Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm v1.0

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Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

A 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure

for four to five characters of levels 4th-6th

A crippled red dragon embroils the PCs in his suicidal plans. The dragon could be a
valuable ally to Faerun’s forces of Good and must be kept alive. The party will be
caught between a dragon-worshipping Cult that wants the Red alive and a
necromancer who wants him dead.

The dragon’s ultimate redemption is in the PCs hands. For the good of Faerun, bring
him into the light. Bahamut is waiting…

Design Jean Lorber @jlorber4
Developmental Editor Christopher Sniezak @thelight101
Ken Carcas
Editor Ken Carcas
Cover Art Eric Jonasson
Interior Art Christopher Spence @hominidart
Penflower Ink @tomfummo
Daniel Walthall @axebane
CHGuise @chguise
Wizards of the Coast art resources
Cartography Jean Lorber
Layout Jeff C. Stevens @jcorvinstevens
Page Background Nimgyu (color and saturation changed)
With special thanks to Teos Abadia

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

Copyright © Jean Lorber 2020

1 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

Table of Contents
CREDITS ...........................................................................1 SECTION II. NECROMANCER’S TERRITORY .................... 15
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................3 Synopsis .................................................................... 15
Materials and Formatting ...........................................3 Traveling Tips ........................................................... 16
Story Overview ............................................................3 Mapped Locations .................................................... 18
Adventure Goal: Redemption .....................................4 Section 2 Wrap-Up ................................................... 30
Character Hooks ..........................................................4 Triggered Encounters in Section II ........................... 31
‘Tyranny of Dragons’ Hook..........................................4 Random Encounters in Section II ............................. 36
Scaling the Challenges.................................................4 SECTION III. NECROMANCER’S CAMP AND FINALE ...... 42
BACKSTORY......................................................................5 Synopsis .................................................................... 43
A Dragon Changed ......................................................5 Before the Big Battle ................................................ 43
A Minion Betrayed ......................................................5 Mapped location--Necromancer’s Camp ................. 44
A Necromancer Rising .................................................5 Running the Big Battle .............................................. 49
RUNNING THE DRAGON ..................................................6 Triggered Encounters at Area 14 .............................. 50
Dragon-powered PCs? ................................................6 Post-Battle Consequences ........................................ 52
Healing the Dragon .....................................................6 Other Mapped Locations.......................................... 53
MAJOR DESIGN ELEMENTS ..............................................6 Appendix A: Monsters & NPCs ..................................... 55
Redemption Dice.........................................................6 Appendix B: Magic Items .............................................. 61
Kefleek’s Enchantment ...............................................6 Appendix C: Maps - see additional download material
Detecting the Dragon ..................................................6 Appendix D: Illustrations & Handouts - see additional
download material
The Dragon’s Death ....................................................6
SECTION I. IT BEGINS WITH A CRASH ..............................7
Synopsis ......................................................................7
Mapped Locations.......................................................7
Section I Wrap-Up .....................................................14

2 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Section I. The PCs are witnesses to the crash landing of a
“And what happened then? Well in Whoville, they say
red dragon. A kobold minion speaks for the dragon and
that the grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day”
offers his hoard as payment for an escort to the dragon’s
old lair, two days to the north. Through these interactions,
-‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’, Dr. Seuss
the characters uncover the adventure’s central tension and
their role in resolving it:
‘Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm’ is an 8- to 12-hour
adventure for a party of four to five characters of 4th - 6th
• The dragon wants to kill himself at his old lair.
level. It’s an adventure about redemption, and for that, you
• The dragon isn’t evil and secretly wishes for
need someone worth redeeming. In D&D, what better
creature than a red dragon?
• A band of good-aligned elves needs the dragon alive
and is looking for him near his lair.
To turn the dragon around, the adventure relies on a good
dose on role-playing. Not to worry, you’ll still get to fight a
Thus, the PCs goals come into focus: inspire the
tar-pit necromancer and battle the Cult of the Dragon. But
dragon to redeem his evil past and deliver him safely
this adventure is primarily about a journey of the spirit that
to the elves. The first stop is an ruined illusionist’s tower,
the PCs undertake. Skills checks will suffice to move that
which yields dragon-cloaking items for the trip ahead.
journey along, but role-playing is how your PCs inspire
others and maximize the fun of this scenario.
Section II. With the dragon’s lair at Mount Carnass as
Adventure design elements help to facilitate story their destination, the party must travel through the
development and role-playing (e.g. Redemption Dice, undead-filled territory of a necromancer. The necromancer
encounters triggered by character growth) but be prepared aims to kill the dragon and re-animate his corpse for
to help your players focus on this important D&D pillar. her own plans. The Cult of the Dragon also shows up,
seeking to revert the dragon to his evil ways.
Materials and Formatting
To run this adventure, you’ll need the following 5th Edition In the battle for the dragon’s mind, the PCs must first
identify then remove an enchantment over the dragon,
Dungeons & Dragons books:
cast by the kobold to keep him docile. With the
Player’s Handbook (PHB) enchantment removed, the PCs can now improve the
Monster Manual (MM) suicidal dragon’s mindset by seeking out encounters that
have a redemptive theme. The PCs must balance their
Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG)
Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGtM) search for inspiring, redemptive acts with the looming
dangers. A hunting blue dragon ensures that they don’t
There are several visual cues used in this document to call
your attention to important features or bits of information:
• Major NPCs, monsters, or key features will be named in Section III. All paths to the dragon’s lair go through the
bold type the first time they are mentioned in the necromancer’s camp, built around tar pits which she has
encounter—e.g. kobold or secret door, followed been mining for skeletons. Whether surprised or lying in
by the name of the source 5e book (MM). wait, the necromancer gives the PCs a mighty battle. The
• Some game mechanics are capitalized when they are Cult also shows up to make one last attempt to re-awaken
mentioned, such as Inspiration, names of Actions, etc. the dragon’s evil tendencies.
• When referenced, skill checks and saving throws are
listed with the ability in all caps—e.g. a successful DC During this battle or the next, a reckoning of the
13 WISDOM (Perception) check is needed to spot the dragon’s soul occurs. All the redemptive acts the PCs
trap. completed along the way will play a pivotal role in the
reckoning. If the PCs are inspiring enough, Bahamut himself
Text in these boxes is meant to be read aloud to your PCs. shows up to redeem the red dragon in a unique way.
Boxed text is used to set a scene, but many times it contains
hints or clues about the upcoming encounter. If reading A final challenge comes as the PCs must travel further to
reach the elves and are ambushed by the rival blue dragon.
boxed text isn’t your style, make sure to relate the key
But if they’ve honored the adventure’s theme of
information to your players. redemption, they’ll have some powerful boons from
Bahamut. A touching reunion concludes the adventure.

3 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Adventure Goal: Redemption Sunset Mountains. This adventure, involving the
Scoriaptrak will face an ultimate decision towards the end redemption of a red dragon, could give the PCs a
of the adventure whether to embrace Good or revert to meaningful ally and source of information further along in
Evil. The PCs will play a deciding role in that decision; the their campaign.
more they have emphasized and acted on the themes of
redemption, atonement, and altruism, the greater their Scaling the Challenges
influence is over the dragon. Using the new encounter-building guidelines in Xanathar’s
Guide to Everything (Chapter 2), this adventure is calibrated
Planned encounters involving these themes are spread for a party of four, 5th level characters. Here’s what that
throughout the adventure, but your PCs may create others. means:
Whatever the situation, think about whether your players’
ideas of redemptive action would sway someone to truly • There will be around 6-8 encounters per day
change, either through bravery, kindness, or true, pure • Most encounters contain creatures/hazards/traps that
conviction. Think of Gandalf, cautioning Frodo against killing add up to around four PCs worth of challenge for 5th
the wretched Gollum because of some echo of good within level characters. A handful of key encounters have a
him. Think of Luke, trusting that his father would save him higher level of challenge. In these cases, the adventure
and tossing aside his lightsaber in front of the Emperor. If grants extra benefits to the PCs, or they need to figure
your players are having their characters creating moments out non-combat ways to navigate the obstacle.
like these, reward them!
If you forget everything else…
Character Hooks
Drawing the characters into the adventure isn’t an issue Theme
since it literally crashes into them. But keeping them Redemption of a formerly-evil creature.
invested…well, that’s where these hooks come in:
For the Good of Faerun. Early on, the PCs receive Inspire the dragon to ally with the Forces of Good.
signs from a good-aligned faction or deity that the dragon is Deliver the dragon to a band of elves, located beyond
important. A similarly-aligned PC might feel obligated to Mount Carnass.
protect the dragon from the world and himself. To
encourage this thinking, ask your players to give one reason Factions
why their PC would want to protect the dragon. Cult of the Dragon. They want the dragon ALIVE! They wish
to worship Scoriaptrak and help him re-build an evil
Seeking Redemption/the Righteous. Any PCs with empire.
these themes in their backstory or class might feel Necromancer. She wants the dragon DEAD! She wishes
sympathetic towards the dragon and therefore be eager to to reanimate the dragon’s corpse and terrorize the region
help redeem him. with it.
Forest elves and Bahamut. They want the dragon ALIVE!
Acquire Key Campaign Information. The dragon’s An elven druid knew of the dragon’s changed heart and
knowledge could come in handy in dealing with a villain or valuable knowledge, and his tribe now seeks the dragon
plot plaguing your ongoing campaign. Hinting that the to offer him a home. Bahamut heard the druid’s prayers
dragon has pertinent information for the characters should and seeks to facilitate the dragon’s change.
draw their attention.
‘Tyranny of Dragons’ Hook The Dragon ain’t evil. The dragon was traumatized and
This adventure is easily fit into the Tyranny of crippled by a long imprisonment, but it changed him. He
Dragons/Hoard of the Dragon Queen (HotDQ) campaign. In wants to be good now but feels his evil past makes that
HotDQ’s Episode 4, the PCs are required to make a multi- impossible. Despair has taken over and he seeks his own
day journey from Greenest to Elturel to track the Cult of the death.
Dragon’s hoard caravan. The original campaign suggests The kobold is in control. The kobold has enchanted the
that this journey is uneventful--a perfect place to crash-land dragon and wants to revive his master’s evil nature. He
a red dragon! The wooded region of this adventure stands drives their current mission to Mount Carnass and will
in nicely for the Reaching Woods and Mount Carnass for the not deviate from it until he is defeated.

4 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

BACKSTORY combined with his own self-loathing, the dragon’s depression
became terminal: he contemplated suicide.
A Dragon Changed
Scoriaptrak used to be a typical red dragon: he ruled over a
section of Faerun as a despot, amassing gold, knowledge, and A Minion Betrayed
power through fear and violence. But decades ago, a mighty Kefleek’s joy at reuniting with his master soon turned to
wizard brought the dragon low, imprisoning him in a shock, then disgust; his “… dreaded tyrant wyrm …” had
small cell deep underground. An elven druid named become a withered shell of his former evil self. In
Myoris was tossed in for sport. desperation, Kefleek reached out to the Cult of the
Dragon for help. The Cult was skeptical whether the red
The wizard began testing the limits of the dragon’s body and dragon had actually returned but agreed to meet at the
mind. Torture, in other words, all the while making orderly former seat of the dragon’s domain: Mount Carnass.
notes. The regimen of pain was repeated daily, for years, with
only the druid Myoris as a witness. However, the depressed dragon wouldn’t budge. Furious,
Kefleek drew on previously-unknown sorcerous powers and
As the prisoners’ world shrank to the size of their cramped enchanted the dragon to do his bidding. His tenuous
cell, Scoriaptrak and Myoris forged a bond, out of a need at hold on Scoriaptrak was enabled by the dragon’s low state of
first. The dragon needed distraction, with the druid being mind. Drunk on power, the kobold commanded Scoriaptrak
happy to provide it by telling the epic stories of elven heroes to travel to Mount Carnass, keeping the Cult’s involvement a
and villains. Their companionship grew and Myoris came to secret. He would renew the dragon’s evil heart, or they would
love the dragon and prayed to Bahamut every day to grant die trying.
Scoriaptrak some relief. In that small, moldy cell, Scoriaptrak
weakened and lost his hunger for destruction and But Kefleek’s plans were shattered during their flight to
domination. In short, he became something other Mount Carnass as they were attacked by an ambitious, young
than a red dragon. blue dragon. Emaciated and weak, Scoriaptrak received
grievous wounds but managed to escape. The attack occurred
But one day, their captor did not appear. Food and basic just minutes ago, and his endurance has finally run out. He is
needs continued to be met by automated magics, but their plummeting to the ground this very moment!
captor was never seen again. They heard muffled explosions
and roaring once, but the noises faded, and they were left A Necromancer Rising
with only each other’s company. Thirty long years passed. A year ago, an aspiring necromancer named Rhezicora
Only last month, the druid’s kin finally found the prison and noticed the red dragon’s absence and took up residence in
liberated their long-lost elder. Myoris told his people to spare the shadow of his old lair at Mount Carnass. She became
the dragon, knowing that the dragon’s deep knowledge of the obsessed with natural tar pits, thereafter raising the
Realms’ villains could prove useful. Scoriaptrak was skeletons of long-dead, ancient creatures. She hired minions
overwhelmed by the sudden change: he roared at the elves and captured an entire village to be her slave labor. Once her
then fled. skeleton army is complete, she will set out to conquer the
nearest kingdom.
The dragon returned to a former lair only to find it almost
empty; a devoted kobold named Kefleek had
Why This Matters: The dragon and kobolds’ past and
maintained a lonely vigil these many years. Scoriaptrak was
secrets are driving the plot. Uncovering their past and
weak, listless and uninterested in re-building his empire. He
secrets allows the adventurers to understand their true
soon received a message from the elves that Myoris,
motivations and inspire them to embrace life instead of
weakened from his imprisonment, had passed away.
Overwhelmed by an unfamiliar sense of loss and grief,

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RUNNING THE DRAGON earned in many encounters along the way by engaging with
the encounters’ redemptive theme. Examples include:
This section has details about the dragon’s personality and • Convincing a drunken knight to reclaim his birthright
suggestions for how he fits into the adventure. To begin (Area 13).
with, he is an emotional and physical mess of a dragon. • Accepting a curse from an afflicted child (Area 12).
Underneath his pain is the true change in heart he underwent • Simply holding an earnest conversation with some
during imprisonment, including a shift to Chaotic Neutral. troublesome kids and the dragon about the nature of
good and evil (Area 5).
Enchanted. Kefleek’s enchantment keeps Scoriaptrak
confused and docile, similar to a sleepwalker. He’ll look to
Details about when a DM should award Redemption Dice are
Kefleek to deliver anything more than a few words.
found in each relevant encounter’s description. Once earned
Depressed. Scoriaptrak’s depression stems from regret of
by a character, a Redemption Die can be used once on any
his past evil deeds and the recent loss of his only friend skill check related to interacting with Scoriaptrak (e.g. a
Myoris; he sees no way to make amends and sees no value in CHARISMA (Persuasion) check). Each player may use as many
living. Redemption Dice as they want on a roll but must declare
Impressionable. Anything the PCs can do to show that their intention to do so before the roll.
redemption is possible helps inspire the dragon to change.
Witnessing and completing redemptive acts improve his Some encounters include the possibility that Redemption
outlook. His malleable state of mind can also be a liability: the Dice may be taken away; these typically involve situations
Cult of the Dragon attempts to re-awaken his evil nature. where the PCs engage in uninspiring or unheroic behavior.
Dragon-powered PCs? Kefleek’s Enchantment
With a red dragon on their side, some players might get the Kefleek’s control of the dragon is achieved by the spell
bright idea that they are now invincible. I can hear it now: dominate person (5th level), augmented with a focus (a coin-
“Why can’t we fight 50 orcs?! We have a flippin’ dragon!” see inset page 14) that grants him automatic success when
Several features limit Scoriaptrak’s involvement: he’s using the spell on the dragon, and that extends the spell’s
enchanted, and mentally and physically fragile. duration to 8 hours. Dispelling the enchantment causes
Kefleek to covertly recast the spell. Confronting Kefleek
While Kefleek’s enchantment is active, he insists that the PCs triggers the Kefleek Revealed encounter (page 33).
handle any dangerous business. Under dire circumstances, Kefleek’s enchantment blocks Scoriaptrak’s ability to be
Kefleek may force Scoriaptrak to act. Once freed from the inspired by the PCs; Redemption Dice can be earned, but not
enchantment, the dragon is capable of choice, but his used, if Kefleek’s enchantment is active. In this case, help the
depression and self-loathing cause him to be disengaged. players sense their characters are on the right track, but that
Until the PCs set a good example and inspire the dragon (see their efforts are being blocked by something magical.
encounter T6), he does not act to benefit others. Once
inspired, Scoriaptrak can be convinced to participate in a Detecting the Dragon
battle, especially one with a redemptive component. But If the dragon is seen on two separate occasions by the
even if the dragon joins a battle, he is not overly useful; he is necromancer’s faction, the necromancer herself is alerted.
without a breath weapon and prone to exhaustion (see This triggers a specific encounter and gives her time to set up
Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs - Scoriaptrak). an ambush at her camp (see Area 14). Each opportunity for
Detection is noted in the relevant encounter’s description.
Healing the Dragon
The dragon’s weakness and loss of typical red dragon The Dragon’s Death
features are due to his long, torturous imprisonment. These The adventure actually counts on Scoriaptrak dying in Section
conditions cannot be healed with any spell short of III (in Area 14 or 15), as a necessary step towards a divine
regenerate, a 7th level spell. The wounds from his recent redemption. If his death occurs earlier, it cuts this story arc
attack can be healed, granting him hit points, but not short. So, in Sections I and II, combat encounters are mostly
reversing any feature listed in his stat block. focused on the PCs. If the dragon is close to death, consider
re-directing monster attacks to the PCs. If the dragon is felled,
MAJOR DESIGN ELEMENTS the PCs feel a divine presence, and the dragon is revived to 1
hit point. This latter intervention should be used only once.
Redemption Dice
Redemption Dice are awarded by the DM and are Whenever he is finally killed, the encounter Make Peace
designed to help characters inspire Scoriaptrak. The ultimate with Your Dragon God is triggered (page 51).
use of the dice are during pivotal encounters for Scoriaptrak’s
Redemption (Areas 14 and 15). Redemption Dice can be

6 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

The PCs come across a kobold and an injured red dragon. The
pair need to reach Mount Carnass and want to hire the PCs as
a protective escort. The dragon is subdued and reveals that
he intends to die once he reaches his destination. But the PCs
uncover clues, messages, and incentives that should
encourage them to help the dragon and keep him alive. Once
their escort mission has begun, items for hiding the dragon
during their journey are found at an illusionist’s tower.

Mapped Locations
1. Crash Site

Setting: On a trade road through a sparsely-settled region.

Utility: Introduces major NPCs, the quest, and the
adventure’s goal of keeping the red dragon alive.

The adventure begins as the characters are traveling east

along a trade road. An old merchant named Bodrin (neutral
good male human commoner, MM) stops his wagon to ask
a question about the road ahead; he’s worried about undead.
Show your players Map A (Appendix C: Maps) and inform
them that they are to the west of the “trade road” label (left-
middle the map). Bodrin has annotated the old map to reflect
The red dragon is Scoriaptrak (see Appendix A: Monsters
rumors of new undead and lizardfolk threats.
and NPCs), who just escaped an attack from a rival blue
dragon. He is unconscious, so allow the characters to
NOTE: Map A shows the major features of the region, as they investigate without fear of attack. The following information
used to be: the main trail the PCs will follow north to can be obtained:
Mount Carnass (Area 16) is visible, as is the now- • Any inspection reveals fresh, giant claw marks and a
abandoned Blackwater village (Area 8) and now-ruined mostly-missing left-wing (rendering him flightless). A
Twinpred castle (Area 12). successful DC 9 INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check reveals the
claw marks were made by a dragon.
When you’re ready to begin, read or paraphrase the • He is clearly emaciated, with shrunken muscles and loose
following: scales.
• A successful DC 8 INTELLIGENCE (Medicine) check reveals
Bodrin stops mid-sentence and his eyes widen in terror as the that the dragon has horrific injuries that are older:
sun is blotted out by something large overhead. Gouts of o a broken leg which appears healed but twisted.
scalding blood sizzle in the dirt road, and you turn in time to o missing teeth.
glimpse a scaled hide rushing by mere feet above you. o broken and missing claws.
With a deafening crash, a red dragon plows into the nearby • A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals
the presence of a small saddle strapped in behind the
forest, knocking over trees as tall as towers. The dragon grinds
dragon’s right ear.
to a halt, with the only sound now being the creaking of broken
trees and a faint buzzing.

The buzzing is a disturbed nest of 15 stirges (MM), located

in the southwest corner of the map. If the PCs investigate the
buzzing, the stirges attack. Otherwise, they attack later (see
page 10).

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If the PCs decide to kill the dragon, inspect the dragon
Kefleek the kobold
further, or leave, read or paraphrase the following:

“No-kill my dread lord!” screeches a small voice from

somewhere around the dragon. A rickety old kobold emerges
from under the dragon’s ear. It draws a dagger from a stuffed
satchel and shakily waves it in your direction. A scroll case falls
out of the satchel and lands at its feet.

“This Scoriaptrak, breaker of Crimson Coven, ruler of Sunset

mountains, leveler of castles –(insert event/location from your
own campaign if desired)—. Leave alone!” The old kobold
stands firmly by the unconscious dragon.

The kobold is Kefleek (see Appendix A: Monsters and

NPCs), the dragon’s sole remaining subject. Kefleek is ancient
by kobold standards and looks it: he is slow, and his eyes are
clouded by cataracts. He perches on the small saddle during
travel. Show your players Illustration A (see Appendix D:
Player Handouts and Illustrations) when they meet Kefleek.
See ‘But a Scroll Offers Redemption’ for more details about
the scroll.

Kefleek’s physical infirmity belies his cunning and iron will:

he is controlling the dragon with an enchantment
and some old-fashioned emotional manipulation. Kefleek’s
motivation right now is to get the dragon to Mount Carnass,
so that they can meet with members from the Cult of the
Dragon. Roleplay Kefleek as wary at first, but then solicitous
of the PCs help:
• “My lord tired; he go to rest in old lair.” The Dragon Wants to Die
• “He no talk much now. (whispers) He not think right…” Scoriaptrak wakes before the PC's attack (or leave). He is
-taps his head knowingly- dazed, partially free from Kefleek’s enchantment. Read or
paraphrase the following:
A Lucrative Offer
A massive ear twitches and the dragon slowly raises his head.
He offers to pay them 100 gold pieces for an escort to the
mountain. If pushed, he miserably offers the dragon’s hoard, Through clouded eyes, he looks over your party, then rumbles,
but doesn’t specify its size. It is common knowledge that “I must end my life in that mountain…Help me reach it, and I will
Mount Carnass used to be a red dragon’s lair. Bodrin, or a pay you.” He motions to the prominent peak on the horizon.
successful DC 10 INTELLIGENCE (History) check, reveals that it
is thought to be empty now. A successful DC 15 WISDOM Scoriaptrak’s motivation is indeed to reach Mount Carnass,
(Insight) check reveals that Kefleek isn’t being fully honest where he plans on tossing himself into a deep chasm. He can
about the dragon, but he can’t be intimidated into saying answer only a few basic questions before passing out. The
more. kobold’s hidden spite and loathing for him have seeped into
the dragon’s mind, and flavor his slow, monotonic responses:
Once the PCs have interacted with Kefleek, are ready to kill • Regarding his wounds: “A blue did this…I was too weak…”
the dragon, or just leave, run the next section to introduce • Regarding his plans: “My life ends in Mount Carnass.”
the dragon. • Regarding his motivation: “I am not a red dragon
anymore. I am…nothing”. He does not elaborate further.
• If asked, “Why don’t I just kill you now?” (or similar), he
responds: “Mount Carnass was where my empire was
born. It must be where I die.”

