stop growing at about
11,000 feet because . D eagles
A it is too sunny and dry for
them to grow
B there is too much wind
blowing for them to grow
C it is too cold and rocky for
them to grow
D there are too many
wildflowers for them to grow

Quick Check continued on following page

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Quick Check (continued) Rocky Mountain National Park

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6. Why is autumn a special time 8. How is summer in the park

in the park? different from other times
of year?
A People can hike the Ute Trail.
B A certain kind of bird turns A It is more crowded.
white. B The main road is closed.
C The bighorn sheep come C All the animals go above
below the tree line. the tree line.
D The elk can be heard calling D The elk call to each other.
to each other.
9. Why does the author tell the
7. According to the sidebar History reader that the park can be seen
of Rocky Mountain National Park, by car or on foot?
which event took place in 1915?
A to persuade the reader to
A Native peoples spent the hike in the park instead of
summer camped in the driving through it
valleys of the park.
B to inform the reader
B The president signed a law about different campsites
creating Rocky Mountain in the park
National Park.
C to inform the reader that
C People began to build there are many ways to
mining towns in the park. see the park
D The Trail Ridge Road was D to persuade the reader to
built in the park. hike when there are many
cars during the summer

Quick Check continued on following page

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Quick Check (continued) Rocky Mountain National Park

Name Date

10. What does the author most want

the reader to know about Rocky
Mountain National Park?
A RMNP has animals, such
as bighorn sheep, that live
above the tree line.
B RMNP sometimes has so
much snow that the roads
must close.
C RMNP has many kinds of
birds throughout the year.
D RMNP is a special place filled
with wild animals and
natural beauty.
11. Extended Response: What makes
Rocky Mountain National Park
a special place? Use three
details from the book to
support your answer.

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Quick Check Answer Sheet Rocky Mountain National Park
Main Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose

1. B Compare and Contrast

2. D Cause and Effect

3. C Cause and Effect

4. B Main Idea and Details

5. A Main Idea and Details

6. D Cause and Effect

7. B Main Idea and Details

8. A Compare and Contrast

9. C Author’s Purpose

10. D Author’s Purpose

11. Answers will vary. Example:

RMNP is a special place because
it is located in the Rocky
Mountains, has a variety of
wildlife, and has many lakes.

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