Warfighter Athletic Hybrid Raider Program
Warfighter Athletic Hybrid Raider Program
Warfighter Athletic Hybrid Raider Program
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part of the program. PAGE 1
Welcome to the Hybrid Raider Program.
This training program is the result of years of experience as tactical athletes during our military careers, combined with years of
training athletes within the ranks of the Warfighter Athletic community. We have seen many transformations from civilian to
soldier, soldier to SOF operator, and everything between.
The Hybrid Raider Program is phase 2 of 3 in our Raider Training Series. In phase 1 we focused on becoming bigger, faster and
stronger. Giving you the tools to destroy any fitness test and forging you into a hammer!
In phase 2 we are focusing on going further, faster and harder. Building on phase one, we will work on increasing both your
strength and cardio vascular endurance at the same time. As tactical athletes it is crucial that not only can we perform, but we
must be able to do so for long periods of time.
In sports there is half time, there are substitutions, and if you're not feeling up to it, you can sit on the bench for the remainder of
the game. For the tactical athlete, there is no half time break and there are no substitutions. Once you're in the game, the only
way out is to win and complete the mission.
As tactical athletes we can't specialize when it comes to performance, we must be the jack of all trades. We must be fast, we
must be strong, we must have conditioning, and we must have endurance. We must be able to operate on land and in the water.
We cannot afford to have limitations, once identified they must be mitigated and eliminated.
When it comes to athletic performance, base line testing is a must. It helps us understand where we are, where
we are going, and makes sure our training is calculated.
The Hybrid Raider Performance Test is to be conducted in one session, with all the tests completed back-to-back,
with only short rest periods between each component.
You will conduct this test before you start the program, you will train for 8 weeks and then you will test again.
Make sure you record your results, there is no greater motivator to go again like seeing progress.
We believe that performance is the most important metric in any training cycle, but we understand muscle
growth is another huge motivator.
Take photos of you from the front, back, and side (side only put your hands straight out in front of you). Again, at
the end of this program take comparison photos.
The full details of the test are explained in detail in the following pages.
If you can't do your body weight (BW) for any of the exercises we have regression options for you.
1.Make sure you warm up before starting.
3. Activate the muscles with warm up sets before attempting your max lift attempts.
4.Only have one attempt at setting your max lift. At these rep ranges you are most likely going to red line during
your max attempt, it is unlikely you will recover and beat your first attempt in a reasonable time frame.
5.After you have completed the test, have a couple of days to recover and then launch into day 1 of the training
5km run for time
This is to be done at max effort on the same track or treadmill for both tests to ensure continuity.
For example, a 63kg female who can do 63kg for 25 reps should x this by 1.2 = 75.6kg, this will be her test weight.
For example, a 63kg female who can do 63kg for 25 reps should x this by 1.2 = 75.6kg, this will be her test weight.
Regression note: Whatever weight you used during the first test, must be used during the second test regardless of
change in BW or increase in strength.
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) measures the intensity of an exercise, using a score of how difficult a particular
exercise feels while you're doing it. RPE isn't a difficulty rating of an exercise, it's a subjective rating that's based on
how YOU feel physically and mentally. This will change based on the day, how much sleep you’ve had/food intake etc.
Use this as a rough guideline for all the resistance and running sessions you do.
MAX EFFORT ACTIVITY - Feels almost impossible to keep going. Completely out of
breath, unable to talk, cannot maintain for more than a very short time.
VERY HARD ACTIVITY - Very difficult to maintain exercise intensity. Can barely breathe
and can only speak a few words.
7-8 VIGOROUS ACTIVITY - Borderline uncomfortable. Short of breath, can speak a sentence.
MODERATE ACTIVITY - Breathing heavily, can hold a short conversation. Still somewhat
comfortable, but becoming noticeably more challenging.
LIGHT ACTIVITY - Feels like you can maintain for hours. Easy to breathe and carry a
1 VERY LIGHT ACTIVITY - Hardly any exertion, but more than laying down, watching tv etc
Heart Rate
As explained, you will learn to use RPE in this program but also how to calculate your heart rate and use this in
conjunction with RPE.
As your physical output increases, so does the rate in which your heart pumps blood around the body to provide
oxygen and nutrients to your muscles - this is your heart rate.
The Warfighter Athletic Raider series is all about making you bullet proof and about providing you with sustainable
fitness tools which you can continue to employ FOREVER. Improving your cardiovascular health is vital to a long and
healthy life.
