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Deckel FPXNC Dialog 4 Software Update Manual rklopp

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Now your ~NC Dialog 4·can .

,·"J do even w1th new, updated

:·~· software .
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.,l · Software Update
Parameter programming, 30 interpolation, helical interpolation

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CNC Dial og 4
·. , 1

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.I J
. Programming Manual

Operator's . Manual

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Dear Customer,

The software for your CNC DIALOG 4 has

been updated to version 2, offering you a sub-
stantial number of new features.

You can now do a lot more:

- develop new program structures with the

aid of parameter programming;

- program feed motions towards the milling

plane, optionally in either one or two or
three axes;

- program three-dimensional motions using

polar coordinates;

- program helical cuts with any desired end


- exchange data with a master computer in

DNC operation.

This brochure contains detailed information

on how to program and use these new features
of your CNC DIALOG 4 control.

It is a supplement to the Operator's Manual

and the programming Manual for your FP-NC
machine with CNC DIALOG 4, but all instruc-
tions given in these two publications on ope-
rating and programming the CNC DIALOG 4
remain unchanged.

In the same way, all your previously generated

Dialog 4 and Dialog 3 programs can be used
without any restrictions on the upgraded CNC

Yours sincerely,
Friedrich Deckel Aktiengesellschaft


1. Programming
1 .1 Parameter programming
What is a parameter? 1-1
What are parameters good for? 1-2
Parameter assignment 1-4
• How to assign a value to a parameter 1-4
• Mode 11: direct parameter assignment within program 1-5
- Assigning a command 1-5
- Assigning a numerical value 1-5
• Mode 12: parameter assignment in parameter list 1-6
- What is a parameter list? 1-6
- Assigning a command 1-6
- Assigning a numerical value 1-6
- Assigning a mathematical expression 1-7
- Assigning a mathematical expression linked with parameter 1-8
Calfing up a parameter 1-9
• CaiDng up a eommand parameter 1-9
• Calling up a value parameter 1-11
Points to remember when using parameter programming 1-12
Re-assignment of parameters in a program 1-15
Self-calculation of parameters 1-16
How to program with the aid of parameters 1-17
- Change of contour shape 1-17
- Change of contour dimensions 1-18
- Change of machining data 1-19
- Constant change of contour 1-20
Programming example 1 1-21
Programming example 2 1-27
Programming example 3 1-31


1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/42

10 infeed 1-37
20 infeed 1-38
3D infeed 1-39
Contouring commands G60/G61/G64 when 3rd axis is programmed , -40
- External contours 1-40
- Internal contours 1-41
First infeed on 3rd axis before or after contour compensation 1-42
- lnfeed before contour compensation without M 70 1-42
- lnfeed before contour compensation with M 70 1-43
- lnfeed after contour compensation 1-44
Points to remember when programming the 3rd axis 1-45
Rounding G7 and chamfering GS of comers when using 3rd-axis infeed 1-46
- Programming G7/G8 before infeed 1-46
-Programming G7/G8 after infeed 1-47
Programming example 1-49

1.3 Programming 30 Interpolation with polar coordinates

3D Unear interpolation with G9 G1 1-53
30 rapid traverse motions with polar coordinates G9 GO 1-54

1.4 Programming helical Interpolation

Programming helical interpolation with G2/G3 1-55
Programming helical interpolation with G9 G2!G3 1-56
Points to remember when programming helical interpolation 1-57
Programming example 1 1-59
Programming example 2 1-63

1.5 DNC operation .

What is DNC 1-67
Characteristics of DNC operation 1-68


2. Operating the control unit

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Direct parameter assignment in a program 2-1
- Assigning a command in a program 2-1
- Assigning a numerical value in a program 2-2
Parameter assignment in parameter list 2-4
- Assigning a command in the parameter list 2-4
- Assigning a numerical value in the parameter tist 2-5
- Assigning a mathematical expression in the parameterlist 2-7
Calling up parameters from within the program 2-8
- Calling up an entire program block via parameter 2-9
- Calling up a command via parameter 2-9
- Calling up a numerical value via parameter 2-10
Changing parameter assignments in a program 2-11
-Changing a parameter number in a program 2-11
- Changing a command assignment in a program 2-12
- Changing a numerical value assignment in a program 2-13
Changing parameter assignments in the parameter list 2-14
Changing a parameter call in a program 2-16
- Changing a numerical value call· 2-16
- Changing a command call 2-17
Deleting parameters from the parameter list 2-18
- Deleting a single parameter 2-18
- Deleting all parameters 2-19 \ .

3. Fault and error codes

Fault and error codes 3-1

1. Programming
In this chapter you will find:

. What you can do with parameter programming

on your CNC DIALOG 4 control and how to
program parameters (p 1-1 to 1-36).

. How to program infeed motions in a direc-

tion perpendicular or at an angle to the
milling plane while contour compensation
is active, and what you should remember in
doing so ( p 1-37 to 1-52).

. How to program 3D rapid traverse motions

in any direction and 3D linear interpolation
with polar coordinates (p 1-53 to 1-54).

. How to program helical interpolation with

any end point with either Cartesian or
polar coordinates ( p 1-55 to 1-66).

. What advantages DNC operation offers you

on the new CNC DIALOG 4 ( p 1-67 to 1-68).

0 •L 1
0 0
l:lll GO ZlOO
0 0
bi2 GO l!>OY·lO
0 0
l:ll3 GlZ Il
0 0
l:ll~ Go Z2 S:2Qo:l
0 0
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0 0
!:liS G4l G45 AS XS YS Gl GBQ MEl 0
0 "'" v•~ 0
0 biB )!;OS
ll."l v~
0 0
0 mn l(~
0 hill G~Q G~5 A~ 0
0 l:lll2 GO ZlOQ.MJO 0
0 0
0 ..___
1.1 Parameter programming
What is a parameter?

What Is a parameter?
Parameter _
Parameters are used as substitutes in an NC program.
P1 to P9999
A parameter consists of the adress P and a numeral
of one, two, three or four digits.
Parameters may be substituted for:
Example: P6, P7 450
a numerical value, e.g. 150

a command, e.g. X 150

A parameter may be a substitute for
a command chain, e.g. X 150 YSO
. a numerical value,
e.g. 150 a mathematical expression
with parameters,
. a command, e.g. sin (P1) + cos (P2)
e.g. X150

. a command chain,
e.g. X1 00 Y200

. the result of a
mathematical expression"=
e.g. (1+5) x4- (sin 45o +~8)

. the result of a
mathematical realtionship
between several parameters,
e.g. P6 = P1+P5x(P4- ffi):12

1.1 ~~rameter programming
are parameters good for?

What are parameters good for?

Parameters serve to make a program more %10
flexible and improve the program structure. p 1 =80
They can be used, for example, to keep one P2=50
or several numerical values In a program N1 ...
variable. This enables a single program to
be used for several contours of similar configuration.

P1 =40
N1 ...

Perhaps you wish to machine different

materials with one and the same program:
you can adapt the cutting data by using
parameters. Steel Copper
%11 %11
P 3 F200 S+ 1000 P 3 F350 8+3000
N1 ... N1 ...

Drawings are often poorly dimensioned, so

that you have to use a pocket calculator to
figure out the dimensions. On the new CNC
DIALOG 4 you simply enter the calculation
and assign the result to a parameter.

1.1 Parameter programming
What are parameters good for?

Parameters may also be used to change one or

several commands in a program for several %20
different machining operations. In this way, P1 =80
you may exchange entire contours within P2=60
a program structure, for example. P3=80

P1 =80

An even wider range of applications is

offered by linking several parameters in a %21
mathematical expression. This enables you P1 =80
to Incorporate complicated geometric
relationships directly In your program. P2=.E.1
If basic dimensions are changed, for example, 2
you need not repeat all the calculations and
alter all the dimensions affected. N1 ...
You simply alter the parameter concerned and
all dependent dimensions will automatically
be correct in your next program run.
Moreover, by changing the mathematical pro-
cedure, you can easily adapt your program to
mathematically related contours, e.g. to 30
scale up a contour.
P1 =60

N1 ...

The simplification of program changes is the

main advantage of parameter programming: you
need no longer go through your program block
by block when you want to alter a value or
command. All you have to do is alter the
parameter concerned. This gives you a
better overview and saves you the trouble of
dealing with program structure every time
you revise a program.

1.1 Parameter programming
Parameter assignment

_.How are values assigned to a

parameter? Parameter ass(Jrmert

To enable the control unit to handle a program

with parameters, a value or command has to be
assigned to each parameter. This can be done wnhin program by parameter list
in two ways:
. by direct parameter assignment within the
program in mode 11, using a special
%1 %7
assignment block;
N 14 N 15 N 16 PNJ. DATA
. by parameter assignment outside the program G40 P 3-P4a
in mode 12, using a parameter list. Z-3.000 • 10 P1 GO Z100
P2 -17.5
P3 Z-1
P4 =30

1.1 t'arameter programming
Direct parameter assignment within program

Mode 11:
direct parameter assignment
within program.
If you wish to assign a command or numerical
value to each parameter while you are entering
the program, you write a program block for each
parameter. After the block number, you enter the -
adress letter P for parameter and the parameter

To each parameter you can assign:

. either one or several commands

. or a numerical value.

Assigning 8 command
Each parameter can stand for one or several Assigning 8 command
In this case, you enter the equal sign after the
parameter number and then, as in any "normal" 10 N 11
program block, the desired command or commands, N 9 N
e.g. N10 P6= X120 Y-30. p 6=
X 120.000
y -30.000

Assigning 8 numerical value

Each parameter can stand for only one Assigning 8 numerical value
numerical value.
In this case, you enter two equal signs after
the parameter number and then the desired N 19 N 20 N 21
numerical value which may be either positive p
or negative, 3=
e.g. N20 P3 = -12.45. = -12.45

Whenever you call such a parameter in a

program, the control either executes the
command (s) or enters the numerical value,
as the case may be.

