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A Step-by-Step Prayer Guide for

Muslim Men & Women
We are honored and blessed to have authored this ‘Learn to pray
guide’ in order to help and simplify the process of learning how
to pray. We ask Allah u to continue pouring His blessings upon
this project and make your path to learn how to pray, filled with
light and ease. Ameen

The instructions and steps in this book are designed for both males
and females wanting to learn how to pray.

We understand and respect that there are differences in

opinions in relation to certain actions in the prayer, however we
chose not to include them in the book in order to simplify the
learning process.

The sole purpose of this book is to teach the basics of prayer,

once you have learnt the foundations of prayer and wish to seek
further knowledge, we encourage you to approach your local
Mosque or Islamic Centre who can assist you with the guidance of
the Qur’an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet s.

The Salah (Prayer)


Salah (Prayer) is one of the fundamental The importance of Salah is so great
pillars of Islam. It was the first act of that one is ordered to observe it in all
worship that was made obligatory by occasions, whether one is healthy or
Allah u and it is the last thing to be sick, whether one prays standing, sitting
taken away from the religion. When it or lying down, whether one is traveling
perishes, Islam will perish. or residing and whether one is safe or
in fear. Salah is our key to success in
Its obligation was revealed directly to
this world and in the hereafter. Allah u
the Prophet s, during his ascension to
says in His Glorious Book;
the heaven and it was made obligatory
upon every sane, adult* Muslim. Salah “Successful indeed are the believers
is the first action that a believer will be who are humble in their prayers” and
questioned about, for the Messenger of in another verse “And who pay heed to
Allah s said, their prayers. These are the heirs who will
inherit Paradise. There will they abide ”
“The first act that the slave will be
(al-Mu’minun: 1-2, 9-11)
accountable for on the Day of Judgement
will be prayer. If it is good, then the rest of The main purpose of this booklet is to
his acts will be good. And if it is deficient, help you learn how to pray correctly as
then the rest of his acts will be deficient”. taught to us by the Prophet Muhammad
s. It provides a simplified, illustrated
step-by-step guide to ‘Purification &
Prayer’ which we hope will get you up
and running quickly.

*Please refer to page 5 for who is considered an adult

2 The Salah (Prayer)

The Arabic word Salah originates from These points can be noted in the
the word silah which means connection. following hadith of the Prophet s:
The Islamic definition of Salah is the
“If a person had a stream outside their
name given to the formal prayer of
door and they bathed in it five times a day,
Islam. The prayer is one of the obligatory
do you think they would have any filth
rites of the religion, to be performed
left on them?” The people said, “No filth
five times a day by every obedient adult*
would remain on them whatsoever.” The
Muslim. It is a connection between the
Prophet s then said, “That is like the five
human and their Creator Allah. The
daily prayers: Allah wipes away the sins
prayers are a type of purification for a
by them.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari and
human being. They turn and meet with
their Lord five times a day. This repeated
standing in front of Allah should keep
the person from performing sins during
the day.

Furthermore, it should also be a time

of remorse and repentance, such that
they earnestly ask Allah for forgiveness
for those sins that they committed. In
addition, the prayer in itself is a good
deed that wipes away some of the evil
deeds that they performed.

*Please refer to page 5 for who is considered an adult

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. Performing Salah
is the first priority after belief in the Oneness of Allah
u and in the prophethood of Muhammad s. It is
such an important pillar, that Muslims are called upon
to perform this act of worship in all circumstances
without fail.

Prayer Tip - Prayer is a protection for you

“Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil
deeds” (Surah al-Ankaboot 45).

This effect has been described in the following

eloquent way - “Its aim is to generate within the
subliminal self of man such spiritual power, light of
faith and awareness of God as can enable him to strive
successfully against all kinds of evils and temptations
and remain steadfast at times of trial and adversity and
protect himself against the weakness of the flesh and
the mischief of immoderate appetites.” [Nadwi]

Prayer Tip - Prayer is cleansing

In another hadith, the Prophet s said, “The five daily

prayers and the Friday Prayer until the Friday prayer
are expiation for what is between them.” (Recorded by

4 The Salah (Prayer)

Prayer is obligatory upon every sane adult Muslim. A
person is considered an adult upon reaching puberty.
There are four signs of puberty (any one of these signs
means the person has reached puberty)

1. Wet dreams
2. Pubic hair
3. Menstruation (for girls)
4. Reaching the age of 15

Prayer Tip - Missed Prayers

It is a major sin to miss a prayer deliberately; the missed

prayer must be made up as soon as it is remembered.
Any made-up prayer is performed in the exact manner
it is prayed during it’s specified time.

