m Tech Vlsi 2022 2023 Onwards
m Tech Vlsi 2022 2023 Onwards
m Tech Vlsi 2022 2023 Onwards
M. Tech. ECE (VLSI)
(2022-2023 onwards)
Offered by:
Department of Electronics & Communication
(An autonomous Institute under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
National Institute of Technology Delhi
1.2 Vision
Create an educational environment to prepare the students to meet the challenges of the
modern electronics and communication industry through state of art technical knowledge and
innovative approaches beneficial to society.
1.3 Mission
M. Tech. ECE (VLSI)
2.1 Salient Features/ Philosophy of the M. Tech. ECE (VLSI) program
M. Tech. ECE (VLSI) program offered at NIT Delhi is designed to equip the students
with a unique blend of skill sets that include:
Some of the salient features of M. Tech ECE (VLSI) curriculum are as follows:
Cardinal Mention
Students exiting after completing 1st Year will be awarded Post Graduate
Diploma in ECE (VLSI) respectively. A minimum Credit requirement for Post
Graduate Diploma is 40 Credits.
PO-1 Apply the knowledge of science, mathematics, and engineering principles for
a problem-solving attitude and to acquire sound knowledge in the area of
the VLSI domain.
PO-2 To design and analyze complex electronic circuits, using appropriate
analytical methods as well as front-end and backend tools including
prediction and modelling with an understanding of the limitations.
PSO -1 Enable students to get deep knowledge in the domain of VLSI Design and
be able to solve complex problems in the field of Electronics and
Communication Engineering.
PSO -2 Enable students to carry out research work in emerging technologies and
to pursue career in higher studies and research.
3.1 Credit Distribution
Program Labs
Program Electives
Program Core
0 10 20 30 40 50
1. Program Core 9 3 - - 12
2. Program Electives 6 6 - - 12
3. Program Labs 3 6 - - 9
5. Project/Dissertation - 3 20 20 43
Total 20 20 20 20 80
3.3 Credit Distribution (%)
Program Core
Program Electives
Program Labs
Independent Study & Seminar
Teaching SchemeforM. Tech ECE (VLSI)
Semester I
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Semester III
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
ECVM 601 Dissertation I - - 40 20
Total Credits 20
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
List of Core Subjects
S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Core
List of Elective Subjects
Curriculum in Detail (Core Courses)
Unit II Junctions p-n junctions – fabrication, basic operation – forward and reverse
bias, DC model, charge control model, I-V characteristic, steady-
state and transient conditions, capacitance model, reverse-bias
breakdown, SPICE model; metal-semiconductor junctions –
fabrication, Schottky barriers, rectifying ad ohmic contacts, I-V
Unit III MOS The MOS capacitor – fabrication, surface charge –accumulation,
Capacitors depletion, inversion, threshold voltage, C-V characteristics – low
and MOSFETs and high frequency; the MOSFET – fabrication, operation, gradual
channel approximation, simple charge control model (SCCM), Pao-
Sah and Schichman – Hodges models, I-V characteristic, second-
order effects – Velocity saturation, short-channel effects, charge
sharing model, hot-carrier effects, gate tunnelling; sub-threshold
operation – drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) effect, unified
charge control model (UCCM), SPICE level 1, 2, and 3, and Berkeley
short-channel IGFET model (BSIM).
Unit IV MOSFETs and MESFETs –fabrication, basic operation, Shockley and velocity
HEMTs saturation models, I-V characteristics, high-frequency response,
backgating effect, SPICE model; HEMTs – fabrication, modulation
(delta) doping, analysis of III-V heterojunctions, charge control, I-V
characteristics, SPICE model.
Unit V BJPs and BJTs – fabrication, basic operation, minority carrier distributions
HBTs and terminal currents, I-V characteristic, switching, second-order
effects – base narrowing, avalanche multiplication, high injection,
emitter crowding, Kirk effect, etc.; breakdown, high-frequency
response, Gummel Poon model, SPICE model; HBTs: - fabrication,
basic operation, technological aspects, I-V characteristics, SPICE
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Ben G. Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall, 1997.