1.1 Parameter programming
Parameter assignment in parameter list

Mode 12:
parameter assignment MODE 12
In parameter list Parameter list

The display screen always shows the

What Is a parameter list? parameter list belonging to the program in
the main memory.
The parameter list contains all the parameters
for a program. There is only one list for each program,
and you always work with the parameter list of the %5 %5
program activated.

Select mode 12 to call the parameter list. P1 =100

P2 =15.5
P3 xao
The advantage of a parameter list is that you
see all the parameters at a glance. You can
make quick changes, if you wish, without having
to look for the individual parameters in the program.
Program %5 Associated
To each parameter you can assign: in main memory parameter list
MODE 11 in MODE 12
. either one or several commands
. or a numerical value
. or a mathematical expression
. or a mathematical expression
linked with a parameter.

Assigning a command
Enter the adress letter P and the parameter number. Assigning a command
Then program the command or commands to be
assigned to the parameter.
P6 X120 Y-30
Examples: P7 F200 5+3600 X25.4 Y30
P6 X120Y-30
P7 F200 S+3600 X-25.4 Y30

Assigning a numerical value

Each parameter can stand for only one numerical . Assigning a numerical value

Enter an equal sign after the parameter number

and then the desired numerical value which P8 =-12.45
may be either positive or negative. P9 =216.589

P8 = -12.45
P9 =216.589

..· fgi1 \ . 1 ~ 1 Parameter programming
Parameter assignment in parameter list

Assigning a mathematical expression

Enter an equal sign after the parameter Assigning a mathematical expression
number and then program the desired mathematical
P10 =(12+37.5) :13.8
The expression may have up to 34 characters
(including the equal sign).
P11 =SIN(41.56)
The following mathematical operations can be
used: P12 =SOR(80+13)

+ • addition P13 =SORT(SOR(5.n+3.16)

.. subtraction + SOR (0.98 + 0.92))
X • multiplication
• division
( • open bracket
) .. close bracket Mathematical operations:
SIN -sine
cos -cosine
TAN • tangent + X
A SIN "'arc sine
ACOS -= arc cosine
= arc tangent
.. square of a value
. SORT .. square root of a value ASIN ACOS ATAN
PI "'3.14

You may use the usual mathematical rules:

• Multiplication and division before

addition and subtraction.

• Expressions in brackets are atways

calculated first.

• Up to 6 bracket expressions
can be nested.

• Functions (e.g.SIN) atways refer

to the values following them
in brackets (e.g. SIN 30).

• If a function is to be applied
to several values, these should be placed
In brackets, (e.g. SIN (30+45)).


P10 =(12+37.5):13.8
P11 =SIN (41.56)
P12 = SOR (80 + 13)
P13 =SORT (SOR (5.n+3.16)
+ SOR (0.98+0.92))

1.1 Parameter programming
Parameter assignment In parameter list

Assigning a mathematical expression

linked with parameters MODE 12
Mathematical expression
The mathematical expression assigned to a linked with parameters:
parameter may itself contain parameters.
This enables you to link parameters and in
this manner obtain variable programs or P100 =P8 :P9
generate mathematically complicated contours.
A maximum of 30 parameters per mathematical P110 =SORT (P9)
expression can be nested.
P120 =P12+SIN(P12xP13)
P130 =(20+P11xP8):P10
P100 =P8: P9
P11 0 =SORT (P9)
P120 = P12+ SIN (P12x P13)
P130 = (20 + P11 x P8) : P1 0

1.1 rc:Ui:l.lllt:H~I fJIU~IC1111111111~

Cn!~;ng up a parameter

Calling up a parameter
Having assigned a command or oomerical value Parameter call
to a parameter, you can call the latter in mode 11
when entering the program. Assignment is either
direct within the program or outside the program
in a parameter list. %15 %15

Parameters can be called up at any point of N1 P1~ PNO. DATA

a program. ~
N5 GO X=P2 ... f'p1 GOZ100
• If a command or command chain has been ~
assigned to the parameter, such commands are N10 P3=Z-5 ~ f'P2 = 17.5
executed where the parameter has been called. N11 P4==1) 1

• If a numerical value has been assigned to the N15 Z=·P4 .

parameter, the value is used in place of the
parameter. N20 P3 F300 I
Program% 15 Parameter Rst% 15

Calling up a command parameter

Enter the adress P and the parameter number Calling up a command parameter
in place of one or several commands.
Assignment in parameter list:
If you call a parameter in the entry dialog
(e.g. of a cycle), the entry dialog will not
be continued. Make sure you continue the
Call in program:
data entry in the correct sequence and enter
all data in such cases. When using commands with
several identical addresses, press adress key N10 G2X120Y60P7
twice before entering the desired command.

Parameter call is equivalent

Example: to programming:

Assignment in parameter list: N1 0 G2 X120 Y60 1·25 JO

P7 1·25 JO

Call in program:

N10 G2X120Y60P7

Parameter P7 contains the coordinates for

the centre of the circular arc. It completes
the circular interpolation " G2 X120 Y60"
in block N10 to a full program block.

1.1 Parameter programming
Calling up a parameter

Parameters may also be called up in

machining cycles. MODE 11
Calling a parameter
Example: In a cycle
Assignment in parameter list: Assignment in parameter list:
P15 XBO X0.2Y60 P15 xao xo.2 Y60
P16 Y15 P16 Y15
P17 Z-12Z-6Z-0.1 P17 Z-12Z-6Z-0.1

Call in program: .
Call in program:
N20 G72 F300 S+2000 P15 P16 F150 P17
N20 G72 F300 8+2000 P15 P16 F150 P17

In machining cycle G72 "Roughing a rectangular

pocket", the parameters stand for the following
commands: Parameter call is equivalent
to programming:
P15: Final dimension of pocket 80 x 60 mm;
finishing allowance on lateral walls 0.2 mm. N20 G72 F300 8+2000 X80 X0.2 Y60 Y15
F150 Z-12 Z-6 Z-0.1
P16: lnfeed in Y axis 15 mm
(e.g. for cutter diameter of 20 mm).

P17: Final dimension in Z plus safety allowance 12 m

lnfeed increment per step 6 mm.
Finishing allowance at bottom of oocket
0.1 mm.

1.1 Parameter programming
Calling up a .:.~~rameter..

Calling up a numerical value parameter

Enter an equal sign, the adress letter P and the Calling up a value parameter
parameter nurri>er after the adress which
is to contain the value of the parameter. Assignment in parameter list:
P99 =50.25
P100 = 25.125

Assignment in parameter list: Call in program:

P99 =50.25
P100 = 25.125 N30 X = P99 Y = P1 00
Call in program:

N30 X= P99 Y =P100 Parameter call is equivalent

. . to programming:
In block 30, the X coordinate is given the value 50.25
by parameter P99 and the Y coordinate the value N30 X50.25 Y25.125
25.125 by parameter P1 00.

The value of a parameter can also be the

result of a mathematical expression or of
linking parameters.


Assignment in parameter list:

P101 = SQR (12.5)
P102 = SQRT (235)

Call in program:

N40 X= P101 Y = P102

X will then be 156.25, Y 15.33.

1.1 Parameter programming
Points to remember when using parameter programming

Points to remember when using

parameter programming Make sure to assign the correct data
to each parameter:
Program and parameters must fit together.
This means the values and commands assigned
to the parameters should be exactly the ones
P1 =40
needed for the machining operation to be
NSO GO X = P 1 e
If a parameter in a program block is substituted P1 =40
for one or several commands, it should contain P2 =30 RIGHT
exactly these commands, not a single one more
less. If a parameter stands for a numerical value,
it should contain a numerical value, and not a com-
mand. Any errors in assigning commands or numerical
- -- •V'
values are bound to lead to machining errors.


Assignment in parameter list:

P1 =40
P2 Y30

Call in program:

N60 GO X=P1 Y:P2 Z2

This block cannot be executed.

Parameter P2 contains a command (Y30)
instead of numerical value (30). 'The correct
assignment would have been:

P2 :30

1.1 ·Parameter programming
Points to remember wh:::, ; 'Js:ng parameter programming

A parameter call always discontinues dialog

prompting by the control. For this reason Make sure to assign complete data
take particular care. to each parameter.
• to use the correct sequence of commands,
. to enter au commands in each program P15 xao xo.2 vso
block and each parameter assignment P16 Z-12Z-6Z-0.1
when writing or entering your program.
NSO G72 F300 S+2000 E[F"1s0 !39 ~
Assignment in parameter list:
P15 X80 X0.2Y60
P16 Z-12Z-6Z-0.1
P15 xao xo.2 vso
Call in program: P16 Z-12Z-6Z-0.1
P999 Y15
NSO G72 F300 S-+2000 P15 F150 P16
NSO G72 F300 S-+2000 P15 F150 P999 P16 0
Milling cycle G72 "Rough milling of rectan-
gular pockets" In block 50 Is executed as a
-= --

square milling operation only.
What is missing is the feed increment in Y
which depends on the cutter diameter.

You can choose among three alternatives for

correcting the block.

Alternative 1
In· program:

NSO G72 F300 S-+2000 P15 Y15 F150 P16

Insert command Y15 (for a cutter diameter of

e.g. 20 mm) directly into the block.

Alternative 2
In parameter Hst:
P999 Y15

In program:

NSO G72 F300 S+2000 P15 P999 F150 P16

Assign command Y15 to parameter P999 and

call P999 in block NSO.

