General Chemistry
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
4 (9- Quantum Chemistry, Many-electron atoms: T1: 13.8- Identify spin as another
10) Pauli principle, many electron wavefunction, 13.12; 13.17- coordinate.
Orbital approximation, aufbau principle, term 13.19 Interpret atomic transitions in
symbols, spin-orbit coupling. terms of electronic states.
5 (11) Chemical Bonding: MO theory: LCAO, T1: 14.2, 14.8- Chemical bond: stability by
bonding and antibonding orbitals, 14.10 energy minimization
homonucleardiatomics Distribution of electron inMO,
bond order calculation
6 (12- Spectroscopy: (Rotational, Vibrational, T1: 19.1-19.4, Use the concepts of quantum
15) Raman): Absorption and Emission, different 19.7-19.11, mechanics to understand the
regions of electromagnetic spectrum, 19.13 molecular spectroscopy.
molecular rotation, molecular vibrations, Concept of bond stretching,
Raman spectroscopy, normal modes, vibration of molecule.
Boltzmann population distribution. Identify spectroscopy as an
important tool in modern science.
7 (16 - Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: T1: 21.1-21.6 Theoretical aspect of 1H-NMR,
19) Principles, chemical Shift, fine structure, 1H Chemical shift and determination
T2: 9.1-9.11C
and 13CNMR of simple compounds of organic molecular structure
(for examples)
through 1H, 13C-NMR
8 (20- Coordination Chemistry: Coordination R1: p194-200
(SS); p202- The concept of chelates and
22) compounds:Effective atomic no. concept;
214; p222- coordination compounds
Chelates and isomerism; shapes of d-
224, p232-235 Understanding structure and
orbitals, crystal field theory, octahedral
properties of coordination
complexes, spectrochemical series, CFSE, complexes in light of various
Effects of crystal field splitting theories
9 (23- Distortion of Complexes, Tetrahedral, R1: p214-222 Nature of ligand, idea of different
25) Octahedral, and Square planar orbitals and their effect in
Arrangements :Jahn-Teller distortion: Effect inorganic complexes
of geometrical distortions on stability, Idea of distortion in tetrahedral,
stability in other geometries octahedral, and square planar
10 Coordination Chemistry, Electronic R1: p219-222 Spectral nature of inorganic
(26- spectroscopy and stability aspects: Electronic complexes
R1: p947-957
29) spectra of octahedral complexes, Applications Effect of strength and the
of term symbols, Thermodynamic and kinetic R3: p262-264, symmetry of ligand field on
aspects of Inorganic complexes during 380-381, 385- various energy levels
reactions. 389 Identify the nature of stable and
11 Conformations: Rotation around sigma bonds, T2: 4.8- Conformation and configuration
(30- conformational analysis of butane, 4.9,4.10 (SS), of acyclic and cyclic i.e.
31) cyclohexane, and di-substituted cyclohexanes 4.11-4.12,4.13 substituted cyclohexane
12 Stereochemistry: Isomerism, chirality, origin T2: 5.1-5.14, Concept of chirality and optical
(32- of optical activity, stereochemistry of cyclic & 5.15-5.18, 7.2 activity, learn to stereochemistry
34) acyclic saturated and unsaturated, resolution. for compound having chiral
carbon and resolution of
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
13 Aromaticity & Pericyclic reactions: Huckel T2: 14.7, Concept of aromaticity and related
(35- rule, aromatic compounds, electrocyclic and 14.8B; 15.11, rules. Different pericyclic
37) cycloaddition reactions 15.11 R4 reactions including cycloaddition
6. Evaluation Scheme:
Component Weightage
Mid-Semester Test 30
Continuous Evaluation 30
Comprehensive 40
All the tests will be conducted by either offline or online platform depending on the AUGSD notification.
A total four tutorial evaluations will be conducted under continuous evaluation. Best three will be considered
for final evaluation.
7. Prescribed Hour (equivalent to chamber consultancy hour): To be announced separately.
8. Notices: Notices, if any, will be uploaded in Nalanda only.
9. Make-up Policy: Make-ups are not encouraged as one buffer will be provided, however in exceptional
cases, make-up applications will be considered as per institute rule.