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They receive incoming grain deliveries, store

the grain safely and they may assist in preparing outgoing
LESSON 1. CAREER AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN AGRICULTURE shipments, drying grain and blending different grain types.
d. Agricultural equipment technicians maintain, install and
 Agriculture- It is the science, art or practice of soil cultivation repair machines and implements. They perform preventive
through crop production and livestock raising that involves varying maintenance, which may involve refueling machines,
degrees of preparation that may result in selling and marketing of replacing batteries, changing the oil and lubricating moving
the end products. parts. When they detect malfunctioning equipment, they
 Agricultural Careers- They are professional paths related to farming, perform diagnostic tests and conduct necessary repairs.
cultivation and animal husbandry. These career paths involve e. Purchasing agents are responsible for buying agricultural
everything from growing crops and nurturing the soil to raising products and raw materials wholesale for processing and reuse.
livestock like cattle, pigs and chickens. These professionals often must meet specific purchasing quotas
 Agri-business- It encompasses the economic sectors for farming for processors. They work with several farming clients, who
and farming- related commerce. It involves all the steps for getting serve as suppliers of grain, milk and other agricultural
agricultural goods to the market, including production, processing, products.
and distribution. f. Farm warehouse managers are responsible for overseeing
all activities related to storing, shipping and receiving
The different types of agriculture jobs or careers: agricultural materials. They send and receive shipments,
a. Administrative jobs involve performing administrative roles including loading and unloading products and materials.
that support workers in the agriculture industry. g. Agriculture specialists perform administrative support and
b. Engineering jobs involve using high-level science and math clerical tasks that focus on a certain aspect of farming. Some
to solve complex problems. Professionals, evaluate, design, agriculture specialists focus on storage, which requires them to
test and install agricultural equipment and systems. work with farmers to develop high-performing crop and grain
c. Labor jobs require workers to perform manual tasks such as storage and inventory systems.
planting, harvesting, caring for animals and maintaining h. Sales representatives sell materials and products to businesses
equipment. and government agencies. They seek out prospective
d. Sales jobs are performed by professionals who are responsible customers by attending trade shows, reviewing customer lists
for selling materials and products to customers. and following leads from existing clients. They determine
customers' needs, explain how their products meet clients'
e. Science jobs are those of scientists who work in agriculture
needs and create packages that meet customers' budgetary and
and specialize in crops, livestock or food production.
timeline needs.
i. Crop managers oversee the many steps in the crop
Agricultural Jobs production process. They supervise seed sourcing, planting
a. Farm workers perform essential manual labor tasks under the processes and scheduling as well as fertilizing, irrigation and
supervision of farmers and ranchers. They harvest or inspect harvesting.
crops, assist in watering the plants, applying fertilizer and j. Environmental engineers use science and engineering
pesticides to control weeds and insects. principles to design and apply solutions to problems that occur
b. Growers are responsible for taking care of and raising crops that on agricultural sites. They assess environmental conditions—
involves proper management of the growing plants and its including testing soil and analyzing drainage capabilities—and
environment to keep the crops/plants healthy. developing improvements.
c. Grain Elevator operators assist in maintaining essential k. Feed mill managers supervise the production and storage of
quality standards of grains by properly storing, shipping and animal feed. They are responsible for monitoring inventory
levels, scheduling feed production and inspecting the quality of
the grain. These professionals set and maintain quality
standards, assess and improve operating procedures and track
customer complaints.
l. Research scientists who specialize in agriculture often work as
food scientists, who research and develop processes for
manufacturing, storing and packaging food. They are responsible
for developing or improving products, but some specialize in
detecting contaminants or administering government

LESSON 2. Agricultural Tools, Farm Implements, and Farm Equipment

 Agricultural Tools-These are commonly light tools that are
being utilized in farm activities. They are classified as digging
tools, cutting tools, cultivating tools, harvesting tools, carpentry
tools, and measuring tools.
 Farm Implements- These are commonly made of metals that
serve as accessories for draft animals or mounted to machinery.
They are usually used in land preparation. Cutting Tools
 Farm Equipment- These are machinery used in land
preparation and transportation of farm inputs and products.
These machineries require highly skilled operators to properly
perform their respective use/s.

Agricultural t o o l s a r e commonly light a n d h a n d y t h a t a r e

n e e d e d i n accomplishing farm activities.

Digging Tools

Harvesting Tools

Cultivating Tools

Carpentry Tools

Measuring Tools Other Agricutlral Tools

Farm Implements are usually made of metals. They serve as accessories by Farm Equipment is machinery used for land preparation and transportation
draft animals or mounted on machineries needed for the land preparation. of farm inputs and products. It requires highly skilled operators to properly
perform their respective use/s.

