B. Sc Part III
B. Sc Part III
B. Sc Part III
Unit I: Plants and Environment: Atmosphere (gaseous composition), water (properties of water
cycle), light (global radiation, phytosynthetically active radiation), temperature, soil
(development, soil profiles, physico-chemical properties) and biota.
Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of plants to water (hydrophytes and
xerophytes) temperature (thermoperiodicity and vernalization), light (photoperiodism,
heliophytes and sciophytes) and salinity
Unit II: Population ecology: Concept and characters, growth curves, biotic potential, ecotypes and
ecads. Seed: The significance, suspended animation; ecological adaptation and dispersal
Community ecology and Succession: Community characteristics, frequency, density, cover, life
forms and biological spectrum. Succession: concept, classification and examples (hydrosere &
Unit III: Ecosystems and Productivity: Ecosystem –– Structure, abiotic & biotic components, food
chain, food web, ecological pyramids, energy flow, biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus and Sulphur.
Productivity: Primary productivity, its measurements and factors affecting primary productivity
Unit IV: Environmental Biology of Indian Desert: Climate, vegetation types, adaptive strategies of
desert plants. Desertification: meanings, causes, critical issues & driving forces. Agroforestry
and its impact on desert agriculture. Desert biodiversity, Geomorphology, natural resources
exploitation and their impact on desert environment
Unit V: Pollution Ecology: Definitions, classification, air, water and land pollution. Concepts of
Industrial Ecology in pollution management. Global warming : Concepts and Current status.
Phytogeography: Vegetation types of India –– Forest and Grasslands. Biogeographical regions
of India, Remote sensing: The basics and applications in ecological studies
Suggested Readings
Dash, M.C. Fundamental of Ecology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996
Kormondy, E.J. Concepts of Ecology, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi, 1996
Kumar, H.D. General Ecology, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. New Delhi, 1995
Mukherjee, B. Environmental Biology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997
Odum, E.P. Basic Ecology, Sauders, Philadelphia, 1983
Sen, D.N. Environment and Plant Life in Indian Desert, Geobios International, Jodhpur, 1982
Sharma, P.D. Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, Meerut 2002
Unit I: Plant-water relations: Importance of water to plant life; physical properties of water;
diffusion and osmosis; absorption, transport of water and transpiration; physiology of stomata
Mineral nutrition: Essential macro- and micro-elements and their role, mineral uptake;
deficiency and toxicity symptoms
Transport of organic substances: Mechanism of phloem transport; source-sink relationship;
factors affecdting translocation
Unit II: Photosynthesis: Significance; historical aspects; photosynthetic pigments; action spectra and
enhancement effects; concept of two photosystems; Z-scheme; photophosphorylation; Calvin
cycle; C4 pathway; CAM plants; photorespiration. Rubisco and its regulation.
Unit III: Respiration: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration; Kreb’s cycle; electron transport mechanism
(chemi – osmotic theory); redox potential; oxidative phosphorylation pentose phosphate
Basics of enzymology: Discovery and nomenclature; characteristics of enzymes; concept of
holoenzyme, apoenzyme, coenzyme and cofactors; regulation of enzyme activity; mechanism of
action, Protein structures
Unit IV: Nitrogen and lipid metabolism: Biological Nitrogen fixation and metabolism. Importance
of nitrate reductase and its regulation; ammonium assimilation. Structure and function of lipids;
fatty acid biosynthesis; B-oxidation; saturated and unsaturated fatty acids; storage and
mobilization of fatty acids
Unit V: Growth and development: Definitions; phases of growth and development. Seed dormancy,
seed germination. Photoperiodism, physiology of flowering; florigen concept. biological clocks
vernalization. physiology of senescence, fruit ripening. Plant Hormones-auxins, gibberellins,
cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethylene, history of their discovery, Physiological role and mode
of action. Photomorphogenesis; phytochromes and cryptochromes.
Suggested Readings
Dennis, D.T., Turpin, D.H., Lefebvre, D.D. and Layzell (eds.). Plant Metabolism (2nd ed.),
Longman, Essex, England, 1997
Galston, A.W. Life processes in Plants, Scientific American Library, Springer-Verlag, New
York, USA, 1989
Hopkins, W.G. Introduction to plant physiology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA,
Lea, P.J. and Leegood, R.C. Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, John Wiley & Sons,
Chichester, England, 1999
Mohr, H. and Schopfer, P. Plant Physiology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1995
Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C.W. Plant Physiology (4th ed.), Wadsworth Publishing Co.,
California, USA, 1992
Srivastava, H.S. Plant Physiology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut, 2001
Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E. Plant Physiology (2nd ed.), Sinauer Associats, Inc. Publishers,
Massachusetts, USA, 1998
Suggested Readings
(for Laboratory Exercises)
Amar Singh. Practical Plant Physiology, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 1977
Moore, T.C. Research Experiences in Plant Physiology: A Laboratory Manual, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1974
Nifa, A.J. and Ballou, D.P. Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and
Biotechnology, Fitzrierald Science Press, Inc., Maryland, USA, 1998
Robalts and Tucker, G.A. (Eds.) Plant Hormone Protocols, Humana Press, New Jersey¸ USA,
Scot, R.P.W. Techniques and Practice of Chromatography Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York,
Wilson, K. and Goulding, K.H. A Biologists Guide to principles and techniques of Practical
Biochemistry, Ed-ward Arnold, London, 1986
Max Marks: 50
Unit I: What is gene cloning and why do we need to clone gene? Tools and Techniques:
Plasmid and other vehicle. Genomic-DNA, handling of DNA and RNA. Restriction
enzymes and reagents. Laboratory techniques and other requirements.
Unit II: Safety measures and related regulations for recombinant DNA work, choice and
selection of the tools and techniques. Vehicles: Plasmids and bacteriophages, available
phagemids, cosmids and viruses.
Unit III: Purification of DNA from bacteria, plant and animal cells. Manipulation of purified
DNA.Introduction of DNA into living cells. Cloning vectors for E-coli.
Unit IV: Cloning vectors for organism other than E-coli, yeast, fungi, plants- agro bacteria,
plants viruses and animal viruses. Applications of cloning in gene analysis- how to obtain
a clone of a specific gene, studying gene location and structure, studying gene expression.
Unit V: Gene cloning and expression of foreign genes in research and biotechnology.
Production of protein from cloned genes. Gene cloning in medicine: Pharmaceutical
compounds, artificial insulin gene, recombinant vaccine, and diagnostic reagents.