We want to teach you how to monitor your HR so that you can measure the prescribed exertion required in the
program, observe your ability to recover from physical exertion and provide you with a sound measuring tool.
To calculate your approximate max heart rate, minus your age from 220.
In a session that prescribes 40 beats under your max HR your target HR is 148 BPM.
Before you hook into training, here are some final words of wisdom.
1.Trust the process. Training is science and hard work combined. The first few weeks may feel easy to those in
a higher trained state. Trust the process, focus on technique and muscle activation during strength sessions,
empty the tank in the conditioning and running sessions.
2.Set goals. You have the results of your Hybrid Raider Performance Test. What results do you want to be
posting up in 8 weeks’ time? Challenge yourself, write it down.
3.Push yourself. Every training session you have the option to coast, to go through the motions. You’re not here
to get fit, you’re here to become a Hybrid Raider, make sure you train like it.
4.Make it happen. If you don’t have a bit of gear you need for the workout, improvise, adapt, and overcome.
Seek solutions, not problems.
5.The program layout is a guide. If you need to move sessions around during the day/week, or you want to do
back-to-back sessions because you’re short on time, then do exactly that.
6.Embed yourself into our community. There are two sayings that are relevant here. One is, “a rising tide lifts
all boats” and the second is “champions come in pairs”. When we’re all getting after it, training hard, and aiming
for excellence, it becomes infectious, you won’t be able to help but become the greatest version of yourself.
Aim: The aim of Week 1 is to expose the body to muscular endurance rep ranges. This week should not feel heavy, and
you should not be failing reps. Focus on quality in every rep.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under
shoulders. Keeping the band under tension take small steps- 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This should
activate the glutes.
Sumo goblet squat | 50 reps | Adopt a wide squat stance holding the DB at your chest. Do this in as little sets as possible.
Conditioning 1
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine
Running Conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 50 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to have a conversation at this pace.
Strength 2
Bench press | 3 x 15 | RPE 6 | 40-50% of 1RM, bar must touch chest. This may feel light, focus on quality over quantity
for this movement.
Single arm DB press | 3 x 10 | Use 2x DB, lay on the bench, one arm holds the DB at your chest while the other completes
10 reps. Keep your core tight.
Prone shoulder taps | 3 x 20 |Adopt the press up prone position, slowly raise one hand at a time to touch the opposite
shoulder. Aim to keep body flat, limit rocking side to side.
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
REST 1:1
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 50 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to have a conversation at this pace.
Strength 3
Deadlift | 3 x 10 | RPE 6 | Approximately 40-50% of 1RM. Focus on quality form, keep butt low, back straight, chest
Bent over row | 3 x 15 | Use a barbell with over hand grip. Focus on squeeze at the top, higher volume to start.
Lat pull down SUPERSET | 3 x 15 | Focus on squeezing the lats, if a cable machine is not available use a band connected
to a high bar or surface.
Seated cable row | 3 x 15 | Squeeze scapulas. Again, if a cable machine is not available, use a resistance band.
Flutter kicks x 20
Prone hold | 1 min | If too easy, add weight.
Conditioning 2
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine.
Saturday Swim
Note: use this as a recovery swim. If you are not a confident swimmer, use this as an opportunity to improve.
Aim: The aim of Week 2 is to BUILD on Week 1. Using the same movements as the previous week with a slight increase
in load begins the process of PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. Move to RPE 7 this week by slightly increasing your weight.
Everything should feel a bit heavier and a bit harder. Continue to prioritize form.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 4 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under
shoulders. Keeping the band under tension take small steps - 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This will
activate the glutes.
Sumo goblet squat | 60 reps | Adopt a wide squat stance holding the DB at your chest. Do this in as little sets as
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine to warm up
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 40 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to have limited conversation at this pace
(broken sentences).
Strength 2
Bench press | 3 x 15 | RPE 7 | 45-55% of 1RM, bar must touch chest. This may feel light, focus on quality over quantity
for this movement.
Single arm DB press | 3 x 10 | Use 2 x DB, lay on the bench, one arm holds the DB at your chest while the other
completes 10 reps. Keep your core tight.
Tricep dips | 3 x max | Use a band or assisted machine if needed. Can do on box or bench if not strong enough to use
tricep dip bars.
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Rest 1:1
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 40 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to have limited conversation at this pace
(broken sentences).
Strength 3
Deadlift | 3 x 15 | RPE 7 | 45-55% of 1RM. Focus on quality form, keep butt low, back straight, chest upright.
Pull up | 3 x max | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed or assisted machine.