LESSON 3. Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations
 Accident - an unexpected and unfortunate incident that occurs
accidentally and causes hurt, damage, or injury.
 Agricultural Chemicals – are chemical agents that are used to
control crop- harming organisms (like: fungi, nematodes, mites,
insects, and rodents) or viruses (refers to "diseases and pests") in
the farm such as fungicides and insecticides.
 Cleaning - the act or process of removing dirt from tools,
containers and farm facilities.
 Chemicals - means the interaction between substances. It can be in
the form of liquid, solid or gas. It can be from any pure substance or
a mixture of different substances.
 Disinfection Chemicals - refers to the chemical used in cleaning
which has the ability to kill microorganisms especially pathogens.
 Hazard - can potentially harm or injure workers. In any workplace,
hazard exists.
 Over fatigue, improper posture while harvesting the crops, and
using unguarded machineries are some of the common hazards.
 Incident - refers to any remarkable or interesting event or
occurrence, whether intentional or unintended.
 Near Miss - refers to an unanticipated event that almost harms
persons or property but does not cause any injury or damage.
 Occupational Safety – are safe practices related to production
and work process in the workplace.
 Safety - the physical or environmental conditions of work which
comply with the prescribed Occupational Health Safety (OHS)
standards and which allow the workers to perform his or her job
without or within acceptable exposure to hazards
 Safety Measures – is an action, or procedure that is designed to
lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons,
property or the environment. Risk – a situation involving
exposure to danger, injury or loss.
 Unsafe Acts - are activities or behaviors that depart from
established safety norms, such as disobeying safety guidelines or
failing to properly employ personal protection equipment.
 Unsafe Conditions - include physical aspects within the workplace
that have the potential to cause harm, such as poor housekeeping,
insufficient lighting or ventilation, malfunctioning equipment, or
inappropriate handling of hazardous products.

Occupational Safety Measures in the Farm
 Chemical Hazard – are typical of hazardous chemicals that can cause
Occupational Safety When in the Farm – safety practices set by farm fire and explosion that came from pesticides, cleaning agents, acids,
owners that involves production and work process of farmworkers. and poisons. Exposure to certain chemicals or improper handling and
Farmers should always take extra measures to ensure their safety
use of those chemicals, can cause acute or long-term adverse health
while working in the farm.
effects. Main classifications of chemical hazards include: asphyxiants,
Hazards and Risk in the Farm - farmers are exposed to a lot of risk, corrosives, irritants, sensitizers, carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens,
which can lead to major accidents or injuries. Risk is the possibility of a reactants, and flammables. Long term exposure to chemical hazards
hazard to exist. It may cause injury or health problems. It is important such as silica dust, engine exhausts, tobacco smoke, and lead may
that workers are properly trained and properly guided by the result to increase risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood
pressure. Use of protective personal equipment (PPE) is advised
Types of Hazards: because it may reduce the risk of damage from contact with hazardous
Hazard can potentially harm or injure workers. In any workplace,
chemicals and materials.
hazard exists. Over fatigue, improper posture while harvesting the
crops, and using unguarded machineries are some of the common
 Physical Hazard – it includes weak platform, slippery stairs or
floorings, falling objects, excessively loud music, prolonged vibration,
poor ventilation, extreme temperatures, and poor air quality.

 Biological Hazard – includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects,

and vermin, among others.

 Mechanical Hazard – is caused by electrically operated machineries or

devices that can cause electric shock or electrocution. Pressure vessels,
tractors, and cranes are all used in farm operations.
 Psychosocial Hazard – is the stresses that farmers get from work,
family, or even among friends.

might involve risks such as a person being run over by it. The
tractor also has the tendency to overturn, especially if it is
 Ergonomic Hazard – refers to any physical condition that can be running too fast, or the operator makes a sharp turn, sudden
experienced in the workplace due to incorrect body movement/s that swerve, or sudden stop.
can cause injury or other health concern that may affect Here are some things to remember when using heavy farm
musculoskeletal system causing aches and sprains that may appear implements:
not too serious at first but may develop into serious health problem o Do not use a tractor for transportation. It is not a passenger
which can cause permanent damage to the body. vehicle.
o Use a seatbelt when driving a tractor.
o Use of PPE can save the operator from serious injuries.

To avoid possible hazards and risks in the farm PPE is advised.