Books Recommended
Old & Primrose: Principles of gene manipulation, Blackwell Scientific Publications
Sambrose & Russell: Molecular cloning CSH Press
Ausber: Current protocols in molecular biology CSH Press
Michel: Introduction to environmental microbiology
B.D. Singh Plant Breeding: Kalyani Publisher
Alexander, M: Microbial Ecology, John Wiley & sons
EC Eldowney, Hardman & Waite: Pollution Ecology biotreatment- Longman Scientific
Baker &Herson - Bioremediation –Tata McGraw Hill
P.C.Debergh & R.H. Zi mmerman: Micropropagation Technique & Applications. Kluwer
Academic Publishers
K. Lindsey & M.G. K. Jones: Plant Biotechnology in Agriculture
R.A. Meyers: Molecules Biology & Biotechnology VCH Publishers N.Y.
B. D. Singh: Plant Biotechnology, Kalyani Publishers
Indra K Vasil & Trevar A Thorpe: Plant Cell & Tissue Culture, Kluwer Academic Publishers
S.S Bhojwani & M.K. Razdan: Plant Tissue Culture Theory & Practice, Elsevier
Time 5:00 hr
Max. Marks: 75
Min. Marks: 27
1. Preparation of nutrient medium and its sterilization 13
2. Preparation of explant (pretreatment), sterilization and
inoculation for the given tissue culture technique 08
3. Identification of microbial contamination in the given
nutrient medium 07
4. Identify & comment upon the Spots (1to6) 27
5. Viva- Voce 10
6. Practical Record 10
Books Recommended:
1. Inorganic Chemistry Part I and part II by N.C.Sogani, M.L.Sharma, G.K.Rastogi
2. Inorganic Chemistry by G.C.Shivhare, V.P.Lawania
3. Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry by P.L.Soni
4. Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry by Satya Prakash, Tuli & Madan
Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
2. Organic Chemistry by Behal & Behal
3. Text Book of Organic Chemistry by M.K. Jain
4. Polymer Chemistry by P. Bahadur and N.V. Shastri.
Books Suggested:
1. The Elements of Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford.
2. Physical Chemistry Through problems, S.K. Dogra and S. Dogra, Wiley Eastern
3. Ltd.
4. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma and M.S. Pathania,
5. Shobhan Lal Nagin Chand & Co.
6. Physical Chemistry by S.C.Ameta, A.V.Singh, R.Ameta, R.Mathur
7. Bhotic Rasayan by K.R. Genwa, RBD, Jaipur.
CH 304 Laboratory Course – III
Inorganic Chemistry:
Preparations: [5]
Micro cosmic salt., Tetraaminecopper(II) sulphate, Nickel ammonium sulphate, Sodium
thiosulphate, Chrome Alum, Ferrous Sulphate, Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate
Organic Chemistry:
(a) Qualitative Analysis: - Analysis of an organic mixture is containing two solid components,
using water, NaHCO3 and NaOH for separation. [15]
(b) Synthesis of organic compounds:- [10]
(i) Acetylation of salicylic acid, aniline and p-nitroacetanilide.
(ii) Preparation of iodoform from ethanol and acetone.
(iii) Diazotization/Coupling of primary aromatic amines (aniline).
(iv) Preparation of methyl orange.
(c) Thin Layer Chromatography [10]
(i) Separation of dyes
(ii) Separation of green leaf (Spinach) pigments.
Physical Chemistry [15]
(a) Colloids: To determine precipitation value for the following sols and also verify Hardy’s
Schultz law (i) As2S3 Sol (ii) Fe (OH)3 Sol .
(b) Distribution law: To determine the partition coefficient of benzoic acid between water and
benzene at R.T.
(c) Adsorption: To study the adsorption of acetic acid by activated charcoal and verify the
Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
Viva [5]
Record [15]
Books Suggested (Laboratory Courses):
1. Practical Chemistry, S.Giri, D.N.Bajpai and O.P.Pandey Publ. S. Chand
2. Experimental Organic Chemistry Vol I & II, P.R. Singh, D.S. Gupta and K.S. Bajpai, Tata
McGraw Hill.
3. Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry, R.K. Bansal, Wiley Eastern.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, B.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford, V. Rogers,
P.W.G. Smith and A.R. Tatchell, ELBS.
5. Experiments in General Chemistry, C.N.R. Rao and U.C. Agarwal, East-West Press.
6. Experiments in Physical Chemistry, R.C. Das and B. Behra, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry, J.B. Yadav, Goel Publishing House.
8. Advanced Experimental Chemistry, Vol. I-Physical, J.N. Gurtu and R. Kapoor, S. Chand & Co.
Examination & Marking Scheme
Time: 5 hours Max. Marks: 75 Min. Pass Marks: 27
Regular Student Ex- Student
Inorganic Preparation 05 05
Qualitative Analysis 15 15
Organic Synthesis 10 10
Chromatography 10 10
Physical Experiment 15 15
Viva- Voice 5 5
Sessional and Record 15 …
-------- -----------
Total 75 60*
Paper I Economic Geology 50 Marks
Paper I I Structural Geology 50 Marks
Paper I II Applied Geology 50 Marks
Practicals : Practical Examination 75 Marks
Total 225 Marks
Duration of each theory paper Examination 3 Hrs.
Duration of Practical Examination 3 Hrs.
1. Physical properties, mode of occurrence and genesis, Indian location and economic use of
Metallic minerals (ores).
2. Physical properties, mode of occurrence and genesis, Indian location and economic use of Non
Metallic (industrial Minerals) and Coals.
3. Preparation of map showing distribution of important economic deposits.
4. Preparation of Cross section of Geological maps and/or completion of outcrop maps.
5. Use of Stereographic projections for Structural geology.
6. Sessional Marks.
Jenson M and Bateman A M ‘Economic Mineral Deposits’. John Wiley and Sons
2. Gokhle KVand GK Rao ‘Ore Deposits of India,. Thomson Press
3. Vyas GK ‘Arthik Bhu Vigyan’. Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy
4. Manjrekar RP ‘Arthik Evam Vyavharik Bhu Vigyan’. Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth
Rakshpal R. ‘Bharat ki Khaniz Sampda Evam Udyog’. Rajasthan Hindi Granth Academy
6. Billings M. P. ‘Structural Geology’
Shrivastava D.K. Sanrachnatmak Bhu Vigyan Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth
8. Arogyaswami RNP ‘Mining Geology’ CBS publishers
9. Todd ‘Groundwater Hydrology’
10. Todd D. K. ‘Bhaum Jal Vigyan’ Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy
11. Satyanarayan Swami B. S. 2000 : ‘Engineerig Geology’ Dhampat Rai and Cop Delhi
Pandey SN 1987 ‘Principles and Applications of Photogeology’ Wiley Eastern New Delhi
Pd/W Exam. Max.
