Starfire 2nd Edition Rules

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2 Starfire

Each tier has a letter assigned to it. The tier (or module)
(A1.0) Introduction to the letter comes first in the rules designation. The rule number im-
STARFIRE Series mediately follows the tier designation. (See the example below.)
STARFIRE is a series of games which simulates combat in (A0.00) = Tier A, Rule 0.00
space. Each game in the series adds a new technology or situations
The letters for the first five tiers of the rules are:
which build on the previous games. Game subjects range from
tactical starship battles to conflicts between galactic empires. •• Introduction to the STARFIRE Game Series = A
The tactical space combat system of STARFIRE is de- •• STARFIRE = B
signed to emphasize the inter-relationships of various weapon •• StrikeFighter = C
and support systems. The game system also allows players to con- •• New Empires = D
struct their own vehicles by selecting system modules and placing •• The Gorm-Khanate War = E
them into a given hull size. Though capable of many different
Within each tier, the rules are numbered in sequence.
variations, the STARFIRE tactical space combat system is easy
to play. (A2.2) Summaries of Rules
A history of the galaxy has been created to provide a back-
Each module contains a rule summary for the rules in that mod-
ground against which many different battles and campaigns
ule. This summary is merely a complete listing of the rules head-
may be fought. Players may also create their own battles and
ings in the order in which they are presented in the rules.
This boxed set introduces the STARFIRE game se- (A2.3) Indexes
ries. It contains the first two modules: STARFIRE and
Each module contains and index for all of the rules in its rule tiers
STRIKEFIGHTER. The STARFIRE modules contains
and all those which preceded. This will enable easy reference to any
the rules for starship to starship combat. STRIKEFIGHTER
rule which applies to any play situation in a given module.
adds the technology of space fighters to the basic starship combat
system. Later modules include NEW EMPIRES and THE (A2.4) Player’s Information Cards
Each module contains a Player’s Information Card with all the
NEW EMPIRES employs a strategic system which al-
tables necessary for the play of that module.
lows players to compete economically and militarily on a galactic
scale. THE GORM-KHANATE WAR is a strategic-level
campaign game depicting the first contact with the Gorm Empire. (A3.0) Rule Summary for Module A
THE GORM-KHANATE WAR also provides rules and
(A1.0) Introduction to the STARFIRE Series
components to add the Gormus Race to the STARFIRE game
(A2.0) How to Read the Rules
modules which precede it. Other modules will follow in the
(A2.1) Rule Numbers
(A2.2) Summaries of Rules
Nexus Magazine has a continuing section devoted to new
(A2.3) Indexes
material, errata, and scenarios for the STARFIRE game series.
(A2.4) Player’s Information Cards
(A3.0) Rule Summary for Module A
(A2.0) How to Read the Rules (A4.0) Copyright and Publisher’s Information
The modules of the STARFIRE game series should be mastered
in sequence. New players should learn to play STARFIRE (the (A4.0) Copyright and
first module) before going onto Strikefighter (the second module).
It is not necessary to know any of the rules from the modules Publisher’s Information
which follow the one the player wishes to play. STARFIRE I originally published by Task Force Games
All the rules of play for the STARFIRE series are in 1979, STARFIRE II originally published by Task Force
cross-referenced for ease of use by the players. Players should Games in 1980. The STARFIRE DESIGN STUDIO
read the rules of a module from start to finish. The rules contain is bringing back this module with only minor changes for those
detailed examples to illustrate important concepts of the game players nostalgic for the original.
system. STARFIRE II is copyrighted © 1980-2014 and re-pub-
lished in 2014 by the STARFIRE DESIGN STUDIO.
(A2.1) Rule Numbers All rights are reserved under the Pan-American, Berne, and
The rules for the STARFIRE game series are set up in tiers. International Copyright Conventions. No material that is based
Picture the rules as a building, with each tier adding a new floor on, for use with, incorporates elements of, or is designed for use
on top of those which came before it. Each module contains a new with STARFIRE can be published by any party without the
tier of rules which builds upon the tiers which preceded it. advanced written permission of the STARFIRE DESIGN
Starfire 3
You can find out more about the STARFIRE gaming NOTE ABOUT GAME BOARD AND PIECES: The
system and keep updated with news and events at http://www. game pieces described within this rule set do not come with the You can contact the STARFIRE electronic copy of this product. Counters and maps can, howev-
DESIGN STUDIO on our forums at http://www.starfired- er, be purchased from our website at http://www.starfiredesign. Join our forum to participate with other play- com/starfire/order, when those products are available.
ers debating rules, tactics, and to read stories written by players
about their campaign games. (A4.1) Credits for Second Edition 2014 Remake
Edits • Matthew Olson and James Yanchak

Blank paper and writing instruments are required for play,
(B1.0) Introduction to STARFIRE but are not included. Also, a coin or other object of comparable
STARFIRE is the first module of the STARFIRE game se- size is needed to serve as a Turn Marker. ·
ries. It covers starship to starship combat.

(B1.1) For the Novice Player (B2.0) The Game System

STARFIRE is not as complex as it appears to be. One may (Tactical Space Combat)
become a competent player of this game after reading the rules
STARFIRE is a tactical space combat module for the
sections indi­cated in the section below (B2.1) and playing the
STARFIRE game series. It may be played-by two or more play-
Introductory Scenario (B12.1) once or twice. A friend who is an
ers. The game system is designed to emphasize the inter-relation-
experienced gamer would prove an invaluable aid.
ships of various weapons systems and tactics in starship combat.
As one reads the rules and plays the Introductory
Scenario, the following concepts are the most important to un-
(B2.1) The Tactical Space Combat Scale
derstand the Sequence of Play (B2.0), which is a listing, in or-
der, of the things which happen each game turn; starship move- Each playing piece represents a single starship, base, planet, warp
ment (B5.0), which outlines how one may maneuver his starship point or star. Each hexagon (hex) on the map represents one-half
on the playing map; the Starship Control Sheet section (B2.2), of a light-second (or 93,000 miles). Each turn represents 30 sec-
which gives a listing of the symbols for the starship systems and onds of time.
explains how to mark off damage; and the tables and methods
(B2.2) The Starship Control Sheet
involved in using starship weapons (B6.0). With an understand-
ing of these main game concepts, a player will be able to pick up The Starship Control Sheet is a very important element in the
the other details as he plays. game. It lists the systems with which each starship or base is
(B1.2) For the Gamer New to The Starship Control Sheets for a scenario are copied onto a
blank sheet of paper. The systems are listed on the Control Sheets
the STARFIRE System
in order from left to right. A single capital letter, or a capital letter
If one is new to the STARFIRE game system, he should followed by a lower case letter, is used to designate each system.
carefully read rules sections (B1.0) through (B10.0), omit- In combat, damage is recorded by crossing off a system on the
ting (B4.2), (B6.11) and all of (B7.0). In the areas dealing with Starship Control Sheet for each damage point caused by a hit.
weapons and starship systems, the player should concentrate on This is normally done in order, from left to right. The Starship
sections (B8.11), (B8.12), (B8.16), (B8.21), (B8.22), (B8.31) and Control Sheet then reflects the actual capability of a starship (the
(B8.38). He should also familiarize himself with the PLAYER’S systems which are still functioning) for the next round of combat.
INFORMATION CARD for STARFIRE Module B. Below is a sample a Starship Control Sheet for a ship at the
Examples are provided to demonstrate major rules sec- beginning of a scenario:
tions. Garners new to the STARFIRE game system should
play the Introductory Scenario (B12.1) before going on to more McClellan - DD2 - (2) SSSAAAIHFIWDIIII(6)
complex scenarios. Once players have a grasp of the mechanics Explanation of Ship Control Sheet
of playing STARFIRE, they may advance to the more com-
plex scenarios and make use of any optional rules desired. McClellan • Name of the Ship
DD2 • Starship type and identifying number of the individual
(B1.3) Game Components Used starship.
with STARFIRE (2) • Turn Mode requirement of the starship [see rule (B5.21)].
The hex-map is used in all STARFIRE scenarios. STARFIRE SSS • Three units of shields [see rule (B8.21)].
uses the playing pieces contained on the playing-piece sheet la- AAA • Three units of armor [see rule (B8.22)].
beled STARFIRE. STARFIRE also uses the two six-sided
dice included in this set. IIIIII • Six ion engines [see rule (B8.38)].
4 Starfire

H • A cargo hold [see rule (B8.31)]. Starship Type Code

F • A force beam [see rule (B8.14)]. Freighter-1 F1
W • A gun/missile launcher [see rule (B8.13)]. Freighter-2 F2
Freighter-3 F3
D • A point defense system [see rule (B8.23)].
Freighter-4 F4
(6) • Notation of the number of movement points available each
turn [see rule (B5.1)]. (B2.6) The Course of Play
Each game consists of a series of turns (with the number of turns nor-
(B2.3) The Tactical Combat Map mally specified by the scenario being played). Each turn consists of a
The hex-map, also referred to as the tactical map, is used to repre- series of steps taken in a specific sequence. This sequence is referred
sent the area of space in which battles are fought. The map is over- to as the Sequence of Play [see rule (B3.0)]. The Sequence of Play
printed with a grid of numbered hexes as a means of regulating controls the flow of the game by telling players what to do next.
movement, facing and position of starships and other items. The
number in the hexes are used in the initial setup of scenarios to (B2.7) Combat Tables
designate specific locations at which certain playing pieces begin. Several tables, referred to as Combat Results Tables (or CRTs for
The map is divided into six parts, labeled A, B, C, D, E, and short) are used to determine the outcome of any weapons fire and
F. these subdivisions are used with an optional rule which allows its effect. These tables are a matrix of the probabilities of different
for an unlimited map, and they are not used in the basic scenarios. possible outcomes by the type of weapon fired and the range from the
The set of letters in the upper right-hand corner of the map is firing starship to the target. Dice are used to add a random element
sued in the initial setup for scenarios to designate beginning fac- and require players to cope with a range of possible results. The CRTs
ing for starships. The set of numbers in the lower left-hand corner used in the STARFIRE module are explained in much more detail
of the map is not used in this module. in the rule section dealing with starship combat (B6.0). and may be
found on the PLAYER’S INFORMATION CARD for Module B.
(B2.4) The Playing Pieces
The STARFIRE module uses the playing pieces on the play-
ing-piece sheet labeled STARFIRE. Each playing piece rep- (B3.0) Sequence of Play
resents a specific individual starship or other object.
Each starship is of a specific type, which is indicated by the
(Tactical Space Combat)
two-letter code in the top left-hand corner of each playing pieces, During each turn of a game of the STARFIREmodule, the
as well as by the ship’s silhouette. The number in the top right- players must execute the following phases in this order:
hand corner of the playing piece is used to identify individual 1. Initiative Determination Phase.
starships of a given type and race. However, six counters do not 2. Movement Phase.
have designations. These are one star playing piece, two planets 3. Combat Phase.
(A and B) and three warp points (1, 2, and 3). 4. Tractor Beam Phase.
The race which owns a particular starship is designated by 5. Record Keeping Phase.
the color combination of the playing piece (Terran = black on
blue, Khanate = black on red, Ophiuchi = white on black).
Freighters are differentiated by type, but may be used by (B3.1) Explanation of Sequence of
any race. Freighter playing pieces are printed on black and white. Play (Tactical Space Combat)
Other playing pieces are used to represent planets, warp
points, bases, and stars. These may be used by any player, and are 1. Initiative Determination Phase - In some scenarios, initiative
assigned values by the scenario being played. will be specified as belonging to one player. Otherwise,
players must determine which of them has initiative for each
(B2.5) Starship Types turn. See the complete rules on initiative in section (B4.0).
2. Movement Phase - The players now move their ships
The type of starship which is represented by a playing piece is indi-
according to the rules on initiative (B4.0) and movement
cated by both the silhouette of the ship and the two-letter code on
the playing piece. The following chart is key for these ship codes.
3. Combat Phase - The players now fire the weapons of their
Starship Type Code starships in accordance with the rules on initiative (B4.0)
Superdreadnought SD and combat (B6.0).
Battleship BB 4. Tractor Beam Phase- In accordance with the rules on
Battlecruiser BC tractor beams (B7.0), players using starships equipped
Cruiser CA with this technology may now attempt to attach the beams
Light Cruiser CL onto other starships. ·
Destroyer DD 5. Record Keeping Phase - Any record keeping which may be
Frigate FG required is done now. The Turn Marker is then advanced
Corvette CT to indicate the start of the next turn. Use a coin, an unused
Escort ES playing piece or other object of similar size as the Turn
Base BS Marker. Use an edge of the map for a Turn Track.
Starfire 5

(B4.0) Initiative in Movement and The movement allowance is stated in terms of movement
points. These movement points may be used for the following actions:
Combat (Tactical Space Combat) 1. Move from one hex to an adjoining hex in the direction in
Initiative refers to the order in which players move their starships which the starship is facing. Cost is one movement point.
and fire their starships’ weapons. The player who has the initiative 2. Move from one hex to an adjoining hex and change facing
is determined at the beginning of each turn unless initiative is [see rule (B5.21)].
specified by the scenario. The player with the initiative will retain 3. Remain in place with the same facing. Cost is one
it throughout a given turn. movement point.
4. Remain in place the entire turn and change to any other
(B4.1) Initiative for Two Player Games facing. This must be done during the last impulse in which
Determining initiative in two-player games is a simple procedure: a given starship would have moved.
1. A six-sided die is rolled by each of the players. Any tie is
rerolled. (B5.2) Facing
2. The player with the highest die-roll wins the initiative. The Each starship must have a specific facing at all times. That is, the
player with initiative will move his starships last, and begin playing piece on the map must be pointed toward a specific adja-
the Combat Phase by firing any and all weapons of one of cent hex. A one-letter code, A through F, is used to designate fac-
his starships first. ing. These facing codes are shown in the upper right-hand corner
of the tactical combat map.
(B4.2) Initiative for Three or More Players
In multi-player games, the following procedure is observed to de-
(B5.21) Changing Facing During Movement
termine initiative: A starship which has met its turn mode requirement may change
facing 60 degrees (one hex side) without any cost in movement
1. Each player rolls a six-sided die. All ties are rerolled. points. Facing changes are always made at the end of a movement
2. Initiative is assigned in order of the players’ die-rolls, impulse. In other words, a player could move a starship into a new
from the highest roll to the lowest. The player with the hex and then change facing (assuming the ship’s turn mode re-
highest roll will move his starships last and fire any and all quirement had been met). However, he could not change facing
weapons of one of his starships first. The player with the and then move in the same movement impulse.
lowest roll will move his starships first and fire any and all The turn mode requirement is the number of movement
weapons of one of his starships last. The player with the points which a starship must expend in a single direction before
second highest die-roll will move second from last and fire it may change its facing. This turn mode requirement is listed in
immediately after the player with initiative. Additional parentheses after the starship type/identification number on the
players are handled in a similar fashion. starship’s Control Sheet. Movement points expended in previous
turns may be used to satisfy the turn mode requirement. In ad-
(B5.0) Starship Movement dition, movement points expended in place while retaining the
same facing may be used to satisfy the turn mode requirement.
Starship movement takes place after initiative has been deter- Note that a starship “earns” the right to change its facing
mined [see Sequence of Play (Tactical Space Combat) (B3.0)]. by ex­pending enough movement points to satisfy its turn mode
Starships may remain in place, or are moved from one hex to requirement, but does not have to turn immediately upon doing
an adjoining hex in the direction in which the ships are facing. so. Turn mode requirement must be re-earned after each facing
Starships are moved one impulse at a time. An impulse is a di- change.
vision of the Movement Phase which consists of expending one A starship may change facing more than once in a given
movement point for each starship of each player. game turn if it has sufficient movement points to do so, and satis-
The player who does not have the initiative expends one fies its turn mode requirement before each change of facing.
movement point each for all of his starships (by moving or staying A starship may expend all of its movement points for a turn
in place). The next player then does the same for all of his ships. to change its facing to any other hex side. This facing change must
The process is continued until all players have expended one be made during the last impulse of a given starship’s Movement
movement point for all of their ships. This is the end of one move- Phase. No further movement or facing changes are allowed for
ment impulse. These impulses are repeated until all starships that ship if this action is taken, since all movement points for the
have expended their full movement allowance. ship are exhausted by the facing change.
There is no limit to the number or combination of starships
which may be in the same hex during or after movement. (B5.3) Starship Movement Example
The Terran player begins the Movement Phase of the current
(B5.1) Movement Allowance turn with two starships on the tactical combat map. The Cruiser
The movement allowance of a starship is equal to the number of un- Peru, with six movement points and a turn mode of three is in hex
destroyed ion engines the ship has at the beginning of the Movement 0608 facing D (toward hex 0609). The Frigate Encounter, with five
Phase. This may be determined by looking at the starship’s Control movement points and a turn mode of two is in hex 0707 facing D
Sheet. This movement allowance is not transferable between (toward hex 0708).
starships, and must be completely expended each turn.
6 Starfire

The Khanate player begins the same Movement Phase with or all weapons available on his starships at targets of his choice.
one starship on the tactical combat map: the Battleship Falkreg These targets are normally enemy starships. All of the weapons
with six movement points and a turn mode of four. The Battleship on a given starship are fired at the same time, even though the
is in hex 1720 facing F (toward hex 1619). The Falkreg expended weapons may be targeted at different enemy playing pieces if mul-
the last movement point of the previous Movement Phase in the tiplex tracking is available ((B6.11) and (B8.35)).
direction in which it now faces. Each player alternates firing the weapons of one of his
The Khanate player lost the initiative for the current turn, starships until all starships of all players have had an opportunity
and so begins movement. He expends one movement point and to fire their undestroyed weapons (An exception to this involves
moves the Falkreg into hex 1619. The Terran player now expends the use of datalink, which allows up to three starships to fire their
the first movement point for each of his two starships by moving weapons as a unit [see rule (B11.2)].) The player with the initiative
the Peru into hex 0609 and the Encounter into hex 0708. (B4.0) begins the exchange, followed by the other player(s) in de-
The Khanate player follows, expending the second move- scending order of initiative rolls.
ment point of the Falkreg by moving it into hex 1519. The Terran Range and weapon type are cross-indexed on the Probability
player then ex­pends the second movement point of the Peru by of Hit Table (Starships Firing at Starships) to determine if a hit
staying in place, and the second movement point of the Encounter has occurred. A number will appear at the intersection of these
by moving it into hex 0709. columns. Two six-sided dice are rolled, and if the result is equal
Having now fulfilled the turn mode requirement of the to or less than the number indicated at the intersection of the
Encounter (by expending two movement points in the same di- columns, the result will be a hit. Next, the Effect of Hit Table is
rection), the Terran player elects to change the facing of the consulted, and the range and weapon type cross-indexed to de-
Encounter by one hex side (60 degrees). He turns the starship to a termine the number of damage points which result from the hit.
facing of C (toward hex 0809). The indicated number of damage points must be marked off the
The Khanate player now expends the third movement point targeted starship’s Control Sheet immediately.
of the Falkreg by moving it into hex 1418. He then elects to change The marked off damage points will have an immediate effect
the facing of the Falkreg to A (toward hex 1417). The Falkreg has on the damaged starship. Any system which is destroyed before it
fulfilled its turn mode requirement of four: three movement is employed in this Combat Phase may not be used.
points spent in the same direction this turn, and one carried over
from the previous Movement Phase. (B6.1) Targeting/Field of Fire
The Terran player expends a movement point in place for the Unless a starship is equipped with multiplex tracking [see rule
Peru, and elects to turn it one hex side to a new facing of C (toward (B6.11)], each starship may only chose one enemy starship or base to
hex 0710). The Peru has satisfied its turn mode requirement by ex- be the target of its weapons during a given Combat Phase. The tar-
pending three movement points in the same direction, even though geted starship or base must be within the firing starship’ s field of fire.
it did not move during two impulses. He then expends the third A starship has a 300 degree field of fire for each of its weap-
movement point for the Encounter by moving it into hex 0809. ons because of the ion engines and their emissions, which block
The Khanate player now expends the fourth movement weapons fire to the rear-most 60 degrees of arc. The following
point of the Falkreg by moving it into hex 1417. The Terran player diagram illustrates a starship’ s field of fire.
expends the fourth movement point for each of his starships by
moving the Peru into hex 0710 and the Encounter into hex 0910.
The Terran player could change the facing of the Encounter at this
time, since the starship has fulfilled its turn mode requirement.
However, he does not elect to take advantage of this possibility. ·
The Khanate player then expends the fifth movement point of
the Falkreg by moving it into hex 1416. The Terran player expends
the fifth movement point of the Peru by moving it into hex 0810, and
the fifth movement point of the Encounter by moving it into hex 1010.
The Khanate player now expends the sixth and final move-
ment point of the Falkreg by moving it into hex 1415. The Terran
player expends the sixth and final movement point of the Peru by
moving it into hex 0911. The Encounter had only five movement
points, and so does not move.
This completes the Movement Phase of this turn, since
all of the starships on the tactical combat map have expended
all of their movement points. Play would now continue with the
Combat Phase for this turn.