Safety is the physical environmental condition of work which
complies with Occupational Health Safety (OHS) standards, and
which allows the farmers to perform their job without or within
acceptable exposure to hazards. One of the basic requirements to
maintain these standards is the provision of PPE. This can reduce the
Chemicals and Hazardous Tools and Equipment Used for Farm Work number and severity of farmers related injuries and illnesses.
1. Spraying Chemicals - The use of fertilizers and pesticides is
common in farming. These are used to control pests, weeds, and Farm Respiratory Protection - Since farmers use
mollusks. Spraying is the most common method of applying fertilizers and other chemicals, it is necessary
chemicals. Farm owners consult local agriculturist for the for them to use respirators to protect themselves
appropriate chemicals to use in their crops. from inhaling mold spores and chemicals.
Here are some important things to remember when using chemicals Respirators must be properly selected, worn, and
for the crops: maintained to ensure maximum protection.
o Do not attempt to spray if there is a strong wind and its
direction is towards the body of water or a house. Eye Protection - This is used to protect farmers’
o Never wash the spray equipment with water running down eyes from possible flying objects, liquid sprays,
into open drains or towards a dam or a or other elements that may enter their eyes.
o Refrain from using used chemical containers. There are several types of eye protectors like
goggles and glasses with safety shields, among
To reduce the risk of hazardous chemicals, do the following: others.
o Appropriate PPE must be used.
o Store the chemicals in locked cabinets or storage areas. Foot Protection - farmers’ feet is one of the most
o Know the first aid procedures. exposed parts of the body during work. Wearing
o Provide a list of hazardous chemicals used in the farm. appropriate footwear protects the farmer from
stepping on sharp objects or animal bites. It can
2. Land Preparation using Heavy Equipment and Implements – also protect him/her from slipping.
the use of mechanical equipment for land preparation like tractor
Hand Protection - Farmers use gloves to
protect their hands from hazardous elements minutes to rinse away all traces of chemicals while removing any
such as holding chemicals or removing infested contaminated clothing from the victim.
crops. Use disposable gloves when dealing 2. Cover the burn loosely with a clean, dry cloth or special burn
with infested crops. dressing.
Head Protection - Since farmers 3. Check the victim for shock.
are commonly exposed to the heat
of the sun, it is important for them Heat or Electric Burn
to wear a hat. This is also 1 . Submerge the burned area in cold, clean
necessary to protect their head running water if the skin is not seriously affected.
from slip or fall.
2. Avoid applying cream or any form of ointment.
Body Protection - It comes in many forms, Fainting
depending on the job. Farmers often wear long- 1. Ordinarily, fainting victims immediately regain consciousness
sleeved clothes and jeans. This is necessary to after. If this does not happen, the victim should immediately be
protect them from harmful elements. taken to the emergency room.
2. For first aid, the victim should be laid down on their back and allow
Basic First Aid during emergencies and accidents in the farm plenty of fresh air. Apply cold compress in the forehead and if the
victim vomits, keep the windpipe clear by rolling him to his/her
Shock side.
1. Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink.
2. Lay the victim on his/her back but do not move him/her if there is Heat Stroke
a neck or back injury. 1. Heat stroke is life-threatening so this should never be taken for
3. Make sure that the victim gets adequate air. granted. Flush, hot and dry skin, rapid pulse, very minimal
perspiration, and unconsciousness are signs of heat stroke.
4. Keep the victim warm.
2. You need to bring the victim to a cooler place and lie him/her on
5. Raise the victim’s feet and legs with a pillow. the back with feet up, then loosen clothing and remove footwear.
6. If the victim vomits, roll the victim on his/her side and keep the Apply cold compress or wet towel on the forehead, neck, armpit, and
windpipe clear. extremities to cool the victim. Treat the victim for shock or bring
Bleeding and Wounds the victim to the nearest hospital.
1. Place a clean cloth or gauze over the wound. Apply firm, steady
pressure for at least 5 minutes. LESSON 4. Crop care and Maintenance
2. Elevate an injured arm or leg above the level of the victim’s heart if
possible.  Crops- These are plants or plant-produce that can be raised,
3. When bleeding stops, secure the cloth with a bandage. Do not lift cultivated and harvested for subsistence or profit. They may be
the cloth from the wound to check if the bleeding has stopped. Be classified as food crops, cash crops, forage crops, oil crops,
sure that the bandage is not too tight. industrial crops, fiber crops, and ornamental crops.
4. Check the victim for shock.  Pesticides- These may be natural/organic or commercial
5. Use torniquets only when you cannot control the bleeding. products that control the widespread of pests and diseases in the
agricultural field.
Chemical or Compressed Gas Burns
 Irrigation- It is the process of maintaining the moisture and
1. Use a drench hose, emergency shower, or eyewash for at least 15 water content of soil needed for the plant growth.
 Herbicides- These may be natural/organic or commercial
products that control the widespread of weeds in the field.
 Cultivation- This is the process of loosening the hardened
soil through plowing or harrowing. It is believed to control
weeds and pests in the farm.
 Fertilizer - These may be natural/organic or commercial
products applied to increase nutrients into the soil.
 Trellis- These may be made from wood or metal that serves as
support for climbing and crawling crops.
Type of Crops Description Crops are also classified according to growth habits: This includes
Food Crops
Types of Crops This is primarily raised, cultured, and herbs, vine, liana, shrub, tree, evergreen, and deciduous. In addition,
harvested for human consumption. It these crops may be considered as annual, biennial, or perennial
There are six categories of crops: food crops, feed crops, fiber crops, oil,
may be classified as field crops or root crops. crops.
crops, ornamental crops, and industrial crops.
There are many variables that influence crop production. These
Field crops are grown on a large scale for commercial purposes. include water, soil, wind, temperature, sunlight, seed selection,
This includes fruits and vegetables, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane. knowledge, and crop care and maintenance. It is deemed important
Root crops are underground plant parts for human to consider these factors as they affect the growth of the plant and as
consumption. well as the produce/harvest.
e.g. carrot, sugar beet, turnip, potato, peanut, radish, etc.
Crop production is a process because it involves several steps
Cash Crops This type of crops is sold for profit. It can be exported
wherein farmers should take precautionary measures at each step.
to other countries as well.
The farmers should also consider the external conditions and
E.g. coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, and other exportable
factors to achieve a bountiful harvest. Thus, farmers should have
sufficient knowledge in crop care and maintenance.
Feed/Forage This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and
Crops harvested for livestock consumption.
The practices of crop care and maintenance are as follows:
E.g. corn, pasture grasses
This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and 1. Cultivation. This is the first stage of crop production.
Fiber Crops
harvested for its fibers to be used as a raw material. Cultivation refers to stirring the soil through plowing or
E.g. cotton, abaca, banana/pineapple fiber harrowing. Cultivating the soil is one of the most effective ways
to control weeds and pests. Cultivating the soil loosens the soil
Oil Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and around the plant which provides air for the root of the plants. This
harvested for production of oil. technique is called conventional tillage. Reduced or non-tillage can
E.g. sugarcane, palm tree, coconut, etc. lead to accumulation of soil carbon, consequently benefiting soil
Ornamental Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and health and improving crop yields.
harvested for decorations in the garden and
landscape projects. 2. Seed sowing/Planting seedlings. Good quality and healthy
E.g. orchids, rubber tree, bougainvillea, rose seeds and seedlings should be considered prior to sowing,
and planting, respectively. Correct depth of soil of 1.5 to 2
Industrial Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured,
inches deep is important for sowing seeds to ensure proper
harvested, moisture. In sowing the seeds or planting the seedlings, farmers
and processed by industries for the production of
non- edible materials. E.g. tobacco 10
should consider the proper spacing to allow plants to grow its This may include production of organic pesticides and
optimal growth. encouragement on the presence of organisms that kills pests.
3. Irrigation. Crops require water because water prevents crops 7. Support for Climbing plants. There is a need to provide
from drying out, especially during drought. However, the support for climbing and crawling plants such as bitter gourd,
amount of water differs from each variety of crops. There are squash, string beans. Trellis may be made of wood or metal.
various ways in which farmers irrigate the crops: manual, drip,
and sprinkler irrigation. Manual irrigation is a labor-intensive
and time-consuming method which uses laborers to irrigate water
Lesson 4. Harvesting and Post-harvesting Practices
using water cans. Drip irrigation is the most effective way to
supply water and nutrients to crops. It provides water and Harvesting and Preservation. Farmers harvest when crops
nutrients directly to the zone of plants in proper amount and reach maturity. Farmers have various ways to gather and harvest
proper time. Sprinkler irrigation uses pipes and spray to irrigate crops such as traditional technique and modern ways. This stage
the whole field. Pipelines may be used when water is scarce to of the development of vegetables when harvested influences the
eliminate water losses. Finally, soil and plant factors determine quality of produce. There are factors that determine the harvest
the irrigation requirements of the crops. date of the crops such as genetic composition of the vegetable
4. Fertilizer Application. If soil is deprived of nutrients, it requires variety, planting date, and environmental conditions.
management of nutrients such as application of fertilizers,
manures, and compost to enrich the soil content. There are Manual harvesting is employed through the use of mechanical
methods of fertilizer application: scattering and mixing with the tools such as sickle/scythe for broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower.
soil before planting. Some vegetables are mechanically harvested.
5. Weed Control. Weeds lead to the reduction of crop yield, Changes in the post-harvest are influenced by various factors
increased production costs, and increased incidence of pests such as kind of crop, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide
and diseases. To control weeds, methods employed including content, relative humidity, and disease-incitant organisms.
