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British sign lang

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 1

ISSN 2250-3153

Recognition of Two Hand Gestures of word in British

Sign Language (BSL)
Pingale Prerna Rambhau

Department of Computer Engineering( University of Pune), Sir Vishaveshwaray Institute Technology, Chincholi, Tal-Sinner,Dist- Nashik ,India

Abstract- This paper presents the implementation and analysis of Moreover as finger spelling is used in sign out of vocabulary
a real time stereo vision hand tracking system that can be used words, the outcome of this project will provide modules that can
for interaction purpose. In real time, the system can track the 3D be reused in a sign language to speech translator. The practical
position and 2D orientation of thumb and index finger of each problems of recognizing finger spelling are very different from
hand without the use of special markers and gloves. For someone those of recognizing signs, in finger spelling there is only a fixed
who can hear, it is difficult to imagine what it is like to be deaf. number of hand shapes that need to be recognized. Orientation
Many people associate ‘deaf with handicapped’, but this is not and motion are only marginally important and location is always
really correct. A handicapped person, like someone who is blind, the same. Non-manual components can be ignored completely.
has trouble functioning independently in everyday life. Deaf This makes the problem much simpler than that of sign
people do not have this problem: they can ride a bike, drive a car, recognition.
go to work, shop, and go on vacation like everybody else. The
greatest problem for a deaf person is “Communication”. The In this paper work, there is two phases:
main motive of the paper is to simplify the communication Sign Processing:
between normal and deaf people and bring them in normal flow The first phase of the finger spelling recognition task
of society. To study the first phase of the finger spelling involves the segmentation of finger spelling hand gestures from
recognition task involves the segmentation of finger spelling image sequences The aim of this paper to convert finger spelled
hand gestures from image sequences. The aim of this paper to word to text[1] (Character by Character) as well as speech[3].
convert finger spelled word to text (Character by Character) as
well as speech. Second phase includes Text to Image conversion Text to Sign Conversion:
process. In this sentences are scanned entered by user and then Second phase includes Text to Image conversion process. In
alphabets separation module separate the alphabets from this sentences are scanned entered by user and then alphabets
sentences and corresponding image is display to viewers. Here separation module separate the alphabets from sentences and
images are nothing but finger spelling alphabets. corresponding image is display to viewers. Here images are
nothing but finger spelling alphabets.
Index Terms- Finger spelled Segmentation, Sign language, 2D
Orientation, 3D.


M any commercial are being burdened by the problem of

recognizing words from video, finger spelled using the
British sign language (BSL) [1] finger spelling alphabets. BSL is
a visual language used by deaf people, which uses word level
sign (gestures), non manual features. E.g. Finger spelling (letter
by letter signing) to convey meaning. This is challenging task
since the BSL alphabet involves both hand occluding each other,
and contains signs which are ambiguous from the observer’s
Their intelligence can be used in the various development
Fig. 1 Standard Alphabets in BSL
areas effectively with the help of this paper. Although sign
language is the main communication medium of the hearing
impaired, in term of automatic recognition, finger spelling has
the advantage of using limited number of finger signs,
corresponding to the letters/sounds in the alphabets.
The aim of this paper that translate the sign language to
speech. Considering the current state of art and project duration,
focusing on finger spelling is reasonable choice and will provide
insight to next coming project to develop advanced system

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153

Fig. 2 Standard Numbers in BSL


Fig. 3 Flow Diagram of system

The main purpose or goal of the project is to implement  Background Subtraction

completely new computer based system for simplify the  Skin Segmentation
communication between deaf and dumb and normal people. This  Region Extraction
system will make the substantial changes in traditional way of  Feature Extraction
communication and remove the barriers in communication. The  Pose Estimation
basic working of the system is shown in above figure. B. Finger Spelling Synthesis
C. Comparison
D. Text Generation and Speech Generation
In this section, system works in different modules as Phase II: Text to Sign Conversion
describe below: A. Text Identification and Image Generation

Modules: Phase I: Sign Processing

Phase I: Sign Processing A. Module-1 Finger Spelling Recognition

A. Finger Spelling Recognition

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153

The finger spelling recognition module involves the

segmentation of finger spelling hand gestures from image  Region Extraction
sequences. The classification of features extracted from these
images, make use of different methodologies:

 Background Subtraction
All subsequent image processing operations are then
performing on this scaled and filtered image.

