a. These are congenital defects of enamel appear as chalky white on tooth surface b. May not appear on wet tooth surface but appeared when the surface made dry c. Needs restorative treatment to control d. Can be detected on wet tooth surface when lesion reaches dentino- enamel junction e. The lesions are reversible and can be re-mineralized successfully 2. Regarding the detection of carious lesions: a. It Needs sharp explorer to explore the pits and fissure caries b. Fibro-optic trans illumination method can not detect the proximal caries c. Peri-apical radiograph is more better than bite-wing radiograph d. Electrical caries monitoring method detects the lesion by difference in the conduction values of mineralized and demineralized enamel e. DIAGNOdent is laser-based instrument to detect the lesion 3. Regarding glass-ionomer based restorations a. Can be used as permanent restoration for class-I and II cavities b. Better performance in cervical lesions c. Needs etching and bonding for retention d. Addition of HEMA reinforce the mechanical and handling properties e. Ideal to use in case of rampant caries because of its fluoride releasing property 4. Regarding the tooth Bleaching a. 10% Carbamide Peroxide is used for In-Office bleaching b. Moderate to severe Tetracycline staining can be managed successfully with long-term application of night-guard (In-Office bleaching) c. Carbamide peroxide releases Hydrogen peroxide which oxidizes the pigmented compounds d. It can be performed safely in pregnancy e. Light-cured resin coat may be applied instead of Rubber-Dam to cover the gingival during In-Office bleaching procedure 5. Performing walking bleaching: a. Can be performed safely in vital teeth as well b. Sodium perborate Is material of choice c. The canal should be filled with bleaching material upto full length d. Gutta-percha should be removed upto cervical margins of the tooth e. The bleaching material should be washed out after 30 minutes of application and then cycle should be repeated once 6. Micro-abrasion is one of minimal invasive procedure to manage the tooth discoloration: a. Ideal procedure for moderate to severe type of tetracycline staining b. Pumice and 18% Hydrochloric acid used for etching and polishing of Enamel c. The material should be washed out after 5 minutes application and than surface should polished and cycle should be repeated until desired result is not obtained d. It is more conservative approach than bleaching e. It causes significant loss of enamel and expose the dentine 7. Regarding the tooth Veneers : a. Direct Composite are more bold and aesthetically better than Porcelain veneers b. Only labial surface of tooth should be prepared upto 1.5mm c. The indirect composite and porcelain veneers should be cemented with glass-ionomer cement d. The advantage of porcelain veneers is that it can be repaired once damaged e. The problem with composite veneers is that they have monochromatic appearance as compared to porcelain veneers which are polychromatic th 8. The 6 Generation Dentine Bonding Agent includes the followings? a. It is Etch & Rinse system b. It is Non-Rinse system c. Two bottles one contains bond & primers and other of Etchant d. Two bottle system one contains Self-etching primer and other of bonding agent * e. One bottle system (all-in-one) 9. Regarding the Class-V Cavity a. It occurs at cervical 3rd of lingual and facial surfaces of all the teeth b. It involves the root surface of the teeth c. Sandwich technique is appropriate approach to restore d. It involves the proximal surfaces of anterior teeth e. It can also be developed with hard brushing habits