(B6.0) Starship Combat The shaded hexes on the diagram are within this starship’s
field of fire. The hex in which a starship is located is always in-
The Combat Phase occurs after all movement is completed. cluded in its field of fire. The unshaded hexes are not part of this
During the Combat Phase of each turn, each player may fire any starship’s field of fire.
Starfire 7
Two starships connected via a tractor beam may always fire hexes, according to the Effect of Hit Table, a force beam causes
at one another, regardless of field of fire [see rule (B7.0)]. two points’ worth of damage. Both of these damage points are
scored on shields.
(B6.11) Using Multiplex Tracking The Khanate player then rolls a “6” for the primary beam, a
The system referred to as multiplex tracking (M”x“), with x stan­ roll which indicates a hit at this range. He rolls a second time to
ding for the number of targets which may be tracked) allows a determine which system the primary beam will affect. His second
starship’s weapons to be fired at more than one target in a single die roll is a “3,” and causes the overload dampener (0) - which is
Combat Phase. A starship equipped with an (M2) could target two the third system inside the armor and shields, ignoring the cargo
different starships, an (M3) could target three ships, and so on. hold- to be destroyed.
The Wisconsin’s Control Sheet now looks like this:
(B6.2) How To Score Damage Points
After a weapon has scored a hit and the number of damage points
inflicted has been determined, the damage must be marked off On the next impulse of the Combat Phase, the Terran player
the targeted starship’s Control Sheet. Damage points are scored fires the weapons of a ship on the other side of the tactical combat
by mark­ing off the systems which are destroyed, skipping any map. This weapons fire has no effect on the Wisconsin’s situation.
previously destroyed and marked off systems. Different weapons The Khanate player, however, continues to concentrate his fire on
score damage points differently, as follows: the Terran’s Cruiser: a Khanate Battleship at a range of two hex-
es opens fire. The Battleship has two force beams, two primary
1. Guns, missiles, and force beams cause systems to be marked
beams, two gun/missile launchers, and two energy beams.
off from left to right, destroying the systems in order.
The Khanate player decides to use his two primary beams
2. Energy beams cause systems to be marked off from left to
first, hoping to knock out internal defense systems on the Terran
right, destroying systems in order but skipping armor and
Cruiser. He rolls two hits for his primary beams. The hits cause
cargo hold systems.
one point’s worth of damage each.
3. Laser beams cause systems to be marked off from left to
The Khanate player then rolls again for each of these hits to
right, destroying systems in order but skipping shields.
determine which systems are affected. He rolls a “1” and a “5.” The
4. Primary beams affect systems from left to right, skipping
“1” is scored on the W system (gun/missile launcher). which is the
shields, armor, and cargo holds. Each damage point
first system inside the armor and shields ignoring the cargo hold.
inflicted by this weapon will randomly destroy one of the
The “5” is scored on the (M2) (multiplex tracking system), which,
next six systems after shields and armor, ignoring cargo
after the gun/missile launcher is hit, is the fifth undestroyed sys-
holds. A six-sided die is rolled to determine which of the
tem inside the armor and shields, ignoring the cargo hold.
systems should be marked off. If the die-roll indicates a
Using his force beams next, the Khanate player again rolls
system beyond the undestroyed systems of the target (i.e.,
two hits. (At a two-hex range, only a “12” would not be a hit.)
the die-roll is higher than the number of undestroyed
These hits score three damage points each, all of which are scored
systems after a ship’s shields and armor, ignoring cargo
against the Wisconsin’s shields.
holds). the primary beam is considered to have missed. No
At a range of two hexes, guns have a better chance to hit
system is marked off as being destroyed in this case.
than missiles, and are not vulnerable to point defense weapons.
Consequently, the Khanate player decides to use his two gun/
(B6.3) Announcing Shields Down missile launchers in their gun mode. He rolls a “4” and a “7”: two
A player must tell his opponents whenever one of his starships hits which score one damage point each. These two damage points
has its shields down. This announcement must be made immedi- are scored on the last two remaining shields of the Wisconsin.
ately after the starship has all of its shields destroyed. As required, the Terran player announces that the
Wisconsin has its shields down (see (B6.3)). The Khanate player
(B6.4) Combat Example now knows that his energy beams will do significant damage, and
The Terran Cruiser Wisconsin is in a particularly exposed po- so fires them. Only one of the energy beams hits, and it scores
sition at the end of the Movement Phase. Because of this, the three damage points. Two of these damage points are absorbed by
Terran player fires the Wisconsin’s weapons before those of any of the two remaining overload dampeners, so only one damage point
his other starships, and virtually destroys a Khanate Destroyer. is scored. Since energy beams skip armor and cargo holds, this
But now it is the Khanate player’s turn to fire the weapons of one damage point destroys an ion engine. The Wisconsin’s Control
of his starships. He fires the weapons of one of his Cruisers at the Sheet now looks like this:
The Ol’Wik, as she is known to her crew, has the following
Starship Control Sheet at the beginning of this combat round: After having lost an ion engine and being forced to turn around
(which expends a movement point and time). the Wisconsin is now at
a one-hex range from the Khanate Battleship. Unfortunately for the
The Khanate Cruiser has been damaged. It has only two Terran player, the Khanate player wins the initiative in this turn and
force beams and one primary beam still in operation. Firing at a elects to fire his Battleship’s weapons at the Wisconsin.
range of four hexes, the Khanate player rolls a “5” and an “11” for Wishing to do internal damage first, the Khanate player would
the force beams, so only one force beam has hit. At a range of four like to fire his primary beams. However, since he fired his Battleship’s
8 Starfire

primary beams last turn, he may not fire them again this turn [see The tractoring starship ma,y always voluntarily release any
rule (B8.15)]. Instead, he decides to use his energy beams, which skip starship it has tractored.
armor and cargo holds. At this range, a hit is automatic with energy
beams, and they do four points of damage each. (B7.3) Effects of Being Tractored
The Terran player realizes that even with two of the damage The following are the effects of being tractored:
points negated by the overload dampeners (O), the Wisconsin will
1. Firing ranges are reduced by three for the Probability of
be gutted. Rule (B8.24) allows the Terran player to “bum-out” his
Hit Table (Starships Firing at Starships) when a tractoring
overload dampeners, in which case they will absorb four damage
starship fires at a target held within its tractor beam. The
points each. The Terran player decides to allow the Wisconsin’s
effect of a hit is determined by the actual range.
overload dampeners to burn out, and marks these systems off as if
2. Missiles fired by either the tractoring starship or the
they were destroyed.
tractored starship or base automatically hit if their target
Now, using the Battleship’s force beams, the Khanate player
is the starship or base to which the firing ship or base is
again attacks the crippled Terran Cruiser. The force beams automat-
connected by a tractor beam. However, these missiles may
ically hit at this range, and score a total of eight damage points. These
still be intercepted by point defense [see rule (B8.23)].
damage points destroy the remaining armor, a cargo hold, the pri-
3. If a player has a starship which is holding another ship
mary beam, a gun/missile launcher, an ion engine, and the last gun/
or base in its tractor beam, and if the tractored ship or
missile launcher. The Battleship, using multiplex tracking, fires his
base is in the same or an adjacent hex, the player may
gun/missile launchers as missiles at another Terran starship.
look at the Control Sheet for the tractored playing piece.
The Wisconsin, after enduring the onslaught of the Khanate If a tractored starship or base located in the same hex as
Battleship, now has a Control Sheet which looks like this: the tractoring ship is fired at by a primary beam of the
tractoring ship, the system which is damaged may be
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFHxDCIII selected by the trac­toring starship’s player. However, the
system must be one which may be affected by a primary
It is unlikely that the Wisconsin will survive another turn.
beam [see rule (B8.15)].
4. A starship or base held by tractor beam(s) may be fired
(B7.0) Tractoring Other Starships upon by the tractoring starship in addition to the normal
After the Combat Phase, any starship equipped with a tractor beam number of targets on which the tractoring starship is
may attempt to “latch onto” another starship or a base. Starships at- allowed to fire. The tractored ship does not have to be
tached by tractor beams to other starships or bases must be moved within the tractoring ship’s normal field of fire to be fired
in accordance with the special rules outlined in section” (B7.3). on in this manner [see rule (B6.1)].
One tractor beam may only attach to one target at a time. 5. Only the largest starship (tractored or tractoring- based on
During any Tractor Beam Phase, each tractor beam may only at- the largest number of undestroyed hull spaces devoted to
tempt to link onto a target once. Starships may carry more than ion engines/may continued to use its engines. Any smaller
one tractor beam system, and if so, these systems are completely starship connected to another ship by a tractor beam must
independent. shut down its ion engines. A starship which has its ion
Tractored starships are governed by special rules regarding engines shut down may not move normally during any
the probability of a hit, as outlined in section (B7.3). There are Movement Phase in which the beam is still attached. All
also special rules concerning attacks made on a tractored starship smaller tractored starships are moved on a course identical
by the tractoring starship. to that of the largest starship.
•• Two starships of equal size which are tractored together
A starship may tractor another ship or base of any size, but
its movement may be affected by a tractored starship which has a will not move at all during the regular Movement
larger number of .undestroyed hull spaces devoted to ion engines. Phase. If two ships of equal size are the largest in a
group of tractored starships, the entire group will not
(B7.1) How to Tractor a Starship move during the regular Movement Phase.
•• At the end of each Movement Phase (after all normal
A target is automatically captured by a tractor beam if it is within
movement is completed), each of the smaller starships
five hexes of the tractoring starship and does not have a shearing
in tow is moved one hex closer to the largest starship.
plane [see rule (B7.2)]. A tractor beam may only be attached to one
If two starships of equal size are tractoring each other,
starship at a time. Only one attempt to tractor a target may be made
each starship would move one hex toward the other at
per Tractor Beam Phase for each of a starship’s tractor beam systems.
the end of each Movement Phase.
(B7.2) How To Break A Tractor Beam There are a virtually unlimited number of cases involving
A tractoring attempt always fails if the targeted starship has a chains of tractored starships. In any situation, begin with the
shearing plane. One shearing plane will negate the effects of any starship with the largest number of ion engines and resolve the
number of tractor beams. effect of its tractors first. Then go to the starship with the next
Once a tractor beam’s effect has been established, it may largest number of ion engines and resolve the effects of its trac-
only be broken by destroying the tractor beam system of the trac- tors. This process should be repeated until the smallest starship
toring starship. · in the chain is reached.
Starfire 9
(B7.4) Tractoring A Base points scored by this weapon is a function of range: the closer the
All of the tractoring rules and effects for starships also apply to target is to the firing starship, the greater is the number of dam-
bases. Bases have power plants for maintaining position, and also age points which will be scored. A force beam hit affects the next
have a large mass which must be overcome in order for the base undestroyed system in line from left to right.
to be moved by a tractor beam. If a base is tractored by a starship,
assume the base has the following number of hull spaces devoted
(B8.15) Primary Beam (P)
to ion engines: This weapon is a modification of the force beam. The force beam’s
compressive energy covers an area measured in meters. The pri-
B-1 6 hull spaces. mary beam concentrates this same force over a much smaller area.
B-2 12 hull spaces. Primary beams skip armor and shield systems, and then
B-3 18 hull spaces. randomly hit one of the next six undestroyed systems, ignoring
B-4 24 hull spaces. cargo holds. If the Probability of Hit Table (Starships Firing
at Starships) table indicates a hit, the firing player rolls a single
(B8.0) Starship Systems six-sided die, and the hit affects the Nth undestroyed system
(where N = the die roll result) to the right of the shields and ar-
Each starship or base is a combination of systems. Each of these mor, ignoring cargo holds. If the number rolled is higher than the
systems has a corresponding symbol which is used to denote it on number of undestroyed systems to the right of the shields and
the starship’s or base’s Control Sheet. These systems are grouped armor, ignoring cargo holds, the hit is considered to have done no
as follows: starship weapons, starship defense systems, and other damage. Primary beams may only fire once every other turn since
starship systems. their focusing lenses are burned out each time the weapon is fired,
and must be replaced.
(B8.1) Starship Weapons
(B8.16) Laser Beam (L)
(B8.11) Gun (G) An extremely high-powered gas laser, this weapon is short-
This weapon is remarkably similar to the naval guns which were ranged, moderately inexpensive, and may score up to two points
in use during Earth’s World Wars, circa 1900s A.D. The shell is of damage at close range. A laser beam will affect undestroyed
com­pletely “dumb,” having no homing or terminal guidance of any systems from left to right, ignoring shields.
type. This is not a drawback, however, in that the shell, once fired,
cannot be jammed, intercepted or diverted’. The probability of a (B8.17) Energy Beam (E)
hit with the gun falls off dramatically as the firing range increases. This weapon is a charged particle-beam projector, and functions
However, the effect of a hit is not diminished by distance. One gun by firing excited helium nuclei at the target. These particles build
hit causes one point of damage and destroys one system. A gun hit up a charge much like static electricity on the ship’s hull, and this
will affect the next undestroyed system in line from left to right. charge continues to build until it reaches destructive proportions.
Energy beams may score up to five points of damage at point-
(B8.12) Missile Launcher (R) blank range, and af­fect undestroyed systems from left to right,
This weapon is, again, not unlike those used on Earth in the 1900s ignoring armor and cargo holds. The effect of energy beams may
A.D. It has a longer range than a gun, and a better chance of a hit be negated by overload dampeners [see rule (B8.24)].
at all but the shortest ranges. At very short ranges, its chances of a
hit are small; but as range increases, the chance of a hit levels off at (B8.2) Starship Defense Systems
about 80% over most of the weapon’s total range. Missile hits cause
one point’s worth of damage each, and destroy one system. A missile (B8.21) Shields (S)
hit will affect the next undestroyed system in line from left to right. This system is basically an electromagnetic field which absorbs
Missiles may be stopped by point defense [see rule (B8.23)]. damage by collapsing. Each damage point will cause one shield
Deter­mination of the effectiveness of point defense takes place af- system to collapse (at which point it is marked off as destroyed).
ter finding that the missile would hit if not intercepted by a point Primary and laser beams are not absorbed by shields, but shields
defense system (i.e., the die-roll result against the Probability of are an effective defense against other weapon systems.
Hit Table (Starships Firing at Starships) indicates a hit).
(B8.22) Armor (A)
(B8.13) Gun/Missile Launcher (W) Armor is the combination of the extraordinarily tough metal skin
This weapon may be used as either a gun or missile launcher in a of the starship’s hull and the overall structural toughness of the
given turn, at the owning player’s discretion. The mode in which hull’s construction. Armor systems are destroyed by one damage
the weapon is to be fired must be announced prior to its use. A die point each. By being destroyed, armor systems save the internal
is rolled for this weapon to determine if it has hit, and damage is systems from destruction. Armor is an effective defense against
scored and starship systems affected according to how the weapon all weapons except primary and energy beams.
was used (as gun or missile launcher).
(B8.23) Point Defense (D)
(B8.14) Force Beam (F) This is a multiplex weapons-mount which includes lasers,
This weapon is, in a sense, simply a magnetic fist which rams a high-speed guns and short-ranged missiles. Its purpose is to
target and does damage by kinetic energy. The number of damage
10 Starfire

detect, track and destroy incoming missiles before they strike the twelve missiles are indicated to be hits. However, the Oklahoma’s
starship. point defense systems may be able to knock down some of the
Use the Probability of Hit Table (Starships Firing at incoming and targeted missiles.
Starships) to determine which missiles out of a given volley are on The first missile is taken on by point defense system A. The
target (will hit if not intercepted by the point defense system), and die is rolled and results in a “4.” The missile is stopped. The second
which have “missed.” The point defense system will try to inter- missile is taken on by point defense system 8, a “1” is rolled, and
cept only those missiles which are shown to be on target (a hit) by the second missile stopped.
the Probability of Hit Table (Starships Firing at Starships). The The third missile is the target of point defense system A
others are considered to have passed far enough away from the again, but this time only a roll of “1” through “4” will stop the
ship that the defensive systems ignored them. missile. The die roll is “3,” and the missile is stopped. The fourth
Missiles which are shown as a hit on the Probability of Hit missile is to be intercepted by point defense system 8, but the in-
Table (Starships Firing at Starships) are more correctly described terception attempt fails when the die roll result is “5.” The missile
as “missiles which will hit if not stop­ped by the point defense hits the starship.
system. The fifth missile is targeted by point defense system A, and
The point defense systems may become overwhelmed, and stopped with a die roll of “3.” (A “4” or higher would have allowed
to reflect this fact, each successive missile in a volley which is tar- the missile to hit the starship.) Point defense system 8 is inaccu-
geted by a given point defense system will have a better chance of rate again, the Terran player rolling a “4,” and the point defense
penetrating the system’s weapons and hitting. A volley is defined system allows the sixth missile to hit the starship. This hit de-
as all missiles fired from a single starship (or a group of starships stroys point defense system A.
connected by datalink [see rule (B11.2)] at a given time. The table The seventh missile is targeted by point defense system 8,
below gives the die roll necessary (on one six-sided die) for a given the only one that remains. Point defense system 8 will only suc-
point defense system to stop each successive missile: cessfully intercept the missile on a “1” or a “2.” The die-roll is “2,”
and the seventh missile is stopped. ‘
Missile Die Roll Needed
The only die-roll which will now allow a missile to be
1st 1–5
stopped by point defense is a “1.” The Terran player rolls a “1,”and
2nd 1–4
the eighth missile is stopped. The ninth, tenth, and eleventh mis-
3rd 1–3
4th 1–2
siles hit automatically, as no point defense system may take on
5th 1 more than five missiles per volley.
6th and up No interception possible
(B8.24) Overload Dampener (O)
Note that each missile fired at a starship with an oper-
The overload dampener is a gigantic capacitor which stores the
ational point defense system may have as many as two die rolls
energy from an energy beam hit and then bleeds it off into space.
before the outcome of the weapons-fire is resolved. First, a roll of
Each undestroyed overload dampener will negate one point’s
two six-sided dice is made against the Probability of Hit Table
worth of damage from an energy beam per volley (not per turn).
(Starships Firing at Starships) to determine if the missile will
Overload dampeners are only effective against energy
reach its target. If so, a second roll of one six-sided die is necessary
beams. They are not destroyed by being used to absorb one dam-
to determine if the missile will penetrate the targeted starship’s
age point from an energy beam hit.
point defense system.
An overload dampener may by overloaded to a total absorption
If a targeted starship has more than one point defense sys-
of four damage points at once. However, this will cause the dampener
tem, each system will attack incoming missiles in rotation. The
to become burned out, in which case it is marked off as destroyed.
first point defense system will fire at the first missile, the second
point defense system will fire at the second missile, and so on, un- (B8.3) Other Starship Systems
til all point defense systems have fired once. Then the first point
defense system will fire again, and so on. No incoming missile (B8.31) Cargo Holds (H)
may be fired upon by more than one point defense system. A sepa-
Cargo holds are storage areas. In a combat starship, the cargo
rate record is kept for each point defense system of the number of
holds are used to carry the supplies which allow the ship to voyage
missiles on which it has fired within a given volley.
for an extended length of time. Cargo holds are expendable in a
Point Defense Example combat situa­tion, and if destroyed, do not affect a starship’s capa-
The Terran Cruiser Oklahoma has two point defense systems. bilities for a battle.
She is fired on by two missiles from a Khanate Destroyer, both In a Freighter, the holds are used to carry cargo of one type
of which will hit if not intercepted. Each of the point defense sys- or another. If destroyed, a loss of this cargo may result. Depending
tems is allocated one of these incoming missiles, and will destroy on the situation, this could provide victory points for the attack-
it on a roll of “1” through “5” on a six-sided die. The Terran player er. The loss of cargo holds in a combat situation does not affect a
rolls a “2” and a “4,” and both missiles are stopped just short of Freighter in any other way.
the hull. When cargo holds are arranged in succession, as they are
On a later turn, three Khanate Light Cruisers, using data- on most Freighters, it is possible that a single damage point could
link, fire a total of twelve missiles at the Oklahoma. The Khanate destroy more than one cargo hold. In the case of a string of cargo
player is rather lucky with his targeting die-rolls, and eleven of the holds, the first damage point will destroy up to six cargo holds or
Starfire 11
the total number of holds in succession, whichever is less. One sophisticated system is considered for determining the number of
six-sided die is rolled, and the result is the number of cargo holds
targets on which that ship may fire.
arranged in succession which will be marked off. If the die-roll is The number of different targets on which a starship equipped
greater than the number of cargo holds in succession, the entire with multiplex tracking may fire is equal to the number following
string of holds is marked off, and the excess damage ignored. A the M in the system’s designation. Thus, a starship equipped with
bulkhead (B8.32) will break up a string of cargo holds, and stop an (M2) could fire at two targets during the same turn, while a
the destruction of holds at the point at which it is located. starship equipped with an (M3) could fire at three targets, and so
on. All weapons fire for a starship employing multiplex tracking
Example of Allocating Damage Points to Cargo Holds still occurs during that ship’s normal turn in the Combat Phase.
A Cruiser completes its movement within two hexes of a Freighter The entire notation for multiplex tracking - (M”x”), where
with the following Starship Control Sheet: x is the number of targets which may be tracked by the unit- is
SSAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHII treated as one system for damage resolution.

The Cruiser fires two force beams, and inflicts six points’ (B8.36) Science Instruments (X)
worth of damage. The first three of these damage points destroy Science instruments consist of a group of sensors and computers
the two shield systems and the armor system. For the fourth dam- which gather information. Science instruments are not used in com-
age point, the attacking player rolls a six-sided die and obtains a bat. Their importance and use, if any, is specified within a scenario.
result of “4.” This destroys the first four cargo holds.
For the fifth damage point, the attacking player rolls a “2,” (B8.37) Advanced Maneuvering
which destroys two additional cargo holds. For the sixth and final Advanced maneuvering represents control systems beyond nor-
damage point, he rolls a “6,” indicating the destruction of six more mal sophistication which may be built into a starship. Advanced
cargo holds. The Freighter’s Control Sheet now looks like this: maneuvering is noted on the starship’s Control Sheet by reducing
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHHHII the starship’s turn mode requirement by one. Advanced maneu-
vering does not have a representative system code, and is only
Next, the Cruiser fires one force beam at the Freighter. This destroyed when all of the starship’s ion engines are eliminated.
does three points’ worth of damage. A die-roll must be made for the
first damage point, since the next undestroyed system is a cargo hold, (B8.38) Ion Engines (I)
to determine how many holds are destroyed. The attacking player Ion engines derive their name from their process of fusing
rolls a “4,” which would have destroyed four cargo holds had there Hydrogen atoms and expelling charged ions in the process. These
been that many, and does destroy the three remaining cargo holds. charged ions provide drive-fields which are capable of propelling a
The second damage point destroys the first ion engine, starship at up to 10% of the speed of light.
and the third damage point destroys the last ion engine. The The relative speed of a starship in combat is determined by
Freighter’s Control Sheet now looks like this: the number of undestroyed ion engines it has. Thus, the number
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of movement points a starship has for a turn is equal to the num-
ber of ion engines it has at the beginning of the Movement Phase.
The Freighter is destroyed.