The Names and Times of
the 5 Daily Prayers


Dawn Prayer Noon Prayer Afternoon Prayer
Fajr is performed after Dhuhr is performed Asr is performed midway
dawn and before sunrise. when the sun passes the between noon and
Fajr consists of 2 Units meridian. Dhuhr consists sunset. Asr consists of 4
(raka’ah). of 4 Units (raka’ah). Units (raka’ah).

Prayer Tip - Pray

on Time

Remember, it is best
to perform each of the
MAGHREB ISHA five obligatory prayers
as soon as the time
Sunset Prayer Night Prayer
has commenced, as
Maghreb is performed Isha is performed after it is not permitted to
immediately after sunset. twilight up until fajr delay them without
Maghreb consists of 3 although it is preferred a valid reason, and it
Units (raka’ah). to be prayed before must not be delayed
midnight. Isha consists of beyond its permitted
4 units (raka’ah). time.

6 The Names and Times of the 5 Daily Prayers

The Compulsory (Fard) & Non-
Compulsory Prayers (Sunnah)

The following are the number of compulsory and Umm Habeebah j,

sunnah units associated with each prayer. The the wife of the
highlighted boxes are obligatory. Prophet s said:
“I heard the Messenger
The sunnah prayers are highly recommended, and the
of Allah s say: ‘There
person will receive great reward for performing them – is no Muslim slave
however no sin is incurred for skipping them. who prays twelve
rak‘ahs to Allah each
Before After day, voluntarily, apart
Prayer Compulsory
(Sunnah) (Sunnah)
from the obligatory
Fajr 2 2* prayers, but Allah will
build for him a house in
Dhuhr 2+2 4 2 or (2 + 2) Paradise.’”
Asr 2+2 4

Maghrib 2 3* 2

Isha’ 2 4* 2

* The Qur’anic recitation of * For women, the first 2 units

the first two units of each should only be read aloud if
of these prayers which the person is:
have the asterisk besides 1. leading other women
them should be read aloud. (only) in prayer
All other units of these
2. praying by herself at
prayers and other prayers
home / in a private area
should be recited silently.

Prayer Tip - Using Prayer Calendars

It is advised that you refer to an Islamic prayer timetable

published by one of the local Islamic centres in your
city for exact time prayers throughout the year. Or
download reputable Prayer Apps to provide you with
the correct prayer times for your location.

The Compulsory (Fard) & Non-Compulsory Prayers (Sunnah) 7

Purification & Cleanliness

After successfully completing this module you’ll be In the Glorious Quran,

able to: Allah (u) states:
“Truly, Allah loves those
1. Know the importance of purification in Islam
who turn unto Him
2. Understand how to perform the ritual actions of wudu in repentance and He
3. Determine which actions break or nullify the wudu loves those who purify
Purification is a very important matter in Islam. One
must purify their intention for Allah alone and purify
their bodies and clothes before beginning the Prayer.

Hygiene and cleanliness are very important aspects

of a Muslim’s life. One must ensure that their bodies,
clothing and place of prayer is free from impurities
such as urine, faeces and any other impure substances.

After going to the toilet, it is compulsory to wash the

private parts with water if it is available and does not
cause harm (due to injury for example).

It is obligatory to have a full shower known as Ghusl

after intimate relations between the husband and wife,
after ejaculation by the man (due to a wet dream, for
example), and upon completion of a woman’s menses
or post-natal bleeding.

8 Purification & Cleanliness (Tahaarah)

Wudu’ Foundations


The Prophet Muhammad s said: “Salah (prayer) of
anyone of you who has invalidated his/her purification
is not accepted unless he/she makes wudu’’. (Bukhari)


The Prophet Muhammad s said: “When the Muslim
or believing servant performs ablution and washes
his/her face, each sin he/she has committed by his/
her eyes washes away with the water. When he/she
washes his/her hands, each sin his/her hands have
committed washes away with the water – or with the
last drop of water until he/she becomes free of sin.”
(Malik and others).


1. Go to the toilet first (if required). You should use
the toilet and then wash the private parts before
performing wudu’.
2. It is good practice to clean the teeth with siwak
(toothstick) or a toothbrush before performing wudu’
as taught by the Prophet Muhammad s.
3. Before starting the actions of wudu’, it is necessary to
make your intention of washing to be for the purpose
of wudu’ only.