1.1 Parameter programming
Points to remember when using parameter programming

Alternative 3

In parameter list:
P15 XSO X0.2 Y60 Y15

In program:

NSO G72 F300 5+2000 P15 F150 P16

Supplement parameter P15 by command Y15

A parameter, in turn, may itself contain

parameters. In this case, be careful to Be sure to link parameters correctly.
avoid errors in linking the parameters
and make certain to assign the correct
commands or values to each parameter.
Example: P1 =30
Assignment in parameter list: P2 = 120
P1 ·30 )>c(
= 120
P1 00 = (P1 + P2) : P3
P1 00 = (P1 +P2) ®
The control cannot calculate parameter P100
because parameter P3 contains a command in- P1 =30
stead of a numerical value.
P2 = 120
The correct assignment would have been: P3 =-10 RIGHT
= s ......-.

P3 ·10
P1 00 == (P1 + P2) : P3

1.1 Parameter programming
Re-assignment of parameters- in u program

Re-assignment of parameters In a
program MODE 11
Re-assignment of parameters
Parameters to which commands or values have In a program
been assigned in the parameter list or in a
program can be given new commands or values In parameter fist:
in later parts of the program. P1 =15
P12 ==45

In other words, a parameter assignment can be In program:

replaced by a new assignment.
P1 15
Example: N4 X=P1 Y=P12 ., .. P12 = 45

Assignment in parameter list:

P1 = 15 N10 P1 = =60
P12 =45 N11 P12 = = 20

P1 = 60
Call in program: N17 X= P1 Y = P12
,. P12 = 20

N4 X=P1 Y=P12
(Assign value 15 to X, 45 to Y)

Re-assignment of parameters:

N10 P1 :60 =
N11 P12 = :20
(Assign new value 60 to P1,
new value 20 to P12)
N17 X=P1 Y=P12
(X is now 60 (new P1) andY 20
(new P12))

When a program is restarted, the parameters

first again have their original values as shown
in the parameter list.

1.1 Parameter programming _j
....____ _ __
Self-calculation of parameters

Self-calculation of parameters
Self-calculation of parameters

You may use the control for calculating a Assignment in parameter list:
parameter: the parameter will thus "cal-
culate itself". To do so, assign the for- P999 =P10+2
mula to be used for the calculation to an
auxiliary parameter in the parameter list.

Example: In Program:
P999 = P10 + 2
N9 P10==2
Auxiliary parameter P999 Is equivalent to N10 Z=-P10 P10 =2
the old parameter P1 0 plus 2.
N25 P1 0 = P999 P10 =4
In this way, you can program the downfeed N26 L4 N1 0 N25
increments in milling operations performed
in several steps.
Repetition 1
N10 Z=-P10 P10 :4
In program:

N9 P10 == 2
N25 P1 0 = P999 P10 =6
N26 L4 N1 0 N25
(Assign value 2 to parameter P10)

N10 Z = • P10 F250

(First downfeed increment is 2 mm) Repetition 2
N11 G41 G45A2 X10Y10 G1 G60 M60
N12 Y40 N10 Z= -P10 P10 =6
N13 X60
N14 Y10 N25 P1 0 = P999 P10 =8
N15 X10 N26 L4N10N25
N16 G40 G45 AS

N25 P1 0 = P999 (etc.)

(Now assign value of auxiliary
parameter P999 to parameter P10.
P999 is equivalent toP 10 + 2: the
new parameter calculatess itself
from the old parameter P1 0.) Z-4 Z-6 Z-8 Z-10
N26 L4 N10 N25
(Program part repetition)

Parameter P10 Is Increased by 2 mm In each

of the four program part repetitions, cutter
is thus downfed in increments of 2 mm.

program run Repetition 1 Repetition 2 Repetition 3 Repetition 4

P10 2 4 6 8 10
z ·2 -4 .. a -8 ·10

1.1 Parameter programming
How to program with the aid of parameters

How to program with the aid

of parameters The parameters:
Use parameters in a program if
Version A P1 Y65
. a contour shape on a wol1<piece is changed;

. the dimensions of a contour on a wol1<piece

is changed; "'0

. a contour changes continuosly and the -<

80 50 -+--+- - - t - - - --+--+ (j)
change can be defined mathematically. 01.


15 ._._ __;_7.::..0___-1
Change of contour shape
A workpiece is to be produced in two versions:
with a rectangular contour (version A) and
a trapezoidal contour (version 8).
All other features are identical.
Assignments in parameter list for version A: VersionS P1 X67.5Y65
P1 Y65 P2X32.5
P2 X15 P2 X32.5
Assignments in parameter list for version 8:
P1 X67.5 Y65
P2 X32.5
80 50
Program for both versions:
N1 GOZ100
N2 G17T1
N3 GO X10Y10ZO 8+1000 15
N4 Z-5 F150
NS G42 G45 A2 X15 Y15 G1 G60 M60
N6 X85
N7 P1 32.5
(P1 defines the upper right comer
of the rectangle or trapezium) 67.5
NB P2 100
(P2 defines the upper left comer
of the rectangle or trapezium)
N9 X15 Y15
N10 G40G45A2
N11 GOZ100
The program:
N12 M30 P1
N1 GOZ100 N7
N2 G17T1 NB
8+1000 N9 X15Y15
N4 Z-5 F150 N1 0 G40 G45 A2
NS G42 G45 A2 X15 N11 GOZ100
Y15 G1 G60 M60 N12 M30
N6 X85

1.1 Parameter programming
How to program with the aid of parameters

The parameters:
Change of contour dimensions
Version A P1 =80
Example: P2=60
P3= 7 (5 +2)
A workpiece is to be produced in two versions:
with a rectangular pocket dimensioned
80 x 60 x 5mm (version A) and a rectangular
pocket dimensioned 55 x 45 x 3 mm (version B). 15
Assignments in parameter list for version A:
P1 =80 _l

P2 =60 !
P3 =7
(Assign value "pocket depth 5 mm" t- t-
plus 2 mm safety allowance to P3) 80 60

Assignments in parameter list for version 8: i

10 I
P3 =5
=45 .t :.....
(Assign value " pocket depth 3mm" ~0 100
plus 2 mm safety allowance to P3.)

Program for both versions:

N1 GOZ100
N2 G17T1
N3 GOXSOY40Z2 Version B P1 =55
N4 G72F500S+1000 X:P1 XO Y:P2 P2=45
YB F200 Z:-P3 Z:-P3 ZO P3=5 (3 +2)
(P1, P2, and P3 determine the
pocket size.)
N5 GOZ100 15
N6 M30

The dimensions of the rectangular pocket can

be easily checked and changed in the parameter
80 45 t-·-


L 22,5

The program:

N1 GOZ100
N2 G17T1
N3 GOX50Y40Z2
N4 G72 F500 S+1000
X= P1 Y = P2 Y =8
F200 Z = -P3 Z = -P3 ZO

1.1 Parameter programming
How to program with the aid of parameters

Change of machining data The parameters:

Example: Version A P1 T1
Two workpieces of identical contours are (steel) P2 F100 S+1000
to be made of steel (version A) and copper P3 F250
(version B).

Assignments in parameter list for version A (steel):

P1 T1 -
P2 F1 00 S+ 1000
P3 F250

Assignments in parameter list for version B

P1 T2
P2 F250 S+1600
P3 F350

Program for both versions:

N1 GOZ100
N2 G17P1
(P1 defines the tool used)
N3 GOX10Y15Z2
N4 P2
(P2 defines the infeed rate
and the spindle speed)
N5 Z-5 Version B P1 T2
N6 P3 (copper) P2 F250 S+1600
P3 F350

The program:

N1 GOZ100
N2 G17 P1
N3 GOX10Y15Z2
N4 P2
N5 Z-5
N6 P3

1.1 Parameter programming
How to program with the aid of parameters

(P3 defines the horizontal feed

for machining the contour)·

The dimensions of the rectangular pocket can be

easily checked and changed in the parameter
list w~hout having to change the program.

Constant change of contour


Milling of a funnel with an end mill.

The funnel is to be machined in 15 cuts of
1mm depth. The first radius is 30 mm, the P5=P105-1
last radius 15 mm.
The radius is to be reduced by 1 mm per cut.
Enter the following data in the parameter
PS =P105-1 In parameter list:
(Cutting depth is increased P5 =P105 -1
by 1mm per cut) P6 =P106-1
P6 = P106-1
(Radius is decreased by 1 mm In program:
1mm per cut) N1 P105==0
N2 P106==30
The program:
N6 ...Y= P106 .. P106 30=
N1 P105==0 N7 Z= P105 P105 = 0
(First cutting depth 0 mm) NS ...J = -P106
N2 P106==30 N9 G40
(First radius 30 mm) N10 P106=P6 P106 29=
N3 GOZ100 N11 P105=P5 P105 = ·1
N4 G17T1 N12 l15N6N11
N5 GO XO YO Z2 F500 5+4000
N6 =
G41 XO Y P106 G1 G60 M61 Repetition 1
(Assign Y value 30 to first
contact point on contour)
N6 ...Y=P106 .. P106 =29
N7 Z= P105
N7 Z= P105 P105 =-1
NS ...J =-P106
(Assign Z value 0 to first
0). N9 G40
cutting depth)
NS G310 J = ·P106 N10 P106= P6 P106 = 28
(Centre point is located at a N11 P105=P5 P105 = • 2
vom distance of - 30 mm from start point in J direction) N12 l15N6N11
N9 G40
N10 P105= P5 Repetition 2
(Cutting depth is increased by 1mm) N6 ...Y = P106 .. P106 = 28
N11 P106= P6
(Radius is decreased by 1 mm)
N7 Z= P105 P105 =·
NS ...J=-P106
N12 l15 N6N11 N9 G40
(Repeat machining operation 15 times,
w~h depth and radius being decreased
N10 P106= P6 P106 =27
by 1mm each time)
N11 P105=P5 P105 =· 3
N12 l15N6N11
·N13 GOZ100 M30
The same programming technique is described
under "Self-calculation of parameters".
1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 1

Programming example 1

Assignment of commands and numerical values

to parameters in parameter Jist and in program.
The following program illustrates how to use
parameter programming for programs of this



45 30
M 1:1
Dimensions in mm

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 1


Tool list: N4 G76 F250 5+4000 G3 X P2 =

XO X14 YO F100 Z-12 ZO Z·O
T1 RS A LOA N5 GO Y-22.5
N6 P2::12.5
Parameter list: N7 L1 N4
P1 GO Z100 N9 P3 F250
P2 = 17.5 N10 G41 X40 Y: P4 GO G60 M61
P3 Z·5 N11 xo
P4 = 15 N12 G3 XO Y:· P4 10 J:·P4
N13 X40
Program: N14 G40
N15 P3: Z·16
N1 P1 N16 P4::10
N2 G17 T1 N17 L1 N9 N14
N3 GO X· 45 Y17.5 Z2 N18 P1 M30


Dimensions in mm
-45 40

M1:1 Scale 1:1

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 1

Place program zero at centre of semi-circle

in recess on right side of workpiece.