(B8.32) Bulkhead (B) (B9.0) Bases, Stars & Planets

The bulkhead system is a partition which divides long strings of cargo
holds into separate segments. It limits the destruction of cargo holds (B9.1) Bases
by halting the collapse of a series of cargo holds [see rule (B8.31)]. A base is simply a stationary weapons platform. It is treated as if
it were a starship, except that it may not move on its own and is
(B8.33) Tractor Beams (T) easier to hit. Bases fire and are fired upon in the same manner as a
A tractor beam is a special device which allows one starship to starship, except that bases have a 360 degree field of fire. Starships
latch onto another starship or a base. This is done during the or other bases firing on a base receive a -2 modifier to their die-roll
Tractor Beam Phase. Many special rules apply to the use of this against the Probability of Hit Table (Starships Firing at Starships).
device and the effects of being held by it. These rules are explained Each base has a Control Sheet identical in form to that of a starship.
in rule section (B7.0). A base does not occupy the entire hex in which it is placed,
and any number of starships may enter that hex. A base may also
(B8.34) Shearing Plane (C) be in the same hex as a warp point or planet.
A shearing plane negates the effect of any number of tractor Special rules apply to a base being tractored [see rule (B7.4)].
beams attempting to attach themselves to a starship equipped
with this device. (B9.2) Stars
A star is an astronomical body which emits energy (e.g. Earth’s
(B8.35) Multiplex Tracking “(M2)” Sol). A star is a fusion furnace of tremendous proportions. No
A multiplex tracking system is a group of sophisticated fire-con- starship may be moved to within six hexes of a star playing piece,
trol electronics and sensors which allows a starship to fire at more nor may a base be placed within six hexes of it. (A star the size of
than one target in a given Combat Phase. If a starship has more Earth’s Sol would be nine hexes in diameter on the tactical com-
than one undestroyed multiplex tracking system, only the most bat map.) Warp points are not normally found near a star.
12 Starfire

A star blocks the use of weapons which cross any part of The starship is assumed to have no movement points carried
the hex in which it is located. It also blocks weapons-fire within over from movement prior to entering the map. It must fulfill its
a four-hex radius of the star playing piece. Whether a weapon is entire turn mode requirement before it may change facing with-
blocked by the star may be determined by placing a straightedge out cost. Immediately preceding the Movement Phase, a starship
between the firing starship or base and its intended target. If any which enters the tactical combat map via a warp point is placed on
portion of the line determined in this manner crosses through the hex in which that particular warp point is located.
one of the hexes containing the star (the hex in which the playing
piece is located or the area included within a four hex radius of the (B10.4) The Effects of Tractoring
playing piece, the weapons fire is blocked, and will have no effect. with Regards To Warp Points
A tractored starship will only leave the tactical combat map with a
(B9.3) Planets tractoring starship if both ships are in the warp point’s hex simulta-
A planet may be essentially no more than a gigantic rock in space, neously, and the tractoring starship exits the map through the warp
but may have an economic value which far outstrips its relatively point. Any other conditions under which the tractoring starship exits
insignificant size in stellar terms. This is because of the accessibil- the map via a warp point will release the tractored ship. Two starships
ity of resources on many planets, as well as the population which of equal size which are tractored together may not leave the map via a
a select group of planets may support. warp point unless both players agree to allow such an action.
Planets do not fill the entire space of the hex in which they
are placed, and do not block weapons fire. Starships and bases
may be contained in the same hex as a planet, but warp points are (B11.0) Optional Tactical
not normally found within two hexes of it.
An optional rule provides for a more complex treatment of the
Combat Rules
blocking of weapons-fire by the mass of a planet [see rule (B11.4)]. Any of the following optional rules may be added to the game if
all players agree. These optional rules make the game more com-
plex, and should not be used in games involving novice players.
(B10.0) Warp Points
(B11.1) Damage Control
(B10.1) Definition of a Warp Point If this optional rule is used, any starships not damaged for three
A warp point is a physical point in space which is connected to consecutive turns may reactivate a shield system which had been
another point by a warp link. The warp link is a pathway be- destroyed. This is done following the Combat Phase of the third
tween these two points which lies outside the known Universe. turn, and any following turn, in which damage is not sustained
Starships may enter a warp point, go through the warp link, and for a particular ship, by erasing the mark placed over one of the
then appear at the warp point at the other’ end of the link. Given ship’s shield systems. Other systems may not be repaired within
the tactical combat scale of this module, a warp point may serve as the time scope of a star battle.
either an exit or an entrance point to the tactical combat map, but
not as a means of transit between two points on the map. (B11.2) Datalink
Many scenarios will specify that forces enter the map through aIf this optional rule is used, starships may be equipped with a
certain warp point. Normally, any starship may exit the map through special datalink system. Starships equipped in this manner may
any warp point; however, this action might place the starship in ene-be organized into groups of up to three ships before the battle is
my territory, and so be forbidden in a particular scenario. set up. These groups may not be rearranged once a scenario has
A warp point does not occupy the entire space of the hex in begun, but may be disbanded at any point.
which it is located. A starship or base may be in the same hex as The datalink equipment allows the group of starships to fire
a warp point, but stars and planets are not normally found in a as a unit, and so overwhelm a target’s defenses.
warp point’s hex. The datalinked starships must be within three hexes of each
other to fire simultaneously. If a missile attack is made by a datalinked
(B10.2) Exiting Through a Warp Point group, all missiles from the ships are considered to be one volley.
To exit the map through a warp point, a starship must move into Datalinked starships still fire their point defense weapons
the hex which contains the point. The starship may enter the warp individually against incoming missiles. Datalink systems must be
point for a cost of no additional movement points. Exiting the map positioned immediately after the shields and armor of a starship.
through a warp point is always voluntary [exception see (B10.4)].
Any starship which exits the map through a warp point is (B11.3) Geomorphic Maps
removed from the map. It may not reenter the tactical combat If this option is used, the tactical combat map is considered to
map, given the tactical combat scale of this module. represent a continuous area of space, and starships may not escape
a battle by merely crossing the map edge.
(B10.3) Entering Through a Warp Point To use this option, players must cut their tactical combat map
A starship may enter the map through a warp point. The turn on into the six sections into which it has been ruled. One or more of
which it enters the map and its facing at that time are specified by these sections is then placed on the gaming surface, and the battle is
the scenario being played. begun. When the battle flows off the edge of a map section, another
map section is placed on the gaming surface so that the hexes line
up and provide additional map area. When map sections no longer
Starfire 13
contain combatants, they are removed from the gaming surface and is to be moved with the previously recorded facing is noted. This
recycled as new map areas in another place. procedure is then repeated for each change in facing. A dash should
The six map sections of a cut apart tactical combat map are be used to connect the orders for each direction within each turn.
labeled with a letter code from A through F. These letters are found
in the upper left-hand corner of each map section, and are used to (B11.6) Creating Starship Classes
identify the map sections. This letter-code identification is often This option provides the rule and data necessary for players to
used to describe the arrangement of particular map sections. design and build their own starships. These rules fire used in the
Design Your Own Battle scenario (B12.2).
(B11.4) Planets Blocking Weapons Fire The purpose of this section is to provide the basic rules
Using this option, the bulk of a planet may block weapons-fire in some necessary for starship construction, as well as special rules re-
instances. If one or more of the starships in a weapons-fire exchange garding when specific systems may be selected, and the cost, in
are within three hexes of a planet, a straightedge should be placed Megacredits, of the construction process and its raw materials.
between the centers of the hexes in which the starships involved in
the exchange are located. If the line defined in this manner crosses (B11.61) Star Ship Construction — An Overview
any part of the hex containing the planet, the weapons-fire is blocked. Starship construction is an art, in which players experiment to find
In exception to this optional rule, however, the player who the best possible configuration within a given starship’s hull size.
controls the targeted starship may, at his discretion, declare that In STARFIRE, a starship consists of the hull and the
his ship is exposed to weapons-fire. The targeted starship will systems which are placed within it. The first step in the construc-
then be able to return the weapons-fire immediately, in place of tion process is the selection and purchase of the hull size. Next,
its next combat round. The targeted ship may only use this re- the ion engines are purchased, followed by the weapons and other
turn-fire option once per turn. systems which will be placed within the hull. The starship’s sys-
If the target starship is still eligible to fire its weapons in tems are then arranged in the order in which they will appear on
this turn, the return fire replaces the ship’s combat round for the starship’s Control Sheet. Lastly, the Megacredit cost of the
this turn. However, if the target starship has already fired in this starship is deducted from the player’s Megacredit total. The con-
turn, it may still return the weapons-fire, in which case the return struction process is detailed along with all attendant special rules
fire will be in lieu of this ship’s combat round in the next turn. and charts in the sections which follow.
Whenever a player declares that a ship to which fire should be
blocked is exposed, damage is not scored until both combatants (B11.62) Starship Construction Procedure
have had the opportunity to fire. 1. Selecting The Hull Size - Players must select the size
of the hull for the starship they wish to build. A player’s
(B11.5) Simultaneous Movement
choice of hull size is subject to the number of Megacredits
This option allows pre-written movement instructions to be used, he wishes to spend or any special requirements he might
which adds more uncertainty to movement. have. In general, a player should be prepared to spend
To use this option, each player must record a movement an additional 50% to 100% of the hull cost to outfit a
order, prior to the Movement Phase, for each of his starships. He particular starship with the systems it will need. The cost
should use the following notation to record the movement order: to outfit a stars hip depends on the sophistication of the
First, the letter code for the star hip facing should be recorded. weaponry, defense systems and other systems which the
Next, a numerical value indicating the number of hexes the ship player chooses to incorporate in the design.

Hull Costs and Characteristics

Spaces Turn Max Eng. Cost Per Spaces Req. Per
Hull Size Hull Cost
Available Mode Speed Factor Eng. Factor
Escort 33 10 2 6 5 1/2
Corvette 60 13 2 6 5 1/2
Frigate 72 18 2 6 6 1
Destroyer 130 25 2 6 7 1
Light Cruiser 185 35 3 6 8 1-1/2
Cruiser 300 50 3 6 8 2
Battlecruiser 465 70 3 6 10 2
Battleship 600 90 4 5 12 3
Super Dreadnought 800 120 4 5 15 4
Freighter-1 60 20 4 2 4 1
Freighter-2 100 35 4 2 5 1
Freighter-3 150 55 4 3 6 1
Freighter-4 250 90 3 4 8 1-1/2
Base-1 100 20 – – – –
Base-2 250 40 – – – –
Base-3 500 75 – – – –
Base-4 750 100 – – – –
14 Starfire

2. Outfitting the Starship Hull with Engines - The second 3. Adding Systems - The third step of the construction
step in constructing a starship is to outfit it with ion process is to buy the weapons, defense and other systems
engines. Bases do not have ion engines, and so players for the starship.
constructing a base should omit this step. •• Each system has a corresponding required Technology
•• Each hull size has a corresponding maximum speed Level at which the player must be before adding that
at which it may be propelled by its engines. The cost system to his ship. Other than this requirement, a
of the ion engines to propel the hull will vary in player’s primary limitations in the choice of systems
both Megacredits and the amount of space required for a starship are the number of Megacredits he wishes
per engine unit for different types of ships. This to spend on a given ship and the amount of space
information may be found for each hull size in the remaining in the hull after the ion engines are installed.
HULL COSTS AND CHARACTERISTICS table. •• Several systems are restricted, however, with regards to
•• Each ion engine installed in a hull will add one to the the multiples of these systems which may be installed
starship’s speed, up to the maximum speed specified for on a single starship. There are also special rules
the hull size. The number of hull spaces used for ion concerning the configuration of some starship systems.
engines should be subtracted from the total number These rules may limit the number of some types of
of hull spaces available for a given ship. The remaining systems which may be bought. These special rules are
hull spaces will be used in the next step to outfit the noted on the STARSHIP SYSTEMS COSTS AND
stars hip with other systems. REQUIREMENTS table.

Starship Systems Costs and Requirements Table

Cost Space Tech
System Code Special Rules
(MgC) Req. Level
No more than 20% of the total number of hull spaces may be used
Armor A 2 1 I
for armor systems.
— * 0 V * = 10% of hull cost.
A maximum of one bulkhead for each group of four cargo holds
Bulkhead B 2 1 I
may be bought.
No starship (except freighters) may have more than 10% of its
available spaces used for cargo holds. All starships and bases
Cargo Hold H 1 1 I
except Superdreadnoughts must have at least one cargo hold.
Superdreadnoughts must have at least two cargo holds.
Datalink Z 40 0 III No starship may have more than one datalink system.
Energy Beam E 35 4 VI
Force Beam F 25 4 IV
Gun G 5 3 I
W 20 3 II
* = Cost and space requirements depend on hull size. The number
of ion engines which may be built into a hull depends on the
Ion Engine I * * I
hull’s maximum speed capability. See HULL SIZE AND
Laser Beam L 25 4 I
Missile Launcher R 10 3 I
* = Cost varies with sophistication. An M2 costs 30 MgC. An M3
Multiplex Tracking (Mx) * 1 II costs 45 MgC. An M4 costs 65 MgC. Each additional step of
sophistication above 4 costs 30 MgC each.
Overload Dampner O 20 1 VII
Point Defense D 25 2 III
Primary Beam P 50 4 V
Science Instruments X 10 1 I
Shearing Plane C 15 2 IV
Shield S 4 1 1
Tractor Beam T 10 2 III
Special rule for Freighters: Freighter-1 and Freighter-2 may Summary of Technology Levels
only have one weapon system each. Freighter-3 may have two A particular Technology Level is a prerequisite for many weap-
weapon systems. Freighter-4 may have three weapon systems. on and defense· systems. A summary follows of the Technology
Freighters must use 50% or more of their total number of hull Levels and the weapons which become available as each level is
spaces for cargo hold systems. reached:
Starfire 15

4. Arranging the Starship Systems- The letter codes for 4. The length of the scenario (given in terms of the number
each of the systems built into a starship are arranged in of turns for which the situation is played or the conditions
a line from left to right on a sheet of paper. This listing which will end the scenario).
of systems is called the Starship Control Sheet. See rule 5. The victory conditions !how to win)
section (B2.2) for the layout of a Starship Control Sheet. 6. Any special or optional rules which are used to play the
•• Players are free to arrange the systems of a starship in any scenario.
manner, except for the following requirements:
All of this information should be read prior to playing a
a. All shield systems must come first.
particular scenario. After all starships and other playing piec-
b. All armor systems must immediately follow shields.
es have been set up, play begins with the first step listed in the
c. A datalink system, if any, must immediately follow the
Sequence of Play the Initiative Determination Phase} for the
first turn. Play ends with the last step of the Sequence of Play
•• It is a good idea to place at least a portion of the ion engines
!the Record Keeping Phase) of the last turn indicated by the
at the end of the list of systems to provide a capability
for escape after a battle which knocks out a starship’ s
offensive potential. Bulkheads should be placed between (B12.1) Introductory Scenario
groups of cargo holds since they will stop a damage point
This scenario is expressly designed to be used to learn the
from destroying any cargo holds which follow them. In
STARFIRE game system. It uses first-level technology rather
general, put the systems which are the most important to
than the more complex weapons and defense systems of higher
the starship’s mission toward the end of the list, since most
Technology Levels. This allows a new player to learn the basic
damage points are scored from left to right. Also, it is a good
concepts of the game without becoming bogged down in the less
idea for a player to spread out his critical systems, so that he
important details. Players should read the sections listed in rule
does not lose all of them in the same turn. Cargo holds are
section (B1.2) before attempting to play this scenario.
essentially free hits on combatant starships, and should be
The First Contact - March 3, 2205 scenario (B12.32) is also
placed toward the left, where they will be sacrificed first.
an excellent Introductory scenario.
5. Buying the Designed Starship - The player should now
total all of the costs for the starship he has designed and Background
deduct this amount from the number of Megacredits which Immediately following initial contact with alien races, the
he has available. Each exact copy of a starship class may be Terran Admiralty realized the necessity for combat-readi-
built at a cost of 10% less than the first ship of that class. ness training. For these training exercises, Terran starships
were used to simulate enemy tactics, with computers
(B12.0) Scenarios registering damage and shutting down systems which
would have been destroyed in actual combat. The following
There are three different types of scenarios from which players
scenario depicts such an exercise, a simulation of a classic
may choose in Module B. These are: The Introductory Scenario,
confrontation for control of a newly discovered and very
the Create Your Own Battle Scenario, and a series of scenarios
valuable star system,
which depict the First and Second Interstellar Wars.
If the player is new to the STARFIRE series of games, he Number of Players: 2
should begin by playing the Introductory Scenario. This scenario
is designed to be easy and quick to set up and play. Order of Battle
More experienced players may follow the suggestions of the Terran Ships
Create Your Own Battle Scenario and set up their own unique Jones - CL1 - (3) SSSSSAAAHRHRRRIRLIII (4)
situations to play. Cochise - DD1 - (2) SSSSAAHIGIRRIRIII (6)
The third alternative is to recreate the “historical” battles of Sitting Bull - DD2 - (2) SSSAAHILIRRIRIIII (6)
the First and Second Interstellar Wars. These scenarios are de- The Terran starships are set up anywhere within four hexes of
signed to be played as a series or independently. the planet prior to the beginning of the scenario.
Each scenario will provide the following information:
Terran Starships In Role of Enemy (Use Khanate playing
1. The background (for historical scenarios only}. pieces)
2. The number of players required.
3. The Order of Battle {what playing pieces for which race are
used, and when and where these playing pieces enter the
16 Starfire

The Terran starships in the role of enemy ships enter the tac- at the beginning of the game. Another option is to have
tical combat map via the warp point on turn one. The initial reinforcements enter the map on following turns, via warp
facing of the ships is determined by the player. points or a map-edge. The number of warp points and
planets included in the scenario should be limited, because
Other Playing Pieces:
of the vast distances across a solar system and the small scale
Planet at hex 2215 of the tactical combat map. Given the scale of this game,
Warp Point at hex 0215 only one star would be present on the tactical combat map.
Length of Scenario 5. Any optional rules to be used should be agreed upon by all
The scenario fasts twenty turns, or until the forces of one side
are either destroyed or leave the tactical combat map.
(B12.3) The First Interstellar
Victory Conditions War: Terran vs. Khanate
The force with the highest number of operational weapons
systems within six hexes of the planet at the end of turn twenty (B12.31) Scenario Starship Classes
wins the scenario. The victory is decisive if only one force The Starship Control Sheets listed below are used for the scenar-
survives with operational weapons systems at the end of turn ios of the First and Second Interstellar Wars. Each scenario lists
twenty. The victory is marginal if any starships of the losing in its Order of Battle section the names of the ships which are
player remains on the map with operational weapon system at to be used in that scenario. The corresponding ships should be
the end of the twentieth turn. located on the following list, and their Control Sheets copied on
Special Rules a sheet of paper .
Starships which leave the tactical combat map are disengaged, Terran Starships
and may not return to the battle.
SD (Churchill Class) • (other ships in class: Gladstone,
(B12.2) Create Your Own Battle Jefferson, de Gaulle)
Players may create their own battle using the STARFIRE tac- (4) (26xS) (10xA)HWHFWLHIEPDHT(M3)
tical combat rules. Players need to make the following decisions WHILHFOOPHFHTOCDOIII (5)
in creating their own battles:
BB (Revenge Class) • (other ships in class: Respite, Repulse,
1. Determine the objective. Examples include: Destruction Renown}
of enemy starships, exiting the playing area through a warp (4) (16xS)(13xA)HWHIHTWFPHDIP(M3)TFPDWCOOIII (5)
point, protecting a planet, and many more. Related to the
objective are the victory conditions necessary to determine BB (Ironsides Class) • (other ships in class: Monitor,
the winner of the scenario, and its length. The following Merrimack, Lusitania)
schedule of victory points for the destruction of starships (4) (16xS)(14xA)HWHIPHTWFPHHDI(M3)TWFOOOOCDIII (5)
may be used for determining the winner of a battle focused
BC (King Louis Class) • (other ships in class: Queen Anne,
on destroying enemy ships.
Prince Philip, Princess Grace)
Starship Point Value (3) (10xS)(8xA)HWFHP(M3)HTDHWFHPHOOOCDIIIIII (6)
ES 2
CT 2 BC (Prince of Wales Class) • (only ship in class)
DD 3
CL 5 CA (Yugoslavia Class) • (other ships in class: Peru, Monaco,
CA 8 Ethiopia)
BB 15
SD 20 CA (Argentina Class) • (other ships in class: Ukraine, Texas)
2. Determine the number and type of starships each player (3) (8xS)(5xA)HIWWITF(M2)FWCDIIII (6)
will be allowed. This restriction is normally stated in terms
of Megacredits. In other words, each player has a certain CA (Oregon Class) • (other ships in class: Bavaria, Quebec)
number of Megacredits available with which to build (3) (5xS)(5xA)HWFIHFWHDIHPCDIIII (6)
his fleet of starships. Players may use either the starship CL (Nelson Class) • (only ship in class)
construction rules (B11.6) or ready-built starships from (3) (6xS)AAAWILDH(M2)WIHDIIII (6)
the First and Second Interstellar Wars (B12.3).
3. The Technology Level (B11.62) of the starships involved in CL (Rodney Class) • (only ship in class)
the scenario should be determined. (3) (4xS)AAAHIWHWLIWCDIIII (6)
4. The initial set-up of the battle should be decided. Players
may set up in any number of different ways. One option CL (Semmes Class) • (other ships in class: Yamamoto, Goto,
is to have all of the starships on the tactical combat map Takagi)
Starfire 17
DD (Forrest Class) • (other ships in class: Mosby, Morgan, BC (Valkha Class) • (other ship in class: Balkha)
Wheeler) (3) (12xS)(6xA)HLHIWIFPWTDI(M3)FPWCDIII (6)
BC (Parzh Class) • (other ships in class: Kobil, Azuz, Ghizo)
DD (Cornwallis Class) • (other ships in class: Burgoyne, (3) (8xS)(4xA)HFWEIHTPI(M3)HTDHIFPHWOOOOCDIII (6)
Washington, Zhukov, Grant, Guderian)
(2) SSSAAAHWIFIWDIIII (6) CA (Delgor Class) • (only ship in class)
(3) (9xS)(6xA)WILHWIL(M2)WCTDIII (5)
DD (Rommel Class) • (other ships in class: Wellington,
Scipio, Rokosovsky) CA (Amalrae Class) • (only ship in class)

DD (Napoleon Class) • (only ship in class) CA (Fibur Class) • (other ships in class: Kizhan, Talphon,
(2) (4xS)AAAHWIL(M2)IWIIII (6) Kahrod)
FG (Discovery Class) • (only ship in class)
(2) SAXHILXIRIIII (6) CL (Karhae Class) • (only ship in class)
(3) (7xS)(4xA)HGILRIGHIIII (6)
FG (Discovery Refit)
(2) SSSAAAXWIWIIII (5) CL (Talrae Class) • (other ships in class: Kalrea, Malkor,
FG (Outreach Class) • (other ship in class: Exploration) (3) (6xS)(4xA)HIWHILWDTIIII (6)
CL (Rehfrak Class) • (other ships in class: Dizwak,
FG (Encounter Class) • (other ships in class: Searcher, Kompakutor)
Scavenger, Retriever) (3) (5xS)AAAHWILTIFCDIIII (6)
CL (Rado Class) • (other ships in class: Winulsin, Naharot,
FG (Investigator Class) • (other ships in class: Spotter, Seeker, Phydilar)
Snooper) (3) (5xS)AAHWWWIW(M3)WIWDII (4)
DD (Bolchoi Class) • (other ship in class: Holchoi)
CT (New York Class) • (other ships in class: Hong Kong, (2) SSSAAAHIR(M2)WLDIIII (5)
Paris, Rio de Janeiro)
(2) SAHIIWIIPII (6) DD (Tolchoi Class) • (only ship in class)
ES (Nile Class) • (other ships in class: Thames, Amazon,
Volga) DD (Bolcho Class) • (other ship in class: Zolurn)
(2) SAHIIIIIIP (6) (2) (4xS)(3xA)HIWWLDIIII (5)