Wudu’ Foundations 9
Akkaataa Wuduu’aa


1 - Bismillah

WUDUU'A DURA: qalbii isaatiin niyyata;

arrabaan hin dubbatu.

ِ‫بِس ِم اهلل‬
Bismillaah' jedhee
maqaa Rabbii dhaha.

2 - Harka Yeroo 3

Ergasii harka (shanacha)

isaa lamaan yeroo sadii

10 Akkaataa wuduu'aa
3 - Afaan Yeroo 3

Sana booda bishaaniin yeroo

sadi afaan isaa lulluuqqata.

4 - Funyaan Yeroo 3

Sana booda bishaan yeroo

sadi funyaanitti seensisee,
harka bitaatiin bishaan
funyaan keessaa baasa.

5 - Fuula Yeroo 3

Ergasii fuula isaa yeroo sadi

dhiqa. Daangaan isaa
dalgaan gurra irraa hanga
gurraa yoo ta'u, oleedhaan
immoo bakka rifeensi mataa itti
biqilu irraa hanga jalee lafee
areedaatti ta'a.

6 - Irree Yeroo 3

Ergasii harka isaa fiixee qubbeenii irraa

kaasee hanga ciqilee dabalatutti yeroo sadii
dhiqa. Mirgaan eegalee ergasii bitaatti darba.

7 - Mataa

Ergasii mataa isaa yeroo tokkicha

haxaawa. Harka isaa lamaan jiisee
fuuldura mataa isaa irraa eegalee
hanga duubaa (kiyyuutti) haxaa'ee
ergasii fuulduratti as deebisa.

8 – Gurra

Ergasii yeroo tokkicha gurra isaa

haxaa'a. Quba isaa akeektuu lamaan
qaawwa gurraa keessa seensisee
abbudduu lamaaniin immoo irra

12 How to Perform Wudu’ (Step-by-Step)

9 – Miila Yeroo 3

Ergasii miila isaa lamaan fiixee qubbeetii

irraa kaasee hanga koronyootti dhiqata.
Mirgaan eegalee ergasii bitaatti darba.

10 - Du'aa'ii xumura wuduu'aa

Wuduu'a booda’: akkana jedha :

Ash-hadu anllaa ilaaha illallaahu wa ash-hadu

anna Muhammadan Abduhuu wa Rasuuluhu
Allahuma ij-alnii minat-tawwaabiin waj-alnii
minal mutaxahhiriin

‫ول‬ ْ ‫ان ّل ا ا ّل ا و ا ْشــهد ان محم ًد اع‬

ْ ْ
ُ ‫ده َو َر ُس‬ ‫ب‬ َ
ُ َ َّ َ ُ َّ ُ َ َ َُ ّ َ ِ
ِ ‫د‬ ‫ه‬
ُ َ ‫اش‬
ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ
‫ابنيَ واجعلنِــي ِمن ال ُمتطَ ِّه ِرين‬ ‫و‬ ‫الت‬ ‫ن‬‫م‬ِ ‫ي‬ِ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬‫ـم ّ َاجع‬
َ َ َ َ ِ َّ َّ َ َ ُ َّ

Actions which Nullify
the Wudu

The following actions nullify the Wudu - i.e. it has The Prophet
to be performed again in order to pray. These are in Muhammad s said:
regards to both men and women: “Whoever performs
Wudu’ well then
1. Passing wind.
says, (the mentioned
2. Passing urine or faeces supplication); the eight
3. Full mouth vomiting gates of Paradise will
4. Flowing of blood or pus from any part of the body. be opened for him to
5. Deep sleep, whereby one loses awareness. enter through any one
he wills.”
6. Unconsciousness or intoxication
7. Touching the private parts with the hand and fingers
without a barrier.
8. Intimate relations*

Wudu Tip - Forgetfullness *It is mandatory

for a person to
If a person forgets whether they have nullified their take a full bath/
wudu’ or not, then this does NOT nullify their ablution, shower after
regardless of whether the person is praying or not, until having intimate
they are certain that they have nullified their ablution. relations with
their husband/
wife in order to
be in a state of
Wudu Tip - Menstruation
purity for prayer.

A menstruating or post natal woman must not pray as

long as blood is visible and her missed prayers do not
have to be made up.