Tool list:
T1 R8A LOA Enter tool compensation values.

Parameter list:
P1 GOZ100
Assign commands GO and Z1 00 to parameter P1.
This permits simple Z-axis retraction for
tool changes, e.g. to suit machine on which
cutting operation is to be performed.

P2 :17.5 Assign numerical value 17.5 (radius of

circular pocket) to parameter P2.

P3 Z•5 Assign command Z-5 to parameter P3. In this

way, you can easily change downfeed incre-
ments for pocket.

P4 =15 Assign value 15 (radius of recess) to

parameter P4.

%1 Program number
N1 P1 Call parameter P1
It contains all the commands for N1: retract
tool to position Z1 00.
N2 G17 T1 Tool change; select machining plane.
N3 GO X-45 Y17.5 Z2 Position tool above large circular pocket.
N4 G76 F250 S+4000 G3 X: P2 Machine circular pocket (cycle G76): call
XO X14 YO F100 Z·12 ZO Z-Q pocket radius X via parameter P2 = value
17.5 mm.
N5 GO Y·22.5 Position tool above small circular pocket.
N6 P2--12.5 Assign new value 12.5 to parameter P2.
Former value (17.5) is no longer effective
in remaining program.

N7 L1 N4 Program part repetition: repeat block N4.

Pocket radius now has new value of P2 =
12.5 mm. The same commands are used for
both pockets, only radius is different.

NB GO X40 YO Position tool outside workpiece

N9 P3 F250 Call command Z-5 via parameter P3: downfeed
to position Z-5 at feed rate of 250 mmlmin.
Tool moves to depth of step in recess.

1.1. Parameter programming
Programming example 1

-22.5 J.--+-

-45 40
Dimensions in mm

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 1

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 1

I. I rcUi:1111t:HtH JJIUYii:1111111111Q
Programming example 2

Programming example 2

Assignment of mathematical expressions to

parameters in parameter list.

The following program illustrates how to

calculate coordinate values with tbe aid of


0co 0,..._


10 40 45 5
100 15

Dimensions in mm

M 1:1 Scale 1:1

Parameter programming
Programming example 2

%2 Program:

Tool list: N1 GO Z100

N2 G17T1
T1 R20 A LO A N3 GO X·15 Y·25 Z2 F500 S+1250
N4 GOZ·5
Parameter list: N5 G41 X10 Y·25 G1 G60 M61
N6 Y30
P1 :10 + (75-30) X TAN (35) N7 X= P1 Y75
P2 :20 + SQRT (SQR(55) NB X50
• SQR (95-50)) N9 G2 X95 Y= P2 10 J-55
N10 Y5
N11 G7 R15
N12 X10
N13 G40 G45 A2
N14 GO Z100 SO M30



. ~NS~1·0~--------------------------~9~5
D1mens10ns 1n mm

1.1 Parameter programming
f'' Programming ·example 2

Place program zero at lower lett corner of

workpiece at surface level.

Tool list:

T1 R20 A LO A Enter tool compensation values.

Parameter list:

P1 :10 + (75-30) X TAN (35) Parameter P1 is equivalent to the result of

the mathematical expression:
10 + (75- 30) x tan 35 o (= 41.5).

P2 :20 + SQRT (SQR(55) • Parameter P2 is equivalent to the result of

• SQR (95-50)) the mathematical expression:
20 + ..[552- (95-50)2 (= 51.6).


%2 Program number

N1 GO Z100 Retract tool to position Z1 00.

N2 G17T1 Tool change

N3 GO X·15 Y·25 Z2 F500 S+1250 Move to position X-15 Y- 25 Z2.

N4 GO Z·5 Downfeed to Z-5 outside workpiece.

NS G41 X10 Y·25 G1 G60 M61 Call contour compensation G41 : first imaginary
contact point on contour X10 Y- 25.

N6 Y30 Mill to position Y30.

N7 X: P1 Y75 Mill to position X= P1 Y75. Parameter P1

defines unknown value of X. Calculation is
as follows:

P1 • A+8
A •10
8 =?
8/C -tan35 o
8 ... c.xtan35o
c .. 75-30
8 "' (75-30) x tan 350
P1 =10 + (75-30) x TAN (35)

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 2

N8 X50 Mill to position XSO (Y75).

N9 G2 X95 Y =P2 10 J·55 Call circular interpolation G2: centre point

and X coordinate of target point are known.
Parameter P2 defines unknown value of Y.
Calculation is as follows:

(95 -5m2 + s2 =552
s2 = 552- (95 -sm2
s = ..Jss2 -(95 - 5o)2
P2 P2 = 20 +SORT (SQR (55)- SQR (95- 50))


Finish-mill contour.
N10 Y5
N11 G7 R15 Delete contour compensation.
N12 X10 Retract tool; end of program.
N13 G40 G45 A2
N14 GO Z100 SO M30

1 1.1 Parameter programming
P;·ogramming example

Programming example 3
Programming of linked and sel- calculating

The following program illustrates how to use

parameters for producing a workpiece with a
continuously changing contour.


r "\
r . ~V'

·+· ~

\.. ' ./
4o 15
Dimensions in mm

M1:1 Scale 1:1

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 3

%3 N5 P101 = P2
N6 P102 = = 0
Tool list: N7 GO Z100
NB G17 T1
T1 RB A L-Q.2 A N9 GO XO YO Z2 F500 S+4000
N10 G41 XO Y = P101 G1 G60 M61
Parameter list: N11 Z = P102
N12 X=- P101
P5 = P101 • ((P2 • P1) : P4) N13 Y = • P101
P6 = P102 • (P3 : P4) N14 X= P101
N15 Y = P101
Program: N16 xo
N17 G40
N1 P1 = = 20 N18 P101 = P5
N2 P2 = = 30 N19 P102 = P6
N3 P3 = = 15 N20 L = P4 N10 N19
N4 P4 = = 15 N21 GO Z100 M30

yj~ y
-30 -20 20 30

V'N12 N121 !JI' "'~ N16.1 N1~
- <..\ l7;r
20 ~
r12.1s;; f.-.~16.~
--~ 'rJ-- "':
... i
t") N10
z N10J.
~ !!!/ ...:;;
""x z
... I~
.) z
-20 llr \...
N14 N14.1
- .)

Dimensions in mm

L1.1 __·Programming
1 __in-g----------------------------------------~
example 3

Place program zero at intersection of symmetry axes.

Tool list:

T1 RB A L-Q.2 A Enter tool compensation values.

Parameter list:

P5 = P101 • ((P2 • P1): P4) Define P5 by the following liked parameters:

PS =P1 01 - ((P2- P1) : P4)

P5 serves to calculate the coordinates of

the cavity taper for each cut.
From the value of the preceding cut (defined
by P101), an amount governed by the expression
((P2-P1):P4) is deducted per cut. P2 is the
maximum value of ha~ the edge length
(in this case 30 mm); P1 is the minimum
value of ha~ the edge length (in this case:
20 mm).

In each cut, the length of cutter travel is

reduced by the same amount. To obtain the
amount of reduction, divide the difference
of (P2-P1) = 10 by the number of cuts P4
(in this case 15).

P6 = P102 • (P3 : P4) Define P5 by the following liked parameters:

P6 =P102- (P3: P4).

PS serves to calculate the infeed increment

per cut.

From the value of the preceding cut (defined

by P 102) , an equal amount is deducted per
cut. This is obtained from (P3:P4). P3 is
the workpiece thickness (in the case 15 mm)
and P4 the number of cuts (in this case 15).


%3 Program number

N1 P1 = = 20 Assign value 20 to parameter P1. This is

half the edge length of the smallest square of
the cavity and thus the minimum value for
machining the contour.

N2 P2 = = 30 Assign value 30 to parameter P2. This is

the maximum value for machining the contour.

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 3

N3 P3 = :15 Assign value 15 to parameter P3. This is

the workpiece thickness and thus the height
of the contour.
N4 P4 = :15 Assign value 15 to parameter P4. This is
the number of cuts.

P1 01 is to define the actual edge length for

N5 P101 = P2 each cut. As a starting value, assign
the maximum value (=P2) to P1 01.

N6 P102 = = 0 P1 02 is to define the infeed increment for

the actual cut. As a starting value, assign
value 0 to P101.

N7 GOZ100 N7 to N9: tool change; move to position

NS G17 T1 above program zero.
N9 GO XO YO Z2 F500 S+4000

N10 G41 XO Y = P101 G1 G60 M61 Call contour compensation: call V coordinate
for first contact point on contour via P101.
The initial value of P1 01 is 30.

N11 Z = P102 Call value of lnfeed Increment via P1 02.

The initial value of P1 02 is 0.

N12 X= -P101 Mill to position X. -P101 (=-30).

N13 Y = ·P101 Mill to position V • -P101 (= -30)

N14 X= P101 Mill to position X .. P1 01 (=30).

N15 Y = P101 Mill to position V • P1 01 (=30).

N16 xo Mill to position X =0.

