Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm v1.0
Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm v1.0
Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm v1.0
A crippled red dragon embroils the PCs in his suicidal plans. The dragon could be a
valuable ally to Faerun’s forces of Good and must be kept alive. The party will be
caught between a dragon-worshipping Cult that wants the Red alive and a
necromancer who wants him dead.
The dragon’s ultimate redemption is in the PCs hands. For the good of Faerun, bring
him into the light. Bahamut is waiting…
Design Jean Lorber @jlorber4
Developmental Editor Christopher Sniezak @thelight101
Ken Carcas
Editor Ken Carcas
Cover Art Eric Jonasson
Interior Art Christopher Spence @hominidart
Penflower Ink @tomfummo
Daniel Walthall @axebane
CHGuise @chguise
Wizards of the Coast art resources
Cartography Jean Lorber
Layout Jeff C. Stevens @jcorvinstevens
Page Background Nimgyu (color and saturation changed)
With special thanks to Teos Abadia
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Mapped Locations
1. Crash Site
So, if the PCs don’t steal the scroll now, make it visible at the
next stop. If the PCs don’t pick up the scroll, they see Kefleek
snatch it up nervously. A successful DC 10 DEXTERITY (Sleight
of Hand) check and some distracting roleplaying are needed
to separate the scroll case from Kefleek.
Stirge Attack This may result in the conclusion of the adventure, unless the
If the PCs didn’t investigate the buzzing sounds before (see DM can come up with another way to convince the
Area 1-Crash Site above), the stirges attack now. Read or characters to get involved. This section falls outside the scope
paraphrase the following: of the adventure and, therefore, is left up to the ingenuity of
the DM to solve.
The sound of the dragon’s deep raspy breathing has been
replaced by something else; the droning of many sets of wings.
Kefleek grabs your hand and screeches “You promise to protect!
Do now! Do now!!”
Let’s Make a Deal A translucent green figure appears in front of the chest, a
If the PCs are seen, Muk-chash orders shortbow volleys while wizard by the looks of him. He speaks deliberately, as if to a
barricading the door. But the glory-seeking hobgoblin child: “You greedy and selfish creatures have trapped me. Well
devastator (see area 2D) disobeys and gleefully launches into done, you win! But only a true goblin can have what’s in my
a melee scrum. If the devastator is killed, Muk-chash calls for treasure chest. Just answer two questions…”
a parley. Consider the following during the parley:
• He’ll cooperate with the PCs, but demands 75% of the The figure leans towards the topmost humanoid on the steps
treasure found (he’ll settle for 50%).
and whispers, “Who of you gets my gold? And how much do
• If pushed for more, he offers to give his goblins to the
PCs, to serve as slaves. they get?” He waits for a response.
• If the music box is mentioned, Gleek visibly squirms. A
successful a DC 8 Wisdom (PERCEPTION) check reveals
that she is hiding something from the party.
A Clue about Kefleek Kefleek now uses the coin as an arcane focus; the dragon’s
obsession with the coin enables Kefleek’s control of him.
As the PCs return from the tower, Kefleek is secretly
refreshing his enchantment over the dragon. Inform the
players that their characters notice a hushed conversation Deep Dragon Knowledge
taking place between Kefleek and Scoriaptrak. If they don’t Kefleek wishes to illustrate the dragon’s worth, either to keep
immediately request and succeed on a DC 10 DEXTERITY the characters loyal or to distract them from inquiring about
(Stealth) or WISDOM (Perception) check, they are noticed, their whispered conversation.
and the opportunity to observe the interaction is lost.
“My master know much about evil boss plans around here.
On a success above, the PCs witness the kobold holding a What you want know? “
small object in the dragon’s face and speaking in Draconic.
Before any further checks can be requested, Kefleek notices Kefleek allows the PCs one question, hopefully about a villain
the PCs, quits the conversation and hurriedly hides the from your ongoing campaign. Scoriaptrak listens to it all
‘something’ from the characters view (it’s a special coin-see silently then Kefleek makes a big show of a whispered
inset). conversation. Scoriaptrak answers one question, slowly and
with few words. Kefleek then says pointedly, “Maybe he
After the interaction, a successful DC 10 WISDOM (Insight) answer more tomorrow.”
check reveals that the dragon is now quite placid and the
kobold a little flustered. If pressed about the interaction, Kefleek hops in the dragon’s mouth (if not already there) and
Kefleek attempts to distract the characters with offers of goes to sleep. The party has the night to think up their next
knowledge (run the Deep Dragon Knowledge move. Begin the next morning with Section II.
encounter). If that doesn’t work, Kefleek hops into the
dragon’s mouth and wishes the party a muffled “… good
night …”. If pressed further, he’ll lie and say that he was just
showing the dragon his favorite coin; Scoriaptrak placidly
The magic items in Area 2 can camouflage Scoriaptrak from To reinforce this adventure’s theme, encourage roleplaying
prying eyes but they do have a limited number of uses. from your players that focuses on their character’s
examination of their past, and musings on redemption.