14 Actions which Nullify the Wudu

Prerequisites of Prayer


A man must cover the front and back of his body
between his navel and knees, as well as both his
shoulders when praying. The garments must be loose and
not transparent.

A woman must cover her entire body, except for her

hands and face. The garments must be loose and not




This means to have Wudu’ (Ablution). The Prophet s said:
“Allah does not accept prayer without purity.” (Muslim)


Allah u says: “Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at
fixed times.”


Where ever a Muslim is in the world, they must face towards
Makkah for prayer. There are special compasses designed to
help you find the Qiblah direction.



Prerequisites of Prayer 15
How to Perform Salah
Namni salaatu gara qiblaatti gara gala. Innis Ka'abaa yoo ta'u bakkuma jiru hundatti
qalbii isaatiin salaata salaatuuf yaade sana waajiba yookiin sunnaas ta'u niyyatee
gara isheetti gara gala. Garuu niyyaa arraba isaatiin hin dubbatu.


Takbiiraa hidhannaa jechuu: gara bakka sujuudaa

ilaalaa 'Allaahu Akbar' (Rabbiin hundarra guddate)
jechuudha. Yeroo takbiirichaa harka isaa lamaan hanga
gurmuu lamaanii yookiin qixa gurra isaa lamaaniitti ol
kaasa. Harka lamaanis qiblaatti deebisee ol kaasa.

‫اَ ّٰهلل أَك َب‬
Allaahu Akbar
(Rabbiin guddate) ُ

Harka isaa qomaa isaa irra kaa'a. Harka mirgaa isa bitaa
gubbaa kaa'ee harkaa lamaanuu qomarra kaa'ee akkana

A’uuzu Billaahi mina-sheeyxaani-rajiim

(Sheeyxaana darbamaa irraa Allaahaaniin tikfama)

‫ج ِمي‬
ِ ‫ٱلر‬ ‫أعوذ بٱ من ٱلش ۡيطن‬
َّ ِ َ َّ َ ِ ِ َّ ِ ُ
16 How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step) - First Rak’ah
‫‪3 - Suuraa Al-Faatihaa qara'uu‬‬

‫ب ْسم‬
‫الر ِ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اهللِ الر ٰ‬
‫َّ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ ِ َّ َّ َ‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ْ ْ‬
‫ني‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬‫ع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ر‬
‫ح ُ ّ َ َ ِّ َ َ َ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫هلل‬
‫ِ‬ ‫د‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫ْ‬
‫ن الرحِميِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫الر ٰ‬
‫َّ‬ ‫َّ َ‬

‫ك ي ْو ِم ا ّ‬
‫دلِي ِ‬ ‫ما ل‬
‫َ ِ ِ َ‬

‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫اك نَس َت ِعني ُ‬
‫د َو ِإ ّ َي َ‬
‫اك َنعب ُ ُ‬
‫ِإ ّ َي َ‬

3ffaa - Suuraa Al-Faatihaa qara'uu (kan itti fufe)

6 ْ ْ
‫اط ال ُم ْست ِقمي‬
َ ‫الصر‬
ّ ِ ‫اه ِد َنا‬
َ َ َ

7 ْ ْ َ ّ ‫صراط‬
‫الين أَنعمت ع َل ْي ِْم‬
َ َ َ َ ِ َ َ ِ

‫ي ْم‬ ْ ‫غ ْي الْم ْغضوب عل‬

ِ َ َ ِ ُ َ ِ َ

َ ّ ‫َو َل‬

‫آ ِمني‬

18 How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step) - First Rak’ah


Yoo raka'aa 1ffaa ykn 2ffaa salaataa jiraate:

Qur'aana irraa suuraa isaaf laaffate itti dabalee qara'a.

Yoo raka'aa 3ffaa ykn 5ffaa salaataa jiraate:

Gara tarkaanfii 5ffaatti darba.(Suuraa Al-Faatihaa qara'uu qofaatu

Ergasii Allaahu Akbar jechaa rukuu'a bu'a. Yeroo bu'u harka isaa
hanga gurmuutti yookiin hanga gurra lamaaniitti ol kaasaa bu'a. Mataa
isaa qixa dugda isaa taasisa. Harka isaa lamaan qubbeen isaa adda
baasee jilba isaa irra kaa'a. Rukuu'a isaa keessatti ni tasgabbaa'a.