hand weeding, mechanical cultivation, and the application of Storing the produce contributes price stabilization. It also
pesticides. Manual weeding/hand weeding is a time- contributes to the preservation of the produce.
consuming and labor-intensive method. Laborers use their Vegetable storage should consider the following parameters:
hands and or sickle/scythe to remove weeds. Mechanical free from mechanical, insect, and disease injury, and matured
weeding uses machineries to remove weeds such as cono- crops.
weeder, power tiller, basket hoe. Chemical weeding uses There are changes that occur on the produce such as water loss,
herbicides to remove seeds. They may be considered selective conversion of starch and sugar, flavor changes, color changes,
or non-selective herbicides. Selective herbicides aim at the toughening/ softening, vitamin gain/loss, sprouting, rooting,
weeds only with effect to the crops while non- selective and decay. These deteriorates the quality of produce. So,
herbicides harm both main crops and the weeds. Thus, skill proper storage is needed.
needs to be applied to this kind of herbicide.
Common (unrefrigerated storage) and cold (refrigerated
6. Pests and Diseases Control. To drive away pests, farmers storage) are methods to store vegetables. There is a lack of
apply pesticides. There are different varieties of pesticides and precise control of temperature and humidity in common
each of them has a particular function. This includes storage. This uses insulated storage houses, outdoor cellars, or
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, molluscicides, and mounds. Cold storage, on the other hand, allows precise
rodenticides. However, farmers are encouraged to employ regulation of temperature and humidity, and maintenance of
eco-safe and eco-friendly ways to control pests and diseases. constant conditions with the use of refrigeration.
Premarketing operations and selling. This stage involves
LESSON 5. Farm Waste Management and Actual Performance of
washing, trimming, waxing, precooling, grading, prepackaging,
Basket Composting and Foliar Fertilizer Fermentation
and packaging.
● Aerobic Composting –
Precooling involves rapid removal of heat from freshly decomposing of organic
harvested vegetables, slows natural deterioration of the materials using microorganisms
produce, slows the growth of decay, and retards water loss. that require oxygen. It requires
This includes: hydrocooling, contact icing, vacuum cooling, the introduction of oxygen to the
cooling, and air cooling. Hydrocooling is done by cooling the compost pile to allow aerobic
produce by direct contact with cold water flowing through microbes to thrive.
the packed containers. Contact icing uses crushed ice placed Aerobic composting needs to be turned very few
in the package or spread over a stack of packages to precool days to allow for proper air circulation. This
the contents. Vacuum cooling produces rapid evaporation of composting process is best used outside and can be
small quantity of water that lowers the temperature of the used with a large amount of materials.
crops. Air cooling is done through exposure of vegetables
to cold air.
 Agricultural Waste - is unwanted or unsalable materials
 Grading ensures that the crops are classified according to produced wholly from agricultural operations directly related
their size, shape, color, and ripeness. This establishes a to the growing of crops or raising of animals for the primary
good trade. purpose of making a profit or for a livelihood.
 Packaging. The products are placed in bags, trays, cartons,
crates, and hampers of various kinds and sizes. This  Anaerobic Composting – decomposes waste without oxygen.
furnishes a convenient means for transport, loading, and Organic materials are piled up and breakdown naturally. This
stacking with security and economy space. process does not need any type of maintenance and do not
 Selling. Farmers sell their produce through retail or need to be turned.
wholesale. Retail sales are done when consumers buy  Compost – is used to improve the soil fertility in gardens,
produce often though roadside stands. Wholesale landscaping, horticulture, agriculture and organic farming.
marketing is made when produce is sold to retailers,
commercial, institutional or other large-scale owners.  Composting - the natural process of recycling
Other additional practices to increase crop productivity and
organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps, into a valuable
farm profitability include: fertilizer that can enrich soil and plants.
1. Increase crop diversity
2. Enhance beneficial pollinators population  Waste - is any substance which is discarded after primary use
or in other words, there is no further use for the product. We
3. Employ more eco-friendly weed control measures
generate a huge amount of wastes in our everyday life.
4. Improve soil quality
5. Manage labor and input costs  Waste Management - refers to the various ways of managing
6. Keep track of all the records including expenses and profit and disposing of wastes. It can be by discarding, destroying,
7. Involve in creative marketing processing, recycling, reusing, or controlling wastes.
solid (TS) content, to facilitate more efficient and
 Waste Processing – is a way of applying operations using effective handling. Manure treatment is comprised of
facilities on how to change solid wastes into chemical, physical, physical, biological, and chemical unit processes. It also
or biological properties to make it easier to dispose of, recover includes activities that are sometimes considered
a resource, or transfer solid waste materials. pretreatment, such as the separation of solids.
6. Utilization - Utilization includes reusing and/or
Farm Waste Processing recycling of waste products. Agricultural wastes may be
used as a source of energy, bedding, mulch, organic
Waste management system’s six basic functions matter, or plant nutrients. When properly treated, they
can be marketable.
1. Production - is the function of the amount and nature of
Types of Wastes
agricultural waste generated by an agricultural enterprise.
The waste requires management if the quantity produced Different Types of Wastes
is sufficient enough to become a resource concern. A 2. Liquid Waste - is commonly found in households as well as in
complete analysis of production includes the kind, industries. This waste includes dirty water, organic liquids,
consistency, volume, location, and timing of the waste wash water, waste detergents and even rainwater.
produced. 3. Solid Rubbish - Solid rubbish can include various items found in
2. Collection - refers to the initial capture and gathering of your household, along with commercial and industrial locations.
the waste from the point of origin or deposition to a Solid rubbish is commonly broken down into the following types:
collection point. The method of collection, location of the
4. Plastic waste – consists of plastic bags, containers, jars, bottles
collection points, scheduling of the collection, labor and other products that can be found at home. Plastic is not
requirements, necessary equipment or structural facilities, biodegradable, other types of plastic can be recycled. Take note
management and installation costs of the components, and that plastic should not be mixed in with your regular waste; it
the impact that collection has on the consistency of the should be sorted and placed in your recycling bin.
waste should be identified. 5. Paper/card waste – includes packaging materials, old
3. Transfer - refers to the movement and transportation of the newspapers, used cardboard and other products. Paper can
easily be recycled and reused, so place them in your recycling
waste throughout the system. It includes the transfer of the
bin and think of the best way how you can use those as your
waste from the collection point to the storage facility, to the materials in creating something saleable out of it.
treatment facility, and to the utilization site. 6. Tins and metals – can be found in various forms throughout
4. Storage - is the temporary containment of the waste. The your home. Most metals can be recycled. It can be recycled and
storage facility of a waste management system is the tool used in making some display materials at home like creating
that gives the manager control over the scheduling and flower vase, small lampshade etc.
timing of the system functions. 7. Ceramics and glass – These items can easily be
recycled. Look for special glass and bottles and can create
5. Treatment - is another function designed to reduce the them into something useful like sugar, coffee, and cream
pollution potential or modify the physical containers.
characteristics of the waste, such as moisture and total
3. In a plastic container put some soil in the bottom part of it.
8. Organic Waste - Organic waste is another common
household. All food waste, garden waste, manure and rotten 4. Add rotten produce like dried leaves, fruit peeling, eggshells
meat are classified as organic waste. Over time, organic waste is and rotten vegetables and pile it as the next layer. Alternately
turned into manure by microorganisms. add the soil and the prepared rotten produce until it reaches
the top part of the plastic container.
9. Recyclable Rubbish - Recyclable rubbish includes all 5. And water the compost pile placed in the water container, wait
waste items that can be converted into products that can be until the piled compost decomposed.
used again. Solid items such as paper, metals, furniture and
organic waste can all be recycled. How to make Fermented Foliar Fertilizer
Materials needed in making a fermented foliar fertilizer
10. Hazardous waste includes all types of flammables, toxic,
corrosive and reactive rubbish. It also includes radioactive 1 ripe banana (lakatan)
waste and chemical wastes. 1 apple
Example: paints, batteries, light bulbs, fluorescent few pieces of grapes (optional)
tubes, pesticides, weed killers, gas bottles, chemical
¼ kilos or 250 grams brown sugar
fertilizers, etc.
1 spoon for mixing the mixtures
11. Industrial waste- Industrial waste is any type of waste Plastic container with cover
that is produced by an industrial process. This can include Clean chopping board
manufacturing, construction and mining processes. This is a Knife
broad category that can include anything from asbestos and
clinical waste to oil and chemicals. Procedures in Making a Fermented Foliar Fertilizer
How to Make Basket Composting at Home or in School 1. Prepare all the needed ingredients, materials, and tools in making a
Materials Needed for Basket Composting: foliar fertilizer.
 Used plastic water container (removed upper part of it by 2. On a clean chopping board, slice the banana and apple
cutting using a cutter or pair of scissors). approximately 1/8”combine and weight at 250 grams.
 Prepare dried leaves taken from your backyard. 3. Put in a clean plastic container the 1st mixture and add ¼
 Rotten produce, like vegetables and fruit peeling kilo or 250 grams of brown sugar. Combine 1st mixtures and
 Eggshells sugar, must be 1:1 ratio, mix thoroughly, repeat mixing the
 Soil 1st combined mixtures with sugar several times until it
 Water blends well.
 Hand trowel
4. Once the combined mixtures are already thickened and
 Disposable hand gloves
blends well. Seal it with a tightly closed container and do not
Procedures in Making Basket Compost: forget to indicate the date when you actually prepared the
1. Prepare all the materials needed for basket composting. sliced fruits and sugar, so that you will be able to determine
2. Separate dried leaves, peeling of fruits and rotten produce. when it will achieve 7 days or weeklong fermentation required