8 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

• If asked about the scroll from “M”, Scoriaptrak shuts his
eyes in pain and Kefleek screeches, “that not yours!”.
Neither says anything more on the subject, but the PCs
now have Disadvantage on any CHARISMA-based checks
with the pair for the rest of the day. Scoriaptrak will
forget this interaction once Kefleek enchants him again.

The PCs have now been given 2 different stories by Kefleek

and Scoriaptrak. The context for the stories and guidance
about what to do are found in the form of a scroll and a
supernatural sign.

But a Scroll Offers Redemption

The scroll at Kefleek’s feet offers details about the dragon’s
history and why he should be helped. It was written by the elf
Myoris before his recent death and shows the following:
• That the dragon longs for redemption.
• That the elves are seeking the dragon.

So, if the PCs don’t steal the scroll now, make it visible at the
next stop. If the PCs don’t pick up the scroll, they see Kefleek
snatch it up nervously. A successful DC 10 DEXTERITY (Sleight
of Hand) check and some distracting roleplaying are needed
to separate the scroll case from Kefleek.

The scroll is made of magical, fire-resistant paper but the ink

is only visible when fire is applied. A tag is attached to the
case that reads, “To read, use your gift”, which is a clue to
Scoriaptrak. The nature of the scroll and ink can also be
discerned with a successful DC 13 INTELLIGENCE (Arcana)
Scoriaptrak is valuable to Faerun’s good-aligned factions (e.g.
check. If your PCs manage to acquire the scroll and activate
the Emerald Enclave) because of his knowledge of its villains
the ink, give them Illustration B (see Appendix D). The letter
and their long-term ‘Big Plans’. A successful DC 10 WISDOM
reads as follows (in Elven or Common):
(Insight) or INTELLIGENCE (History) check reveals these
“My dear friend,
After decades together, we parted suddenly and without a
word. I will recover soon and seek you out. I know that you NOTE: The ‘dark shadows’ that Myoris refers to within the
wish to make up for all your past wrongs. With all that you scroll does not show up in this adventure and could,
know of Faerun’s evils, there is much you can do for our land, therefore, be modified to fit a foe from your existing
much you can put right. Let that be your goal for your long campaign.
years to come. Even as I write, dark shadows fly over the
Great Forest. We could use your help to combat this evil. I If playing the ‘Hoard of the Dragon Queen’ campaign, Myoris
wish your heart peace.” is referring generally to the increase in activity of the Cult
of the Dragon, but also specifically to attacks from the Cult-
-M allied green dragon Chuth in the Misty Forest (Episode 4 in
‘Rise of Tiamat’).

9 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

A Plea for Help Next Steps
To prompt the PCs, Myoris sends a sign from beyond the Once the stirge attack is over, Kefleek thanks the PCs and
grave. After some interaction, or if the PCs decide to attack, asks, “You take us to mountain?” If the characters accept the
read or paraphrase the following: kobold’s offer, remind everyone of Bodrin’s map as they
consider their options (Map A). The following are points to
A raven hops out of the forest and alights on the dragon’s neck. consider:
Unconcerned about this giant, apex predator, the raven hops
up the dragon’s body. It taps the dragon’s snout and makes a • Traveling off-trail isn’t possible for the dragon due to his
series of loud squawks. “Cwaap, cwaap! Dragon must stay size (see page 17).
ALIVE! Dragon GOOD! Cwaap!” • The nearby trade road sees regular traffic, including
heavily-armed patrols (4 knights and 2 veterans; MM)
This raven (MM) has been momentarily guided by the spirit who might report back to the local Lord.
of Myoris. If spoken with, the raven proudly admits it was • Bodrin may also offer that the swamp will be slow-going
possessed by an old elf spirit, but doesn’t have any more (“… it holds many dangerous lizardfolk who have
useful information. It hitches a ride on someone’s shoulder, if dammed the river …”).
the PCs are interested. And it’s hungry.
Kefleek suggests they head north on the trail towards Mount
This encounter is important as the dragon’s redemptive Carnass. He also suggests stopping at the Illusionist’s Tower
potential isn’t visible just yet, and the raven’s message will (Area 2) since the party will likely need magic to hide the
hopefully entice the characters to help. If needed, adapt the dragon during their travels.
encounter by adding a similar message from whatever Higher
Power is relevant to your PCs— proof of the dragon’s worth. What If The Party Don’t Take The Job?
Ask your players to explore their PC’s reaction to the situation If the PCs don’t accept the job, Kefleek and the dragon limp
with the prompt: “What is one reason why your character to the Illusionist’s Tower (Area 2). They discover the
would want to protect the dragon?” hobgoblin commander and hire his squad for escort duty.

Stirge Attack This may result in the conclusion of the adventure, unless the
If the PCs didn’t investigate the buzzing sounds before (see DM can come up with another way to convince the
Area 1-Crash Site above), the stirges attack now. Read or characters to get involved. This section falls outside the scope
paraphrase the following: of the adventure and, therefore, is left up to the ingenuity of
the DM to solve.
The sound of the dragon’s deep raspy breathing has been
replaced by something else; the droning of many sets of wings.
Kefleek grabs your hand and screeches “You promise to protect!
Do now! Do now!!”

A nest of 15 stirges (MM) was disturbed by the dragon’s

crash, and the smell of blood has whipped them into a frenzy.
Three giant centipedes (MM) are also attracted to the
site. Show your players Map B (Appendix C: Maps) and inform
them that their characters have 3 rounds to prepare any

Tactics: The centipedes scuttle out of the forest from the

north, which begins the encounter. Two stirges attack each
character, and the rest fly to the dragon’s wounds.

Scoriaptrak does not participate unless he reaches 20 hit

points, at which time he sleepily swats at and kills 2 attacking
creatures per round. In this case, any nearby PCs must also
make a DC 10 DEXTERITY saving throw to avoid taking 10
bludgeoning damage.

10 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

2. Illusionist’s Tower the goblins to indicate the actual 5 foot-wide bridge
across the moat.
• A 5-foot swath of solid ground around the outside of the
Setting: Overgrown field surrounded by forest. tower connects the front door to the bridge.
Utility: The tower’s second story holds magic items for
camouflaging the dragon--useful for the road ahead. Protective wards are in place that complicate any attempt to
Background: This tower used to be home to the magically pierce these defenses:
illusionist Ammodrammus. A few years ago, the • Casting detect magic at the tower reveals only the
illusionist was ambushed by a band of goblinoids. generalized presence of illusion magic.
Caught unawares and gravely injured, he retreated to • The DC for removing any illusion (e.g. with dispel magic)
the top floor. Although he hastily constructed traps that is 25, while the DC for seeing through the illusion is 17.
repelled the attackers, his injuries didn’t allow him to • A successful DC 14 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals
leave, eventually perishing behind his own defenses. that the flowers’ swaying is not consistent with the
surrounding winds.
The PCs should hear about the tower from Kefleek: “My
tyrant remember wizard tower up ahead. Scoriaptrak crush
his dreams once, and he pay tribute. Many good hiding spells
there.” No one knows the current condition of tower.

When the PCs arrive, a hobgoblin-led team is probing the

tower’s defenses, revisiting the site where their tribemates
failed years ago. Show your PCs Map C (Appendix C: Maps).

2A. Tower Exterior

When the PCs approach, read or paraphrase the following:

A 50-foot tall tower sits in an overgrown field. The tower’s

stone surface is windowless, but an empty doorway is found at
the base. Surrounding the tower is a dense field of red flowers,
blowing in the breeze.
A large, dog-like creature stands at the outer edge of the
flowers, its head hidden below the red blooms. A decaying,
swampy smell fills the air, and the sound of hammering comes
from within the tower.

Two permanent illusions are in effect here. The first illusion

camouflages two upper windows to look like the
surrounding stone. The second illusion is the 15 foot-wide
field of red flowers—the area is actually a swamp-like
moat with the following features:
• The moat’s surface is 10 feet down, and the muck-like
water is 3 feet deep. Guard Dog
• The moat is home to an otyugh (MM), which has been The dog-like creature is a worg (MM); the trained mount of
waiting to grab a goblinoid. The otyugh is located at the the hobgoblin commander currently inside the tower when
six o’clock position in the moat, due south of the tower. the characters first arrive. The smell of the otyugh masks the
Once within 10 feet of the moat, any character making a adventurers’ scent, negating the worg’s keen hearing and
successful DC 10 (INTELLIGENCE) Nature check smell (i.e. no Advantage on related checks). Once the box text
recognizes that the stench belongs to an otyugh. is read, the worg makes an opposed WISDOM (Perception)
• An illusory, 5 foot-wide trail through the flowers, check vs. the PCs DEXTERITY (Stealth) every round the party
leading to the tower’s empty front doorway. Stepping moves. If the worg prevails, it spins around and howls at the
onto the “trail” triggers a DC12 DEXTERITY saving throw PCs, alerting the goblinoids inside.
to avoid immediately falling into the moat.
• A small pole sticking up out of the flowers (flag icon on
the map to the east of the tower). This is a marker set by

11 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

2B. Main Room 2C. Ammadrea’s Room
If the goblinoids aren’t alerted, read or paraphrase the The room contains all the furnishings of an upper-class child’s
following when the characters peer through the front door: bedroom, decorated for the wizard’s daughter, Ammadrea.
Two hobgoblins (MM) are ransacking the room, looking for
A large pile of junk has been pushed together in the middle of valuable items. The hobgoblins are focused on their search
this room, held together with rickety wooden scaffolding which and have a passive Perception of 7, but they hear any sounds
reaches to the ceiling. Three goblins are at the top of the pile, of combat if it breaks out.
chopping the wooden ceiling beams.
Any WISDOM (Perception) check within the room reveals a
To the left of the scaffolding, an armored hobgoblin sits on a
broken, velvet-lined box that once held a music box.
makeshift seat, sipping a cup of steaming liquid. A faint tinkling
of lovely music can be heard. At that sound, the hobgoblin yells
2D. Stairway to Second Floor
in Common, “Shut your noise, Gleek!”
When the PCs approach the staircase, read the following:
The hobgoblin commander Muk-Chash (MM) is in
charge. He is determined to reach the upper floor, and the A narrow staircase curves upward around the edge of the room,
wealth he assumes is there, but has been unable to get past its ending hidden behind a wall. Scorch marks cover the walls
the stairway trap (Area 2D). He’ll sacrifice his goblins without and the stairs’ surface is pitted with small holes. A charred
a second thought but is more strategic when deploying his goblin corpse is splayed at the bottom of the stairs.
other troops.
A landing at the top of the stairs holds one of
He’s directed some troops to disable the stairway trap and Ammodrammus’ traps. Within sight of Muk-Chash, a
ordered three goblins (MM) to build a 20-foot-tall hobgoblin devastator (VGtM) leads the attempt to
scaffolding (AC 12, HP 15) to break through the ceiling. If disable the trap, along with a hobgoblin and three
combat breaks out, the goblinoids in Areas 2C and 2D goblins (MM). They haven’t made any progress. The
automatically detect it and attack, unless the PCs have taken charred corpse holds nothing of value.
extra precautions to keep it quiet.
Ammodrammus’ trap is located in front of the doorway and is
Gleek (a goblin) works on the scaffolding but is distracted by designed to play on the weakness of his goblin attackers:
a music box that she has pilfered (from Area 2C). The greed. The adventurers can use that fact to deduce the
underside of the box has an inscription: “for Ammadrea” nature of the trap and disarm it. As a creature reaches the
which is the password for a magical item (see 2F. Secret mid-point of the stairs, an illusory chest and image appears.
Room – Treasure). Read the following:

Let’s Make a Deal A translucent green figure appears in front of the chest, a
If the PCs are seen, Muk-chash orders shortbow volleys while wizard by the looks of him. He speaks deliberately, as if to a
barricading the door. But the glory-seeking hobgoblin child: “You greedy and selfish creatures have trapped me. Well
devastator (see area 2D) disobeys and gleefully launches into done, you win! But only a true goblin can have what’s in my
a melee scrum. If the devastator is killed, Muk-chash calls for treasure chest. Just answer two questions…”
a parley. Consider the following during the parley:
• He’ll cooperate with the PCs, but demands 75% of the The figure leans towards the topmost humanoid on the steps
treasure found (he’ll settle for 50%).
and whispers, “Who of you gets my gold? And how much do
• If pushed for more, he offers to give his goblins to the
PCs, to serve as slaves. they get?” He waits for a response.
• If the music box is mentioned, Gleek visibly squirms. A
successful a DC 8 Wisdom (PERCEPTION) check reveals
that she is hiding something from the party.

Treasure: Muk-chash wields a short sword +1 and has a

small chest with 200 gp in various coinage.

12 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Trap: The Chest of Costly Greed 2E. Second Floor
Trigger: A creature reaches the mid-point of the stairs. This is Ammodrammus’ personal space. A variety of
Effect: An illusory chest appears at the top, as does an heirlooms are displayed along the wall and a small kitchen is
image which poses the questions above. around the corner. The only door is unlocked and leads to his
Solution: If the likely “goblin answers” are spoken (“I get library. When inside, read or paraphrase the following:
gold” and “ALL gold!”), or a humanoid moves past the
image, then a damaging spell is triggered; roll a d4 and The light from two windows reveals bookshelves and cubbies
consult the below table (all spells are cast at 3rd level). lining the spacious room.
A large tapestry hangs on the wall. It flickers then depicts
1 fireball several scenes, including a snowy mountaintop, a shady forest,
2 lightning bolt
3 melf’s acid arrow then an exact match of the surrounding stone walls.
4 ice storm
The windows are real, made of glass, but hidden by illusion
If non-greedy or non-selfish answers are given, the trap when viewed from outside. Each window is trapped from
deactivates and the figure states: “Based on your answers, I outside entry (see Trap: Glyph of Warding below).
suppose you aren’t goblins. It’s safe to come up now. Please
rescue me, I’m quite badly wounded. I’ll be in…well, let’s just Trap: Glyph of Warding
say I’m behind in my studies.”--a veiled reference to the
Trigger: A Medium or larger creature enters a window
secret room behind his bookshelf.
from the outside.
If no answers are given within a minute, the image Effect: The glyph explodes doing 6d8 force damage to
disappears. anyone with 5 feet of the window.
Countermeasures: Each glyph can be de-activated with a
Countermeasures: Players could negate the trap with successful DC 17 INTELLIGENCE (Arcana) check or by
anyone trained in Arcana who spends an hour studying it.
dispel magic (DC 16), but that won’t trigger the second
Failure on the check results in the activation of the trap.
“easter egg” message that informs them about the secret
A successful DC 10 INTELLIGENCE (Investigation) check
If a clue is needed about the trap’s mechanics, a scrap of reveals the secret door behind the desk.
the spell’s scroll is visible at the base of the stairs. To
anyone trained in Arcana, it reads “...If speaker is ‘greedy’, Treasure: A silken tapestry of illusion hangs on the wall,
then ‘destroy’…” which can display a scene mimicking its surroundings,
equivalent to the major image spell (see Appendix B: Magic
Once past the trap, the PCs must still get past a locked, Items).
wooden door, requiring a successful DC 15 DEXTERITY check
with thieves’ tools. The 15-foot square tapestry can partially cover the dragon; to
be completely covered, he must curl up like a sleeping dog. In
Treasure: A cubby in the wall holds a jerry-rigged arcane this state, he is detectable only with a successful DC 20
device that powers the trap, linked to a ring of spell storing. If WISDOM (Perception) check. Kefleek suggests this trick if the
removed, the ring holds 1 of the evocation spells listed above adventurers don’t think of it.
(DMs choice).
2F. Secret Room
A bookshelf hides a door to this small room, where
Ammodrammus eventually succumbed to his wounds. His
skeleton holds a book of fancies that was intended as a gift
for his daughter (the book’s password is his daughter’s name,
found on the music box stolen by Gleek in Area 2B).

Treasure: The book of fancies (see Appendix B: Magic

Items) is a magical pop-up book portraying life-size, illusory
scenes. An inscription on the inside cover reads: “Only for my
darling daughter”.

13 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Section I Wrap-Up If needed, refer to Kefleek Revealed (page 33) for details
By the end of Section I, the characters should have a clear about Kefleek’s enchantment and how to break it. Note that
sense that Scoriaptrak should be kept alive and if Kefleek’s spell is broken and he is confronted, this
that he secretly yearns for redemption. Having encounter is triggered.
these goals in mind will help the characters make decisions in
Section II. A Single Coin
A dragon without a hoard is prone to depression and
Two quick interactions below could be run to provide more anxiety. During Scoriaptrak’s long imprisonment, the only
insight into the dragon and kobold: a clue about Kefleek’s coin he ever saw was a single copper carried by Myoris.
enchantment (see A Clue about Kefleek below) and an The dragon became obsessed with the coin, staring at it for
illustration of the dragon’s value (see Deep Dragon days on end. After being released, Myoris sent the coin to
Knowledge below). the dragon along with his letter.

A Clue about Kefleek Kefleek now uses the coin as an arcane focus; the dragon’s
obsession with the coin enables Kefleek’s control of him.
As the PCs return from the tower, Kefleek is secretly
refreshing his enchantment over the dragon. Inform the
players that their characters notice a hushed conversation Deep Dragon Knowledge
taking place between Kefleek and Scoriaptrak. If they don’t Kefleek wishes to illustrate the dragon’s worth, either to keep
immediately request and succeed on a DC 10 DEXTERITY the characters loyal or to distract them from inquiring about
(Stealth) or WISDOM (Perception) check, they are noticed, their whispered conversation.
and the opportunity to observe the interaction is lost.
“My master know much about evil boss plans around here.
On a success above, the PCs witness the kobold holding a What you want know? “
small object in the dragon’s face and speaking in Draconic.
Before any further checks can be requested, Kefleek notices Kefleek allows the PCs one question, hopefully about a villain
the PCs, quits the conversation and hurriedly hides the from your ongoing campaign. Scoriaptrak listens to it all
‘something’ from the characters view (it’s a special coin-see silently then Kefleek makes a big show of a whispered
inset). conversation. Scoriaptrak answers one question, slowly and
with few words. Kefleek then says pointedly, “Maybe he
After the interaction, a successful DC 10 WISDOM (Insight) answer more tomorrow.”
check reveals that the dragon is now quite placid and the
kobold a little flustered. If pressed about the interaction, Kefleek hops in the dragon’s mouth (if not already there) and
Kefleek attempts to distract the characters with offers of goes to sleep. The party has the night to think up their next
knowledge (run the Deep Dragon Knowledge move. Begin the next morning with Section II.
encounter). If that doesn’t work, Kefleek hops into the
dragon’s mouth and wishes the party a muffled “… good
night …”. If pressed further, he’ll lie and say that he was just
showing the dragon his favorite coin; Scoriaptrak placidly

14 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

SECTION II. NECROMANCER’S After the characters earn 5 Redemption Dice, the dragon is
no longer suicidal. However the Cult of the Dragon soon

TERRITORY shows up and tempts Scoriaptrak to revert to his evil ways.

The dragon’s struggle against depression now becomes a
This section summarizing likely events in this region, followed struggle between choosing good vs. evil.
by full descriptions of the locations, random encounters and
triggered encounters. All locations reference Map D (see The dragon’s ultimate chance at redemption occurs when he
Appendix C: Maps). dies, likely in Section III.

Synopsis The likely story progression in Section II is encapsulated in the

encounters below.
With the dragon’s redemption on their mind, the party must
cross a region controlled by the necromancer Rhezicora, with
all roads eventually ending at her camp. The entire trip Encounter Summary and Utility
should take 2-3 days; any longer and new threats loom large. Country Kids Introduces Redemption Dice mechanic
The major tasks for the PCs are summarized in the A Grave
Introduces the necromancer faction
Encounter Summary and Utility table below.
Identifies Kefleek as the mastermind.
Removing his enchantment allows the PCs
Stay out of Sight. If the party evades Rhezicora’s gang, Kefleek
to begin inspiring the dragon. The
they will have advantages in Section III. But if the dragon is Revealed!
dragon’s depression remains as an
Detected on two separate occasions by her gang, the obstacle to Redemption.
necromancer is alerted. Once alerted, Rhezicora has extra The party must avoid Detection by the
time to develop a plan to kill Scoriaptrak at her camp (see necromancer’s network.
Section III, Area 14). Each opportunity for detection is noted Various
in the relevant encounter’s description. The party must complete redemptive or
altruistic acts to inspire Scoriaptrak (and
gain Redemption Dice)
Break Kefleek’s Enchantment. Determining that With multiple Redemptive acts, the PCs
Kefleek controls the dragon is an early challenge; his On the Path to
have inspired Scoriaptrak-he is no longer
enchantment must be removed before the dragon can be Redemption
inspired towards redemption. Kefleek’s enchantment over The PCs learn of the elf/dragon
the dragon is magical and psychological, and both elements connection have a new destination:
must be broken. Dygyrus Falls
Cult of the Introduces the new threat: Scoriaptrak
Inspire Scoriaptrak. Once Kefleek’s enchantment is Dragon could be coerced back into evil by Cult
Intro worshipers.
broken, Scoriaptrak is still intent on suicide at Mount Carnass.
However, he is now open to inspiration engineered by the
characters. Many redemptive opportunities are available
during the journey. Inspiration is mechanized using
Redemption Dice (see Section I, Major Design
Elements, Redemption Dice page 6), awarded to a
character after completing a task that speaks to Scoriaptrak’s
inner struggle.

15 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

16 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents
Traveling Tips • Kefleek is interested about what are the PC’s children
This adventure uses a point-crawl structure to keep like? How many do they have? Do they ever eat them?
navigation options simple and keep the focus on moving the How soon do they try to overthrow you?
plot forward. In between mapped points, random encounters • Kefleek wants to know what humans think about
fill in the time spent traveling, reinforce the region’s theme kobolds.
and advance the plot. • Kefleek mentions his hatred for elves, and Scoriaptrak
visibly tenses. Kefleek tries to hastily change the subject.
The distance between mapped points on the Regional Map Scoriaptrak knows some elven lore trivia.
(Appendix C: Maps - Map D) is denoted with the number of • Scoriaptrak demands a song. If it’s an elven tune,
random encounters experienced while traveling that section. Scoriaptrak stops and stares at the musician: “I
A party should be able to progress through 3-4 locations in a remember that…”, and then the moment fades.
days’ time. • Scoriaptrak asks for an explanation: “Tell me again how
kings rule without killing their subjects? Why are they
Off-Roading. To keep the party focused on the mapped listened to, let alone obeyed?”
locations, bush-whacking through the trackless forest should • Scoriaptrak asks if the PCs have friends. After their
be kept to a minimum. You can simply have Kefleek inform responses, he replies with, “I don’t see the point. They all
the characters of the prohibition of off-road travel due to die…”. With engaging roleplaying, he will talk about
Scoripatrak’s size; “My lord can no slither between trees! He Myoris.
dragon, not snake!” • In the midst of a conversation, Scoriaptrak awakens,
turns to Kefleek and states, “I dreamt of a far-off lake,
Hiding the Dragon. The dense forest doesn’t always Kefleek. A lair hidden from Man. My wings…the color of a
provide a spot to stash a dragon. To find a hiding place before coin…”, then drifts back to sleep.
any encounter, a character must succeed on a DC 14 • Scoriaptrak looks towards one of the ‘less vocal’
WISDOM (Survival) check. Without success on this roll (and characters and asks, “What would life be like, working
assuming no other helpful factors), the dragon cannot even for…Good?”
attempt to hide. If the check is successful, the normal rules
for hiding apply. With time to prepare, the PCs can even use Whether he admits it or not, the topics that most resonate
natural materials to aid in the hiding attempt. With a good with the dragon are overcoming one’s past, friendship, and
description from your players on how their characters atonement. Grant your PCs Advantage on any CHARISMA-
proceed, grant Advantage on the dragon’s Stealth check. based checks if they roleplay with this focus.