‫اَ ّٰهلل أَك َب‬
Allaahu Akbar
(Rabbiin guddate) ُ


Rukuu'a keessattis akkana jedha:

Subhaana Rabbi Al-Ziim

(Glory be to my Lord the Supreme)

‫س ْبـحان ر ِّبـي العظـمي‬
َ َ َ َ ُ

Step 7

Ergasii Russian irraa ol diriiree akkana jedha

Sami’-Allaahu liman hamidah

(Allah listens to the one who praises

‫ح َده‬ ْ ‫سع ا لم‬

ُ ِ َ َ ِ ُ َّ َ ِ َ

Step 8

At this point you should stand with arms by your side.

Rabbanaa wa lakal hamd

(Our Lord, and to You belongs the praise)

‫ك الحمـد‬ ‫ر ّبنـا ول‬
َ َ َ َ َ َ

20 How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step) - First Rak’ah

Step 9 - Prostration

Go into the prostration (sujood) positions

seen below.

As you go into this position say:

‫اَ ّٰلل أَك َب‬
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is Greatest) ُ

Then say (3 times):

Subhaana rabbiyal ‘alaa
(Glory be to my Lord Most High)

ْ ْ
‫الع َل‬
َ ‫ان ر ِ ّب‬ ‫س ْبح‬
َ َ َ ُ

In the prostration position (sujood), ensure:

1. The nose and forehead are touching the ground

2. The two palms are on the floor with fingers together
3. The two knees are on the floor
4. The toes of both feet are upright and not laying flat on the floor

Step 10

While coming up to the sitting position say:

‫اَ ّٰلل أَك َب‬
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is Greatest) ُ
Sit on the left thigh, with the left foot along
the ground and the right foot upright. The
toes of the right foot should be facing the
Qiblah and the hands should be placed of the

Then say (3 times):

‫ب اغ ِف ْر ِل‬
(Oh Allah, forgive me) ِّ ‫َر‬

Step 11

‫اَ ّٰلل أَك َب‬
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is Greatest) ُ

Then say (3 times):

ْ ْ
‫الع َل‬
َ ‫ان ر ِ ّب‬ ‫س ْبح‬
Subhaana rabbiyal ‘alaa
(Glory be to my Lord Most High) َ َ َ َ ُ

The first unit is now complete.

Now you should complete the second/final rak’ah (unit).

22 How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step) - First Rak’ah

How to Perform Salah



Step 1

Stand up and say:

‫اَ ّٰلل أَك َب‬
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is Greatest) ُ

Step 2

Repeat Steps 3 to Step 11 from the first Rak’ah (unit) of prayer.

How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step) - Second or Final Rak’ah 23

Step 3

After completing Step 11 from the first

Rak’ah (unit) of prayer, say:

‫اَ ّٰلل أَك َب‬
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is Greatest) ُ

Then go into the sitting position. At this point

raise your index finger on your right hand.

Now recite the following:

1 Attahiyyaatu lilaahi wassalawaatu

(All compliments, prayers and pure words
are due to Allah)

ُ ‫ات َوالطَ ِ ّّي َب‬
ُ ‫الص َل َو‬ ‫التحيــات ِ ٰل و‬
َّ َ ِ ّ ُ َّ ِ َّ

2 assalaamu ‘alayka ay-yuhan-nabiyyu

(Peace be upon you Oh Prophet)

‫ك أ َ ّيا النَّ ِبي‬

َ ‫لس َلم ع َل ْي‬
ُّ َُ َ ُ َّ

3 wa rahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
(And the mercy of Allah and His blessings)

ُ ‫كاتُه‬
َ ‫َو َرحَة ُ اهللِ َو َب َر‬

24 How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step) - Second or Final Rak’ah

Step 3 (Continued)

4 assalaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘alaa

(Peace be upon us and on the righteous
slaves of Allah)

ْ ٰ ْ
َ‫الصالِ ِحي‬
َّ ِ‫ـام ُ َع َلينَا َو َعل ِع َبا ِد اهلل‬
َ ‫لسـ‬

5 Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaah

(I bear witness that there is no God or deity
worthy of worship except Allah)

ٰ ْ ْ
‫د أَن َل ِإل ِإ َّل اهلل‬
ُ ‫أَش َه‬
ُ َ

6 Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan

‘abduhu wa rasooluh
(And I bear witness that Muhammad is His
slave and Messenger)

‫ده و رس ْو ُل‬
ُ ‫د أ َ ّن مح ّم ًدا ع ْب‬
ُ ‫وأَش َه‬
ُ ُ َ َُ َ َ َ ُ َ َ

What to do Next?