Richard S. Muller and Theodore I. Kamins, Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, John
2. Wiley, 1986.
3. S.M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd edition, John-Wiley, 2006.
Course Code ECVM 502 Semester: Odd Semester : I Session: Autumn
Course Name Digital IC Design
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s
(Names) )
Course To introduce the transistor level design of all digital building
Objectives blocks common to all CMOS microprocessors, network
processors, digital backend of all wireless systems etc.,
To learn all important issues related to size, speed and power
Module Title of the List of Topics
No. Module
Unit I MOS
MOSFETcharacteristic under Static and Dynamic Conditions,
MOS Transistor Secondary Effects, CMOS Inverter-Static
Characteristic, Dynamic Characteristic, Power, Energy, and
and CMOS
Energy Delay parameters, Stick diagram and Layout diagrams.
Unit II Combination Static CMOS design, Different styles of logic circuits, Logical
al Logic effort of complex gates, Static and Dynamic properties of
Circuits complex gates, Interconnect Delay, Dynamic Logic Gates.
Unit III Sequential
Static Latches and Registers, Dynamic Latches and Registers,
Timing Issues, Pipelines, Non Bistable Sequential Circuits.
Unit IV Arithmetic
Data path circuits, Architectures for Adders, Accumulators,
Multipliers, Barrel Shifters, Speed and Area Tradeoffs
Unit V Memory Memory Architectures and Memory control circuits: Read-
Architecture Only Memories, ROM cells, Read-write memories (RAM),
s dynamic memory design, 6 transistor SRAM cell, Sense
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication
etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Jan Rabaey, AnanthaChandrakasan, B Nikolic, “ Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design
1. Perspective”, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Edition, Feb 2003
N.Weste, K. Eshraghian, “ Principles of CMOS VLSI Design”, Addision Wesley, 2nd
2. Edition, 1993
Course Code ECVM 503 Semester: Odd Semester : I Session: Autumn
Course Name Analog IC Design
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To acquaint the students with basic CMOS analog building blocks
Objectives and sub-system design.
To develop the ability to design and analyze MOS based Analog
VLSI circuits to draw the equivalent circuits of MOS based Analog
VLSI and analyze their performance.
Module Title of the List of Topics
No. Module
Unit I Introduction Basic MOS Device Physics – General Considerations, MOS I/V
Characteristics, Second Order effects, MOS Device models.
Short Channel Effects and Device Models. Single Stage
Amplifiers – Basic Concepts, Common Source Stage, Source
Follower, Common Gate Stage, Cascode Stage.
Unit II Current
Mirrors, Basic current mirrors, cascode current mirrors, active current
Current and mirrors, low current biasing, supply insensitive biasing,
Voltage temperature insensitive biasing, impact of device mismatch.
Unit III Frequency
Miller effect, CS amplifier, source follower, CG amplifier,
Response of
cascade stage, differential amplifier, Multistage amplifier.
Unit IV Operational Performance parameters, One-stage and two stage Op Amps,
Amplifiers gain boosting, comparison, common mode feedback, input
range, slew rate, power supply rejection, noise in Op Amps,
Buffered Op-amps, High speed/Frequency Op-amps
Unit V Feedback General Considerations, Feedback Topologies, Effect of
Amplifiers Loading. Operational Amplifiers – General Considerations, One
Stage Op Amps, Two Stage Op Amps, Gain Boosting, Common –
Mode Feedback, Input Range limitations, Slew Rate, Power
Supply Rejection, Noise in Op Amps. Stability and Frequency
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication
etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
B.Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Edition
Paul. R.Gray and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”,
Wiley, 5th Edition, 2009.
3. R. Jacob Baker, “CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation”, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2010.