The magic items in Area 2 can camouflage Scoriaptrak from To reinforce this adventure’s theme, encourage roleplaying
prying eyes but they do have a limited number of uses. from your players that focuses on their character’s
examination of their past, and musings on redemption.
Small Talk. The relationship between the PCs and the These moments could occur during big moments (e.g. the
dragon/kobold is a major part of this adventure. While Kefleek Revealed encounter) or during quiet moments,
traveling, use these conversation topics to breathe life into at night, around a crackling campfire.
the draconic duo and stimulate roleplaying. Some topics are
idle banter while others can reveal clues about the dragon’s Remember that while Kefleek’s enchantment is active,
past. Earlier subjects represent the dragon in a low state of Scoriaptrak is only capable of short responses laden with self-
mind while later subjects hint at a more positive outlook: loathing; Kefleek does most of the talking. Once the
enchantment is gone, the dragon becomes more verbal in
• Kefleek waxes on about the good old days: burning general about his impending demise. Later on, he’ll waffle
villages, extorting wizards, flinging bugbears, their between more upbeat and more brooding, depending on
mountain of gold. Scoriaptrak is non-committal. how successful the Cult of the Dragon is.
• Scoriaptrak complains about his injuries, and Kefleek
makes snarky comments about the dragon’s abilities.

17 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Mapped Locations 4. Farm Homestead
3. Country Kids
Setting: Cleared fields with two houses and farm buildings.
Setting: A small meadow with scattered trees. Utility: Avoid Detection.
Utility: Avoid Detection. Gain Redemption Die.
Introduce the Redemption mechanic. Background: Two brave families have banded together to
carve out a farmstead in the wilderness. The Holdbridges
are halflings and have 8 children (all boys). The Westrocks
Five local children have abandoned their shepherding duties
are humans with 2 children (gender) and elderly parents.
and are wandering about, looking for mischief. The PCs have
All farmsteaders are neutral good commoners (MM).
a chance to hide Scoriaptrak before the encounter begins. To
begin the encounter, read or paraphrase the following:
Last week, a henchman of the necromancer named Lupo the
As you turn the corner, a group of children sit on the road. One Finger (neutral evil male human spy, MM) came upon the
boy sobs and holds a bloodied bandage to his leg. An older girl farmstead. Lupo’s only goal was to leech off the families;
drink their ale and eat their best food. Lupo has a droopy
looks up and calls, “Hey! Can you help us? My stupid brother
mouth, a hand with only a thumb, and controls a crawling
hurt his leg…”
hand (MM); he uses all of these features to terrify the
families into submission.
The injury is fake, noticeable with a DC 8 INTELLIGENCE
(Medicine) check. Three of the children (commoner, MM)
If the PCs investigate this area, they find Lupo in the
attempt to pick the adventurers’ pockets. If detected, the kids
Holdbridge house. He’s reclining with his feet on the kitchen
laugh and scatter, throwing eggs to cover their retreat. Even
table, eating a slab of undercooked bacon and ordering the
if the PCs take immediate action to prevent them from
kids to massage his terrible bunions. The crawling hand
running into Scoriaptrak, one eventually does.
“paces” back and forth at the table.
Once they see Scoriaptrak, they are in awe…but soon start
Lupo will fight by ordering the crawling hand to attack one of
climbing him. Kefleek is offended at their lack of respect,
the children. If the situation appears to be going against him,
while the dragon seems to tolerate the attention.
he’ll then attempt to bargain his way out of a fight by saying,
“Let me go and I’ll let the brat live”. If captured, Lupo tells the
Unless further steps are taken (e.g. bribery, intimidation), the
PCs about the traps in Area 5.
children return to their homestead (Area 4) and talk about
the dragon, which is overheard by a visiting henchman of the
necromancer. At this point, the dragon is considered
Detected by Rhezicora’s network unless the PCs are able to If Lupo escapes or otherwise leaves, he returns to the
neutralize the henchman. necromancer (Area 14). If he’s seen Scoriaptrak (or hears of it
from the children in Area 3), then the dragon is considered
Detected once by Rhezicora’s network.
From the Mouths of Babes
The youngest child just stares dubiously at the dragon, while If rescued, the families are grateful and offer the PCs their
asking the nearest PC, “Is it a good dragon or a bad dragon?” humble food and a few silver pieces. A successful DC 8
Encourage your PCs to roleplay, engaging the dragon in WISDOM (Insight) check reveals that these meager coins may
conversation about his mindset, good vs. evil, and whether be the last of their savings. If the PCs decline the money,
redemption is achievable. If the characters attempt to have a Scoriaptrak notices and later asks about their reasoning. If
meaningful conversation, and Kefleek’s enchantment has the characters discuss why they wanted to help the family, or
been lifted, reward them with Redemption Dice (this may be the themes of altruism in general, reward them with
the first opportunity to showcase this mechanic). Redemption Dice.

Redemption Dice They can also describe Area 5, and relate that they’ve seen a
If successful above, inform the PCs that the dragon’s mood ghost there, who seems to be friendly.
seems to be lifted for the moment while giving one player a
d4. See page 6 for details about using Redemption Dice. Redemption Dice
If successful above, inform the PCs that the dragon’s mood
seems to be lifted for the moment while giving one player a
d6. See page 6 for details about using Redemption Dice.

18 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

5. A Grave Warning this, Kefleek calls their attention to it by saying, “He no like
this, make go away!”. Until the gibbets are cut down and
Setting: Along the trail, surrounded by forest. destroyed, Scoriaptrak remains immobile, muttering only, “no
Utility: Introduce the undead theme. more cages, no more cages…”. This also compromises
Uncover Scoriaptrak’s backstory. Kefleek’s enchantment.
Hint at Kefleek’s enchantment.
Gain Redemption Dice. Undead Redemption
Before the PCs trip the stone trap, the ghost of Eld
Armbuckler appears. Read or paraphrase the following:
To begin, read or paraphrase the following:
A ghostly halfling adventurer appears in front of you. With his
The surrounding forest now seems to loom closer than before.
palms up placatingly, he pleads, “Please help me. My skeleton
Up ahead, 3 gibbets hang from trees on each side of the trail,
is here, and I need it.”
their long-dead occupants rotting within. In line with the last
pair of gibbets, a large stone sits in the middle of the trail. Eld will guiltily relate his backstory: he betrayed the location
Painted on the stone are the words: TURN BACK! of his compatriots to save his own life and was killed anyway.
The characters should recognize that Eld is seeking
The encounter begins with the PCs 50 feet south of the first redemption and that providing it could help inspire
pair of gibbets. A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) Scoriaptrak. If the PCs agree, Eld points to the stone, saying,
check reveals that the stone is, in fact, a crude sarcophagus. “I’m in there, but I’m here, too. So are others. It’s confusing.”
This whole set-up, a creation of the necromancer, is intended
If his skeleton can be restrained for 2 rounds, Eld can possess
to be a deterrent to travelers. Both the gibbets and the stone
it. In this case, he stands up and shakes a PCs hand. Show
are traps. If the PCs get within 20 feet of ‘the stone’, they
your players Illustration C for a happy Eld (see Appendix D).
hear frantic scratching coming from within. Also, a neutral
After the battle, he begins a day-long process of burying his
good ghost (MM) appears and pleads to the PCs (see
companions (the other undead). He insists on doing the work
Undead Redemption below). If the party still don’t
alone (he’ll return again to aid the PCs in Section III). If asked,
recognize this as a crude sarcophagus, they may now attempt
he’ll offer up basic information about Areas 6 and 7: “… a
the Perception check above at Advantage.
ruined temple …”, “… a swamp …”.

Trap: Gibbets Backstory and Enchantment Tune-Up

Trigger: A creature moves past the first gibbets, to the north. If still active, Kefleek’s enchantment has been compromised
Effect: A zombie (MM) animates in each of the 6 gibbets by the dragon’s trauma; he is suddenly more talkative, but
and releases itself, falling unharmed to the ground. They not yet aware of the enchantment. Read the following:
attack at once.
Countermeasures: A glyph on the ground near the first gibbet Scoriaptrak watches Eld work in the gloom of the forest, staring
controls the awakening of the zombies. A successful DC 17 a long minute even after he vanishes. In a new, clear voice, he
WISDOM (Perception) check reveals the glyph, allowing it to says to no one in particular, “… was he evil or did he simply do
be disabled with a successful DC 12 INTELLIGENCE (Arcana)
an evil thing? Maybe there’s no difference …”
check. Failure on the check triggers the trap.
If the PCs engage on this subject, Scoriaptrak will talk about
Trap: Stone Sarcophagus his imprisonment--relate the details of the dragon’s backstory
Trigger: A creature moves past the stone, to the north. up to, but not including, his rescue. He does not name
Effect: The lid slides from the sarcophagus and the occupants Myoris. His language should sound more natural than before.
attack: a ghast, 2 ghouls and a skeleton (all MM).
Kefleek soon interrupts, calling a private talk with the dragon
Countermeasures: A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception)
to re-assert his enchantment by casting dominate person. A
check reveals that the top of the stone is actually a lid. Placing
successful opposed check WISDOM (INSIGHT) check against
200 pounds of material on the lid wedges it shut.
Kefleek’s CHARISMA (Deception) reveals reveals that the
dragon is subdued and more monotonic after the talk.
Dispelling the enchantment and confronting Kefleek triggers
the Kefleek Revealed encounter (page 33).
Upon seeing the gibbets, Scoriaptrak has a traumatic
flashback to his own long imprisonment; he begins shaking
and only stares blankly ahead. If the characters don’t notice

19 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Redemption Dice 3 ghouls (MM) lurking in the temple and the now-undead
If the PCs engage in heartfelt roleplaying regarding the spitted boar (see Appendix A: Monster and NPCs). When
dragon’s imprisonment and emotional state, award one appropriate, show your players Illustration D (see Appendix
player a d6. If they helped Eld, award another d6. See page D: Player Handouts and Illustrations).
6 for details about using Redemption Dice.
Andravar’s Escape
6. Necromancer’s Scout Andravar will try to escape if seriously injured or if he sees
the dragon. He shouts the word “… bandits …” or “… dragon
Setting: Temple ruins along a forest trail. …” at the pigeon and releases it (he’s now activated the
Utility: Introduce the necromancer gang. magic mouth spell). He then uses an emergency feature
Avoid Detection. within his spellbook’s cover: a flat, metal skull known as a
brooch of costly teleportation (see Appendix B: Magic Items).
As the PCs approach, read or paraphrase the following:
If Andravar sticks his finger in the brooch’s mouth, it is bitten
off but he becomes invisible (as per the spell invisibility) and
A scruffy young man in robes sits by a campfire just off the trail.
is teleported 200 feet west, near the secret trail. At the same
A short, sturdy figure in adventurer’s gear stands with its back
time, a sickly green glow advertises their awakening of 3
to you, slowing turning a roast boar on a spit. The man’s arm is zombies (MM) that rise up from the temple’s graveyard,
stretched towards his companion, his gaze focused. Behind move purposely towards the characters, and attack.
them are the ruins of an old temple.
The man is an apprentice necromancer named If the pigeon escapes with Andravar’s “… dragon …” message,
Andravar (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs), tasked with it flies to Rhezicora, counting as one Detection. If
guarding this intersection. teleported, Andravar heads for Area 11 via a secret path. The
characters must immediately declare that they search for
The temple was dedicated to Torm but has long been him—a successful DC 14 WISDOM (Perception) check
abandoned. Inside is a fallen statue, scattered pews, and a revealing his groan of pain and receding footsteps.
broken crypt. A fenced graveyard lies just to the east. Show Otherwise, his trail is difficult to find, with a successful DC 18
your PCs Map E (see Appendix C: Maps). WISDOM (Survival) check needed to find the blood-spattered
teleport site. In either case, a successful DC 15 STRENGTH
Andravar has cast alarm on the trail, 50 feet south of his (Athletics) check is needed to catch up to him on the trail.
position. While the characters can sneak through the trees, Failure results with him reaching Area 11, then Rhezicora a
remember that the dragon must travel on trails and open couple of hours later, again counting as one Detection.
ground. Andravar is practicing the cantrip chill touch and has
a passive Perception of 6. The sturdy figure is a dwarf Upon the second total Detection, the Dragon Detected
skeleton (AC 16) under his control. Andravar has a skeletal encounter is triggered (page 34).
homing pigeon (hawk, MM) in a cage next to him, which is
imbued with the spell magic mouth. Treasure: In the temple’s graveyard are glowing
tombstones that have been re-shaped with necromantic
Andravar is loyal to his mistress, but not very brave. He’s the glyphs. Each glyph (6 in total) contains an onyx gemstone
architect of the trap in Area 5, and overly proud of it. He (100 gp each). The dwarf skeleton wears a breastplate of
doesn’t care for Eld’s ghost. Andravar will talk to the PCs, but bludgeoning resistance. Andravar’s possessions consist of 50
will eventually suggest that they turn around. If pressed, he’ll gp and a brooch of costly teleportation on his spellbook (see
only say that, “… my mistress doesn’t want trespassers …”. If Appendix A: Magic Items).
threatened, he animates any dormant undead, including

20 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

21 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents
7. High Water characters choose to help, it is grateful (but still
Setting: The swamp’s edge. She gives the PCs her bone necklace as a token of gratitude,
Utility: Preview the swamp’s denizens. which allows the chosen character Advantage on any
Gain Redemption Dice. subsequent interaction with lizardfolk. Show your players
Illustration E once this encounter has begun (Appendix D).
Read or paraphrase the following:
The trail ahead meanders in and out of murky water and a light Use this collection of small encounters to engage the
fog obscures the deep swamp to the east. characters in roleplaying with the dragon about redemption
and what it means to be Good. After the encounters are
As the party traverse this stretch of flooded trail, a series of concluded, Scoriaptrak might question the characters about
small encounters take place. Roll a d4 and consult the table their actions. If the dragon is still enchanted, Kefleek might
below to find out in which order they occur. Each encounter do the questioning out of mere curiosity.
happens only once:
The kobold and dragon don’t fully understand non-aggressive
Roll Encounter or altruistic behavior, so their questions always probe at the
1-2 Foragers PCs reasoning for their placating or altruistic actions (if they
3 Timber! in fact committed them). Samples are provided below, in
4 Protect the swamp-maker Kefleek’s voice:
• Foragers. “Why no crush the lizards? You stronger than
Foragers. The PCs see 3 lizardfolk (MM) hunting frogs, they. And they in our way!”
armed with wooden spears. Three other lizardfolk are • Timber! “Why no kill tree-chewer? He attack you!”
planting swamp grasses in the muck. If alerted to the • Protect The Swamp-Maker. “Why help lizard and tree-
characters presence, the 3 planter lizardfolk sink into the chewer? They no help you.”
water and disappear. The remaining 3 lizardfolk let out a Generally speaking, if the party attempt to explain the
shrieking hiss and make a bluff charge, stopping 10 feet away; benefits of seeking cooperation instead of domination, or of
an opposed STRENGTH (Intimidation) vs. the PCs simply not murdering indiscriminately, then they make a
INTELLIGENCE (Nature) or WISDOM (Insight) check allows a positive impression on Scoriaptrak.
character to discern the bluff, and that backing off will de-
escalate the situation.
Redemption Dice
If the PCs engage in roleplaying as described above, award
If the PCs turn around, the lizardfolk take no further action
one player a d4 for each of the 3 encounters they discuss.
(but they do covertly continue to watch the trail for the next
few hours). If the PCs stand their ground or wish to talk, a
successful DC 12 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check is needed to Lizardfolk Goals
avoid an attack. The check is made with Advantage if The lizardfolk began actively expanding their territory last
combined with non-threatening roleplaying (e.g. sheathing year by damming a river, downstream of where this
weapons). During parley, the lizardfolk will let the party pass adventure begins. They have an uneasy truce with
only if they are offered a useful item like a metal weapon. Rhezicora the necromancer, who is trying to curry their
favor (see Random Encounter R3 below).
Timber! A series of loud, slow cracks rapidly becomes a
cacophony of breaking wood as a large tree falls nearby. Blackwater Swamp
Unless the marching order merits otherwise, 2 randomly As part of their “swamp conversion” plan, the lizardfolk have
chosen characters must make a DC 10 DEXTERITY saving been planting swamp grasses and young trees, and have
throw, take 5 bludgeoning damage from the tree’s branches released catfish and a number of beavers, whose swamp-
on a failed save. A successful DC 5 INTELLIGENCE (Nature) building endeavors they consider sacred.
check reveals that a nearby family of beavers are responsible. Sights: Tall trees, many of which are dead or dying. Dense
thickets of young trees growing in sunlight. Waist-deep
Protect The Swamp-Maker. A lizardfolk is protecting black water as far as the eye can see.
2 baby beavers from a giant leech (see Appendix A: Smells: The fetid odor of aging swampland.
Monsters and NPCs). The leech is clearly winning, wrapped Sounds: The shrill whistles of wood ducks and drumming of
around the lizardfolk’s leg. It is currently, as the characters woodpeckers. Occasionally, a dead tree falls over with a
arrive, just managing to keep the beavers out of reach. If the prolonged series of cracks, followed by a huge splash.

22 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

8. Blackwater Village Ruins and a lizardfolk shaman (MM) clad in snakeskin. The
creatures step out of the shadows and simply stare at the
Setting: The swamp’s edge. PCs. When ready to begin the main encounter, read or
Utility: A fun combat encounter. paraphrase the following:
Gain an item useful for the adventure finale.
The swamp suddenly explodes! Hundreds of lizardfolk
hatchlings erupt from the mounds, chirping and skittering in all
Read or paraphrase the following:
directions. A wave of them sprint toward you on top of the
The trail branches off towards the edge of an open swamp, its water … followed closely by large, undulating forms!
dark waters partially hidden by fog. The rotting roofs of a dozen
One hundred hatchlings run towards the adventurers,
huts stick out above several feet of water. One small raft is
some seeking to climb them for safety. Six constrictor
tethered to a tree and bumps aimlessly among the old huts. snakes (MM) follow and will reach the characters position
Further in, the forest resumes but many trees are dead or within 2 rounds. The test will conclude in 10 rounds unless
dying. Several low mounds are visible over the waterline. prolonged. The following situations can occur:
• The snakes chase the hatchlings but mistakenly target
This village was flooded by the lizardfolk’s dam, forcing an adventurer 25% of the time.
villagers to relocate. A gnome named Zygaree (neutral male • Three snakes swarm a PC that attacks any of them.
druid, MM) has taken up residence, building a ‘nest’ in one • If the PCs harm a snake, only the ritual’s overseer, the
of the trees. A successful DC 12 WISDOM (Perception) check shaman, attacks.
reveals the nest. He’s watching the mounds with interest; • If the PCs harm any hatchling, all the adult lizardfolk
they are lizardfolk nests about to birth a mess of hatchlings. If attack. Helping hatchlings provokes no response.
addressed, he shushes the characters, then points to the fog, • If the party manages to remain calm, harming nothing,
smiles excitedly and says, “it’s starting!!” the adults just watch.
Treasure: The nest holds a collection of bird eggs and a
whistle of reptile stunning (see Appendix B: Magic Items for
more details). The whistle could prove highly useful here or in If the dragon is seen, the lizardfolk and Zygaree flee in terror.
the finale. Afterward, although not civily cultured, Zygaree will tolerate
questions from the party. He mostly knows about the swamp,
Lizardfolk Hatchling Initiation relating the details in the ‘Blackwater swamp’ inset. He also
mentions he’s had bad dreams about a trapped “… forest
The mounds are lizardfolk nests, chock full of eggs that are
spirit …” in that direction (Area 10).
about to hatch. The hatchlings must immediately pass their
first challenge: avoid large water snakes. Lizardfolk elders lurk
Zygaree will trade the PCs for his whistle if they aren’t
in the shadows, but do not interfere as this ritual is designed
hostile—a weapon or shiny object will satisfy the gnome.
to weed out the weak. The elders are aware of the PCs
unless they’ve been taking appropriate measures to conceal
If the PCs didn’t trigger an attack, the lizardfolk will parley
themselves since arriving at this location.
with them. The lizardfolk hiss in halting Common, telling
them of Area 10, “ … sick tree woman …”, and Area 14, “…
If the PCs spend any time investigating, they get caught up in
Bone magic, black magic, black water.” (referring to tar pits).
the event. To begin the encounter, read or paraphrase the
Note: The DM may wish to include a few weak hatchlings
From the gloom of the deep swamp, a high chirping call rings limping along the swamp’s edge. The party could come across
them, allowing the party to take them as companions if they
out. A tiny lizardfolk bursts out of the fog, its legs pumping
so choose. They’ll eat the PCs food, but are snappy buggers
furiously as it streaks atop the water’s surface directly toward that leave in the dead of night after a day or two.

This is a lizardfolk hatchling (see Appendix A: Monsters

and NPCs), which is instinctively heading for higher ground. It
might head for the swamp’s edge or a character’s shoulders!

Slowly build tension with more chirping calls and the hissing
of unseen ‘animals’. Unless perceived by the PCs, eventually
reveal that other figures are present: 4 lizardfolk (MM)

23 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

9A-C. Hilltops A Mixed-up Message
If Tweeskree is rescued, she lets loose a series of warbles,
Setting: Forested slopes that give way to open plateau. including the words, “Many thanks!”. She eventually emits a
Utility: Learn more of the dragon’s backstory. startling, draconic roar and points around the landscape
Re-direct the party’s destination to Dygyrus Falls (Area 17). questioningly—she’s looking for a dragon. If Tweeskree sees
Scoriaptrak, she whoops in joy. Her goal now is to convince
At 3 different locations, a plateau rises 100 feet above the the dragon to follow her, or failing that, to run back to the
surrounding forest. The tops are dominated by grasses, elves and inform them of Scoriaptrak’s location. She first
scattered trees, boulders, and shallow caves. From the top of delivers a message; read the following:
each plateau, every mapped location adjacent to the plateau
The excited kenku clears her throat and begins speaking in a
is partially visible; read the Setting description from each
location if asked. new voice—that of a male elf. The message is garbled, though,
spoken in fragments…
Soaring vultures are visible above the plateaus, but a
successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals 2 Tweeskree “recorded” a message from Myoris weeks ago,
harpies (MM) amongst them. At night, the harpies roost on just before he died. Her Common isn’t great, though, and
a high, exposed rock outcropping. she’s mixed up the order of the phrases. The actual message
is ordered as seen below. But when relating the message to
Each plateau must be reached either by walking up through the PCs, roll a d10 and consult the table below. She ‘replays’
steep forest or by climbing a cliff face with a successful DC 10 each phrase only once, but will happily ‘replay’ the complete
STRENGTH (Athletics) check. The walking route is open message if the PCs unscramble it.
enough to accommodate Scoriaptrak but is watched by a
harpy, which ambushes the party from the treetops. The Roll Phrase
cliff is unwatched. At the base of the cliff, a DC 8 1 My dear Red. If you are hearing my voice
INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check reveals old “pellets”—the 2 then it means that these -cough,
3 cough- clever kenku have found you.
harpies’ regurgitated waste, full of bones.
4 I hope you received my letter.
5 I fear I don’t have much -cough,
Run the next encounters on the first plateau the characters
6 COUGH- time left.
climb; any subsequent exploration of the other plateaus 7 We’ll be camped by the
reveals only empty forest and grasslands. 8 Dygyrus Falls until winter, waiting for you.
9 Then we must leave. Remember friend
Elven Allies in Peril 10 …there is good in you. I’ve seen it.
Three kenku rangers, hired by Myoris weeks ago, are
searching for Scoriaptrak. Each evening, they climb to the 3
plateau tops and check in with one another (see Kenku
Conversation, page 31). At the top of the plateau, the PCs
witness an attack on a ranger, described below.