Khanate Starships DD (lbhon Class) • (other ships in class: Rabhon, Fabhon,

SD (Razumond Class) • (only ship in class) (2) SSSAHIFWIWPDII (4)
FG (Sy Class) • (other ships in class: Ghy, Rhy, Dy)
SD (Porgoz Class) • (other ships in class: Golhtz, Gruzakor,
FG (Tilkur Class) • (other ships in class: Filkur, Fixur)
(2) (4xS)AAHWIFIII (4)
(4) (26xS) (12xA)HWHFHIPEDPHF(M3)
WHIHPEHEFHTOOOCDIII (5) CT (U Class) • (other ships in class: Shury, Ghour, Dihn)
BB (Kalbacun Class) • (other ship in class: Doltech)
(4) (17xS)(13xA)HIFHFPHIT(M3)PFPHITFCPDII (5) ES (X Class) • (ships in class: X-45, X-59, X-67, X-82)
BB (Jolochi Class) • (other ship in class: Poltominh)
(4) (14xS)(10xA)HWIHPDIWHWHWH(M4) ES (Mozlir Class) • (other ships in class: Tukazor, Falken,
WPIDHWHWCWDIIW (5) Balken, Moraa, Toraa, Boraa)
(2) SHIWIWII (4)
BB (Filkhab Class) • (other ships in class: Typroz, Phol,
Ghiston) ES (Talron Class) • (other ships in class: Malkon, Ralkon,
(4) (12xS)(11xA)HWIHPDIHWHWH(M4) Alkzar)
18 Starfire

Ophiuchi Starships Number of Players: 2

SD (Al-Montausur Class) • (only ship in class) Order of Battle

(4) (27xS)(13xA)HWEHPEDFH(M3) Khanate Ships
WHOHPHFHETECDOOOOOIIIII (5) ES Alkzar. The Alkzar may be placed in any hex of the
BB (Al-Asfar Class) • (only ship in class) Khanate player’s choice, as long as it lies within six hexes of the
Terran Ships
BB (Al-Nimmer Class) • (only ship in class)
(4) (15xS)(6xA)HFHEIWHIEPTDEHIE(M2)EPOOOCDIII (6) FG Discovery. The Discovery appears at the warp point
(facing hex 3517) on turn one. It then moves three hexes (only)
CA (Al-Sa’if Class) • (only ship in class) straight forward during the Movement Phase of turn one.
Other Playing Pieces
CL (Al-Hossam Class) • (only ship in class) Planet 1 at hex 0921
(3) (7xS)(4xA)HEIWOEOCDIII (4) Warp Point 1 at hex 3616

DD (Al-Amir Class) • (other ship in class: Al-Amira) Length of Scenario

(2) (5xS)AAHIEICEDIII (5) There is no limit to the number of turns for this scenario. Play
continues until one of the ships has been destroyed, or until
FG (Al-A‘safeh Class) • (other ships in class: Al-Mattar, Al-
one or both of the ships have left the mapsheet (see victory
Ra’ad, Al-Bareq)
conditions). Estimated time to play - 5 to 15 minutes.
Victory Conditions
CT (Al-Sahem Class) • (other ship in class: Al-Rommah)
(2) SSAHIIWEII (4) The scenario is a draw if the Terran player’s ship is fired at by
the Khanate player, and the Terran ship later exits the map by
ES (Al-Majahed Class) • (other ship in class: Al-Mohared) the entry warp point. The Terran player wins a tactical victory
(2) SAHEDII (2) if his ship exits the map by the warp point after having passed
with operative science instruments, on any turn, within two
(B12.32) Scenario I. First Contact – March 3, 2205 hexes of either the planet or the Khanate ship. The Terran
Background player wins a decisive victory if his ship exits the map by the
The Terrans had their first taste of interstellar flight in warp point after having passed with operative science instru-
2053, when the probe ship Hermes, on its way to investigate ments, on any turn, within two hexes of both the planet and
Neptune, suddenly winked out of existence and reappeared the Khanate ship. If the Terran ship is destroyed, the Khanate
approximately six astronomical units from Proxima Centauri. player wins the scenario.
Six weeks later, the Galacia, a somewhat heavier and better
Special Rules
equipped ship, found the point at which the Hermes had disap-
peared, headed straight into it and also arrived near Proxima The Discovery may not fire its weapons until the turn after
Centauri. Contact between the two ships was established, and the Khanate ship fires. The Khanate player has the initiative
the Hermes, with only a skeleton crew, returned into the point. throughout the entire scenario.
She reappeared two hours later, with the news that whatever
(B12.33) Scenario II. The Second Battle of VX-134
the point might be, it was most certainly a two-way path
– April 23, 2205
between Earth and Centauri.
Thereafter, the Terrans began looking in earnest for what Background
had come to be known as Hermes Points, or more commonly, Upon the Discovery’s return from her mission with news of
warp points. The Sol system was found to have only one, and hostile contact with an alien race, her instruments revealed
it led only to Proxima Centauri. However, the Alpha Centauri much about the ship she had defeated. The military master-
system had no less than six warp points, which led to such minds of Earth immediately began trying to deduce the aliens’
interesting places as Sigma Draconis, Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon military doctrine.
lndi, Tau Ceti, Luytens Star and Wolf 424. The human race The consensus of opinion was that an outpost on the ex-
expanded and colonized, and by 2205 had major population treme edge of the “Khanate” had been found, and that it would
centers (of one million or more) on five different planets, colo- not be long before Khanate ships came looking for the Terrans.
nies (of 50,000 or more) on twenty-three others, and outposts To forestall this, two ships were stripped of scientific gear and
on sixty more. armed as combat ships. Existing technology - including track-
Then, near an unimportant star known only by the ing gear which would allow the destroyer Napoleon to engage
designation VX-134, the course of human history was forever two targets simultaneously, and hybrid gun/missile launchers
changed. (long used on tank-cannons of the almost forgotten ground
forces) - was used to upgrade the ships.
Starfire 19
Number of Players: 2 The bulk of the Khanate fleet was made up of the small
picket ships which the Terrans first encountered. These were
Order of Battle backed by a handful of larger ships. And so the arms race
Khanate Ships continued.
CL Karhae (District Governor’s Flagship), ES Talron, ES The latest technological developments were tractor beams
Malkon, ES Ralkon and a BS-1 base. and a point defense system consisting of short-ranged missiles,
BS-1 -(0) SSSSAAAHLRHGH (0) low-energy lasers and high-speed, small-caliber machine
The Khanate base is set up in hex 1020. The Khanate player cannon. The point defense system was designed to intercept
sets his ships up anywhere on the map as long as they are not and destroy long-range enemy missiles.
within 16 hexes of the warp point.
Number of Players: 2
Terran Ships
DD Napoleon, FG Discovery (refit) and FG Outreach. All Order of Battle
Terran ships enter by the warp point on turn one. Their initial Khanate Ships
facing is determined by the Terran player. CL Talrae, DD Bolchoi, DD Holchoi, ES Moraa, ES Toraa and
ES Boraa. The Khanate ships arrive on turn one at warp point
Other Playing Pieces
two (6608). Their initial facing is determined by the Khanate
Planet 1 at hex 0921 player.
Warp Point 1 at hex 3616
Terran Ships
Length of Scenario CL Nelson, DD Napoleon, FG Encounter and FG Searcher. The
The scenario is played until one or both players have no Terran starships arrive on turn two at warp point one (3421).
starships or undestroyed bases on the map. Estimated time to Their initial facing is determined by the Terran player.
play - 15 to 30 minutes.
Other Playing Pieces
Victory Conditions Planet A at hex 0924 Planet B at hex 2311
Each player scores one victory point for each system he de- Warp Point 1 at hex 3421
stroys on any enemy starship or base. In addition to the points Warp Point 2 at hex 0608
for destroyed systems, each player also scores the following
number of points for each enemy starship or base he complete- Length of Scenario
ly destroys: The scenario is played until one or both players have no ships
Escort (ES) - 5 points on the map. Estimated time to play- 15 to 30 minutes.
Frigate (FG) - 15 points
Victory Conditions
Destroyer (DD) - 20 points
Light Cruiser (CL) - 25 points Either player will win a normal victory by having the only
Base (BS) - 10 points starship(s) on the map at any given time. This is accomplished
The player with the highest point total wins. by destroying enemy ships, or by enemy ships exiting the map
via a warp point. The Khanate player will win a decisive victo-
Special Rules ry if, in addi­tion tofu the victory conditions above, he captures
Khanate ships may exit the map from any hex on the map- a Terran starship. A Terran starship is captured if it is forced
edge which extends from hex 0101 to hex 0130. No ship may to leave the map while held in the tractor beam of a Khanate
re-enter the map after exiting. Any damage a ship takes before starship exiting the map via warp point two.
exiting the map counts toward an opponent’s victory points;
Special Rules
however, a ship which leaves the map is not considered to be
destroyed. Starships may only leave the map via a warp point. Any ship
may exit through either warp point.
(B12.34) Scenario Ill. Battle of Orphichon
– October 8, 2205 (B12.35) Scenario IV. Geralon – February 29, 2208
Background Background
Interrogation of captured officers indicated that the enemy After the development of the tractor beam, the shear­ing plane,
race referred to itself as the “Khanate of Orion.” It was also a device which reversed the polarity of a tractor beam and cut
discovered that while human occupation ranged over an area through it, was relatively simple to design. Both Terrans and
roughly 50 parsecs in diameter, the Khanate territory was Khanate had soon deployed this device on their starships.
three times that. It was the Terrans, however, with their famed ingenuity in
The Orions had contacted other races, but none that were the art of war making, who developed the tractor beam to its
as proficient at warfare as the Terrans. The officers refused to most logical con­clusion: the force beam. And while Geralon
believe that the ships which fought in the initial battles were was not the first battle in which this device was deployed, it
hastily converted scientific research ships. was the first battle for a new (and larger) class of ship, the
20 Starfire

Number of Players: 2 Number of Players: 2

Order of Battle Order of Battle

Khanate Ships Khanate Ships
CA Delgor, CL Kalrea, CL Malkor, DD Tolchoi, ES Falken and BC Valkha, CL Rehfrak, FG Tilkur, FG Filkur and FG Fixur.
ES Balken. The Khanate starships enter the map on turn one All Khanate starships except the Valkha enter the map via
by the map-edge between hexes 0108 and 0113. warp point one (0605) on turn one. Their initial facing is
determined by the Khanate player. The Valkha enters the map
Terran Ships
via warp point one on turn three or any later turn. Its initial
CA Texas, CL Rodney, DD Patton and DD Lee. The Terran facing is also determined by the Khanate player.
player sets up first. The Terran ships may be placed in any hex
or hexes within a three-hex range of hex 3016. Terran Ships
CA Ukraine, DD Washington DD Zhukov, DD Grant and
Other Playing Pieces
DD Guderian. The Terran player sets up first. The Terran
Star at hex 1624 starships may be placed anywhere on the map as long as they
Planet 1 at hex 0608 are not within 10 hexes of either warp point.
Length of Scenario Other Playing Pieces
The scenario is played until one or both players have no Warp Point 1 at hex 0605
starships on the map. Estimated time to play - 20 to 40 Warp Point 2 at hex 3825
Length of Scenario
Victory Conditions The scenario is played until the Valkha exits the map via warp
Each player scores one victory point for each system he point two (3825), or until it is totally destroyed. Estimated
destroys on any enemy starship. Each player also scores the time to play - 30 minutes.
following number of points for the total destruction of any
enemy starship: Victory Conditions
Escort (ES) - 5 points If the Valkha exits the map via warp point two with at least
Destroyer (DD) - 20 points three undestroyed engine units, two weapons (of any type) and
Light Cruiser (CL) - 30 points any five other systems, the Khanate player wins. If the Valkha
Cruiser (CA) - 50 points exits the map via warp point two with at least one system
The player with the highest point total wins. remaining, but fewer than the number specified above, the
scenario is a draw. If the Valkha is destroyed, the Terran player
Special Rules wins.
Any starship may be moved off any map-edge. Any starships
which exit the map in this manner may not re-enter the scenar- (B12.37) Scenario VI. The Valkha Episode, Part II
io. Any damage which ships take before exiting the map counts – June 21, 2210
for victory points; however, ships which exit the map are not Background
considered to be destroyed. The Valkha broke through, and almost immediately encoun-
tered a convoy.
(B12.36) Scenario V. The VALKHA Episode, Part 1
– June 21, 2210 Number of Players: 2
The force beam was developed into the primary beam, which Order of Battle
could pierce armor and shields with ease. Each side developed Khanate Ships
the weapon within such a short interval from the other, howev- This scenario may only be played after completing Scenario V
er, that the weapon did little to change the strategic stalemate and only if the Valkha was not destroyed. The Khanate player
which had developed. begins this scenario with whatever starships exited the map via
The Khanate, however, had an “ace in the hole”: the Valkha, warp point two in Scenario V. These ships begin this scenario
which was the largest ship either side had ever produced. With in exactly the same condition as they ended Scenario V.
her, the Khan intended to penetrate the frontier screens of
Terran Ships
the Terrans, and lay waste to the colonies and commercial
traffic. The Valkha attempted her breakthrough at Alkazahr, Convoy- Six small Freighters: F1-1 through F1-6 - (4)
a planet-less star system on the frontier. (Note: Players should SSA(Hx15)II (2)
read Scenario VI before beginning play of Scenario V.) Two medium Freighters: F2-1 and F2-2 - (4) SSSAA(Hx10)
W(Hx5)B(Hx9)II (2)
One large Freighter: F3-1 - (4) SSSSSAAA(Hx10)W(Hx10)
FG Exploration
Starfire 21
The Terran player may also use any starships which survived had been canceled without anyone taking the trouble to tell
Scenario V and exited the map via warp point two. These him.
ships begin Scenario VI in exactly the same condition as they Unfortunately, while searching in vain for the rest of
ended Scenario V. the fleet, McDonald allowed a Khanate squadron to come
between him and his warp point. Faced with imminent
Other Playing Pieces
destruction, McDonald headed for the only warp point he
Planet at hex 3509 could reach. As fate would have it, the point was inside the Red
Warp Point 1 at hex 0605 Giant star known as Cannae.
Warp Point 2 at hex 3825
Number of Players: 2
Length of Scenario
The scenario is played until the Valkha is destroyed or exits Order of Battle
the map via either warp point. Estimated time to play - 30 Khanate Ships
minutes. BB Kalbacun, BB Doltech, BC Balkha, CL Dizwak and CL
Victory Conditions Kompakutor. The Khanate starships Balkha, Dizwak and
Kompakutor enter the map on turn one by the map-edge be-
Each player receives one victory point for each weapon
tween hexes 0101 and 0808. The Khanate ships Kalbacun and
destroyed on any enemy starship which enters Scenario VI
Doltech enter the map on turn two by the map-edge between
from Scenario V. In addition, the Khanate player receives the
hexes 0101 and 0808.
following number of victory points for the total destruction of
freighters: Terran Ships
F1 - 1 point for each CA Oregon, CA Bavaria and CA Quebec. The Terran starships
F2 - 2 points for each enter the map on turn one by the map edge between 0125 and
F3 - 3 points for each 0130.
The Khanate player also receives five victory points if the
Valkha is able to exit the map via either warp point after at Other Playing Pieces
least four Freighters have been destroyed. The Terran player Warp Point 1 at hex 3705
receives five victory points if the Valkha is destroyed. The
Length of Scenario
player with the highest point total wins.
The scenario is played until the map is totally cleared of all
Special Rules Terran starships (except for those which are captured). The
On each turn in which one or more Freighters are in the planet map may be cleared by destroying the Terran ships, or by the
hex (2631), one Freighter may be considered to have safely Terran player moving his ships off the map via warp point one.
landed on the planet. In this case, the Freighter is removed Estimated time to play - 30 minutes.
from the map. No starship (except Freighters) may exit the
Victory Conditions
map by any means other than a warp point. No Freighter may
leave the map via either warp point. All starships enter in the The Terran player receives one victory point for each of his
same order, and at the same time interval, as that in which they ships which exits the map via warp point one, regardless of the
left Scenario V. For example, if some ships left Scenario Von amount of damage the ship has sustained, via warp point one.
turn fifteen, and others on turn seventeen, these ships would He also receives one victory point for each Khanate ship upon
arrive in Scenario VI on turns one and three respectively. In which he inflicts enough damage to destroy more than half of
fact, if an additional hex sheet can be found, both scenarios its systems.
may be played simultaneously. Play on the Scenario VI The Khanate player receives one victory point for each
mapsheet would begin when the first ships exit the Scenario V Terran starship he totally destroys, and two victory points
mapsheet and enter the Scenario VI mapsheet. for each Terran starship he captures. A Terran starship is
considered captured if it is held in a Khanate tractor beam and
(B12.38) Scenario VII. Escape into a Red Sun has no undestroyed weapon systems, and if all other Terran
– January 9. 2211 ships remaining on the map are either captured or destroyed.
Background The player with the highest point total wins.
The Terran leaders selected a bold plan to force the Khanate Special Rules
to battle. This plan called for widely separated groups of All hexes beginning with numbers between 22 and 44 inclusive
Terran ships to close on the key system of Cannae. One of (22xx to 42xx, or the left half of the mapsheet when it is turned
these forces was the Third Cruiser Squadron under Admiral so that the numbers may be read) are inside the Red Giant
Douglas McDonald. star. Any starship which does not have at least one system of
When Admiral McDonald’s force exited the warp point, shields remaining, and which is located in these hexes at the
they found everything prepared for a major battle- except beginning of any given turn, suffers one automatic point of
the rest of the Terran fleet. Sensors revealed nothing, and damage from intense heat .
McDonald came to the inescapable conclusion that the battle This damage point is counted against the first undestroyed
system to the left on the Control Sheet for the ship.
22 Starfire

(B12.39) Scenario IX. Aklumar: The Clash of Titans Special Rules

– July 20, 2212 All starships are presumed to begin the Movement Phase of
Background turn one with their turn mode requirement satisfied. No ship
The war dragged on. Victory seemed to elude the grasp of may leave the map at any time during the scenario. The Prince
both races. The Terrans had concentrated their fleet firepower of Wales is equipped with an advanced maneuvering system,
in a battleline made up of the Battlecruiser Prince of Wales (the and consequently, has a turn mode requirement of “2.”
pride of the fleet), and four heavy, well-balanced Battleships.
The Khanate had constructed a battleline consisting of the (B12.4) The Second Interstellar
Superdreadnought Razumond, which was the largest ship War: Enter the Ophiuchi
ever constructed, and four Battleships two heavily armed, The starship classes used for the scenarios of the Second
and two more armed primarily with missiles in an attempt Interstellar War may be found in section (B12.31).
to overwhelm the point defense systems of the Terran ships.
Neither race dared to risk its battleline, since the loss of these (B12.41) Scenario IX. The First Battle of Ophiuchi Junction
ships could well mean the loss of the war. – May 5, 2224
Eventually, however, the fleet staffs of both races tired of Background
the game, and arranged (by cleverly leaked codes) for their With the conclusion of the First Interstellar War, the border
respective battlelines to meet. They hoped in this way to be between the Khanate and Terran space empires became firmly
able to end the war. established. Neither race was willing to risk border viola-
The battle which ensued had exactly that effect . tions for fear of renewed war. But to each side of the border
was uncharted space, into which each race sent exploratory
Number of Players: 2
missions. Unlike the first hesitant steps Man had taken into
Order of Battle space, his exploration teams were now well-armed squadrons
of warships.
Khanate Ships
At a star system known as Ophiuchi Junction (its astro-
SD Razumond in hex 2517, BB Kalbacun in hex 2717, BB nomical designation was abandoned in favor of the more
Doltech in hex 2817, BB Jolochi in hex 3117 and BB Poltominh popular name), a Terran Exploratory Fleet met a Khanate
in hex 3317. The initial placement of each starship in this Scout Squadron, and combat was soon joined. But it was not
scenario is indicated after the listing of the ship. All Khanate long before both fleets became aware of the presence of a third
starships have an initial facing of F. squadron in the system, belonging to a previously unknown
Terran Ships race - the Ophiuchi.
BC Prince of Wales in hex 1308, BB Revenge in hex 1208, BB Number of Players: 3
Respite in 1109, BB Repulse in hex 1009, BB Renown in hex
0910, DD Rommel in hex 1513, DD Wellington in hex 1412, Order of Battle
DD Scipio in hex 0913 and DD Rokosovsky in hex 0907. The Khanate Ships
initial placement of each starship in this scenario is indicated
CA Amalrae, CL Tormae, DD Bolcho, DD Zolurn, ES Mozlir
after the listing of the ship. All Terran ships have an initial
and ES Tukazor. All Khanate starships arrive on turn one via
facing of C.
warp point two. The initial facing of each starship is deter-
Length of Scenario mined by the player.
The scenario is played until one of the players has no unde- Terran Ships
stroyed or uncaptured ships on the map. Estimated time to CA Argentina, DD Cornwallis, DD Burgoyne, FG Scavenger
play - 90 minutes. and FG Retriever. All Terran starships arrive on turn one via
Victory Conditions warp point one. The initial facing of each starship is deter-
mined by the player.
Victory points will be awarded to each player as follows: For
each system destroyed (except for shields and armor, which Ophiuchi Ships
do not count in this scenario) on any enemy Capital ship (SD, BB AI-Nimmer, FG Al-Ra’ad and FG Al-Bareq. All Ophiuchi
BB, or BC, the player receives one victory point. For each starships arrive on turn one via warp point three. The initial
enemy Capital ship totally destroyed, the player receives three facing of each starship is determined by the player.
victory points. For each enemy Capital ship captured, the
player receives five victory points. A ship is considered to be Other Playing Pieces
captured when, at the end of the scenario, it is tractored by an Warp Point 1 at hex 0622
enemy ship and has no undestroyed weapon systems, and if all Warp Point 2 at hex 2004
other friendly ships on the map are also captured or destroyed. Warp Point 3 at hex 3419
Destroyers do not count for victory points in any way. The
Length of Scenario
player with the highest point total wins.
The scenario is played until only one player has any ships
remaining on the map. Starships may not exit the map except
Starfire 23
by the warp point through which they entered it. Estimated de Janeiro, ES Nile, ES Thames, ES Amazon and ES Volga. All
time to play - 60 minutes. Terran starships arrive on turn one via warp point one. The
initial facing of each starship is determined by the player.
Victory Conditions The player must arrange his starships in the order in which he
Each player receives one victory point for each weapon of any wishes them to appear. The first ship to be placed on the warp
type which he destroys on any enemy starship. The last player point in each turn expends one movement point to be placed
to have at least one starship remaining on the map will receive there, the second ship two points, and so on, until a maximum of
ten victory points. The player with the highest point total six ships have entered the map on each turn [see rule (B10.3)].
wins. ·
Ophiuchi Ships
Special Rules SD Al-Montausur, BB Al-Asfar, CA Al-Sa’if, CL Al-Hossam,
Players should see special rules concerning the use of the DD Al-Amir, DD Al-Amira, FG Al-A‘safeh, FG Al-Mattar,
Sequence of Play and the determination of initiative in three CT Al-Sahem, CT Al-Rommah, ES Al-Majahed and ES Al-
player scenarios (B4.2). Mohared. All Ophiuchi starships arrive on turn one via warp
point three. The initial facing of each starship is determined
(B12.42) Scenario X. The Second Battle of Ophiuchi Junction by the player.
– April 14, 2225 The player must arrange his starships in the order in which
Background he wishes them to appear. The first ship to be placed on the
The First Interstellar War lasted seven years. The Second warp point in each turn expends one movement point to be
Interstellar War lasted less than one. Both the Terrans and the placed there, the second ship two points, and so on, until a
Khanate attempted to establish a treaty of alliance with the maximum of six ships have entered the map on each turn [see
Ophiuchi, who spurned both. The Ophiuchi’s one major ad- rule (B10.3)].
vantage in space combat, the energy beam, was quickly copied Other Playing Pieces
by both the Khanate and the Terrans.
Warp Point 1 at hex 0622
Many small battles had been fought, but both the Terran
Warp Point 2 at hex 2004
and Khanate High Commands had learned that the war would
Warp Point 3 at hex 3419
be settled by a clash of major fleets. They saw no reason to
further postpone that clash. Ophiuchi Junction, site of the first Length of Scenario
battle and a dozen subsequent skirmishes, was to be the stage Play continues until only one player has any starship(s) on the
for the last battle of the Second Interstellar War. map. Estimated time to play - 120 minutes.
Number of Players: 3 Victory Conditions
Order of Battle Each player receives one victory point for each enemy weapon
which he destroys. The Ophiuchi player (only) receives one
Khanate Ships
victory point for each Terran or Khanate starship which is
SD Porgoz, SD Golhtz, SD Gruzakor, SD Fretkon, BB Filkhab, destroyed. He receives this victory point regardless of the size
BB Typroz, BB Phol, BB Ghiston, BC Parzh, BC Kobil, BC of the destroyed ship or which player destroyed it. The last
Azuz, BC Ghizo, CA Fibur, CA Kizhan, CA Talphon, CA player with one or more starships on the board receives a bonus
Kahrod, CL Rado, CL Winulsin, CL Naharot, CL Phydilar, DD of 25 victory points. Any starship which exits the map by a
lbhon, DD Rabhon, DD Fabhon, DD Ghabhon, FG Sy, FG Ghy, warp point may not return to the game. The player with the
FG Rhy, FG Dy, CT U, CT Shury, CT Ghour, CT Dihn, ES highest point total wins.
X-45, ES X-59, ES X-67 and ES X-82. All Khanate starships
arrive on turn one via warp point two. The initial facing of Special Rules
each ship is determined by the player. Players should see the special rules concerning the use of
The player must arrange his starships in the order in which the Sequence of Play and the determination of initiative in
he wishes them to appear. The first ship to be placed on the three-player scenarios (B4.2).
warp point in each turn expends one movement point to be
placed there, the second ship two points, and so on, until a
maximum of six starships have entered the map on each turn (B13.0) Designer's Notes
[see rule (B10.3)]. STARFIRE began in an early version published in 1975. The
Terran Ships purpose of this early version was to create a system which was
simple enough to allow entire fleets to be used. While the game
SD Churchill, SD Gladstone, SD Jefferson, SD de Gaulle, BB
as published by TASK FORCE GAMES bears the same name as
Ironsides, BB Monitor, BB Merrimack, BB Lusitania, BC King
the early version, as well as some similarities in the game mechan-
Louis, BC Queen Anne, BC Prince Philip, BC Princess Grace, CA
ics, the concept of simplicity in individual ships to allow larger
Yugoslavia, CA Peru, CA Monaco, CA Ethiopia, CL Semmes, CL
scenarios to be played is the major element of that version which
Yamamoto, CL Goto, CL Takagi, DD Forrest, DD Mosby, DD
survives. This makes STARFIRE an excellent game for begin-
Morgan, DD Wheeler, FG Investigator, FG Spotter, FG Seeker,
ners, since they are not required to memorize the entire rule book
FG Snooper, CT New York, CT Hong Kong, CT Paris, CT Rio
before beginning to play.
24 Starfire

