Exercise 4:
1. Car Plant Electricity Usage: The manager of a car plant wishes to investigate how the plant’s
electricity usage depends upon the plant’s production.
Production 4.51 3.58 4.31 5.06 5.64 4.99 5.29 5.83 4.70 5.61 4.90 4.20
Electricity usage 2.48 2.26 2.47 2.77 2.99 3.05 3.18 3.46 3.03 3.26 2.67 2.53
model = lm (e ~ p)
summary (model)
2. A statistics instructor at a large western university would like to examine the relationship (if any)
between the number of optional homework problems students do during the semester and their final
course grade. She randomly selects 12 students for study and asks them to keep track of the number of
these problems completed during the course of the semester. At the end of the class each student’s total is
recorded along with their final grade. The data follow in Table
Problems 51 58 62 65 68 76 77 78 78 84 85 91
Course Grade 62 68 66 66 67 72 73 72 78 73 76 75