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Balqis _3477 9G Chem

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Admission Number: 3477

Class: 9G

Grade 9
2 Hours

Second Semester Examinations 2020/2021 Total Marks

10 June 2021

Question Marks
Instructions to Candidates
Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your admission number and class. 1
• This paper contains 12 questions on 22 pages. 3
• Encircle the number of each question answered. 4
• Do not use highlighter, glue or correction fluid. 5
• Copying will result in zero marks. 6
Information for Candidates 7
• The total mark for this paper is 100 9
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets ( ) 10
Advice to Candidates 12
• Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Total

• Keep an eye on the time.

• Check your answers if you have time at the end.
• Write your answers neatly and in good English

Examiner’s use only

Name Marks Signature

Marked by Mrs. SHYMI

Checked by

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
Answer ALL questions.

1.Some students investigated the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulfate solution and
hydrochloric acid. The equation for the reaction is
Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + S(s) + SO2(g)
The precipitate of sulfur makes the reaction mixture go cloudy.
The students used this method.

· Place a mixture of sodium thiosulfate solution and water in a conical flask

· Add some dilute hydrochloric acid, swirl the mixture and start a timer

· Place the flask over a black cross marked on a piece of paper

· Record the time taken for the cross to disappear when viewed from aboveThe students
used 10 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid in each experiment.
They carried out all the experiments at the same temperature.
They used different volumes of sodium thiosulfate solution and water in each experiment.
They were told to keep the total volume of sodium thiosulfate solution and water
The table shows their results.

(a) Explain why the results of student 7 should not be used.

Rate of reaction is too slow

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

(b) Plot the results of the six other students on the grid below. Draw a curve of best fit
through the points.

(c) The students used this equation to calculate the rate of each reaction in their

Calculate the rate of reaction for student 1's experiment.

Give your answer to one decimal place.
Rate of reaction = 1000/ 26.6
= 37.6 (1d.p)

Rate = 37.6
Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
(d) Another group of students used the same method but with different solutions of sodium
thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid. They calculated the rate of reaction for each experiment
they did. Their results are shown on the following graph.

(i) Describe the relationship between rate and concentration as shown by the graph.
The rate of reaction is proportional to its concentration of sodium thiosulfate , means when
the concentration increases the rate of reaction also increases in the same proportion.

(ii) Explain why increasing the concentration has this effect on the rate.
Increasing the concentration of reactant in a solution , it increases the number of
particles in the same volume , which increase the frequency of successful collusion per
minute therefore increasing the rate of reaction.
(Total for question 1 = 11 marks)

2. The apparatus shown can be used to electrolyse aqueous sodium chloride in the

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

(a) Gases are evolved at both electrodes.
(i) Describe a chemical test to show that the gas evolved at the positive electrode is
Hold a damp blue litmus paper to the mouth of the test tube containing chlorine gas, it
turns blue litmus to red then goes to white (bleaching)

(ii) Identify gas A.

Hydrogen gas

(b) Some of the solution formed after the electrolysis was tested with the indicator
phenolphthalein. The indicator turned pink
Explain this result.
It is a alkaline solution (NaOH) which changes phenolphthalein indicator to pink.

(Total for question 2 = 4 marks)

3.(a) This apparatus is used to investigate the electrolysis of copper(II) sulfate solution with
graphite electrodes.

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

Copper forms at the negative electrode and oxygen forms at the positive electrode.

(i) State what would be observed at each electrode.

negative electrode

a pink brown solid will be formed

positive electrode

bubbles will form

(ii) The ionic half-equation for the reaction at the negative electrode is
Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu
State why this is a reduction reaction.
Copper gains electron
(iii) Explain why the copper(II) sulfate solution becomes paler blue during the
The blue colour is due to copper (II), it turns paler during the reaction because its being
used up.

(b) Aluminium is extracted from aluminium oxide (Al2O3) by electrolysis.

The electrolyte is molten aluminium oxide

Write the ionic half-equation for the reaction in both at the positive and negative electrodes

Cathode: Al+3 + 3e- Al (4)

Anode : 2O-2 O2 + 2e-

(Total for Question 3 = 9 marks)
Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
4. Solid X contains two cations (positive ions) and one anion (negative ion).

One of the cations is Fe3+

(a) The table describes the tests carried out on an aqueous solution of X and some of the
observations made.
Complete the table by giving the missing observation.