One kenku (MM) named Tweeskree has run afoul of some

harpies. They have trapped her in a cave, but the encounter is
currently at a stalemate; Tweeskree partially blocked the
entrance with rocks and stuffed wax in her earholes to avoid
their Luring Song ability.

A harpy lurches and hops clumsily around the mouth of the

cave, trying in vain to move the large stones. Two harpies
and a pet peryton (MM) circle in the sky, waiting for a fight.
If the PCs completed the Blink Dogs encounter (page 36),
2 blink dogs (MM) burst from the forest to help. When
appropriate, show your players Illustration F (Appendix D).

24 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

After hearing Myoris’ unscrambled message, Scoriaptrak is Developments
deeply affected. Even if Kefleek’s enchantment is active, the Shawk!! will happily fight the PCs but could be bribed into
dragon will talk about Myoris, his imprisonment, and their talking with (a LOT of) food, or a shiny object to the value of
friendship; show your players Illustration G (Appendix D). 10gp. In addition, if the party can engage Shawk!! in
With heartfelt roleplaying, the dragon’s spirits will be lifted. conversation, in exchange for an amusing tale (and a
NOTE: This message has additional meaning, as the PCs now successful DC 10 CHARISMA (Performance) or WISDOM
know where to find the elves mentioned in Kefleek’s scroll. (Persuasion) check), Shawk!! might consider accompanying
the party through to the next location. Shawk!! knows that
After delivering her message, Tweeskree is content to let the the necromancer camp is nearby and that it contains, “… a
characters decide her next action: accompany them or run bone mountain …” (Area 14C).
ahead to make contact with the elves at Area 17. If she heads
to the elves, she and an elf show up during the Section III Shawk!! runs away if he sees the dragon, with a 40% chance
finale (see page 49). If asked, Tweeskree can relate basic of running towards the necromancer’s camp to ‘blabber’
information about any mapped location, except Area 14. about what he saw; this counts as a Detection by the
Redemption Dice
If rescued, Eurae is grateful. Even if she sees the dragon, she
If the dragon hears the unscrambled message, award one
gives the party the benefit of the doubt and remains calm.
player a d6. If the PCs also engage in heartfelt roleplaying She requests a lift to the nearest tree and disappears. An
regarding the dragon’s imprisonment and friendship with hour later, she re-appears wherever the PCs are, gives them a
Myoris, award one player a d10. reward (see Treasure below) and offers to scout ahead (the
characters learn some basic information about the next
10. Stranded Dryad location or random encounter they’re headed for).

Setting: Forested opening. Treasure: Eurae gives the PCs trinkets, each imbued with a
Utility: Gain an NPC ally. spell. If eaten, each trinket allows the imbuing character one
Learn about the cruelty of the necromancer. use of the accompanying spell:
Acquire useful magical items.
• a piece of oak bark (barkskin)
Read or paraphrase the following: • a small bundle of fluffy cotton plants (fog cloud)
• a crunchy withered frog leg (jump)
A clearing opens ahead; a single tall tree stands, surrounded by
cut stumps. The ground around the tree is covered by a black, 11. Secret Tunnel
sticky substance, 60 feet in all directions. A 15-foot-long twisted
Setting: Underground
log sits at the edge of the tar, pointing towards the center.
Utility: Gain information about major obstacle
The tree is inhabited by a dryad (MM) named Eurae. She
fought Rhezicora last month and is being punished. In The PCs can reach this location either by following Eld (Area
addition to tarring the surrounding ground, the necromancer 5) or Andravar (Area 6) along a hidden path, which ends here
has cut down the trees around Eurae, negating her Tree at a rocky hillside and the tunnel’s entrance.
Stride ability. The tar is poison to the dryad, and after weeks
of imprisonment, Eurae is starving and weakened. This 10-mile-long, old mining tunnel winds under mountains
and exits at an overlook in the necromancer’s camp (Area
A wandering hill giant (MM) named Shawk!! has recently 14K). The tunnel is only 8 feet-tall, not large enough to
discovered Eurae. The dryad kept him at bay by telling him accommodate the dragon.
stories of the Feywild, but Shawk!! is growing hungry. The
giant avoids the tar, so is making a log bridge to reach her. The necromancer has constructed a trap (see Trap: Ward
When the characters arrive on the scene, Shawk!! is away of the Living below) at the tunnel entrance to keep out
from the area foraging, but will be back soon. the living. A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check
reveals a dead bear in some nearby underbrush, a victim of
Any creature attempting to navigate the tar must make a DC the trap. There is dried froth around the mouth and a green
10 STRENGTH (Athletics) check in order to move. If the check dusty tint to it’s fur; clues to the trap’s nature.
is successful, the creature’s speed is halved; failure results in
no movement that round.

25 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

If the characters are spotted, one skeleton attacks and the
Trap: Ward of the Living
other attempts to signal the camp below—it is successful
Trigger: Any living creature of Medium size or larger that
after 2 rounds. Two half-orc guards (MM) show up,
passes through the tunnel entrance. followed by an escalating stream of reinforcements from
Effect: A glyph of poison spews noxious gas, doing 4d8 Area 14, including Rhezicora herself if combat continues. At
poison damage to anyone within 20 feet (half damage with the very least, the guards remain at the tunnel exit for the
a successful DC 12 CONSTITUTION saving throw). next 24 hours.
Countermeasures: A successful DC 14 WISDOM
(Perception) check reveals the trap. It can be de-activated 12. Castle Twinpred
by dispel magic (DC 14). With an hour of work from
anyone trained in Arcana, the glyph can be carefully Setting: Open fields around a central hill.
scrubbed clean, thereby also deactivating the trap.
Utility: Opportunities for Redemption
Backstory: Scoriaptrak sacked this castle decades ago. The
Sneak Preview of Necromancer’s Camp destruction of the castle and the noble Twinpred family is
The tunnel exit is almost completely blocked by a constructed what started the decline of this whole region, allowing
rock pile. Creating a Small-sized gap is possible, but it would Rhezicora to take over last year.
automatically attract the attention of the skeleton patrol
below. Observing the camp without moving the stones is Read or paraphrase the following:
possible, revealing the following features:
The ruins of a modest castle sit atop a low hill, surrounded by
• Large skeletons are hauled out of tar pits by bipedal long-neglected fields and orchards. The castle’s main door
skeletons and human workers (Area 14D). hangs rotting on its hinges, its portcullis bent and useless on the
• Skeletons patrol the camp and nearby forest (all areas) ground. The dragon fidgets uneasily.
• A woman in black robes inspects the operation from a
high ledge and is arguing with an armor-clad man (Area Any investigation of the ruins reveals giant, claw-shaped
14I). gouges in the stonework and char-covered scraps of wood. A
• A kobold exits a cave and ignites a small pot (Area 14H) sucessful DC10 INTELLIGENCE (Investigation) check reveals
that a dragon destroyed the castle.
After relating the first piece of information above, inform
your players that their characters notice that 2 skeletons
Assuming Kefleek’s enchantment has been lifted, Scoriaptrak
(MM) have shown up on the trail nearby and are headed
remembers this place and does not wish to be confronted
towards their location. They don’t appear to have sensed the
with his terrible deed: “We should leave this place. Now!” A
party yet, appearing to simply be on patrol. The characters
resulting successful DC 13 WISDOM (Insight) check reveals
can continue to observe, but each new piece of information
that he looks guilty, avoiding eye contact.
requires a round of observation and triggers a WISDOM
(Perception) check by the skeletons. If they beat a DC 17, or
There is nothing of value in the ruins, but a successful DC 10
beat the observing character’s Stealth check, they have
WISDOM (Perception) check reveals signs of recent
spotted the characters location.
habitation—an old cooking fire, footprints, inedible fruit
rinds. A boy named Tellis (neutral good human commoner,
MM) has been living here and hides in the crypt below. A
successful DC 8 WISDOM (Survival) check reveals that a set of
footprints lead to a crypt entrance, half-hidden in the rubble.

26 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Cursed Crypt Kid not addressed. The party has 24 hours to resolve the dragon’s
Tellis is from Bonestore and was exiled after stealing. guilt, as described below.
Rhezicora inflicted him with a leg-withering curse. He ekes
out a living here, but his health is failing. The specters ignore A knight’s forgiveness
him, mistaking his necromantic curse for a kindred spirit. He The ghosts will not absolve Scoriaptrak, but their descendant,
is half-feral until captured, then resigned. Winning his trust Sir Patkyt Twinpred (in Area 13) could. One specter points to
requires kindly roleplaying and a successful DC 12 CHARISMA a barely-visible family crest (a two-headed griffon) on its
(Persuasion) check, made with Advantage if he’s given food. chest, then points towards Area 13 and gasps the family
name: “…Twiiin-predddd…” If the PCs bring Sir Patkyt back
Any PC trained in Arcana can identify the curse: Tellis’ here, they can attempt to engineer a reconciliation of sorts.
necklace houses a modified version of the ray of weakness Engineering forgiveness by Patkyt requires the following:
spell. An hour of study or a successful DC10 INTELLIGENCE
(Arcana) check reveals the extra features of the curse: • A successful DC 15 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check to
prevent Patkyt from attacking Scoriaptrak on sight, even
• If the curse is ever dispelled, Tellis will be struck and if he’s partial to the PCs from a previous interaction.
killed by a bolt of necromantic energy (20 points of • An apology from Scoriaptrak, extracted out of the
necromantic damage). dragon with a DC15 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check.
• The cursed necklace can be transferred to another willing • Roleplaying that focuses on Scoriaptrak’s ongoing
creature, but this does not remove the threat of the redemption or Patkyt’s own redemption grants
above attack on Tellis. The transfer must be done within Advantage on either of the above checks. Convincing
5 rounds of taking it off the previous owner or else the Scoriaptrak (no check needed) to reveal who has Sir
attack on Tellis is triggered. Patkyt’s heirloom magic sword grants Advantage on
• The willing creature is now the new ower of the necklace, checks with the knight.
gaining the cursed condition and is subject to the Two failed checks result in Sir Patkyt’s permanent hostility
following conditions: towards Scoriaptrak. As to how this hostility plays up is left to
• A leg becomes weakened. Speed is halved, and the DM to decide based on the reactions and roleplaying of
checks made requiring the leg have Disadvantage. the characters.
• When rolling initiative, the cursed creature must
succeed on a DC 7 CONSTITUTION saving throw to NOTE: The villain who now has the Twinpred sword has
avoid one level of Exhaustion for the duration of the purposely been left out of the adventure. The stock answer
encounter. would be an evil warlord, but you could choose a villain or
NPC from your ongoing campaign (see the DMs Guild
Tellis remembers that Rhezicora made a ‘a little doll’ of him supplement ‘Villains and Lairs’ for some great suggestions).
when she inflicted the curse, a material component of the
spell. If the PCs destroy this doll (in Area 14I), the curse and
Should the encounter play out successfully, Sir Patkyt forgives
the extra threat to Tellis are both destroyed. If a PC takes on
Scoriaptrak for his past ‘crimes’ against his family and spends
Tellis’ curse, Scoriaptrak is inspired by the selfless act.
the night consoling the family ghosts. Doing so calms the
specters and they pass peacefully into the afterlife. Patkyt is
Karma’s a B…Ghost ready to join the party on their mission.
The remnants of the Twinpred family haunt this site. Two
ghosts (MM) lurk in the ruins, attacking any who trespass. Redemption Dice
They whisper their surname as they stalk around the party.
Give one player a d4 if Sir Patkyt lays his ancestors to rest.
Give a d12 if Scoriaptrak receives forgiveness from Sir
If Scoriaptrak visits this location, the specters converge; they
Patkyt. Give a d10 to the player if their character willingly
point and howl accusingly at him. With any questioning, the
took on Tellis’ curse. See page 6 for details about using
dragon’s conscience is triggered and he admits that he razed
Redemption Dice.
the castle, stole the Twinpred’s heirloom magic sword and
traded it for riches and information.

This reminder of Scoriaptrak’s evil past could be a setback for

inspiring the dragon. Failure to resolve Scoriaptrak’s guilt
about his deeds here results in each player losing a single
random Redemption Die. Running away or killing the ghosts
buys the party some time, but it should be made clear to the
characters that Scoriaptrak’s guilt lingers and will get worse if

27 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

13. Bonestore headed griffon, though this can only be clearly seen when up
close, due to a layer of mud.
Setting: A muddy field around a small, ramshackle outpost.
Utility: Opportunities for Redemption Dice Sir Patkyt is seriously hungover, which can be cured with
Weaken Rhezicora’s forces. some tending and a successful DC 10 INTELLIGENCE
Gain possible allies. (Medicine) check. Failure results in checks involving
interactions with Sir Patkyt having Disadvantage.
Backstory: The makeshift camp where Rhezicora sells exotic
skeletons has come to be known as Bonestore. Villagers
In conversation, Sir Patkyt will first state his vague desire to
from the surrounding region have been kidnapped and
“… reclaim his birthright …”. With more sympathetic
forced to work here; the men labor at the tar pits (Area 14),
conversation from the characters, he will recount his
while the women and children forage, farm, and piece
backstory. Engaging Patky’s sense of honor (e.g. plight of the
together skeletial fragments.
villagers, his role as the local Lord, etc.) and a successful DC
15 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check will inspire him to take
The party can observe the outpost from a safe vantage point
action. Returning heirlooms grants the PCs automatic success
along the road or at the edge of the forest. If the party are
with Sir Patkyt:
able to recon the entire area, show them Map F (see
Appendix C: Maps) and read or paraphrase the following: • A Dagger. Sir Patkyt lost his dagger in the stables after
a night of drinking. A successful DC 8 CHARISMA
Up ahead, a small outpost has been carved out of the forest— (Persuasion) check reveals a rumor of a stableboy
most recently, by the look of things. Two buildings and a cluster chasing a chicken with a fancy dagger.
of ill-looking tents cough smoke into the air. The two proper- • A Gauntlet. Sir Patkyt can mention that a tiefling
looking buildings seem to be a stable and a tavern. A small guard named Dwichee robbed him of his beloved
group of fancier tents is set off from the outpost, away from the gauntlet. Asking around the area (a successful DC 10
muddiest part of the clearing. INTELLIGENCE (Investigation) check) or visiting The Black
Bones Tavern reveals Dwichee proudly wearing the silver
The southernmost building is a crooked tavern known as ‘The gauntlet while playing a game of cards.
Black Bones Tavern’ (see Area 13B). The northernmost • A Magic Sword. Scoriaptrak knows where the
building is thee accompanying stables (see Area 13C). The companion sword is located (see Area 12).
road north is an old, overgrown trade road, outside the
bounds of this adventure (but visible on Map A).
With 2 heirlooms returned, Sir Patkyt will find his courage. He
The forest around Bonestone is dense; the dragon must insists on liberating the slaves in Bonestore but is willing to
travel through the outpost in order to move on. The muddy follow the characters plans first.
ground will leave ample evidence of the dragon’s footprints...

Set-up the Cult?

If the PCs have attempted to play the Cult of the Dragon
against Rhezicora, Bonestore could be a good site for a fight.

13A. Main Yard

This muddy yard is Boneyard’s central congregation point.
Small caravans of supplies arrive semi-regularly.

During the day, women and children bustle to and fro (to
Areas 13B-D)--preparing food, fetching firewood, etc. At
night, only a handful of servants can be seen, along with two
burly humaniods (thugs, MM) who serve as the night guard.

A Knight in Need of Redemption

Sir Patkyt Twinpred (knight, MM, but poisoned) drunkenly
slumbers between parked wagons. He wears filthy breeches
and an incongruously-ornate breastplate, scrawled on with
lewd pictures. The breastplate bears his family crest, a two-

28 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

WISDOM (Perception) or INTELLIGENCE (Investigation) check.
Sir Patkyt’s Backstory
A putrid outhouse (DC 10 CONSTITUTION saving throw to not
Sir Patkyt Twinpred is the sole surviving member of his
wretch upon entry) is found behind the building.
family, who perished when Scoriaptrak destroyed their
castle decades ago. Sir Patkyt was just a child and managed
At any given time, 5 villagers (neutral human commoners)
to escape, along with most of his family heirlooms, thanks
to a servant. It was only once they were gone that it was will be serving and cooking, while 2d8 off-duty hirelings eat,
noticed that the families most-precious magic sword was play cards, or just drink themselves drunk. The hirelings
missing. Being too dangerous to return, the magic sword consist of a pair of bugbears (MM), a tiefling named
was given up as lost. Dwichee (chaotic evil female thug, MM), and assorted other
humans (use bandit, guard, and cultist, MM). A
Sir Patkyt became a soldier, vowing one day to reclaim his successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals the
ancestral lands. He did, but a series of poor choices have occassional whisper about gold hidden in back, but no one
left him destitute and broken. He took up drinking and, would dare steal from Rhezicora…while sober, that is.
unfortunately, excelled at it.
One other hireling stands out: a halfling in fine clothing
Just last month, he wandered back to his homeland, and named Yurlo Threebarrel (lawful evil male spy, MM). He is
now resides in Bonestore as the local, drunken vagabond Rhezicora’s current lieutenant, designated to deal with the
that everyone loves to bully. visiting delegation from Waterdeep. He attempts to affect a
noble bearing, even though his manners and poor teeth
would indicate otherwise.

Should the characters manage to strike up a conversation, a

successful DC 10 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check will get him
to reveal that he is quite excited about a big transaction
tomorrow; no further questioning (or checks) will result in
additional details about it. In fact, further inquiry will arouse
unwanted interest towards the characters, leading to
What’s Yer Bizniss ‘ere? After their initial question,
allow your players to roll a DC 8 WISDOM (Insight) check to
reveal this possibility.
Treasure: In an otherwise-empty back room, Yurlo hides a
lockbox that holds 2,000gp in various coinage—a down
payment from the Waterdavians.

What’s Yer Bizniss ‘ere?

The PCs should come up with a plausible backstory for their
presence in Bonestore, otherwise, Yurlo grows suspicious and
summons his crew to evict them. A successful DC 10
CHARISMA (Deception) check is needed, rolled with
Advantage if the PCs backstory is particularly well-crafted.

If the dragon is seen, all hirelings hide in The Black Bones

Tavern, then run out the back door towards Area 14. If they
escape, it counts as 2 Detections.

13C. Stables
13B. The Black Bones Tavern A stable with 12 stalls and a corral has been built with a little
more care than the tavern. During the day, 3 stableboys (MM,
The tavern is nothing more than a thin-walled excuse for commoners) watch over the draft and caravan horses. By
heavy drinking. Nothing about the building, from its night, they sleep in the lofts.
dangerously crooked angles to its sloping floor, indicate that
a quality experience can be had here. One boy named Bowdan found Sir Patkyt’s dagger and
The tavern would collapse if either of the 2 support pillars plays with it during his breaks. His goal: kill a chicken with it.
take more than 20 hit points of damage (AC15). The rickety
nature of the tavern is apparent with a successful DC 8

29 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

13D. Hovels/work area An Ally of Conscience
The patchwork tents are the homes of a few dozen captured If confronted with the nature of Rhezicora’s operation (slave
villagers, all related to the workers in the tar pits (Area 14). labor), the scholars and apprentice wizard are uncaring, but
Mostly women and children, they are ordered to avoid Medrash, a follower of Torm, is visibly uncomfortable.
outsiders. That said, if the characters seem kindly, they will Appeals to morality, and a successful DC 12 CHARISMA
beg them to rescue their spouses from Area 14. Scoriaptrak (Persuasion) or INTELLIGENCE (Religion) check with the
or Sir Patkyt could be moved if they hear the plight of the veteran, will cause him to oppose the sale. He will even ally
villagers and see the party taking on their cause. with Sir Twinpred to liberate Bonestore and beyond.

A woman named Dabra (commoner, MM) will also ask Redemption Dice
someone to stop her fool child Bowdan from hurting himself Give one character a d8 if Sir Patkyt attempts to liberate the
with a dagger he’s found at the stables (Sir Patkyt’s dagger!). slaves at Bonestore. Give another character a d4 if Medrash
joins the cause. Give another character a d8 if the riches in
13E. Waterdeep Delegation Camp the tavern or tent are distributed to the slaves. See page 6 for
The fancy tents belong to a delegation from the Arcane details about using Redemption Dice.
College of Waterdeep, consisting of 2 scholars (neutral half-
elf female nobles, MM), an apprentice wizard (neutral Section 2 Wrap-Up
human male, VGtM) and a guard named Medrash Greencrest By the end of Section II, the characters should have seen to
(neutral good dragonborn female, veteran, MM, with acid the removal of Kefleek’s enchantment and have been
breath weapon). working diligently to inspire Scoriaptrak. The characters are
hopefully invested in the dragon’s well-being, drawn together
The College is scheduled to buy the never-before-seen by the perils of Section II and the dragon’s changing
ancient skeletons to study and display. The scholars will state personality and motivations.
the nature of their deal, proudly stating that it will be the
envy of all Waterdeep, including “…that rascal Neverember…” If Kefleek’s enchantment hasn’t been lifted, Scoriaptrak’s
(who is an unpopular Lord in Waterdeep). The delegation depression is unchanged, and the players have no ability to
know nothing about the source of the skeletons. The scholars use Redemption Dice. This makes the Big Battle and
respond favorably to any noble or noble-seeming PC; grant Reckoning encounters in Section III much more difficult. If the
Advantage on CHARISMA-based checks. party is getting close to concluding Section II with the
enchantment intact, help your players recognize the
Gold to buy the skeletons is kept inside a 500-pound, trapped adventure goal that is going unmet: their characters might
safe in the scholar’s tent. The scholars and Medrash know the overhear Kefleek refresh his enchantment or Scoriaptrak
pass-phrase and the scholars each have a key. might begin to respond to a redemptive moment only to shut
down a moment later.
Trap: Safe
The PCs should level up once this section is complete.
Trigger: The safe’s lock is unsuccessfully picked.
Effect: Poison gas spews out, as per the spell poison spray
(as if cast at 5th level).
Countermeasures: The safe’s lock can be picked with a
successful DC 15 DEXTERITY (Sleight-of-Hand) check made
with thieves tools. Alternatively, speaking the phrase “…that
rascal Neverember…” disarms the trap and opens the safe.
The existence of a spoken pass-phrase is denoted by a small
glyph on the safe, recognizable by anyone trained in Arcana
or fluent in Thieves Cant.

Treasure: The safe holds 500 platinum pieces.

30 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Triggered Encounters in Section II Thieves Cant or a relevant background involving codes
These encounters help to advance the story in Section II but grants Advantage on this check.
don’t necessarily take place at a set location. Rather, they
take place at a specified time (e.g. the first night) or after The dragon can be heard unconsciously humming the tune
certain events occur (e.g. after the PCs discover Kefleek’s later. If asked, he denies knowing it. If your PCs want to find
secret). They are listed below, in likely order of occurrence, the source, inform them of its origin at the nearest
and more fully detailed afterward. occurrence of Area 9.

Encounter Trigger T2. Cult of the Dragon Introduced

Kenku conversing
Cult of the Dragon intro
1st night in Section II Trigger: First night in Section II.
With friends like these The party allies with the Cult Utility: Introduces a new threat to inspiring the
Kefleek confronted about his dragon.
Kefleek revealed
control over the dragon Background: In advance of their meeting with Scoriaptrak,
Scoriaptrak detected twice by
Dragon Detected a team from the Cult of the Dragon has been scouting the
Rhezicora’s gang
On the path to 5 Redemption Dice awarded to path to Mount Carnass. They came across signs of the
Redemption PCs dragon, but have not approached him; they are suspicious
Kenku interrupted 2nd night in Section II about Scoriaptrak’s condition and the PCs. The cultists’
2nd night in Section II or breakup mission is only to gather information, not seek a fight or
An ill woodwind blows
of alliance w/Cult subsequent conflict.

