The Battle for Blickheim Ridge 25th

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The Battle for Blickheim Ridge 25th-26th

June 198?
The Battle
This is a fictional battle that is taken from the Canadian army training manual, published as
``First Clash'' by Kenneth Macksey.

The day after the out-break of war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact on 24th June 3th
Royal Canadian Regiment, part of 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, are deploied to
the area around Blickheim. Their mission is to set up a defence over a 6km frontage and deny
access to the Bohl plateau, to the west, for at least 48 hours from 1500 on 25th June. To their
north is the 52nd US Mechanized Brigade, to their south the rest of 4CMB.

At 1515 leading recconnaicance elements of the 1st Guards Tank Division make contact with
the Canadian screening forces. A hasty attack is made by the leading platoon of 290th MRR
at 1600, but is easily broken up. II battalion 290th MRR advance on Favorite/Forsh at about
1700. They are able to clear a partial path through the mine field and penetrate Forsh but the
advance to Favourite fails. However, the Canadian units within the village are ordered to

The Soviet forces now put together a more determined two phase plan. At 2000 the whole of
290th MRR moves forward, exploiting the ground gained around Favorite/Forsh to try to
break in to the Canadian position. After heavy fighting they are forced to withdraw. By 0200
the second phase of the plan is underway with the 301st Tank Regiment following up. They
punch through the Canadian outer defences and are poised to break through to the rear.
Disaster is narrowly averted by a counter attack at 0400 in conjunction with strikes from U.S.
attack helicoptors. The situation in this sector is stabilized but penetration by the 3rd Guard
Tank Division to the south requires withdrawal at 10.00.

The Wargame
This is really two games in one. The first represents the 290th Motor Rifles attack at 2000,
the second the 301st Tanks attack at 0200.

The First Game:

For the first game it is night with a full moon. II Battalion may deploy anywhere within Forch
or Favorite, I and III Battalions may enter anywhere along the east edge of the board. The
Canadian battle group may deploy anywhere west of the board centre, and in the village of

If played separately from the second game the soviet objective is to break into the Canadian
position and, by the end of turn 10 (2230), have a foot hold on Blickheim Ridge.

The Second Game:

For the second game it is night till turn five (0315) and then daylight from turn six on. Any
operational elements of 290th Motor Rifles may start in their current positions on the board.
301st Tanks may enter anywhere along the east edge of the board. The Canadian battle group
may reorganise its forces but not dig-in any more units.

The Soviet objective is to break through the Canadian forces and, by the end of turn 8 (0400),
have control of Blickheim Ridge with a clear passage to exit forces off the western edge of
the board.

Special Rules
All Canadian units should initially not be deploied on table. They are only placed on table
when they are spotted, move or fire. Soviet forces should all be deploied on table from the
start of the game (Canadian GSR and Intrusion Alarms would be able to plot Soviet
movements as they advanced).

Canadian TOW may be dismounted from M113s and crewed by 2 figures. HMGs from
mechanized company M113s may be dismounted, crewed by 3 infantry figures from that
company. Canadian infantry and heavy weapons may be dug-in at the start of the game.

Supply rules should be used for this game. If the first game finishes before turn 24 (02.00)
then for each two turns (half an hour) left, both sides may resupply one unit.

Artillery batteries under direct support may be called in only by observers, those in general
support must have preprogrammed targets and times before the start of the game. On table
mortar batteries may be called in by any member of their unit. The Soviets may have up to
three turns of artillery fire before the start of the game.

Canadian Order of Battle

`O' Company 3 M113
CO (Maj. Tom Paton) + 9 figures (1 LAW, 3 LAD)
Armoured Defence Section 1 M113(TOW)
1 Troop B Squadron RCD 1 Leopard C1

`N' Company 3 M113

CO (Maj. Dick Connors) + 9 figures (1 LAW, 3 LAD)
Armoured Defence Section 1 M113(TOW)
2 Troops B Squadron RCD 1 Leopard C1

Support Blowpipe Team (2 figures)

Observer Team (2 figures)
1 M113 + 4 Assault pioneers (3 LAD)
2 M125

Off Table:
Direct Support 2 Canadian Batteries 1 M109A1 155mm How.
2 US Batteries 1 M110A2 203mm How.

Soviet Order of Battle

290th Motor Rifle Regiment
II Battalion (Equivalent of 1 company) (8 figures):
2 BMP-1
8 figures (1 LAW, 2 LAD)

I & III Battalions (30 figures each):

BHQ 1 BMP-1 + CO, SA-7 team (2 figures)
3 Companies 2 BMP-1
8 figures (1 LAW, 2 LAD)
Support Company 1 MTLB
120mm Mort.
3 Crew figures

2 Tank Companies: 2 T-72A


301st Tank Regiment

I & II Battalions:
BHQ 1 T-72A
3 Tank Companies 2 T-72A

Mechanized Company: 2 BMP-1

8 figures(1 LAW, 2 LAD)

Off Table

Direct support:
3 Batteries 1 SAU122 (122mm How.)
1 Observer team 2 figures (Attached to any BMP-1 company)

General Support:
6 Batteries 1 SAU122 (122mm How.)
3 Batteries 1 BM-21 (Rocket Launcher)

Vehicle Armour Gun Speed NF Smoke

Leopard C1 I -1# F II D
M113 D MG F - -
M125 D MG 81mm mort. F - -
T-72A Ic -2# F IR G/D
BMP-1 D 2 AT3B* F IR G

``FIRST CLASH - Combat close-up in World War Three"

Kenneth Macksey, Arms & Armour Press 1985.

The Battlefield at Blickheim

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