MPU-Heat-and-Mass-Transfer-Lab mannual
MPU-Heat-and-Mass-Transfer-Lab mannual
MPU-Heat-and-Mass-Transfer-Lab mannual
Sem __________ Sec ________
Conduction is a process of heat transfer through solids, liquids and gases. When the
temperature gradient exists in a body, experience has shown that there is a transfer of heat
from high temperature region to the low temperature region. The heat transfer rate per unit is
proportional to the temperature gradient in the direction of heat flow:
Q/A α (∆T/∆X)
Where „Q‟ is the heat transfer in (watts), „A‟ is the area of heat transfer (m2), ∆T/∆X is the
temperature gradient in the direction of heat flow (⁰C/m). Where the proportionality constant
is a property of a material and is known as thermal conductivity.
Q/A = -k (∆T/∆X)
The positive constant „k‟ is called the co-efficient of thermal conductivity of material. The
negative sign indicates that heat transfer takes place in the direction of decreasing
temperature. Co-efficient of thermal conductivity has the units of W/m⁰C. Note that heat flow
rate is involved and the numerical value of the co-efficient of thermal conductivity indicates
how fast heat will flow in a given material.
g. Read inlet and outlet water temperatures (T7 and T8) of the cooling water jacket.
h. Measure the cooling water flow rate in the rotometer.
i. Using the measured temperatures and water flow rate, the temperature gradient along
the length of the aluminium rod and co-efficient of thermal conductivity of aluminium
are calculated using the procedure given below.
j. Repeat the experiment for different heat input and mass flow rate of water.
50 50 50 50 50
T7(water inlet)
50 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
T8(water outlet)
Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the heat transfer process. The heat balance equation is
given by:
Qi = Q0 + Ql…………. (1)
Qi = Input heat flow rate from the heater to the aluminum rod
Q0 = Output heat flow rate from the aluminum rod
= Heat flow rate absorbed by water in the cooling water jacket
Q1 = Heat loss from the rod to the surroundings through thermal insulation, assumed
to be zero.
We can assume the Q1=0, because of good thermal insulation.
Therefore, we get the heat flow rate through the rod as:
Qi = Q0=mCp ∆Tw …………….. (2)
m = water flow rate in kg/s in the cooling water jacket from
Cp = specific heat of water, 4.2 kJ/kg K.
Thus, the temperature gradient t/x at the center of the aluminium rod in ⁰C/m can
be determined from the slope of the curve (by drawing a tangent).
The above analysis assumes that the heat loss from the aluminium rod is negligible
due to thermal insulation.
Sl Heat input Thermocouple reading Cooling Mass flow Heat Temperatur Thermal
n in 0C water rate of carrie e gradient conductivit
o Temperatur water d y
e away
V A Q Lp Kg/ Qw dt/dx K (W/m
T T T T T T T7 T8 s
m k)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Q = kA(ΔT/ΔX)
Substances such as metals conduct more heat and have a high value of thermal
conductivity, as high as 200 W/m0C. Insulating materials conduct less heat and have lower
values of thermal conductivity say about 0.1 to 1 W/m0C. In circumstances where the heat
loss from the system has to be minimized, such as power transmission lines, furnaces etc,. it
is essential to cover them with proper materials. This setup has been designed to study heat
transfer through liquids.
a) Aluminum Cylinder:
The aluminium cylinder is of size 100 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length. The
thermocouples are placed to measure the oil temperature at intervals of 25 mm. The outer
surface is properly insulated to avoid heat loss.
b) Heaters:
Provided to heat the liquid. There are two heaters, one is at the bottom of the
cylinder and other is at the outer surface of the cylinder.
* Capacity
c) Cooling arrangement:
The top surface of the cylinder is cooled by water cooling as shown in the
figure. The water is continuously circulated through the water jacket with the fixed rate of
4. Allow water to flow through the cooling jacket. Wait for some time till the
temperature stabilizes with time, i.e, steady state is reached.
7. Using the temperatures, measure rate of heat transfer and the coefficient of the
thermal conductivity using given procedure.
