q2 Afa Learners Copy (1)
q2 Afa Learners Copy (1)
q2 Afa Learners Copy (1)
Digging Tools
Harvesting Tools
Cultivating Tools
Carpentry Tools
Measuring Tools Other Agricutlral Tools
Farm Implements are usually made of metals. They serve as accessories by Farm Equipment is machinery used for land preparation and transportation
draft animals or mounted on machineries needed for the land preparation. of farm inputs and products. It requires highly skilled operators to properly
perform their respective use/s.
LESSON 3. Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations
Accident - an unexpected and unfortunate incident that occurs
accidentally and causes hurt, damage, or injury.
Agricultural Chemicals – are chemical agents that are used to
control crop- harming organisms (like: fungi, nematodes, mites,
insects, and rodents) or viruses (refers to "diseases and pests") in
the farm such as fungicides and insecticides.
Cleaning - the act or process of removing dirt from tools,
containers and farm facilities.
Chemicals - means the interaction between substances. It can be in
the form of liquid, solid or gas. It can be from any pure substance or
a mixture of different substances.
Disinfection Chemicals - refers to the chemical used in cleaning
which has the ability to kill microorganisms especially pathogens.
Hazard - can potentially harm or injure workers. In any workplace,
hazard exists.
Over fatigue, improper posture while harvesting the crops, and
using unguarded machineries are some of the common hazards.
Incident - refers to any remarkable or interesting event or
occurrence, whether intentional or unintended.
Near Miss - refers to an unanticipated event that almost harms
persons or property but does not cause any injury or damage.
Occupational Safety – are safe practices related to production
and work process in the workplace.
Safety - the physical or environmental conditions of work which
comply with the prescribed Occupational Health Safety (OHS)
standards and which allow the workers to perform his or her job
without or within acceptable exposure to hazards
Safety Measures – is an action, or procedure that is designed to
lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons,
property or the environment. Risk – a situation involving
exposure to danger, injury or loss.
Unsafe Acts - are activities or behaviors that depart from
established safety norms, such as disobeying safety guidelines or
failing to properly employ personal protection equipment.
Unsafe Conditions - include physical aspects within the workplace
that have the potential to cause harm, such as poor housekeeping,
insufficient lighting or ventilation, malfunctioning equipment, or
inappropriate handling of hazardous products.
Occupational Safety Measures in the Farm
Chemical Hazard – are typical of hazardous chemicals that can cause
Occupational Safety When in the Farm – safety practices set by farm fire and explosion that came from pesticides, cleaning agents, acids,
owners that involves production and work process of farmworkers. and poisons. Exposure to certain chemicals or improper handling and
Farmers should always take extra measures to ensure their safety
use of those chemicals, can cause acute or long-term adverse health
while working in the farm.
effects. Main classifications of chemical hazards include: asphyxiants,
Hazards and Risk in the Farm - farmers are exposed to a lot of risk, corrosives, irritants, sensitizers, carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens,
which can lead to major accidents or injuries. Risk is the possibility of a reactants, and flammables. Long term exposure to chemical hazards
hazard to exist. It may cause injury or health problems. It is important such as silica dust, engine exhausts, tobacco smoke, and lead may
that workers are properly trained and properly guided by the result to increase risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood
pressure. Use of protective personal equipment (PPE) is advised
Types of Hazards: because it may reduce the risk of damage from contact with hazardous
Hazard can potentially harm or injure workers. In any workplace,
chemicals and materials.
hazard exists. Over fatigue, improper posture while harvesting the
crops, and using unguarded machineries are some of the common
Physical Hazard – it includes weak platform, slippery stairs or
floorings, falling objects, excessively loud music, prolonged vibration,
poor ventilation, extreme temperatures, and poor air quality.
might involve risks such as a person being run over by it. The
tractor also has the tendency to overturn, especially if it is
Ergonomic Hazard – refers to any physical condition that can be running too fast, or the operator makes a sharp turn, sudden
experienced in the workplace due to incorrect body movement/s that swerve, or sudden stop.
can cause injury or other health concern that may affect Here are some things to remember when using heavy farm
musculoskeletal system causing aches and sprains that may appear implements:
not too serious at first but may develop into serious health problem o Do not use a tractor for transportation. It is not a passenger
which can cause permanent damage to the body. vehicle.
o Use a seatbelt when driving a tractor.
o Use of PPE can save the operator from serious injuries.
days. several systems of breeding are being done. This includes inbreeding,
5. After 7 days of fermentation, you can now check if it resulted line breeding, outbreeding, outcrossing, grading up, cross breeding, and
well and ready to be used as organic fertilizer to your species hybridization.
flowering plants or other form of plants or crops. The different breeds of domesticated farm animals known as livestock
6. To check, you open the container then, sift the juice that was are raised to provide employment and produce different forms of
formed from the fermented mixtures. products for human consumption such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather,
7. You can now make a mixture for spraying it on the plants (1 and wool.
tsp. of fermented fruit juice foliar fertilizer plus 100ml. clean
water. Then shake the mixture that was placed in a bottle In this lesson, livestock to be covered are: chicken, duck and quail.
8. You can now spray it on the plant, use it as an organic Breed Characteristics
fertilizer that will help your plants develop and grow healthy.
9. Monitor and document if the plants you were able to apply foliar Leghorn is also known as Livorno or
fertilizer developed and grow successfully (by taking pictures Livornese, originated in central Italy.
It has ten color varieties, the American
with corresponding dates on your recorded documentation as a
white, the English white, old type and
modern type. It gives a weight range
10. Show and report to your teacher the results of your outputs of 2.4-2.7kg for male and 2-2.3 kg for
through submitting your portfolio of documentation with hens. It is a good layer of white eggs,
narratives as your proofs for proper rating. averaging 280 eggs per year.