Bent over row | 3 x 15 | Use a barbell with over hand grip. Focus on squeeze at the top, higher volume to start.
Lat pull down SUPERSET | 3 x 15 | Focus on squeezing the lats, if a cable machine is not available use a band connected
to a high bar or surface.
Seated cable row | 3 x 15 | Squeeze scapulas. Again, if a cable machine is not available, use a resistance band.
Flutter kicks | 30
Prone hold | 1 min | If too easy, add weight.
Conditioning 2
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine to warm up.
Every 2 min starting on 00.00 10 burpee box jumps (step ups if unable to jump).
Saturday Swim
Note: use this as a recovery swim. If you are not a confident swimmer, use this as an opportunity to improve.
Aim: The aim of Week 3 is to increase the load you lift and your conditioning output. This week you will be working off
sets of 12 and there will be more unilateral work to ensure you do not have any imbalances (or to reduce these). You will
continue to work around RPE 6-7 however attempt to increase the weight from week 1-2.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under
shoulders. Keeping the band under tension take small steps - 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This will
activate the glutes.
Back squat | 4 x 12 | RPE 6 | 55-60% of 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, maintain depth.
Front rack lunge SUPERSET | 3 x 20 | 10 per leg, holding the DBs at your shoulders.
Single leg deadlift | 3 x 10 | Use a light DB, focus on activating the glutes. Should be slow and controlled.
Staggered stance good morning | 3 x 10 | One foot slightly in front of the other. Slight bend in knees, barbell in back rack
position. Focus on hinging at the hips to create tension along hamstrings and glutes.
Knee raises OR strict TTB | 3 x 15 | Limit swinging, engage lats - not to be kipped!!
Conditioning 1
Warm up:
2-3 min cardio, light and steady.
5 rounds
Note: To be conducted on bike or assault bike, set a pace that can be maintained throughout.
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 40 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to have a SMALL conversation at this pace.
Strength 2
Bench press | 4 x 12 | RPE 6 | 55-60% of 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, bar must touch chest.
Incline single arm DB press | 3 x 10 | Move bench to incline (approximately 45 degrees), using two DB, hold one at
shoulders and press the other 10 times before alternating. Focus on controlling this movement.
Push press SUPERSET | 3 x 10 | Similar to a military press, this week you will use a barbell and you can bend your knees
and extend allowing momentum to drive the bar up.
Tricep dips | 3 x HALF OF MAX | As it is only half of your max, make sure the reps are slow and controlled. If possible
make it harder by adding weight or a thinner band. Use a dip machine or dip bars if needed.
Tricep cable pulldown | 3 x 20 | Focus on really engaging the triceps in your lock out.
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Rest 1:1
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 40 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to have a SMALL conversation at this pace.
Strength 3
Deadlift | 4 x 12 | RPE 6 55-60% of 1RM. Increase in weight from last week. Focus on quality form, keep butt low, back
straight, chest upright.
Pull up | 3 x 12 | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed, if 12 is too easy, pause at top of pull.
Pendlay row | 3 x 10 | Use a barbell with over hand grip. The barbell starts on the ground for each rep, focus on engaging
the lasts and squeezing through the scapula, this should be an explosive movement.
Cable face pulls | 3 x 20 | Focus on the squeeze as the cable is pulled to the face, should be felt in delts and upper lats.
Single arm cable row | 3 x 20 | Squeeze scapulas. If a cable machine is not available, use a resistance band, 10 per arm.
Butterfly sit up | 20
Hollow hold rock | 20 | Keep legs and scapula’s off ground, rock back and forth like a banana.
Conditioning 2
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine.
20 air squats
15 KB swings | Recommended 24/16kg for men and women
5 push ups
25 min AMRAP
200m row
20 KB swings
10 burpees
20 sit ups | Can be butterfly sit ups.
Saturday Swim
3 x 50m sprint
Note: Use this as a recovery swim and continue to develop your swimming technique.
Aim: The aim of Week 4 is to increase the load you lift and your conditioning output. You will continue the same
movements from week 3 with extra load. You will continue to work around RPE 6-7 however attempt to increase the
weight from week 3.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under
shoulders. Keeping the band under tension take small steps- 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This will
activate the glutes.
Back squat | 4 x 12 | RPE 7 | Approximately 55-60% of 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, maintain depth.
Front rack lunge SUPERSET | 3 x 20 | 10 per leg, holding the DBs at your shoulders.
Single leg deadlift | 3 x 10 | Use a light DB, focus on activating the glutes. Should be slow and controlled.