(45mts.) Hours Marks
Phy.301 Paper I Solid State Physics 2 3 50
Phy.302 Paper II Nuclear Physics 2 3 50
Phy.303 Paper III Relativity and 2 3 50
TOTAL: 225
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Unit I:Crystal structure : Different terms of crystal structure, Fundamental types of lattices,
Two and three dimensional lattice types; Seven system of crystals, Characteristics of sc,
bcc, fcc, hcp; Miller indices, orientation of planes in cubic lattices; Distribution of Atoms
in atomic planes of cubic lattices. Distance between successive planes; Von-Laue’s
equations of diffraction of X-rays, Bragg’s Law, scattering from lattice of point-atoms.
Scattering factor. Geometrical Scattering factor for sc, bcc, fcc. Reciprocal lattice and its
Unit II:Crystal binding and lattice vibrations : Inter-atomic forces of solids. Crystal of inert
gases, cohesive energy and bulk modulus. Ionic crystals, Madelung energy and bulk
modulus. Covalent crystals. Hydrogen bonded crystals, Atomic radii. Concept of
phonons Vibration of monatomic lattices, lattice with two atoms per primitive cell. Local
phonon modes. Density of states in one dimension, three dimensions, lattice heat capacity
for Einstein model, Debye model.
Unit III:Free Electron theory of metals : Free electron model, Density of states of electron gas,
Fermi-Dirac distribution function, effect of temperature on Fermi-Dirac distribution
function, Fermi energy at absolute zero temperature and low temperature. Electron heat
capacity. Thermionic emission. Boltzmann transport equation, Sommerfeld theory of
electrical conductivity, Thermal conductivity, Wiedmann-Franz Law. Hall effect.
Unit IV:Band theory: Formation of bands and origin of energy gap, Bloch theorem, Kronig
Penney model, crystal momentum and velocity of an electron. Effective mass of electrons.
Electrons and holes. Number of states in a band, insulator, semi-conductor and metal.
Construction of Brillouin Zones and Fermi-surfaces. Fermi levels in intrinsic, n- type and
p- type semi-conductors, Mass action Law. The static dielectric constants of solids.
Local electric field at an atom.
Unit II:Mass defect, Mass difference, packing fraction and binding energy of nucleus. Plot of
binding energy per nucleon against mass number. Liquid drop model of Nucleus.
WEIZSACHER’s Semi Empirical Mass formula (Volume, Surface, Coloumb – asymmetry
and pairing energy terms). Predication of stability against beta-decay for members of an
isobaric family. Stability limits against spontaneous fission. Energetic of Symmetric
Unit III:The law of radioactive decay, statistical nature of radioactivity. Radio active growth
and decay. Ideal equilibrium, transient equilibrium and secular equilibrium Radioactive
Types of nuclear reactions (only qualitative statement). The balance of Mass and energy
in nuclear reactions. Q equation. Solution of the Q equations, concept of centre of mass in
nuclear reaction, view of proton-proton collision and neutron-nucleus collision in CM
Unit IV: Alpha decay: Disintegration Energy, Range of -particles, Geiger Nuttal’s Law. -
spectrum and fine structure. Long range - particles, - particles paradox–Barrier
penetration, Gamow Theory of -emission.
Beta Decay: -ray spectrometer (principle and working). -ray spectrum ;and its
qualitative explanation.
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear induced fission, energy released in fission of U 235. Fission
chain reaction, Neutron cycle in a thermal reactor. Four factor formula. Elementary idea
of nuclear reactors. Nuclear fusion; fusion in stars, carbon and pp cycle problems of
controlled fusion.
Books suggested:
4. Alonso & Finn: Fundamental University Physics – Vol. III, Addision Wesley.
5. S.N. Ghoshal : Atomic & Nuclear Physics – Vol. II, S. Chand, New Delhi.
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Unit III:Interaction of Electromagnetic waves with matter: Normal and anomalous dispersion
of light, empirical relations, Lorentz theory of dispersion of gases, experimental
demonstration of anomalous dispersion in gases, scattering of electromagnetic waves and
scattering parameters, Thomson, resonant and Rayleigh’s scattering cross-section,
polarization of scattered light, coherent and incoherent scattered light, dispersion in
liquids and solids, Claussius Mossotti equation and Lorentz-Lorentz formula.
Books suggested:
6. S.P. Puri: Electrodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. J.D. Jackson: Classical Electro-dynamics, John Wisely, New York
8. B.B. Laud: Electromagnetic, John Wisely, New York
9. E.C. Jordan: Electromagnetic waves, PHI, New Delhi
10. D. J. Griffiths: Introduction to Electrodynamics, PHI
Note: These Practicals are divided into three sections, Lab. A, Lab. B & Lab. C.
1. Lab. A is for all students.
2. Lab. B is only for the students having Electronics as an optional subject in B. Sc.
3. Lab. C is for all the students except those who offer Electronics as an optional subject.
1. Study of ripple factor for shunt capacitor, series inductor, L-section and section filters using
full wave rectifier circuit.
2. Study of frequency response of single stage transistor amplifier (variation of gain with
3. Study the characteristics of field effect transistor (FET).
4. Study the negative feedback effect on voltage gain, and input and output impedances of the
5. Study of operational amplifier (OP-AMP).
6. Study of RC circuits as integrating and differentiating systems with Square input.
7. Study of series and parallel LCR resonance circuit.
8. Design and Voltage study of AND, OR, NOT, NAND and NOR gates circuits using diodes and
9. Design and study of RC phase shift oscillator.
10. Transient Analysis of C-R and L-R circuit.
11. Determination of parameter of transformer.
Pd/W Exam. Max.
