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Name of Subsidiary: - Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) Date: 08.11.

Weekly Report on random inspection by Vigilance Department

Type of Date of Place of Inspection Major Findings Follow up action Remarks, if

Inspection Inspection contemplated any.
1. RFID Boom Barrier was not there and upon inquiring it was
SLG Siding Management apprised
informed that the order for RFID Boom Barriers has been placed.
Weighbridge, , for expediting the
Weighbridge 06.11.24 Materials has been supplied and will be installed in phase wise --
Govindpur Area installation of RFID
manner. Estimated date of installation by December 2024. Boom Barriers.
1. DDU Automations work has been started and is under Management
process. apprised for
Diesel Dispensing 2. Receipt, Storage & Reconciliation of Stock and Dispensation / expediting of
Unit, Regional Issue of High-Speed Diesel (HSD) is being maintained as per Automation process. --
Diesel Theft 06.11.24
Store, Sinidih, the prescribed formats of Uniform Policies / Guidelines /
Govindpur Area Operating Procedures for Management of HSD for Non-TFM as
issued vide letter no. CIL/C2D/HSD/SOP/202 Dated 06.07.2023.
Repairing of The tender no. BCCL/GA-III/AM (EnM) E-TENDER/2024-25/122
300mm dia CI was floated on 09.10.2024 on Coal India eProcurement Portal for
pipeline laid from Repairing of 300mm dia CI pipeline laid from Dharmabadh 2 pit to
Random scrutiny
Dharmabadh 2 pit Bilbera water treatment plant for domestic water supply to various
of tender/contract
to Bilbera water BCCL Colonies under Govindpur Area for estimated cost of Rs.
(Point 8(b) as per
treatment plant for 2,07,912.00/-. After scrutiny it was observed that all the stages of --
Minutes of the
domestic water tender was found aligned with the rules and regulations of BCCL.
CVOs meeting
supply to various
dated 30.08.2023)
BCCL Colonies
under Govindpur

(Aman Raj)

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