T. C. Carusone, D. A. Johns and K. Martin, “Analog Integrated Circuit Design”, 2nd
Edition, Wiley, 2012
P.E.Allen and D.R. Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, 3rd Edition, Oxford University
Press, 2011.
Course Code ECVM 503 Semester: Odd Semester : I Session: Autumn
Course Name System-on-programmable Chip Design
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To introduce the overall System on Chip (SoC) Design flow.
Objectives To introduce the System-level Design from processor selection to
interconnection of all the modules and testing methods.
Module Title of the List of Topics
No. Module
Unit I System-level Driving Forces for SoC - Components of SoC - Design flow of
Design SoC -Hardware/Software nature of SoC - Design Trade-offs -
SoC Applications, Processor selection-Concepts in Processor
Architecture: Instruction set architecture (ISA), Elements in
Instruction Handing-Robust processors: Vector processor,
VLIW, Superscalar, CISC, RISC—Processor evolution: Soft and
Firm processors, Custom-Designed processors- on-chip
Unit II Interconnectio On-chip Buses: basic architecture, topologies, arbitration and
n protocols,
Bus standards: AMBA, CoreConnect, Wishbone, Avalon -
Network-on-chip: Architecture-topologies-switching strategies
- routing algorithms -low control, Quality-of-Service-
Reconfigurability in communication
Unit III IP based Introduction to IP Based design, Types of IP, IP across design
system design hierarchy,
IP life cycle, Creating and using IP - Technical concerns on IP
reuse - IP
integration - IP evaluation on FPGA prototypes.
Unit IV SOC Study of processor IP, Memory IP, wrapper Design - Real-time
Implementatio operating
n system (RTOS), Peripheral interface and components, High-
FPGAs - EDA tools used for SOC design.
Unit V SOC Testing Manufacturing test of SoC: Core layer, system layer, application
P1500 Wrapper Standardization-SoC Test Automation (STAT).
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%.
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication
etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Michael J.Flynn, Wayne Luk, “Computer system Design: Systemon-Chip”, Wiley-India,
SudeepPasricha, NikilDutt, “On Chip Communication Architectures: System on Chip
Interconnect”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008.
W.H.Wolf, “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System
Design”,Elsevier, 2008.
Patrick Schaumont “A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Co-design”, 2nd
Edition, Springer, 2012.
Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design: IP Based Design”, Prentice-Hall India, Fourth edition,
Syllabus in Detail (Laboratory Courses)
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. SPICE Manual
2. IRSIM Manual
3. MAGIC Manual
Course Code ECVM 554 Semester: Even Semester: II Session: Spring
(specify Odd/Even) Month from: January to May
Course Name High Level Design Laboratory
Credits 3 Contact Hours 6
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To learn the Hardware Description Language (Verilog/VHDL)
Objectives To provide hands on design experience with hardware/software based
embedded system.
2. P. Kurup and T. Abbasi, Logic Synthesis Using Synopsys, Second Edition, Kluwer, 1996.
3. J. Bhasker, A VHDL Primer, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1999.
Course Code ECVM 555 Semester: Even Semester: II Session : Spring
(specify Odd/Even) Month from: January to May
Course Name System-on-Programmable Chip Design Lab
Credits 3 Contact Hours 6
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To Design and develop complete hardware/software systems on an FPGA
Efficiently break down complex computational tasks into hardware and
software components, and build co-processor components for an FPGA-based
Syllabus in Detail (Elective Courses)
Unit II Fast Fourier Direct computation of DFT, Need of efficient computation of DFT, Radix-
Transforms 2 Decimation in time domain and decimation in frequency domain
algorithms (DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT), Linear filtering methods based on
DFT Goertzel Algorithms.