days. several systems of breeding are being done. This includes inbreeding,
5. After 7 days of fermentation, you can now check if it resulted line breeding, outbreeding, outcrossing, grading up, cross breeding, and
well and ready to be used as organic fertilizer to your species hybridization.
flowering plants or other form of plants or crops. The different breeds of domesticated farm animals known as livestock
6. To check, you open the container then, sift the juice that was are raised to provide employment and produce different forms of
formed from the fermented mixtures. products for human consumption such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather,
7. You can now make a mixture for spraying it on the plants (1 and wool.
tsp. of fermented fruit juice foliar fertilizer plus 100ml. clean
water. Then shake the mixture that was placed in a bottle In this lesson, livestock to be covered are: chicken, duck and quail.
8. You can now spray it on the plant, use it as an organic Breed Characteristics
fertilizer that will help your plants develop and grow healthy.
9. Monitor and document if the plants you were able to apply foliar Leghorn is also known as Livorno or
fertilizer developed and grow successfully (by taking pictures Livornese, originated in central Italy.
It has ten color varieties, the American
with corresponding dates on your recorded documentation as a
white, the English white, old type and
modern type. It gives a weight range
10. Show and report to your teacher the results of your outputs of 2.4-2.7kg for male and 2-2.3 kg for
through submitting your portfolio of documentation with hens. It is a good layer of white eggs,
narratives as your proofs for proper rating. averaging 280 eggs per year.

