IR Transformer 4
IR Transformer 4
IR Transformer 4
Contact Details
Supplier Name -- Phone --
Sub Name Mr. Prajwal Baloji Phone 8805321334
Visit Date(s) 29.08.2024
Inspection Stage Stage Final Pre-Dispatch
P.O. Order Status Completed Partially Completed
b). Offered condition: Above Transformer offered for inspection is completed as per approved QAP.
Disclaimer: This inspection report is based on inspections conducted by TQ Cert Services Pvt. Ltd. within
the specified scope of work as agreed upon with the client and issued without prejudice to the contractual
obligations between the client and the manufacturer. It does not relieve the manufacturer from the guarantee
and obligations he has with the client. Material test certificates reviewed for the materials may not have
always been tested from NABL accredited laboratories and may not carry the same level of recognition or
acceptance as results from accredited laboratories. Users of this material test certificate are advised to
exercise due diligence in assessing the suitability of these results for their intended purposes.
Final Inspection-
Transformer offered for inspection is completed as per approved QAP
witness found ok & record in witness report.
g) Non-Conformance /Issues:
h) Identification:
Location of Stamping: Specimen
Soft Sticker Stamp
TPL2039 on Metal Stamp Sticker Marking
Transformer. Specimen: TPL2039
V. Conclusion- Hold
VI. Attachments:
1 IR 5
2 Witness Report & Reviewed Document. 54
Signature & date: 29/08/2024 Signature & date: 29/08/2024 Signature & date:
Name: Mr. Prajwal Baloji Name: Vivek Singh Name:
Mobile: 8805321334 Mobile: 8879455772 Mobile:
Liability: Client/vendor/supplier/manufacturer shall note that this inspection report is issued without prejudice to
contractual obligations of the vendor/supplier/manufacturer and does not relieve him from the guarantee and obligations
set forth in the purchase order and other contractual documents. It should also be noted that in all cases where the test
certificate/inspection reports issued by the vendor/supplier/laboratory are reviewed by the surveyor for conformity to the
requirements of the standard/specification, the responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the inspection/test results lies
with the issuer of the said certificate/report.