N17 G40 Delete -contour compensation.

N18 P101 = P5 Assign parameter P5 to P101. P5 is calcul-

ated in the parameter list. Its new value
is 29.334.

N19 P102 = P6 Assign parameter P6 to P102. P6 is calcul-

ated in the parameter list. Its new value
is -1.

N20 L = P4 N10 N19 Program part repetition: the number of re-

petitions is determined by P4. It is equal
to the number of cuts (15). Repeat blocks
N10 to N19 15 times, each time with changed
parameters P101 and P102. The result will
be the tapered cavity shown in the drawing.

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 3

N21 GO Z100 M30 Retract tool, end of program.

Normal program run Repetition 1 Repetition 2 Repetition 3 Repetition 4 ... Repetition 15

P101 -30 29.334 28.667 28 27.334 20

P102 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -15

y y

-30 -20 20 30

~11. - N12.1 IJ/' ~N16.1 N1~
- (.,\ /;:r
rl~!IJI ~16.1~
an N10 ~
M "":
' ~
z i N1~ ~.15 an z ..
~~ ~ ~X
,... ' ~

z ....

-30 \... ' N14 N14.1



Dimensions in mm

1.1 Parameter programming
Programming example 3

Programming a third
axis after
contour compensation
1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
1 D in feed

Up to now, infeed motions perpendicular or at an

angle to the milling plane have not been
obtainable while contour compensation
(G41 or G42) was active.

With the new software update, yoou can move in

all three axes after contour compensationhas been
called. The length and radius compensation values
remain effective. When the direction is changed,
the infeed motion is effected at the start point of
the rounding radius.

1 D In feed 10 lnfeed
lnfeed perpendicular to the milling plane is called
1D infeed.
The infeed motion should be programmed in a
block of its own.


N4 Z-5
(lnfeed to position Z-5 before contour compensation)
N5 G42 G45 A2 X1 0 Y1 0 G1 G60 M60
(Contour ompensation call)
N6 X40
(Mill to pos~bn X40)
N7 Z·10
(10 infeedto Z-10while con-
tour co!'Jl)ensation is active)
N8 X80
(Continue milling of contur )

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41 /G42
20 infeed

20 infeed
Simultaneous motions perpendicular to the milling
plane and parallel to a second axis are called 20 infeed..

20 infeed motions shoulds be programmed in a block

of its own.


20 lnfeed
N4 Z-5
(lnfeed to position Z-5 before contour compensation)
N5 G42 G45 A2 X1 0 Y1 0 G1 G60 M60
(Contour compensation call)
N6 X30
(MUI to position X30)
N7 X60 Z-10
(20 infeed in X and Z axes to X60 Z-10 while
contour compensation is active)
N8 X80
(Contirue milling of contour)

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
30 infeed

30 lnfeed

Simultaneous motions in all three axes along a straight

path are called 30 infeed.

30 infeed motions should be programmed in a block

of its own.

Example: 3D lnfeed

N4 Z-5
(lnfeed to position Z-5 before
contour compensation)
N5 G42 G45 A2. X10 Y10 G1 G60 M60
(Contour compensation call)
N6 X30
(Mill to position X30)
N7 X60 Y30 Z·10 .
(3D lnfeed In all three axes to
position X60 Y30 Z·1 0 while
contour cmpensatlon Is active)
(Continue milling of contour)

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
Contouring commands G60/G61/G64 when a third axis is programmed

Contouring commands G60/G61 G64

when third axis is programmed
External contours

When G60 or G61 is programmed, the tool moves

along the contour exactly as programmed. It stops
briefly after each block, so that sharp edges are
produced whenever the direction of cutter travel is


Contour compensation G42 with exact stop G60

N11 Z-5
N12 G42G45A2X20Y10G1 G60 M60
N13 X40
N14 Z·10
N15 X60
N17 X100

When G64 is prrogrammed, all edges and corners are

slightly rounded. The rounding radius depends on the G64
feed rate.


Contour compensation G42 with blending of contours


N11 Z-5
N12 G42G45A2X20Y10G1 G64 M60
N13 X40
N14 Z·10
N15 X60
N17 X100

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/4.2
Contouring commands G60/G61/G64 when third axis is programmed

Internal contours

When G60 is programmed, the tool produces sharp

edges when the direction of cutter travel
is changed.


When G61 is programmed, the tool produces corners

with transition radii larger than the cutter diameter.

If an infeed motion is programmed at an internal corner, .

the corner will be machined with an exact stop. No
. transition radius will be produced. The infeed motion
will be effected exactly in the corner.


When G64 is programmed, all contour transitions are

slightly rounded, including infeed motion in third axis.


1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation compensatioG41 /G 42
First infeed in 3rd axis before or after contour compensation

Wrth the new CNC DIALOG 4you may program the first
infeed motion perpen-dicular to the milling plane
either before or after the contour or compensation call.

First lnfeed before contour compensation

As previously, you have two alternatives for

programming an infeed motion before calling contour

• without M70
• with M70

lnfeed before contour compensation

without M70

Observe the following points:

• Before programming the infeed motion,

move the tool to a position near the start
point for approach or directly above the
start point.

• Command G1 must be programmed in the

bloc cntaining the contour compensation
call. Hyou program G60, the tool will move
to the start point at rapid rate In stock
the cutter would break!

lnfeed before contour compensation call
Semi-circular approach of contour at XSO Y30. without M70

(Move cutter to position XSO Y1 Z2
above workpiece. Position should
be close to start point for approach
N12 Z·S F150 S+1200
(lnfeed to position Z-5 before
contour compensation without M70)
N13 G42 G46 AS XSO Y30 G1 G60 M60
(Contour compensation: because
of G1, tool cuts at feed rate from in-
feed position to start point for ap-
proach circle. Control unit auto-
matically calculates position of start
point. Tool moves to position XSO
Y30 along semi-circular path.)
(MUiing of contour)

1.2 Programming a third axis after contourcompensation G41 /G42
First lnfeed In 3rd axis before or after contour compensation _j

lnfeed before contour compensation with M70

Observe the following points:

• No need to determine infeed position

lnfeed position and start position coincide.
Control unit calculates position automati-

• Contour compensation can be pro-

gamrned with G60. Tool will in this case
move to position above start point at rapid
rate.Make sure tool does not collide
with workpiece when moving to start point
of approach circle.

Programming M70 saves you tne trouble of having to

determine the infeed position. The
method is faster, because cutter need not move at
feed rate from infeed position to start point of

lnfeed before contour compensation call
Semi-circular approach of contour at XSOY30 (same as without M70
on preceding page).

N11 Z-5 F150 S+1200 M70

(Block with infeed command is
skipped because of M70)

N12 G42 G46 AS XSO Y30 GO G60 M6D

(Contour compensation: control unit
automatically calculates position of ·
start point, then tool moves from its
present position to position above
GO. Start point becomes infeed po-
Now infeed rrotion In bloc N11 is
contour along semi-circular path.)
(MiUing of cortour)

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
First infeed in 3rd axis before after contour compensation

lnfeed after contour compensation

With the new CNC DIALOG 4, you may also program
the first infeed motion after the contour compensation

Observe the following points:

• No need to determine infeed position.

lnfeed position and first point of contact on
contour are the same.

• Enter GO in block containing contour com-

pensation call: tool will move to infeed po-
sition at rapid rate. Make sure tool does
not collide with workpiece.

• If contour is to be approached with

smooth transtion, infeed motion should
be programmed before contour compen-
sation call.

lnfeed after contour compensation call

Same contour; semi-circular approach not required.

N11 G42 X50 Y30 GO G60 M60

(Tool moves from present position
to infeed position at rapid rate.
Approach not required: no need to
program G4 and A.)

N12 Z·5 F120 5+1200

(lnfeed directly at contour)
N13 X80
(Miling of contour)

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
Points to remember when programming third axis

Remember the following points:

After the contour compensation call you are not

allowed to program several infeed motions .
consecutively. There must always be at least one
motion parallel to the milling plane after each motion.


N14 G41 G45A2X10Y10G1 G60M60

N15 X20
N16 G91
N17 Z·5
N18 Z·10

This program will not run.

Control unit will display error code 83:

blocks N17 and N18 cannot be programmed

The correct program would have been:

N14 G41 G45A2X10Y10G1 G60M60
N15 X20
N16 G91
N17 Z·15

When using G79, remember the following

In milling cycle G79 "Milling of contour pockets• only a
single infeed depth is
permissible. Additional motions in the third axis on the
individual contours are not possible.

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
Rounding G7 and chamfering G of corners when using 3rd-axis
in feed

Rounding G7 and chamfering

GS of corners when using 3rd-axis
in feed
When programming a 3rd infeed motion after the
contour compensation call, you may also program
rounding of corners G7 or cham-
fering of comers Ga. There are two alter-natives:

Rounding G7/GB before the Jnfeed motion

G7/GB before lnfeed motion

N4 Z-5
(lnfeed to position Z-5 before con-
tour compensation call)
N5 G42 G45 A2 X1 0 Y1 0 G1 GSO M60
(Contour compensation)
(Coordinate of imaginary intersec-
tion of the two contour elements)
N7 GB R5
(Chamfering of comer G8
with radius of 5 mm before
infeed motion
Chamfering includes three steps:
• Milling with rounding radius
about first edge of chamfer
• Milling of chamfer;
• Milling with rounding radius
about secoond edge of chamfer.)
NB Z·10
(lnfeed at end point of second
rounding radius. This is the start
point for the next straight cut.)
N9 Y40
(Continue milling of contour)

The procedure is similar for G7.

