Roald Dahl
A Novel Study
by Joel Michel Reed
By Roald Dahl
Table of Contents
List of Skills 4
Student Checklist 6
Answer Key 45
About the author: Joel Reed has over 70 published novel studies and is the author of four
novels. For information on his work and literature, please visit
By Roald Dahl
A principal expectation of the unit is that students will develop their skills in reading, writing,
listening and oral communication, as well as in reasoning and critical thinking. Students will also
be expected to provide clear answers to questions and well-constructed explanations. It is
critical as well that students be able to relate events and the feelings of characters to their own
lives and experiences and describe their own interpretation of a particular passage.
A strength of the unit is that students can work on the activities at their own pace. Every
activity need not be completed by all students. A portfolio cover is included (p.7) so that
students may organize their work and keep it all in one place. A Student Checklist is also
included (p.6) so that a record of completed work may be recorded.
By Roald Dahl
List of Skills
Vocabulary Development
Setting Activities
Plot Activities
Character Activities
Art Activities
By Roald Dahl
Matilda Wormwood`s father is a mean crooked crook. And her mother’s just plain stupid.
They think Matilda is a nuisance who should watch more TV and read fewer books! But her
lovely teacher Miss Honey thinks Matilda is a genius. Matilda has a few extraordinary tricks up
her sleeve, so her horrible parents and even more horrible head mistress had better watch out.
(Courtesy of the publisher – Puffin Books)
A complete synopsis and other helpful reviews can be found on the following website:
Author Biography
Roald Dahl
Dahl was married to the famous actress, Patricia Neal, for many years and they had five
children together. The couple were, however, divorced after thirty years of marriage. Roald
began his writing career as a short story writer, and didn’t pen his first children’s novel until
1961 – James and Giant Peach. This was followed by several more bestsellers.
Roald Dahl passed away in 1990 at the age of 74. In Great Britain the anniversary of
Dahl's birthday on 13 September has become widely celebrated as Roald Dahl Day.
By Roald Dahl
Student Checklist
Student Name
By Roald Dahl
By Roald Dahl
Chapters 1-3
The Reader of Books – Mr Wormwood, the Great Car Dealer – The Hat and
the Superglue
Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence.
1. Matilda's brother Michael was a perfectly ______________ boy, but the sister, as I said, was
something to make your eyes pop.
2. We've got a lovely telly with a twelve-inch screen and now you're asking for a __________!
3. 'I thought some were very poor,' Matilda said, 'but others were lovely. I liked The Secret
Garden best of all. It was full of ________________.
4. During the first week of Matilda's visits Mrs Phelps had said to her, 'Does your
______________ walk you down here every day and then take you home?'
6. She was someone who minded her own business and had long since _________________ it
was seldom worth while to interfere with other people's children.
8. 'No one ever got rich being honest,' the father said. '____________ are there to be diddled.'
2. What do parents often do with their children that many people find so revolting?
3. How did Matilda's father use sawdust in order to trick his customers?
b. How did Matilda's father manage to turn back the mileage in the cars he sold?
c. What trick did Matilda play on her father because he was cheating his customers?
Language Activity
A. The author seems to enjoy using alliteration – a literary device where the
author repeats the same sound at the beginning of several words. Here's an
example: “. . . grousing, grouching, grumbling about something or other."
Using your imagination, create your own examples of alliteration from the
following topics. Each example must contain a minimum of three words.
A lion roaring.
Invent your own similes comparing the following items with something from your own
Extension Activity
A. A Book Cover
Create a book cover for Matilda. Be sure to include the title, author, and a picture
that will make other students want to read the novel.
B. Storyboard
A storyboard is a series of pictures that tell about an important event in a story.
A storyboard can describe one scene – or the entire novel.
Complete the storyboard below illustrating the events described in the first 3
chapters of Matilda You may wish to practice your drawings on a separate piece of paper.
1 2
3 4
5 6