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The first voyage around the world by Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta

- Antonio pigafetta accompanied ferdinand magellan in his fateful circumnavigation of the

- Your father's travelogue is one of the most important primary source in the study of the
pre colonial philippines.
- his account was also a major reference to the events leading to magellan's arrival in the
philippines his encounter with local leaders his death in the hands of lapu lapu's forces in
the battle of mactan and the departure of what was left of magellan's fleet from the island
- the first voyage around the world by magellan was published after pigafetta returned to
- pigafetta stated that it reached what he called the​ ladrone island or the island of the
thieves​Which is currently known as the ​marianas islands. these islands are located
at the south southeast of japan west southwest of hawaii north of new guinea and
east of the philippines.
- 10 days after day 10 days after they reached the isle of Zamal, or otherwise known as s
- after 2 days on ,march 18, 9 man came to them and showed joy and eagerness and
seeing them.
- the natives gave them rice (umai), fish, palm wine (uraca), figs and two cochos.
- pigafetta describe the people as very familiar and friendly and willingly showed them
different islands and the names of these islands
- they went to humunu island or homonhon and it was referred to as the watering place of
good signs. route that they have found the first signs of gold in the island it was named
as the archipelago of saint lazarus.
- on march 25 pigafetta recounted that they saw to Ballanghai or balangay a boat full of
people in Mazzava/mazua.
- When magellan was offered a bar of gold and a chest of ginger magellan declined
- with the interpreter the king and ask for money for the deeds of his ships and expressed
that he came into the islands as a friend and not as an enemy.
- Magellan introduced to the king's brother who was also a king of another island
- King Raia Calambu, king of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua)​ was
described as the most handsome of all the man that he saw in this place by Pigafetta.
- The first King was ​Raia Saigu​.
- March 31,​ easter sunday, Magellan ordered the chaplain to say a mass by the shore.
- after 7 daysMagellan and decided to move and look for islands where they can acquire
more supplies and Provisions
- they discovered Island Leyte (Ceylon) Bohol and (Zzubu) Cebu
- Raia Calambu off-road the pilot them in going to Cebu which is the largest and
richest of the islands
- ​April 7 ​Magellan and his men reached the port of cebu
- The king of Cebu demanded that they pay tribute but magellan refused
- Magellan explained that his king is the emperor of a great empire . When they met at
an open space the king of cebu offered a bit of his blood and demanded magellan to do
the same.
- on april 14 ​the people gathered with the king and other principal men of the islands that
is where magellan encouraged the king to be a good christian by burning all of the idols
and worship the cross instead
- After ​eight days​ the islands inhabitants were baptized
- april 26 zula a principal man from the island of mactan or mactan went to see magellan
and as for a boat full of men so that he would be able to fight the chief named lapu-lapu
- lapu-lapu refused to obey the king and was preventing him from doing so that is why
magellan offered three boats and expressed his desire to mactan to fight the chief
- magellan's men numbered 49 while the islanders were estimated to 1,500.
- magellan died because a poison arrow hit his right leg
- magellan's man elected ​duarte barbosa ​as the new captain
- Magellan’s slave and interpreter named
- Henry betrayed them.
- ¨​Ships and the Goods of Magellan’s fleet could be acquired if the King follows the advice
of the slave
- ¨​The two conspired and left what was left of Magellan’s men.
- ¨​The natives had slain all the men except the interpreter and Juan Serrano
- ¨​Serrano was presented to the men in the ship and asked for ransom so he would be
spared but the fleet refused and abandoned Serrano and departed Cebu to continue the
Analysis of Pigafetta’s chronicle
- his writing was believed to be the purest pre colonial society

KKK (Kartilya ng Katipunan)

- Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan
- Most important organization formed in philippine history
- envisioned a united filipino nation that will revolt against the spaniards for the total
independence of the country
- Diego silang also formed formed revolution and referred to himself as el rey de ilocos or
the king of ilocos
- the movement of the ilustrados (Rizal, Lopez Jaena, del Pilar) only demanded equal
rights representation and protection from the abusers of the prayers and not separate
the philippines from spain

- Study of the past but more contemporary definition is centered on how it impacts
the present through its consequences
- Geoffrey Barraclough define history as the attempt to discover on the basis of
fragmentary evidence the significant things about the past
- also hilo the read read we the the based on facts, is strictly speaking not factual
at all but a series of accepted judgements
- historians utilized collected facts from primary sources of history and they draw
their own reading so that their intended audience may understand historical
- make sense of the past
- interpretations of the past according to the primary source when it was read and
how it is read
- many of the things we accept is true about the past may not be the case anymore just
because these were taught us as facts when we were younger does not mean that it is
set in stone history is a construct
- different kinds of sources also provide different historical truths an official document
main note different aspects of the past than a memoir of an ordinary person and the
same event