Small Talk. The relationship between the PCs and the These moments could occur during big moments (e.g. the
dragon/kobold is a major part of this adventure. While Kefleek Revealed encounter) or during quiet moments,
traveling, use these conversation topics to breathe life into at night, around a crackling campfire.
the draconic duo and stimulate roleplaying. Some topics are
idle banter while others can reveal clues about the dragon’s Remember that while Kefleek’s enchantment is active,
past. Earlier subjects represent the dragon in a low state of Scoriaptrak is only capable of short responses laden with self-
mind while later subjects hint at a more positive outlook: loathing; Kefleek does most of the talking. Once the
enchantment is gone, the dragon becomes more verbal in
• Kefleek waxes on about the good old days: burning general about his impending demise. Later on, he’ll waffle
villages, extorting wizards, flinging bugbears, their between more upbeat and more brooding, depending on
mountain of gold. Scoriaptrak is non-committal. how successful the Cult of the Dragon is.
• Scoriaptrak complains about his injuries, and Kefleek
makes snarky comments about the dragon’s abilities.
Redemption Dice They can also describe Area 5, and relate that they’ve seen a
If successful above, inform the PCs that the dragon’s mood ghost there, who seems to be friendly.
seems to be lifted for the moment while giving one player a
d4. See page 6 for details about using Redemption Dice. Redemption Dice
If successful above, inform the PCs that the dragon’s mood
seems to be lifted for the moment while giving one player a
d6. See page 6 for details about using Redemption Dice.
Slowly build tension with more chirping calls and the hissing
of unseen ‘animals’. Unless perceived by the PCs, eventually
reveal that other figures are present: 4 lizardfolk (MM)
Setting: Forested opening. Treasure: Eurae gives the PCs trinkets, each imbued with a
Utility: Gain an NPC ally. spell. If eaten, each trinket allows the imbuing character one
Learn about the cruelty of the necromancer. use of the accompanying spell:
Acquire useful magical items.
• a piece of oak bark (barkskin)
Read or paraphrase the following: • a small bundle of fluffy cotton plants (fog cloud)
• a crunchy withered frog leg (jump)
A clearing opens ahead; a single tall tree stands, surrounded by
cut stumps. The ground around the tree is covered by a black, 11. Secret Tunnel
sticky substance, 60 feet in all directions. A 15-foot-long twisted
Setting: Underground
log sits at the edge of the tar, pointing towards the center.
Utility: Gain information about major obstacle
The tree is inhabited by a dryad (MM) named Eurae. She
fought Rhezicora last month and is being punished. In The PCs can reach this location either by following Eld (Area
addition to tarring the surrounding ground, the necromancer 5) or Andravar (Area 6) along a hidden path, which ends here
has cut down the trees around Eurae, negating her Tree at a rocky hillside and the tunnel’s entrance.
Stride ability. The tar is poison to the dryad, and after weeks
of imprisonment, Eurae is starving and weakened. This 10-mile-long, old mining tunnel winds under mountains
and exits at an overlook in the necromancer’s camp (Area
A wandering hill giant (MM) named Shawk!! has recently 14K). The tunnel is only 8 feet-tall, not large enough to
discovered Eurae. The dryad kept him at bay by telling him accommodate the dragon.
stories of the Feywild, but Shawk!! is growing hungry. The
giant avoids the tar, so is making a log bridge to reach her. The necromancer has constructed a trap (see Trap: Ward
When the characters arrive on the scene, Shawk!! is away of the Living below) at the tunnel entrance to keep out
from the area foraging, but will be back soon. the living. A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check
reveals a dead bear in some nearby underbrush, a victim of
Any creature attempting to navigate the tar must make a DC the trap. There is dried froth around the mouth and a green
10 STRENGTH (Athletics) check in order to move. If the check dusty tint to it’s fur; clues to the trap’s nature.
is successful, the creature’s speed is halved; failure results in
no movement that round.
During the day, women and children bustle to and fro (to
Areas 13B-D)--preparing food, fetching firewood, etc. At
night, only a handful of servants can be seen, along with two
burly humaniods (thugs, MM) who serve as the night guard.
13C. Stables
13B. The Black Bones Tavern A stable with 12 stalls and a corral has been built with a little
more care than the tavern. During the day, 3 stableboys (MM,
The tavern is nothing more than a thin-walled excuse for commoners) watch over the draft and caravan horses. By
heavy drinking. Nothing about the building, from its night, they sleep in the lofts.
dangerously crooked angles to its sloping floor, indicate that
a quality experience can be had here. One boy named Bowdan found Sir Patkyt’s dagger and
The tavern would collapse if either of the 2 support pillars plays with it during his breaks. His goal: kill a chicken with it.
take more than 20 hit points of damage (AC15). The rickety
nature of the tavern is apparent with a successful DC 8
A woman named Dabra (commoner, MM) will also ask Redemption Dice
someone to stop her fool child Bowdan from hurting himself Give one character a d8 if Sir Patkyt attempts to liberate the
with a dagger he’s found at the stables (Sir Patkyt’s dagger!). slaves at Bonestore. Give another character a d4 if Medrash
joins the cause. Give another character a d8 if the riches in
13E. Waterdeep Delegation Camp the tavern or tent are distributed to the slaves. See page 6 for
The fancy tents belong to a delegation from the Arcane details about using Redemption Dice.