(45mts.) Hours Marks
Elec. 301 Paper I Audio and Video systems 2 3 50
Total 225
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Unit I: Radio Receiver: Characteristics and their measurements, tuned radio frequency receiver,
frequency translation, superheterodyne receiver – block diagrams, typical transistor
receiver circuit – explanation of various stages, FM receiver, trouble shooting and
servicing of radio receiver, no sound, weak and noisy receiver, stereo transmission and
Unit II:Televison transmission: Broadcast channels, picture scanning, frequency band and
resolution, camera tubes, block diagrams of transmitter and explanation of each block,
colour transmission.
Unit III:Television Receiver: Scanning sequence and interlacing, synchronization and
blanking, block diagrams of colour and monochrome receivers and explanation of each
block, video tap recording and reproduction, troubles and trouble shooting.
Unit IV:Sound recording and reproduction: Construction of microphones and speakers, block
diagrams of a tape recording system, recording, playback and erasing processes, tape
transport system, trouble in tape transport system and magnetic heads of tape recorders,
disc recording, Hi- Fi systems and stereophony system.
Unit V:Radar system: Basic radar system, radar range equation, pulsed radar system, Doppler
effect. CW Doppler radar system, moving target indicator principle, FM radar system.
satellite communication : orbital satellites, geo stationery satellite, orbital patterns, look angles,
orbital spacing , satellite systems. link modules
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Unit I:Number system and basic logic circuits : Binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, BCD,
ASCII and gray codes and their inter-conversion, basic logic gates and their electronic circuits
(DTL and TTL), Boolean Algebra, De’Morgan theorems, study of logic circuit, Karnaugh
Unit II:Building blocks of Computer : Half adder and full adder, half substractor, RS flip flop,
clocked RS flip flop, D flip flop, JK flip flop, JK master slave flip flop, level clock versus
edge triggered clock, counters and shift registers, multiplexer, demultiplexer, decoder and
Unit III:Memories: Semiconductor memories, RAM, ROM, magnetic drum memory, magnetic
disc, floppy disc, magnetic tape, magnetic bubble and CCD type memories, Hard disk,
optical disk. Main and secondary memory, cache memory.
Unit V: Data transfer: Types of data transfer, DMA data transfer, interrupts of 8085 and their
interfacing, D/A conversion: Basic principles, weighted register method and R-2R ladder
method, A/D conversion: counter method and SAR method.
Books Suggested:
B. Ram, Fundamental of Microprocessor and Microcomputers, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New
A.P. Malvino, Digital Computer Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill
A.P. Malvino and D. Leach, Digital Principle and applications, Tata McGraw Hill
Morris-Mano, Computer System Architecture, PHI
R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications. Wiley Eastern
Part A
Pd/W Exam. Max.
(45mts.) Hours Marks
CS. 301 Paper I Computer Organisation –II 2 3 50
CS. 302 Paper II Programming Language C and C++ 2 3 50
CS. 303 Paper III Computer Graphics 2 3 50
CS. 304 Advanced Computer Lab 6 5 75
Total 225
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Note: The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Unit I:Programming language C: structure of C program, Identifiers and keywords, data types,
constants, arithmetic operations, library functions, expressions, input/output statements:
getchar and putchar, scanf and printf, relational and logical operators, unary operators,
hierarchy of operations.
Unit II:Transfer of control: IF-else statement, Switch statement, Goto statement, iterative
statements: While, Do-while, For statement, nested loops, break statements, Arrays:
definitions, one-dimensional and multi-dimensional, functions; define and accessing a
function, arguments of a function, passing arguments and array to a function, recursion.
Unit IV: Operators in C++, manipulators, type cast operator, functions in C++, main function,
function prototyping, call by reference, return by reference, inline functions, friend
function, virtual functions. Class data type, creating objects, member functions, private
member functions, static data members, static member functions, pointers to members.
Note : The question paper for the examination will be divided in three parts i.e., Section – A, Section –
B and Section – C.
Section – A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited upto 30 words. Each question will carry 1
Section – B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250
words. Each question carry 3.5 marks.
Section – C: Will consist of total 05 questions. The paper setter will set one question from each
Unit and students will answer any 03 questions and answer of each question shall be limited
upto 500 words. Each question will carry 7.5 marks.
Unit I:Geometry and Line Generation: Points and lines, line segments, vectors, pixels and
frame buffer, vector generation, DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s algorithm, antialiasing of
lines, thick lines, character generation.
Unit II: Graphic Primitives: Display devices, display file structure, and interpreters, normalized
device coordinates, entering commands in display file, display file interpreter, entering
text, line style, entering Polygons in display file.
Unit III:Transformation: Matrices, scaling transformation, angles, rotation, homogeneous
coordinates, coordinate translations, coordinate transformation, rotation about arbitrary
point, inverse transformations, transformation routines.
Unit I: Segmentation: Segment, segment creation, image transformations, saving and showing
of segments, windowing and Clipping; window and view port, Viewing transformations,
clipping, Cohen Sutherland algorithms.
Unit V:Graphic interactions: Principle and working of common interactive graphic devices,
selectors and locators, Mouse, Joystick, light pen and tablet.
3D-Graphics : Introduction, geometrical and coordinate transformations, rotation about an
arbitrary axis, various kinds of projections, parallel and perspective projections, viewing
parameters, special projections.
Books suggested:
Rajaraman: Computer Programming in C, Prentice Hall of India
Gottfried, B.: Programming with C, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill
Balguruswamy, E.: Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw Hill
Harrington S.: Computer Graphics. A Programming Approach, McGraw Hill
Hearn D. and Baker: Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall of India
Morris Mano: Computer System Architecture, Pren tice Hall of India
Hall,D.V.: Microprocessor and Interfacing, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
Balguruswamy, E.: Object Oriented Programming with C++ in ANSI C, Tata McGraw Hill
1. Write a program to show the use of arithmetic operations and library functions in evaluating
2. Write a program to show the use of input and output statements.
3. Write a program to show the use of if-else statement.
4. Write a program to show the use of switch and case statements.
5. Write a program to show the use of one dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
6. Write a program to show the use of while statements.
7. Write a program to show the use of do-while statements.
8. Write a program to show the use of for statements.
9. Write a program to show the use of functions.
10. Write a program to show the use of recursion.
11. Write a program to create a linked list using pointers.
12. Write a program to define and use a structure.
13. Write a program to find roots of an equation by Newton-Raphson method.
14. Write a program to short a list of data using selection sort.
15. Write a program to manipulate strings.
16. Write a C++ program to show the use of class & object.
17. Write a C++ program to show the use of operator overloading.
18. Write a C++ program to show the use of pointers to objects.
19. Write a C++ program to show the inheritance.
Paper I : Abstract Algebra
Paper II : Analysis and Laplace Transforms
Paper III : Mechanics II (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies and Hydrostatics)
Note: Each theory paper is divided in three parts i.e. Section – A, Section – B and Section
Section A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each
unit and answer of each question shall be limited up to 30 words. Each question will carry 2
Section B: Will consist of 10 questions. Each unit will be having two question; students will
answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited up to 250 words.