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
Rounding G7 and chamfering corners when using 3rd-axis lnfeed

Programming G7/GB after the lnfeed motion

G7/G8 affter lnfeed motion


N4 Z-5
(lnfeed to position Z-5 before
contour compensation call)
NS G42 G45 A2 X10 Y10 G1 G60 M60
(Contour compensation)
(Coordinate of imaginary inter section
of the two contour elements)
N7 Z10
(lnfeed to position Z-10 perpendicular to
milling plane. lnfeed at start point of first
rounding radius for corner rounding.
Start point is calculated by control unit
from block NB.
NS G7 R5
(Rounding of corner G7 with radius
of 5 mm after lnfeed motion)
N9 Y40
(Continue milling of contour)

The procedure is similar for GB.

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41 /G42

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41 /G42
Programming example

Programming example

Milling a contour with 3rd-axis infeed after contour


The following program illustrates how to use 3rd-axis



.---;-~~----------------------~/ L

0 0
M Q)
- -- -
0 J /

' It) ,/
( or-,'

-10 80
100 16

Dimensions in mm Scale 1:1

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
Programming example


Tool list: N6 Y25

N7 Z-6
N9 Z•4
Program: N10 Y75
N11 Z•2
N1 GO Z100 N12 X90
N2 G17 T1 N13 Y15 Z-7
N3 GO Z2 F400 S+4000 N14 X10 Y5 Z-4
N4 G41 X10 Y-10 GO G61 M61 N15 G40
NS Z-4 N16 GO Z100 M30

z Dimensions in mm

j -2

I ~

- '\


~ v v 15
L 14(
t1i ~
~~ -,1-- X

pY. ~
10 -6 -4

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41 /G42
Programming example

Tool list:

T1 RB A LO A Enter tool compensation values.


%6 Program number

N1 GO Z100 Retract tool at rapid rate ..

N2 G17T1 Call tool and define milling plane.

N3 GO Z2 F400 S+4000 Move to Z2 at rapid rate.

N4 G41 X10 Y·10 GO G61 M61 Contour compensation.

N5 Z-4 lnfeed to Z-4 at posHion X10 Y-10.

Position is taken over from N4.

N6 Y25 Mill to position (X1 0) Y25.

N7 Z·6 1 D lnfeed to Z-6 at position X1 o Y25.

NS Y55 Mill to position (X1 0) Y25.

N9 Z-4 Retract tool to Z·4.

N10 Y75 Mill to position (X1 0) Y75.

N11 Z·2 Retract tool to Z·2 at start point of

rounding radius.

N12 X90 Mill to position Y90.

1.2 Programming a third axis after contour compensation G41/G42
Programming example

N13 Y15 Z·7 20 lnfeed to X10 YS Z-4.

Z-axis infeed begins at end point of rounding radius ~

about upper right comer. Depth Z-7 is reached at start

point rounding radius about lower right corner.
Rounding radius is machined at depth Z-7.

N14 X10 YS Z·4 30 lnfeed to X10 YS Z-4.

Z-axis retraction begins at end point of rounding radius
at lower right comer.
Depth Z-4 is reached when cutter axis has reached
position X1 0 YS.

N15 G40 Delete contour compensation.

Retract tool, end of program.

N16 GO Z100 M30

' . '·?i;) ''
' >'I !nq, :

3D interpolation with
polar coordinates
z ;y

j P_ro_g-ra_m_rr_,,_,,_~,_s_D_I_nt-e-rp-o-la-tl_o_n_w_lt_h_p_o_la_r_c_oo-r-di-n-at_e_s------------------~
3D Hnea; ,•• ~.;~·~olatlon with G9 G1

3D linear Interpolation with G9 G1

With the new CNC DIALOG 4 you can program three-
dimensional linear cuts by using polar coordinates. The
control unit automatically correlates the motions In the
three axes with one another. This process Is called 3D
Interpolation. ·

The entry dialog for command G9 G1 has been

tupplemented by a Z address.

Proceed as follows: first determine the location of a

point In the milling plane by defining distance A
"Pole/target point" and angle W, as usual. Then use Z
adress to define the value by the target point of the
straight cut Is to be above or below the milling plane.

In other words, A and W are uud to define the

projection or thadow point of the target point In
the milling plane, while Z 11rves to determine the
vertical dlttance fro.m the projection point.

. 30 linear Interpolation with G9 G1

N7 G1 X50Y20 Target point

(Move to position XSO Y20 In
milling plane)
NS G9 G1 A25 W90 G90 120 J30 Z15
(30 linear Interpolation
with polar coordinates
G9 G1:
Distance pole/target point
25 mm (A25). Angle between
angle reference axis and line
from pole to target point 90°
(W90). Absolute coordinates
of pole 120 (G90 120 J30).
Height of target point
above milling plane 15
mm (Z15).

Projection point

1.3 Programming 3D interpolation with polar coordinates
30 rapid traverse motions with polar coordinates G9 GO

30 rapid traverse motions with polar

coordinates G9 GO

By programming G9 GO, you can define three-

dimensional rapid traverse motions by polar

The entry dialog is the same as for G9 G1:

again , an additional Z address is used.

Remember: the cutter does not move

along a straight line when travelling at
rapid rate.
Each machine slide moves at rapide traverse
rate until it arrives at its target position then
stops. Make sure to check cutter path, in
order to avoid collisions.

· ;. .'.. UL ..:

helical interpolation
1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming helical interpoladon -l G~/G3
\'i.-' ··:

Programming helical Interpolation

The new CNC DIALOG 4 can now also combine circular
interpolation (G21G3
or G9 G21G3) with 3rd-axis motions.
This permits the generation of a helix.

Programming helical Inter-polation with


Use commands G2/G3 to program helical interplation

with Cartesian coordinates. The segment angle of the
helix may be up to 360°.

The entry dialog for commands G21G3 has been

supplemented by a Z adress. When you have entered
the target point and the centre point, a Z address
appears on the screen.

Proceed by entering the position to which the 3rd axis

is to move while circular interpolation is in progress.

The Z coordinate may be entered in either absolute or

additive values, depending on whether G90 or G91
is active.

Programming helical
Interpolation with G2/G3
N4 Z-10
(lnfeed to position Z-10)
N5 G42 G45 A2 X1 0 Y1 0 G60 M60
(Call contour compensation first
contact point on contour X1 0 Y1 0)
N6 X60
(Mill to position X60)
N7 G3 F70 XBO Y30 10 J20 Z-2
(Circular Interpolation counterclockwise
with Cartesian coordinates G3:target
point and centre point to be programmed
as usual. Control unit moves Z axis to
position Z·2 while circular Interpolation
Is In progress.)
NB Y60
(Continue milling the contour)

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming helical interpolation with G9 G2/G3

Programming helical Interpolation with G9


Commands G9 G21G3 can be used to program helical

interpolation with polar coordinates. The segment
angle may be up to 36000°, equivalent to 100

The entry dialog for commands G9 G2/G3 has been

supplemented by a Z address. When you have
entered the target point and the centre point, address
Z appears automatically.

· Proceed by entering the value to which the 3rd axis is Programming helical Interpolation with
to move in circular interpolation. G9 G2/G3
If G90 is active before circular interpolation, the Z value
will be counted as an absolut value.

If G91 is active before circular interpolation, the Z value

will be counted as a chain value.

Independent of these definitions, you may program

the centre point coordinates in either absolute or
additive dimensions.


N4 Z-10
(lnfeed to position Z-10)
NS G42 G45 A2 X10 Y10 G1 G60 M60
first contact point on contour
X10 Y10)
N6 X60
(Mill to position X60)
N7 G9 G3 M71 W90 G91 1.0 J20 Z-2 N6
(Circular Interpolation
counterclockwise with polar
coordinates G9 G3: define angle
as a segment angle: M71 W90.
Program centre point In chain
dimensions: G91 130 JO.Control
moves z axis to Z-2 while circular
Interpolation Is In progress.
z coordinate absolute value!)
NB Y60
(Continue milling the contour)


1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Points to remember when programming helical interpolation

Points to remember when

programming helical interpolation
Machine slides move exactly to start and end points of
helix. This is equivalent to G60 "Exact stop" in contour

The mode of contouring control and the calculation of

the feed rate are the same as used in G64 "blending of
con-tours" in contour compensation.

When the machine "is in helical inter-polation mode, the

control unH calculates the feed rate: Circular arc larger than depth

• Hradius of circular arc is larger

than Z travel: circular arc will be
machined at programmed feed rate,
vertical feed at a reduced rate.

• Hradius of circular arc is smaller Circular arc smaller than depth

than Z travel: circular arc will be ma-
chined at a reduced feed rate, ver-
tical feed at programmed rate.

1.4 Programming helical interpolation _j

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 1

Programming example 1

Milling of helical contours with a segment angle of less

than 360°.

The following program illustrates how to program

helical contours using commands G2 and G9 G2.



Dimensons in mm

M1.1 Scale1:1

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 1


Tool list:

T1 R3 A LO A
N9 G9 G2 M72 W· 70 G90 10 JO Z·3
Program: N10 GO Z2
N11 GO XO Y-32.5
N1 GO Z100 N12 G91 Z-7
N2 G17 T1 N13 G2 X-32.5 Y32.5 10 J32.5 Z3
N3 GO XO Y32.5 Z2 F160 S+6300 N14 GOZ4
N4 Z·5 N15 G9 GO A32.5 W160 G90 10 JO
N5 G2 X32.5 YO 10 J-32.5 Z·2 N16 Z·8
N6 GOZ2 N17 G9 G2 M72 W11 0 G90 10 JO Z3
N7 G9 GO A32.5 W·20 G90 10 JO N18 G90
N8 Z-6 N19 GO Z100 M30

-32.5 32.5

Dimensions in mm

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 1

Place program zero at intersection of symmetry


Tool list:

T1 R3 A LO A Enter tool compensation values.


%4 Program number

N1 GO Z100 Retract tool at rapid rate.

N2 G17 T1 Call tool; define milling plane.

N3 GO XO Y32.5 Z2 F160 5+6300 Move to position XO Y35.5 Z2 at rapid rate.