The heart of this new version of the game lies in its portrayal 12. Datalink systems are now placed as the first system inside
of the inter-relationships of families of weapons. The ten scenar- the shields and armor of a starship, rather than between
ios of the First and Second Interstellar Wars were developed as the shields and the armor. Because of this location change,
devices to illus­trate these relationships. primary beams may now affect a data link system. See
The primary point of the game is still to create a system which (B11.62), item 4.
is rich in flavor and action, yet simple enough in its execution on a 13. The Introductory Scenario is completely new [see rule
ship versus ship basis to allow large fleets to be handled within the (B12.1)].
time limitation of a single evening of play. This does not mean that 14. The Create Your Own Battle instructions are completely
the smaller scenarios are only a training device. Many people enjoy new [see rule (B12.2)].
games which are complete, and yet may be played in half an hour. 15. The Fast Method of Ship Design has been dropped from
Whether this enjoyment stems from being able to play the game this edition to avoid confusion with the rules regarding
several times in one sitting, or simply to play in odd free moments, starship construction.
is of no importance. The point is that STARFIRE was designed 16. The starship construction rules have been completely
to be a complete, yet fast-playing, game. rewritten, but did not change in substance [see rule
— STEPHEN V. COLE. (B11.6)].
17. The concept of a half point of damage has been dropped.
(B13.1) Changes from the First Edition The Effect of Hit Table has been adjusted to reflect this.
There have been several changes made in the rules of this second 18. The Starship Control Sheets for the First and Second
edition of STARFIRE. This section lists these changes and ref- Interstellar Wars have been listed separately from the
erences their rule section in the second edition. scenarios [see rule (B12.31)].
1. The rule structure has been changed to facilitate use. We hope these changes will increase your enjoyment of the
Instructions for using this new rule structure are game.
contained in rule section (A2.1).
2. The rule summaries, indexes, and PLAYER’S
INFORMATION CARD are all new items intended to
(B14.0) Player’s Notes
help reference rules more easily, and allow play to proceed The key to the game is eliminating enemy weapons (and occasion-
more quickly. See rule sections (A2.2) through (A2.4) for ally enemy ships, although this is not necessarily the same thing).
information on these additions. In order for a player to accomplish this goal, he must bring supe-
3. The scale for tactical space combat has been changed rior firepower to the decisive point of the battle.
to make each turn encompass 30 seconds. Hex size has It is generally preferable for a player to keep his fleet togeth-
remained the same (93,000 miles, or half a light second). er, so that one part of it may not be crushed while the rest is out
This change does not affect the play of the game. of effective range. With decisive ranges for most weapons lying
4. The second edition of STARFIRE uses a larger map only three or four hexes away, it is possible to have part of the fleet
than the first edition. All hex locations cited in the rules destroyed while it is still in sight of the main force.
have been adjusted to fit the new map. Players should analyze their starships’ constructions and
5. Field of fire restrictions are no longer optional for the combat tables closely to determine the optimum ranges for
starships. All starships now have a 60 degree blind spot fighting. Concentrated fire against each enemy ship in turn, re-
directly to the rear [see rule (B6.1)]. ducing it to an ineffective hulk, will usually produce good results.
6. Bases may now be tractored [see rule (B7.4)]. With multiplex tracking, (M2) is often convenient in that
7. Cargo holds are not affected by primary beams [see rule it allows a large ship to fire missiles at a distant target and beams
(B8.15)]. at a close one. Any level of multiplex tracking over two, however
8. The number of hull spaces available for a Battleship have ((M3), etc.) is useful only at long ranges or against several weak
been increased from 80 to 90. See the Hull Costs and targets. Most Battleships do not carry enough weapons to bring
Characteristics table (B11.62). effective fire against three or more targets.
9. Several restrictions on how a starship may be configured
have been dropped. These dropped restrictions include
the requirement of hav­ing no more armor systems than
(B15.0) Credits
shield systems, allowing bulkheads in Freighters only, TASK FORCE GAMES wishes to thank all of the people in-
and allowing only one multiplex tracking system per volved with the production of the STARFIRE game.
ship. Players may now build their ships without these
restrictions, and allow battle experience to tell them what (B15.1) Credits For First Edition
will work best. Game Design • Stephen V. Cole
10. Bulkheads are now available to Technology Level I instead Development • Allen D. Eldridge
of be­ing introduced at Technology Level III.
11. The costs of multiplex tracking have been increased Rules Editing • Allen D. Eldridge and Mark Moody
by 5 MgC for (M3) and (M4), to 45 MgC and 65 Playtesting • Mark H. Moody, Barry Jacobs, Leslie H. Dixon,
MgC respectively. See the Starship Systems Costs and David L. Hoover, Ron Emch, Allen D. Eldridge, Larry
Requirements Table (B11.62).
Starfire 25
Mills, William Townley, R. Vance Buck, David W. (B10.2) Exiting Through a Warp Point
Crump, Kenneth Tucker (B10.3) Entering Through a Warp Point
(B10.4) The Effects of Tractoring with Regards To Warp Points
(B15.2) Credits For Second Edition (B11.0) Optional Tactical Combat Rules
Additional Development and Rules Editing • David W. Crump (B11.1) Damage Control
(B11.2) Datalink
Additional Scenarios and Examples • Thomas D. Redding
(B11.3) Geomorphic Maps
Master Ship Chart Compilation • R. Vance Buck (B11.4) Planets Blocking Weapons Fire
Evaluation • David M. Weber, Fred Burton, Steve White (B11.5) Simultaneous Movement
Additional Playtesting • Roy Noyes, Kenneth Hart, Mark (B11.6) Creating Starship Classes
Moody, Thomas D. Redding, Stephen Walker, Dwain Hull Costs and Characteristics
Walker, Danny Wright, Chuck Morgan, Ken Merrick Starship Systems Costs and Requirements Table
Summary of Technology Levels
Copyediting • Richard L. Buck
(B12.0) Scenarios
Proofreading • Richard L. Buck and Allen D. Eldridge (B12.1) Introductory Scenario
(B12.2) Create Your Own Battle
(B16.0) Rule Summary For Module B (B12.3) The First Interstellar War: Terran vs. Khanate
(B12.4) The Second Interstellar War: Enter the Ophiuchi
(B1.0) Introduction to STARFIRE (B12.5) Changes from the First Edition
(B1.1) For the Novice Player (B13.0) Player’s Notes
(B1.2) For the Gamer New to the STARFIRE System (B14.0) Credits
(B1.3) Game Components Used with STARFIRE (B14.1) Credits For First Edition
(B2.0) The Game System (Tactical Space Combat) (B14.2) Credits For Second Edition
(B2.1) The Tactical Space Combat Scale (B15.0) Rule Summary For Module A–B
(B2.2) The Starship Control Sheet (B16.0) Index for Modules A–B
(B2.3) The Tactical Combat Map
(B2.4) The Playing Pieces
(B2.5) Starship Types (B17.0) Index for Modules A–B
(B2.6) The Course of Play
(B2.7) Combat Tables A
(B3.0) Sequence of Play (Tactical Space Combat) ADVANCED MANEUVERING (B8.37)
(B3.1) Explanation of Sequence of Play (Tactical Space Combat) ANNOUNCING SHIELDS DOWN (B6.3)
(B4.0) Initiative in Movement and Combat (Tactical Space Combat) ARMOR (A) (B8.22)
(B4.1) Initiative for Two Player Games
(B4.2) Initiative for Three or More Players B
(B5.0) Starship Movement BASES (B9.1)
(B5.1) Movement Allowance BASES, STARS & PLANETS (B9.0)
(B5.2) Facing BULKHEAD (B) (B8.32)
(B5.3) Starship Movement Example
(B6.0) Starship Combat C
(B6.1) Targeting/Field of Fire CARGO HOLDS (H) (B8.31)
(B6.2) How To Score Damage Points CHANGES FROM THE FIRST EDITION (B13.1)
(B6.3) Announcing Shields Down CHANGING FACING DURING MOVEMENT (B5.21)
(B6.4) Combat Example COMBAT EXAMPLE (B6.4)
(B7.0) Tractoring Other Starships COMBAT, STARSHIPS (B6.0)
(B7.1) How to Tractor a Starship COMBAT TABLES (B2.7)
(B7.2) How To Break A Tractor Beam COURSE OF PLAY, THE (B2.6)
(B7.3) Effects of Being Tractored CREATE YOUR OWN BATTLE (B12.2)
(B7.4) Tractoring A Base CREATING STARSHIP CLASSES (B11.6)
(B8.0) Starship Systems CREDITS (B15.0)
(B8.1) Starship Weapons CREDITS FOR FIRST EDITION (B15.1)
(B8.2) Starship Defense Systems CREDITS FOR SECOND EDITION (B15.2)
(B8.3) Other Starship Systems
(B9.0) Bases, Stars & Planets D
(B9.1) Bases DAMAGE CONTROL (B11.1)
(B9.3) Planets DATALINK (B11.2)
(B10.0) Warp Points DEFENSE SYSTEMS, STARSHIP (B8.2)
(B10.1) Definition of a Warp Point
26 Starfire


(B1.2) SHEARING PLANE (C) (B8.34)
SHIELDS (S) (B8.21)

Strikefighter 27

C Strikefighter

(C1.0) Introduction to Unit Type

LIGHT CRUISER (A special Terran class with additional
STRIKEFIGHTER point defense)
In the year 2244, the Terrans encountered another alien race,
the Rigelians. The Rigelians had succeeded in developing the
DESTROYER (A special Terran class with additional point
fusion engine, a device which the other three races had long DDE
attempted but failed to produce. The Rigelians’ fusion en- DESTROYER (A special Khanate class with additional
gine was small enough to be mounted in a single-seat fighter, DDX
force beams)
yet powerful enough to produce a speed well beyond that of Strikefighter F
the heavy ion engines used in starships. The advent of the Note: No counters are provided to specifically represent the
STRIKEFIGHTER produced with these fusion engines CLE, DDX and DDE. Normal CL or DD counters are used for
changed the way in which starships were designed and star bat- these ships, and the ship-type code listed above is noted on the
tles were fought. ship’s Control Sheet to in­dicate that it belongs to the special class.
(C1.1) How to Integrate (C2.2) New Playing Pieces — The Rigelians
STRIKEFIGHTER and STARFIRE The Rigelian fleet uses playing pieces which are black against a
STRIKEFIGHTER is an addendum to the starship combat green background.
rules provided in STARFIRE. The STRIKEFIGHTER
rules expand the basic Sequence of Play and the other game me- (C2.3) Fighter Organization
chanics presented in STARFIRE without altering them in any Prior to play, all fighters must be organized into squadrons of
other way. no more than six fighters each. Each squadron must contain six
New tactical options for STRIKEFIGHTERs are ships unless the player has fewer than six fighters remaining. Each
explained in the Player’s Notes for STRIKEFIGHTER. fighter in a squadron may carry a different weapons configuration
The new technologies necessary to incorporate from the others in that squadron.
STRIKEFIGHTERs into the tactical combat rules pre- A fighter, once launched, may be detached from its origi-
sented in STARFIRE are explained in the rule section nal squadron and attached to any other squadron, as long as the
dealing with new stars hip systems and weapons, as well as the squadron to which it is attached still has six or fewer fighters.
section dealing with the STRIKEFIGHTERs themselves. However, this merging of squadrons will cause a loss of effective-
Additional information concerning starship construction is in- ness for all fighters within the new organization.
cluded for players who wish to· incorporate fighter/anti-fighter Adding unfamiliar pilots and equipment to a squadron
technologies into their own designs. causes a loss of precision in attacks. Consequently, a “+1” modifier
is applied to any die-roll against the Fighter Weapons Probability
(C1.2) Game Components Used of Hit & Effects Table or Fighter Kill Table for any fighter within
with STRIKEFIGHTER a squadron which has had one or more fighters added to it.
The hex-map is used in STRIKEFIGHTER, just as
in STARFIRE. The second sheet of playing pieces, la- (C2.4) Squadron Control Sheets
beled STARFIRE II, is used for the scenarios presented in Control Sheets are set up on blank paper for each squadron.
STRIKEFIGHTER. Playing pieces from either sheet may be Each fighter is assigned a number which is noted on the squad-
used for battles which the players create. Two six-sided dice are ron’s Control Sheet, and then the weapons load of each fighter
used in STRIKEFIGHTER, as in STARFIRE. is written beside the corresponding number. Fighter weapons are
Blank paper and writing instruments are also required for abbreviated as follows:
play, but are not included with the game.
R = Fighter rocket
L = Fighter laser
(C2.0) The Game System G = Fighter gun

with Strikefighters Below is a sample of a fighter-squadron’s Control Sheet:

Blue Squadron
(C2.1) New Playing Piece Types 1 R R
There are several new starship types in addition to the fighter 2 L L
playing pieces which are introduced in STRIKEFIGHTER. 3 G G
The following chart provides the key for the codes of these addi- 4 L G
tional ship types. 5 G R
6 L R
28 Strikefighter

In this sample, the first fighter is armed with two rockets,

the second with two lasers, the third with two guns, etc.
(C5.0) Fighter Movement
(C2.5) Additional Tables for (C5.1) Movement Allowance for Fighters
STRIKEFIGHTERS Fighter-squadrons always move as a unit. During combat, fight-
ers move approximately 50% faster than starships. To represent
Two additional Combat Results Tables are used for the reso-
this, fighters have a movement allowance of nine, and must use
lution of combat involving STRIKEFIGHTERs. These
one movement point per impulse. They are otherwise moved as
two additional tables are the Fighter Weapons Probability
of Hit & Effects Table and the Fighter Kill Table, which are
found on the PLAYER’S INFORMATION CARD for (C5.2) Fighter Facing/Turn Mode
STRIKEFIGHTER. Also included on the PLAYER’S
A fighter may change facing up to 60 degrees (one hex side) by ex-
INFORMATION CARD are instructions on how these tables
pending one movement point and remaining in the hex in which it
are to be used. An explanation of when these tables are to be used
was located before the facing change.
may be found in section (C6.0), ADDING FIGHTERS TO
Fighters have a turn mode requirement of one. This means
that fighters may change facing by one hex side each time they
move into a new hex. A facing change costs no movement points
(C3.0) Adding to the Sequence of Play if it is made after the turn Mode requirement has been fulfilled.
The STARFIRE Sequence of Play is expanded in Note that a fighter, like a starship, may never change facing
STRIKEFIGHTER to include a two-part Combat Phase. before moving in a given impulse. Instead, a facing change may
This expanded Sequence of Play is outlined below: only occur in each impulse after a move or instead of a move.

1. Initiative Determination Phase. (C5.3) Carrier/Fighter Interaction

2. Movement Phase. Fighters may either be in space (on the playing map) or aboard a
3. Combat Phase. carrier. Fighters which are aboard carriers are placed to one side
a. Starship Combat. of the map, and a record is kept of which fighter is aboard which
b. Fighter Combat. carrier. Fighters may not fire any weapons while aboard a carrier.
4. Tractor Beam Phase. If the fighter bays of a carrier are destroyed, any fighters
5. Record Keeping Phase. which are inside the bays are also destroyed. However, all un-
occupied bays are destroyed before occupied bays. Bases may be
(C3.1) Explanation of Additional Step In constructed with fighter bays, and if so, the bays are handled in
the same manner as carrier bays.
Sequence of Play (Tactical Space Combat)
3-B. Fighter weapons are fired after all starship weapons. The (C5.31) Launching Fighters
player with the initiative fires all of the weapons on one of his Fighters are launched only at the beginning of the Movement
fighters first, followed by the player with the second highest ini- Phase. Launching fighters is done by first placing the playing piec-
tiative roll. Play continues in this manner until all fighters belong- es for the fighters to be launched on top of the playing piece(s)
ing to all players have had a chance to fire their weapons. for the carrier(s) they are aboard. Any number of fighters may
be launched by a given carrier in one turn. The fighters are then
(C4.0) The Effects of moved, and may attack, normally in this turn. Because of the ef-
fects of warp point travel, carriers are not allowed to launch fight-
Initiative on Fighters ers on the turn in which they enter the map through a warp point.