College of Waterdeep, consisting of 2 scholars (neutral half-
elf female nobles, MM), an apprentice wizard (neutral Section 2 Wrap-Up
human male, VGtM) and a guard named Medrash Greencrest By the end of Section II, the characters should have seen to
(neutral good dragonborn female, veteran, MM, with acid the removal of Kefleek’s enchantment and have been
breath weapon). working diligently to inspire Scoriaptrak. The characters are
hopefully invested in the dragon’s well-being, drawn together
The College is scheduled to buy the never-before-seen by the perils of Section II and the dragon’s changing
ancient skeletons to study and display. The scholars will state personality and motivations.
the nature of their deal, proudly stating that it will be the
envy of all Waterdeep, including “…that rascal Neverember…” If Kefleek’s enchantment hasn’t been lifted, Scoriaptrak’s
(who is an unpopular Lord in Waterdeep). The delegation depression is unchanged, and the players have no ability to
know nothing about the source of the skeletons. The scholars use Redemption Dice. This makes the Big Battle and
respond favorably to any noble or noble-seeming PC; grant Reckoning encounters in Section III much more difficult. If the
Advantage on CHARISMA-based checks. party is getting close to concluding Section II with the
enchantment intact, help your players recognize the
Gold to buy the skeletons is kept inside a 500-pound, trapped adventure goal that is going unmet: their characters might
safe in the scholar’s tent. The scholars and Medrash know the overhear Kefleek refresh his enchantment or Scoriaptrak
pass-phrase and the scholars each have a key. might begin to respond to a redemptive moment only to shut
down a moment later.
Trap: Safe
The PCs should level up once this section is complete.
Trigger: The safe’s lock is unsuccessfully picked.
Effect: Poison gas spews out, as per the spell poison spray
(as if cast at 5th level).
Countermeasures: The safe’s lock can be picked with a
successful DC 15 DEXTERITY (Sleight-of-Hand) check made
with thieves tools. Alternatively, speaking the phrase “…that
rascal Neverember…” disarms the trap and opens the safe.
The existence of a spoken pass-phrase is denoted by a small
glyph on the safe, recognizable by anyone trained in Arcana
or fluent in Thieves Cant.
The PCs hear the kenku rangers in the evening. Read or Kefleek is talking to a group of robed humanoids. He’s bowing
paraphrase the following: while a torch-bearing figure scolds him, saying, “I’ll ask you
again, wretch: what is your master’s plan? Where has
The dragon suddenly raises his head, listening very intently. You Scoriaptrak been all these years?! Who are these people with
hear the faint strain of a song, originating a good distance away. you?”
The bulk of the sound is a high, flutelike warble. But underneath
the warble is an irregular clicking. The song dies out after a The speaker is a dragonwing cultist, a neutral evil half-
minute but is soon answered, this time from the opposite elf named Galinix. With him are 2 dragonfang cultists
direction. A third song follows from a different direction but (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs) and a guard drake
seems to stop short. Silence follows. hiding behind a tree. The Cultists don’t wish to wake a
sleeping dragon, but want to know about Scoriaptrak.
Each kenku is sharing the results of their day’s exploration.
The warbling is just for fun, the clicking is the real data. At this point, Kefleek is likely still interested in Scoriaptrak
reverting to evil (see sidebar if not). Therefore, he is happy at
• Any PC with proficiency in CHARISMA (Performance) or the Cult’s arrival, and tells them that Scoriaptrak “… needs
INTELLIGENCE (History), or with a relevant background more evil thoughts …”. He doesn’t want to reveal the
recognizes the melody of an elven tune. dragon’s full weaknesses for fear that the Cult’s interest will
• A successful DC 8 INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check reveals evaporate. It’s clear to the Cultists that Kefleek isn’t telling
that the warbling sounds birdlike. the whole story, but they agree to keep to the plan and meet
• A successful DC 11 CHARISMA (Performance) or WISDOM at Mount Carnass. If allowed to play out, the Cultists soon
(Perception) check reveals a code in the clicking. return to the rest of their group.
• With success on the check prior, a subsequent successful
DC 12 INTELLIGENCE check reveals the following words in
the code: “big monster” and “search”. Knowledge of
If attacked, they flee to their camp but fight to the death if After being twice-denied an audience, or an overall severance
they feel there is no other recourse. Assume the Cultists’ of the relationship, the Cult responds by attempting a
camp is one mapped location away from PCs. takeover and control of the dragon (run An Ill Woodwind
Blows, page 35).