Unit III Implementatio FIR Systems- Direct Form-I, Direct Form-II, Cascade, Parallel structure
n of Discrete
time systems IIR Systems- Direct Form, Cascade, Linear phase structure, Frequency
sampling structure
Unit IV Design of IIR Design of digital IIR digital filters from analog filters, Impulse invariance
and FIR filters method and bilinear transformation method. Frequency
transformations. Design of digital FIR filters using window method.
Unit V Multirate DSP Decimation and Interpolation, Multistage design of interpolators and
and decimators; Poly-phase decomposition and FIR structures, DSP device
Applications architecture and programming (TMS320C6x), Real-time system
development, Code Composer Studio and DSP BIOS, Mini project (real-
time application of DSP)
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%.
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text
books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. S. K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach”, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
J. Proakis, D. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, Fourth
edition, Prentice-Hall, 2006
L.R. Rabiner and B. Gold, “Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing”, First edition, PHI
3. Learning, 2008
Course Code ECVM 521 Semester: Session:
(specify Odd/Even)
Course Name VLSI System Design
Credits 3 Contact Hours 3
Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s)
Course To introduce various aspects of VLSI circuits and their design including testing.
Module No. Title of the List of Topics
Unit I Introduction
VLSI design methodology, VLSI technology- NMOS, CMOS and BICMOS
circuit fabrication. Layout design rules. Stick diagram. Latch up.
Unit II MOS Characteristics of MOS and CMOS switches. Implementation of logic circuits
Characteriza using MOS and CMOS technology, multiplexers and memory, MOS
tion transistors, threshold voltage, MOS device design equations. MOS models,
small-signal AC analysis. CMOS inverters, propagation delay of
inverters, Pseudo NMOS, Dynamic CMOS logic circuits, power dissipation.
Unit III Logic Programmable logic devices- Antifuse, EPROM and SRAM techniques.
Synthesis Programmable logic cells. Programmable inversion and expander logic.
Computation of interconnect delay, Techniques for driving large off-chip
capacitors, long lines, Computation of interconnect delays in FPGAs
Implementation of PLD, EPROM, EEPROM, static and dynamic RAM in
Unit IV VLSI Design - Different abstraction levels in VLSI design; Design flow as a succession of
Abstraction translations among different abstraction levels; Gajski’s Y-Chart; Need for
levels manual designing to move to higher levels of abstraction with automatic
translation at lower levels of abstraction; Need to model and validate the
design at higher-levels of abstraction and the necessity of HDLs that
encompass several levels of design abstraction in their scope.
Unit V VLSI Testing VLSI testing -need for testing, manufacturing test principles, design
strategies for test, chip level and system level test techniques.
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text
books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, ‘Digital Design’, Pearson, 5th Edition, 2013.
2. Charles H. Roth, Jr, ‘Fundamentals of Logic Design’, Jaico Books, 4th Edition, 2002.
3. William I. Fletcher, "An Engineering Approach to Digital Design", Prentice- Hall of India, 1980.
4. Floyd T.L., "Digital Fundamentals", Charles E. Merril publishing company,1982.
5. John. F. Wakerly, "Digital Design Principles and Practices", Pearson Education, 4 th Edition,2007.
Course Code ECVM 522 Semester: Session :
Course Name Embedded Systems & RTOS
Credits 3 Contact Hours 3
Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s)
Course To enable the students to understand and use embedded computing
Objectives platform.
To learn real time characteristics in embedded system design and explore
system design techniques.
Module No. Title of the List of Topics
Unit I Embedded Computers, Characteristics of Embedded Computing
Embedded Applications, Challenges in Embedded Computing system design,
Processors Embedded system design process- Requirements, Specification,
Architectural Design, Designing Hardware and Software
Components, System Integration, Formalism for System Design-
Structural Description, Behavioural Description, Design Example:
Model Train Controller, ARM processor- processor and memory
Unit II Data operations, Flow of Control, SHARC processor- Memory
Embedded organization, Data operations, Flow of Control, parallelism with
Computing instructions, CPU Bus configuration, ARM Bus, SHARC Bus, Memory
Platform devices, Input/output devices, Component interfacing, designing
with microprocessor development and debugging, Design Example
: Alarm Clock.