LESSON 6. Breeds of Farm Animals: Chicken, Duck, and Quail Ancona is originated in Marches, Italy
but was bred mainly in the United
 Livestock- These are various domesticated farm Kingdom. It is typically Mediterranean
animals raised to provide employment and produce breed, rustic, lively and hardy. It
various products for human consumption. ranges widely and takes flight easily. It
 Breeds- These are specific groups of domestic weighs 2.5-2.8kg for males and 1.8-
animals having similar appearances and 2.1kg for hens. It is a good layer of
characteristics distinct from other animals of the white eggs, averaging 220 per year.
same species. Sussex is a British breed of dual-
 Breeding- It is a science of producing another species of purpose chicken (meat and eggs). It
livestock through inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing, has eight colors recognized. It is
grading up, cross breeding, and species hybridization. graceful with a long, broad, flat back,
and straight breastbone. Hens lay
Different Breeds of Farm Animals some 180-220 eggs per year and each
egg weighs about 60g.
Breeds are a specific group of domestic animals having similar
appearance and characteristics that differentiate from the other
animals of the same species. To improve the livestock or farm animals,
Cornish is called Indian game chicken.
It was developed in England. It is a
hefty bird closely-knit feather. They
have piercings that appear to be
mad. It can weigh around 9 lbs. It is
reared for meat production.
Australorp is a breed of Australian
origin. It is developed from egg laying.
It can lay more than 300 eggs per year.
It is both bantam and standard- sized.