Following these Cultists to their camp could trigger a fight or
an alliance; read and adapt the encounters With Friends
Like These (below) and An Ill Woodwind Blows
(page 35). With no other developments, the Cult returns the
next night with the latter encounter.
If Kefleek is backed into a corner, seeing no other way of But at this moment, Scoriaptrak is still suicidal. Kefleek’s
retaining control of the dragon, he lashes out: he screams for enchantment merely kept him docile and had no impact on
Scoriaptrak to kill the PCs. If relevant, inform the players that the dragon’s self-loathing. After everyone has gathered
even though Kefleek’s spell has been broken, its residual themselves, this problem becomes more clearly apparent.
magic allows him one last command. Read or paraphrase the following:
Any ensuing combat results in Kefleek lying to prevent any Scoriaptrak gives a resolute snort. “I can see clearly now that I
attacks on himself: “Dragon and I together! I die, HE die!” cannot make up for my evil deeds. I shouldn’t even try. So let’s
get going. We hired you to throw me into a mountain chasm,
The dragon attacks but looks increasingly confused. To stop
the attack immediately, and permanently end Kefleek’s not stand around like sausages.”
enchantment, the PCs must complete the following actions: Kefleek shrugs and says, “This not my fault”.
• Dispel dominate person (assumed here to have already
happened). Only with multiple redemptive acts (and earned Redemption
• Destroy the coin (it’s in Kefleek’s robes). Dice) can the PCs change the dragon’s state of mind, setting
Scoriaptrak up for an incredible transformation in the finale
• Identify Kefleek’s enchantment to the dragon and
(see On the Path to Redemption, page 35). For now,
succeed on a DC 18 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check.
Redemption Dice can be used here. the dragon is content to work within the PC's plans, as long as
he believes he is headed towards Mount Carnass.
Without the above, combat continues for a maximum of 10
rounds, at which time the dragon collapses from exhaustion; Bahamut’s Blessing
Kefleek is still free to re-fresh his enchantment later. The lawful good dragon deity Bahamut (ancient gold
dragon, MM) has been watching Scoriaptrak, drawn by
Draconic Confrontation Myoris’ prayers and the struggle in the red dragon’s soul.
If the PCs are successful above, the dragon is fully aware, and
he and Kefleek clash. Read or paraphrase the following: Bahamut seeks Scoriaptrak’s conversion to Good, but cannot
act directly on the Material Plane. He therefore greatly values
Scoriaptrak rises up to his full, terrible height, seemingly bigger the PC's efforts. He visits one PC while they are resting. Read
than before, bellowing, “KEFLEEK! How dare you!? You’ve or paraphrase the following:
betrayed me!” As you drift through the twilight between wakefulness and
Kefleek stands his ground, trembling and shaking his fist. “NO! sleep, a deep, golden voice surrounds you:
YOU betray ME! I wait for you. All kobolds die, leave. I stay! For “Show my child the good he can do…”, it rumbles, “… for We
YOU! For Lord! And you come back! I so happy! I give you new wait for him at the end.”
plans! But you no care for me! You no want destroy, rule. You …
now … NICE! I HATE you!!” Allow one character to ask one question, then inform them
The kobold collapses in a sobbing heap. The dragon snarls and that the presence leaves without answering. As they awaken,
raises a foot… they come to realize that Scoriaptrak knows nothing of the
godly visitation, but does state that ‘… he feels odd …’.
To Scoriaptrak, Kefleek is the embodiment of his evil past,
A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals one
and at this moment, he wants to be done with it all. The PCs
of the scales on the dragons chest has turned gold.
must take immediate action to prevent him from killing
Scoriaptrak has no comment. Once the PCs earn a total of 6
Kefleek. Attempting to restrain him or clear roleplaying that
Redemption Dice, the On the Path to Redemption
protects Kefleek will succeed, no checks needed.
encounter is triggered (page 35).
If Kefleek is killed, Scoriaptrak tailspins into further
depression; the characters randomly lose a further 3
Whenever she sees Scoriaptrak, she senses his fragility and A House Divided
her plan evolves: kill the dragon and make him the crown Rhezicora’s consort, Darbarik, has also learned of the PCs and
jewel in her army. She makes an offer to the PCs. Should this believes they could help him; he wishes to start a new life
occur from watching the party from a distance, she makes the with Rhezicora. A short while after Rhezicora leaves, a
trek back to the party. skeletal messenger pigeon lands with a crash by the PCs feet,
a note visibly tied to its ribcage. It reads:
Read or paraphrase the following:
“If ye be people of honor, please heed this message. The
Upon seeing Scoriaptrak, an evil smile spreads across the
necromancer is dangerous, but she is my beloved. I wish us a
necromancer’s face.
new life, without the black arts she now devotes herself to. I
can help you on your quest, but you must help me with mine.