Staggered stance good morning | 3 x 10 | One foot slightly in front of the other. Slight bend in knees, barbell in back rack
position. Focus on hinging at the hips to create tension along hamstrings and glutes.
Knee raises OR strict TTB | 3 x 20 | Limit swinging, engage lats - not to be kipped!
Conditioning 1
Warm up:
2-3 min cardio, light and steady.
10 rounds
10 calories
20 kick sits
10 air squats
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 40 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to say small sentences/small
conversational pace.
Strength 2
Bench press | 4 x 12 | RPE 7 55-60% of 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, bar must touch chest.
Incline single arm DB press | 3 x 10 | Move bench to incline (approx 45 degrees), using two DB, hold one at shoulders and
press the other 10 times before alternating. Focus on controlling this movement.
Push press SUPERSET | 3 x 10 | Similar to a military press, this week you will use a barbell and you can bend your knees
and extend allowing momentum to drive the bar up.
Tricep dips | 3 x HALF OF MAX | As it is only half of your max, make sure the reps are slow and controlled. If possible
make it harder by adding weight or a thinner band. Use a dip machine or dip bars.
Tricep cable pulldown | 3 x 20 | Focus on really engaging the triceps in your lock out.
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Rest 1:1
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 40 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to say small sentences/small conversational
Strength 3
Deadlift | 4 x 12 | RPE 7 | 55-60% of 1RM. Increase in weight from last week. Focus on quality form, keep butt low, back
straight, chest upright.
Pull up | 3 x 12 | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed, if 12 is too easy, pause at top of pull.
Pendlay row | 3 x 10 | Use a barbell with over hand grip. The barbell starts on the ground for each rep, focus on engaging
the lasts and squeezing through the scapula, this should be an explosive movement.
Cable face pulls | 3 x 20 | Focus on the squeeze as the cable is pulled to the face, should be felt in delts and upper lats.
Single arm cable row | 3 x 20 | Squeeze scapulas. If a cable machine is not available, use a resistance band, 10 per arm.
Bicycle crunches | 30
Hollow hold rock | 20 | Keep legs and scapulas off ground, rock back and forth like a banana.
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on rower to warm up
20 air squats
15 KB swings
5 push ups
Saturday Swim
3 x 50m sprint
Note: Use this as a recovery swim and continue to develop your swimming technique.
Aim: The aim of Week 5 is to move into heavier weights and less reps in your sets. This week you will be working off RPE 8 with
some work under increased tension and eccentric movements.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under shoulders.
Keeping the band under tension take small steps - 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This will activate the glutes.
Back squat | 4 x 8 | RPE 8 | Approximately 70% 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, maintain depth.
Paused back squat | 2 x 10 | Pause at depth in the hole (full depth position) for 2 second. Use approximately 50-60% 1RM.
Pistol squat bench/box SUPERSET | 3 x 12 | Using a bench, squat down using one leg until your bum touches the bench. Focus on
keeping you knee over your toe. 12 reps per leg.
DB Romanian deadlift | 3 x 12 | Use 2x DBs, slight bend in knees, hinge at hips and move DBs down legs. Keep back straight and
lower under control to feel activation in glutes and hamstrings.
Single leg press | 2 x 25 reps | 25 per leg, do this unbroken under control.
Conditioning 1
Warm up:
2 mins cardio
500m row
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Strength 2
Bench press | 4 x 8 | RPE 8 | Approximately 70% 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, ensure bar touches chest.
Pause military press SUPERSET | 3 x 12 | Using a barbell standing, press above head and pause for one second at top of
Bottoms up KB press | 3 x 12 | Using a KB upside down (light) , 6 per arm, focus on a slow controlled movement.
Tricep push up | 2 x 15 | Use a narrow hand placement with fingers facing forward. Use weight if too easy, go on knees if
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Aim: Keep your heart rate at 30-35 beats below your max heart rate.
If you do not have a HR monitor of any kind, note that you should be able to say small sentences.
Strength 3
Deadlift | 4 x 8 | RPE 8 | Approximately 70% 1RM. Increase in weight from last week.
Pull up | 3 x 14 | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed, if 14 is too easy, pause at top of pull.
Bent over row | 3 x 10 | Use a barbell with over hand grip. Focus on engaging the lats and squeezing through the scapula,
this should be an explosive movement.
Reverse fly | 3 x 15 | Focus on the squeeze of the scapula, keep back straight. Use a weight that can be maintained
V Up | MAX | For 30 seconds, complete as many v ups as possible. Scale to bend at knees if unable to keep legs straight.