N4 Z·S lnfeed to position Z-5.

N5 G2 X32.5 YO 10 J·32.5 Z·2 Mill helical contour clockwise, using

Cartesian coordinates G2.
Target point coordinates: X32.5 YO Z2.
Centre point coordinates : 10 J-32.5.
Tool is retracted to position Z-2 while circular
interpolation is in progress.

N6 GO Z2 Retract tool to saftey distance Z2.

N7 G9 GO A32.5 W·20 G90 10 JO Move to position A32.5 W-20 programmed in polar

coordinates. Centre point coincides with program
zero (G90 10 JO}.

NB Z·6 lnfeed to position Z-6.

N9 G9 G2 M72 W·70 G90 10 JO Z·3 Mill helical contour clockwise, using

coordinates G9 G2.
Target point defined by reference axis angle W-70
(M72 W-70}. Centre point= program zero. Tool is
retracted continuously to Z-3 while circular inter-
polation is in progress.

N10 GO Z2 Retract tool to position Z2.

N11 GO XO Y-32.5 Move to position XO Y-32.5 at rapid rate.

N12 G91 Z·7 lnfeed 7 min -Z direction (chain value}.

N13 G2 X·32.5 Y32.5 10 J32.5 Z3 Mill helical contour clockwise, Cartesian

coordinates G2.
Target point is defined in chain dimensions referred to
start point:
X32.5 Y32.5.
Centre point has coordinates 10 J32.5, based on start
point. Tool is con-tinuously retracted by 3 mm in +Z
direction while circular interpolation is in progress.

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 1

N14 GOZ4 Move 4 mm in +Z direction at rapid rate. Tool will thus

again be positioned at. saftey distance of 2 mm above
wori<piece surface.

N15 G9 GO A32.5 W160 G90 10 JO Move to position A32.5 W160 at rapid rate (see N7).

N16 Z·B lnfeed 8 mm in -Z direction.

N17 G9 G2 M72 W11 0 G90 10 JO Z3 Mill helical contour clockwise, using polar
coordinates G9 G2.
Target point defined by reference axis angle W11 0
(M72 W11 0). Tool is continuously retracted by 3 mm in
+ Z direction while circular interpolation is in progress.

N18 G90 Change back to absolute values.

N19 GO Z100 M30 Retract tool, end of program.

-32.5 32.5

Dimensions in mm

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 2

X y

Programming example 2

Milling of helical contours, angle greater than 360°.

To program angle greater than 360°:

• command M71;
• same direction as circular arc.

The following program illustrates how to program

helical contours of several turns, using commands G9

/ / >"·

V// v/L
N ·-· ·-·
..... ·-· = ('I)
/ /



M1 :1 Scale 1:1 Dimensions in mm

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 2


Tool list:

T1 R12.5 A LO A
T2 R8 A LO A

Program: N6 G17 T2
N7 GO XO YO Z2 F200 S+2500
N1 GO Z100 N8 GO Z-4
N2 G17 T1 N9 G41 X26 YO G1 G60 M61
N3 GO XO YO Z2 N10 G9 G3 M71 W540 G90 10 JO Z-13
N4 G76 F500 S+4000 G3 X25 XO N11 G40
X20 YO F250 Z-19 ZO z-o N12 GO XO
N5 GO Z100 N13 GO Z100 M30

Dimensions in mm 26

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 2

Place program zero at intersection of symmetry axes.

Tool list:

T1 R12.5 A LO A Enter tool compensation values.


%5 Program number

N1 GO Z100 Retract tool at rapid rate.

N2 G17 T1 Call tool; define milling plane.

N3 GO XO YO Z2 Move above program zero at rapid rate.

N4 G76 F500 5+4000 G3 X25 XO Call circular pocket milling cycle.

X20 YO F250 Z-19 ZO Z-Q

NS GO Z100 Retract tool.

N6 G17 T2 Tool change.

N7 GO XO YO Z2 F200 5+2500 Move to saftey distance.

Define feed rate and spindle speed.

NB GO Z-4 Move to position Z-4 (= -3 mm, -1 mm groove).

Call contour compensation G41; first contact point on

N9 G41 X26 YO G1 G60 M61 contour X26 YO. Since radius of circular pocket is 25
mm, tool will cut groove of 1 mm depth into pocket wall.

Mill helical groove, using G9 G3. Angle defined as a

N10 G9 G3 M71 W540 G90 10 JO Z-13 segment angle W540 = 1.5 turns. Tool continuously
moves to Z-13
(= -12 mm -1 mm groove) while circular interpolation is
in progress: helical groove is machined. Start position
is at level Z-4, end position at level Z-13. Downfeed by
1.5 turns will thus be 9 mm. Pitch per tum: 6 mm.

N11 G40 Delete contour compensation.

N12 GO XO Move to program zero.

Retract tool, end of program.

N13 GO Z100 M30

1.4 Programming helical interpolation
Programming example 2

DNC operation
1.5 DNC operation
What is DCN?

What Is DCN?
When working with several CNC machines, you so far
had to provide each machine with program separately.
Either the programs had
to be entered by manual data input on the machine or
the programs were transferred on-line from a
programming station.

Before transferring a program, you had to make sure

that the control unit in question was ready to receive a
program and not just engaged in machining a

In DCN operation, a master computer is responsible for

data allocation and for supplying the machines with

The master computer is in charge of managing all the

programs which may be received either from a
program-ming station or from the conrol unit of a

The master computr then distributes the programs and

all other data required to the individual CNC control

IL "--------------------------------------------~
Characteristics of DNC operation
1 . :5_·_D_N_C__o_p-er-a-ti_o__

Characteristics of DNC operation

DNC operation is obtained by selecting mode 15. Each
data transfer between the control system and the
master computer is automatically recorded on an LSV2
data transfer protocol. With the aid of this protocol, the
master computer can check proper data transfer and
make the necessary corrections if errors should occur.

DCN provides the following features:

• Transfer of programs from the mas-

ter computer to the control unit at
the request of the control.

• Transfer of programs from the con-

trol unit to the master computer at
the request of the control.

• Transfer of programs from the mas-

ter computer to the control unit at the
request of the master computer.

• Transfer of programs from the con-

trol unit to the master computer at the
request of the master computer.

Data transfer compises:

• the complete programs with all subroutines and data I


A detailed description of DNC operation would exceed

the scope of this brief Software Update manual.

In addition, DNC must in each case be adapted to the

specific conditions prevailing at the user's plant.

If you plan to use your DNC DIALOG 4 in operation,

please contact our specialists at the Deckel factory who
will take pleasure in letting you have additional
information and giving you every support you may

2. Operating the
In this chapter you will find:
• How to enter the different
options of parameter
programming on the control
unit of your machine
(p 2-1 to 2-19).
Parameter programming
on the control
Parameter programming on the control
Direct parameter: assignment in a program

Assigning a command In
a program

Conditions Enter block number. Press "P" key.

• Program which to
parameters are to be
assigned roost be in main

• Control must be in mode

11 "Program entry from
rill ...

New block is opened Entry line with P address

appears on screen.

Enter parameter number, Press "FKT" and "•" keys. Press "Enter" key.
e.g. "3".

Parameter number appears Equal sign appears behind Entry line disappears.
on entry line. parameter number on entry Parameter number appears
line. under block number.

2.1 Parameter programming on thecontrol
Direct parameter assignment in a program

Enter command to be Press "Enter" key. If you wish to assign several

assigned to parameter, e.g. commands to a parameter,
"GO", using keyboard. enter them in the same
manner, e.g. "Z100".

@J ... Lil..

Command appears on entry Entry line disappears. Commands are shown one
line. Command appears under underneath the other in
parameter number. program block.

Assigning a numerical
value In a program

Enter block number. Press "P" key. Enter parameter number,

e.g. "4".

[E) ...

Block is opened. Entry line with P address Parameter number appears

appears on screen. on entry line.

2.1 Parameter programming 'Jil tht:) :':':lntrol
Direct parameter assigi1me.,<· in · ·i ;.>rogram

Press "FKT" and ".," keys. . Press "Enter" key. Press "FKT" and "=" keys

Equal sign appears behind Entry line disappears. Equal sign appears on entry
parameter number on entry Parameter number appears line.
line. under block number.

Press"-" key Hvalue is Enter numerical value to be Press "Enter" key.

negative. assigned to parameter, e.g.
"1 0", using keyboard.

m. .

Minus sign appears on entry line Numerical value appears on Entry line disappears.
entry line. Numerical value appears
under parameter number.

2.1 Parameter programming on the Gontrol
Parameter assignment in parameter list

Assigning a command In the parameter list

Conditions Set mode switch to mode 12 Press "P" key.

"Paramteter programming".
'. • Program whose parameter
list you want to use must be
in main memory.

Parameter Ust of active Entry line with P address

programm appears on appears on screen.

Enter parameter number, Press "Enter" key. Enter command to be

e.g. "1". assigned to parameter, e.g.
"GO", using keyboard.

[ill ...

Parameter nurroer appears Entry line disappears. Com~ap~arsone~

on entry line. Parameter number appears tine.
under block number.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Parameter assignment in parameter list

Press "Enter" key. Hyou wish to assign several To assign an address to a

commands to a parameter, parameter several times:
enter them in the same press address key twice as
manner, e.g. "Z100". from second command with
the same address, then
enter second command.
[I] ...

Entry line disappears. Commands are shown side

Command appears under by side in parameter list.
parameter number.

Assigning a numerical
value In the parameter

Press "P" key. Enter parameter number, Press "Enter" key.

e.g. "2".

Entry line with P address Parameter number appears Entry line disappears.
appears on screen. on entry line. Parameter number appears
in parameter list.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Parameter assignment in para~eter list

Press "FKT" and "=" keys. Press"~" key for negative Enter numerical value to be
value, if required. assigned to parameter, e.g.
"17.5", using keyboard.

rn . .