“The cloud of death hovers over you, dragon. I could give it to
Find me above her camp. Look for the red sword.”
you. Easily I think, now that I’ve had a closer look…Kill him for
me, mercenaries, and I’ll reward you handsomely. Reject my If the PCs wish, they can find Darbarik in Area 14F, waiting to
offer, and your skeletons will serve me dinner tomorrow.” make contact.
Showcase the progress the characters are making in changing The gentle midnight breeze lessens, and a low tune is now
Scoriaptrak’s heart. With appropriate encouragement from a audible from somewhere in the darkness. Discordant notes
PC and a successful DC 10 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, sound from some sort of wind instrument.
Scoriaptrak can now be convinced to participate in whatever
Scoriaptrak lets out a low growl.
combat encounter comes next. If he does, award a player a
d10 Redemption Die. Afterward, positive attention or
A dragonwing cultist plays the Cult’s first instrument, a
accolades will be rebuffed by the dragon, but a perceptive PC
flute of the Abyss (see Appendix C: Magic Items), but not very
will notice a tiny smile flash across his face.
well. He and a guard drake are 150 feet north of the PCs.
To the Elves! Tracking the music to its source requires a successful DC 15
With suicide at Mount Carnass now not a problem, WISDOM (Perception) check. The music is laced with
Scoriaptrak is unsure of his next step. He would be interested enchantment magic, but it doesn’t affect Scoriaptrak. The
to meet with the elves at Dygyrus Falls, if the characters bring flutist plays for 3 rounds then gives up.
it up. If the characters have not visited area 9, which reveals
this destination and an elven ally, run encounter T1 and After a minute’s pause, a second dragonwing cultist
subtly remind them of Scoriaptrak’s connection to elves (e.g. begins the test with her instrument, 150 feet south of the
Kefleek fiddles with Myoris’ scroll case). PCs. Read or paraphrase the following:
Kefleek is the only one who knows about the planned meet- Opposite the flute’s location, the harsh scraping of a stringed
up with the Cult of the Dragon at Mount Carnass. He keeps instrument pierces the night. Immediately, a whine escapes
this to himself, hoping it is now irrelevant. He tries to steer
Scoriaptrak’s mouth, and you see a dull, yellow glow in one of
the party away from Mount Carnass or Dygyrus falls, with no
his eyes as it flutters open. The tune picks up in tempo.
good explanation of why. A successful DC 10 WISDOM
The dogs automatically smell the dragon unless the PCs can
take some action to hide his scent. Once alerted, they freeze
and stalk towards the dragon in unison, growling.
A group of pixies (MM) is toying with one of Rhezicora’s The halflings are suspicious of the PCs and ask them who they
skeleton (MM) servitors, whose animating force is running know in Bonestore (see Area 13). Without a successful,
low (5 levels of Exhaustion). Roleplay the pixies speaking in opposed CHARISMA (Deception) check by a PC, the pair flee
gruff voices and making rude gestures with its arms. to either Area 7 or Area 14, whichever is closer.
They fly away giggling, but watch the PCs from behind nearby Kicki is loyal to the necromancer, but Dziga is loyal only to
trees. They claim to know a secret, and a bribe, a beautiful Kicki. If Kicki is killed, Dziga transforms herself into a rage-
song or a successful DC 14 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check filled awakened tree (MM) and fights to the death. If
convinces them to reveal it: a carved glyph on one of the captured, Dziga trades information for their lives, relating the
skeleton’s ribs. The glyph is recognizable as necromantic to nature of the necromancer’s operation (see Section III, ‘Camp
anyone trained in Arcana. If the glyph is marred, the skeleton Conditions’ inset). If they escape to Area 14, it counts as one
goes completely dormant; a useful clue for future Detection by the necromancer’s network. If this is the
interactions. second Detection, then the Dragon Detected encounter
is triggered (see page 34).
The growling is Scoriaptrak’s stomach; he smells the deer. To There is additional benefit for the DM: you could adapt
avoid an interaction, the PCs must prevent Scoriaptrak from whatever scene the players describe to include something
giving in to his hunger (a successful DC 13 CHARISMA their characters missed previously. But if your group of
players are not the type that enjoys this sort of gameplay,
(Persuasion) check with whispered roleplaying and/or a
successful group DC 15 STRENGTH (Athletics) check. feel free to disregard this encounter.
If the hunters see just the PCs, they become wary but seek no
confrontation. With any sympathetic roleplaying, they relate
their plight: they are forced to work for the necromancer as
their families are held hostage. They can also reveal basic
information about Rhezicora’s camp (Section III-Area 14);
describe the features of 2 locations there (DMs choice).
If the men see the dragon, they plead for their lives. They
make up wild tales about gold and plunder in Blackwater
village (Area 8), hoping to pique the dragon’s interest.
Without calming roleplaying and a successful DC 15
CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, the men do not trust the
party; they try to flee back to Bonestore. If they successfully
flee, it counts as one Detection by the necromancer’s
network. If this is the second Detection, then the Dragon
Detected encounter is triggered (see page 34).