Hollow hold rock | MAX | Adopt hollow hold position, rock like a banana.
Conditioning 2
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine to warm up
20 air squats
5 push ups
25 min AMRAP
200m row
20 kick sits
10 push ups
20 jumping squats
Saturday Swim
2 x 50m sprint
Note: Use this as a recovery swim and continue to develop your swimming technique.
Aim: The aim of week 6 is to increase the weight lifted from week 5. This is your last week of lower reps before moving back into
muscular endurance reps. Use a spotter if needed and work hard.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under shoulders.
Keeping the band under tension take small steps - 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This will activate the glutes.
Back squat | 5 x 8 | RPE 8 | Approximately 75-80% 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, maintain depth.
Paused back squat | 2 x 10 | Pause at depth in the hole (full depth position) for 2 second. Use approximately 50-60% 1RM.
Pistol squat bench/box SUPERSET | 3 x 12 | Using a bench, squat down using one leg until your bum touches the bench. Focus on
keeping your knee over your toe. 12 reps per leg.
DB Romanian deadlift | 3 x 12 | Use 2x DBs, slight bend in knees, hinge at hips and move DBs down legs. Keep back straight and
lower under control to feel activation in glutes and hamstrings.
Single leg press | 2 x 25 reps | 25 per leg, do this unbroken under control.
Conditioning 1
Warm up:
2 mins cardio on bike at moderate pace
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Strength 2
Bench press | 5 x 8 | RPE 8 | approximately 75-80% 1RM. Increase in weight from last week, maintain good form.
Pause military press SUPERSET | 3 x 12 | Using a barbell standing, press above head and pause for one second at top of
Bottoms up KB press | 3 x 12 | Using a KB upside down (light), 6 per arm, focus on a slow controlled movement.
Tricep push up | 2 x 15 | Use a narrow hand placement with fingers facing forward. Use weight if too easy, go on knees if
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Strength 3
Deadlift | 5 x 8 | RPE 8 | Approximately 75-80% 1RM. Increase in weight from last week.
Pull up | 3 x 14 | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed, if 14 is too easy, pause at top of pull.
Bent over row | 3 x 10 | Use a barbell with over hand grip. Focus on engaging the lasts and squeezing through the
scapula, this should be an explosive movement.
Reverse fly | 3 x 15 | Focus on the squeeze of the scapula, keep back straight. Use a weight that can be maintained
V Up | MAX | Complete as many v ups as possible. Scale to bend at knees if unable to keep legs straight.
Hollow hold rock | MAX | Adopt hollow hold position, rock like a banana.
Conditioning 2
Warm up:
2-3 min slow pace on chosen cardio machine to warm up
20 air squats
5 push ups
10 KB swings
Saturday Swim
Note: Use this as a recovery swim and continue to develop your swimming technique.
Aim: The aim of week 7 is to drop the weight back and increase the reps similar to the first couple of weeks. This is to reintroduce
muscular endurance in preparation for your testing. You will be working at 8 RPE.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under shoulders.
Keeping the band under tension take small steps - 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This should activate the glutes.
Back squat | 4 x 12 | RPE 8 | 50-60% 1RM, focus on hitting depth for all reps. Use a spotter.
Eccentric back squat | 3 x 8 | RPE 8 | 60-70% 1RM. Lower to thee count of 3, pause 1 second at depth, stand up at normal pace.
Reverse lunge SUPERSET | 3 x 20 | 10 per leg, use a barbell across the shoulders.
Good morning | 3 x 20 | Use same barbell, focus on squeezing the glutes.
Sumo goblet squat | 80 reps | Adopt a wide squat stance holding the DB at your chest. Do this in as little sets as possible.
Conditioning 1
Warm up:
2 mins cardio on bike at moderate pace.
1-2 mins warming up chest, shoulders and wrists.
For time:
100 cal bike
50 burpees
80 cal bike
40 burpees
60 cal bike
30 burpees
Note: look at wearing wrist wraps for this workout to protect your wrists (burpees put a lot of strain on your wrists).
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
NOT MAX EFFORT, heart rate approx. 20 beats below max HR.
Strength 2
Eccentric bench press | 3 x 8 | RPE 8 | 60-70% 1RM. Lower to the count of 3, pause 1 second at chest, press at normal
Ground military press SUPERSET | 4 x 20 | 10 per side. Sit on the floor with legs out in a V, alternate between arms
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Aim to come in around you testing time- heart rate approx. 20 beats below max HR.