The heat balancing equation for one dimensional flow is given by, (neglecting the losses in
stable condition)
i.e, QL = QW
QW = m x CP x (T6 - T5) in Watts
m = Mass flow rate in kg/s.
CP = Specific heat of water in J/Kg C
QL = K A (dT/dX) in Watts
K = Thermal conductivity of Liquid in W/m C
A = Area of the cylinder in m2
dT/dX = Temperature slope
From Eqn.1 QW = QL
m x CP x (T6 - T5) = K A (dT/dX)
Tabular Column
Water Water
Mass Flow inlet outlet
SL. Rate Thermocouple Reading , temper tempera
V I Q Oil temperature ature ture
(T5) W/moC
LPM Kg/s T1 T2 T3 T4 (T6)
QW = m x CP x (T6 – T5)
where , m = Mass flow rate in Kg/s.
CP = Specific heat of water
= 4187 J/KgK
T6 = Water outlet temperature
T5 = Water inlet temperature
2. Heat Conducted through liquid
QL = K A (dT/dX)
Where, K = Thermal conductivity of Liquid in W/m2C
A = Area of the cylinder in m2
dT/dX = Temperature slope
On Equating
K = (Q/A)( dT/dX) W/m C
Materials that offer high resistance to the flow of heat are called as heat insulators. Heat
insulators find extensive application in the systems where heat losses are to be minimized
such as heat transmission lines in power plants, furnaces etc.
In many heat transfer equipment, heat loss to the surroundings is to be minimized to the
maximum economy. In such cases, they are lagged by materials of lower thermal
conductivity, which are referred to as insulators. Powders have the advantage of taking any
shape between any two conforming surfaces. In addition, its thermal conductivity will be
much lower than that of the solid from which it was made. This is because of the large air
space between the particles, which have very low values of thermal conductivity. Thermal
conductivity of such material is a complicated function of geometry of the particles, thermal
conductivity of the particles, the nature of heat transfer between the air particles which
depends of the magnitude of the air space and temperature etc. Thus, it is very difficult to
estimate the thermal conductivity in most practical cases. The set up provided is one such
apparatus to find thermal conductivity.
Q = K A (ΔT/ΔX)
Insulators have low thermal conductivities say, about 0.1W/m0C to 1W/m0C whereas metals
which are good thermal conductors have co-efficient of thermal conductivity as high as
This setup has been designed to study conduction heat transfer through insulating powder and
to determine it‟s co-efficient of thermal conductivity.
Figure shows the schematic of the experimental setup for thermal conductivity of insulating
material. The system consists of the following:
a) Insulating sphere:
It consists of two concentric spheres. The inner and outer sphere have 250mm and
300 mm diameters respectively. The space between the spheres is filled with
insulating powder. The inner sphere is filled with oil and a heater is provided in it to
heat the oil to the required high temperature. The arrangement is such that the heat
transfer from the inner sphere to the outer sphere can be studied.
b) Oil heater:
Capacity: 500W
c) Digital voltmeter and ammeter to measure power input.
d) Digital temperature indicator to measure temperature.
Temperature points:
T1, T2, T3 – temperatures on the upper hemisphere in 0C
T4, T5, T6 – temperatures on the lower hemisphere in0C
T7 – temperature of the oil in the sphere in 0C
e) Thermostat to set and control heater voltage at a particular temperature.
f) Electrical supply: 1Ph, 230V, 16A with ground.
7. Using the measured temperature, calculate the co-efficient of thermal conductivity
of the insulating powder using the procedure given.
Figure shows the schematic of the heat transfer process through the insulating sphere. The co-
efficient of the thermal conductivity of the insulating sphere is given by,
To determine the also overall heat transfer coefficient for heat transfer through composite
material consisting of Mild Steel, asbestos and brass.