Oyemma and Hurred are arguing about what show to A bugbear (MM) named Gurro, two tar skeletons and a
perform. Hurred accepts the PC's presence if they give him a giant armadillo skeleton (see Appendix A: Monsters
reasonable cover story and succeed on an opposed check: and NPCs) patrol a wide circuit through the necromancer’s
Hurred’s WISDOM (Insight) vs a PC’s CHARISMA (Deception). territory. There is a 25% chance that Gurro is napping inside
the balled-up, armadillo skeleton. The skeletons attack at
The PCs could use this opportunity to suggest (and enact) a Gurro’s command. Gurro assumes the PCs are mercenaries
scene that speaks to Scoriaptrak’s inner desire for on the way to Bonestore. He demands they pay him a “… toll
atonement. The dragon admits to liking tales (see of 10gp each …” and doesn’t hesitate to threaten the use of
Scoriaptrak’s backstory), and the troupe clearly needs help. the skeletons or the wrath of the necromancer.
Options are below if needed. Roll 2d4 to pick an idea from
each column: If he sees the dragon, he jumps in the armadillo skeleton and
flees for Bonestore (Area 13). If he escapes, it counts as one
Roll Story Scene Detection by the necromancer’s network. If this is the
Farcical tale of a 2 incredibly-stupid Stage fighting second Detection, then the Dragon Detected encounter
elven nobles is triggered (page 34). If close to death, Gurro is happy to
Revenge tale of a dead sailor Comic relief trade information for his life:
haunting his ship
• Rhezicora the necromancer is the boss. She has a large
Bawdy tale of 2 halfling thieves and Confrontation
3 strongbox filled with gold (Area 14F). You could steal it!
a djinn’s harem
The tragic tale of a wizard’s wish Dramatic • Slaves work in the tar pit, uncovering strange skeletons.
gone wrong soliloquy You could boss them around!
A rustic crane (AC 15, HP 20) has been built by the edge, to
help haul up bones. The crane is 20 feet tall and can reach
any point within 30 feet of it. The crane is operated from a
collection of pulleys at its’ base.
Rhezicora’s Tactics
She takes center stage once the battle begins:
• She stays within her cave bear skeleton (+2 to AC) and
casts spells to weaken the PCs or bolster her forces. The
cave bear is her shield, but also a vicious fighter.
• If the PCs start erasing her control glyphs on key
creatures, she attempts to speed over to re-animate the
creature with a touch.
• She’ll attempt to dispel the bullroarer’s magic if it is used
(contested Arcana check, hers w/Advantage)
Trigger: DMs discretion; a few rounds into the battle or The instrument’s magic is designed to manipulate dragons,
when the PCs gain the upper hand against Rhezicora. but also could have a minor side effect on the
characters due to their involvement in the dragon’s state
of mind. The first time the instrument plays, each PC must
The Cult of the Dragon leader shows up with the darkheart
make a DC 12 WISDOM or CHARISMA saving throw. Failure
violin, seeking to awaken the dragon’s inner evil. If the PCs
results in that PC being Stunned for 1 round and getting a
have destroyed the original violin, then the bard plays a back-
‘taste’ of the instrument’s dark magic. During that round,
up instrument (with inferior effects noted below).
read or paraphrase the following to the PC(s) who failed:
The leader (neutral evil male human bard, XGtE) has set up Your mouth begins watering with the prospect of the delicious
in front of Rhezicora’s quarters (13I) or at the mouth of the evil that you are about to witness…
secret entrance (13K). He is guarded by a dragonfang
cultist, a cultist (MM) and a guard drake. When While Stunned, the PC is prevented from using Redemption
ready, read or paraphrase the following: Dice to aid the dragon in his saving throws.
From the mountainside, a fervent voice rings out: “Scoriaptrak,
Kefleek is aflected similar to the characters.
you have forgotten your true nature. In Tiamat’s name, I will
remind you!” A passionate tune begins with the sound of a Necromancer vs Cult
violin dancing through a melody filled with wild energy. But an Rhezicora could be made into a temporary ally at this stage.
acidic edge creeps into the notes, and the song now shrieks in Pointing out that an evil dragon will likely kill her, too, will
joy at the prospect of darker things. bring her around. She doesn’t stop attacking the PCs but
diverts some minions to fight the bard.
Trigger: Later in the battle, or if the PCs are escaping. Scoriaptrak’s broken body slumps. He is lifeless. Rhezicora lets
out a triumphant shriek, which hangs in your ears as the world
Rhezicora senses that the dragon is not evil. So she creates a suddenly freezes. The motes of dust in the air, the battling
trap that preys on his (and the party’s) good nature. She figures, the flames, your bodies…all still.
either improvizes this mid-battle or has it prepared A figure walks out of the shadows: an elf clad in vibrant green
beforehand, whichever is appropriate. raiment’s, streaked through with silver. He has kind eyes.