Unit III Distributed Embedded Architecture- Hardware and Software
Networks Architectures, Networks for embedded systems- I2C, CAN Bus,
SHARC link supports, Ethernet, Myrinet, Internet, Network-Based
design- Communication Analysis, system performance Analysis,
Hardware platform design, Allocation and scheduling, Design
Example: Elevator Controller.
Unit IV Clock driven Approach, weighted round robin Approach, Priority
Real-Time driven Approach, Dynamic Versus Static systems, effective release
Characteristi times and deadlines, Optimality of the Earliest deadline first (EDF)
cs algorithm, challenges in validating timing constraints in priority
driven systems, Off-line Versus On-line scheduling.
Unit V Design Methodologies, Requirement Analysis, Specification, System
System Analysis and Architecture Design, Quality Assurance, Design
Design Example: Telephone PBX- System Architecture, Ink jet printer-
Techniques Hardware Design and Software Design, Personal Digital Assistants,
Set-top Boxes.
Course Theory: Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System
Design”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 3rd edition, 2012.
2. Jane.W.S. Liu, “Real-Time systems”, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
3. C. M. Krishna and K. G. Shin, “Real-Time Systems” , McGraw-Hill, 1997 .
Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software
Introduction”, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Course Code ECVM 523 Semester: Session:
Course Name Architectural Design of IC’s
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course This course covers algorithm, architecture and circuit design tradeoffs to
Objectives optimize for power, performance and area.
Unit III Pipeline and Architecture for real time systems, latency and throughput related
parallel issues, clocking strategy, power conscious structures, array
architectures architectures;
Course Theory: Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, 2nd edition, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2010.
Course Code ECVM 524 Semester: (specify Session:
Unit II Fault Fault models, Fault Collapsing, Logic Simulation and Fault simulation,
Models Fault simulation applications, General fault simulation algorithms-
Serial, and parallel, Deductive fault simulation algorithms.
Unit III Combinati Combinational circuit test generation, Structural Vs Functional test,
onal Path sensitization methods. Difference between combinational and
circuit test sequential circuit testing, five and eight valued algebras, and Scan
generation chain-based testing method.
Course Theory: Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Bushnell Michael and Vishwani Agrawal, Essentials of electronic testing for digital, memory and
mixed-signal VLSI circuits, Vol. 17, Springer Science & Business Media, 2004.
Wang Laung-Terng, Cheng-Wen Wu, and Xiaoqing Wen, VLSI test principles and architectures:
design for testability, Academic Press, 2006.
AbramoviciMiron, M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, Digital Systems testing and testable design,
Computer Science Press, 1990.
M. Abramovici, M. Breuer, and A. Friedman, “Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design,
IEEE Press, 1990.
5. V. Agrawal and S.C. Seth, Test Generation for VLSI Chips, Computer Society Press.1989
Course Code ECVM 525 Semester: Session :
Course Name RF IC Design
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s
(Names) )
Course To impart knowledge on basics of CMOS IC design at RF frequencies
Objectives and to be familiar with the circuits used in RF front end in transceiver
Unit II High
Types of amplifiers: Narrowband and Wideband Amplifiers -
zeros as bandwidth enhancers, shunt-series amplifier, f T
doublers, neutralization and unilateralization
Unit III Need for Friis’ equation - Low noise amplifier design – LNA topologies:
LNA noise cancelling LNA topology, distortion cancelling LNA
topology - linearity and large signal performance
Unit IV Need for Noise and Linearity trade-off in RF Mixer design - traditional
Mixers mixer circuits: multiplier-based mixers, subsampling mixers,
diode-ring mixers - Noise Folding - Single-sideband and
Double-sideband Noise Figure – Feedthrough: Single balanced
and Double Balanced – IP3 and IP2 improvement - Oscillators
and synthesizers – describing functions, resonators, negative
resistance oscillators, synthesis with static moduli, synthesis
with dithering moduli, combination synthesizers – phase noise
Unit V RF power Class A, AB, B, C, D, E and F amplifiers, modulation of power
amplifiers amplifiers, linearity considerations. RFIC simulation and
layout- General Layout Issues, Passive and Active
Course Theory: Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of
Publication etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE
T.homas H. Lee, “The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits”, 2nd ed.,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,2004.