Conduction is a process of heat transfer through solids. For a given temperature difference
between the surfaces, the rate of heat transfer (Q, watts) depends upon the coefficient of
thermal conductivity of the substance (k, W/m K), area of heat transfer (A, m2) and the
temperature difference (ΔT, C)between the surfaces and thickness of the material (Δ X, m)
according to the equation,
Q = - kA (Δ T/ Δ X)
Substances such as metals conduct more heat and have high values of co-efficient of thermal
conductivity, as high as about 200 watts/m „C, insulating materials conduct less heat and have
low values of co-efficient of thermal conductivity, say about 0.1 to 1 watts/m‟C. In
circumstances where heat loss from the system has to be minimized, such as in power plant
transmission lines, furnaces, etc. It is essential to cover heat carrying systems with proper
materials. This set-up has been designed to study heat through composite materials
a) Composite walls: It consists of a band heater at one end with mild steel, asbestos and
brass plates composited to form heat flow path. The plates are covered with insulation
to prevent heat loss.
b) Band heater: provided to heat one end of the composite wall
Capacity: 400 watts, diameters of mild steel, asbestos and brass plates: 150 mm
Thickness of each plate: 6 mm
c) Rotometer: provided to measure water flow rate
d) Thermocouples: k – type to measure temperature
a) Channel selector and digital temperature display
b) Heat control or regulator: to vary input power to the heater.
c) Thermostat: to set and control heater temperature range.
d) Control panel: to switch on/off the console and the heater.
The heat balance equation for dimensional flow is given by (neglecting losses in
stable condition).
Q = Qi = Qms = Qas = Qb
Where Qms, Qas, Qb are the same heat flowing across mild steel, asbestos and brass
Qi is the overall heat flow across composite material. Considering individual material,
the heat transmitted across each of the material is equal to the heat carried away by
cooling water jacket measured on Rota meter.
Tabular column:
Mass flow rate Water inlet Water outlet Heat carried Overall heat
of water in Kg/s temperature temperature away by water transfer co-
in W efficient
T13 T14 Qw Uexp Uth
Q0 = m Cp Δ Tw = W
A = (/4)*D2 = m2
Kas = (Q/A) * Las/(Tmt-Tat) = W/m°C
U= …. W/m°C
Result: Overall heat transfer coefficient of the given composite wall is ……….
To determine the heat transfer co-efficient in natural convection for vertical tube
Heat transfer can be defined as the transmission of energy form one region another as a result
of temperature difference between them .There are three different modes of heat transfer;
namely conduction, convection and radiation
Conduction: The property which allows passage for heat energy, even though their parts are
not in motion relative to one another.
Convection: is the transfer of heat within the fluid by mixing one portion of fluid with
Heat Radiation: The property of emit or to absorb different kind of ratio of electromagnetic
Out of these type of heat transfer the convective heat transfer which of concern, divides into
two categories viz.,
Natural Convection: If the motion of fluid caused only due to difference in density resulting
from temperature gradients without the use of pump or fan, then the mechanism of heat
transfer is known as “natural or free convection”.
Forced convection: If the motion of fluid is induced by some external means such as a pump
or blower.
This setup has been designed to study heat transfer by natural or free convection
5. Front transparent acrylic enclosure for safety of the tube when not in use.
5. Note down temperatures T1 to T8 using channel selector and digital temperature indicator.
7. Tabulate the heat input and transfer co-efficient using the procedure.
8. Calculate the convection heat transfer co-efficient using the procedure given below.
Sl.NO Heat Input Temperature along the tube Average Ambient Convective
tube Temperature heat transfer
Temperature coefficient
Determination of experimental heat transfer co-efficient: For steady state condition, heat
given to heater = Heat lost from the tube surface by natural convection.
Therefore, Q= h As (Ts-T∞)
Ts= (T1+T2+T3+T4+T5+T6+T7)/7 = °C
T∞= T8 = Ambient air temperature=T8= °C
Heat transfer co-efficient, hexpt= Q/As (Ts-T∞) = W/m2K
The theoretical value of the natural heat transfer co-efficient is calculated given by:
Tm = (Ts+ T∞)/2 = °C
At mean temperature properties of air should be noted down from the HMT data hand book.
