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A sensor characteristics will determine the performance, economy, ease of

application, applicability of the sensors.

The sensor needs available are as follows:

a)Accuracy is defined as how close the output of the sensor is to the expected value.

a)Reliability is the ratio of how many times a system operates properly divided by how many times it

3. Sensitivity:
a)Sensitivity is the ratio of a change in output in response to a change in input.

4. Linearity:
a)Linearity represents the relationship between the input variation and the output variation.

5. Range:
Range refers to the minimum and maximum change in input signal to which the sensor can respond.

6. Resolution:
Resolution is the minimum step size within the range of measurement of the sensor.

7. Response time:
Response time is the time that a sensor’s output requires to reach a certain percentage of the total

8. Repeatability:
Repeatability is a measure of how varied the different outputs are relative to each other.

9. Calibration:
The sensor should be easy to calibrate.

10. Cost and ease of operation:

The cost to purchase, install and operate the sensor should be as low as possible.

***How machine vision can be used for obstruction detection. Apply the general concepts of machine
vision to explain it with the help of an example
*****Compare the working of servo-controlled and non-servo controlled robot with an example.
With an example distinguish between them. Which type of robot will be more suited for your
selected application. Justify your answer.

Most Suitable Robot:

 Servo-Controlled Robot is more suited for this application.
o Justification:
 The task involves variability in package size and position, requiring precision
and adaptability.
 The servo system can handle these challenges through feedback and
corrections, ensuring smooth and error-free operation.
 While more expensive, it offers higher reliability and efficiency for dynamic
tasks like sorting.
Aspect Servo-Controlled Robot Non-Servo Controlled Robot
Control Operates on a closed-loop system Operates on an open-loop system
Mechanism with feedback. without feedback.
Feedback Uses sensors to monitor and adjust No feedback system; operates
position, speed, or torque in real- based on pre-set commands.
Precision Highly accurate and capable of fine Limited accuracy due to the
control. absence of feedback.
Flexibility Can adapt to changes in the Rigid; performs only pre-
environment dynamically. programmed movements.
Complexity More complex, with advanced Simpler in design and operation.
electronics and software.
Speed Control Speed can be varied or controlled Operates at a fixed speed or
precisely. predefined increments.
Applications Suitable for tasks requiring high Best for repetitive and
precision, like welding, surgery, or straightforward tasks, like fixed
pick-and-place operations. painting or conveyor operations.
Cost More expensive due to advanced Cheaper due to simpler
sensors, motors, and control components and mechanisms.
Example A robotic arm used in car A conveyor robot moving items
assembly for welding. on an assembly line.

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