2. B.Razavi, “RF Microelectronics”, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1998.
A.A. Abidi, P.R. Gray, and R.G. Meyer, eds., “Integrated Circuits for Wireless
Communications”, New York: IEEE Press,1999.
R. Ludwig and P. Bretchko, “RF Circuit Design, Theory and Applications”,
5. Mattuck,A., “Introduction to Analysis”, Prentice-Hall,1998.
Course Code ECVM 526 Semester: Session:
Course Name VLSI Technology
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s
(Names) )
Course To study the various techniques involved in the VLSI fabrication
Objectives process.
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
James D. Plummer , “Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice and Modelling”,
1. Pearson Education, 2000
Course Code ECVM 527 Semester: Session :
Course Name VLSI Signal Processing
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
(Names) Teacher(s)
Course To introduce techniques for altering existing DSP structures to suit VLSI
Objectives implementations.
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Keshab K. Parhi, “VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and implementation “,
Wiley, Interscience, 2007.
U. Meyer – Baese, “Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays”,
Springer, 2nd Edition, 2004.
Course Code ECVM 528 Semester: Session :
Course Name Blockchain Design and Use Cases
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
(Names) Teacher(s)
Course This course provides an overview of Blockchain and its application
Unit III Bitcoin Bitcoin’s block structure, Consensus and mining processes
Fundamentals in Bitcoin Bitcoin Trading, Scripting language in Bitcoin.
Unit IV Permissioned Permissioned Blockchain Architecture, RAFT Consensus,
Blockchain Byzantine General Problem, Practical Byzantine Fault
Unit V Application of Key Frameworks and Tools, Membership and Identity
Blockchain Management, Hyper ledger composer, Blockchain’s
implications on Traditional Business,Practical use-cases of
Blockchain in Finance, Industry and Governance.
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication
etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Melanie Swan, “Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy”, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2015
Andreas M. Antonopoulos, “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”,
Second Edition, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2014
Course Code ECVM 570 Semester: Session :
Course Name Low Power Design Techniques
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To understand probabilistic power analysis and circuit, logic level
Objectives design, and analyze low power architectures& systems.
2. Gary K. Yeap, Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design, KAP, 2002
Course Code ECVM 571 Semester: Session :
Course Name Mapping Signal Processing Algorithms on DSP Architectures
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To analyze the algorithms, and mapping them to DSP architectures for
Objectives certain kinds of operations.
To provide the fundamental bounds on performance, mapping to
dedicated and custom resource shared architectures.
Module No. Title of the List of Topics
Unit I Introduction
Digital systems, DSP, computer architecture, DSP
to DSP
computing algorithms, Direct Computing DFT, FFT,
Systems and
Unit II Firmware Digital systems, DSP, computer architecture, DSP
Development development platforms, C compiler, Impact of C on
versus architecture and vice versa, Extensions to C, DSP-C,
Architecture Simulation Technologies, program verification, Debug and
Benchmarking, MIPS, BDTi, EEMBC, More than MIPS:
power, code density, Impact of architecture on
performance, Comparison of example architectures (ADI,
Philips R.E.A.L., TI C55/C6x).
Unit IV Low power Inter-processor communication, Communication channels,
clock Firmware partitioning problems, Debug and Emulation
distribution concepts.