Fig.10 Hand Contours

In binary image processing operations and connected

component analysis, first extract the contours of all the detected
skin regions in IS and for each region ‘i’, get a set of counter-
clockwise perimeter coordinates that trace the
outline of each region.
Fig. 4 Background image., Fig.5 Captured image, Fig 6
Foreground Mask, Fig. 7 Foreground image.  Feature Extraction

Background subtraction method is used to segment any

foreground hand information from the non changing background
image. At system startup, a background images IB, L and IB, R
are captured to static workspace from each camera view.
Background image to segment out moving foreground
information using foreground mask image IF as:

Fig. 11 Peak and Valley detection

Using frame Gabor filtering of the intensity and
Where B is a threshold values from background
depth image.
information. The result of foreground mask is a binary image
2. Classify the points as either peaks or vally, convert
with a single 8 bit channel.
the vector into 3D vectors in the XY plane.
3. Compute cross product.
 Skin Segmentation
4. If image [ area of sign component of the cross
Label the point as a peak.
Label the point as a vally.

 Pose Estimation
A simple black and white planer checkerboard pattern is
captured at four different poses using the stereo camera. These
images are then passes to the further processing where
corresponding corner features are manually selected in each
Fig.8 Skin Mask, Fig9 Foreground skin image. image. Pose Estimation estimate the 2D and 3D poses of the
Fingers and thumb.
For each camera captured the small snapshots are taken of
various hands with the range of different skin tones and poses. B. Module-2 Finger Spelling Synthesis
Thus this module captured image segmented into binary mask The finger spelling synthesis can be seen as a part of sign
where white pixels represent skin area and black pixels represent language synthesis. Sign language synthesis can be used in two
non skin area [5].

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153

forms. The first is real time generated avatar animation shown on

computer screen that provide real time feedback. The second
form is pre-generated short movie clips inserted into graphical
user interface.

C. Module-3 Comparison
1. Contour matching and sign mapping
2. If image [Total_Hull_point== red &&
Total_defect_point==yellow] then
3. Display character whatever mapping with sign.

D. Module-4 Text Generation and Speech

When above process is completed then text is generated
(Character by Character). By combining the letters sentence will
be formed and audio for that will get generated.
Fig. 12 Gesture recognition system using Hidden Markov
Phase II: Text to Sign Conversion Model.

A. Module-5 Text Identification and Image Generation

In this module, Sentences are scanned entered by user and In this paper, present a simple model of static gestures of
then alphabets separation module separate the alphabets from British Sign Language alphabet recognition system, does not
sentences and corresponding image is display to viewers. require any special markers or gloves and can operate in real-
time on a commodity PC with low cost cameras. Specifically, the
system can track the tip positions of thumb and index finger for
IV. HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL each hand, assuming that a calibrated pair of cameras is viewing
In this paper, a hand gesture recognition system to recognize the hands. The motivation for this hand tracker was a desktop-
continuous gesture before stationary background. The system based two-handed interaction system in which a user can select
consists of three modules: segmentation and preprocessing [6], and manipulate 3D geometric in real time using natural hand
feature extraction [6], hidden Markov model (HMM) [6] training, motions. And finally with the help of this software
and gesture recognition [1] [7]. First, we apply a skin color communication barrier and dumb people and normal people get
detection and hand tracking algorithm and feature extraction reduced.
algorithm(Gesture path and Orientation Estimation and vector
quantization)[6] to trace the moving hand and extract the hand
region, then we use the gesture database to combine the spatial ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and temporal features of the input image sequence as our feature Many people have contributed to the success of this.
vector. After having extracted the feature vectors, we apply Although a single sentence hardly suffices, I would like to thank
HMMs to recognize the input gesture. The gesture to be Almighty God for blessing me with His grace. I extend my
recognized is separately scored against different HMMs. sincere and heartfelt thanks to Mr.M.T.Jagtap Sir, Head of the
Computer Engineering Department (Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s
College of Engineering, Nashik, India) for providing me the right
ambience for carrying out this work, encouragement and I
sincerely express my gratitude to him. I express my immense
pleasure and thankfulness to all staff of the Department of
Computer Engineering for their co-operation support. Last but
not the least, I thank all others, and especially my friends who in
one way or another helped me in the successful completion of
this work.

[1] Stephan Liwicki, Mark Everingham, “Automatic Recognition of Finger
spelled Words in BritishSign Language,” in Proc. IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp.
50-57, Miami, FL, USA, June, 2009.
[2] R. Feris, M. Turk, R. Raskar, K. Tan, and G. Ohashi.
Exploiting depth discontinuities for vision-based fingerspelling recognition.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 5
ISSN 2250-3153

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[3] X.D. Huang, Y. Ariki, and M. A. Jack. Hidden Markov Models for Speech 2005.
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[5] M. Jones and J. Rehg. Statistical color models with application to skin
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[6] J. Schlenzig, E. Hunter, and R. Jain. Recursive identi_cation of gesture Computer Engineering( University of Pune), Sir Vishaveshwaray
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Email- pingale.prerna795@gmail.com


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