Equal sign appears on entry line. Minus sign appears on entry Numerical value appears on
line. entry line.

Press "Enter" key. Corrections:

To correct parameter
assignment before having
pressed "Enter" key, delete
data entered by moving
cursor to the left, then enter
new data.

To correct parameter
assignment after having
pressed "Enter" key, refer to
page 2-14.

Entry line disappears.

Equal sign and numerical
value appear adjacent to
parameter number.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Parameter assignment In ·parameter list

Assigning a mathematical expression In the parameter list

Enter parameter number in Press "FKT" and "•" keys. Enter mathematical
the same way as for expression (any expression,
assigning a rumerical value. with or without linked
parameters), using
keyboard. Up to 33

[E) ... characters permissible.[!] •••

Parameter number appears Equal sign appears on entry Expression appears on entry
in parameter list. line. line.

Press "Enter" key. Use the following keys to Use the following letter keys
enter signs for basic to enter other mathematical
arithmetic operations: operations:

ElB?J Sine:


B?J Tangent: TAN

~ Arc sine: ASIN

Arc cosine: ACOS

El~ Arc tangent: ATAN

Entry line disappears. Equal

EllZl Square root:


sign and mathematical
expression appear adjacent
[Z] 3.14: PI
to parameter number.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control

_ __
Calling up parameters from within the program
Calling up an entire program block via parameter

Enter block number. Press "P" key. Enter parameter number,

e.g. "1".

rEJ ... OJ

New block is opened. Entry line with P address Parameter number appears
appears on screen. on entry line.

Press "Enter" key.

Entry line disappears.

Parameter number appears
under block number.
Make sure the entire program
block has been assigned to
the parameter.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Calling up parameters from within the program

Calling up a command via parameter.

Enter block number and Press "P" key if parameter is Enter parameter number,
commands of program block. to be substituted for one or e.g. "2".
several commands.

[ill ...

Commands are shown under Entry line with P address Parameter number appears
block number. · appears on screen. on entry line.

Press "Enter" key. Enter other commands and If you wish to can up an
parameters, as required. address several times (e.g.
two parameters), press
address key twice as from
second command with the
same address.

Entry line disappears. Block m.Jst be complete and

Parameter nurrt>er appears commands in correct order.
as next word in program

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Calling up parameters from within the program

Calling up a numerical value via parameter

Enter block number and Press "FKT" and "=" keys. Enter parameter number,
commands of program block. e.g. "2".


[ill ...

Equal sign and Parameter number appears

automatically, P address behind P address.
appear on entry line behind

Press "Enter"· key. Enter other commands and

parameters, as required.

Entry line disappears. Block must be complete and

Command with numerical commands in correct order.
value call appears in program
block. Entry dialog

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Changing parameter assignments in a program

Changing a parameter number In a program

Search program block in Press "P" key. Enter new parameter

which assignment is to be number, e.g. "99".

EJEJ [II ...

Program block must be in the Entry line with P address New parameter number
middle of screen. appears on screen. P is appears on entry line.
highlighted in program block.

Press "FKT" and "•" keys. Press "Enter" key.

·.). ; .i·

Equal sign appears on entry Entry line disappears. New

line behind new parameter parameter number is
number. substituted for old number.

2.1 Parameter progamming on the control
Changing parameter assignments in a program

Changing a command assignment In a program

Search program block in Enter address of command Press "Delete" key.

which command assignment to be changed, e.g. "Z".
is to be changed.

.., ..., : ..
~ .::-:.:·; -:,.r

Program block must be in the Entry line with adress The word "Clear" appears on
middle of screen. appears on screen. Same entry line.
address is highlighted in
program block.

Press "Enter" key. Enter new command to be Press "Enter" key.

assigned to parameter, e.g

00 ...

Entry line dissapears. Old New command is shown on Entry line disappears. New
parameter .assignment is entry line. command appears in
deleted from program block. program block.

.______ _ __
Parameter prgramming on the control
Changing parameter assignments in a program

Changing a numerical value assignment In a program

Search program block in Press "FKT" and "•" keys. Enter new numerical value to
which numerical value be assigned to parameter,
assignment is to be e.g "10".

EJEl OJ ...

Program block must be in the Equal sign appears on entry New numerical vah.Je is
middle of screen. line, "=" shown on entry line.
is highlighted in program

Press "Enter" key.

•' .·.

~.. .

Entry line disappears. New

numerical value is
substituted for old value in
program block.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Changing parameter assignments in the parameter list

Changing parameter assignments In the parameter list

Set mode switch to mode 12 Either: Or:

"Parameter programming". use "Cursor up/down" key to call parameter directly by
move cursor before entering "P" or "?" and
parameter to be changed. desired parameter number.

[f) ...

Parameter list of active Cursor is positioned before

program appears on screen. parameter to be changed.

To change command To change numerical Enter new numerical value or

assignment, enter address value assignment, press command to be assigned to
of command to be changed, "FKT" and "=" keys. parameter, e.g. "30".
e.g. "Z".

rn . .

Entry line with address Equal sign appears on entry New assignment appears on
appears on screen.The same line,"=" sign is highlighted in entry line.
address is highlighted in parameter list.
parameter list.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
.. Changing parameter assignrrtents in the parameter list

Press "Enter" key. If mathematical Press "Enter" key.

expression is to be
assigned: enter complete
new expression after "="

OJ ...

Entry line disappears. New New expression is shown on Entry line disappears. New
value is assigned to entry line. expression is assigned to
parameter. parameter.

If commands with Press "Enter" key repeatedly

several Identical until cursor is positioned at
addresses are to be desired address.
assigned: press address
key once, e.g. "Z".

Cursor is positioned adjacent

to first address.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Changing parameter assignments in a program

Changing a numerical value call

Search program block in Enter address of command If you want to change a

which parameter call is to be for which a different subsequent identical
changed. parameter is to be called, e.g. address, press "Enter" key:
"X". next address is highlighted.


Program block must be in the Entry line with address

middle of screen. appears on the screen.
Same address is highlighted .
in program block.

Press "FKT" and "=" keys. Enter new parameter number Press "Enter" key.
you wish to call for this
address, e.g. "20".

rn . .

Equal sign and, · New parameter number is Entry line disappears.New

automatically, P address shown on entry line. parameter call is assigned to
appear on entry line. address.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Changing parameter assignments in a program

Changing a command call

Search program block in Press "P" key. Hyou want to change a

which parameter call is to be subsequent identical
changed. address, press "Enter" key.


Program block must be in the Entry line with P address Next P address in program
middle of screen. appears on screen. P is block is highlighted.
highlighted in program block.

Enter new parameter Press "Enter" key.

number, e.g. "77".

0 ...·

New parameter number is Entry line disappears. New

shown on entry line. parameter call appears in
program block.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Deleting parameters from the parameter list

Deleting a single parameter

Set mode switch to mode 12 Use "Cursor up/down• key to Press "Delete• key.
"Parameter programming". move cursor before
parameter to be changed.

Parameter Ust of active Parameter number and the

program appears on screen. word "CLEAR" appear on
entry line.

To delete parameter: To revoke deletion:

press "Enter" key. press "N" for "NO" and
"Enter" key.

Complete parameter is Delete command is

deleted. cancelled.
Parameter is retained.

2.1 Parameter programming on the control
Deleting parameters from the parameter list

Deleting all parameters

Set mode switch to mode 12 Press "Delete" key twice. To delete all
"Parameter programming". parameters:
press "Y" key for "YES".

Parameter list of active "ALL CLEAR Y/N" appears "YES" appears on entry line.
program appears on screen. on entry line.

Press "Enter" key. To revoke deletion:

press "N" key for "NO".

All parameters are deleted!

2.1 Parameter programming on the control

3. Fault and error codes
In this chapter you will

. What you can do when a

fault or error message
appears on the
screen (p 3-1).
3. Fault and error codes

The fault an error messages shown below supplement the messages listed in the CNC DIALOG 4
Operator's Manual
Code FauiVerror/symptom Cause and effect Remedy

71 Parameter assignment Memoryfull.. Try to simplfy parameter

cannot be executed Parameter assignments in assignments or to do without
parameter list and in program some of them in either
are too long. Control cannot program, subroutines or
store additional parameters. macros.Or else delete
unnecessary programs to
make room in memory.

72 Error in parameter 1. Parameter called does not 1. Give parameter an

assignment or parameter call exist. assignment in parameter
Jist or in program.

2. Numerical value has been 2. Check and correct

assigned to command assignments in
parameter, or command to parameter list or program.
numerical value parameter.

3. Command parameter 3. Check whether parameter

called as a numerical assignment or parameter
value parameter or vice call is wrong. Correct as
versa. required.

4. Calculation of parameter 4. Check mathematical

results value that cannot expression and numerical
be executed by machine. values used in expression.

5. Mathematical expression 5. Check mathematical

is not permissible, e.g. expression for
division by 0 or bracket correctness.
not closed.

6. Too many parameters in 6. Simplify assignment or

an assignment or too many reduce number of
parameters called in a parameters called in a
block. block.

7. Endlessly linked 7. Check logic structure of

parameters, e.g. linked parameters and
parameters continuously correct as required.
call up each other.

3. Fault and error codes

Code FauiVerror/symptom Cause and effect Remedy

72 8. Parameters called are not in 8. Check block and word

correct sequence in program structure and correct as
block or wrong word required.
structure in parameter.

100 Parameter call error Parameters called are not in Check block and word
correct sequence in program structure and correct as
block or wrong structure in required.

~ .. .

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This Programming and Operator's

Manual is a product of Schwenkert,
Kastenhuber und Partner GmbH,
Grunwald, (FAG).

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© 1987 Friedrich DECKEL AG, Munich

© 1987 SK+P
Schwenkert, Kastenhuber und Partner
GmbH, Grunwald

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