Each question will carry 5 marks.
Section C: Will consist of total 05 questions one from each unit. Students will answer any 03
questions and answer of each question shall be limited up to 500 words. Each question will
carry 10 marks.
Total Marks: 75
Unit I:Definition and example of groups. General properties of groups, Order of an element of
a group. Permutations : Even and Odd permutations. Groups of permutations. Cycle group,
Isomorphism, Isomorphism of cyclic groups, Cayley’s theorem.
Unit II: Subgroups, Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem, Product Theorem of subgroups, Conjugate
elements, conjugate complexes, Central of a groups, Normaliser of an element and of a
complex. Normal subgroups, quotient Groups, Commutator subgroup of a group.
Homomorphism, Fundamental theorem of homomorphism.
Unit III: Definition and kinds of rings, Integral domain, Division ring, Field, Subring of a ring,
Subfield of a field. Characteristic of a ring and field.
Unit IV: Ideals of a ring, Quotient rings, Prime fields, Prime ideals, Field of quotients of an
integral domain, Definition and examples of a vector space, subspace of a vector space,
Linear combination and linear space, Linear dependence and independence of vectors.
Direct product of vector spaces and internal direct sums of subspaces.
Unit V: Bases and dimension of a finitely generated spaces, Quotient space, Isomorphism,
Linear transformation (Homomorphism), Rank and nullity of linear transformation.
Suggested Books
Unit I: Dedekinds theory of real numbers. Linear sets. Upper and Lower bounds, Limiting
points, Weierstrass’s theorem. Derived sets, Enumerable Sets, Open and Closed sets.
Unit II: Theory of Riemann integration, Darboux theorem. Fundamental theorem of integral
calculus, Mean value theorem of integral calculus.
Unit III: Functions, Limits, and continuity. Differentiability, Concept of an analytic function,
Cartesian and Polar form of Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic function, Conjugate
function, Laplace’s differential equations, Orthogoanl system, Construction of analytic
functions. Power Series: Absolute convergence of power series, circle and radius of
convergence of power series, sum function of a power series.
Unit IV: Basic definition and Properties of complex integration Complex integration as the sum
of two line integrals, Inequality for complex integrals. Curves in complex plane, Cauchy-
Goursat theorem, Connected regions, Indefinite integral (or Anti Derivative). Derivative of
Single-valued functions F(z). Cauchy’s integral formula, Extension of Cauchy’s integral
formula to multiconnected, regions, Cauchy’s integral formula for the derivative of an
analytic function, Successive derivative of an analytic function, Morera’s Theorem.
Liouville’s Theorem, Poisson’s integral formula.
Unit V: Laplace Transforms and Inverse Laplace Transforms. Laplace transforms of derivatives
and integrals. Shifting theorems. Convolution theorem. Applications of Laplace Transform
to the solution of differential equations.
Suggested Books
Suggested Books
Suggested Books
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K.: Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons,
Surendran, P.U. and Saxena, H.C.: Statistical Inference, S.Chand & Co., Delhi.
Unit I: Concept of Statistical quality control, Control charts: x, R , x, , p, np, c-charts, their
constructions and uses.
Unit II: Sequential Analysis: Sequential probability ratio test, O.C. and A.S.N. functions and
their applications.
Unit III: Sampling Inspection by attributes: Producer’s risk, consumer’s risk, AOQL, ASN, OC,
Single, Double and Sequential Sampling plans and their comparison.
Unit IV: Introduction to operation Research, Queuing theory (I): Queuing systems,
characteristics of queuing system, Poisson process, exponential distributions of number of
arrivals, inter arrival time, service time.
Unit V: Queuing Theory (II): Classification of queues, model I: Model M/M/I : / FIFO and
its characteristics, waiting time distribution. Introduction of Model II (M/M/I): ( < > > /
Books Suggested
Unit I : Analysis of variance, one way and two way classification, including multiple but equal
number of observations per cell.
Unit II: The completely randomized design, Randomized block design, comparison of RBD
with CRD, Lay-out of RBD.
Unit III: The latin square design, its layout and analysis. Factorial experiments, the main effects
and interactions layout and its analysis (in 22 and 23 carried out in a RBD only).
Unit IV: Non-parametric Tests: Order Statistics Cumulative and probability distribution function
of a Single Order Statistics, expectation of function of order statistics. Non-parametric methods
and advantages and disadvantages, Power efficiency, Sign test (Simple, for paired observations),
Run test for randomness.
Unit V: Wilcoxon signed Rank test, Median Test, Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon U-Test, Wald-
wolfowitz Run test (two sample problem), Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness of fit test.
Books Suggested
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K.: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi.
Goon, Gupta, Dasgupta: Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. II, World Press, Calcutta.
Rahatgi, V.: Statistical Inference, Wiley.
The students will be asked to attempt three exercises out of five exercises. The distribution of
marks will be as follows:
Regular Students Ex-Students
Part Total no. Q. Marks each Q. Total Marks
A 10 2 20
B 7 5 35
C 3 15 45
Total 100
Recommened Readings
Gide and Rist : History of Economic Doctrines
Haney, L.N. : History of Economic Thought
Eric Roll : History of Economic Thought
Ghosh, B.N. and Ghosh, R.R. : Concise History of Economic Thought, (Himalaya Publishing
House), Delhi Loknathan, V. : A History of Economic Thought, S. Chand, Delhi
oS'o] ,e-lh- % vkfFkZd fopkjksa dk bfrgkl
gtsyk] Vh-,u- % vkfFkZd fopkjksa dk bfrgkl
JhokLro ] ,l- ds- % vkfFkZd fopkjkas dk bfrgkl (fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth) ] pkWan fnYyh
izFke iz’u&i=
vkfFkZd fopkjks dk bfrgkl
bdkbZ 1 & vkfFkZd fopkjksa ds bfrgkl dk vFkZ ,oa egRo A vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k dk bfrgkl ,oa
vkfFkZd bfrgklA of.kdokn] izd`frokn] ,MefLeFk
bdkbZ 2 & MsfoM fjdkMksZ] VkWel jkWcVZ ekYFkl] flle.Mh] ts-,l- fey
bdkbZ 3 & dYiukoknh lektoknh& jkWcVZ vksosu] pkYlZ Qwfj;s vkSj isjh tkslQ izw/kksa]
QzsfMªd fyLV] dkyZ ekDlZ & izkjfEHkd fo'ys"k.k
bdkbZ 4 & vkfLVª;u lEiznk; & dkyZ esatj QzsMfjd okWu ohtj] ;wftu okWu ckWe ckWodZ
vkSj ,YQszM ek'kZy
bdkbZ 5 & Hkkjrh; vkfFkZd fopkj dkSfVY;] egknso xksfoUn jkukMs] xksiky d`".k
xks[kys]xka/kh vkSj tokgjyky usg:
vko';d ikB~; lkexzh
Recommened Readings
Elhance, D.N: Fundamental of Statistics
Singhal, M.L. : Elements of Statistics
Nagar, A.L. and Das, R.K. : Basic Statistics
Mehta and Madnani: Elementary Mathematics in Economics (Hindi and English ed.)