You would have completed the first and second rak’ah

(units). What to do next will depend on which prayer
you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are

Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

Fajr (2 Rak’ah)

the Prayer
1st Unit 2nd Unit
Follow steps
from page 27
to 29

Dhuhr, Asr & Isha’ (4 Rak’ah each)

3rd Unit 4th Unit
the Prayer
1st Unit 2nd Unit
Follow steps Follow steps Follow steps
from page from page from page 27
17 to 22 23 to 25 to 29

Maghrib (3 Rak’ah)

3rd Unit the Prayer
1st Unit 2nd Unit
Follow steps Follow steps
from page from page 27
17 to 22 to 29

26 What to do Next?
Completing the Prayer

Step 1

1 Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad

(Oh Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad)

‫الل ُه َّ ص ّ ِل ع َل مح ّمد‬
َ َ ُ َ َ َّ

2 wa ‘ala aali Muhammad

(and upon the family of Muhammad)

‫آل مح ّمد‬ ‫وعل‬

َ َ ُ ِ َ َ َ

3 kamaa salyta ‘ala Ibraheem

(as You sent prayers upon Ibrahim)

‫اهمي‬ ْ ‫كما ص َّل ْي‬

ِ ‫ت َع َل ِإبر‬
َ َ َ َ
4 wa ‘ala aali Ibraheem
(and upon the family of Ibrahim)

‫اهمي‬ ْ
ِ ‫آل ِإبر‬
ِ ‫َو َع َل‬
5 innaka hameedun Majeed
(indeed You are praiseworthy, Most glorious)

‫حيد م ِجيد‬ ‫إ نك‬
َ ِ َ َ َّ ِ

Completing the Prayer 27

Step 1 (Continued)

6 wa baarik ‘alaa Muhammad

(and send Your blessings upon Muhammad)

‫ارك ع َل مح ّم ٍد‬ ‫وب‬
َ َ ُ َ ِ َ َ

7 wa ‘alaa aali Muhammad

(and upon the family of Muhammad)

‫آل مح ّمد‬ ‫وعل‬

َ َ ُ ِ َ َ َ

8 kamaa baarakta ‘alaa Ibraheem

(as You sent prayers upon Ibrahim)

ْ ْ
ِ ‫ت َع َل ِإبر‬ ‫كما بارك‬
َ َ َ َ َ َ

9 wa ‘ala aali Ibraheem

(and upon the family of Ibrahim)

‫اهمي‬ ْ
ِ ‫آل ِإبر‬
ِ ‫َو َع َل‬

10 innaka hameedun Majeed

(indeed You are praiseworthy, Most glorious)

‫حيد م ِجيد‬ ‫إ نك‬
َ ِ َ َ َّ ِ

28 Completing the Prayer

Step 2 - Right Side

Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah

(May Allah’s peace and mercy be upon you)

‫ك ْم ورحة‬
ُ ‫السالَم ع َل ْي‬
َ َ َ َ ُ َّ

Step 3 - Left Side

Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah

(May Allah’s peace and mercy be upon you)

‫ك ْم ورحة‬
ُ ‫السالَم ع َل ْي‬
َ َ َ َ ُ َّ

After Prayer - Supplication

1 Subhaan Allah ْ ‫س‬

‫ـبـحـان ٱهلل‬
َ َ ُ
(Glory be to Allah) 33 times

ْ ْ
‫د ِ ّٰل‬
ُ ‫ح‬
‫م‬ ‫ال‬
Al-hamdu lillah
َ َ
(Praise be to Allah) 33 times

‫اَ ّٰلل أَك َب‬
3 Allahu Akbar Repeat
(Allah is the greatest) ُ 34 times

Short Qur’anic Chapters (Soorah)
Any of the following chapter may be recited after Surat al- Fatiha in the first two
Rak’ah (units) of the prayer.

Surat Al-Kawthar (108)

ِ ‫الر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اللِ الرح‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
َّ ِ َ َّ َّ ِ ِ
(In the name of Allah, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

1 Innaa a’ataynaakal kawthar

(Indeed, We have granted you, [Oh Muhammad], al-Kawthar)

ْ ْ
‫ك ْو َثر‬
َ ‫اك ال‬
َ َ ‫ِإ ّنَا أَعطَ ْين‬

2 Fasalli lirabika wanhar

(So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [for Him alone])

‫ك وانح ْر‬ ‫فصل لرب‬
َ َ َ ِّ َ ِ ِ ّ َ َ

3 Inna shaani’aka huwal abtar

(Indeed your enemy is the one cut off.)