While Scoriaptrak sleeps deeply, Kefleek senses the Cult and

T1. Kenkus Conversing attempts to make contact. If a PC is on watch, inform them
that they see Kefleek (noisily) trying to sneak into the nearby
Trigger: First evening in Section II.
woods. If Kefleek isn’t challenged, he parleys with the
Utility: Nudge PCs to investigate a link to the dragon. cultists. A successful DC 10 DEXTERITY (Stealth) check is
Background: Elf-allied kenku rangers are communicating needed to get within earshot of the conversation. In this case,
from clifftops (areas 9A-C) after searching for Scoriaptrak. read or paraphrase the following:

The PCs hear the kenku rangers in the evening. Read or Kefleek is talking to a group of robed humanoids. He’s bowing
paraphrase the following: while a torch-bearing figure scolds him, saying, “I’ll ask you
again, wretch: what is your master’s plan? Where has
The dragon suddenly raises his head, listening very intently. You Scoriaptrak been all these years?! Who are these people with
hear the faint strain of a song, originating a good distance away. you?”
The bulk of the sound is a high, flutelike warble. But underneath
the warble is an irregular clicking. The song dies out after a The speaker is a dragonwing cultist, a neutral evil half-
minute but is soon answered, this time from the opposite elf named Galinix. With him are 2 dragonfang cultists
direction. A third song follows from a different direction but (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs) and a guard drake
seems to stop short. Silence follows. hiding behind a tree. The Cultists don’t wish to wake a
sleeping dragon, but want to know about Scoriaptrak.
Each kenku is sharing the results of their day’s exploration.
The warbling is just for fun, the clicking is the real data. At this point, Kefleek is likely still interested in Scoriaptrak
reverting to evil (see sidebar if not). Therefore, he is happy at
• Any PC with proficiency in CHARISMA (Performance) or the Cult’s arrival, and tells them that Scoriaptrak “… needs
INTELLIGENCE (History), or with a relevant background more evil thoughts …”. He doesn’t want to reveal the
recognizes the melody of an elven tune. dragon’s full weaknesses for fear that the Cult’s interest will
• A successful DC 8 INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check reveals evaporate. It’s clear to the Cultists that Kefleek isn’t telling
that the warbling sounds birdlike. the whole story, but they agree to keep to the plan and meet
• A successful DC 11 CHARISMA (Performance) or WISDOM at Mount Carnass. If allowed to play out, the Cultists soon
(Perception) check reveals a code in the clicking. return to the rest of their group.
• With success on the check prior, a subsequent successful
DC 12 INTELLIGENCE check reveals the following words in
the code: “big monster” and “search”. Knowledge of

31 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Fast Learners? If the PCs have completed Triggered T3. With Friends Like These
Encounters T4 and T5 by the first night, well done! In this
case, Kefleek is now on their side and wishes only to make Trigger: The party tries to ally with the Cult.
the Cultists leave without revealing their original plan: “My Utility: Create risk/reward for allying with Cult.
master fine now, you can leave.” The Cult grow frustrated
and demand to speak to Scoriaptrak. Clever PCs might try to feign an alliance with the Cultists. The
Cult will fight for the party in the next few encounters, but
they are likely to kill monsters and innocents. Should an
A Parting Shot
innocent be killed, the following occurs:
Before the Cultists leave, they can’t help but venerate
Scoriaptrak. When appropriate in the encounter, they shout
• After the first time, reveal that Scoriaptrak’s temperment
out in unison:
appears to have changed, becoming more brooding and
“One of Five! Red commands!
• After the second time, inform the characters that
One of Five! Red burns the world!”
Scoriaptrak seems troubled by the death, though there is
also a glint of pleasure in his eyes. The party randomly
This chant is part of an ancient invocation to Tiamat, the 5-
loses 1 Redemption Die.
headed, evil goddess of chromatic dragons. Kefleek will reveal
• Should innocents continue to be openly killed in the
this information if asked. Upon hearing the chant,
dragon’s presence, the party loses 2 Redemption
Scoriaptrak’s evil tendencies are tickled, and his internal
Dice for each innocent killed as Scoriaptrak quite visibly
struggle for redemption is threatened.
begins to shift back to his former evil ways.
However this encounter concludes, reveal that the characters
hear the dragon muttering parts of the chant during the next After each encounter, the Cult demands a private audience
day. He is in an altogether darker mood; he might with Scoriaptrak, being refused only with a good excuse and a
speak of past dark deeds with a hint of nostalgia. successful DC 14 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check.

During an audience, the Cult wishes to hear Scoriaptrak’s evil

Developments plans. A Cultist also whispers unknown evil ideas to the
If the characters make their presence known to the Cultists, dragon which puts him in a dark mood; should this be
the dragonwing asks them the same questions he asked allowed to continue, reveal that a random character has lost
Kefleek. Even if befriended, the Cultists remain suspicious and a single Redemption Die of their choice as Scoriaptrak
send a covert message back to the rest of their group: “Found appears to sway further away from the path towards
Red. Dragon weak, but continue with plan.” goodness.

If attacked, they flee to their camp but fight to the death if After being twice-denied an audience, or an overall severance
they feel there is no other recourse. Assume the Cultists’ of the relationship, the Cult responds by attempting a
camp is one mapped location away from PCs. takeover and control of the dragon (run An Ill Woodwind
Blows, page 35).
Following these Cultists to their camp could trigger a fight or
an alliance; read and adapt the encounters With Friends
Like These (below) and An Ill Woodwind Blows
(page 35). With no other developments, the Cult returns the
next night with the latter encounter.

32 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

T4. Kefleek Revealed Redemption Dice. If the PCs defuse the situation so that
Kefleek is saved, the dragon and kobold both pout, and avoid
Trigger: The PCs dispel Kefleek’s dominate person spell and each other’s company.
aggressively confront him about his apparent control over
the dragon. Still Determined to Die
Utility: Major plot twist. With Kefleek’s enchantment now permanently broken,
Unlock the dragon’s ability to be inspired. Scoriaptrak can now be inspired towards
Hints at the involvement of Bahamut. Redemption.

If Kefleek is backed into a corner, seeing no other way of But at this moment, Scoriaptrak is still suicidal. Kefleek’s
retaining control of the dragon, he lashes out: he screams for enchantment merely kept him docile and had no impact on
Scoriaptrak to kill the PCs. If relevant, inform the players that the dragon’s self-loathing. After everyone has gathered
even though Kefleek’s spell has been broken, its residual themselves, this problem becomes more clearly apparent.
magic allows him one last command. Read or paraphrase the following:
Any ensuing combat results in Kefleek lying to prevent any Scoriaptrak gives a resolute snort. “I can see clearly now that I
attacks on himself: “Dragon and I together! I die, HE die!” cannot make up for my evil deeds. I shouldn’t even try. So let’s
get going. We hired you to throw me into a mountain chasm,
The dragon attacks but looks increasingly confused. To stop
the attack immediately, and permanently end Kefleek’s not stand around like sausages.”
enchantment, the PCs must complete the following actions: Kefleek shrugs and says, “This not my fault”.
• Dispel dominate person (assumed here to have already
happened). Only with multiple redemptive acts (and earned Redemption
• Destroy the coin (it’s in Kefleek’s robes). Dice) can the PCs change the dragon’s state of mind, setting
Scoriaptrak up for an incredible transformation in the finale
• Identify Kefleek’s enchantment to the dragon and
(see On the Path to Redemption, page 35). For now,
succeed on a DC 18 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check.
Redemption Dice can be used here. the dragon is content to work within the PC's plans, as long as
he believes he is headed towards Mount Carnass.
Without the above, combat continues for a maximum of 10
rounds, at which time the dragon collapses from exhaustion; Bahamut’s Blessing
Kefleek is still free to re-fresh his enchantment later. The lawful good dragon deity Bahamut (ancient gold
dragon, MM) has been watching Scoriaptrak, drawn by
Draconic Confrontation Myoris’ prayers and the struggle in the red dragon’s soul.
If the PCs are successful above, the dragon is fully aware, and
he and Kefleek clash. Read or paraphrase the following: Bahamut seeks Scoriaptrak’s conversion to Good, but cannot
act directly on the Material Plane. He therefore greatly values
Scoriaptrak rises up to his full, terrible height, seemingly bigger the PC's efforts. He visits one PC while they are resting. Read
than before, bellowing, “KEFLEEK! How dare you!? You’ve or paraphrase the following:
betrayed me!” As you drift through the twilight between wakefulness and
Kefleek stands his ground, trembling and shaking his fist. “NO! sleep, a deep, golden voice surrounds you:
YOU betray ME! I wait for you. All kobolds die, leave. I stay! For “Show my child the good he can do…”, it rumbles, “… for We
YOU! For Lord! And you come back! I so happy! I give you new wait for him at the end.”
plans! But you no care for me! You no want destroy, rule. You …
now … NICE! I HATE you!!” Allow one character to ask one question, then inform them
The kobold collapses in a sobbing heap. The dragon snarls and that the presence leaves without answering. As they awaken,
raises a foot… they come to realize that Scoriaptrak knows nothing of the
godly visitation, but does state that ‘… he feels odd …’.
To Scoriaptrak, Kefleek is the embodiment of his evil past,
A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals one
and at this moment, he wants to be done with it all. The PCs
of the scales on the dragons chest has turned gold.
must take immediate action to prevent him from killing
Scoriaptrak has no comment. Once the PCs earn a total of 6
Kefleek. Attempting to restrain him or clear roleplaying that
Redemption Dice, the On the Path to Redemption
protects Kefleek will succeed, no checks needed.
encounter is triggered (page 35).
If Kefleek is killed, Scoriaptrak tailspins into further
depression; the characters randomly lose a further 3

33 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

T5. Dragon Detected

Trigger: The dragon has been Detected twice by the

necromancer’s network.
Utility: Introduce necromancer as the big boss.
Alert characters to a new threat.

After hearing word (twice) of the dragon, Rhezicora travels to

see for herself. This will be the PC's first encounter with
Rhezicora. Begin by reading or paraphrasing the following:

Three large animal skeletons crash through the forest ahead.

bears from the look of it. One skeletons rises up on its hind legs
and a tall, black-haired woman steps out from inside the rib
cage. She addresses you: “I have come to pay my respects to the
red dragon.”

Three cave bear skeletons guard Rhezicora (see

Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs). Show your players
Illustration H (Appendix D) when you want to reveal
Rhezicora. She has half-cover (+2 to AC) when inside the
bear’s ribcage.

She is nervous about the presence of a dragon in her

‘backyard’ and figures the best solution is to pay it a tribute,
in the hope that it moves on. Inside one skeleton, she has
secured a chest containing 2,000 gold pieces.

She knows the dragon is near, even if he is hidden (detect

magic helps if the dragon is hidden via a magical item). She
will parley with the party, intent on learning the dragon’s
plans. Her wariness is something the PCs could use to keep
her at bay. Rhezicora offers the PCs her 2,000gp to kill the dragon. If
attacked, she attempts to flee in one of the cave bear
If she doesn’t speak to Scoriaptrak, she leaves, spying on the skeletons whilst the others cover her retreat. She assumes
party (from a distance) until such time as the dragon makes she will be followed, and heads to her camp (Area 14) to
itself seen (DM’s discretion). devise a trap for the party’s arrival.

Whenever she sees Scoriaptrak, she senses his fragility and A House Divided
her plan evolves: kill the dragon and make him the crown Rhezicora’s consort, Darbarik, has also learned of the PCs and
jewel in her army. She makes an offer to the PCs. Should this believes they could help him; he wishes to start a new life
occur from watching the party from a distance, she makes the with Rhezicora. A short while after Rhezicora leaves, a
trek back to the party. skeletal messenger pigeon lands with a crash by the PCs feet,
a note visibly tied to its ribcage. It reads:
Read or paraphrase the following:
“If ye be people of honor, please heed this message. The
Upon seeing Scoriaptrak, an evil smile spreads across the
necromancer is dangerous, but she is my beloved. I wish us a
necromancer’s face.
new life, without the black arts she now devotes herself to. I
can help you on your quest, but you must help me with mine.
“The cloud of death hovers over you, dragon. I could give it to
Find me above her camp. Look for the red sword.”
you. Easily I think, now that I’ve had a closer look…Kill him for
me, mercenaries, and I’ll reward you handsomely. Reject my If the PCs wish, they can find Darbarik in Area 14F, waiting to
offer, and your skeletons will serve me dinner tomorrow.” make contact.

34 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

T6. On the Path to Redemption (Insight) check will reveal that he is hiding something. He will
admit to his former plan, if pushed and/or realizing that he
Trigger: The PCs have been awarded 6 Redemption Dice can no longer keep it a secret.
Utility: Showcase a change in Scoriaptrak due to the PCs.
Changes the party’s destination. T7. Kenkus Interrupted

Trigger: The evening of the 2nd night in Section II.

The characters commitment to Redemptive acts has helped
Utility: Nudge your PCs to investigate the song.
Scoriaptrak to shed his depressed, dark state of mind. The
dragon is no longer suicidal, and your PCs see a change in
him. Scoriaptrak attempts to reconcile with Kefleek, If area 9 hasn’t been explored, the kenku repeat their
culminating in the following exchange: communication the second night (see Kenku Conversing
on page 31—the PCs may repeat the checks listed in that
The dragon stares past the kobold and says to him quietly, encounter).
“Kefleek. Thank you for your loyalty for these many years. But
The song begins as before, spreading to all three plateaus of
the dragon you remember…the one who committed so many
area 9. But after the PCs checks (if any), the song from the
evils…is gone. I do not know who stands in his place…But I have nearest plateau turns into a warble of alarm; one kenku is
no anger for you.” under attack. Silence follows.
The kobold blinks his cloudy eyes and stands up, unsure of the
dragon’s words. He stares for a long second then embraces the T8. An Ill Woodwind Blows
dragon’s snout.
Trigger: The second night in Section II or the breaking of the
Kefleek is slowly coming to terms with Scoriaptrak’s new, alliance with the Cult.
less-evil side. Scoriaptrak also thanks the PCs for being Utility: Threaten the characters progress towards inspiring
inspirational figures, and for helping him see that anyone, no Scoriaptrak.
matter how dark their past, can be redeemed.
The Cult of the Dragon now actively seeks to control
The tension over the dragon’s internal struggle is now Scoriaptrak using enchanted instruments. But every dragon
replaced by an external threat: the Cult of the Dragon’s responds differently to their music, and they must test
attempts to revert Scoriaptrak to evil (see encounters T2, Scoriaptrak’s vulnerability. In the dead of night, read or
T8, and T10). paraphrase the following:

Showcase the progress the characters are making in changing The gentle midnight breeze lessens, and a low tune is now
Scoriaptrak’s heart. With appropriate encouragement from a audible from somewhere in the darkness. Discordant notes
PC and a successful DC 10 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, sound from some sort of wind instrument.
Scoriaptrak can now be convinced to participate in whatever
Scoriaptrak lets out a low growl.
combat encounter comes next. If he does, award a player a
d10 Redemption Die. Afterward, positive attention or
A dragonwing cultist plays the Cult’s first instrument, a
accolades will be rebuffed by the dragon, but a perceptive PC
flute of the Abyss (see Appendix C: Magic Items), but not very
will notice a tiny smile flash across his face.
well. He and a guard drake are 150 feet north of the PCs.
To the Elves! Tracking the music to its source requires a successful DC 15
With suicide at Mount Carnass now not a problem, WISDOM (Perception) check. The music is laced with
Scoriaptrak is unsure of his next step. He would be interested enchantment magic, but it doesn’t affect Scoriaptrak. The
to meet with the elves at Dygyrus Falls, if the characters bring flutist plays for 3 rounds then gives up.
it up. If the characters have not visited area 9, which reveals
this destination and an elven ally, run encounter T1 and After a minute’s pause, a second dragonwing cultist
subtly remind them of Scoriaptrak’s connection to elves (e.g. begins the test with her instrument, 150 feet south of the
Kefleek fiddles with Myoris’ scroll case). PCs. Read or paraphrase the following:

Kefleek is the only one who knows about the planned meet- Opposite the flute’s location, the harsh scraping of a stringed
up with the Cult of the Dragon at Mount Carnass. He keeps instrument pierces the night. Immediately, a whine escapes
this to himself, hoping it is now irrelevant. He tries to steer
Scoriaptrak’s mouth, and you see a dull, yellow glow in one of
the party away from Mount Carnass or Dygyrus falls, with no
his eyes as it flutters open. The tune picks up in tempo.
good explanation of why. A successful DC 10 WISDOM

35 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

This instrument, a darkheart violin (see Appendix C: Magic Random Encounters in Section II
Items), can indeed control Scoriaptrak, but only with a more When traveling between mapped locations, the party will
skilled performer. The dragon shakes his head and roars, “Get experience random encounters. Most involve potential
out of my mind!”, but is otherwise unaffected this encounter. interactions with Rhezicora’s network, but many contain
useful hints or clues about the enemies the party is facing.
Tracking the music to its source requires a successful DC 13
WISDOM (Perception) check. Two guard drakes and their Roll Encounter Utility
handler (neutral evil male dwarf cultist, MM) hide in front 1 R1. Blink dogs Connect with elven allies
of the dragonwing. 2-3* R2. Blue Dragon Hunting Ticking clock
4 R3. Decorated Skeleton Necromancer clue
After 2 rounds of playing, the violinist notices the 5 R4. Turtle Power Tar pit preview
instrument’s effect. Her goal now is to get the violin back to 6 R5. Necro Minions on a Avoid Detection
the Cult’s camp to be used later. She quaffs a potion of Mission
invisibility and flees to the Cult’s camp (a half-mile into the 7 R6. Hunting Party Learn about necromancer
8 R7. Player-created Immersion, info dump
surrounding wilderness). She orders any surviving force to
9 R8. We’re Putting on a Avoid Detection
cover her retreat. If any cultists are captured, they reveal
Show Redemption Dice
nothing. Destroying the instruments forces the Cult to adapt 10 R9. Necro Minion Patrol Avoid Detection
another, inferior instrument when they show up again in 11 R10. Zhentarim vs. Avoid Detection
Section III. Harper Redemption Dice
12 R.11 Glory to Gruumsh! Combat
Developments *could be used more than once

Scoriaptrak is shaken by the evil music. Even if he is no longer

suicidal, he clearly acts slightly eviler the following
R1. Blink Dogs
day; he’s less concerned about any innocents the party
Setting: Along the road.
encounters, and he talks about destruction and seizing gold.
Overall, his behavior should feel like a setback, signaling to Utility: PCs can be connected with allies of the elves.
the PCs that they must not stop working to inspire the
dragon, and possibly double their efforts. Canine-like yipping comes from up ahead. You hear several
sharp, snapping sounds, and the yipping is suddenly closer now.

A pack of 4 blink dogs (MM) is traveling through their

territory and will arrive at the characters location in 2 rounds.
The blink dogs are friendly with the elves in Area 17, but
know nothing about the PCs or dragon. They also know that
elf-allied kenku are nearby, searching for someone.

The dogs automatically smell the dragon unless the PCs can
take some action to hide his scent. Once alerted, they freeze
and stalk towards the dragon in unison, growling.

Without a successful DC 12 WISDOM (Animal Handling) check

and roleplaying to calm the intelligent beasts, the dogs launch
themselves at the dragon. Mentioning elves grants the PCs
automatic success. On a failed check, the dogs attack the
dragon for 2 rounds (who only seeks to defend himself) then
teleport away. With a successful check, the alpha female
listens to the PCs while glancing at the dragon suspiciously.

If the PCs explain their goals, including any connection to

elves, the alpha lets loose a happy, yodeling howl which her
pack imitates; they are signaling the elf-allied kenku in areas
9A-C. The kenku respond, similar to the Kenku
Conversing encounter (page 31). The blink dogs indicate
that the PCs should head to Area 9, but if that has already
been resolved, will scout ahead, preferring to lead the PCs to
the stranded dryad in Area 10.

36 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

R2. Blue Dragon Hunting R4. Turtle Power

Setting: Anywhere. Setting: Near the road.

Utility: A ‘ticking clock’ to keep the party moving forward. Utility: Preview the tar pits.
Foreshadows of the final battle.
A rustling in the undergrowth reveals a fey-touched turtle,
The blue dragon that fought Scoriaptrak is still hunting for which has become stuck in a very small tar pit. A dire wolf
him. This encounter can be run more than once, to remind (MM) menaces it. If the PCs rescue it, the turtle glows lime
the PCs about this ever-looming threat. The blue is closer green and stretches out its neck towards them. Touching it
each time, but it will not show up until the finale (see causes 10 goodberries to appear and the turtle trundles off.
Section III, Area 16 for more details). The first time you
run this encounter, read or paraphrase the following: R5. Necro Minions on a Mission
You hear a faraway cry from above. In the distant sky, a large Setting: Forest or forest edge.
winged form wheels back and forth over the landscape. You see Utility: Reinforces the necromancer theme.
a spike of bluish light shoots from the creature’s mouth before Threat of Detection.
it issues a frustrated cry and flies off. Scoriaptrak’s gaze follows
the receding creature for a long while, his black eyes Two of the necromancer’s gang, female halflings named Kicki
unreadable. “That is the blue. She’ll be looking for me. We (neutral evil spy, MM) and Dziga (neutral druid, MM), are
should go…” on their way to deliver her message to the lizardfolk; “… dig
me a canal and I shall give you a substance to make your
dams watertight …”; the necromancer needs a water supply
R3. Decorated Skeleton
for processing the tar. They carry a pot of tar as a gift.
Setting: In the woods near the road.
Kicki holds a bullroarer of skeleton control (see Appendix C:
Utility: Wilderness flavor.
Magic Items) which allows her to control 8 skeletal
A clue for countering the necromancer’s power. gibbons (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs), creeping in
the treetop shadows. A successful DC8 INTELLIGENCE
A group of tiny, winged humanoids flit around a very slow- (Investigation) check while inspecting the bullroarer or
moving skeleton. They are laughing and decorating the gibbon skeleton reveals matching glyphs, a key to this items’
skeleton with flowers. function (and a clue for the final battle).

A group of pixies (MM) is toying with one of Rhezicora’s The halflings are suspicious of the PCs and ask them who they
skeleton (MM) servitors, whose animating force is running know in Bonestore (see Area 13). Without a successful,
low (5 levels of Exhaustion). Roleplay the pixies speaking in opposed CHARISMA (Deception) check by a PC, the pair flee
gruff voices and making rude gestures with its arms. to either Area 7 or Area 14, whichever is closer.

They fly away giggling, but watch the PCs from behind nearby Kicki is loyal to the necromancer, but Dziga is loyal only to
trees. They claim to know a secret, and a bribe, a beautiful Kicki. If Kicki is killed, Dziga transforms herself into a rage-
song or a successful DC 14 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check filled awakened tree (MM) and fights to the death. If
convinces them to reveal it: a carved glyph on one of the captured, Dziga trades information for their lives, relating the
skeleton’s ribs. The glyph is recognizable as necromantic to nature of the necromancer’s operation (see Section III, ‘Camp
anyone trained in Arcana. If the glyph is marred, the skeleton Conditions’ inset). If they escape to Area 14, it counts as one
goes completely dormant; a useful clue for future Detection by the necromancer’s network. If this is the
interactions. second Detection, then the Dragon Detected encounter
is triggered (see page 34).

Treasure: The halflings wear matching purple robes and

have skull-embossed signet rings (20gp value each). Dziga has
a vial of dust of sneezing and choking. Kicki has a bullroarer of
skeleton control (see Appendix C: Magic Items).