Strength 3
Deadlift | 4 x 12 | RPE 8 | 50-60% 1RM, Focus on quality form, keep butt low, back straight, chest upright.
Pull up | 3 x 15 | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed, if 15 is too easy, pause at top of pull.
Pause deadlift | 3 x 8 | RPE 8 | 60-70% 1RM. Set up in normal deadlift position, pause just below the knee for 2 seconds
then lock out. Focus on keeping lats engaged and butt low.
Single arm bent over row | 4 x 10 | Using one arm to stabilize you, pull the DB towards the chest. Focus on the squeeze of
the scapula, keep back straight. Use a weight that can be maintained throughout.
Bicycle crunch | MAX | Complete as many crunches as possible in the time available.
Ab roll out | MAX | Use a roll out device or a barbell with plates.
Conditioning 2
Warm up:
2 mins cardio
200m row
Slowly increase your pace over the 4 sets. You should be able to send it on the last sets.
Saturday Swim
3 x 50m sprint
Note: Use this as a recovery swim and continue to develop your swimming technique.
Aim: The aim of week 8 is to max out on your test weight twice. This will be your last week before a rest period and then
repeat testing. Use a spotter if required and go hard! You will be using RPE 9-10 this week.
Rest: 3 min between each max out set, 1.30-2min between every other set.
Strength 1
Mobility | 5 min | Loosen back, hips, calves any other tight areas. See video for mobility exercises.
Monster walk with band | 3 x 10 | Using a band around the knees, adopt a wide stance with toes pointed forward under
shoulders. Keeping the band under tension take small steps - 10 each side. Think about walking like a crab. This will
activate the glutes.
Back squat | 2 x max | RPE 9-10 | Go close to failure on first set and failure on second set focus on hitting depth for all
reps. Use a spotter.
Eccentric back squat | 2 x 8 | RPE 8 | 60-70% 1RM. Lower to thee count of 3, pause 1 second at depth, stand up normal
Reverse lunge SUPERSET | 3 x 20 | 10 per leg, use a barbell across the shoulders.
Good morning | 3 x 20| Use same barbell, focus on squeezing the glutes.
Warm up:
2 mins cardio on bike at moderate pace
30 min bike
1 min over 75 RPM | Maintain this pace as your higher pace throughout.
Running conditioning 1
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
This should be slightly faster than your test time however you should feel less fatigued at RPE 9
Strength 2
Bench press | 2 x max | RPE 9-10 | Go to close to failure on first set and failure on second set, bar much touch chest.
Eccentric bench press | 2 x 8 | RPE 8 | 60-70% 1RM. Lower to the count of 3, pause 1 second at chest, press at normal
Ground military press SUPERSET | 4 x 20 | 10 per side | Sit on the floor with legs out in a V, alternate between arms
Running conditioning 2
Warm up:
5 mins light jogging
2 rounds:
20 glute bridges
20 lunges
40 calf pumps
Hip mobility plus additional stretches
Rest | 1:0.5
Strength 3
Deadlift | 2 x max | RPE 9-10 | Go to close to failure on first set and failure on second set, maintain quality form, keep
butt low, back straight, chest upright.
Pull up | 3 x 15 | Over hand pull up. Use band if needed, if 15 is too easy, pause at top of pull.
Pause deadlift | 3 x 8 | RPE 8 - 60-70% 1RM. Set up in normal deadlift position, pause just below the knee for 2 seconds
then lock out. Focus on keeping lats engaged and butt low.
Single arm bent over row | 4 x 10 | Using one arm to stabilize you, pull the DB towards the chest. Focus on the squeeze of
the scapula, keep back straight. Use a weight that can be maintained throughout.
Bicycle crunch | MAX | Complete as many crunches as possible in the time available.
Ab roll out | MAX | Use a roll out device or a barbell with plates.
Warm up:
2 mins cardio
200m row
Slowly increase your pace over the 4 sets. You should be able to send it on the last sets.
Saturday Swim
2 x 50m sprint
Note: Use this as a recovery swim and continue to develop your swimming technique.
Aim: The aim of deload week is to allow you some time to actively recover from 8 weeks of hard work and prepare the
body for your testing. This week should feel incredibly light! Take time to rest, stretch, conduct recovery activities and
enjoy some recuperation before sending it on your tests!
Day 1:
20 min cycle - 1 min slow pace 1 min above 65-70 RPM
Day 2:
15 min run (RPE 5)
Day 3&4:
Day 5:
It is time to put all of your hard work, dedication and commitment from the last 8 weeks to the test.