Ten villagers are bound and dangled from the crane over the The elf nods as he walks by you, striding to Scoriaptrak’s
tar within Pit 1, which has also been set ablaze. A giant crumpled form. Without turning back, he addresses you:
serpent skeleton (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs) “Thank you for bringing my friend this far. Now I must ask you
attacks any rescuers. The villagers can last 6 rounds before to bring him one step farther. THEY wait to hear why the dragon
succumbing to the flames, heat, and fumes from the pit. deserves a new, golden heart.”
Rhezicora taunts the party if they ignore this trap by saying, Looking up at a sky that was moments before empty, two
“But how will you sleep at night, noble dragon?! Knowing that
immense figures, a platinum dragon and a man, turn to regard
you could have saved these poor, innocent wretches!?”
This should feel like an important moment that hits the you. A spectral Scoriaptrak now hovers over his own body,
adventure’s theme: the PCs could escape, but the villagers silent with eyes cast down.
will die. Scoriaptrak trying to saving them could be a
It is Myoris that walks among the PCs, sent as an envoy to
redemptive moment for him. Prompt your players to roleplay
explains the situation. Bahamut and Kelemvor regard the
their characters with Scoriaptrak about the situation.
party from above. The party may take no actions except as
Once the characters have pleaded their case, have related to this scene and now have two tasks:
Scoriaptrak say something along the lines of, “I could save • Convince Kelemvor that Scoriaptrak is worthy.
lives to balance out some of what I’ve taken…” • Inspire Scoriaptrak to speak on his own behalf.
Setting: A large, empty cave complex. Setting: Roaring waterfalls at the mountain/forest edge.
Utility: Closure on this chapter of Scoriaptrak’s life. Utility: Reunion with elves and the conclusion of the story.
The adventure’s major cache of treasure.
The landscape grades from rocky foothills back into lowland
Read or paraphrase the following: forest, and the stream winding down from Mount Carnass takes
an abrupt plunge: Dygyrus Falls.
Inside the large cavern, the stone floor is smooth, worn down
At the base of the 100-foot waterfall is a small encampment.
by years of scaled bellies and tails. The central chamber is quite
empty, but, for those with a keen imagination, the smell of old This is the main camp of Myoris’ band of elves who have been
coins appears to hang within the air. looking for Scoriaptrak. Depending on who the PCs have
Scoriaptrak studies his old lair for a long moment, then coughs interacted with, Tweeskree, the blink dogs, and Eurae the
and shuffles his feet. From the look deep within his eyes, he dryad could be there, too.
seems ready to leave.
At the sight of the party or Scoriaptrak, the elves let loose a
Movement from unrecognizable figures can be seen in the
mighty cheer (by elven standards). Once in the camp, Myoris’
gloom towards the rear of the cave. apprentice, Gryvenir (druid, MM), speaks directly to
Scoriaptrak, quoting an elven poem that was his favorite.
The remnants of the Cult of the Dragon cell have been Scoriaptrak is touched by the gesture and relaxes. Gryvenir
waiting to formally meet with Scoriaptrak here, as arranged offers Scoriaptrak a home, which he accepts.
by Kefleek. Whether they are aware of the developments of
this adventure is up to you. The band’s leader, Nihymia, addresses the PCs: “We are all in
your debt. What happened to this dragon may be unique in
The team consists of 2 thugs, a dragonwing cultist and
Faerun’s history. He will be a valuable ally to us all.” Nihymia
a swashbuckler (VGtM). The dragonwing carries a tribute
heals the PCs fully, and consults with them about their
in case they deemed Scoriaptrak a useful ally. The team stays
ongoing adventures; she and Scoriaptrak can likely give them
out of any fight between two chromatic dragons but would
some useful information.
be happy to fight against the PCs and/or a gold dragon.
This site represents a good roleplaying opportunity, focused Before the PCs leave, Scoriaptrak turns to the PCs to thank
on Scoriaptrak shedding his old life and beginning a new one. them. It can end with: “I’m where I’m supposed to be now.
The chasm that Scoriaptrak was going to hurl himself into is But I would have died a miserable beast were it not for you. I
deep under the mountain, but the dragon has no need to go am in your debt.”
there now.
Possible Next Steps
Part of the dragon’s hoard is still intact, protected by a few of Scoriaptrak and his elven allies could become a powerful
Kefleek’s traps, which he can de-activate easily. If your patron for your PCs, using the dragon’s information to plot
players are in the mood, ask them for details about the traps the downfall of a myriad of despicable villains that you’ve
prompted by the following: developed for your campaign.
• Describe one trap that Kefleek constructed.
• Who (or what) has tried to bypass it? One plot thread to pull is found in Myoris’ letter to
• How did they fail? Scoriaptrak in Section I; it mentions a threatening enemy:
“dark wings fly over the Great Forest.” Whether this refers to
Treasure: The Cults tribute consists of a crystal-framed a dragon, devil or other winged terror is up to you.
mirror (500 gp value), 200 pp and a gilded statue of Tiamat
(500 gp value). The dragon’s hoard consists of the following: Another plotline could involve Rhezicora if she was left alive
• 1,500 gp in various coinage. after the battle. Her thirst for vengeance on the PCs would
• A pair of carved, ceremonial ivory daggers from the land be terrible indeed. A more local adventure could involve
of Al-Qadim (300 gp value). helping the formerly-enslaved villagers re-establish a secure
• A weapon (mace) of warning (DMG). homestead; the ruins of Castle Twinpred could serve nicely.
