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Codes, Standards, and Recommendation Practices

ANSI – American National Standards Institute (US)

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(US)
NEC – National Electrical Code (US)
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association (US)
ISO – International Organization for Standardization
IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

IET – Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK)
BS – British Standards (UK)
EN – European Norm/European Standard
CEN – European Committee for Standardization

SS – Singapore Standard
CSA (Canada)
GB (China)
DIN (Germany)
JIS (Japan)
Reference Book

IEE Wiring Regulation 17th Edition

On Site Guide (BS 7671:2008)
IET Wiring Regulation

BS 7671: 2018
Low Voltage
50V AC - 1000V AC
120V DC – 1500V DC
Lighting ,Power Circuits and so on.

Extra-low Voltage (Band 1)

0V AC – 50V AC
0V DC – 120V DC
Alarm System , Telecommunication System
and so on.
Extra-low Voltage
• SELV (Separated Extra-low Voltage)
• PELV (Protected Extra-low Voltage)
• FELV (Functional Extra-low Voltage)
Cable Connector
Colour Identification

400V – RED
230V – Blue
110V – Yellow
50V – White
25v - Violet
Socket outlet and plugs Colour Coded

• 400V - Fixed plant such as cranes (RED)

• 230V - Site offices and fixes floodlighting robustly installed
• 110V - Portable tools and hand lamps (YELLOW)
• SELV - Portable lamps used in damp or confined places
1. 25V – (VIOLET)
2. 50V – (WHITE)
Voltage Range Frequency Range Colour Code

20-25 V 50/60 Hz Purple

40-50 V White
100-130 V Yellow
200-250 V Blue
380-480 V Red
500-690 V Black
- Green
None of the above Grey
IEC (Low Voltage)

230V/400V (formerly 220V/ 380V)

In Myanmar,

1 Phase ……230V = (400V/√3)

3 Phase ……400V

1 Phase Motor,
In = Pn x 1000/(U x ɳ x cosɸ)

3 Phase Motor,
In = Pn x 1000/(√3 x U x ɳ x cosɸ)
Electric Shock

• Electric Shock occurs when a person becomes part of the

electrical circuit.
• The lethal level is approximately 50 mA.
Safe Isolation Flowchart
1. Check that the circuit is live.
2. Identify the point of isolation.
3. Isolate and lock off.
4. Fix notice by the point of isolation.
5. Use a voltage indicator/test lamp to check that the circuit is
6. Prove that the voltage indicator/test lamp is functioning
correctly by checking it on a known supply or proving unit.
7. Recheck that the circuit is dead and if it is, then it is safe to
commence work.
Height of Switch & Socket
Direct on Line (D.O.L) Starters
• The DOL starter switches the main supply directly onto the
• Starting currents can be 5 to 8 times greater than the running
• The DOL starter is only used for small motors of less than
about 5 KW rating.
If the stop button is pressed or the overload coil operate , the control
circuit is broken and the contactor drops out , breaking the supply to the
load. Once the supply is interrupted , the supply to the motor can only
be reconnected by pressing the start button. Therefore, this type of
arrangement also provides no – voltage protection.
When a motor is switched on, there is a high inrush
current from the mains which may, especially if the
power line section is inadequate, cause a drop in
voltage likely to affect receptor operation. This drop
may be severe enough to be noticeable in lighting
equipment. To overcome this, some sector rules
prohibit the use of motors with DOL starting systems
beyond a given power.
There are several starting systems which differ
according to the motor and load specifications.(By ABB)
DOL Star Delta Part Resistors Autotransfor Slip ring Soft Frequency
Winding mers starter converter
Motor Standard Standard 6 winding Standard Standard Specific Standard Standard

Cost + ++ ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++++

Starting Current 5to10 RC 2to3 RC 2RC ~ 4.5 RC 1.7 to 4 RC ~ 2 RC 4to5 RC RC
Voltage Dip High High on Low Low Low Low Low Low
Voltage & current High M Moderate M M Low High High
Power factor Low Low M M Low M Low High
No: of Start Restricted 2-3 times 3-4 times 3-4 times 3-4 times DOL 2-3 times Limited High
available DOL DOL DOL DOL
Available torque ~2.5 RT 0.2 to 0.5 2RT RT ~0.5RT ~2RT ~0.5 RT 1.5to2 RT
Thermal stress Very High High M High M M M Low
Mechanical shocks High M M M M Low M Low
Recommended Any No load Ascending Pump&Fan Pump&Fan Any Pump&Fan Any
type of load Torque
High inertia loads Yes No No No No Yes No Yes
Star and Delta Connection

• Line Voltage of 400V between any two phases.

• Phase Voltage of 230V between line and neutral.

In any star-connected system currents flow along the line (IL),

through the load and return by the neutral conductor connected
to the star point.
In a balanced three phase system all currents have the same
value and, when they are added up by phasor addition, we find
the resultant current is zero.
Residual Current Device (RCD)

When it is required to provide the very best

protection from electric shock and fire risk , earth
fault protection devices are incorporated into the
Overload and Short Circuit (1 & 2) are carried out
usually by one device , i.e. a fuse or circuit breaker.

Earth Fault (3) may be carried out by the fuse or circuit

breaker provided for functions 1&2 or by an RCD.

An RCBO being a combined circuit breaker and RCD,

will carry out functions (1,2&3)

MCCB = Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

MCB = Miniature Circuit Breaker
RCD = Residual Current Device
RCCB = Residual Current Circuit Breaker
ACB = Air Circuit Breaker
RCBO = Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload
Protection by an RCD
RCDs are required;
1. Where the earth fault loop impedance is too high to
provide the required disconnection, e.g ,where the
distributor does not provide a connection to the
means of earthing – TT system
2. For socket outlet circuits in domestic and similar
3. For circuits of locations containing a bath or shower.
4. For circuits supplying mobile equipment not exceeding
32 A for use outdoors.
TT conduit installation
For TT installation , all circuits must be RCD protected.
If cables in walls or partitions have an earthed metallic
covering or are installed in earthed steel conduit, 30 mA
RCDs will be required for:
1. Circuits of locations containing a bath or shower,
2. Circuits with socket outlets not exceeding 20A,
3. Mobile equip; not exceeding 32A for use outdoors.
The rest of the installation needs protection by a 100mA
RCBOs (Residual Current Circuit Breakers with
Overload Protection)

RCBOs combine RCD protection and MCB protection into

one unit.

In a split board consumer unit, about half of the total

number of final circuits are protected by the RCD. A fault
on any one final circuit will trip out all of the RCD
protected circuits which may cause inconvenience.
17th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations tells us at note
5 of table 53.4 ;
Circuit protective devices and RCDs are not intended for
frequent load switching. However, infrequent switching
of MCBs is permissible for the purpose of isolation or
emergency switching.
Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
• MCB incorporates a thermal and magnetic tipping device.
• The load current flows through the thermal and the
electromagnetic mechanisms.
• Normal operation the current is insufficient to operate either
• When an overload occurs, the thermal tripping device,
bi-metal , trips the mechanisms.
• When a large fault current (above 8 times the rated current)
flows through the electromagnetic coil a strong magnetic flux
is established ,trips the mechanism almost instantly.

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