(b) (i) Which cation, other than Fe3+, is present in X?

Explain your answer.
Cation : NH4 ,.


As the test is for ammounium

(ii) Identify the anion present in X.

(Total for Question 4 = 4 marks)

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

5. The diagram shows methane burning in air. It also shows how the two gases formed are
collected and tested.

(i) Explain why water collects in the U-tube.

When the steam passes through the u tube it condenses due to the ice .
(ii) Describe how anhydrous copper(II) sulfate is used to test for water.
Add a liquid to anhydrous copper(II) sulfate, if its a water it turns the white powder into
blue. This is because when water is added to anhydrous copper(II) sulfate it turns to
hydrated copper(II) sulfate (blue crystal)

(iii) Explain the change in appearance of the limewater. (2)

It turns milky when CO2 passes through the lime water.
(Total for question 5 = 6 marks)

6. Chemical tests can be used to detect ions in solids and in aqueous solutions.

(a) A solid produces a gas when heated with sodium hydroxide solution. Damp red litmus
paper is turned blue by the gas.
Which of these ions is present in the solid?
A Cu2+ B Fe2+

C Fe3+ D NH

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

(b) When dilute nitric acid is added to an aqueous solution, followed by silver nitrate
solution, a yellow precipitate forms.
Which of these halide ions is present in the aqueous solution?
A Br– B Cl–

C F– D I–

(c) When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a solid, a gas forms.

Which of these ions is present in the solid?
A carbonate B hydroxide

C nitrate D sulfate

(d) Sodium hydroxide solution is added separately to three solutions.

One solution contains Cu2+ ions, another contains Fe2+ ions and the third solution
contains Fe3+ ions.

Which row shows the correct colours of the precipitates that form?
Answer : C

(e) When barium chloride solution is added to an aqueous solution of a compound, a white
precipitate forms. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to the mixture, the precipitate
disappears and a colourless solution forms.

Which of these ions is present in the aqueous solution?

A carbonate

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

B chloride

C nitrate

D sulfate

(Total for question 6 = 5 marks)

7. A flame test is carried out on three metal compounds, X, Y and Z.

The diagram shows the apparatus used.

(a) (i) Suggest two reasons why platinum is a suitable metal to use as the wire in this test.
1 it has high melting point.

2 unreactive

(ii) Why should the platinum wire be cleaned between each test?
To remove any impurities present

(iii) Why is a luminous Bunsen flame not suitable for carrying out a flame test?
The colour of the flame could not be analysed properly if a luminious Bunsen burner is used

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

(b) The three metal compounds are also tested separately with three reagents.

The reagents used are

· aqueous acidified silver nitrate
· aqueous acidified barium chloride
· aqueous sodium hydroxide
The table shows the results of all the tests.

(i) Give the name of compound X and of compound Y.

compound X : Sodium

compound Y : lithium

(ii) Identify the cation present in compound Z.

Iron (II)

(Total for Question 7 = 9 marks)

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

8. The table gives some data about the first six members of a homologous series of
compounds called the alkanes.




(a) Complete the table by

· giving the molecular formula of hexane
· giving the relative formula mass of butane
· suggesting the boiling point of pentane (3)

(b) What does the data show about the relationship between boiling point and relative
formula mass? (1)
More the relative formula mass lower the boiling point

(c) (i) In the table, draw displayed formulae for the two alkanes with the molecular formula
C4H10 (2)

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

(ii) What is the name given to compounds that have the same molecular formula but

different displayed formulae?


(d) The reaction between ethane and bromine (Br2) is similar to the reaction between
methane and bromine.
(i) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between ethane and bromine.
C2H6 + Br2 C2H5Br + HBr

(ii) What is the name given to the type of reaction that occurs when ethane reacts with
substitution reaction

(iii) Suggest the condition necessary for this reaction to occur.

it should occur in the presence of UV light.
(Total for question 8 = 11 marks)

9. The alkanes are a homologous series of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractions in
crude oil.
(a) State two characteristics, other than having the same general formula, of
members of a homologous series. (2)
1. trend in physical properties

2 have same chemical properties

(b) Propane is an alkane used as a fuel.

Balance the equation for the complete combustion of propane. (1)
5 3 4

(c) Incomplete combustion of propane leads to the formation of a poisonous gas.

