Mohd Yusuf & Anr. v UT of J&K
Mohd Yusuf & Anr. v UT of J&K
Mohd Yusuf & Anr. v UT of J&K
Per Chowdhary J.
matters the law is very clear that the writ petition can
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them at the hands of the police and even the arrest for
law. The appellant Mohd. Aslam herein has filed the writ
Corruption Act.
the year 2018 i.e. more than three years back also
Public Safety Act, 1978. All the FIRs are old and have
lost utility and cannot form basis of any order under the
of its judgment.
was held that the powers under Articles 226 and 32 are
as under :
preventive detention.
bailed out in all those cases referred and relied upon for
the year 2022. The gap of three years from the last FIR
proximate link.
Constitution of India.
criminal charge.
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Court, that the court has to look into the veracity and
the writ court was not the correct view to reject the
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