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No. Name Location Function

1. Asters of Around centrosome of a i. Forms spindle fibres
centrosome cell. between chromatids
during cell division.
2. Cell inclusions In the cytoplasm of a Forms: Reserve food,
cell. Secretory products and
Excretory products
3. Cell membrane/ Below the cell wall in Regulates the entry of
plasma membrane. plant cells and outer certain solutes and ions and
most membrane in Provides protection.
animal cell.
4. Cell wall (plant cells Surrounds the plasma Gives rigidity, shape and
only) membrane in a plant cell. allows substances in solution
to enter and leave the cell
5. Centriole In centrosome near the Development of spindle
nucleus in animal cells. fibres during cell division.
6. Centromere On the chromosome The centromere serves to
(sister chromatids). attach to the spindle fibres
during cell division.
7. Centrosome Near the nucleus in Initiates and regulates cell
(animal cells only) animal cells. division and Forms spindle
fibers, with the help of
8. Chromatin fibers/ In the nucleoplasm of a During cell division, the
Chromosomes cell. chromatin fibers condense
in to chromosomes bearing
the genes which are carriers
of hereditary information.


9. Chromatin / In the nucleoplasm of a They enclose the genetic

Chromatin fibres cell. material DNA.
10. Chromosomes In the nucleoplasm of a It carries genes which
cell. determine hereditary
11. Cytoplasm All parts of a cell Site for all metabolic
together inside the cell activities and acts as a
membrane excluding medium for initial steps of
nucleus. respiration.
12. Endoplasmic In the cytoplasm of a Referred as circulatory
reticulum (ER). cell. system of cell, responsible
for synthesis, storage and
transport of proteins and
fats and forms the
Supportive framework for
the cell.
13. Glycogen granule In the cytoplasm of a Stores glycogen as food for
cell. the cell.
14. Golgi apparatus, In the cytoplasm of a Site of synthesis and
golgi complex or cell. secretion of enzymes,
golgisome (animal hormones etc. and
cells) Responsible for formation of
acrosome of sperm, cell
plate during cell division and
15. Granules – Contains reserve food,
secretory products and
excretory products.
16. Lysosomes (suicide In the cytoplasm of the Site of intercellular
bags) cell. digestion to destroy foreign
substances and rapidly
destroys old and injured


17. Mitochondria In the cytoplasm of the Site of cellular aerobic

(power house of cell. respiration, releases and
the cell) stores energy from pyruvic
(mitochondrion - acid produced in cytoplasm,
singular) in the form of ATP and
Synthesizes respiratory
18. Nucleolus In the nucleus of a cell. Participates in protein
synthesis by forming and
storing RNA.
19. Nucleotide In the DNA of the It is carrier of chemical
chromosomes. energy & intermediates
cellular communication.
20. Nucleus (brain of In the cytoplasm of a Regulates all cellular
the cell or control cell. functions, contains
center) chromosomes which are
bearers of genes that control
hereditary characters.
21. Plastids In the cytoplasm of the Contain pigments of food in
plant cell. plant cell.
22. Ribosomes (protein Attached to the outside Site of protein synthesis and
factories) of endoplasmic reticulum stores RNA (Ribo-nucleic
or scattered in the acid).
cytoplasm of a cell.
23. Spindle fibers In the nucleus of a Attaches to centromere of
dividing cell. chromosomes and contracts
to separate sister chromatids
during metaphase and
anaphase of cell division.
24. Vacuoles In the cytoplasm of a Storage of water- and water-
cell. soluble substances and gives
turgidity to the plant cell.




25. Hydathodes On the margin of the It helps in guttation of the
leaf. plant body.
26. Phloem In the central stele of the Conducts food & water to
plant body in root, stem downward to all parts of the
and leaves. plant.
27. Pulvinus At the base of petiole an Sensitive to turgor pressure,
enlarged section in some results in movements of
plants. leaves & leaflets.
28. Root hair – unit of Extension of the Absorption of water and
absorption epidermal cells of root. minerals from the soil.
29. Roots At the base of stem of They hold the plant body
the plant body and in the firmly to the ground and
soil. help in absorbing water.
30. Xylem In the central stele of the It conducts water and
plant body in root, stem minerals upward to the
and leaves. leaves in the plant body.