ν= m2/s
k= W/mK
T = (Ts-T∞) = °C
g= 9.81 m/s2
Nu = hL/k,
h th = W/m2K
hexp= W/m2K
hth = W/m2K
It is well know that a hot plate of metal will cool faster in from a fan than when exposed to
still air. We say that the heat is convected away and we call the process as convective heat
transfer. The velocity at which air blows over the hot plate obviously influences the heat
transfer rate.
Q=h A ∆T
a. Heat exchanger tube-the tube is thermally insulated outside to prevent heat transfer
losses to the atmosphere.
b. Heater, wattage :500 watts (approx.)
c. Regulator to control the power input to the heater
d. Volt and Ampere Meters to measure power input to the heater
e. ThermocouplesT1 and T7 to measure air temperature at the inlet and outlet of the
duct. T2 - T6 to measure test specimen temperatures.
f. Channel selector
g. Digital temperature indicator
h. Blower: to blow air through the heat exchanger.
i. Orifice meter with manometer to air flow rate from the blower.
j. Control panel to house the whole instrumentation.
The air flows through the heat exchanger because of the blower action. In steady state, power
input to the heater is equal to the heat transferred to the air. This used as the base for
calculation of heat transfer co efficient.
A1=cross sectional area of the main pipe, (D2)/4 m2
d = orifice diameter 20 mm
Cd =
Volume flow rate of air, Qa= (Cd A1 A2√2g ha)/(A12 – A22)1/2 m3/s
Thermal conductivity of air, k W/m k
Pr =
Calculation of velocity of air (V):
A1 = /4*D2= m2 , A2 = /4*d2= m2
a = P/RT = kg/m3
whw = aha, ha = m
V = Qa/ A1 = m/s
Re = (VD)/ν =
If Reynolds No. value is more than 2300, flow is Turbulent otherwise flow is Laminar.
Usually for forced convection heat transfer experiment the value of Reynolds No. is more
than 2300, hence flow is turbulent.
hD/k = Nu,
Determine the rate of heat transfer, effectiveness and efficiency of the pin-fin.
Fins are widely used to enhance the heat transfer (usually convective, but it could also be
radiative) from a surface. This is particularly true when the surface is in contact with a gas.
Fins are used on air cooled engines, electronic cooling forms, as well as for a number of other
applications. Since the heat transfer coefficient tends to be low in gas convection, area is
added in the form of fins to the surface to decrease the convective thermal resistance.
A metallic fin of circular cross section of length 'L' is fitted in the rectangular duct. The base
of the fin is fixed to a heater plate for heating the fin. Thermocouples are provided on the
surface of the fin. The duct is provided with a fan to contact the air flow with the help of
3) Wait till steady state is reached and note down all the temperature indication by
4) After conducting experiment in natural convection mode, start the blower and adjust the
flow as required for forced convection.
5) Increase the power supplied to the heater as to maintain the same temperature before
starting the blower.
6) Wait till steady state condition is reached and note down the temperature as well as
velocity of flow.
Tabular Column:
temperature V in (m/s)
V I Q T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
o o o o o
( C) ( C) ( C) ( C) ( C)
L=length of fin = m
d=diameter of the fin = m
m=√(KA ), P=perimeter of fin=πd m
A= πd2/4 m2
K=thermal conductivity of Al
= W/m°C
To study boiling heat transfer phenomenon across the given wire and determine critical heat
The heat supplied to the surface is plotted against (Tw-Ts), the difference between the
temperature of the surface and the saturation temperature of the liquid. It is seen that boiling
curve can be divided into three regions; 1. Natural convection region, 2. Nuclear boiling
region,3) Film boiling region. The region of natural convection occurs at low temperature
differences. Heat transferred from the heat surface to the liquid in the vicinity causes the
liquid to super heated. This super heated liquid rises to the free liquid surfaces by natural
convection, where is produced by the evaporation.