Unit V Multi-core Trend: towards higher performance. Trend: merge
DSP design microcontrollers with DSPs. Trend: time-to-market: do we
need floating point, C hardware.
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of
Publication etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE
J.G.Ackenhausen, Real-Time Signal Processing Design and Implementation of
Signal Processing Systems, IEEE Press+Prentice Hall, 2000.
V.K.Madisetti, VLSI Digital Signal Processors: An Introduction to Rapid
Prototyping and Design Synthesis, IEEE Press+Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
J. Proakis, D. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
3. Applications, Fourth edition, 2006, Prentice-Hall.
K.J.Ray Liu and K.Yao, High Performance VLSI Signal Processing: Systems Design and
application, Vol. 2, 1998, IEEE Press.
Course Code ECVM 572 Semester: Session :
(specify Odd/Even)
Course Name MOS Devices Modelling and Characterization
Credits 3 Contact Hours 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To provide an understanding of operation, modelling and characterization of
Objectives MOS devices those are inherent to all VLSI circuits.
3. Y. Tsividis& Colin McAndrew, The MOS Transistor, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2013.
4. Y. P. Tsividis, Operation and Modelling of the MOS Transistor, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
5. E. Takeda, Hot-carrier Effects in MOS Trasistors, Academic Press, 1995.
Course ECVM 573 Semester: Session:
Code (specify
Course Mixed Signal IC Design
Credits 3 Contact 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
(Names) Teacher(s)
Course To understand the necessity of mixed signal IC Designs.
Objectives To understand the design and performance measures concept of mixed
signal IC circuits.
Module No. Title of List of Topics
Unit I Introduction to analog VLSI and mixed signal issues in CMOS
Basic Technologies, MOS transistor: Introduction, Short channel
Concepts effects, current source and current mirror, Common-Source
Amplifier, Source-Follower, Source Degenerated Current
Mirrors, cascode Current Mirrors, MOS Differential Pair and
Gain Stage, active load, C- MOS circuit.
Unit II Sampling Ideal Sampling, Non idealities in sampling, noise and
distortion in sampling, sampleand hold circuits, timing issues
in sample and hold circuit, bootstrapping systems, charge
injection and noise, introduction to switched capacitor
circuits, switched capacitor sample and hold circuits, static
specifications of data converters, accuracy, nonlinearity,
offset, dynamic specifications, SNR, SFDR, ENOB, dynamic
Unit III Data D/A and A/D converters: Introduction A/D and D/A, Various
converters type of A/D converter, ADCs, ramp, tracking, dual slope,
successive approximation and flash types, Multi-stage flash
type ADCs, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Clock Jitter and A
Tool: The Spectral Density, Improving SNR using Averaging,
Linearity Requirements, Adding a Noise Dither, Jitter, and
Anti-Aliasing Filter, Using Feedback to Improve SNR.
Passive Noise-Shaping - Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Decimating
and Filtering the Modulator's Output, Offset, Matching, and
Linearity. Improving SNR and Linearity - Second-Order
Passive Noise-Shaping and Passive, Noise-Shaping Using
Switched-Capacitors, Increasing SNR using K-Paths and
Improving Linearity Using an Active Circuit.
Unit IV Noise- First-Order Noise Shaping - Modulation Noise in First-Order
Shaping NS Modulators, RMS Quantization Noise in a First-Order
Data Modulator, and Decimating and Filtering the Output of a NS
Converter Modulator, Pattern Noise from DC Inputs (Limit Cycle
Oscillations), Integrator and Forward Modulator Gain,
Comparator Gain, Offset, Noise, and Hysteresis, and, Op-Amp
Gain (Integrator Leakage)
Op-Amp: Settling Time, Offset, Op-Amp Input-Referred Noise,
and Practical Implementation of the First-Order NS
Modulator, Second–Order Noise Shaping, Second–Order
Modulator Topology, Integrator Gain, and Selecting
Modulator (Integrator) Gains.