37 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

R6. Hunting Party R7. Player-Created Encounter
Your players will collectively develop and resolve a small
Setting: Near the road or in relatively open woodlands.
encounter, prompted with the following: “You come across a
Utility: Threat of Detection. scene that clearly indicates you’re in a necromancer’s
territory. What is it?”
Foragers from Bonestore (Area 13) wander close to the PCs.
Read or paraphrase the following: To begin, one player could roll a d20. On a roll of 1-8, the
scene has a threatening tone, on a 9-15 a neutral tone, and
A group of tired-looking men walk slowly through the forest on a 16-20 a friendly tone. Inform your players that their PC's
ahead, carrying two dead deer on a makeshift litter. A scout success in navigating this small encounter is certain; this will
leads the group, a small medallion held in his outstretched free them from worrying about optimizing any opponents
and focus on imagining fun details. The DM should ask
hand. A low growling sound issues from behind you.
questions about the players ideas, helping to integrate it
The party consists of 4 commoners (MM) and Retrew within the context of this adventure.
(neutral human male, scout). The weary foragers are
prisoners of Rhezicora, bound to serve her because their The point of this exercise is to draw your players into the
adventure by allowing them to shape a small part of the
families are also captive. They are wary of roaming undead;
Retrew holds a medallion he believes to be a ward against world around them. They might end up with a NPC
them, but it’s not. companion, a useful item or just a flavorful location.

The growling is Scoriaptrak’s stomach; he smells the deer. To There is additional benefit for the DM: you could adapt
avoid an interaction, the PCs must prevent Scoriaptrak from whatever scene the players describe to include something
giving in to his hunger (a successful DC 13 CHARISMA their characters missed previously. But if your group of
players are not the type that enjoys this sort of gameplay,
(Persuasion) check with whispered roleplaying and/or a
successful group DC 15 STRENGTH (Athletics) check. feel free to disregard this encounter.

If the hunters see just the PCs, they become wary but seek no
confrontation. With any sympathetic roleplaying, they relate
their plight: they are forced to work for the necromancer as
their families are held hostage. They can also reveal basic
information about Rhezicora’s camp (Section III-Area 14);
describe the features of 2 locations there (DMs choice).

If the men see the dragon, they plead for their lives. They
make up wild tales about gold and plunder in Blackwater
village (Area 8), hoping to pique the dragon’s interest.
Without calming roleplaying and a successful DC 15
CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, the men do not trust the
party; they try to flee back to Bonestore. If they successfully
flee, it counts as one Detection by the necromancer’s
network. If this is the second Detection, then the Dragon
Detected encounter is triggered (see page 34).

38 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

R8. We’re Putting on A Show To get the dragon past this roadblock unnoticed, he must
succeed on 2 opposed checks:
Setting: Along the side of the road. • The dragon’s DEXTERITY (Stealth) vs the human bandits’
Utility: Threat of Detection. passive WISDOM (Perception-DC9). Vivid stage-acting
Gain Redemption Dice (through roleplaying). and a successful DC 12 CHARISMA (Performance) check
Backstory: While on a mission, a crew of Rhezicora’s has distracts the bandits, granting Advantage on the roll.
• The dragon’s DEXTERITY (Stealth) vs the manticore’s
had a chance encounter with a lost theatre troupe. Upon
WISDOM (Perception). Participating in Hurred’s “trick”
pain of death, the troupe has ‘agreed’ to put on a show.
or offering food distracts the manticore, granting
The PCs can observe the scene undetected
Advantage on the roll.
Read or paraphrase the following:
With a completed scene, Hurred and crew are satisfied and
Up ahead, you see a gaudy wagon is surrounded by a collection head south. The troupe also heads for civilization. If the
of nasty-looking types. On second glance, it appears they are dragon is seen, Hurred attempts to flee on his manticore. If
he escapes, it counts as one Detection by the
actually an audience, waiting as a stage show is set up.
necromancer’s network. If this is the second Detection, then
To one side, a heated discussion is taking place between a thug the Dragon Detected encounter is triggered (page 34).
and the troupe’s leader. The entire roadway is blocked with
wagons. Redemption Dice
Give one player with the best Performance check a d8 if
The assemblage consists of the following: Scoriaptrak watches a play with themes of redemption or
atonement. Give each other a d6 their PC actively, or
• A bandit captain (MM) named Hurred Rednose (due
enthusiastically, participated in said show. See page 6 for
to his excessive drinking). He loves prat falls.
details about using Redemption Dice.
• A manticore (MM) named Spikes. Hurred’s pet.
Hurred’s favorite trick is to feed Spikes vegetables, which
it then hatefully spits into the thug’s faces. Treasure: A locked box in the wagon contains 1,000 gp,
• 3 thugs (MM). Two are morons, but the third is clever payment for the components Hurred was sent to collect.
and quite bored; he whittles in silence.
• 5 women and children servants (commoners). R9. Necro Minion Patrol
• 8 members of the acting company (commoners) of a Setting: Variable.
variety of races and genders. They are led by Oyemma Utility: Previews necromancer’s operation
(neutral good female half-elf), known for her dead-on
Threat of detection
impersonation of dwarves.

Oyemma and Hurred are arguing about what show to A bugbear (MM) named Gurro, two tar skeletons and a
perform. Hurred accepts the PC's presence if they give him a giant armadillo skeleton (see Appendix A: Monsters
reasonable cover story and succeed on an opposed check: and NPCs) patrol a wide circuit through the necromancer’s
Hurred’s WISDOM (Insight) vs a PC’s CHARISMA (Deception). territory. There is a 25% chance that Gurro is napping inside
the balled-up, armadillo skeleton. The skeletons attack at
The PCs could use this opportunity to suggest (and enact) a Gurro’s command. Gurro assumes the PCs are mercenaries
scene that speaks to Scoriaptrak’s inner desire for on the way to Bonestore. He demands they pay him a “… toll
atonement. The dragon admits to liking tales (see of 10gp each …” and doesn’t hesitate to threaten the use of
Scoriaptrak’s backstory), and the troupe clearly needs help. the skeletons or the wrath of the necromancer.
Options are below if needed. Roll 2d4 to pick an idea from
each column: If he sees the dragon, he jumps in the armadillo skeleton and
flees for Bonestore (Area 13). If he escapes, it counts as one
Roll Story Scene Detection by the necromancer’s network. If this is the
Farcical tale of a 2 incredibly-stupid Stage fighting second Detection, then the Dragon Detected encounter
elven nobles is triggered (page 34). If close to death, Gurro is happy to
Revenge tale of a dead sailor Comic relief trade information for his life:
haunting his ship
• Rhezicora the necromancer is the boss. She has a large
Bawdy tale of 2 halfling thieves and Confrontation
3 strongbox filled with gold (Area 14F). You could steal it!
a djinn’s harem
The tragic tale of a wizard’s wish Dramatic • Slaves work in the tar pit, uncovering strange skeletons.
gone wrong soliloquy You could boss them around!

39 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

R10. Zhentarim vs. Harper interacting with Nillam. If Nillam sees the dragon, explanatory
roleplaying and a successful DC 15 CHARISMA (Persuasion)
Setting: Along the side of the road. check are needed to convince him to trust the PCs. On a
Utility: Avoid Detection. failure, he makes his excuses and leaves at the first chance,
Unlock dragon’s backstory (if needed). playing no further role in the adventure. On a success,
proposes to relate the PCs mission to a local Harper leader.
The party comes across an almost innocent-looking scene. In this case, Nillam returns as an ally in the finale.
Read or paraphrase the following:
PTSDragon (optional)
On the roadside ahead, a woman is loading pelts onto a full
Use this subsection if you need another chance to allow the
wagon whilst a dwarf sits on one stack, singing an old tavern characters to find information about the dragon’s backstory.
tune. It sounds terrible. Its effects are duplicative of those in Area 5. If this subsection
Several cages near the wagon hold small, furry animals. is run, then the Backstory and Enchantment Tune-
up (see below) is also triggered.
A Zhentarim team has captured a Harper agent, who posed as
a fur trapper. The Harper has been bound and gagged, then Upon seeing the cages, Scoriaptrak has a traumatic flashback
hidden under his wagon full of pelts. The team consists of a to his own long imprisonment; he begins shaking and only
dwarf (neutral evil male cult fanatic, MM), a neutral stares blankly ahead. If the players don’t notice this, Kefleek
female wererat (MM) in human form, and a lawful evil male calls their attention to it: “He no like this, make cages go
Zhent captain on horseback named Tawzin (spy, VGtM). away!” Until the cages are destroyed, Scoriaptrak remains
immobile, muttering only, “… no more cages, no more cages
From a distance, a successful simple DC 10 INTELLIGENCE …”, which could become audible to the Zhents. Scoriptrak’s
(Nature) check (becoming a DC 5 up close) reveals that the break-down also hurts Kefleek’s enchantment (see below).
cages hold a number of beavers, these being plentiful due to
the lizardfolk’ swampland creation (See Area 7). Backstory and Enchantment Tune-Up
If still active, Kefleek’s enchantment has been compromised
The wererat is loading pelts, while the dwarf sings; the by Scoriaptrak’s reaction to the cages. After the encounter,
singing covers up the muffled cries of the Harper, noticed Scoriaptrak is suddenly more talkative, but still confused.
with a successful DC 15 WISDOM (Perception) check. The
crew seems eager to be off. Read or paraphrase the following:
If questioned, the Zhent captain claims to run a trapping The dragons voice sounds shaky: “I can’t breathe in this forest!
operation. He is city-bred and knows nothing about nature, It’s too ... crowded. Where is the sky, Kefleek!?”
which shows: “… You’ll find these miserable, bitey..uh..swamp
rats all over the place. The lizardfolk breed them for meat. If the PCs can calm him down, requiring a successful DC 15
They taste great, but the skins are worthless ....” All very CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, Scoriaptrak will talk about his
wrong; a successful DC 5 INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check imprisonment--relate the details of the dragon’s backstory up
reveals these errors. to but not including his rescue. He does not name Myoris. His
language should sound different than his previous, more
Developments monotonic responses (consider applying Advantage to the
If the dragon is revealed, then the Zhent captain on check if you believe the players successfully roleplayed the
horseback immediately attempts to escape towards situation).
Rheizcora’s camp (Area 13). Should he successfully escape,
his escape counts as one Detection. If this is the party’s Kefleek soon interrupts, calling a private talk with the dragon
second Detection, then the Dragon Detected encounter to re-assert his enchantment by casting dominate person. A
is triggered (page 34). successful opposed check of DEXTERITY (Stealth) or WISDOM
(INSIGHT) check against Kefleek’s CHARISMA (Deception)
The Harper Nillam (chaotic good male human bard, VGtM) is reveals that the dragon is subdued and more monotonic after
grateful for the rescue and gives the PCs 100gp from a secret the talk. Dispelling the enchantment and confronting Kefleek
compartment in his wagon. He’ll maintain his humble cover triggers the Kefleek Revealed encounter (page 33).
story (he’s a fur trader) and encourage the PCs to turn back:
“A necromancer holds sway ahead.” Redemption Dice
If the PCs engage in heartfelt roleplaying regarding the
Nillam also flashes the secret sign of the Harpers, noticeable
dragon’s imprisonment and emotional state, award one
by any PC in that faction. If a PC reveals their own Harper
player a d6. See page 6 for details about using Redemption
connection, PCs have Advantage on checks related to

40 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

R11. Bring Glory to Gruumsh! from its effects but assume 80% of the orcs flee. After the
roar, the dragon’s infirmity takes hold, and he collapses.
Setting: A small camp near the road.
Utility: A major combat encounter. Gruumsh’s gift
If the dragon roars and is subsequently seen, Gra-dak is
The characters arrive upon the carnage that used to be a ecstatic! He realizes that a tremendous foe like a red dragon
seasonal woodcutters’ camp. Begin the encounter with PCs is his chance to finally attain glory. In this case, read or
at the bottom left of Map G (Appendix C: Maps), and read or paraphrase the following:
paraphrase the following:
The orc leader just stares at the dragon while many of his troops
The path ahead cuts through the ruins of an encampment. flee in terror. The massive warrior raises his arms to the sky,
From the looks of the carnage, a celebration has recently come chants gutturally then plunges a sharp stone into his eye. His
to a bloody end; decorations and bodies lay strewn in the mud. screams somehow become amplified to a deafening level, then
form a single word:
Many green-skinned humanoids are spread among the “… GRUUMSH! …”
buildings, looting the camp, with a number of dead Thunder cracks overhead and a glowing red battleaxe streaks
woodcutters and craftsmen lying scattered about. down from the clouds, landing between you and the stony-eyed
orc. The chief looks at you through the weeping gore, smiles
A successful DC 10 WISDOM (Perception) or DC 7 WISDOM evilly, and sprints towards the axe.
(Survival) check allows the characters to estimate that about
three dozen orcs are present throughout the camp. Show His appeal to Gruumsh, the orc deity of battle, is answered
your players Map G (Appendix C: Maps). with a magical axe (a +1 battleaxe of bloodlust; see Appendix
B: Magic Items). If Gra-dak reaches the axe, he gains the
After reading the box text, the party (including the dragon) statistics of an orc war chief (MM, but with 40 HP). The
must succeed on a group DC 10 DEXTERITY (Stealth) check, or axe is 60 feet from both Gra-dak and the characters.
else 4 orcs in the nearby woods notice them and attack. They
don’t alert the rest of their band for 2 rounds, hoping for the Gra-dak’s only goal is to slay the dragon and bring its head
glory of a kill for themselves. If the party remains home as a trophy. He ignores the PCs and runs straight for
undetected, read or paraphrase the following: the axe. Whether he succeeds or not, Gra-dak summons back
1d10+6 orcs, rolled with Advantage if he holds the axe.
In the village, the orcs are setting up camp for the night. An orc
of notable presence lets loose a triumphant bellow. His warriors At the conclusion of combat, characters searching the
only half-heartedly respond. woodcutters’ camp reveal little of value. A successful DC 8
WISDOM (Perception) or INTELLIGENCE (Investigation) check
The orc of notable presence is Gra-dak (MM, but with 40 reveals a note that mentions meeting a friendly kenku ranger
HP), who is trying to build his reputation as a fierce warrior. who’s been hiking the surrounding hilltops (Areas 9A-C).
He led the raid on this camp but didn’t find much glory in
such a weak target. In the camp is Gra-dak, 32 orcs, and a Treasure: The +1 battleaxe of bloodlust crumbles to dust if
Orc Eye of Gruumsh (MM). Show your players Gra-dak is defeated, but it leaves behind a smoldering chunk
illustration I (Appendix D: Player Handouts and Illustrations). of obsidian in the likeness of Gruumsh’s frowning face. To
collectors or to a Temple of Corellon (a hated foe of
Should combat erupt, Kefleek will prompt the PCs by saying, Gruumsh), this artifact is worth 1,000 gp. The camp’s wealth,
“Should my tyrant fight? He can try to scare.” With some role- now held by the Orc Eye of Gruumsh, consists of 100 gp,
played encouragement, Scoriaptrak can muster a single use 1,000 sp, and a handaxe +1.
of his lost Frightful Presence ability. He rises up and roars for
his full, terrifying effect (a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw to
avoid being Frightened for 1 minute); the PCs are excluded

41 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

42 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents
Sights: Sickly forest ends at a large, stony field, behind
CAMP AND FINALE which are the rocky foothills of Mount Carnass. Barrels of
lit pitch produce little flame but much smoke.
Synopsis Smells: The air is smoky and heavy with the acrid tang of
The party must get through Rhezicora’s expansive operation burning tar.
in order to reach Mount Carnass. A number of pivotal story Sounds: The occasional clang of a pick hitting rock.
points will occur here, likely during heated battle. The most Indistinct, yelled orders and the cries of whipped laborers.
important story beats of this section are listed below, Background: Rhezicora discovered the tar pits two years
followed by advice on running The Big Battle, then ago, drawn to the death they contain: untold hundreds of
descriptions of each mapped location. creatures, both ancient and recent. In the pits’ contents,
Rhezicora saw her chance to build an army. She
Fight Rhezicora and the Cult. The necromancer summoned her network of underlings, enslaved a local
wants the dragon’s skeleton for her army and will sacrifice village as her workforce, and has been hard at work.
almost everything to get it. If she has previously Detected
the dragon, then she has laid a trap. If not, she improvises But necromancy doesn’t pay the bills. Or does it? The pits’
much the same plan, but with some key weaknesses. ancient, weird creatures are unknown to Faerun’s
scholars. Antiquities researchers from Waterdeep have
The Cult of the Dragon also shows up, complicating the fight. been purchasing specimens, unwittingly funding
They make a last-ditch attempt to re-awaken Scoriaptrak’s evil Rhezicora’s operation.
spirit. If they’re successful, an evil Scoriaptrak presents a
dilemma for the PCs. On the plus side, any allies the PCs made
during the adventure can also show up to help turn the tide.
Before the Big Battle
See ‘Running the Big Battle’ for details on all of the above. Whenever Rhezicora is alerted to Scoriaptrak’s presence, she
formulates a simple plan: shackle the dragon and pull
him into a tar pit. If she first encounters the dragon
Scoriaptrak’s Reckoning. The redemptive journey for
here, she’ll parley with the PCs as described in the ‘Dragon
the PCs and dragon can end here, culminating in the dragon’s
Detected’ encounter (page 34).
death, either by the necromancer or even the PCs own hands.
But fear not! Scoriaptrak’s death is merely the next step in his
Your players might come up with a number of plans for
redemption. In front of Bahamut and Kelemvor, the PCs plead
getting past this site. If Rhezicora is forewarned, any plan the
for the dragon’s soul. All the inspiring deeds the PCs
PCs develop is more difficult to pull off. Considerations for
completed during the journey come into play. See
common strategies are below:
‘Judgement’ for more details.
Just Run Fast. The camp could be caught off-guard,
Blue Dragon Ambush. Once past the necromancer, the delaying the arrival of 1 or 2 foes. Rhezicora counters by
party encounters a surprise last obstacle: the blue dragon springing a trap that should slow the party up (see ‘A
that’s been hunting Scoriaptrak. The party has some nifty Chance for Redemption’, page 51).
power-ups, courtesy of a grateful Bahamut. See Area 15 for
details. If the party kept Scoriaptrak alive in the previous
Reconnoiter. Sneaking around the camp edge will identify
battle, then he is killed now, triggering the Reckoning.
any ambushes in place, allow contact with a possible ally
(Darbarik), or give the PCs a chance to de-activate the glyphs
Reunion. After all threats are dealt with, the party can find on key undead creatures.
Myoris’ band of elves, concluding the adventure.
Create a Distraction. Lighting the forest floor on fire or
Scoriaptrak’s State of Mind igniting Wyzz’s lab (Area 14H) would trigger a fire-fighting
By now, Kefleek’s enchantment has been removed and the response from the henchmen.
PCs have (hopefully) completed several inspiring acts,
encouraging Scoriaptrak on his road to redemption. His Parley. Rhezicora will be interested in learning about
struggle now isn’t against suicide, but rather against slipping Scoriaptrak, particularly if she’s not previously Detected him
back into evil. (in this case, run Dragon Detected on page 34).
Otherwise, she can be distracted with talk of her deals in
Bonestore or with the lizardfolk being cancelled.

43 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Mapped location--Necromancer’s Camp Give ‘im a drink
The rocky landscape past Bonestore funnels all travelers If the characters give Grolsk a beer (real or fake) he is thrilled;
towards the camp. Show your players Map Ha as they his previous dwarven stubbornness allows him to override his
approach (see Appendix C: Maps, thumbnail below). The ‘programming’ and he lets them through. He’ll also give the
slaves work into the night, allowed to sleep for only a few PCs an additional bit of help: if asked, he’ll answer one
hours. The undead continues to toil (a skeleton crew, if you question about Rhezicora’s operation.
14B. Camp Edge
14A. Undead Gate Once the PCs near the camp, read or paraphrase the
A watchful guardian resides on the gate to Rhezicora’s camp, following:
but he can be placated to gain entrance undetected. Read or
paraphrase the following: The forest gives way to a stony field, a hundred yards across.
Several ramshackle structures have been built in the field, but
A 15 foot-wide bone archway spans the trail into the camp. At the central feature is large pits, filled with a viscous, black
the arch’s center, a skull peers down at the road. Dense, tall substance. Dozens of workers labor in and around the black
thickets of debris and thorny shrubs extend on either side of pits, seemingly intent on removing their contents … bucket by
the road. sticky bucket.
Skeletons of numerous, unrecognizable creatures are piled
A character can attempt to dodge the gate by cutting through
under a low pavilion, which blocks the path to Mount Carnass.
the thickets, taking 1d6 piercing damage and requiring a DC
10 STRENGTH (Athletics) check. Any failed check awakens the
The ground of the surrounding forest is covered with pitch,
skull. The archway itself is imbued with an alarm spell (and
making it difficult (and flammable) terrain. A large rock
the aura of abjuration magic); any living creature walking
outcropping provides cover for the party to observe the camp
through awakens the skull. If awakened, green lights glow in
the skull’s eye sockets and it swivels around, saying, “Hey,
you there! Are you dead?” Without a successfully opposed
If asked, briefly describe any two lettered locations on the
check--a group DEXTERITY (Stealth) vs the skull’s WISDOM
map. Any further attempts for information require a
(Perception)—an interaction with the skull is triggered.
successful DC 13 WISDOM (Perception) check and has a 20%
chance (per check) of triggering the possibility of a patrol. If
The skull, formerly a dwarven tavern-owner named Grolsk (1
triggered, a spy and thug walk to PC's location as part of
hit point, AC10, but use bandit captain for Ability
their regular circuit.
scores/Skills), informs the PCs that he is bound to reveal their
presence with a scream. But he’d like a bit of conversation
first - he’s quite bored. He’ll reveal his former job and tell a Ambush: The patrol has retreated to Area 14G but watches
tavern brawl story or two, punctuated with thirsty, lip- this location. They begin making Opposed Perception (patrol)
smacking sounds. vs. Stealth checks (party) after the characters have had 2
If the skull is destroyed, it reanimates as a flame skull rounds to observe the camp. If they detect the characters,
(MM, but with 20 hit points) and attacks, with the combat they covertly signal Rhezicora (Area 14I), who signals the
alerting the patrol from Area 14B. attack once the party is deeper into her camp.

14C. Skeleton Assembly-Line

Thousands of bones pulled out of the tar pits have been
dragged here under a large tent. Twenty women and children
(neutral human commoners) are painstaking reassembling
the bones into skeletons; only then are they functional to
Rhezicora. A cave bear skeleton and giant armadillo
skeleton are complete but not animated. Rhezicora could
animate one of these creatures and a skeleton swarm by
touching them.
Ambush: The skeleton swarm and giant armadillo
skeleton are animated and attack at Rhezicora’s signal.

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45 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents
14D. Tar Pits
Pit 3. This pit is under a rocky ledge that juts out from the
This large area contains several open tar pits, with rocky,
nearby mountain. Large, red arcane glyphs are scrawled
open ground in between. Read or paraphrase the following:
around the perimeter of the pit, visible with any inspection.
A harsh smell wafts through the air, emanating from pools of a The ledge used to be the sacrificial site of a Cult of Asmodeus,
who dumped their victims in the pit. Strong evil lurks here
sticky, black substance.
and Rhezicora has drawn protective wards around the pit to
keep it dormant. A DC 12 INTELLIGENCE (Arcana) or WISDOM
Humans and skeletons alike busily toil in and around the pits. (Religion) check reveals the nature of the wards.
A huge rib-cage is being pulled out of one pit by a wooden crane
mechanism. Anyone who falls in this pit has a 20% chance of every round
of awakening a bearded devil (MM). If awakened, it
The deep pits contain numerous specimens of ill-fated attacks the nearest creatures, regardless of their faction. A
creatures. The skeletons break apart over time, so salvaging successful DC 14 STRENGTH (Athletics) check is required to
must occur bone by bone. Rhezicora uses a different salvage get out of the pit.
method in each pit.
Ambush: The villagers' labor here unguarded. A sticky
A successful DC 8 INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check reveals the skeleton swarm hides in Pit 2 and will charge the dragon
‘sticky black substance’ to be tar. A successful DC 10 WISDOM at Rhezicora’s signal, attacking with the chain and lock as
(Perception) check on any pit reveals some basic information; described above.
read the first two sentences of each pit’s description.