(C4.1) Initiative in Movement (C5.32) Recovering Fighters

A fighter squadron moves as a unit. Each squadron is considered To be recovered, a fighter must be in the same hex as a friend-
a unit for the purposes of initiative in movement. Two or more ly carrier (one belonging to that player) at the beginning of the
squadrons in the same hex are considered to be separate units for Movement Phase. The carrier must have a sufficient number of
the purposes of initiative in movement. undestroyed fighter bays to accommodate any fighters which are
to be recovered in addition to those which are already aboard.
(C4.2) Initiative in Combat However, this is the only limit to the number of fighters which
Fighters are considered to be individual ships for purposes of ini- may be recovered by a carrier.
tiative in combat. The player with the initiative will fire any and Fighters which are launched in the same movement impulse
all of the weapons of one of his fighters first. The player with the in which others are recovered are not counted as being aboard the
second highest initiative roll will then fire the weapons of one of carrier for the purpose of determining if the carrier has a suffi-
his fighters, and so on, until all players have had the opportunity cient number of undestroyed fighter bays to accommodate the
to fire the weapons of all of their fighters. All fighter weapons may fighters which are to be recovered. Bases with fighter bays may
only be used during the second step of the Combat Phase. recover fighters located in the same hex as if they were carriers.
Strikefighter 29
(C5.33) Arming/Re-Arming Fighters SEVENTH IMPULSE • Only the Terran fighters still have
Any and all fighters which are aboard a friendly carrier for an en- movement points remaining. The Terran player moves the
tire turn may be armed or re-armed. This arming is done at the fighter squadron into hex 2222, and changes its facing to
end of the Movement Phase. A (having fulfilled their turn mode requirement of “1”).
Fighters must be armed during the turn immediately before EIGHTH IMPULSE • The Terran player moves the fighter
their intended launch. Since their weapons systems are modu- squadron into hex 2221, facing A.
larized, a fighter may totally change its weapons configuration NINTH IMPULSE • The fighters remain in hex 2221 and
aboard a carrier. Within the scope of a single space battle, a car- pivot 60 degrees to a facing of F for a cost of one move-
rier or base may be considered to carry an unlimited number of ment point. This places the fighters two hexes away from
fighter weapons-modules. the Burutu Warri, facing in a direction which places the
Burutu Warri within their field of fire.
(C5.4) Fighter Movement Example
At the beginning of the Movement Phase, the Rigelian Light
Cruiser Burutu Warri (with a speed of “6” and a turn mode re- (C6.0) Adding Fighters
quirement of “3”) finds itself alone with the Terran Light Carrier
Atlantis (with a speed of “6” and a turn mode requirement of “3”)
to Starship Combat
and its returning squadron of fighters (with a speed of “9” and Fighter weapons are fired during the second segment of the
a turn mode requirement of “1”).The Burutu Warri in hex 2325, Combat Phase. Fighters act as independent vehicles in firing their
facing A; the Atlantis is in hex 1325, facing A; and the fighter weapons. If more than one player has fighters, players alternate
squadron is in hex 1626, facing A. firing the weapons of one of their fighters, with the player who
As a result of the Burutu Warri’s position, the Captain has the initiative firing the weapons of the fighter of his choice
of the Atlantis has elected not to recover and re-arm the empty first. Each fighter may fire at only one target, but may fire all of its
rocket modules of the fighters, but instead to send the fighters weapons at that target.
immediately to engage the Burutu Warri. The Rigelian player has
the initiative for this turn, and so the Terran player will move his (C6.1) Fighter Field of Fire
starship and fighters first. Fighters have a 60 degree firing arc. This firing arc is illustrated on
the following page. Weapons may only be fired at a target which
FIRST IMPULSE • The Terran player moves his fighter squad-
is within the shaded hexes on this diagram, as well as within the
ron into hex 1625 and changes its facing to 8 (having
range specified by the Fighter Weapons Probability of Hit &
met the fighters’ turn mode requirement of “1”). He also
Effects Table for the weapon type being fired.
moves the Atlantis into hex 1324, facing A. The Rigelian
player moves the Burutu Warri into hex 2324, facing A.
SECOND IMPULSE • The Terran player moves his fighter
squadron into hex 1725, facing 8, and the Atlantis into
hex 1323, facing A. The Rigelian player moves the Burutu
Warri into hex 2323, facing A.
THIRD IMPULSE • The Terran player moves his fighter squad-
ron into hex 1824, facing 8. He also moves the Atlantis
into hex 1322, facing A. The Rigelian player moves the
Burutu Warri into hex 2322, and turns it to a facing of F
(having fulfilled the ship’s turn mode requirement of “3”).
FOURTH IMPULSE • The Terran player moves his fighter
squadron into hex 1924, facing 8, and the Atlantis into
hex 1321, facing A. The Rigelian player moves the Burutu Fighters located in the same hex as a target may always fire
Warri into hex 2221, facing F. at that target. Such fighters are considered to be employing a
FIFTH IMPULSE • The Terran player moves his fighter squad- tactic similar to the “dogfighting” practiced in the Terran World
ron into hex 2023, facing 8. He also moves the Atlantis War II, circa 1940s A.D..
into hex 1320, facing A. The Rigelian player moves the
Burutu Warri into 2121, facing F. (C6.2) Attacking Fighters with Starship Weapons
SIXTH IMPULSE • The Terran player moves his fighter Point defense [see rule (B8.24)]and improved point defense [see
squadron into hex 2123, facing 8. He uses the last move- rule (C8.23)] weapon systems are intended for use against fighters
ment point for the Atlantis by moving it into hex 1319, and missiles. In addition, most other weapons have at least some
and he changes its facing to 8 (having fulfilled its turn capability of hitting fighters. The Fighter Kill Table specifies the
mode requirement) to assure missile support for the probability of hitting a fighter with each of these weapons at var-
fighters. The Rigelian uses the last movement point for ious ranges.
the Burutu Warri by moving into hex 2020, and changes A squadron of fighters is considered a single unit for target-
its facing to A (having met the ship’s turn mode require- ing purposes, but any fighter within a squadron may be fired upon
ment of “3”). by any or all weapons form the attacking starship.
30 Strikefighter

No weapon system may be fired more than once per turn. (C6.6) Scoring Damage on Fighters
For example, a point defense system may not be fired at both a Any one hit from any weapon will destroy a fighter.
missile volley and a fighter squadron during the same turn.
Each weapon fired at a squadron of fighters must have a spe- (C6.7) Combat Example with Fighters
cific fighter for its target. The player firing at a fighter-squadron is At the end of the Movement Phase, the Rigelian Light Cruiser
not allowed to look at the targeted squadron’s Control Sheet. The Burutu Warri is cornered by a Terran fighter squadron. The fight-
player controlling the fighters should be careful not to provide ers expended the rockets from their weapons-modules on an ear-
information concerning which fighters have rockets or missiles lier turn, leaving the ships armed with only one laser each.
which have not yet been fired. The Burutu Warri’s control sheet looks like this:
All playing pieces for fighters belonging to a targeted squad-
ron should be inverted and shuffled. One of the inverted playing (3) xxSSSSxxxAHIWHILWDTIIII (6)
pieces is then drawn and turned face up, and all attacks against This Control Sheet represents the Burutu Warri’s status af-
the corresponding fighter are resolved before any additional ter damage it took in an earlier engagement.
fighter playing pieces are drawn. A player firing on a fighter may The Burutu Warri is in hex 2020, facing A. The Terran
continue to select weapons until that fighter is destroyed, or may Light Carrier Atlantis is in hex 1319, facing B. The Terran fighter
move on to attack another fighter at any time. squadron is in hex 2221, facing F.
The first segment of the Combat Phase involves only
(C6.3) Attacking Fighters with Fighter Weapons starship weapons. The Terran Player has the initiative, so he fires
A fighter may fire on another fighter. To do so, use the portion his starship weapons first. The Atlantis fires two missiles at the
of the Fighter Kill Table which lists the probability of a fighter Burutu Warri from a range of seven hexes. The missiles are both
weapon hitting another fighter. Two dice are rolled, and if the on target, but are intercepted by the Burutu Warri’s point defense
resulting total is less than or equal to the number listed on the system. However, this achieves the Terran player’s goal: to force
table, the weapon has hit its target, and the fighter is destroyed the Rigelian player to use his point defense system against the in-
(see (C6.6)). Players alternate firing the weapons of their fighters, coming missiles rather than to attack the fighters.
with the player who has the initiative firing the weapons of one of Next, the Rigelian player has the opportunity to fire his
his fighters first. starship weapons. He fires the Burutu Warri’s laser and two gun/
A fighter may only fire on one target during a given com- missile launchers (in gun mode) against the fighter squadron from
bat round. If a fighter’s weapons are fired on another fighter, that a range of two hexes.
fighter may not fire on any other target during that Combat Phase. All of the Terran player’s fighter counters are inverted and
Likewise, a fighter which fires it weapons on a starship may not fire shuffled. The Rigelian Player draws one. He rolls a “1” for the first
on another starship or a fighter during that Combat Phase. of his guns and refers to the Fighter Kill Table. According to the
table, a roll of “1” for a gun at this range destroys the fighter. He
(C6.4) Attacking Starships with Fighter Weapons looks at the counter he drew, and informs the Terran player that
A fighter may fire at a starship or base using the Fighter Weapons Fighter 3 has been destroyed. The Terran player crosses off the
Probability of Hit & Effects Table (found on the PLAYER’S line for Fighter 3 on the Squadron Control Sheet, and then sets
INFORMATION CARD). Instructions on how this table is the playing piece aside.
used are also included on the PLAYER’S INFORMATION The Rigelian player draws a second fighter to attempt to
CARD. destroy from the pile of inverted playing pieces. He rolls for his
The table is in two parts. The first part lists the probability other gun; but the die-roll is high, and the weapon misses. He
of a hit, and the second part lists the damage points caused by a rolls a “1” for his laser, and referring to the Fighter Kill Table,
hit. Any special rules for allocating these damage points are listed finds that the second fighter is destroyed. This fighter is revealed
with the description of the individual fighter weapons-systems. to be Fighter 2, and the Terran player crosses this fighter’s line off
A fighter squadron must move as a unit, and all fighters the Squadron Control Sheet and sets its playing piece aside.
within the squadron will be in the same hex during the Combat It is now time for the second segment of the Combat Phase,
Phase; however, the fighters of a squadron may be split off and in which the fighters fire their weapons. Only the Terran player
attacked as separate targets in the same hex, or may be withheld has fighters in this situation, so combat will not alternate between
from an attack. A fighter may only fire at one target during a the players.
Combat Phase whether that target is a starship, base or another The four remaining fighters fire their lasers at the Rigelian
fighter. Light Cruiser from a range of two hexes. The Terran player rolls
a “10,” a “5,” a “6” and an “8.” This results in three laser hits on the
(C6.5) Multiplex Tracking and Fighters Burutu Warri. The Burutu Warri’s Control Sheet now looks like this:
Fighters are too small to carry multiplex tracking equipment, and
so may only fire on one target per combat round. (3) xxSSSSxxxxxxWHILWDTIIII (5)
A fighter squadron is considered as one target when starship The three laser hits knocked out an armor, hull and ion en-
weapons are targeting. Multiplex tracking could be used by a gine system, which were the first three systems inside the shields.
starship to allow it to fire its weapons on more than one squadron (Fighter lasers skip shields.).
of fighters or a squadron of fighters and one or more starships (de- Play now continues with the Tractor Beam Phase of this
pending on the sophistication of the multiplex tracking system). turn.
Strikefighter 31

(C7.0) Tractoring Fighters Once a fighter rocket has been fired, it is expended. The cor-
responding letter-code is crossed off that fighter’s list of systems
Fighters are recovered to their carriers by employing a low-power, on its Squadron Control Sheet.
short-range version of the tractor beam. This is reflected in the A hit from a fighter rocket will destroy a targeted fighter.
rules concerning the recovery of fighters (C5.32). This low-power Point defense and improved point defense systems may not inter-
tractor beam is an integral part of the fighter bay system, and is cept a fighter rocket barrage.
not shown separately.
The tractor beam system incorporated in some starships (C8.2) Other Starship Systems
may be used as a weapon against fighters. These long-range and
very intense tractor beams will crush any fighter to which they at- (C8.21) Fighter Bays (V)
tach themselves. However, a fighter is an evasive and small target, This system represents the hangars, launch decks, and repair
and this tractor beam lock-on is very difficult. equipment necessary to carry and launch a fighter. If a bay is de-
A tractor beam which is to be employed as an anti-fighter stroyed before its fighter is launched, the fighter is also destroyed.
weapon is used in the Combat Phase rather than the Tractor Any undestroyed bay may service one fighter.
Beam Phase. The result of a tractor beam’s use as an anti-fighter If hit, fighter bays may collapse in succession as do cargo
weapon is determined on the Fighter Kill Table in the same man- holds. See the rules concerning cargo holds (B8.31) for the proce-
ner as determining the result of other starship weapons which are dure for determining the extent of this collapse. Bulkheads may
fired against a fighter. A tractor beam may not be used to attempt be used to break apart strings of fighter bays, and so stop them
to lock onto more than one fighter per turn, and if used in this from collapsing in succession.
manner, will not be available for use in the Tractor Beam Phase
later in the turn. (C8.22) Point Defense (D)
In addition to the rules in STARFIRE, point defense
(C8.0) Starship and Fighter Systems weapons (B8.23) may be fired offensively at fighters in
STRIKEFIGHTER. Point defense systems fired offensively
at fighters roll against the FIGHTER KILL table to determine
(C8.1) Fighter Weapons the outcome of their firing.
Each standard fighter may be outfitted with any combination of
two of the three following weapon types: fighter guns, fighter lasers (C8.23) Improved Point Defense (Di)
and fighter rockets. The fighter weapon systems are modularized, This weapon system was developed in response to the introduc-
and may be interchanged while a fighter is aboard a carrier or base. tion of STRIKEFIGHTERs. It is basically identical to a
normal point defense system, except that improved point defense
(C8.11) Fighter Gun (G) has a greater probability of hitting a fighter and is not as effective
A fighter gun operates in the same manner as a starship gun, ex- against incoming missiles. In addition, improved point defense
cept that the fighter gun is much more shortly ranged and rolls has the unique ability of employing a 360 degree field of fire in
against the Fighter Weapons Probability of Hit & Effects Table. targeting a fighter. A special line on the Fighter Kill Table is de-
A fighter gun will cause one point’s worth of damage to a starship, voted to improved point defense systems.
and affects systems from left to right. A hit from a fighter gun will Improved point defense is handled in exactly the same man-
destroy a targeted fighter. Each fighter gun-module is considered ner as normal point defense systems for intercepting incoming
to contain ample ammunition for a star battle, and does not need missiles. However, improved point defense receives a +1 modi-
to be reloaded. fier to its die-roll against the Probability of Hit Table (Starships
Firing at Starships) when fired against incoming missiles. See the
(C8.12) Fighter Laser (L) rules section dealing with point defense (B8.23) for the procedure
A fighter laser operates in the same manner as a starship laser, for determining if an incoming missiles has been intercepted.
except that it is much more shortly ranged and rolls against the
Fighter Weapons Probability of Hit & Effects Table. A fighter
laser will cause one point’s worth of damage to a starship, and (C9.0) Bases and Stars
affects systems from left to right, skipping shields. A hit from a
fighter laser will destroy a targeted fighter. A fighter laser-module (C9.1) Bases
is considered to have an ample power-charge for a star battle, and A base may be set up to accommodate fighters in the same man-
does not need to be recharged. ner as a carrier by incorporating one or more fighter bays in its
design. See rules section (B9.1) for more information concerning
(C8.13) Fighter Rocket (R) bases.
A fighter rocket is actually a pod of several rockets which are fired
as a barrage. A fighter rocket system is a non-homing weapon (C9.2) Stars
which is most effective at point-blank range. Similar to starships, fighters are not allowed to be moved into the
A fighter which is carrying two rocket-pods may fire one or area within a six-hex radius of a star playing piece. Weapons-fire
both of the pods in a given turn. A rocket barrage which hits its from fighter guns and lasers may be blocked by a star in the same
target causes three points’ worth of damage. These damage points manner as a starship’s weapons-fire. See rules section (B9.2) for
are scored from left to right. more information concerning stars and their effects.
32 Strikefighter

(C10.0) Fighters and Warp Points Historically, only the Rigelians used kamikaze fighters
during the Third Interstellar War. Therefore, the historical sce-
Fighters may be in the hex in which a warp point is located, and narios provided in this module will only allow kamikaze fighters
are unaffected by the warp point’s presence. Fighters may not pass to be used by the Rigelians.
through warp points unassisted, but must rather be aboard a starship
equipped with fighter bays to do so. Rules concerning how a carrier (C11.2) Fighter Construction and Support Systems
may enter and exit the map through a warp point are contained in This optional rule provides the requirements and data necessary
section (B10.0). See rule-section (C5.3) for rules concerning how a for players to build fighters and add fighter-defense and support
fighter may be aboard a carrier, or recovered and launched by the car- systems to their starship designs. It also makes provisions for new
rier. Fighters may not be launched from a carrier on the turn in which starship hulls specifically designed to carry or counter fighters.
the carrier enters the tactical combat map through a warp point.
(C11.21) Fighter Construction
(C11.0) Advanced Optional Rules A standard fighter, as presented in STRIKEFIGHTER, is
purchased and equipped for a total cost of 25 Megacredits. The spe-
cial weapons for fighters are modularized, and so interchangeable.
(C11.1) Kamikaze Fighters The weapons configuration of a fighter does not need to be
This optional rule allows fighters to be used to ram enemy specified at the time at which it is built. See rule section (C2.4)
starships. A fighter which is to be used to make a kamikaze at- for information on how a newly constructed fighter is recorded
tack must be designated when it is launched by placing a K as on a Squadron Control Sheet. Also see rule section (C5.33) for
the first item on the line for that fighter on its Squadron Control information on how to arm and re-arm a fighter.
Sheet. To ram a starship, a fighter must be in the same hex as the
starship at the end of the Movement Phase. (C11.22) Additional Starship
All attacks are resolved in the normal manner until time for Hulls and Characteristics
the designated kamikaze fighter to make its attack. At that point,
There are two new hull types introduced for starships in
the kamikaze fighter may fire all of its weapons. A single die is
STRIKEFIGHTER. The procedure for building these new
then rolled, and if the die-roll result is “4” or less, the kamikaze
types of starships is the same as for any other starship. See rule
ship hits its target and does four points’ worth of damage. These
section (B11.6) for information concerning how to construct a
four damage points are in addition to any damaged caused by the
fighter’s weapons-fire.
Spaces Req.
Spaces Eng. Cost per
Hull Type Hull Cost Turn Mode Max Speed Per Eng.
Available Factor
CVL 400 50 3 6 8 2
CV 700 85 3 6 10 2

(C11.23) Additional Starship Systems

Cost Space Tech.
System Code Special Rules
(MgC) Required Level
Fighter bays are only available for CV, CVL, and base hull types.
Fighter Bay V 5 1 VIII Fighter bays are affected by damage points in the same
manner as cargo holds [see rule (B8.31)].
Improved Point Defense Di 30 2 IX

(C11.24) Additional Technology Levels


(C11.3) Ramming does not want his ship to evade the ramming attempt, it is
This optional rule allows a player to use his starship to ram an automatically successful.
enemy starship in a desperate situation. 3. If the player who controls the targeted starship wishes
to evade the ramming attempt, the player who controls
(C11.31) Procedure for Ramming the ramming ship must roll a six-sided die to determine
if the attempt is successful. On a die-roll of “1” or “2,” the
1. The starship attempting to ram an enemy ship must move
ramming attempt is successful. On a die-roll of “3” or “4,”
into the hex of the intended target during the Movement
the ramming attempt is partially successful, and will cause
half the amount of damage, rounded down, of a successful
2. The player who controls the target starship may attempt to
have his ship evade the ramming ship if he chooses. If he
Strikefighter 33
ramming [see rule (C11.33)]. On a die-roll of “5” or “6,” the All fighter missiles which are fired from a fighter squadron
ramming is unsuccessful, and neither ship is damaged. In at a single target in a single Combat Phase are treated as a volley.
this case, both ships continue to move normally. In all other ways, fighter missiles are treated exactly as starship
missiles [see rule (B8.12)]. Fighter missiles cost 1 MgC each, and
(C11.32) Ramming a Base each fighter bay has a total capacity of six missiles.
A starship may ram a base. A ramming attempt made on a base (C11.42) The Effect of Load on Fighter Velocity
is always successful, and the amount of damage caused to the
This optional rule allows a more complex treatment of the effect
starship and base is figured in the manner described in rule sec-
of load on the speed of fighters in combat.
tion (C11.33).
Physics points out an inverse relationship between the
(C11.33) The Effects of Being Rammed weight (mass) of a body and its maximum attainable velocity. In
other words, the maximum speed of a fighter will be reduced as
If an attempt to ram is partially or completely successful, both
its mass increases.
starships suffer damage. To determine the amount of damage
The weapons modules carried on fighters add enough
caused by a successful ramming attempt, the following procedure
weight to the ship to affect its maximum speed. To reflect this,
should be used:
each weapons module may be assigned a weight factor of one
1. Total the number of systems on each ship separately, “load point.” The speed of each fighter would then be adjusted for
excluding shields. the number of load-points it is carrying.
2. Add to each total twice the number of armor systems on The maximum possible speed for a standard or “first-gener-
the respective ship for that total. ation” fighter is eleven movement points. One is subtracted from
this speed for each load-point the fighter carries. Thus, a first-gen-
For the purposes of these totals, the fact that some armor or
eration fighter would move at a speed of nine if it were fully loaded
other systems may be marked off as destroyed should be ignored.
with two weapons modules.
Two totals will result, one for each ship.
Weapons modules may be jettisoned to allow a fighter to
These totals are the number of damage points which are to
move more quickly during the next Movement Phase. However,
be scored, each against the other starship. The first two damage
the decision to jettison a weapons module must be made prior to
points should be scored against operational ion engines. Damage
the Combat Phase of a turn.
points are then scored from left to right, ignoring shields and the
For expendable weapons (fighter rockets and missiles), the
fact that some of the systems may have already been marked off.
entire weight of the module is contained in the rocket or missile
In determining the amount of damage caused by ramming,
itself. One load point is subtracted from the fighter’s weight when
each armor system will require two damage points scored against
these weapons are fired, beginning with the following Movement
it in order to be destroyed. Fighter bays (V) and cargo holds (H)
Phase. Fighter rockets and missiles may also be jettisoned with-
will not collapse in their normal manner, but will instead be de-
out being fired.
stroyed by one damage point each.
A starship which is damaged by being rammed may continue (C11.43) Second Generation Fighters
to move if it has ion engines remaining. Whether the ship may move
This optional rule introduces the more advanced and more pow-
is determined by subtracting the number of impulses which have
erful fighter which was developed too late to be included in the
taken place in the Movement Phase from the number of ion engines
battles of the Third Interstellar War. These fighters were more
which remain on the ship. If the difference is a positive number, the
powerful because of their greater specialization in their configu-
starship may continue to move the indicated number of impulses.
ration, which conserved weight. This weight conservation allowed
(C11.4) Advanced Fighter Rules the fighters to carry more armament at greater speeds.
A second-generation fighter costs 35 MgC (10 MgC more
This optional rule provides for the use of more advanced and pow-
than a standard fighter). They are built with one permanently in-
erful fighters, and may be used in whole or in part.
stalled weapons module as an inherent part of their hull. (This
During the Third Interstellar War, the Rigelians were the
system does not count as a load-point, and may not be jettisoned
only race to advance fighter technology beyond the level at which
as per (C11.42).) The permanently installed weapon may either be
the ships were introduced. For this reason, the historical scenar-
a gun or laser.
ios allow only the Rigelians to use advanced fighter technology.
A second-generation fighter may mount up to two addition-
However, following the defeat of the Rigelians, the Terran and
al weapons modules (two load-points), but sacrifices a portion of
Khanate empires quickly copied these advanced technologies
its speed to do so. The base speed of a second-generation fighter
from captured Rigelian fighters.
is twelve (it may move twelve impulses, using one movement point
(C11.41) Fighter Missile per impulse). The load-points for the externally carried weapons
modules affect a second-generation fighter in the manner de-
This optional rule allows the addition of stand-off missile tech-
scribed in (C11.42) above. Thus, a fully loaded second-generation
nology to fighters.
fighter would move at a speed of ten (ten impulses, using one
The fighter missile is much more shortly ranged and less ac-
movement point per impulse). No fighter, including a second-gen-
curate than a starship missile. The maximum range of a fighter mis-
eration fighter, may fire more than one missile at a time.
sile is eight hexes. The probability of a hit with a fighter missile is
A second-generation fighter operates exactly as a standard
shown on the Fighter Weapons Probability of Hit & Effects Table.
(first generation) fighter in all other ways.
34 Strikefighter