Noise–Shaping Topologies – Higher–Order Modulators,
Filtering the Output of an Mth–Order NS Modulator,
Implementing Higher–Order, Single–Stage Modulators, Multi–
Bit Modulators, and Error Feedback
Unit V Band pass Continuous–Time Band pass Noise–Shaping – Passive–
and High- Component Band pass Modulators, Active–Component Band
Speed Data pass Modulators, and Modulators for Conversion at Radio
Converters Frequencies, Cascaded Modulators, Switched Capacitor Band
pass Noise–Shaping – Switched–Capacitor Resonators, Second
Order Modulators, Fourth–Order Modulators, and Digital I/Q
Extraction to Baseband, Topology of a high–speed data
converter – Clock Signals, Implementation, Filtering,
Discussion, and Understanding the Clock Signals.
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of
Publication etc. (Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE
1. Baker, R. Jacob, “CMOS: mixed-signal circuit design”, john Wiley &Sons, 2008.
R. Plassche, CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters, 2nd
Edition, Springer, 2007.
R. Plassche, “CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters”,
2nd Edition, Springer, 2007
4. M. J. M. Pelgrom, “Analog-to-Digital Conversion”, Springer, 2010
Course Code ECVM 574 Semester: Session :
(specify Odd/Even)
Course Name High Speed System (Board level) Design- (includes PCB design, thermal
management, power supply)
Credits 3 Contact Hours 3
Faculty Coordinator(s)
Course To address the mechanical aspect of PCB design and to aid in
Objectives understanding the design issues, manufacturing processes.
To expose the state of art technology in PCB design and manufacturing.
Module Title of the List of Topics
No. Module
Unit I Transmission crosstalk and non-ideal effects; signal integrity: impact of packages,
line theory vias, traces, connectors; non-ideal return current paths, high
(basics) frequency power delivery, simultaneous switching noise; system-level
timing analysis and budgeting; methodologies for design of high speed
buses; radiated emissions and minimizing system noise; Practical
aspects of measurement at high frequencies; high speed oscilloscopes
and logic analyzers
Unit II Printed Anatomy, CAD tools for PCB design, Standard fabrication, Microvia
Circuit Board Boards. Board Assembly: Surface Mount Technology, Through Hole
Technology, Process Control and Design challenges. Thermal
Management, Heat transfer fundamentals, Thermal conductivity and
resistance, Conduction, convection and radiation Cooling
Unit III IC Assembly Purpose, Requirements, Technologies, Wire bonding, Tape Automated
Bonding, Flip Chip, Wafer Level Packaging , reliability, wafer level
burn – in and test.Single chip packaging: functions, types, materials
processes, properties, characteristics, trends.Multi chip packaging:
types, design, comparison, trends. Passives: discrete, integrated,
embedded –encapsulation and sealing: fundamentals, requirements,
materials, processes
Unit IV Real-Time Interconnect Capacitance, Resistance and Inductance fundamentals;
Characteristic Transmission Lines, Clock Distribution, Noise Sources, power
s Distribution, signal distribution, EMI, Digital and RF Issues. Processing
Technologies, Thin Film deposition, Patterning, Metal to Metal joining
Unit V Reliability Basic concepts, Environmental interactions. Thermal mismatch and
fatigue failures thermo mechanically induced electrically induced
chemically induced. Electrical Testing: System level electrical testing,
Interconnection tests, Active Circuit Testing, Design for Testability
Course Continuous Evaluation 25% Mid Semester 25% End Semester 50%
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Tummala, Rao R., “Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging”, McGraw Hill, 2001
Howard Johnson , Martin Graham, “High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic”,
2. Prentice Hall, 1993
Stephen H. Hall, Garrett W. Hall, James A. McCal , “High-Speed Digital System Design: A
3. Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices”,Wiley-IEEE Press, 2000
5. Bosshart, “Printed Circuit Boards Design and Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1988.