Croxton Cowden : Applied General Statistics
Nagar, K.N. : Sankhyiki ke mool tatva
Gupta : BN : Sankhyiki
iw.kkZd % 100
le; % 3 ?k.Vs
bdkbZ 1 % lkaf[;dh dk vFkZ ] mi;ksx ,oa lhek,a % lkaf[;dh; laedks dk ladyu& lax.kuk ,o
fun'kZu vuqla/kku; leadks dk oxhZdj.k ,oa izLrqfrdj.k lkaf[;dh; lkjf.k;ka ] js[kkfp= ] vko`fr forj.k
dk fp=e; izn'kZu %
bdkbZ 2 % dsUnzh; izo`fRr dk eki% lekUrj ek/;] e/;dk] Hkwf;"Bd (cgqyd)] xq.kksRrj ek/; ,oa
gjkRed ek/;
bdkbZ 3 & vifdj.k (fopj.k) dk eki % foLrkj] prqFkZd fopyu] ek/; fopyu] izeki fopyu ,oa fopj.k
xq.kkad; lk/kkj.k lg&lEcU/k] dkyZ fi;Zlu dk lg lEcU/k xq.kkad vkSj fLi;jeSu dh dksfV & vUrj
bdkbZ 4 & ljy js[kh; izrhixeu] fQ'kj dk lwpdkad ] vkUrjx.ku ,oa ckgkzx.ku & U;wVu vkSj
ykxzSt dh jhfr
bdkbZ 5 & izkjfEHkd xf.kr& ;qxir ,oa f}?kkrh lehdj.k] lekukUrj Js.kh ,oa xq.kksRrj Js.kh ]
Note: There will be two theory papers of 3 hours duration carrying 75 marks each, and a
practical of 50 marks. Candidates will have to pass in theory and practical separately.
Theory - Max. Marks : 75 Min marks : 27
Practical- Max. Marks : 50 Min marks : 18
Unit I: Nature, scope and methods of economic geography ; economic resources; their
classification and conservation; fundamental occupations of man: fishing and livestock
Unit II: Agriculture : subsistence, intensive commercial grain farming, plantation
agriculture and mixed farming, dairying; principal agricultural crops: wheat, rice, maize,
tea, coffee, rubber, cotton, sugarcane and sugar beet
Unit III: Minerals : Iron ore, Manganese and Copper ore; Sources of power: Coal, Petroleum,
Hydroelectricity and Nuclear
Unit IV: Industries : Iron and Steel, Cotton Textile, Pulp and Paper, Major Industrial Regions:
The Lake region of U.S.A., Ruhr basin of Germany and Manufacturing belts of Japan.
Unit V: Transportation : Rail, Water-major ocean routes and inland waterways of Europe,
former USSR; Air-factors affecting air transportation, Principal air-routes of the world;
International trade: Bases of international trade; barriers to trade and pattern of world trade
Books Recommended
Hartshron, T.A. and Alexander, J.W. : Economic Geography, prentice-Hall of IndiaPvt.Ltd.,New
Delhi, 1988.
Das, Gupta and Kapur: AdhunikArithikvaVanijiyaBhugol, Premier Publishing Company, Delhi
Dubey, R.N. : Economic and Commercial Geography KitabMahal, Allahabad
Leong, G.C. and Morgan, G.C. : Human and Economic Geography, OUP, Oxford, 1986.
Wheeler and Muller : Economic Geography, Jonh Wiley and Sons, N.Y. II Edition.
Mamoria, C.B. : ArithikVanijiyaBhugol, Gaye Prasad and Sons, Agra
Negi, B.S. : Geography of Resources, KedarnathRamnath, Meerut, 1980.
Ranner, G.T. : World Economic Geography
Singh, A and Raza : ParkratikSansadhan, 1980
Singh, K.N. and Singh J. : ArithikBhugolkeMultatva, GyanodayaPrakashan, Gorakhpur, 1996.
dkSf’kd] ,l- Mh- % vkfFkZdHkqxksy ds ljyfl)kUr] jLrksxh] ifCyds’kUl]esjB
flag] txnh’k% llak/kuHkqxksy] Kkuksn; izdk’ku] xksj[kiqj] 1996
Unit I: Definition and scope of Environmental Geography : its relationship with other subjects;
elements of environment; man-environment relationships, Percipient and quality of
Unit II: Ecology: definition\scope and types; ecosystem; meaning, types; components,
functioning, productivity and stability; geobiochemical cycles : Water, Carbon, Nitrogen
and oxygen
Unit III: Environments problems: Causes, population increase;urbanisation, industrialisation,
transportation, pesticides and wars; environmental pollution: air, water, soil and noise,
measure for control
Unit IV: Environmental hazards: Ozone depletion, green house effect, El-nino, Global warming,
acid rain, floods, droughts, volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, collapse of big dams, health
hazards and energy crisis
Unit V: Ecological basis of environmental management: sustainability of human ecosystem;
conservation of natural resources: soil, water, forests, minerals and energy ; national and
international efforts on environmental management; environmental education
Recommended Readings
Arvilla, R: Man and Environmental: Crisis and Strategy of Choice, Penguin, Hammonds –
Worth, 1967.
Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller: Environmental Studies, C.F. Merrill Pub. Co. Columbus, Ohio,
Das Saman, R.F. : Environmental Conservation, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976.
Detwyler, R. : Man’s Impact on Environment, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1972.
Duffey, E : Conservation of Nature, Collins, London, 1970.
Edington J.M. and M.A. Edingtion: Ecology and Environmental Planning, Champan and Hall,
Furley, P.A. and W.W. Newey : Man and the Biosphere, Butterworths, London, 1983.
Gerasimov, I.P. : Geography and Ecology , Progress Publication, Moscow, 1983.
Jonathan T : Introduction to Environmental Studies Sunders CollegePublishing, Philadilphia
Holt-Saunders, Japan, 1985.
M.I.T. : Study of Critical Environmental Problems, The M.I. T. Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1970.
Park C. C. : Ecology and Environmental Management, Butterworths, London, 1980.
Singh, P. : Environmental Pollution and Management, Chugh Publication, Allahabad, 1985.
voLFkhujsUnzeksgu ,oavkjihfrokjh% i;kZoj.kHkqxksy] e/;izns’kfgUnhxzUFkvdkneh] Hkksiky
usxh] ih ,l % ikfjfLFkrdh] fodkl ,oai;kZoj.kHkqxksy] jLrksxh ,.M dEiuhesjB] 1999
frokjh] fot; dqekj% i;kZoj.kvkSjikfjfLFkrdh] fgeky; ifCyf’kaxgkÅl] eqEcbZ] 1998
lDlsuk] gfjeksgu % i;kZoj.k ,oaikfjfLFkfrdhHkqxksy] jktLFkkufgUnhxzUFkvdkneh] t;iqj] 1994
flgalfoUnz% i;kZoj.kHkqxksy] iz;kxiqLrdHkou] bykgkckn 2003
flga] txnh’k % okrkoj.kfu;kstu ,oalafodkl] Kkuksn; izdk’ku] xksj[kiqj] 1996
JhokLro] oh ds ,oachihjko% i;kZoj.kvkSjikfjfLFkfrdh] olqU/kjkizdk’ku] xksj[kiqj] 2000
j/kqoa’kh] v#.k ,oapUnzys[kk j/kqoa’kh% i;kZoj.kvkSjiznq"k.k] e/;izns’kfgUnhxzUFkvdkneh]
Hkksiky 1987
tks’kh] jru % i;kZoj.kHkqxksy] lkfgR; HkouifCyds’kUl] vkxjk 2003
lDlsuk] gfjeksgu % i;kZoj.k ,oaiznq"k.k]] jktLFkkufgUnhxzUFkvdkneh] t;iqj] 2002
1. Study and interpretation of topographical sheets of typical areas of India; scheme of
Indian topographical sheets with a complete knowledge of their latest version
2. Profile drawing: serial, super-imposed, composite and projected; Knowledge of vertical
3. Geographical construction of following map projections: Cylindricalprojection; Simple
Cylindrical (Equidistant), Cylindrical Equal Area, Mercator; Conical Projection: One standard
parallel, Two standard parallel, Bonne, Poly-Conic, Zenithal Protection ( Polar (Case only) :
Equidistant, equal area, Gnomonic, Stereographic, Orthographic
4. Measure of Central Tendency : Mean, Median Mode and Standard Deviation
5. Prismatic Compass Survey: Corrections of Bearings and Closing of errors by Bowditch
Sing, R.L. : Elements of Practical Geography, Students Friends, Varanasi, 1987.
Singh, R. and Kanaujia, L.R.S. : Map work and Practical Geography, Central Book Depot,
Monkhouse, F.J. and Wilkinson, H.R. Map and Liagrams, Methudn, London 1994.
Robinson, A.H. : Elements of Cartography, Jonh Willy & Sons, New York.
Mishra, R.P.: Fundamental of cartography, Macmillan, New Delhi.
Kellay, Georgrp : Map Projections, Methuen & Co., London.
Steers, J.K. : Map Projections, University of London Press, London.
Sharma, J.P. : PrayogikBhoogol, RastogiPrkashan, Meerut.
Jain, S.M.: Prayogatmak, Bhoogol, SahityaBhawan, Agra.
ds vk/kkjHkwrO;olk;&eNyhidM+uk] i’kqikyu
Books Recommended
Hartshron, T.A. and Alexander, J.W. : Economic Geography, prentice-Hall of India
Pvt.Ltd.,New Delhi, 1988.
Das, Gupta and Kapur: AdhunikArithikvaVanijiyaBhugol, Premier Publishing Company, Delhi
Dubey, R.N. : Economic and Commercial Geography KitabMahal, Allahabad
Leong, G.C. and Morgan, G.C. : Human and Economic Geography, OUP, Oxford, 1986.
Wheeler and Muller : Economic Geography, Jonh Wiley and Sons, N.Y. II Edition.
Mamoria, C.B. : ArithikVanijiyaBhugol, Gaye Prasad and Sons, Agra
Negi, B.S. : Geography of Resources, KedarnathRamnath, Meerut, 1980.
Ranner, G.T. : World Economic Geography
Singh, A and Raza : ParkratikSansadhan, 1980
Singh, K.N. and Singh J. : ArithikBhugolkeMultatva, GyanodayaPrakashan, Gorakhpur, 1996.
dkSf’kd] ,l- Mh- % vkfFkZdHkqxksy ds ljyfl)kUr] jLrksxh] ifCyds’kUl] esjB
flag] txnh’k% llak/kuHkqxksy] Kkuksn; izdk’ku] xksj[kiqj] 1996
f}rh; iz’u&i=
Recommended Readings
Arvilla, R: Man and Environmental: Crisis and Strategy of Choice, Penguin, Hammonds –
Worth, 1967.
Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller: Environmental Studies, C.F. Merrill Pub. Co. Columbus, Ohio,
Das Saman, R.F. : Environmental Conservation, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976.
Detwyler, R. : Man’s Impact on Environment, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1972.
Duffey, E : Conservation of Nature, Collins, London, 1970.
Edington J.M. and M.A. Edingtion : Ecology and Environmental Planning, Champan and Hall,
Furley, P.A. and W.W. Newey : Man and the Biosphere, Butterworths, London, 1983.
Gerasimov, I.P. : Geography and Ecology , Progress Publication, Moscow, 1983.
Jonathan T : Introduction to Environmental Studies Sunders College Publishing, Philadilphia
Holt-Saunders, Japan, 1985.