(C12.0) Scenarios a six-hex radius of the planet. The player with the highest
point total wins the scenario.
(C12.1) Introductory Scenario for Fighters Special Rules
With the introduction of STRIKEFIGHTERs, an urgent None.
need for training in new tactics to counter the new technology
became apparent. The Terrans, using Terran vehicles and com- (C12.2) Adding Fighters to Your Own Star Battles
puter simulation, had many training exercises to develop new tac- Players may create their own battles which include
tics and train their unit commanders. This scenario recreates one STRIKEFIGHTERs. In creating a battle, players should
such training exercise. make the same decisions as those listed in rules section (B12.2).
The ideas which follow will help players create interesting bat-
Number of Players: 2
tles which include fighters, but are by no means the only possible
Order of Battle situations.
Terran Ships 1. An interesting objective is the destruction of enemy
carriers. In general, victory conditions should reflect the
Jason - CVL1 - (2) (9xS)(7xA)HIWHILWDiVVVDiVVVII (6) importance of withdrawing a carrier from a battle intact.
The Jason is set up in hex 2241, facing D, and has a full com- 2. Interesting battles may be created by having a carrier task
plement of six fighters aboard at the beginning of the scenario. force (comprised of a carrier, several escorts and fighters)
These fighters may be armed with any combination of guns or attack a battle group which does not have fighter cover.
rockets. 3. The classic carrier versus carrier battle may be staged by
giving each player a carrier and fighters, as well as a given
number of Megacredits with which to buy escorts.
The Halsey is set up in hex 2001, facing D.
4. One player may defend with a convoy and escort
Blucher - DD1 - (2) SSSSAAAAHIHIWLDFIII (5) (comprised of a light carrier and several small starships)
The Blucher is set up in hex 1901, facing D. and have the other player attack with a superior force
which includes fighters.
The Miles is set up in hex 2101, facing D.
(C12.3) The Third Interstellar War
Terran Ships in Role of Enemy (Use Khanate playing
pieces) (C12.31) Scenario Ship Classes
Each of the following scenarios represents a specific battle of the
Harpy - CVL1 - (2) (9xS)(7xA)HIWHILWDiVVVDiIIVVVII (6) Third Interstellar War, and uses ships from the list below.
The Harpy has a full complement of six fighters aboard at the
beginning of the scenario. These fighters may be armed with Khanate Starships
any combination of guns or rockets.
CV (Sinekur Class) • (other ships in class: Parible,
Nishamura - CL1 - (3) SSSSSAAAAHIHWFHIIDWDIII (6) Rumanscheli, Ryzderign, Jumicetur, Tokody, Jhudrosen,
Wainwright - DD1 - (2) SSSAAAHLIWIFIDII (5)
CVL (Khyntre Class) • (other ships in class: Panthus, Phulby,
Hytmiru, Giltry, Huhscazty, Schorry)
All Terran starships in the role of enemy ships enter the map
via warp point one on turn one. Their initial facing is deter-
mined by the player. See (B10.3) for rules concerning entering BB (Traskon Class) • (other ships in class: Psetroyg,
the map via a warp point. Udtacaetus, Dirgun, Jedtuhr, Furmunt, Ginit)
Other Playing Pieces (4) (14xS)(11xA)HWHWDiHFHWH(M3)FWDPPDIII (5)
Planet in hex 2215 BC (Littniek Class) • (other ships in class: Valpernak,
Warp Point 1 in hex 0215 Kologodtir, Ziberdak, Kologidd, Nersgohitl
Length of Scenario
The scenario will last ten turns, or until one force is destroyed BC(V) (Prokalhon Refit) • (only ship in class)
or disengages. (3) (9xS)(7xA)HLHIWHFHWDiIDiDi(M3)
Victory Conditions
Each player receives 20 victory points for the destruction of his CA (Fibor Class) • (other ships in class: Diorn, Plyastir, Cittun,
opponent’s carrier. In addition, he also receives one point for Musin, Procil, Dryonl
each of his operable starship- or fighter-weapon systems within (3) (8xS)(7xA)HIWWIF(M2)FWDDillll (6)
Strikefighter 35
CL (Rado Class) • (other ships in class: Cado, Zado, Lado, CVL (Boko Tomboko Class) • (other ships in class:
Gada, Oado, Yado) Luluaborg, Mankato, Ushirombo Doba, Nakuru, Shiwa
(2) SSSSAAAHWILWIFDDillll (6) Nagandu, Nyanza)
(2) (11xS)(10xA)HIWIWWDiVVVDiIIIIVVV (6)
DD (lbhon Class) • (other ships in class: Kold, Fodlut,
Kormoran, Pendishere, Vualos) CA (Kalkfontein Class) • (other ships in class: Khanzi Kakia,
(2) SSSAAAHIWLDFIIII (5) Kwakhanai, Chukudu Tsane, Nanzhila)
(3) (7xS)(5xA)HIWWDilDW(M2)FFHDillll (6)
DDX (Rakan Class) • (other ships in class: Sokam, Blednuk,
Quevlak, Teigh, Yuborezh) CL (Bombima Class) • (other ships in class: Molukal Abwong,
(2) SSAAHIIIFFFDIII (6) Abourai, Gworzo, Burutu Warri, Mulundo, Kishi)
(0) (14xS)(14xA)HLHFDDDHWWWWHEEOOWP (0) DD (Timbedra Class) • (other ships in class: Tadjakant,
Tadjakantu, Douentza Gara, Yeggebu, Banambu Cina,
Terran Starships Kaigo, Deleiq Um, Makanja, Nagara Bissam, Oturkpo,
Djamassa, Butwana Gomu)
CV (Independence Class) • (other ships in class: Revolution,
Freedom, Charter, Magna Carta, Order, Committee)
(2) (19xS)(15xA)HWHWIHWDiWHWDiPVVVVVVIIIIIVVVVVV (6) (C12.311) Scenario I. First Contact with the Rigelians

CVL (Pegasus Class) • (other ships in class: Heracles, – July 25, 2244
Centaur, Medusa, Ajax, Achilles, Cyclops, Scylla, Charybdis) Background
(2) (9xS)(7xA)HIWHILWDiDiVVVIIIIVVV (6) Expanding constantly, the Terran Empire sent out groups of
fast starships to explore new systems. At system MXL-23, one
BB (Thunderer Class) • (other ships in class: Agincourt, of these groups found more than it was looking for: a new and
Dreadnought, Vanguard, Warspite, Revenge, Bellephoron, hostile race.
Valiant, Royal Crown)
(4) (16xS)(12xA)HWHIHDWDiFPHDII(M3)HFPDilll (5) Number of Players: 2

BC (Prince of Wales Class) • (other ships in class: Count of Order of Battle

Bavaria, Duke of York, Earl of Sheffield, Duke of Bedford, Terran Ships
Duke of Lancaster)
CL Nimitz, DD Santa Anna and DD Rokosovsky. All Terran
(3) (10xS)(10xA)HWHWHWHFHE(M3)DiHDiPPDillllll (6)
starships arrive at warp point one on turn one. The Terran
CA (Chihuahua Class) • (other ships in class: Bangladesh, player may chose the initial facing of his ships.
Malaysia, Uganda, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Bolivia, Lapland, Rigelian Ships
Gondwandaland, Swaziland, Florida)
CVL Nakuru in hex 1715, facing F. The Nakuru has a full
(3) (13xS)AAHWHIWI(M2)WFHDiPDilll (5)
complement of six fighters aboard, ready for launch. The
CL (Nelson Class) • (other ships in class: Kirk, Nagumo, fighters are armed prior to play with any combination of guns
Nimitz, Farragut, Beatty, Dewey, Perry, Xoa-Xung) or rockets.
(3) (5xS)(4xA)HIHWFDIHWDIIII (6) Other Playing Pieces
CLE (Comet Class) • (other ships in class: Asteroid, Nova, Warp Point 1 in hex 0404
Nebula, Star, Meteor, Moon, Sattelite, White Dwarf) Planet in hex 2315
(2) (4xS)(4xA)HWDDDDDiDiDillllll (6)
Length of Scenario
DD (Guderian Class) • (other ships in class: Custer, Xerxes, There is no limit to the number of turns for which this sce-
Alexander, Montgomery, Grant, Lee, Patton, Washington, nario may be played. Play continues until one or both players
Zhukov, Wellington, Scipio, Hannibal, Rokosovsky, have no playing pieces remaining on the tactical combat map.
Burnside, Santa Anna) Estimated time to play - 20 minutes.
Victory Conditions
DDE (Viking Class) • (other ships in class: Hun, Mongol, Victory determination is based on a point system. The Terran
Avar, Commanche, Eskimo, Norman, Ottoman) player receives one point for each fighter he destroys, and
(1) SSSSAAAAHDiHDiDiDiHIIIIII (6) two points for each internal hit (not shields or armor) on the
Rigelian light cruiser.
Rigelian Starships
The Rigelian player receives one point for each internal hit
CV (Tambacounda Class) • (other ships in class: Koudoulasso, on the Terran destroyers and two points for each internal hit
Diebou Dunkassa, Gwari, Dunkwa Gaoua, Djamba) on the Terran light cruiser.
36 Strikefighter

Each player receives additional bonus points as follows for systems. Any Rigelian fighter remaining on the map at the end
the total destruction of his opponent’s starships: of turn fifteen will be considered to be captured.
CVL - 12 points
CL - 5 points (C12.313) Scenario Ill. War on the Frontier
DD - 2 points – October 14, 2244
The player with the highest point total wins the scenario. Background
The war between the Terrans and the Rigelians soon erupted.
Special Rules
The decisive battle of the first phase of the war occurred when
The Rigelians may only exit the map via its edges. The Terrans the major forces of the Rigelian Strike Fleet and the Terran
may only exit the map via the warp point. Battle Fleet met at Lassa’s Planet.
(C12.312) Scenario II. A Ripost – June 29, 2244 Number of Players: 2
The Rigelians attacked with a hastily assembled carrier strike Order of Battle
force, hoping to win a quick victory and a tactical advantage. Terran Ships
BB Thunderer, BB Agincourt, BC Duke of Lancaster, BC
Number of Players: 2 Count of Bavaria, CA Lichtenstein, CA Florida, CL Farragut,
CLE Star, DD Alexander, DD Montgomery, DD Grant, DD
Order of Battle
Lee, DDE Viking and DDE Hun. All Terran ships are set up
Terran Ships anywhere within three hexes of the planet.
BC Earl of Sheffield, CL Kirk, CL Nagumo, DD Guderian, DD
Zhukov, DD Custer and DD Xerxes. The Terran ships are set Rigelian Ships
up anywhere ten hexes or more from the warp point on the CV Koudoulasso, CV Gwari, CV Diebou Dunkassa, CVL
tactical combat map. The ships’ initial facing is determined by Boko Tomboko, CVL Ushirombo Doba, CVL Luluaborg, CL
the player. Bombima, CL Abourai, DD Timbedra, DD Tadjakant, DD
Yeggebu and DD Kaigo. All Rigelian carriers and light carriers
Rigelian Ships have full complements of fighters (twelve fighters for carriers
CVL Luluaborg, CVL Mankato, CVL Nyanza, DD Timbedra, and six for light carriers). These fighters may be armed with
DD Tadjakantu and DD Makanja. Each Rigelian light carrier any combination of guns and rockets, and are all aboard their
has a full complement of six fighters aboard. These fighters carriers at the beginning of the scenario. All Rigelian ships
may be armed with any combination of guns or rockets. enter the scenario on turn one at warp point two. Their initial
All Rigelian ships enter the scenario on turn one via the facing is determined by the Rigelian player.
warp point.
Their initial facing is determined by the Rigelian player. Other Playing Pieces
Note that fighters may not be launched until the turn after Warp Point 1 in hex 321 5
a carrier has entered the map through a warp point [see rule Warp Point 2 in hex 0916
(C5.31)]. Planet in hex 1613

Other Playing Pieces Length of Scenario

Warp Point 1 in hex 2315 There is no limit to the number of turns for which the scenario
may be played. Play continues until one force is destroyed or
Length of Scenario disengages (exits the map via a warp point). Estimated time to
The scenario is played for fifteen turns. Estimated time to play play - 120 minutes.
- 60 minutes.
Victory Conditions
Victory Conditions Victory determination is based on control of the area of space
Victory determination is based on a point system. The Terran represented by the map. Having control of the map area is
player receives five points for each fighter he destroys, two defined as being the last player to have starships (not fighters)
points for each internal hit (not shields or armor) on a Rigelian on the map. Victory is awarded as follows:
light carrier, and fifteen points for each fighter he captures Decisive Rigelian Victory • The Rigelian player has control
(each fighter remaining on the map at the end of turn fifteen of the map-area and has not lost a carrier or light carrier.
- see SPECIAL RULES). The Rigelian player receives two
points for each internal hit on a Terran ship. The player with Tactical Rigelian Victory • The Rigelian player has control of
the highest point total wins the scenario. the map-area and has lost no more than one light carrier from
his carrier-group.
Special Rules Marginal Rigelian Victory • The Rigelian player has control
All Rigelian ships must exit the map by the end of turn fifteen. of the map-area and has lost no more than one carrier or two
Any Rigelian starship remaining on the map at the end of turn light carriers from his carrier-group.
fifteen will be considered to be destroyed, and the Terran play-
er will receive victory points for the destruction of its internal
Strikefighter 37
Draw • The Rigelian player has control of the map-area but Other Playing Pieces
loses more than one carrier or two light carriers from his Warp Point 1 in hex 1116
carrier-group. Planet in hex 2414
Marginal Terran Victory • The Rigelian player has control of
Length of Scenario
the map-area but two or more Terran Capital Ships (battle-
ships or battlecruisers) escape. The scenario is played for twelve turns.
Tactical Terran Victory • The Terran player controls the Victory Conditions
map-area. Victory determination is based on a point system. Players are
Decisive Terran Victory • The Terran player controls the awarded points as follows: The Khanate player scores two
map-area and destroys one or more Rigelian carrier or light points for each Rigelian fighter he destroys. The Rigelian
carrier, or destroys 36 or more Rigelian fighters. player scores one point for each internal hit (not shields or
armor) on a Terran ship.
Special Rules In addition, each player is awarded bonus points as follows
Terran starships may only exit the map via warp point one. for destroying enemy ships:
Rigelian starships may only exit the map via warp point two. DD • 2 points
CL • 5 points
(C12.314) Scenario IV. The Aeolus Raid
– December 7, 2244 CA • 8 points
Background BC and CVL • 12 points
The Terrans, after their defeat at Lassa’s Planet, were tem- BB and CV • 15 points
porarily out of the war. And so the Rigelians decided to turn The Rigelian player wins the scenario if he scores at least
against the Khanate. Their plan was to strike the Khanate 100 points more than the Khanate player. All other situations
in the main advanced base (where the Khan had assembled are a victory for the Khanate player.
his fleet as a show of strength), and destroy the bulk of the
Khanate fleet. With both major adversaries defeated, the Special Rules
Rigelians reasoned that they would be able to dictate a new The Rigelian player has the initiative for turns one through
galactic order. six. After that, initiative is rolled for in the normal manner [see
rule (B4.0)].
Number of Players: 2
The Khanate ships designated to be on standby have
Order of Battle inactive shields for the first four turns (shields are ignored
when scoring damage points). Standby ships may not fire
Khanate Ships
their point defense or improved point defense weapons until
ON STANDBY AT BEGINNING OF SCENARIO: BB turn five, may not fire any other weapons until turn eight,
Traskon in hex 2713, BB Psetroyg in hex 2711, BB Udtacaetus and may not move until turn ten. The Khanate player may
in hex 2710, BB Dirgun in hex 2811, BC Littniek in hex 2809, secretly designate one standby Battlecruiser to have its
BC Kologodtir in hex 2810, BC Ziberdak in hex 2812, BC engines running at the beginning of the scenario, and this
Valpernak in hex 2712, CL Oado in hex 2813, DD Kormoran starship may move on turn five. The base may not fire any
in hex 2514, DD Fodlut in hex 2807 and DD Kold in hex 3014. weapon until turn four.
SCENARIO: DD Vualos in hex 1316. (C12.315) Scenario V. The Destruction of the
MOVEMENT PHASE, TURN TWO: CA Diorn and CA Background
Plyastir, both in hex 1701. Base at hex 2912. Base is not on
The Khan was furious. The embarrassment of having his
fleet crippled was only exceeded by the embarrassment
Rigelian Ships that only he had trusted the Rigelians. Demanding that an
CV Koudoulasso, CV Dunkwa Gaoua, CV Djamba, CVL attack be made immediately, and that something be done
Shiwa Nagandu, CVL Mankato, CVL Ushirombo Doba, CL to put Khanate fighters into use, the Khan pressured the
Molukal Abwong, DD Douentza Gara, DD Oturkpo, DD Admiralty into hastily converting the Battlecruiser Prokalhon
Banambu Cina and DD Deleiq Um. The Rigelian carriers and into the equivalent of a light carrier. She was to carry the
light carriers have a full complement of fighters aboard at the first six Khanate fighters produced. In company of the only
beginning of the scenario (carriers have twelve fighters and battleship to escape the Aeolus raid intact, the Khanate First
light carriers have six). These fighters may be armed with any Fighter Striking Force sped to engage the Rigelian carriers.
combination of guns or rockets, and are ready to launch. Note The Khanate force encountered the light carriers of the
that fighters may not be launched until the turn after their retiring Rigelian fleet.
carriers enter the map via a warp point [see rule (C5.31)]. All
Rigelian ships enter the map on turn one via warp point one.
38 Strikefighter

Number of Players: 2 Special Rules

Only Khanate starships may exit the map via warp point two.
Order of Battle Only Rigelian starships may exit the map via warp point one.
Khanate Ships The Rigelian player will automatically have the initiative each
BB Dirgun in hex 1323, facing 8; BC(V) Prokalhon in hex turn.
1324, facing B; DD Pendishere anywhere within 3 hexes of
the Prokalhon; and DD lbhon anywhere within 3 hexes of the (C12.316) Scenario VI. Medial Station – June 10, 2245
Prokalhon. The Prokalhon has a full complement of six fighters Background
aboard at the beginning of the scenario. These fighters are Convinced they had defeated both of their adversaries, the
armed prior to play with any combination of guns and rockets, Rigelians offered a peace plan which assured them economic
and are ready to launch. control of the galaxy. The Khanate immediately accepted the
Rigelian Ships proposal, even though they had no intention of honoring it for
a longer period of time than was necessary to build a new fleet.
CVL Shiwa Nagandu, CVL Mankato, CVL Ushirombo Doba,
The Terrans responded by building two new light carriers,
CA Nanzhila, CL Molukal Abwong, DD Douentza Gara, DD
as well as beginning construction of seven carriers and seven
Deleiq Um and DD Makanja. The light carriers each have
more light carriers.
a full complement of six fighters aboard at the beginning of
The Rigelians reasoned that the obvious solution to Terran
the scenario. These fighters may be armed with any combi-
stubbornness was to force the Terrans to commit their two
nation of guns and rockets, and are ready to be launched at
new light carriers to a battle against a superior carrier force.
the Rigelian player’s discretion. Note that fighters may not
They hoped to accomplish this by attacking an important
be launched until the turn after the carrier enters the map via
planet. Medial Station, a small planet orbiting star ZCX-39,
a warp point [see rule (C5.31)]. All Rigelian starships enter
was selected for this purpose. Unfortunately for the Rigelians,
the map on turn one at warp point one. Their initial facing is
however, the Terrans had broken the scrambler codes used by
determined by the Rigelian player.
the Rigelian sensor systems. A surprise was waiting for the
Other Playing Pieces Rigelians when the battle began.
Warp Point 1 in hex 0726
Number of Players: 2
Warp Point 2 in hex 3706

Length of Scenario Order of Battle

There is no limit to the number of turns for which this scenar- Terran Ships
io may be played. Play continues until one or both players have CVL Pegasus, CVL Centaur, BC Duke of York, BC Duke of
no playing pieces remaining on the map. Estimated time to Bedford, CLE Nebula, CL Perry, DDE Eskimo, DDE Ottoman,
play - 60 minutes. DD Scipio, DD Hannibal, DD Lee and DD Grant. The light
carriers have a full complement of six fighters each aboard at
Victory Conditions the beginning of the scenario. These fighters may be armed
Victory determination is based on a point system. The players with any combination of guns and rockets, and are ready to
are awarded points as follows: launch at the Terran player’s discretion. Note that fighters may
Each player is also awarded bonus points as follows for not be launched until the turn after the carrier enters the map
destroying enemy starships: via a warp point (see (C5.31)). All Terran ships enter the map
DD­: 2 points via warp point one on turn one.
CL­: 5 points
Rigelian Ships
CA­: 8 points
BC(V) & CVL: 12 points CV Diebou Dunkassa, CV Djamba, CVL Ushirombo Doba,
BB: 15 points CVL Nakuru, CL Burutu Warri, DD Tadjakant, DD
The player with the highest point total wins the scenario. Timbedra, DD Tadjakantu and DD Douentza Gara. All
Rigelian carriers have a full complement of fighters aboard at
Rigelian the beginning of the scenario (carriers have twelve fighters and
Each internal hit (not shields or armor) on Khanate starships: light carriers have six). These fighters may be armed with any
1 point. combination of guns and rockets, and are ready to launch at
Each Khanate fighter destroyed: 2 points. the Rigelian player’s discretion. Note that fighters may not be
launched until the turn after the carrier enters the map via a
warp point [see rule (C5.31)]. All Rigelian starships enter the
Each internal hit on Rigelian starships: 1 point. map via warp point two on turn one.
Each Rigelian fighter destroyed: 2 points. ·
If the Prokalhon exits the map via warp point two with two or Other Playing Pieces
more fighters aboard: 10 points. Warp Point 1 in hex 0404
Warp Point 2 in hex 3626
Planet in hex 2115
Strikefighter 39
Length of Scenario of fighters aboard at the beginning of the scenario (the carrier
There is no limit to the number of turns for which the scenario has twelve fighters and the light carrier has six). These fighters
may be played. Play continues until one or both sides have no may be armed with any combination of guns and rockets, and
starships remaining on the map. Estimated time to play - 120 are ready to launch at the player’s discretion. Note that fighters
minutes. may not be launched until the turn after a carrier enters the
map via a warp point [see rule (C5.31)]. All Khanate starships
Victory Conditions enter the map on turn one via warp point two. Their initial
Each player scores one point for each internal hit on an enemy facing is determined by the Khanate player.
starship, and two points for destroying an enemy fighter. In
Terran Ships
addition, each player is awarded bonus points as follows for the
complete destruction of an enemy starship: CV Revolution, CVL Cyclops, CL Dewey, DDE Norman,
DD and DDE - 2 points DDE Viking, DD Montgomery and DD Patton. The Terran
CL and CLE - 5 points carriers have a full complement of fighters aboard at the
BC and CVL - 12 points beginning of the scenario (the carrier has twelve fighters and
CV - 15 points the light carrier has six). These fighters may be armed with any
The player with the highest point total wins the scenario. combination of guns and rockets, and are ready to launch at
the player’s discretion. Note that fighters may not be launched
Special Rules until the turn after a carrier enters the map via a warp point
Terran starships may only exit the map via warp point one. [see rule (C5.31)]. All Terran starships enter the map on turn
Rigelian ships may only exit the map via warp point two. The one via warp point one. Their initial facing is determined by
Terran player automatically has the initiative each turn. the Terran player.
Because of the advanced electronic systems used by the Rigelian Ships
Terrans in this battle, the Terran carriers were almost invisible
CV Diebou Dunkassa, CVL Nakuru, CL Mulundo, CL Kishi,
to the Rigelian tracking systems. To reflect this, the Terran
DD Kaigo, DD Deleiq Um, DD Yeggebu and DD Banambu
player may use a form of hidden movement for his light carri-
Cina. The Rigelian carriers have a full complement of fighters
ers. The procedure for using this hidden movement is given in
aboard at the beginning of the scenario (the carrier has twelve
the following paragraphs.
fighters and the light carrier has six). These fighters may be
Terran light carriers are not placed on the map unless they
armed with any combination of guns, lasers and rockets, and
are within three hexes of any Rigelian fighter or starship. Once
are ready to launch at the player’s discretion. Prior to play, all
placed on the map, the light carriers must remain there until
Rigelian starships are set up within three hexes of the planet.
the beginning of the next Movement Phase. At that point, they
will continue their movement on the map unless there are no Other Playing Pieces
Rigelian playing pieces within three hexes. Warp Point 1 in hex 3626
At the end of any Movement Phase in which fighters are Warp Point 2 in hex 3604
launched from a hidden carrier, the fighters are placed anywhere Planet in hex 2115
on the map within nine hexes of the carrier’s actual location.
Fighters may also be recovered to a hidden carrier if they are Length of Scenario
within nine hexes of the carrier’s actual location. In this case, The scenario is played for fifteen turns. Estimated time to play
the fighters are removed from the map at the beginning of the - 120 minutes
Movement Phase.
Victory Conditions
(C12.317) Scenario VII. The Battle of Tango III Each player scores one point for each internal hit on an enemy
– September 17, 2245 starship, and two points for destroying an enemy fighter. In
Background addition, each player is awarded bonus points as follows for the
Stung by the victory won by the Terran carriers, the Rigelians total destruction of an enemy starship:
pulled their forces in to regroup. This was all the space the Khan DD, DDE and DDX - 2 points
needed to break his treaty and send his forces, complete with new CL - 5 points
carriers, on a broad front against the Rigelians. The Terrans, BC and CVL - 12 points
with their own new carriers, also attacked in many places. Most CV - 15 points
of these actions were typical carrier duels similar to the one at The player with the highest point total wins the scenario.
Medial Station. However, one battle was unique in that it involved Special Rules
forces of the Khanate, the Terrans and the Rigelians.
Number of Players: 3
(C12.318) Scenario VIII. The Grand Alliance
Order of Battle – February 28, 2246
Khanate Ships Background
CV Sinekur, CVL Giltry, BC Nersgohitl, DDX Sokam and Following the victory at Tango Ill, the Khanate and Terran
DDX Rakan. The Khanate carriers have a full complement empires joined forces to permanently destroy the Rigelians.
40 Strikefighter

Pressing on toward the Rigelian capital, the Combined Fleet and may be re-armed. The planet has an unlimited supply of
encountered desperate Rigelian forces using “Djambalu” fighter weapons modules, rockets etc., which to re-arm the
(death wish) kamikaze fighters and new fighter-carried Rigelian fighters. The Rigelian player automatically has the
missiles. initiative each turn.

