1. One of the following is not used for measuring 13. Viscosity is a _________ (a)scalar quantity
distance? (a)metre rule (b)vernier caliper (c)simple (b)vector quantity (c)physical quantity (d)all of
pendulum (d)micro metre screw gauge the above
2. What is the weight of body of mass 200g? 14. The force that keeps a body in a circular path is
(a) 200N (b) 2000N (c)200g (d) 2000g known as.
3. A ball bounced vertically. This is an example of (a) Centripetal force (b) circular force
____________ motion. (c) Centrifugal force (d) linear force
(a) Random (b) Oscillatory (c) Translational 15. A girl wants to measure the time of an event in
(d) Relative a laboratory. Which of the following will she
4. Which of the following is not a fundamental use?
quantity? (a) Sand clock (b) micro meter screw guage
(a) Mass (b) length (c) velocity (d) time (c) Stop clock (d) heart beat
5. The interval between two successive event is called. 16. What is the cause of motion?
(a) Friction (b) motion (c) Time (d) position (a) Displacement (b) Motion (c) Force
6. A man is said to drive his car at a speed of 72km/hr. (d) friction
which of the following is the equivalent 17. Which of the following is not a derived unit
(a) 2m/s (b) 20m/s (c) 200m/s (d) 72m/s (a) m/s (b) kg (c) m/s² (d) N
7. __________ is the ability of capability to do work? 18. A racing car travels with a speed of 15m/s.
(a)energy (b)work done (c)power (d)food. what is the distance covered in 10s.
8. Another name for rotational motion is. (a) 2.15m/s (b) 115m/s (c) 150m (d) 150s
(a) Relational motion (b) Translational motion 19. How much work is done if a force of 180N
(c) Circular motion (d) Random motion moves a load of 500kg through a distance of
9. The force acting on the opposite direction of the 6m?
weight of an object. (a) 1080w (b) 108J (c) 1080J (d) 180J
(a) Mass (b) weight (c) Normal reactions (d) gravity 20. The unit of force is _________ (a)Newton
10. Which of the following is not a form of energy? (b)Newton metre (c)Newton second (d)metre
(a)sand energy (b)kinetic energy (c)solar energy
(d)work energy
11. Which of the following is a symbol that represents
displacement as a quantity.
(a) d (b) a (c) s (d) x
12. The rotation of the earth is an example of _____
(a) Translational (b) Random (c) relative
(d) Rotational
3. (a) Showing a complete working find the Dimension of the physical quantity called pressure.
(b) Mention and explain two ways of reducing friction.
(c) A Stone of mass 15kg is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20m/s find
Fundamental or Vector or
S/N Quantity Formula Unit Dimension
Derived Scalar
1 Density
2 Force
3 Mass
4 Velocity