New Hampshire or New Hampshire

Red is an American breed of chicken. It is
developed through selective breeding of
Rhode Island Red.
It is fast-growing, early-maturing.
Mature birds are light or medium in red
color. Males weigh about 3.9kg while
hens approximately 3kg. It is bred
suitable for production of both meat
and eggs.
Plymouth Rock is an American breed
of domestic chicken. It is a dual-
purpose bird, reared for its brown eggs
and meat. It is resistant to cold, easy to
manage, and a good sitter. It can lay
about 200 eggs per year.
Rhode Island Red is an American
breed of domestic chicken. It is
crossbreed between Malay and brown
Leghorn from Italy. It is reared for its
dual purpose, meat and eggs. It is
distinct with a rose-comb, reddish horn
color, reddish bay and yellow feet and
Cochin is derived from a large feather-
legged breed brought from China to
Lesson 7. Breeds of Farm Animals: Cattle, Swine, Goat, and Rabbit
Breed Characteristics
 Livestock- These are various domesticated farm Friesian is the world’s highest production of
animals raised to provide employment and produce dairy animals. The mature body weight of male
various products for human consumption.
is 580 kg while females are 360 kg. There are black
 Breeds- These are specific groups of domestic animals
and white distinct patches on their skin. Though it
having similar appearances and characteristics distinct
from other animals of the same species. has high milk production, it has a low fat content
 Breeding- It is a science of producing another species of of 3.4%.
livestock through inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing,
grading up, cross breeding, and species hybridization.
Ayrshire is distinct from its red or brown color
with varying amounts of white. It has large horns
Breeds are a specific group of domestic animals having similar
appearance and characteristics that differentiate from the other with an upward curve. The matured body weight
animals of the same species. To improve the livestock or farm of the male breed is 900 kg while 600 kg for female.
animals, several systems of breeding are being done. It is also good for the production of milk. It has
moderate fat content of 4% though it contains
This includes inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing,
high protein.
grading up, cross breeding, and species hybridization.

The different breeds of domesticated farm animals known as Jersey is a small breed of dairy cattle. Its body
livestock are raised in order to provide employment and produce weight ranges from 400-500 kg. Its body color is
different forms of products for human consumption such as meat, fawn or light brown. It is estimated that the
eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. In this lesson, livestock to be fat content of its body is 4.8%
covered are cattle, swine, goat, and rabbit.

Breed Characteristics

LESSON 8: Poultry and livestock materials, tools and equipment and
their uses based on industry standards
 Animal Housing – any kind of shelter provided
to animals for physiologicalsecurity and
 Feeding Through – it is a place or receptacle where
animals are fed to avoid food wastage.

 Livestock – farm animals like hogs, cattle, goats and
rabbits that reproduce under man’s care.
 Poultry – a term used for all feathered animals that
provides other way of income generating project for
 Waterer – is a receptacle where water is placed for easy
drinking access to farm animals.

Poultry Housing and Materials

Livestock Materials and Equipment

Materials and Equipment for Hog/Swine Raising

ingredients to supply deficiencies in a ration or improve the
nutritive balance or performance of the total mixture.
 Broods refer to the young animals of birds, produced at one
hatching such as duck, chicken, and quail. Gestation is the
process where in farm animals are conceived and developed in
the womb. Parturition is action of giving birth to offspring.
Layering refers to chicken intended for laying eggs.

LESSON 9. Feeding Management of Poultry and Livestock

 Feed is any materials which are processed, semi-processed
or raw, intended to be fed directly to farm animals in order
to meet nutrient requirements.
 Feed additive refers to an ingredient/s added to the basic
mixed feed.
 Feed ingredient is a component part of mixture making up a
feed, has or has no nutritional value in the animal’s diet. E.g.
plant, animal or aquatic ingredient, or organic or inorganic
 Feed supplement is a feed ingredients or mixture of feed
Feeding Management of Poultry and Livestock

Feed is any materials which are processed, semi-processed or

raw, intended to be fed directly to farm animals. In this way,
they meet nutrient requirements to maintain life, promote
growth, production and reproduction.
Feed additive refers to an ingredient/s added to the basic
mixed feed. It is usually used in micro-quantities and requires
careful handling and mixing. It has no nutritive value but adds
quality and efficacy.
Feed ingredient is a component part of mixture making up a
feed, has or ha no nutritional value in the animal’s diet. E.g.
plant, animal or aquatic ingredient, or organic or inorganic
Feed supplement is a feed ingredients or mixture of feed
ingredients to supply deficiencies in a ration or improve the
nutritive balance or performance of the total mixture.
The commonly used feed ingredients that are good sources of
energy include banana meal (peeled or unpeeled), barley
(hulled), cassava (peeled or unpeeled), corn, oats, rice (middling
paddy) sorghum, cane sugar, and wheat. The good sources of
protein are: blood meal/hemoglobin powder, egg (powder,
whole, spray dried), fish meal (imported and local), meat and
bone meal, prok/porcine meal, hydrolyzed feather meal, shrimp
meal, squid meal, black bean, canola meal, Leucaena leaf meal
(ipil-ipil), rapeseed meal, soybean, cowpea, feed peas, green
peas, lupins, maple peas, mung bean, pigeon pea (kadyos),
rice bean, safflower seed, sunflower seeds, vetch seeds,
white/yellow peas, guar meal. Non-protein nitrogen sources
include urea, bakery by-products, cassava residue, dried spent
Brewer’s grain, dried Brewer’s yeast, corn bran, corn germ meal,
corn gluten feed, dried distillers grains with solubles, sugarcane
molasses, palm kernel meal, rice bran (D1 or D2), scrap noodles,
soya hulls, wheat gluten, wheat pollard. Dairy products include
buttermilk powder, lactose powder, skimmed milk powder, whey

powder, whole milk powder. Fats and oils include acidulated oil,
coconut oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil, palm olein, soybean oil,
tallow, used cooking oil. Feed supplements and additives having
calcium and phosphorus content are bone meal dicalcium
phosphate, monodicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate,
tricalcium phosphate. Feed supplements containing calcium
include limestone, oyster shell. Feed supplements containing
sodium and chlorine are salt, iodized salt, sodium bicarbonate.
Amino acid supplements are DI-methionine, methionine
hydroxyl analogue (MHA), L-lysine HCl, lysine sulfate, L-
thereonine, L-tryptophan, L-valine. Feed additives include
acidifying agents, anti-caking agents, anti-molds, antioxidants,
dextrose anhydrous, dextrose anhydrous, enzymes, flavoring
sweeteners, hormones, immune enhancers, nutritional
metabolites, pellet binders, pigmenters, prebiorics, probiotics,
surfactants, mycotoxin binders.

