a)Accuracy is defined as how close the output of the sensor is to the expected value.
a)Reliability is the ratio of how many times a system operates properly divided by how many times it
3. Sensitivity:
a)Sensitivity is the ratio of a change in output in response to a change in input.
4. Linearity:
a)Linearity represents the relationship between the input variation and the output variation.
5. Range:
Range refers to the minimum and maximum change in input signal to which the sensor can respond.
6. Resolution:
Resolution is the minimum step size within the range of measurement of the sensor.
7. Response time:
Response time is the time that a sensor’s output requires to reach a certain percentage of the total
8. Repeatability:
Repeatability is a measure of how varied the different outputs are relative to each other.
9. Calibration:
The sensor should be easy to calibrate.
***How machine vision can be used for obstruction detection. Apply the general concepts of machine
vision to explain it with the help of an example
*****Compare the working of servo-controlled and non-servo controlled robot with an example.
With an example distinguish between them. Which type of robot will be more suited for your
selected application. Justify your answer.