Pit 1. One skeleton (MM) floats on a raft, attaching haul

lines to buried bones. Six slaves at the pit’s edge assist with
hauling.Four other tar skeletons serve as ‘divers’,
plunging into the depths.

A rustic crane (AC 15, HP 20) has been built by the edge, to
help haul up bones. The crane is 20 feet tall and can reach
any point within 30 feet of it. The crane is operated from a
collection of pulleys at its’ base.

Crane mechanics: A successful DC 10 INTELLIGENCE

(Investigation) check allows a PC to operate the crane, raising 14E. Mammoth Track
or lowering the hook and chain or making the Hook bash One mammoth skeleton (see Appendix A: Monsters and
attack. NPCs) is being used to haul up large bones from the sticky
Hook bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30ft., one depths of the tar within Pit 2. Another mammoth
target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage. skeleton sits idle. Their chains run to a large metal ring
bolted onto the mountainside which acts as a fulcrum. The
These skeletons can organize into a sticky skeleton mammoth handler (bugbear) takes frequent naps between
swarm (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs) by all taking a hauls.
single Action together. In combat, this swarm grabs the chain
(AC 18, HP 20) and lock from Pit 2 and attempts to secure it Should combat ensue and Scoriaptrak become chained, the
around Scoriaptrak’s neck (a contested grapple). The lock can mammoth and the dragon make a contested STRENGTH
be opened with a successful DC 15 DEXTERITY check with check. The winner of the check pulls the loser 10 feet in a
thieves’ tools. Any attempts to unlock the lock during combat direction of their choice. If two mammoths are involved in
is made at Disadvantage. the contest, they have Advantage on the check and can pull
the dragon 20 feet.
Pit 2. Twenty male villagers (neutral human commoners)
toil here, carefully emptying out a walled-off quarter of the Ambush: Both mammoths are attached to the chain to be
pit using buckets. When they uncover large bones, they put around Scoriaptrak. Two henchmen guard the mammoths
harness the mammoths in Area 14E. (bugbear and scout).

An unused lock and chain to the mammoths lies on the

ground close by when not in use.

46 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

14F. Slave Quarters • Flamethrower. A pump-handle attached to a backpack
tank ignites and squirts flaming pitch (cone 20ft., DC 12
At any one time, 5 villager slaves will be here, preparing food
DEXTERITY saving throw or 10 fire damage). 5 uses.
or sleeping in ratty-looking tents. The site isn’t fenced, as the
villagers’ families are being held hostage in Bonestore. All Wyzz lights his lab with glowing blue mushrooms instead of
villagers have constantly 2 levels of Exhaustion at all times. torches to avoid disastrous fires. Any fire in the lab has a 1 in
6 chance per round of igniting random pitch products
Ambush: The villagers will be nervously whispering to each scattered about the area. If ignition occurs, pots begin fizzling
other: “… something’s up … Rhezicora is planning something and sputtering. If not smothered within a round, the fire
…”. They don’t know any details about the plan. The slaves causes one explosion every round, doing 1d8 force damage to
won’t report the PCs, but they also won’t join in the fighting. anyone in the cave. After 4 rounds, the whole cave ignites,
doing 20d10 force damage to anyone inside.
14G. Henchman Quarters
A wooden palisade surrounds the henchman’s camp which Wyzz is loyal to Rhezicora, and will try to sound an alarm if
provides extra protection at night against stray undead. attacked. Fortunately for those entering the room, he
During the day, 3 bandits (the night guard) sleep here. At concentrates intently on his experiments and can be
night, 1d8+2 bandits are here, playing cards, drinking, and surprised easily (Wyzz has a passive Perception is 6).
sleeping. Should combat break out, they take several rounds
to wake up and respond to the alarms of others. Ambush: Wyzz, Andravar, and a sticky skeleton
swarm are waiting inside for Rhezicora’s signal. Wyzz is
Ambush: A henchmen swarm waits, ready to attack armed with the flamethrower. The swarm holds a chain and
after Rhezicora’s signal. Add another henchmen swarm a collar and immediately runs towards Scoriaptrak (speed: 20
few rounds later if Bonestore hasn’t been cleared of enemies. feet).

14H. Alchemists Lab 14I. Rhezicora’s Quarters

Rhezicora (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs) will be
A bright blue glow emanates from a wide cave mouth. here most of the day and night; she makes regular
Barrels of a black substance form a neat line at the cave inspections of the camp but always returns here. The
entrance, next to another giant, elevated barrel. Several pipes necromancer maintains a spartan existence, foregoing normal
human comforts in order to stay focused on her dark arts. A
can be seen connected to the barrel that enters the mouth of
stone slab serves as a mattress, and only bread and water are
the cave. kept nearby for sustenance. Her one indulgence is red, silken
curtains, hung throughout. A trapped chest holds her
One large cauldron, full of what appears to be the same black valuables; Rhezicora wears the key around her wrist.
substance, bubbles just outside.
Trap: Chest
Rhezicora hired the kobold trap-maker (VGtM), Wyzz, to
Trigger: The safe’s lock, shaped like a skull, is
develop novel uses for the pitch. If he’s alive, Andravar
unsuccessfully picked.
(from Area 6) assists Wyzz. Water for processing the pitch is
Effect: Any creature within 5 feet of the lock is teleported
piped in from the 1,000-gallon water barrel outside. The
barrel is rickety and could be pushed over with a successful 10 feet in the air above tar pit 1 (Area 14D) and falls into
the pit. This effect can occur up to two times.
DC 16 STRENGTH (Athletics) check.
Countermeasures: The safe’s lock can be picked with a
Inside the cave, Wyzz has fabricated benches and shelves successful DC 16 DEXTERITY (Sleight-of-Hand) check
using cast-off bones. They are laden with small pots of made with thieves’ tools. An aura of conjuration magic
emanates from the lock.
experiments in progress, many exuding colored vapors.
Usable items include:
• Sticky bomb. A liquid form of pitch is stored in small Treasure: 5,000 gp (in various coinage) and a childlike doll
bladders. If a bladder is thrown (range 30 ft.), it bursts on kept in the wooden chest. The doll is the arcane control
impact and the pitch immediately hardens like sovereign mechanism to Tellis’ curse (see Area 12).
Ambush: Rhezicora watches Area 14B for confirmation of
the PC's presence. She then signals the attack at a
disadvantageous moment for the party and joins the fray in
her cave bear ‘armor’.

47 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

14J. Darbarik’s Mancave Developments
Darbarik (neutral human male beserker, MM, but with 20 If the PCs agree to capture Rhezicora, then Darbarik agrees to
hit points and 2 levels of Exhaustion) is Rhezicora’s consort, help them in the upcoming battle. He tells them what he
and he spends most of his days and nights here. He’s knows: “… she plans on drowning the dragon in a pit …”. He
maintained personal quarters in a natural cave on the also tells the characters about the necromantic control glyphs
cliffside. Its entrance is well-marked with a sigil of a red (see inset below).
In any planning, he makes one thing clear: “… she must not be
killed. I know it’ll take some bloodying to get that amulet off.
Darbarik wishes to kidnap Rhezicora so that the two can start
But if she dies, I’ll take this whole place down …” His threat
over somewhere else. He has been unhappily serving his
would involve taking munitions from Wyzz’s lab and lobbing
beloved Rhezicora for years. The once-proud barbarian has
them at anyone in range.
even starved himself to please her; she has a penchant for a
thin, emaciated figure. He can now barely lift his treasured
broadsword, but still drags it around. Treasure: Darbarik has accumulated a number of skull-
themed baubles, gifts from better times with Rhezicora. They
Darbarik is currently brooding after his latest argument with total 500 gp in value. He wields a broadsword +1.
Rhezicora. He can no longer stand the dark magic his beloved
wields: “… it’s the black magic amulet that makes her do evil 14K. Tunnel Entrance
things! I remember her as a kind girl …” The entrance to an old mining tunnel is mostly blocked by a
rock pile. Creating a Medium-sized hole takes an hour of
NOTE: Darbarik is wrong about Rhezicora’s amulet driving her moving rocks. The tunnel exits miles away at Area 11.
passion for the dark arts—it’s an ordinary emerald. Rhezicora
is evil all on her own… Necromantic Control Glyphs
A glyph is carved into each skeleton that gives Rhezicora
If confronted, he doesn’t attack the PCs initially, intrigued by power over it. Destroying a glyph (e.g. by a sword strike)
any possibility to enact his plan. With a successful DC 12 renders the skeleton inanimate, but still intact. Rhezicora
CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, he’ll be open to the idea of can repair the glyph of any creature she touches.
working together; the check is made with Advantage if a PC
promises to help him ‘free’ Rhezicora. On a failure, he A successful DC 13 WISDOM (Perception) check from close
attempts to alert the guards. range reveals the creature’s glyph. Destroying the glyph
requires a successful melee attack that targets the glyph,
Ambush: Darbarik is expecting the PCs, and immediately which is made with Disadvantage.
proposes that they work together.

48 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Running the Big Battle Allies and Resources
Get a Little Abstract A number of allies could be available to the PCs during this
With multiple factions employing a multitude of forces, this extended encounter. This is a reward for players that had
battle can get complicated quickly. Too much bookkeeping their characters put in the hard work of completing
can get in the way of focusing on the real point: the Redemptive acts during the journey.
characters trying to accomplish awesome, heroic acts.
• Eld Armbuckler. From Area 5. He is immune to
To counter the complexity, a couple of design tricks are used:
• Tweeskree and elf. From Area 9.
• In battle, most of Rhezicora’s forces are treated as
swarms, each with a single stat block. This reduces the • Sir Patkyt and/or Medrash. From Area 13.
number of discrete attackers from over 20 to 4-5. Unique • Darbarik. From Area 14J. Won’t harm Rhezicora.
individuals, like Wyzz, retain their own statistics. • Hunting party. From random encounter R6.
• Each swarm has a single goal (e.g. the skeleton swarm • Nillam. From random encounter R10.
seeks to shackle and drag Scoriaptrak). When considering
how a swarm might act or react, focus on the swarm’s Ally Assistance. Each ally can be utilized once to
goal. overcome enemies of CR 1 or less, or deal up to 20 hp of
damage to a larger enemy. If an ally has fictional positioning
Allow your players some flexibility when acting against the to provide the Aid action, then they can also grant a character
swarms; if an action would affect multiple individuals in a Advantage on one roll.
swarm, double the damage or effect. This battle should be
about big moves against gangs of enemies. Allow your players some flexibility with their characters
coming up with imaginative uses of the resources, but as
Likely Sequence of Events always, keep things reasonable. For easier accounting during
• Detected. PCs are seen or are ambushed. the battle, consider giving your players a card to represent
• Bum Rush (encounter T9). Several waves of undead each ally. Additionally, several items acquired along the way
and humanoids attack the party, seeking to lock a chain could help the PCs:
around the dragon and drag him to a tar pit.
• Evil Fiddler on the Roof (encounter T10). The • Book of Fancies. From Area 2. The book’s illusions
could cause confusion or fear among the attackers, giving
Cult of the Dragon bard shows up with the darkheart
them Disadvantage on their next attack roll, saving
violin, awakening the dragon’s inner evil which the PCs
throw, or ability roll.
must counter with their earned Redemption Dice.
• Whistle of reptile stunning. From Area 8.
• A Chance for Redemption (encounter T11). To
Counteracts the bard’s instrument for 1 round.
distract the party, Rhezicora reveals a trap that
• Bullroarer of Skeletal Control. From encounter
endangers her innocent slaves.
R5. Wielding this could de-animate some undead
• Make Peace with your Dragon God (encounter
T12). Scoriaptrak is killed and time is frozen. The party
must argue for the dragon’s salvation (using Redemption A ‘cheat sheet’ showing map Ha and summarizing the battle’s
Dice) to Bahamut and Kelemvor, the God of the Dead. major elements is presented as Map Hb (thumbnail below,
see Appendix C: Maps).
To make this extended encounter easier, you can tweak any
of these steps; plans aren’t always enacted flawlessly, are
they? The less time Rhezicora’s had to prepare, the greater
the chance that something goes wrong.

Rhezicora’s Tactics
She takes center stage once the battle begins:
• She stays within her cave bear skeleton (+2 to AC) and
casts spells to weaken the PCs or bolster her forces. The
cave bear is her shield, but also a vicious fighter.
• If the PCs start erasing her control glyphs on key
creatures, she attempts to speed over to re-animate the
creature with a touch.
• She’ll attempt to dispel the bullroarer’s magic if it is used
(contested Arcana check, hers w/Advantage)

49 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Triggered Encounters at Area 14 Once the song begins, Scoriaptrak begins to fall under its
These encounters help to advance the story and take place sway. His eyes turn a neon yellow and he howls in torment:
during the battle. They are detailed below, in likely order of “I’m seeing all the things I’ve done! All the terrible
occurrence. things….and I want to see…MORE!!” The Cultists yell out
encouragingly, reminding the dragon of his past deeds.
T9. Bum Rush
Descent into Evil?
Trigger: Rhezicora sees the dragon and signals the attack. Each round the violin plays, Scoriaptrak must make a DC 18
CHARISMA saving throw (DC 14 if the back-up is played).
If Rhezicora had not Detected the dragon before this point, Failure results in Scoriaptrak succumbing further to its evil
then her forces are situated as written within their mapped song. If he fails 3 saving throws, he immediately reverts to
locations. If she’s been aware of Scoriaptrak, her ambush is Chaotic Evil, regains 40 hit points and his breath weapon, and
set; her forces are situated as written under the Ambush attacks the PCs.
sub-headings of the mapped locations.
Bad Breath: With failed saving throws, give your players a
Once combat begins, the minions in several Areas form visual cue that Scoriaptrak is reverting to his evil, red dragon
“swarms” then attack as one creature. The exact number of nature. One ominous cue is increasing amounts of smoke
creatures joining the swarm isn’t important, but if the PCs issuing from his snout; his breath weapon has been non-
have killed numerous creatures before the battle, the functional throughout the adventure but is now re-activating!
swarm can (DM discretion) begin with half its hit points (30).
In this special case, any PC can aid Scoriaptrak’s
Remember that Rhezicora’s only goal, at this stage, is to lock saving throws using their Redemption Dice as a Free
a chain around Scoriaptrak, allowing her mammoths to pull Action. Each Redemption Die is rolled with Advantage if it is
the dragon into a tar pit. The sticky skeleton swarm in Pit 2 accompanied by effective roleplaying, examples include:
is given this task initially, but if they’re destroyed, the
henchmen will take it on. • Recalling a redemptive event during the journey.
• Stating the values of a Good alignment.
T10. Evil Fiddler on the Roof • Anything else creative that the player can come up with.

Trigger: DMs discretion; a few rounds into the battle or The instrument’s magic is designed to manipulate dragons,
when the PCs gain the upper hand against Rhezicora. but also could have a minor side effect on the
characters due to their involvement in the dragon’s state
of mind. The first time the instrument plays, each PC must
The Cult of the Dragon leader shows up with the darkheart
make a DC 12 WISDOM or CHARISMA saving throw. Failure
violin, seeking to awaken the dragon’s inner evil. If the PCs
results in that PC being Stunned for 1 round and getting a
have destroyed the original violin, then the bard plays a back-
‘taste’ of the instrument’s dark magic. During that round,
up instrument (with inferior effects noted below).
read or paraphrase the following to the PC(s) who failed:
The leader (neutral evil male human bard, XGtE) has set up Your mouth begins watering with the prospect of the delicious
in front of Rhezicora’s quarters (13I) or at the mouth of the evil that you are about to witness…
secret entrance (13K). He is guarded by a dragonfang
cultist, a cultist (MM) and a guard drake. When While Stunned, the PC is prevented from using Redemption
ready, read or paraphrase the following: Dice to aid the dragon in his saving throws.
From the mountainside, a fervent voice rings out: “Scoriaptrak,
Kefleek is aflected similar to the characters.
you have forgotten your true nature. In Tiamat’s name, I will
remind you!” A passionate tune begins with the sound of a Necromancer vs Cult
violin dancing through a melody filled with wild energy. But an Rhezicora could be made into a temporary ally at this stage.
acidic edge creeps into the notes, and the song now shrieks in Pointing out that an evil dragon will likely kill her, too, will
joy at the prospect of darker things. bring her around. She doesn’t stop attacking the PCs but
diverts some minions to fight the bard.

50 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

T11. A Chance for Redemption When Scoriaptrak dies, read or adapt the following:

Trigger: Later in the battle, or if the PCs are escaping. Scoriaptrak’s broken body slumps. He is lifeless. Rhezicora lets
out a triumphant shriek, which hangs in your ears as the world
Rhezicora senses that the dragon is not evil. So she creates a suddenly freezes. The motes of dust in the air, the battling
trap that preys on his (and the party’s) good nature. She figures, the flames, your bodies…all still.
either improvizes this mid-battle or has it prepared A figure walks out of the shadows: an elf clad in vibrant green
beforehand, whichever is appropriate. raiment’s, streaked through with silver. He has kind eyes.
Ten villagers are bound and dangled from the crane over the The elf nods as he walks by you, striding to Scoriaptrak’s
tar within Pit 1, which has also been set ablaze. A giant crumpled form. Without turning back, he addresses you:
serpent skeleton (see Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs) “Thank you for bringing my friend this far. Now I must ask you
attacks any rescuers. The villagers can last 6 rounds before to bring him one step farther. THEY wait to hear why the dragon
succumbing to the flames, heat, and fumes from the pit. deserves a new, golden heart.”
Rhezicora taunts the party if they ignore this trap by saying, Looking up at a sky that was moments before empty, two
“But how will you sleep at night, noble dragon?! Knowing that
immense figures, a platinum dragon and a man, turn to regard
you could have saved these poor, innocent wretches!?”
This should feel like an important moment that hits the you. A spectral Scoriaptrak now hovers over his own body,
adventure’s theme: the PCs could escape, but the villagers silent with eyes cast down.
will die. Scoriaptrak trying to saving them could be a
It is Myoris that walks among the PCs, sent as an envoy to
redemptive moment for him. Prompt your players to roleplay
explains the situation. Bahamut and Kelemvor regard the
their characters with Scoriaptrak about the situation.
party from above. The party may take no actions except as
Once the characters have pleaded their case, have related to this scene and now have two tasks:
Scoriaptrak say something along the lines of, “I could save • Convince Kelemvor that Scoriaptrak is worthy.
lives to balance out some of what I’ve taken…” • Inspire Scoriaptrak to speak on his own behalf.

Redemption Dice Skill Challenge 1: Convince Kelemvor

If the party ignores these villagers and they perish, the Roleplay Kelemvor (empyrean, MM) as kindly, but stern,
characters lose their three largest Redemption Dice (in total, and seemingly with his mind made up about Scoriaptrak: “I
not per character). If the PCs attempt to save the villagers, see a great, red stain of Evil upon you, dragon, and only a
give one character a d6. If Scoriaptrak attempts to help, give faint blush of Good. My judgment would seem to be easy.
two characters a d10. Who here would speak on your behalf, to tell me why it is
not?” Scoriaptrak is silent and stares at the ground. Kelemvor
T12. Make Peace with your Dragon God and Bahamut look towards the PCs.

Kelemvor can indeed see all of Scoriaptrak’s past, naming off

Trigger: Scoriatrpak is killed.
a list of evil deeds for emphasis. But time is different for gods
Backstory: Bahamut has been watching Scoriaptrak since and mortals, so Kelemvor hasn’t quite pieced together the
Myoris’ prayers caught his attention. Bahamut believes dragon’s recent turn towards good during this adventure.
that the red dragon is worthy of becoming a metallic The characters must succeed on a DC 20 CHARISMA
dragon. (Persuasion) check with Kelemvor, involving the following:
When Scoriaptrak is killed, Bahamut intercepts the • arguing that Kelemvor should separate Scoriaptrak’s evil
dragon’s soul and gains an audience with Kelemvor, the past from his less-evil present.
God of the Dead. He hopes to gain Kelemvor’s favor. • appealing to Kelemvor to withhold judgment.
• With one failed check: Kelemvor’s brow furrows with
impatience, but he prompts the characters to continue.
• With two failed checks: the challenge ends in failure.
Kelemvor shrugs and leaves, and Bahamut voices his
disappointment: “I thought you were one of mine,
despite your red scales. Perhaps we will meet again…”
The PCs can only watch as Scoriaptrak’s soul rises up out
of sight, mumbling,: “Sorry to have wasted your time…”
Time resumes where it left off before this challenge.
• With success, proceed to Skill Challenge 2.

51 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Note: Scoriaptrak succumbing to the Cult’s evil violinist in the on all the redemptive work they’ve done up to now. As an
previous encounter has no mechanical bearing on this added boost, inform your players that their characters may
challenge, but could be good roleplaying material. also assume the persona of any ally (alive or dead) and
speak of their own redemption; doing so grants Advantage on
any one of their Redemption Die rolls.
The checks are made with Advantage if the party has earned
at least 8 Redemption Dice during the journey, any of
which can be used here. Dragon(re)born
Bahamut transforms Scoriaptrak into a young gold
Skill Challenge 2: Inspire Scoriaptrak dragon (MM), currently in humanoid form: a curly-haired
hafling in red and gold robes. Kefleek is also reborn in a way--
Once the PCs convince Kelemvor, all Scoriaptrak must do is
he has a new, gold-scaled body and is slumbering inside an
ask Bahamut (ancient gold dragon, MM) for forgiveness
egg. Scoriaptrak is somewhat confused. His wits will
and pledge himself to Good.
eventually return, but at first, roleplay him like a contented,
somewhat-dreamy sleepwalker. He absent-mindedly holds
Bahamut prompts this resolution: “I do not accept evil into
and pets the egg.
my service, dragon. What do you seek from me?” But
Scoriaptrak remains silent, newly-ashamed as his whole life
Bahamut gives each PC a boon--a favor they can call on in
has been laid bare in front of gods and friends.
the future. Each boon looks like a gold scale (see Appendix C:
Magic Items for more details).
If your players need prompting about the needed direction in
roleplaying, Bahamut speaks to the PCs: “Is he remorseful? Is
he one of mine or not? He must tell me”. Back to the Battle
Once the redemption sequence is concluded, time snaps back
The characters must succeed on a DC 20 CHARISMA to normal. If the dragon has not been Redeemed:
(Persuasion) check with Scoriaptrak, involving the following: Rhezicora animates his corpse (red dragon zombie, see
• Convince the dragon to ask Bahamut for forgiveness. Appendix B) in 1 minute and attacks the PCs. The Cult
• Roleplaying to bolster Scoriaptrak’s spirits, remind him of considers the zombie an abomination and can be convinced
his recent good deeds or a related topic. to attack it with a DC 12 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check.
• With one failed check: Scoriaptrak leans his head
towards the characters and whispers, “Let this end. If Scoriaptrak has been Redeemed: The red dragon
Kelemvor was right. I am not worthy of forgiveness…” body vanishes and his humanoid form, holding an egg,
• With two failed checks: the challenge ends in failure, appears near the PCs. Rhezicora and her forces forfeit all
as described in the first challenge. actions for one round, due to her surprise and confusion.
• With success, read or paraphrase the following: They ignore the harmless-looking halfing and egg but fight
the PCs to the death (except Darbarik-see below). Scoriaptrak
Scoriaptrak speaks with a new voice, unclouded now by pain seems befuddled and doesn’t fight during this encounter.
and regret: “I have been shown that my past does not define
me. I can come back from a dark place. I ask you, my Judge Post-Battle Consequences
Kelemvor, and you, my father Bahamut, to allow me into your Sparing Rhezicora?
service, in this life or the next.” If the PCs made and honored a pledge to leave Rhezicora
alive (reducing her to zero hitpoints but knocking her out
Kelemvor gives a satisfied nod and turns to Bahamut, saying, instead of killing her), Darbarik is grateful. He hands the
characters Rhezicora’s “evil” amulet--it’s just a plain emerald.
“He is yours now.”
Darbarik leaves with his unconsious beloved. Once out of
With that, Kelemvor’s form recedes and Bahamut glides down sight (maybe several hours later), Rhezicora awakens and,
to you and speaks: “Thank you for all your efforts. When your enraged by his betrayal, kills him in his sleep. So deep is her
lives come to an end, I will greet Kelemvor with you, as an ally. malevolence that she re-animates his corpse and storms off
Until then, know that you may call on me in dire need.” with it (at the DM’s discretion, she might find the PCs and
seek revenge at a later date…).
Without waiting for an answer, the dragon god turns and
Freeing the Villagers
swallows Scoriaptrak, then disappears in blinding light.
The villagers are very grateful to be freed and immediately
seek to be reunited with their families in Bonestore. If
Redemption Dice should be used on this check, making
Bonestore is still held by Rhezicora’s henchmen, the
this an easy but satisfying check as the players get to cash in

52 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

freedmen will attack it, aided by Sir Patkyt and/or Medrash. • Should a character look up, a successful DC 16 WISDOM
The PCs can also be involved, but it is not essential. The (Perception) check reveals the blue dragon streaking
henchmen in Bonestore flee at the sight of the freed mob. towards them, negating the element of surprise.