Safety precautionary measures should be done in handling feeds,

feed ingredients, and feed additives to avoid biological and
chemical hazards.

To make attractive profit and product good meat, consider the

following variables: age, sex, breed, and health condition of farm

LESSON 10. Products and Byproducts of Poultry and
Livestock Production
Farm Waste Management in Poultry and
Livestock Production

 Products. These are goods and services produced in

poultry and livestock production. This includes traction,
milk, eggs, fibers, wool, leather, feathers, and
 Animal by-products (ABPs). These are the materials derived
from animal which are not beneficial for human
 Waste Management Systems. It is a system or process of
managing waste generated in poultry and livestock
production. It involves generation, collection, transfer,
storage, treatment, and utilization.

Products of Poultry and Livestock Production

eggshells, feathers, wool, and fiber.
Livestock raising provides a wide array of benefits. While it is f. Former foodstuff of animal origin are products that are no
true that is provides a source of employment of the community longer suitable for human consumption such as milk, eggs, and
members, it also provides a wide array of goods and services. meat.
These goods and services are intended for human ABPs provide benefits because some have high nutritional
consumption. This includes traction, milk, eggs, fibers, wool, value. Thus, it can be used to develop products such as
leather, feathers, pharmaceuticals. fertilizer, feed, biofuels, and cosmetics following the waste
management system in the following section.
Traction. Farm animals such as cattle can serve as draft
animals to draw farm implements, agricultural supplies, and Waste Management Systems
products. There are six basic functions consisting of the Waste
Dairy products are derived from livestock that produces milk Management Systems: production/generation, collection,
such as cattle and goat. It can be processed to produce cheese, transfer, storage, treatment, and utilization. The following
ice cream, butter, yogurt, etc. figure 1 shows the WMS.
Eggs and meat are excellent sources of protein and other
nutrients. Production. This refers to
Clothing can be made from animal skin and feather. Cattle skin the amount and nature of
can be made into leather; goat fur can turn into wool; chicken agricultural waste generated.
feather serves as clothing accessories. Management of waste
Pharmaceutical products are derived from skin, bones, horn, considers the quantity of
hooves of slaughtered livestock. waste generated as it
becomes a major concern in
Byproducts of Poultry and Livestock Production dealing with it. The
generation of waste should
Animal by-products (ABPs) are materials derived from animals consider the following: kind,
which are not intended for human consumption. This includes: consistency, volume,
a. Slaughterhouse waste are byproducts derived when location, and timing. The
livestock are butchered in the slaughterhouse. production of unnecessary
Slaughtering leaves skin, bones, horn, hooves, blood, fat waste should be minimized
and offal (internal organs). such as leaking water
b. Catering waste are materials used in the entire facilities and drainage. It is
livestock production. It includes food waste, plastics and also important to have a
packaging of the feeds, glass bottles of medicines, boxes good record keeping on data
and cardboards. of waste generation that
c. Fallen stock are farm animals died due to natural could be used for future
causes, diseases or killed prior to harvest. references such as
d. Materials produced by animals such as manure, expansion.

Collection. It is referred to as the initial capture and gathering
of waste from its source or deposition to a collection point. It
should consider the method of collection, location, scheduling, Utilization. This process involves reusing or recycling waste
labor requirement, needed equipment and facilities, products such as sources of energy, and source of organic
management, and impact. matter through composting. Proper treatment of agricultural
waste can be profitable. Land application is the common practice
Transfer. This refers to the transfer and transportation of waste
of utilizing the energy and nutrients of waste. This process
throughout the system. This considers the transport of waste
should consider selection of fields, scheduling, design of the
from collection point to the storage facility, treatment facility, and
distribution system, selection of necessary equipment,
utilization facility. The system plan should involve consistency
determination of application rates and volumes, value, and
(liquid, slurry, semisolid or solid) of the waste to be moved,
installation and management cost.
method of transfer, distance, frequency and scheduling,
necessary equipment, installation and management cost. The following figure 2 shows the handling of waste in a dairy
Storage. This refers to the temporary containment of the farm.
waste before transfer. Thus, a temporary storage facility is
needed before it is being scheduled for pick- up. This process
should consider the storage period, required storage volume,
estimated size, location, installation and management cost,
impact of the storage.
Treatment. This process involves the reduction of impact the
waste can bring such as pollution and modification of the
physical characteristics of the waste. Pre-treatment is an
effective method to facilitate more efficient and effective
handling of waste. This stage should consider the
characteristics of waste, determination of the desired
characteristics, selection of the type, estimated size, location,
and installation and management cost. Treatment includes
solid/liquid separation, anaerobic digestion, thermo-chemical
conversion, and anaerobic and aerobic treatment lagoons.


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