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
(i) Identify this gas. (1)
Carbon soot
(ii) Explain why the gas is poisonous. (1)
It reduces the ability of haemoglobin to carry oxygen
(d) The alkane C5H12 has three isomers.
The displayed formula of one of these isomers is

Draw the displayed formulae of the other two isomers.


(Total for question 9 = 7 marks)

10. (a)Dilute sulfuric acid can be used to make soluble salts.

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
A student plans an experiment to obtain a sample of sodium sulfate, from dilute sulfuric
The student does a titration to find the volume of sulfuric acid needed for complete
reaction with the other reactant.

Describe the steps she should take in her titration.

Refer to these pieces of apparatus in your answer.

pipette burette conical flask

Measure the volume of alkali (sodium sulfate ) using pipette and put it in a conical flask ,
then add few drops of indicator (phenolphthalein). Add acid (dilute sulfuric) into the burette
and note the starting volume. Now add the acid into the conical flask containing alkali
through burette and continuously swirl until the indicator turns the colour which indicates
that the solution is neutral . note the remaining volume of acid in the burette. repeats this
experiment until you have 3 concordant results.

(b) Complete the table (5)

Acid Alkali

Methyl orange red yellow

Phenolphthalein colourless pink

Litmus red blue

(Total for question 10 = 10 marks)

11. Ethanol can be manufactured by fermentation or by the direct hydration of ethene.

(a) In Brazil, the main source of sugar for fermentation is sugar cane.
· sugar cane is added to water
· sugar cane contains sucrose (C12H22O11) that dissolves in the water
· during the fermentation process the sucrose is broken down into glucose (C6H12O6)
· this glucose is then converted into ethanol (C2H5OH) and carbon dioxide

(i) Name the substance that is added to the sucrose solution to allow fermentation to take
Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
(ii) Complete the equation for the conversion of sucrose into glucose.
C12H22O11 + H2O → 2C6H12O6

(iii) Write a chemical equation for the conversion of glucose into ethanol and carbon
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

(iv) Fermentation produces a solution that is a mixture of ethanol and water.

Which of these is the most effective method of obtaining ethanol from this mixture?

A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D simple distillation

(b) In the direct hydration method, ethene reacts with steam.

The equation for the reaction is
C2H4 + H2O → C2H5OH
(i) Name the catalyst used in this reaction.
Phosphoric acid

(ii) State the temperature and pressure used in this reaction.

Temperature : 300oc

pressure :60 – 70 atmospheric pressure

(ii) The displayed formula for methanol is

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

Suggest a displayed formula for ethanol, CH3CH2OH

(Total for question 11 = 8 marks)

12.(a) Ethanol is present in alcoholic drinks, such as wine.

When a bottle of wine is left open some of the ethanol reacts with the oxygen in the air to
form ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, and water.

(i) Complete the equation for this reaction.

O2 H2O

(ii) In this reaction ethanol is

A hydrated

B oxidised

C polymerised

D reduced

(ii) Draw the structure of a molecule of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, showing all covalent
bonds.(Displayed formula) (1)

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

(b) Vinegar is a dilute solution of ethanoic acid.

Complete the sentence by putting a cross (  ) in the box next to your answer.
Vinegar is used as a
A fibre

B fuel

C perfume

D preservative

(c) State the colour of Universal indicator in a solution of ethanoic acid.


(d) The word equation for the reaction of dilute ethanoic acid with sodium hydroxide
solution is

Complete the balanced equation for this reaction. (1)


(e) When magnesium is added to dilute ethanoic acid, a colourless gas is formed.
This gas gives a squeaky pop when mixed with air and ignited.

Give the name of the gas given off in this reaction.

Hydrogen gas

(f) Ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol to form ethyl ethanoate.

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9

When preparing esters, a small amount of concentrated sulfuric acid is also used.

(i) State the purpose of the acid. (1)

To speed up the reaction

(ii) Write the word equation for this reaction.

Ethanol + ethanoic acid ethyl ethanoate + water

(iii) Draw the displayed formula of Ethyl ethanoate (2)

(iv)Draw the displayed formula of the ester that forms when propanoic acid reacts
with ethanol. (2)

(v) Esters have particular uses that depend on their properties.

Give an example of a property and use of esters. (2)

property : has a fruity or distinctive odour

Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9
use : used as perfume

(Total for question 12 = 16 marks)


Department of Science Chemistry Grade: 9


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