To the Falls! If Scoriaptrak is still a red dragon, Nymixeartia (young blue

A slightly-confused Scoriaptrak is clear about one thing: he dragon, MM) crashes into him, claws first (doing an extra
must go to Dygyrus Falls (Area 17) to meet…someone. 4d10 slashing damage). She seeks to kill Scoriaptrak, ignoring
all attacks on her until she’s done so. When (not if)
Other Mapped Locations Scoriaptrak is killed, the encounter Make Peace with
Your (Dragon) God is triggered (page 51).
15. Carnass Foothills
If Scoriaptrak has been Redeemed and is in his new,
Setting: Rocky, sloping ground with sparse vegetation. humanoid form, the blue lands on Andralir instead and tosses
Utility: Final combat encounter. him like a broken toy. She roars: “Where is the weakling
The PCs get to fight a dragon! red?!! I shall finish what I started!!” Nymixeartia will listen to
the PCs but doesn’t tolerate much stalling. No matter what,
Once past the necromancer’s camp, a half-day of traveling is after 3 rounds, she recognizes Scoriaptrak’s new form and
needed to reach Scoriaptrak’s lair. As this is Scoriaptrak’s old attacks him as above.
home territory, he knows the way. Ask your players to
describe their surroundings as their characters are seeing it,
Bahamut Power-Ups
prompted by the question: “tell me one detail that clearly
The PCs should realize that they are outmatched by the blue
shows this used to be a red dragon’s territory“.
dragon (CR9) and that they may have to cash-in the boon
given to them by Bahamut. When/If they call upon the deity,
Out of the Blue read or paraphrase the following:
A rival dragon ambushes the party. The blue dragon,
Nymixeartia, has been hunting Scoriaptrak since he escaped Bahamut’s golden voice rattles the teeth in your skull with its
her just prior to this adventure. She investigated the smoke weight. The blue dragon screeches and spins in circles,
and activity of the recent battle and to her joy, she saw
panicked. Bahamut rumbles, “Friends, I did not expect you so
Scoriaptrak (if he’s been transformed, she just sensed his
presence). soon. But, ah…I see your troubles. My new son will not be felled
on the day of his birth. Take my gifts now, and send this
Contact with an elven ally kicks off the scene. When ready to wretched lizard back to her 5-headed mistress.”
begin the encounter, read or paraphrase the following:
Golden parcels appear on the ground before you.
Scoriaptrak’s lair entrance is now barely visible on the
mountainside before you. Two dilapidated huts sit at the cave The parcels are magic items, one per character: a helm, a set
mouth. of wings, a mask, a pair of greaves and a pair of gauntlets
On a scree slope between you and the cave, a small rockslide (see Appendix C: Magic Items).
betrays the presence of a lone figure, rapidly sliding downhill.
He seems to be hailing you and waving. His Final Form
If the PCs are getting the worst of it with Nymixeartia,
The cave entrance is 500 feet away when the encounter humanoid Scoriaptrak can awaken and transform into his
starts. The huts are the remains of a failed goblin settlement, new young gold dragon (MM) form. You could tease this
abandoned a few years ago. A forgotten cache of rusty possibility during combat with Scoriaptrak saying something
weapons and a total of 5gp in various coinage can be found like the following:
under a false section of floor within one of the huts. • “I am starting to remember who I was.”
• “I was quite fierce, wasn’t I?.”
The elven scout (MM) Andralir has been stationed by
• “Just a minute … Ahhhh … Nope … Lost it.”
Scoriaptrak’s lair in case the dragon returned. He hails the
• “What is this egg? … Is it breakfast?”
PCs, excitedly so if Scoriaptrak is still in red dragon form, then
the following occurs:
If a PC asks Scoriaptrak to join the fight, he takes 3 rounds to
• He sees the blue dragon plummeting from the sky
transform; a successful DC 12 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check
above. A successful DC 13 WISDOM (Insight) check
and roleplaying that expresses the urgency of the situation,
reveals that Andralir’s waving has gone from friendly to
allow for the transformation to speed up to 1 round.
frantic, allowing the party one round to react.

53 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

16. Scoriaptrak’s Lair 17. Dygyrus Falls

Setting: A large, empty cave complex. Setting: Roaring waterfalls at the mountain/forest edge.
Utility: Closure on this chapter of Scoriaptrak’s life. Utility: Reunion with elves and the conclusion of the story.
The adventure’s major cache of treasure.
The landscape grades from rocky foothills back into lowland
Read or paraphrase the following: forest, and the stream winding down from Mount Carnass takes
an abrupt plunge: Dygyrus Falls.
Inside the large cavern, the stone floor is smooth, worn down
At the base of the 100-foot waterfall is a small encampment.
by years of scaled bellies and tails. The central chamber is quite
empty, but, for those with a keen imagination, the smell of old This is the main camp of Myoris’ band of elves who have been
coins appears to hang within the air. looking for Scoriaptrak. Depending on who the PCs have
Scoriaptrak studies his old lair for a long moment, then coughs interacted with, Tweeskree, the blink dogs, and Eurae the
and shuffles his feet. From the look deep within his eyes, he dryad could be there, too.
seems ready to leave.
At the sight of the party or Scoriaptrak, the elves let loose a
Movement from unrecognizable figures can be seen in the
mighty cheer (by elven standards). Once in the camp, Myoris’
gloom towards the rear of the cave. apprentice, Gryvenir (druid, MM), speaks directly to
Scoriaptrak, quoting an elven poem that was his favorite.
The remnants of the Cult of the Dragon cell have been Scoriaptrak is touched by the gesture and relaxes. Gryvenir
waiting to formally meet with Scoriaptrak here, as arranged offers Scoriaptrak a home, which he accepts.
by Kefleek. Whether they are aware of the developments of
this adventure is up to you. The band’s leader, Nihymia, addresses the PCs: “We are all in
your debt. What happened to this dragon may be unique in
The team consists of 2 thugs, a dragonwing cultist and
Faerun’s history. He will be a valuable ally to us all.” Nihymia
a swashbuckler (VGtM). The dragonwing carries a tribute
heals the PCs fully, and consults with them about their
in case they deemed Scoriaptrak a useful ally. The team stays
ongoing adventures; she and Scoriaptrak can likely give them
out of any fight between two chromatic dragons but would
some useful information.
be happy to fight against the PCs and/or a gold dragon.

This site represents a good roleplaying opportunity, focused Before the PCs leave, Scoriaptrak turns to the PCs to thank
on Scoriaptrak shedding his old life and beginning a new one. them. It can end with: “I’m where I’m supposed to be now.
The chasm that Scoriaptrak was going to hurl himself into is But I would have died a miserable beast were it not for you. I
deep under the mountain, but the dragon has no need to go am in your debt.”
there now.
Possible Next Steps
Part of the dragon’s hoard is still intact, protected by a few of Scoriaptrak and his elven allies could become a powerful
Kefleek’s traps, which he can de-activate easily. If your patron for your PCs, using the dragon’s information to plot
players are in the mood, ask them for details about the traps the downfall of a myriad of despicable villains that you’ve
prompted by the following: developed for your campaign.
• Describe one trap that Kefleek constructed.
• Who (or what) has tried to bypass it? One plot thread to pull is found in Myoris’ letter to
• How did they fail? Scoriaptrak in Section I; it mentions a threatening enemy:
“dark wings fly over the Great Forest.” Whether this refers to
Treasure: The Cults tribute consists of a crystal-framed a dragon, devil or other winged terror is up to you.
mirror (500 gp value), 200 pp and a gilded statue of Tiamat
(500 gp value). The dragon’s hoard consists of the following: Another plotline could involve Rhezicora if she was left alive
• 1,500 gp in various coinage. after the battle. Her thirst for vengeance on the PCs would
• A pair of carved, ceremonial ivory daggers from the land be terrible indeed. A more local adventure could involve
of Al-Qadim (300 gp value). helping the formerly-enslaved villagers re-establish a secure
• A weapon (mace) of warning (DMG). homestead; the ruins of Castle Twinpred could serve nicely.
• 5 rubies valued at 100gp each. Lizardfolk seeking to expand their swamp might need to be
• 1 Eversmoking bottle (DMG). dealt with, however.

54 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Tyranny of Dragons campaign integration
Scoriaptrak could ferry the PCs to their original destination of Elturel (HotDQ, Episode 4) or even Baldur’s Gate, where they join the
Cult’s loot-filled caravan headed north. At the very latest, the party would need to rejoin the caravan at the Carnath roadhouse
(Episode 5).
Later in the campaign, Scoriaptrak could help the elves and PCs take on the green dragon Chuth in the Misty Forest (Episode 4 of
Rise of Tiamat) or help win over metallic dragons at their pivotal meeting (Episode 6).

55 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Appendix A: Monsters & NPCs Cultist, Dragonfang
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Andravar, Apprentice Necromancer Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6)
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor)
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)
Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6)
Speed 30 ft. Saving Throws Str +4
Skills Athletics +4, Survival +2
Senses passive Perception 10
11 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Languages Common, Draconic
Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +3 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Skills Arcana +4, History +4, Intimidation +2
Senses passive Perception 16 Fanatical Advantage. Once per turn, if the dragonfang makes a
Languages Common, Dwarven, Abyssal weapon attack with Advantage on the attack roll and hits, the target
Challenge 2 (450 XP) takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage.

Spellcasting: The mage is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting Pack Tactics. The dragonwing has Advantage on an attack roll
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). against a creature if at least one of the dragonwing’s allies is within
The mage has the following wizard spells prepared: 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Cantrips (at will): chill touch, true strike

1st level (2 slots): alarm, mage armor, ray of sickness Actions
Multiattack. The dragonwing attacks twice with its war pick.
War pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
(1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Equipment Cultist, Dragonwing

Sickle, pixie skeleton in a glass jar, frog leg jerky, flask of oil (2), Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 14 (leather armor)
Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)
Saving Throws Wis +4
Skills Deception +3, Stealth +5
Damage Resistance fire
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Dragon Fanatic. The dragonwing has Advantage on saving throws

against being charmed or frightened.

Limited Flight. The dragonwing can use a bonus action to gain a

flying speed of 30 feet until the end of its turn.

Pack Tactics. The dragonwing has Advantage on an attack roll

against a creature if at least one of the dragonwing’s allies is within
5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Multiattack. The dragonwing attacks twice with its longbow.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 150/600, one target.

Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.

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Guard Drake Kefleek
Medium beast, unaligned Small humanoid sorcerer (kobold), neutral
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 45 (7d6 + 21) Hit Points 24 (7d6)
Speed 35 ft. Speed 15 ft.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 6 (-2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Wis +4 Skills Persuasion +5, Deception +5
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The drake has Advantage on WISDOM Innate Spellcasting. The kobold’s spellcasting ability is Charisma
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. (spell save DC 14). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring
no material components:
At will: friends, crown of madness
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7
3/day each: sleep, dominate person (Scoriaptrak only)
(1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Henchmen Swarm 1 (1d4 -1) piercing damage.
A huge group of humanoids, neutral evil
Armor Class 12
Robes, dagger, arcane focus (coin), pouch with several red dragon
Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
carvings, 10 pp, 50 gp, 3 rubies (100 gp each).
Speed 25 ft.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +4
Damage Vulnerabilities damage from area of effect spells and Lizardfolk hatchling
Senses passive Perception 9
Tiny humanoid (lizardfolk), neutral
Languages Common Armor Class 12
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 25 ft.
Spellcasting: Someone in the swarm is a 1st-level spellcaster. Their STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
spell attacks). They have the following wizard spells prepared:
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Draconic
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, ray of frost
1st level (1 slot): color spray, thunderwave Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Water walk. The hatchling can take the Dash Action to run on top of
If the swarm is reduced to 30 hp or less, the swarm makes a DC 10
CONSTITUTION saving throw. If the swarm fails, it loses its ability to water.
cast spells (ie: the spellcaster has fallen in battle).
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1
versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough (1d2) piercing damage.
for a Medium humanoid.

Multiattack. The swarm makes a spell attack and three melee

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.

Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

57 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Rhezicora the Necromancer Skeleton, Cave Bear
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Large undead, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 75 (7d8 + 16) Hit Points 37 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Skills Arcana +6, History +6, Intimidation +3 Damage Immunities poison
Senses passive Perception 11 Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Languages Common, Dwarven, Abyssal Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Languages -
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Spellcasting: The necromancer is an 7th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +5 to hit with Knockdown Charge. If the skeleton moves at least 20 ft. straight
spell attacks). The mage has the following wizard spells prepared: toward a creature and then hits it with a Claw attack on the same
turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 STRENGTH saving throw
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, dancing lights, mage armor or be pushed 10 feet and knocked prone.
1st level (4 slots): alarm, mage armor, ray of sickness
2nd level (3 slots): ray of enfeeblement, web Actions
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, vampiric touch
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8
4th level (1 slot): stoneskin
(1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Actions Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit:
Withering touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
Hit: 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.

Black robes, emerald necklace, wand of fear Skeleton, Giant Armadillo
Large undead, unaligned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Scoriaptrak, Adult Red Dragon Hit Points 28 (8d8 - 8)
Speed 20 ft., 40 ft. (rolling)
Huge dragon, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (-1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Hit Points 39 (6d12)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Speed 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
20 (+5) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Saving Throws Dexterity +5, Wisdom +8 Languages -
Skills Perception +10 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Damage Immunities fire
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Roller Derby. The skeleton can move through any space during its
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan move that is occupied by a creature of up to Large size, causing each
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) creature in its path to make a DC 14 STRENGTH saving throw. On a
failure, the creature is knocked prone, and takes 7 (d10+2)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it bludgeoning damage.
can choose to succeed instead.
Actions Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4
Multiattack. The dragon can make two attacks. (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit:
11 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

58 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Skeleton, Giant Serpent Skeleton, Mammoth
Huge undead, unaligned Huge undead, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 40 (8d8 + 8) Hit Points 51 (6d12 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3) 22 (+6) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages - Languages -
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Rib-cage. Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to the serpent Trampling Charge. If the skeleton moves at least 20 ft. straight
must make a DC 10 DEXTERITY saving throw or else be restrained toward a creature and then hits it with a Tusk Sweep attack on the
inside the skeleton’s ribcage. A DC 10 STRENGTH check or a same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 STRENGTH saving
successful melee weapon attack against the skeleton is needed to throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the elephant can
break free. make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action.

Actions Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: Tusk Sweep. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage. target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one prone

creature. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Skeleton, Gibbon
Small undead, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 5 (2d6-2)
Speed 20 ft., climb 30ft.
6 (-2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 5 (-3) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages -
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Cannonball. From above, the skeleton launches itself at its target,

which must make a DC 14 DEXTERITY saving throw to avoid taking 8
(d8+3) bludgeoning damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3
(1d6) piercing damage.

59 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Skeleton, Sticky Swarm Undead Spitted Boar
A huge swarm of undead, unaligned Medium undead, unaligned
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 13
Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, any damage from spells that Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
target multiple creatures Damage Immunities poison
Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Meatbomb. When the boar reaches 0 hit points, it explodes in a
Sticky brawl. Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to the swarm shower of steaming meat and bone shrapnel. All creatures within a
must succeed on a DC 8 STRENGTH saving throw, or else be 10-foot radius takes 2 fire damage and must succeed on a DC 10
Restrained. Breaking free of the swarm is a DC 13 Strength CONSTITUTION saving throw to avoid being blinded for 2 rounds.
(Athletics) check.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice
Multiattack. The boar makes one trip attack and one gore attack.
versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough
for a Medium humanoid. Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6
(1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The swarm makes three Vicious Scrum attacks, Skewer Trip. Melee Attack: reach 5 ft., one target. The target must
described as headbutting, biting, scratching, or kicking. succeed on a DC 12 DEXTERITY saving throw or be knocked prone.

Vicious Scrum. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning/slashing/piercing damage.
Zombie, Red Dragon
Huge undead, unaligned

Skeleton, Tar Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 85 (10d12+20)
Medium undead, unaligned Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 13 (armor scraps) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Speed 25 ft. Damage Immunities poison
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Condition Immunities poisoned
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages -
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Smoking cloud. Any creature within 10 feet of the zombie must
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
make a DC 10 CONSTITUTION saving throw to avoid being blinded by
Languages Understands all languages it spoke in life but can’t speak
acrid clouds of smoke, issuing from the zombie’s mouth and
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Sticky embrace. Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to the
swarm must succeed on a DC 8 STRENGTH saving throw, or else be Actions
Restrained. Breaking free requires a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) Multiattack. The makes two make two attacks: one with its bite and
check. one with its tail. It can’t make both attacks on the same target

Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11
(2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

60 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Appendix B: Magic Items Book of Fancies
Wondrous item, unique
Battleaxe of Bloodlust (+1) This pop-up book portrays scenes from children’s stories. By
Weapon, rare speaking the correct password (‘Ammadrea’), one of the
This jagged, obsidian axe smolders with the dull glow of book’s illustrations can become an illusory, life-sized scene,
eternal savagery. Every successful melee attack grants the as per the silent image spell. Ask your players to describe the
wielder 5 temporary hit points and causes a surprisingly large scene or use the list below for inspiration:
amount of blood to spray from the target. • three children sneaking by a sleeping goblin,
• two halflings springing a snare trap on an ogre,
Bahamut’s Boon items • a giant swinging a club at a charging knight.
Wondrous items, unique The book can be used once per day.
Donning any item grants a one-time recovery of all hit points
and spell slots. It also grants a +2 to Armor Class and resistance Breastplate of Bludgeoning Resistance
to lightning damage. Armor, uncommon
This battered breastplate is etched with the angry face of a
Helm. This skullcap is golden-scaled, featuring the horns of a ram. The wearer gains Resistance to bludgeoning damage.
gold dragon. While wearing the helm, you have a +2 to spell
attacks and your spell save DC. In addition, the wearer can Bullroarer of Undead Control
cast the following spells once per long rest without using a
Wondrous item, uncommon
spell slot: fly, mage armor.
This oval, wooden disk is attached to an arm-length leather
strap. A single, necromantic glyph is carved on one side.
Wings. When this backpack is worn, a large pair of golden
When spun rapidly, a loud, low whirring is emitted, and the
wings unfurl from it. You gain the ability to fly (speed 60ft.) as
magic is activated. The wielder can now control undead
well as a Flap attack: each creature within 15 ft. of you must
creatures that possess a matching glyph, as per the animate
succeed on a DC 18 DEXTERITY saving throw or take 12 (2d6 +
dead spell. The wielder can control a combined total of CR1
6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. You can then
worth of creatures within 30 feet (e.g. 8, CR 1/8 creatures or
fly up to half your flying speed.
1, CR1 creature).
Mask. This golden muzzle fits over the wearer’s lower face,
Attunement with this item is needed for it to function,
resembling a snarling dragon’s snout. While wearing the
triggering a DC 10 CONSTITUTION saving throw. On a failure,
mask, you can use the following breath weapon attack (a
the subject can still attune, but any use of the bullroarer
number of times per day equal to your CONSTITUTION
causes the subject 2 necrotic damage.

Fire Breath. You exhale fire in a 60-foot cone. Each Clasp of Costly Teleportation
creature in that area must make a DC 18 DEXTERITY Wondrous item, uncommon
saving throw, taking 40 (8d10) fire damage on a failed This flat, metal skull looks like a mere decorative item. If any
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. living appendage is inserted into the open mouth, it clamps
down, severing the appendage. The clasp’s owner then has
Greaves. When you wear this pair of golden greaves, your one use of the teleportation spell.
legs become longer, golden-scaled and more powerful. You
gain 20 temporary hit points, can jump up to 50 feet, landing Darkheart Violin
without taking damage. You can also make a Claw attack with Wondrous item, rare
your feet (+9 to hit, 2d6+5 piercing damage) as a Bonus If a musician is evil-aligned, playing this violin can change the
Action. alignment of a single draconic target to chaotic evil. Each
round that the target can hear the violin, it must succeed on a
Gauntlets. When you wear this pair of golden gauntlets, DC 18 CHARISMA saving throw. After 3 failed saving throws,
your arms become mighty, scaled appendages, ending in the target’s alignment shifts to chaotic evil.
wicked claws. While wearing the gauntlets, you gain 20
temporary hit points and +2 to all weapon-based attacks.

61 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Dust of Sneezing and Choking Tapestry of Illusion
Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, rare
When you use an Action to throw a handful of the dust into This silken tapestry is 15x15 feet. It can display a scene
the air, you and each creature that needs to breathe within mimicking its surroundings, equivalent to the major image
30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 CONSTITUTION spell. A creature must use a spell slot or attempt a DC 10
saving throw or become unable to breathe while sneezing INTELLIGENCE (Arcana) check to activate this effect, up to 2
uncontrollably. A creature affected in this way is twice per day. A failed check does not activate the illusion but
Incapacitated. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the does count as a “use” of the item. Objects covered by the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success. tapestry are detectable only with a successful DC 20 WISDOM
The Lesser Restoration spell can also end the effect on a (Perception) check.
Whistle of reptile stunning
Flute of the Abyss Wondrous item, rare
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This fragile bone whistle emits a frequency that disrupts the
If a musician is evil-aligned, playing this flute can change the thoughts of any reptilian or draconic creature within 30 feet.
alignment of a single draconic target to chaotic evil; this Any such creature within 60 feet of the whistle is Deafened
instrument works only on some dragons (DMs discretion). and must succeed on a DC12 CONSTITUTION saving throw to
Each round that the target can hear the violin, it must avoid being stunned for 1 round. After each use, the user
succeed on a DC 14 CHARISMA saving throw. After 3 failed must succeed on a DC12 DEXTERITY (Sleight of Hand) check or
saving throws, the target’s alignment shifts to chaotic evil. else the whistle breaks.

62 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Appendix C: Maps MAP A

1 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm


2 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm


3 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

4 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
5 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

6 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

7 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
8 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
9 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
10 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
11 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
12 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
13 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
14 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm
Appendix D: Player Handouts
and Illustrations

Illustration A (Area 1)

15 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration B (Area 1)

16 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration C (Area 5)

17 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration D (Area 6)

18 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration E (Area 7)

19 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration bonus (lizardfolk hatchling-Area 8)

20 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration F (Area 9)

21 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration G (Area 9)

22 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration H (Area 14 or encounter T5)

23 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration I (Random encounter T11)

24 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

Illustration bonus (uncropped cover art)

25 | Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm Table of Contents

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