It is observed from fig(1) that the heat flux do not increase in the regular manner with
the temperature difference. In region 1, the heat flux is proportional to (Tw-Ts) where in is
slightly greater than unity. When transition from natural convection to nucleate boiling
occurs, the heat flux start increase more rapidly with temperature difference, the value of an
increasing to about the end of the region 2,the boiling curve reached a peak(point a).
Beyond this, in region 3a inspite of increasing the temperature difference, the heat flux
decreases because of thermal resistance to heat flow increases with the formation of vapour
film. The heat flux passes through a minimum (point b) at the end of the region 3a,. it starts
increasing again with (Tw-Ts) only when stable film boiling and radiation becomes
increasingly important.
The discussion so far has been concerned with the various types of boiling which
occur in saturated pool boiling. If the liquid is below the saturation temperature we say that
sub cooled pool boiling is taking place. Also in many practical situation eg,. Steam generator;
one is interested in boiling in a liquid flowing through tubes. This is called forced convection
boiling. It is obvious that forced convection boiling may also be saturated or sub – cooled of
the nucleate of film type.
It is of interest to note how the temperature of the heating surfaces changes as the heat
flux is steadily increased from zero. Up to the point A, natural convection boiling and then
nucleate boiling occur and the temperature of the heating surface is obtained by reading the
value of (Tw-Ts) from the boiling curve and adding to it the value of A.the temperature of the
surface will shoot up to the value corresponding to the point C. it is apperent from the fig1
that the surface temperature corresponding to the point C is high. For most surfaces, it is
enough to cause the metal to melt. Thus in most practical situations, it is undesirable to
exceed the value of heat flux corresponding to point A. this value is therefore of considerable
engineering significance and called the critical or peak heat flux. The pool-boiling curve as
described above is known as Nucleate Pool Boiling Curve.
The apparatus consists of a container housing the test heater and heater coil for initial heating
of the water. This heater coil is directly connected to the mains and the test heater is
connected also to the main through dimmer stat and an ammeter is connected in series while a
voltmeter across it to read the current and voltage. A micro controlled based peak detector
has been provided to measure the maximum current during the process. The heater wire can
be viewed through a poly carbonate glass window.
Heater for initial heating – heater coil -1.5 kW
Test heater (R-1) nichrome wire = mm (to be measured according to wire
Length of wire = mm,
1. Keep the variac to zero voltage position before starting the experiment take
sufficient amount of distilled water in the container so that both the heaters are
immersed completely.
2. Connect the test heater wire across the studs.
1. Do not touch the water or terminal points after putting the switch is in ON
2. Very gradually operate the variac in steps and allow sufficient time
3. After attaining the critical heat flux condition, decrease slowly the voltage
and bring it to zero.
Note: The ammeter and voltmeter readings are to be noted down for each bulk temperature.
Tabular Column:
Radiation is one of the modes of heat transfer, which does not require any material
medium for its propagation. The mechanism is assumed to be electromagnetic in nature is the
result of temperature difference. Thermodynamic considerations show that an ideal radiator
or black and will emit energy at a rate proportional to the fourth power of the absolute
temperature of the body. When two bodies will exchange heat by radiation, the net heat
exchange is given by,
Q= AT4
Where, „Q‟ is the heat transfer rate in watts, “” is called Stefan Boltzman‟s Constant having
the value of 5.669x104 W/m2K4,‟A‟ is the surface area (m2)
All the bodies emit and absorb the thermal radiation to and from surroundings. The
rate of thermal radiation depends upon the temperature of body. Thermal radiations are
electromagnetic waves and they do not require any medium for propagation. When thermal
radiation strikes a body, part of it is reflected, part of it is absorbed and part of it is
transmitted through body. The fraction of incident energy, reflected by the surface is called
reflectivity (ρ). The fraction of incident energy, absorbed by the surface is called absorptivity
(α) and the fraction of incident energy transmitted through body is called transmissivity (τ).
The surface which absorbs all the incident radiation is called a black surface. For a black
surface, ρ+ α + τ = 1. The radiant flux, emitted from the surface is called emissive power (E).