LESSON 6. Breeds of Farm Animals: Chicken, Duck, and Quail Ancona is originated in Marches, Italy
but was bred mainly in the United
Livestock- These are various domesticated farm Kingdom. It is typically Mediterranean
animals raised to provide employment and produce breed, rustic, lively and hardy. It
various products for human consumption. ranges widely and takes flight easily. It
Breeds- These are specific groups of domestic weighs 2.5-2.8kg for males and 1.8-
animals having similar appearances and 2.1kg for hens. It is a good layer of
characteristics distinct from other animals of the white eggs, averaging 220 per year.
same species. Sussex is a British breed of dual-
Breeding- It is a science of producing another species of purpose chicken (meat and eggs). It
livestock through inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing, has eight colors recognized. It is
grading up, cross breeding, and species hybridization. graceful with a long, broad, flat back,
and straight breastbone. Hens lay
Different Breeds of Farm Animals some 180-220 eggs per year and each
egg weighs about 60g.
Breeds are a specific group of domestic animals having similar
appearance and characteristics that differentiate from the other
animals of the same species. To improve the livestock or farm animals,
Cornish is called Indian game chicken.
It was developed in England. It is a
hefty bird closely-knit feather. They
have piercings that appear to be
mad. It can weigh around 9 lbs. It is
reared for meat production.
Australorp is a breed of Australian
origin. It is developed from egg laying.
It can lay more than 300 eggs per year.
It is both bantam and standard- sized.
The different breeds of domesticated farm animals known as Jersey is a small breed of dairy cattle. Its body
livestock are raised in order to provide employment and produce weight ranges from 400-500 kg. Its body color is
different forms of products for human consumption such as meat, fawn or light brown. It is estimated that the
eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. In this lesson, livestock to be fat content of its body is 4.8%
covered are cattle, swine, goat, and rabbit.
Breed Characteristics
LESSON 8: Poultry and livestock materials, tools and equipment and
their uses based on industry standards
Animal Housing – any kind of shelter provided
to animals for physiologicalsecurity and
Feeding Through – it is a place or receptacle where
animals are fed to avoid food wastage.
Livestock – farm animals like hogs, cattle, goats and
rabbits that reproduce under man’s care.
Poultry – a term used for all feathered animals that
provides other way of income generating project for
Waterer – is a receptacle where water is placed for easy
drinking access to farm animals.
Livestock Materials and Equipment
Materials and Equipment for Hog/Swine Raising
ingredients to supply deficiencies in a ration or improve the
nutritive balance or performance of the total mixture.
Broods refer to the young animals of birds, produced at one
hatching such as duck, chicken, and quail. Gestation is the
process where in farm animals are conceived and developed in
the womb. Parturition is action of giving birth to offspring.
Layering refers to chicken intended for laying eggs.
powder, whole milk powder. Fats and oils include acidulated oil,
coconut oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil, palm olein, soybean oil,
tallow, used cooking oil. Feed supplements and additives having
calcium and phosphorus content are bone meal dicalcium
phosphate, monodicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate,
tricalcium phosphate. Feed supplements containing calcium
include limestone, oyster shell. Feed supplements containing
sodium and chlorine are salt, iodized salt, sodium bicarbonate.
Amino acid supplements are DI-methionine, methionine
hydroxyl analogue (MHA), L-lysine HCl, lysine sulfate, L-
thereonine, L-tryptophan, L-valine. Feed additives include
acidifying agents, anti-caking agents, anti-molds, antioxidants,
dextrose anhydrous, dextrose anhydrous, enzymes, flavoring
sweeteners, hormones, immune enhancers, nutritional
metabolites, pellet binders, pigmenters, prebiorics, probiotics,
surfactants, mycotoxin binders.
LESSON 10. Products and Byproducts of Poultry and
Livestock Production
Farm Waste Management in Poultry and
Livestock Production
Collection. It is referred to as the initial capture and gathering
of waste from its source or deposition to a collection point. It
should consider the method of collection, location, scheduling, Utilization. This process involves reusing or recycling waste
labor requirement, needed equipment and facilities, products such as sources of energy, and source of organic
management, and impact. matter through composting. Proper treatment of agricultural
waste can be profitable. Land application is the common practice
Transfer. This refers to the transfer and transportation of waste
of utilizing the energy and nutrients of waste. This process
throughout the system. This considers the transport of waste
should consider selection of fields, scheduling, design of the
from collection point to the storage facility, treatment facility, and
distribution system, selection of necessary equipment,
utilization facility. The system plan should involve consistency
determination of application rates and volumes, value, and
(liquid, slurry, semisolid or solid) of the waste to be moved,
installation and management cost.
method of transfer, distance, frequency and scheduling,
necessary equipment, installation and management cost. The following figure 2 shows the handling of waste in a dairy
Storage. This refers to the temporary containment of the farm.
waste before transfer. Thus, a temporary storage facility is
needed before it is being scheduled for pick- up. This process
should consider the storage period, required storage volume,
estimated size, location, installation and management cost,
impact of the storage.
Treatment. This process involves the reduction of impact the
waste can bring such as pollution and modification of the
physical characteristics of the waste. Pre-treatment is an
effective method to facilitate more efficient and effective
handling of waste. This stage should consider the
characteristics of waste, determination of the desired
characteristics, selection of the type, estimated size, location,
and installation and management cost. Treatment includes
solid/liquid separation, anaerobic digestion, thermo-chemical
conversion, and anaerobic and aerobic treatment lagoons.