Number of Players: 2 or 3. The Khanate and Terran fleets (C12.319) Scenario IX. The Destruction of Rigel IV
are allied and may be played by the same player. – June 21, 2246
Order of Battle
Closing in for the final battle, the combined Khanate and
Khanate Ships
Terran fleets reached Rigel IV. Their objective was to
CVL Hytmiru, BC Kologodtir, DD lbhon and DD Fodlut. The reduce the planet to a stone-age level. In this, they more than
Khanate light carrier has a full complement of six fighters succeeded.
aboard at the beginning of the scenario. These fighters may
be armed with any combination of guns and rockets, and are Number of Players: 2 or 3. The Khanate and Terran fleets
ready to launch at the player’s discretion. Note that fighters are allied and may be played by the same player.
may not be launched until the turn after their carrier enters
the map via a warp point [see rule (C5.31)]. All Khanate Order of Battle
starships enter the map on turn one via warp point one. Their Khanate Ships
initial facing is determined by the player. BB Furmunt, BC Ziberdak, DD Kormoran, DD Pendishere,
Terran Ships DD lbhon, DD Kold and DDX Quevlak. All Khanate starships
enter the map on turn one via warp point one. Their initial
CV Magna Carta, CL Beatty, DDE Viking and DDE Hun.
facing is determined by the player.
The Terran carrier has a full complement of twelve fighters
aboard at the beginning of the scenario. These fighters may Terran Ships
be armed with any combination of guns and rockets, and are CVL Pegasus, CVL Scylla, CVL Charybdis, DDE Mongol,
ready to launch at the player’s discretion. Note that fighters DDE Commanche and DD Burnside. The Terran light carriers
may not be launched until the turn after their carrier enters have a full complement of six fighters each aboard at the be-
the map via a warp point [see rule (C5.31)]. All Terran ginning of the scenario. These fighters may be armed with any
starships enter the map on turn one via warp point one. Their combination of guns and rockets, and are ready to launch at
initial facing is determined by the player. the player’s discretion. Note that fighters may not be launched
Rigelian Ships until the turn after their carrier enters the map via a warp
point [see rule (C5.31)]. All Terran starships enter the map on
36 fighters. These fighters begin the scenario in the hex with
turn one via warp point one. Their initial facing is determined
the planet. They should be armed prior to play with any
by the player.
combination of fighter weapons, including missiles and lasers.
The fighters may be designated kamikaze fighters prior to play Rigelian Ships
at the discretion of the Rigelian player [see rule (C11.1)]. BS in hex 2024. DD Nagara Bissam, DD Oturkpo, DD
Other Playing Pieces Djamassa and DD Butwana Gomu anywhere within five
hexes of the planet. Thirty-six fighters are on the planet. The
Warp Point 1 in hex 0506
fighters are armed with any combination of weapons, including
Planet in hex 2115
missiles and lasers, and are ready to launch at the player’s
Length of Scenario discretion. The Rigelian player may use the kamikaze fighter
The scenario is played for twelve turns. Estimated time to play rules (C11.1). However, any fighter to be used in this manner
- 90 minutes. must have the proper notation made on its Squadron Control
Sheet prior to play.
Victory Conditions
Other Playing Pieces
Each player receives one point for each internal hit on an ene-
Warp Point 1 in hex 0506
my starship, and two points for destroying an enemy fighter. In
Planet in hex 2918
addition, each player is awarded bonus points as follows for the
total destruction of an enemy starship: Length of Scenario
DD & DDE - 2 points The scenario is played for fifteen turns. Estimated time to play
CL - 5 points - 120 minutes.
BC & CVL - 12 points
CV - 15 points Victory Conditions
The player with the highest point total wins the scenario. The Khanate/Terran fleet must score 150 damage points
or more on the planet to win. The Rigelian player wins by
Special Rules
keeping the Khanate/Terran Fleet from scoring this many
The planet may be used as a carrier by the Rigelian fighters. damage points.
While on the planet, the Rigelian fighters may not be attacked
Strikefighter 41
Special Rules STRIKEFIGHTER is now consistent with
The Rigelian player may use his starships to ram, and so inflict STARFIRE.
damage, on the Khanate/Terran fleet [see rule (C11.3)]. The 2. Two ship sub-classes have been renamed to be more
planet operates in the same manner as a normal carrier, except consistent with normal Naval usage. The A suffix of these
that it has an unlimited capacity for landing and servicing sub-classes has been replaced by an E suffix. Thus, CLA
fighters, and any fighters which are landed on the planet may becomes CLE, and DDA becomes DDE [see rule (C2.1)].
not be attacked. The planet also has unlimited reloads of 3. Fighter organization has become more rigid. Fighters are
fighter weapons. assigned permanent squadrons prior to play, but these
The Rigelians were developing a second-generation fighter in squadrons may be broken up and their ships added to
hopes of turning the tide of the war. Historically, these faster other squadrons. However, a die-roll modifier has been
and more powerful fighters were developed too late to be used added to penalize any squadrons to which fighters have
in this last battle. However, as a variant to this scenario, the been added.
Rigelian player may roll a six-sided die and add a squadron of •• Another change involving fighter squadrons is that they
second-generation fighters to his available forces on a roll of “1” now move as a unit. This change was deemed necessary
or “2.” The necessary rules to use second-generation fighters because of the hex-size of the game’s scale (93,000
are contained in section (C11.43). miles), and the need for unit cohesion [see rule (C2.3)].
4. A superficial change has been made to the layout of a
Squadron Control Sheet: the distinction between primary
(C13.0) Designer’s Notes and secondary armament for a fighter has been removed
Fighters have always fascinated me, and I was somewhat dis­ [see rule (C2.4)].
appointed that the original STARFIRE did not include them. 5. There is no longer an Assault Movement Phase in the
However, the considerable differences between fighters and the Sequence of Play. In addition, the Fighter Attack Phase of
more massive ships made this game far more challenging to de- the Sequence of Play has been shifted to become a second
sign than most sequel games. segment of the normal Combat Phase [see rule (C3.0)].
First, it was necessary to modify the Sequence of Play. 6. A fighter now has a Movement Allowance identical to that
Fighters had to move faster than starships, had to be able to work of a starship, except that the fighter’s allowance is much
their way into the “blind spots,” and yet had to be “available” for greater [see rule (C5.0)].
defensive fire at some point in their attack run. I feel the system 7. Fighters now have the capability to change facing by one
I designed works well to preserve the original simplicity of the hex side while remaining in place. This may be done for a
game (which was a primary objective) while integrating this new cost of one movement point [see rule (C5.0)].
technology. 8. A carrier may now exit the map via a warp point in the
I decided to include a standardized list of starships in the same Movement Phase in which it has recovered fighters
game to save space and give a good overview of the fleet balance. It [see rule (C5.31)].
should be noted that there are not enough names for some classes 9. Fighters no longer need to have the same facing as the
of ships (notably destroyers); but it doesn’t seem to hurt the game. carrier in order to be recovered [see rule (C5.32)].
The rest of the game simply fell into place. While I did bor- 10. The fighter movement example is completely new [see rule
row heavily from Naval history for the situations presented in the (C5.4)].
Third Interstellar War, I don’t think this spoiled the flavor of the 11. A fighter squadron is considered to be a single target,
game. In the history of this planet, we have seen the same situ- yet a starship may fire at any fighter within a squadron it
ations, the same battles, and the same decisions made over and picks as a target. This is a change from the concept of the
over. History repeats itself because of the dynamics of the situa- original version that all fighters on the map are considered
tions. Why not expect this to happen in space? to be a separate target [see rule (C6.2)].
I sincerely hope that those who play this game enjoy it as 12. The fighter combat example is completely new [see rule
much as I enjoyed designing and playtesting it. (C6.7)].
13. The rules concerning tractoring fighters are completely
(C13.1) Changes From First Edition new. There were no rules concerning the effects of a tractor
There have been several changes in the rules of this second beam on a fighter in the original STARFIRE II rules
edition of STRIKEFIGHTER (originally published as [see rule (C7.0)].
STARFIRE II). The number of changes made to the fighter 14. The idea of load-points affecting the speed of a fighter is
rules (STRIKEFIGHTER Module C) is much greater, and not contained in the main body of rules for this edition,
the changes much more significant, than the adjustments made to but is rather handled as an optional rule [see rule
the starship rules (STARFIRE Module 8). (C11.42)].
15. Stand-off missiles for fighters are not contained in the
1. The rule structure of STRIKEFIGHTER has main body of rules for this edition, but are rather handled
been changed to delete rules which are duplicated as an optional rule. The range and probability of a hit with
in STARFIRE, as well as to provide for easier fighter missiles have been changed [see rule (C11.41)].
play. The rule structuring and numbering of
42 Strikefighter

16. The optional rules concerning kamikaze fighters have been Multiplex tracking is of greater value in situations which in-
adjusted from the way they appeared in the first edition volve fighter attacks, in that it allows a starship to fire on both an
[see rule (C11.1)]. enemy starship and a fighter squadron.
17. The fighter construction procedure has been simplified for
this edition. A fighter and its weapons are now purchased
for one specified cost [see rule (C11.21)]. (C15.0) Credits
18. The levels for fighter technology have been reworked [see TASK FORCE GAMES wishes to thank all of the peo-
rule (C11.24)]. ple who helped design and playtest STARFIRE and
19. A starship may now ram a base [see rule (C11.32)]. STRIKEFIGHTER.
20. The section dealing with second-generation fighters is
completely new [see rule (C11.43)]. (C15.1) Credits for First Edition
21. The Introductory Scenario for Fighters is completely new Game Design • Barry Jacobs
[see rule (C12.1)].
Original Game System Design • Stephen V. Cole
22. The section dealing with adding fighters to your star
battles created by the players is completely new [see rule Game Development • Mark Moody
(C12.2)]. Graphics • Allen D. Eldridge, R. Vance Buck
23. The set-up locations for the scenarios of the Third Rules Editing • Leanna M. Cole
Interstellar War have been adjusted to use the new map
Playtesting • Allen D. Eldridge, Mark Eldridge, Mike Joslyn, R.
included with this game-set. Otherwise, these historical
Vance Buck, Les Dixon, Stephen G. Wilcox
scenarios remain virtually unchanged [see rule (C12.3)].
24. The rule summary and cumulative index are new features (C15.2) Credits for Second Edition
for this edition. See (C16.0) and (C17.0).
25. The Fighter Kill Table and the Fighter Weapons Addition Development and Rules Editing • David W. Crump
Probability of Hit & Effects Table have had several Addition Examples and Scenarios • Thomas D. Redding
adjustments. See the PLAYER’S INFORMATION Copyediting • Richard L. Buck
Proofreading • Richard L. Buck, Allen D. Eldridge
We hope these changes will increase your enjoyment of the Evaluation • David Weber, Steve White, Fred Burton
Playtesting • Kenneth Hart, Mark Moody, Thomas D. Redding,
(C13.2) Changes from Original Publication Steve Walker, Dwain Walker, Chuck Morgan, Kenneth
Merrick, Danny Wright, Gary Murphy
The rebuild of this rule set provided the opportunity to make a
few corrections to the original rules.
1. Several spelling errors were corrected.
(C16.0) Rule Summary For Module C
2. Added heading dividers for the Tiers. (C1.0) Introduction to STRIKEFIGHTER
3. Added the Agincourt, mentioned in Scenario III of the (C1.1) How to Integrate STRIKEFIGHTER and
Third Interstellar War, to the Terran ship list. STARFIRE
4. Added the Washington, Zhukov, Grant, and Guderian, (C1.2) Game Components Used with STRIKEFIGHTER
mentioned in Scenario V of the First Interstellar War, to (C2.0) The Game System with STRIKEFIGHTERs
the Terran ship list. (C2.1) New Playing Piece Types
5. Created a combined PLAYER’S INFORMATION (C2.2) New Playing Pieces — The Rigelians
CARD. (C2.3) Fighter Organization
(C2.4) Squadron Control Sheets
(C2.5) Additional Tables for STRIKEFIGHTERS
(C14.0) Player’s Notes (C3.0) Adding to the Sequence of Play
When fighters are added to a battle, the situation is radically dif- (C3.1) Explanation of Additional Step In Sequence of Play
ferent from normal starship to starship combat. Fighters should, (Tactical Space Combat)
of course, try to maneuver into the blind spots of starships. A (C4.0) The Effects of Initiative on Fighters
player should always remember to support his fighters by firing (C4.1) Initiative in Movement
missiles from his main fleet on the enemy starships which his (C4.2) Initiative in Combat
fighters are attacking. This will help overload the point defense (C5.0) Fighter Movement
systems of the starships, and so reduce fighter losses. (C5.1) Movement Allowance for Fighters
Starships may effectively defend against fighters by turning (C5.2) Fighter Facing/Turn Mode
toward each other or forming a circle. The Terran destroyers with (C5.3) Carrier/Fighter Interaction
additional point defense should be stationed on the flanks of car- (C5.4) Fighter Movement Example
riers to protect them. A destroyer with additional point defense (C6.0) Adding Fighters to Starship Combat
which is directly behind a carrier is of little value, since fighters (C6.1) Fighter Field of Fire
may still find a blind spot. (C6.2) Attacking Fighters with Starship Weapons
Strikefighter 43
(C6.3) Attacking Fighters with Fighter Weapons C
(C6.4) Attacking Starships with Fighter Weapons CARGO HOLDS (H) (B8.31)
(C6.5) Multiplex Tracking and Fighters CARRIER/FIGHTER INTERACTION (C5.3)
(C6.6) Scoring Damage on Fighters CHANGES FROM THE FIRST EDITION (B13.1)
(C6.7) Combat Example with Fighters CHANGES FROM FIRST EDITION
(C7.0) Tractoring Fighters (STRIKEFIGHTER) (C13.1)
(C8.0) Starship and Fighter Systems CHANGING FACING DURING MOVEMENT (B5.21)
(C8.2) Other Starship Systems COMBAT EXAMPLE (B6.4)
(C9.0) Bases and Stars COMBAT EXAMPLE WITH FIGHTERS (C6.7)
(C9.1) Bases COMBAT, STARSHIPS (B6.0)
(C9.2) Stars COMBAT TABLES (B2.7)
(C10.0) Fighters and Warp Points COMBAT TABLES FOR STRIKEFIGHTERS,
(C11.0) Advanced Optional Rules ADDITIONAL (C2.5)
(C11.1) Kamikaze Fighters CONSTRUCTION, FIGHTER (C11.21)
(C11.2) Fighter Construction and Support Systems CONSTRUCTION, FIGHTER, AND SUPPORT
(C11.3) Ramming SYSTEMS (C11.2)
(C11.4) Advanced Fighter Rules CONTROL SHEETS, SQUADRON (C2.4)
(C12.0) Scenarios COURSE OF PLAY, THE (B2.6)
(C12.1) Introductory Scenario for Fighters CREATE YOUR OWN BATTLE (B12.2)
(C12.2) Adding Fighters to Your Own Star Battles CREATING STARSHIP CLASSES (B11.6)
(C12.3) The Third Interstellar War CREDITS (STARFIRE) (B15.0)
(C13.0) Designer’s Notes CREDITS (STRIKEFIGHTER) (B15.0)
(C13.1) Changes From First Edition CREDITS FOR FIRST EDITION (STARFIRE) (B15.1)
(C13.2) Changes from Original Publication CREDITS FOR FIRST EDITION (STRIKEFIGHTER)
(C14.0) Player’s Notes (C15.1)
(C15.1) Credits for First Edition CREDITS FOR SECOND EDITION
(C15.2) Credits for Second Edition (STRIKEFIGHTER) (C15.2)
(C16.0) Rule Summary For Module C
(C17.0) Index - Modules A–C D
(C17.0) Index - Modules A–C DAMAGE POINTS, HOW TO SCORE (B6.2)
(C12.2) E
ARMOR (A) (B8.22) SPACE COMBAT) (B3.1)
(C6.3) F
44 Strikefighter


(B1.2) STARSHIPS (B11.0)
GUN (G) (B8.11)
Strikefighter 45
(B11.62) WARP POINTS (B10.0)
Player’s Information Card

Combat Results Tables

Probability of Hit Table (Starships Firing at Starships)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Gun 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Missile 0 4 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 6
Beam (any) 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 -- -- --
Instructions • Determine the type of weapon firing and the range to the target. Cross-index these to determine the probability number (e.g.,
a gun at a range of 4 would have a probability number of 8). Roll two six-sided dice. If the total of the dice is equal to or less than
the probability number, the weapon has struck the target. Exceptions: Missiles may be nullified by point defense [see rule (B8.23)].
Energy Beams may be nullified by overload Dampners [see rule (B8.24)].

Effect of Hit Table

Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Gun 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Missile 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Force Beam 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Energy Beam 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Primary Beam 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Beam 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Instructions • To determine the effect of a weapon when it strikes a target, cross-index the range to the target with the weapon type. This will
yield the number of damage points to be scored. See (B6.2) for instructions on how to score damage points.

Point Defense/Improved Point Defense Effect Table Fighter Kill Table

Die Roll Needed for Die Roll Needed for Firing
Missile Weapon 0 1 2 3 4 5
Point Defenses Improved Point Defense Unit
1st 5 or less 4 or less Gun 2 2 1 — — —
2nd 4 or less 3 or less Force Beam 1 1 1 1 — —
3rd 3 or less 2 or less Energy Beam 1 1 1 1 — —

4th 2 or less 1 or less Laser Beam 1 1 1 1 1 1

5th 1 Not intercepted Tractor Beam 1 1 1 1 — —
6th and up Not intercepted Not intercepted Point Defense 2 2 1 1 1 —
Instructions • Roll one six-sided die for each missile in each volley Improved Point
3 3 2 2 1 1
which is to be handled by a particular point defense system. (A volley Defense
Gun 3 2 1 — — —
is all missiles fired from one starship — or a group of ships connected

Laser 2 2 1 1 — —
by datalink — at the same time.) Each incoming missile to be handled
Rocket 4 1 — — — —
by a particular point defense system is handled in order. The first mis-
sile will be intercepted if the number rolled is less than or equal to the Instructions Cross-index the weapon being fired on a fighter with

number listed for the first missile. The next will be intercepted if the the range to that fighter. Roll two six-sided dice. If the result is equal to
number rolled is less than or equal tot he number listed for the second or less than the number indicated, the targeted fighter is destroyed.
missile, and so on. See (B8.23) for additional instructions. A missile
which is intercepted will not strike the target. Fighter Weapons Probability of Hit & Effects Table
Weapon 0 1 2 3 4 5–8
Gun 11 9 7 5 2 — 1
Laser 12 10 8 4 2 — 1
Rocket 10 6 3 — — — 3
Missile 0 6 8 8 8 8 1
Instructions • Cross-index the weapon being fired on a fighter with the
range to that target. Roll two six-sided dice. If the result is equal to or
less than the number indicated, the weapon has hit its target, and the
individual number of damage points must be scored.
Other Tables Letter Codes for Systems
Armor................................................ A
Sequence of Play Outline Advanced maneuvering no letter code
1. Initiative Determination Phase Bulkhead............................................B
2. Movement Phase Cargo hold.........................................H
3. Combat Phase Datalink............................................ Z
4. Tractor Beam Phase Energy Beam......................................E
Force Beam......................................... F
5. Record Keeping Phase
Gun.................................................... G
Gun/Missile Launcher...................W
Letter Codes for Starships Improved Point Defense................ Di
Carrier............................................ CV Ion Engine........................................... I
Light Carrier............................... CVL Laser Beam......................................... L
Superdreadnought.........................SD Missile Launcher...............................R
Battleship........................................ BB Multiplex Tracking.....................(Mx)
Battlecruiser...................................BC Overload Dampener........................ O
Cruiser............................................ CA Point Defense................................... D
Light Cruiser..................................CL Primary Beam....................................P
Destroyer........................................DD Science Instruments........................ X
Frigate..............................................FG Shearing Plane...................................C
Corvette.......................................... CT Shield.................................................. S
Escort............................................... ES Tractor Beam.................................... T
Base.................................................. BS
Freighter-1........................................ F1 Letter Codes for Fighter Weapons
Gun.................................................... G
Laser.................................................... L
Strikefighter....................................... F Kamikaze fighter configura-
tion (optional).............................. K
Missile (optional).............................M

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