Unit IV Scholarly Activity.docx
Unit IV Scholarly Activity.docx
Unit IV Scholarly Activity.docx
Instructions: The sampling results for the chemical hazards you tested for Acme Automotive Parts (AAP)
are listed in the following table. The volumes that are listed are what you provided to the laboratory.
Xylene 20 µg 48 L (8-hour)
Manganese Fume
(5 µg) / (30 L) = 0.16 mg/m3
[(0.16 mg/m3) (24.42L)] / 54.93804 g/mol = 0.071ppm
The volume and time of these sampling does not consist with the OSHA or NIOSH sampling parameters
Copper Fume
(140 µg) / (960 L) = 0.14 mg/m3
[(0.14 mg/m3) (24.42L)] / 63.55 g/mol = 0.053ppm
The sampling for copper fume was done using double the recommended parameters from OSHA’s
recommended sampling rate.
Lead Fume
(40 µg) / (960 L) = 0.041 mg/m3
[(0.041 mg/m3) (24.42L)] / 65.4g/mol = 0.015ppm
The sampling for copper fume was done using double the recommended parameters from OSHA’s
recommended sampling rate.
1,2,4 trimethylbenzene
(5 µg) / (48 L) = 0.10 mg/m3
[(0.10 mg/m3) (24.42L)] / 120.19g/mol = 0.020ppm
(125 µg) / (48 L) = 2.60 mg/m3
[(2.60 mg/m3) (24.42L)] / 92.14g/mol = 0.689ppm
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(20 µg) / (48 L) = 0.41 mg/m3
[(0.41mg/m3) (24.42L)] / 177.07g/mol = 0.056ppm
Part II: The results for the noise sampling in the following table were recorded from your noise
dosimeters. All the samples were collected for the full shift using 90 decibels on the A scale (dBA) as the
criterion level and 5 decibels (dB) exchange rate.
Answer the following for each of the locations listed above: Convert the results from dBA to percent.
Shipping/Receiving (8 hours)
78-90 = -12
-12/16.61 = -0.722
-0.722 log (10) = 0.189
(0.189)(100) = 18.9%
D= 2.2727 x 100
D= 227%
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NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards. [Cincinnati, Ohio] : Washington, DC :U.S. Dept. of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ; U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (1970). Occupational safety and health standards:
Occupational health and environmental control (Standard No. 1910.95). Retrieved from:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (1970). Occupational safety and health standards:
Alphabetic Index of Sampling and Analytical Methods. Retrieved from:
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