The emissivity of a surface is ratio of emissive power of a surface to that of black surface at
the same temperature. Thus, ε = E / Eb
fig(1) shows the schematic of the test setup. It consists of the following:
Fig:1 Scheme diagram for emissivity apparatus
Black Body made of circular steel plate with the surface black anodized. Grey body or test
steel plate made of circular steel plate of same size as the black body with polished surface.
Heaters are provided to heat the black body and grey body to identical temperature.
Voltmeter and ammeter provided to measure the input power to the heaters.
Thermocouples to measure surface temperature of the black body (T1), test plate (T2).
Heat control or regulator to vary input power to the heaters. Controls panel to switch on/off
the console and the heater.
d. Observe the temperature of the black body and test surface in close time intervals and
adjust power input to the test plate heater such that both black body and test surface
temperature are same. This procedure requires trial and error method and one has to
wait sufficiently long to reach the steady state.
e. After attaining steady state, record input powers to heaters and temperatures of the
black body, test plate and the enclosure. Using the above measurements calculate the
emissivity of the test surface using the procedure given below.
Fig. (1) shows the schematic of the apparatus used to determine the emissivity of the
test surface. The experimental setup is designed in such a way that under steady state
conditions, the heat dissipation by the conduction and convection, although small, are same
or both plates: the difference in power input to the heaters of black surface and test plate
which are at the same temperature is due to the different in the radiation characteristics
because of different emissivity by the relationship,
=5.67x10-8 W/m2 K4
The constant in the denominator (0.86) takes into account various factors such as radiation
shape factor, effect of conduction and free convention losses and other factors (such as non-
uniformities in enclosures temperatures), which cause deviation from the typical radiation
heat transfer, experiment. The above analysis requires that the temperature of black surface
and test plate are same (T1=T2).
Tabular Column:
Sample calculation:
A = 0.7854*d2 = m2
0.86[𝑄𝑏 − 𝑄𝑔]
× 𝐴[𝑇 4 1 − 𝑇 4 3
Emissivity of the surface is
The most commonly used relationship in the radiation heat transfer is the Stefan
boltzman‟s law, which relates the heat transfer rate to the temperature of the hot and cold
Q= σA (Th4 - Tc4)
The above equation is only applicable for black bodies (for ex, a piece of metal
covered with carbon black approximates this behaviour) and is valid only for thermal
radiation. Other types of bodies (like a glossy painted surface or a polished metal plate) do
not radiate as much as energy as the black body but still the radiation emitted follows T4
This setup has been designed to determine the values of the Stefan boltzman‟s constant.
e. Channel selector and temperature display.
f. Heater coil to heat the enclosure.
The enclosure is maintained at the higher temperature using heater. The disk or the
test piece is inserted in to its place along with variation in its temperature (T3) with time is
The radiation energy falling on the disc (D) from the enclosure is given by
The emissivity of the enclosure and the disc are assumed unity because of black
surface characteristics. The radiation energy emitted by the disc to the enclosure is
given by,
Where, (dT/dt),is the rate of increase in temperature (⁰C/sec) at the instant when the disc
is inserted in to the setup. The stefan boltzman constant is obtained using the relationship,
e. Allow the heated water enters into the hemispherical enclosure to attain uniform high
temperature –the enclosure will soon reach thermal equilibrium.
f. Measure the enclosure temperature with the thermocouple (T1 and T2) using channel
selector and digital temperature indicator.
g. Insert disk (D) with sleeve into its position and record temperature of the disc (T3) at
different instant of time using stop watch.
h. Plot the variation of disc temperature (T3) with time sec as shown in fig(2) and get the
slope of temperature versus time variation (⁰C/sec) at the time t=0 sec.
i. Using eq(3) calculate the Stefan boltzman‟s constants.
j. Repeat the experiments 3 to 4 and calculate the average value to obtain the better
value of the Stefan boltzman‟s constant.
Tabular Column:
Fig 2: Plot of temperature T3 v/s t
= mCp(dT2/dt) W/m2K4
AD(Ts4 – Td t=04)
Sample calculations:
AD= (/4)*D2 = m2
T3 t=0 = K