M.I.T. : Study of Critical Environmental Problems, The M.I. T. Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1970.
Park C. C. : Ecology and Environmental Management, Butterworths, London, 1980.
Singh, P. : Environmental Pollution and Management, Chugh Publication, Allahabad, 1985.
voLFkhujsUnzeksgu ,oavkjihfrokjh% i;kZoj.kHkqxksy] e/;izns’kfgUnhxzUFkvdkneh] Hkksiky
usxh] ih ,l % ikfjfLFkrdh] fodkl ,oai;kZoj.kHkqxksy] jLrksxh ,.M dEiuhesjB] 1999
frokjh] fot; dqekj% i;kZoj.kvkSjikfjfLFkrdh] fgeky; ifCyf’kaxgkÅl] eqEcbZ] 1998
lDlsuk] gfjeksgu % i;kZoj.k ,oaikfjfLFkfrdhHkqxksy] jktLFkkufgUnhxzUFkvdkneh] t;iqj] 1994
flgalfoUnz% i;kZoj.kHkqxksy] iz;kxiqLrdHkou] bykgkckn 2003
flga] txnh’k % okrkoj.kfu;kstu ,oalafodkl] Kkuksn; izdk’ku] xksj[kiqj] 1996
JhokLro] oh ds ,oachihjko% i;kZoj.kvkSjikfjfLFkfrdh] olqU/kjkizdk’ku] xksj[kiqj] 2000
j/kqoa’kh] v#.k ,oapUnzys[kk j/kqoa’kh% i;kZoj.kvkSjiznq"k.k] e/;izns’kfgUnhxzUFkvdkneh]
Hkksiky 1987
tks’kh] jru % i;kZoj.kHkqxksy] lkfgR; HkouifCyds’kUl] vkxjk 2003
lDlsuk] gfjeksgu % i;kZoj.k ,oaiznq"k.k]] jktLFkkufgUnhxzUFkvdkneh] t;iqj] 2002
20 fo/kkfFkZ;ksa ds ,d leqggsrqizk;ksfxd ds pkjdkyak’kizfrlIrkg
1. iz;ksx’kkykdk;Z ( fyf[kriz’u&i= ) 2 /k.Vs 21
2. izk;ksfxdvH;kliqfLrdk ,oalk{kkRdkj 2/k.Vs 9+5=14 vad
3. {ks=h; losZ{k.k ,oalk{kkRdkj 2 /k.Vs 10+5=15 vad
;ksx 50 vad
Theory Marks
(Min. Pass Marks; 54)
Practical : 75
(Min. Pass Marks; 27)
Note: Each theory paper is divided in three parts i.e. Section-A, Section –B and Section –C.
Section-A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each unit
and answer of each question shall be limited up to 30 words. Each question will carry of 1 mark.
Section –B: Will consist of 10 questions. Each unit will be having two questions; students will
answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited up to 250 words.
Each question carries 3.5 Marks.
Section-C: will consist of total 05 questions. Students will answer any 03 questions and answer
of each question shall be limited up to 500 words. Each question carries 7.5 Marks.
Unit II: Muscle: Structure of various types of muscles and mechanism of muscle contraction
Excretion: Structure of kidney, types of nephron, mechanism of urine formation and its
elimination and arginine, ornithin cycle.
Unit IV: Endocrine glands: Structure and functions of various endocrine glands, diseases caused
by hormonal deficiency; Mechanism of hormone action.
Unit V: Structure of Protein and Carbohydrates; oxidation of glucose through glycolysis, Krebs
cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, deamination, transamination and decarboxylation.
Unit 1: Introduction of ecology, definition, history, sub division and scope of ecology.
Envirnmental factors; physical factors- soil, water, air and temperature. Biotic factors-
interspecific and intraspecific relations, neutralism, mutualism, commensalism, antibiosis,
parasitism, predation, competition. Concept of limiting factors, Liebig’s law of minimum,
Shelford’s law of tolerance, combined concept of limiting factors.
Unit II: Population and community ecology, measurement of population density, Factors
affecting population growth, growth factors, dispersal, characteristic of community, concept
of ecosystem and niches.
Food chain, food web, Ecological pyramid. Energy flow in an ecosystem, biogeochemical cycles
of CO2, N2, O2, S and P; Prospects and stratigies of sustainable development.
Unit III: Brief introduction to the major ecosystem of the world and ecological succession,
conservation of natural resources; Ecology in relation to Thar desert, Brief account of
environmental pollution, global warming and its impact upon Human race.
Unit IV: General survey of various types of animal behavior; Methods of studying animal
behavior, Role of hormones and pheromones in behavior, Biological rhythms.
Unit I: Poultry keeping: Types of poultry breeds, poultry housing, farm and farm management,
system of poultry farming; Grading, handling and marketing of eggs; Poultry diseases and
Vermiculture; Methodology and products.
Unit II: Sericulture: Different kinds of silk producing insects in India and its potentialities,
Host plants of silk insects, Grainage, rearing and life cycle, Breeding and various diseases
of silkworm, Reeling and fibre technology, Economics of sericulture.
Unit III: Apiculture: Different kinds of honey bees found in India and, their identification.
Identification of Queen, worker and drone, Importance of keeping bees in artificial hives
and different kinds of hives, Care and management of bee colonies, Bee enemies and their
control, Extraction and processing of honey from the comb, Utility and economics of
production of honey, Honey bees and pollination strategy in agricultural crops.
Unit IV: Pest Management : Insect pests of important crops (cotton, Rice, sugar cane & pulses),
insect pest of veterinary and medical importance, pest outbreaks and assessment of losses
caused by the insect pests on crops; population dynamics of insect pests; Principles of
Biological, mechanical and cultural methods of pest control, Integrated Pest Management
(IPM), Principles of pest control by pesticides, Important vertebrate pests, birds and
mammals with special reference to rodents and their management.
Unit V: General principles of aquaculture; transportation of fish seed and brooders, Induced
Breeding, Composite fish culture, Lay out of fish farm and its management, By-products of
fishing industry; Prawn culture; Management of water bodies for aquaculture.
Distribution of Marks
Maximum Marks: 75
Minimum Pass Marks: 27
Regular Ex.
Physiology Experiment 12 15
Ecology Experiment 12 15
Spots (six) 12 18
Dissection 07 10
Project report on local fauna 07 --
Permanent preparation 05 07
Viva-voce 10 10
Record 10 --
Total 75 75