• 5 rubies valued at 100gp each. Lizardfolk seeking to expand their swamp might need to be
• 1 Eversmoking bottle (DMG). dealt with, however.
Spellcasting: The mage is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting Pack Tactics. The dragonwing has Advantage on an attack roll
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). against a creature if at least one of the dragonwing’s allies is within
The mage has the following wizard spells prepared: 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Multiattack. The dragonwing attacks twice with its longbow.
Keen Hearing and Smell. The drake has Advantage on WISDOM Innate Spellcasting. The kobold’s spellcasting ability is Charisma
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. (spell save DC 14). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring
no material components:
At will: friends, crown of madness
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7
3/day each: sleep, dominate person (Scoriaptrak only)
(1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Henchmen Swarm 1 (1d4 -1) piercing damage.
A huge group of humanoids, neutral evil
Armor Class 12
Robes, dagger, arcane focus (coin), pouch with several red dragon
Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
carvings, 10 pp, 50 gp, 3 rubies (100 gp each).
Speed 25 ft.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +4
Damage Vulnerabilities damage from area of effect spells and Lizardfolk hatchling
Senses passive Perception 9
Tiny humanoid (lizardfolk), neutral
Languages Common Armor Class 12
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 25 ft.
Spellcasting: Someone in the swarm is a 1st-level spellcaster. Their STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
spell attacks). They have the following wizard spells prepared:
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Draconic
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, ray of frost
1st level (1 slot): color spray, thunderwave Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Water walk. The hatchling can take the Dash Action to run on top of
If the swarm is reduced to 30 hp or less, the swarm makes a DC 10
CONSTITUTION saving throw. If the swarm fails, it loses its ability to water.
cast spells (ie: the spellcaster has fallen in battle).
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1
versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough (1d2) piercing damage.
for a Medium humanoid.
Multiattack. The swarm makes a spell attack and three melee
Actions Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit:
Withering touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
Hit: 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.
Black robes, emerald necklace, wand of fear Skeleton, Giant Armadillo
Large undead, unaligned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Scoriaptrak, Adult Red Dragon Hit Points 28 (8d8 - 8)
Speed 20 ft., 40 ft. (rolling)
Huge dragon, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (-1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Hit Points 39 (6d12)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Speed 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
20 (+5) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Saving Throws Dexterity +5, Wisdom +8 Languages -
Skills Perception +10 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Damage Immunities fire
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Roller Derby. The skeleton can move through any space during its
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan move that is occupied by a creature of up to Large size, causing each
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) creature in its path to make a DC 14 STRENGTH saving throw. On a
failure, the creature is knocked prone, and takes 7 (d10+2)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it bludgeoning damage.
can choose to succeed instead.
Actions Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4
Multiattack. The dragon can make two attacks. (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit:
11 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Rib-cage. Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to the serpent Trampling Charge. If the skeleton moves at least 20 ft. straight
must make a DC 10 DEXTERITY saving throw or else be restrained toward a creature and then hits it with a Tusk Sweep attack on the
inside the skeleton’s ribcage. A DC 10 STRENGTH check or a same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 STRENGTH saving
successful melee weapon attack against the skeleton is needed to throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the elephant can
break free. make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action.
Actions Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: Tusk Sweep. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage. target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3
(1d6) piercing damage.
Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11
(2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Fire Breath. You exhale fire in a 60-foot cone. Each Clasp of Costly Teleportation
creature in that area must make a DC 18 DEXTERITY Wondrous item, uncommon
saving throw, taking 40 (8d10) fire damage on a failed This flat, metal skull looks like a mere decorative item. If any
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. living appendage is inserted into the open mouth, it clamps
down, severing the appendage. The clasp’s owner then has
Greaves. When you wear this pair of golden greaves, your one use of the teleportation spell.
legs become longer, golden-scaled and more powerful. You
gain 20 temporary hit points, can jump up to 50 feet, landing Darkheart Violin
without taking damage. You can also make a Claw attack with Wondrous item, rare
your feet (+9 to hit, 2d6+5 piercing damage) as a Bonus If a musician is evil-aligned, playing this violin can change the
Action. alignment of a single draconic target to chaotic evil. Each
round that the target can hear the violin, it must succeed on a
Gauntlets. When you wear this pair of golden gauntlets, DC 18 CHARISMA saving throw. After 3 failed saving throws,
your arms become mighty, scaled appendages, ending in the target’s alignment shifts to chaotic evil.
wicked claws. While wearing the gauntlets, you gain 20
temporary hit points and +2 to all weapon-based attacks.
Illustration A (Area 1)