- Butuan is said to be the site of the first mass because of the erection of a
monument in 1872 near agusan river
- There are two primary sources that historians refer to in identifying the site of the
first mass:
1. Log kept by Francisco Albo - who is one of the pilot in Magellan's
ship, trinidad.
- He is one of the 18 survivors who returned with sebastián elcano
on the ship, victoria.
- On March 16, 1521, they sailed in a course from ladrones when
they saw a land towards the northwest which was name ​Yunagan​.
- On the same day day when southwards to another small island
named ​Suluan
- They sailed westward to an uninhabited island of​ Gada. ​ in
testimony this seems to the to be the ​aquada ​or ​homonhon​ 10
degrees north latitude
- Afterwards they sailed westward toward a large island named
Seilani ​that was known to have gold. Was called Ceylon by
Pigafetta - Island of Leyte.
- They sailed southwards along Seilani when they turned
southwest to a small island called ​Mazava.
- After sailing 12 leagues down to a latitude of 10 and 1/3 degree
they entered a channel between two islands one which was called
matan ​and ​subu.
- They turned westward and anchored at the town ​la villa of Subu
where they stayed many days and obtained provisions and
entered into ​a peace pact with the local king.
- The location of Mazava fits the location of the island of limasawa
at the southern tip of leyte.
- Albo’s does not mention the first mass only the planting of the
cross upon a mountain top.
2. Antonio Pigafetta's account ​primo viaggio intorno al mondo​ or the
first voyage around the world
- He was also a member of Magellan's expedition and eyewitness
of the events, particularly the first mass.
- (saturday)March 16 1521​ saturday, magellan's expedition
sighted a highland named ​Zamal
- (sunday) March 17 - they landed on an uninhabited island
called Humunu or homonhon.
- On the same day he named the archipelago “islands of saint
lazarus” ​As it was the sunday in the lenten season when the
gospel gospel assign for the mass and the liturgical office was the
11th chapter of saint john
- (monday) march 18​ they saw a boat coming with nine men on it
and exchange gifts happened and then the man went away
promising to bring rice and other supplies and four days
- Two springs of water on the island of homonhon. It was renamed
by magellan as “watering place of good omen” (Acquada la di
bouni segnialli)
- ​(friday) march 22​ the natives returned with supplies using two
- he stayed 8 days in homonhon
- ​´​It is the first Catholic Mass in the Philippines
- ´​It was held on March 31, 1521, celebrated in the Easter Sunday,
to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
- ´​The mass was presided and officiated by Father Pedro de
Valderrama, the Andalusion chaplain of the fleet, and the only
priest present in the Philippines then.
- ´​The first mass marked the birth of Catholicism in the Philippines.
- ´​The mass were participated by one of the first Filipino natives:
“Colambu”​ & ​“Siaiu”
- ´​The mass took place at the shores of an island.
- ´​For the location: generally, the mass took place at Southern
Where did the mass took place?


Butuan​ was formerly known as ​“Masao”

´​Many geographical evidence were present to prove the mass happened in ​Masao,​ such as:

-Bonfire used for the mass

​ sed were left on the shore

-​Balanghais u

-Abundance of gold left in the area

-Developed settlement

“​Masao”​ sounds like ​“Mazaua”,​ which is the place where the mass took place according to

´​A monument was erected in 1872 to commemorate the first mass in ​Butuan

´​Gregorio Zaide, a.k.a. the “Dean of Filipino Historiographers, believed that the mass was held
in Butuan because of the descriptions of Pigafetta in his diary.


- ´​Francisco Albo, the pilot of Magellan’s flagship, state that they erected a cross on a
mountain which overlooked three islands in the west and the southwest, which
geographically describes Limasawa.
- ´​Jaime de Veyra, part of the U.S. House of Representatives for the Philippine Islands
state that the first mass was held in Limasawa not in Butuan.
- ´​According to Historian Pablo Pastells, after analyzing Francisco Colin’s ​Labor
Evangelica,​ a story about the Jesuit mission in the Philippines, Magellan did not go to
Butuan​ but arrived at ​Limasawa​ and then went to ​Subu(​Known now as ​Cebu).
- ´​Father Bernard, a Catholic Historian, studied all of Pigafetta’s maps, which places
Mazua o ​ ff the souther tip of the larger islands of Leyte, which is clearly shown as
Limasawa rather than Butuan.
- ´​Evidence from the Legazpi Expedition was also found in Limasawa that pointed out that
Miguel Lopez Legazpi went there to commemorate Magellan and his crew.