‫ت‬ ْ ْ ‫إن شانئك هو‬

َُ ‫الب‬
َ ِ
َ ُ َ َ َ َّ ِ

30 Short Qur’anic Chapters (Soorah)

Surat Al-Ikhlaas (112)

ِ ‫الر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اللِ الرح‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
َّ ِ َ َّ َّ ِ ِ
(In the name of Allah, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

1 Qul huwallaahu ahad

(Say: He is Allah, (The) One)

ٌ ْ
‫الل أَحد‬ ‫و‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ق‬
َ ُ َّ َ ُ ُ

2 Allaahussamad
(Allah, the eternal Refuge {the one sought in times of
difficulty and need})

ُ ‫الص َم‬
َ ّ ُ ‫الل‬

3 Lam yalid walam yoolad

(He neither begets, nor is He born)

ْ ْ ْ ْ
‫ول‬َ ُ ‫لَم َي ِل َولَم ي‬

4 Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad

(nor is there to Him any equivalent)

‫كن ّ َل كُفُ ًوا أَحد‬
ُ ‫ولَ ْم ي‬
َ ُ َ َ

Surat Al-Falaq (113)

ِ ‫الر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اللِ الرح‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
َّ ِ َ َّ َّ ِ ِ
(In the name of Allah, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

1 Qul a’oothu birabbil falaq

(Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the daybreak)

ْ ْ
‫ب ال َف َل ِق‬
ِّ َ ِ ُ ُ َ ُ ‫ق‬
‫ر‬ ‫ب‬ ‫وذ‬‫ع‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ل‬

2 Min sharri maa khalaq

(from the evil of what He has created)

‫خ َل َق‬
َ ‫ِمن َش ِ ّر َما‬
3 Wamin sharri ghasiqin ithaa waqab
(and from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes
with its darkness)

‫اس ٍق ِإذَا و َقب‬

ِ ‫َو ِمن َش ِ ّر َغ‬
َ َ
4 Wamin sharrin-naffaathaati fil’uqad
(and from the evil of the witchcraft when they blow in the

‫ات ِف ال ُع َق ِد‬
ِ ‫اث‬
َ ‫َو ِمن َش ِ ّر النّ َ ّ َف‬

5 Wamin sharri haasidin ithaa hasad

(and from the evil of the envier when he envies)

‫اس ٍد ِإذَا حس َد‬

ِ ‫ح‬ ‫ومن شر‬
َ َ َ ِّ َ ِ َ

32 Short Qur’anic Chapters (Soorah)

Surat An-Nas (114)

ِ ‫الر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اللِ الرح‬ ‫ب ْسم‬
َّ ِ َ َّ َّ ِ ِ
(In the name of Allah, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

1 Qul a’oothu birabbinnas

(Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of Mankind)

ِ َ ّ‫ب الن‬
ِّ ‫عوذ ُ ِب َر‬
َُ ‫قُل أ‬

2 Malikinnas 3 Ilaahinnas
(The King of Mankind) (The God of Mankind)

ِ َ ّ‫ك الن‬
ِ ‫َم ِل‬ ‫اس‬
ِ َ ّ‫ل الن‬
ِ َ ‫ِإ‬

4 Min sharril waswaasil khanaas

(From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws (when one
remembers Allah))

ْ ْ ‫من شر الْو‬
‫اس‬ ‫ن‬
ِ َّ َ‫خ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اس‬ ‫و‬‫س‬
ِ َ َ ِّ َ ِ

5 Allathee yuwaswisu fee sudoorinnaas

(Who whispers in the breasts of mankind)

ِ َ ّ‫ور الن‬
ِ ‫د‬ُ ‫ص‬ ‫الي يو ْسوس ف‬
ُ ِ ُ ِ َُ ِ
6 Minal jinnati wannas
(From among the jinn and mankind)

ِ َ ّ‫ن ال ِجنّ َ ِة َوالن‬ ‫ِم‬

A Step-by-Step Prayer Guide for
Muslim Men & Women

MyPrayer is a
Tenfold Initiative

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