CASE STUDY 2: Cavite Mutiny

- 1872 a historic year because of the cavite mutiny and the martyrdom of the 3 priest
gomburza ( Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora)
- Jose montero y vidal centered on how the event was an attempt to overthrow the
spanish government in the philippines.
- his account was criticized as biased and rabid for a scholar.
- there was also another account written by governor general rafael izquierdo who
implicated the native clergy who were active in the movement toward secularization of

Primary source from Montero

- according to some the cause of insurrection was the abolition of privileges

enjoyed by the laborers of the cavite arsenal of exemption from the tribute

Other reasons of insurrection:

- Propaganda carried on by an unbridled press against monarchical principles,

attentatory of the most sacred respects towards the dethroned majesty
- Spanish Revolution which overthrew a secular throne
- the democratic and republican books and pamphlets
- the speeches and teachings of the apostles of these new ideas in spain
- also it was because of the outburst of the american publicists and the criminal
policy of the senseless governor whom the revolutionary government sent to the
philippines who also put into practice these ideas where the determining
circumstances gave rise to the idea that the filipinos want to attain their
- They were already given notices that there would be a great uprising against the
spaniards but they did not give importance
- At times they would meet either at the ​house of the joaquin pardo de tavera​ or
at the native ​house of jacinto zamora​. it was usually attended by ​curate of
bacoor​, the soul of the movement, whose energetic character and immense
wealth enabled him to exercise a strong and influence

Primary source from Izquierdo

- the insurrection was motivated and prepared by the native clergy, by the mestizo
and native lawyers, and by those known here as a abogadillos
- they held a protest against the injustice of the government in not paying the
provinces for their tobacco crop and against the usury that some practice and
documents that a finance department gives crop owners who have to sell them at
a loss
- they encourage the rebellion by protesting what they called the injustice or have
been obliged the workers in the cavite arsenal to pay tribute starting january 1
and the render personal service from which they were formerly exempted.
- it is not clear if they planned to establish a monarchy or republic but if ever they
plan to you make the head of the government a priest the head selected would
be​ D jose burgos​ or​ D jacinto zamora
Reasons for the revolution:

- The abolition of privileges enjoyed by the workers of the ​cavite arsenal​ such as the
exemption from payment of tribute and being employed in ​polos y servicios​ or ​forced
- Another one was also the native clergy who conspired and supported the rebels
- However Izquierdo, who was obviously biased, highlighted the attempt to overthrow the
spanish government in the philippines to install a new “hari” in the persons of father
burgos and zamora
- According to the Spanish accounts, Event of 1872 was a premeditated and was part of a
big conspiracy among the educated leaders, mestizos, lawyers and residents of manila
and cavite to liquidate high-ranking spanish officers and kill friars. The signal they
identified among these conspirators was the rocket fired from Intramuros
- The january 20 1872 account and the district of sampaloc celebrated the feast of virgin
of loreto and came with it were some fireworks display which the Cavitenos took as the
signal to commence the attack led by sergeant lamadrid 200 men attacked the spanish
officers at sight and seized the arsenal.
- Revolution was easily crushed when the manileños were expected to aid the cavitenos
did not arrive
- this is where fathers gomez burgos and zamora were tried by a court-martial and
sentenced to be executed.
- Gomburza was executed on february 17 1872

Differing accounts of the events in 1872

- ​Primary source Pardo de Tavera

- according to taveras account there was no intention of secession from spain

and the only aspiration of the people was secure the material and education advancement of
the country

- The incident was merely a mutiny by filipino soldiers and laborers of the cavite
arsenal to the dissatisfaction arising from the draconian policies of inquierdo Such as the
abolition of privileges and the prohibition of the founding of the school of arts and trades for

- during this time the central government in madrid was planning to deprive the
friars of all the powers of intervention in matters of civil government and direction and
management of educational institutions.

- the central spanish government introduced an educational decree fusing

sectarian schools run by the prayers and school called the philippine institute. aimed to improve
the standard of education in the philippines by requiring teaching positions and these schools to
be filled by competitive examinations and improvement welcomed by most filipinos
Primary account from Edmund Plauchut

- General La torre created a created ​junta ​composed of​ high officials ​including some
friars and ​six spanish officials
- Reforms introduced:
- Changes in tariff rates at customs and the methods of collection
- Removal of surcharges on foreign importations
- Reduction of export prices
- Permission of Foreigners to reside in the philippines, buy real
estate, enjoy freedom of worship and operate commercial transport
flying the spanish flag
- Establishment of an advisory council to inform the minister of
overseas affairs in madrid on the necessary reforms to be
- changes in primary and secondary education
- establishment of an institute of civil administration in the
philippines rendering unnecessary the sending home of short term
civil officials every time there is a change of ministry
- study of direct tax system
- abolition of the tobacco monopoly

- Arrival of Izquierdo ended the dreams of reforms

- The opening of the school society of arts and trades was suspended

- the governor withdrew from such all the employees the retirement privileges and
reclassified them into the ranks of those who work on public roads for them to pay taxes every

- The cavite mutiny resulted in the martyrdom of GOMBURZA and paved way for the
revolution in 1898.


- Jose rizal the identified hero of the revolution for his writings that center on ending
colonialism and liberating filipino minds to contribute to creating the filipino nation.
- Examples were Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which vilify not the catholic
religion but the friars who were the main agents of injustice in the philippines society.

Primary Source: Rizal’s retraction

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