31. Chlorophyll In the walls of thylakoids It traps sunlight for
of chloroplast. photosynthesis.
32. Chloroplasts In the cytoplasm of the Site of photosynthesis in
plant cell and inside the green plants.
guard cells.
33. Grana In the chloroplast. Site of light dependent
phase of photo-synthesis in
green plants.
34. Palisade cells In the leaf above the It performs photosynthesis.
spongy mesophyll layer.
35. Stroma In the chloroplasts. Site of light independent
phase of photo-synthesis in
green plants.
36. Thylakoids In the stroma of the They perform the light
chloroplast. dependent phase of
photosynthesis in green

37. Cuticle On the upper epidermis Prevents loss of water by
of the leaves and stems. evaporation.
38. Guard cells On the dorsiventral side They regulate the opening
of the leaf. and closing of the stomata in
39. Lenticels On the surface of the old They allow diffusion of gases
stem and bark of the for respiration and
tree. photosynthesis.
40. Palisade mesophyll Between the upper Consists of chlorophyll which
tissue epidermis and spongy traps sunlight for
mesophyll tissue in the photosynthesis.
dicot leaf.
41. Stomata/Stoma On the epidermis of the Exchange of gases for
leaves. photosynthesis and
42. Abscisic acid (ABA) It is primarily synthesized i. It acts as plant growth
in terminal bud and and metabolism
abundantly found in inhibitor.
fruits and seeds. ii. It accelerates
senescence (ageing) and
abscission (falling) of
leaves and other plant
iii. It stimulates the closure
of stomata.
iv. It helps seeds to
withstand desiccation
(extreme dryness) and
other factors
unfavourable for growth.


43. Auxins They are primarily i. Promotes growth in

synthesized in shoot plants by cell elongation.
apex, root apex, lateral ii. Delays leaf senescence.
meristems, etc. iii. Induces apical
dominance by
suppressing growth
of lateral buds.
iv. Induces formation of
parthenocarpic fruits.
44. Cytokinin’s They are primarily i. Promotes cell division or
synthesized in root tips cytokinesis in plant roots
and are transported to and shoots.
other organs through ii. Inhibits apical
xylem. dominance and delays
leaf senescence.
iii. Promotes expansion of
cotyledons, chlorophyll
synthesis and organ
iv. Breaks seed dormancy
and promotes seed
45. Ethylene Synthesized in senescent i. Ripening of fruits.
leaves and flowers, ii. Acceleration of
germinating seeds and senescence (ageing).
ripening fruits. iii. Initiates flowering in
iv. Initiating germination in
peanut seeds, sprouting
of potato tuber and
promotes root growth
and root-hair formation.


46. Gibberellins They are primarily i. Promotes overall growth

synthesized in shoot- and fruit growth by cell
apex, root-apex, buds, elongation.
seeds, etc. ii. It initiates germination,
induces parthenocarpy
and promotes growth of
internodes by stem
iii. Breaks buds and seed
dormancy and delays
senescence (ageing).
iv. Used commercially to
increase the length of
grapes, improve the
shape of apple and
speeds up the malting
process in brewing


47. Anterior vena cava Arises from upper part of Carries deoxygenated blood
/ superior vena the body and goes to the from the upper parts of the
cava / SVC / right auricle. body like the head and the
precaval neck to the right auricle.
48. Antibodies In the blood and lymph To kill or neutralise the
nodes. germs or the poisons from
49. Antigen In the blood of an They help to generate an
infected person. antibody response in the
infected person’s body.
50. Aorta Left ventricle to different Carries oxygenated blood
parts of the body. from left ventricle to all
parts of the body.


51. Aortic Semilunar It is located at the base It prevents the backflow of

valves of aorta opening from oxygenated blood from
left ventricle. aorta to left ventricle.
52. Artery Deep seated, arises from It carries oxygenated blood
heart and branches to all to all parts of the body
organs. except the pulmonary artery.
53. Atrium/Auricles Upper chambers of the It contracts to pumps the
heart. blood into the ventricles.
54. Auricular At the junction of right Transmits the heart beat
Ventricular Node or auricle and right from auricle to ventricle.
AVN ventricle near the intra
auricular septum.
55. Basophil Floats in blood plasma. It releases histamine.
56. Blood In the vascular tissues of i. Transportation: of
the body. hormones, digested food
materials and oxygen to
all parts of the body.
ii. Protection:
Phagocytosis, antibody
production and blood
iii. Regulatory: Regulates
body temperature.
57. Blood Platelets / Floats in blood plasma. Initiates blood clotting
Thrombocytes process.
58. Bundle of HIS In the inter ventricular Sends electric impulse to
septum, inferior to AV contract ventricles.
59. Capillaries Branches between i. Outward diffusion of
arterioles to venules. oxygen into the
intercellular tissue
ii. Inward diffusion of
carbon dioxide from
the intercellular tissue

iii. Inward and outward

diffusion of substances
like glucose, amino
acids, urea, etc.
iv. Allow leukocytes
(WBCs) to perform
60. Chordae tendinae Arises from the papillary They hold the bicuspid and
muscles of the ventricles tricuspid valves in position
to the apices of the and prevents their upturning
cusps, in the heart. during ventricular
61. Coronary Arteries Arises from the base of Supplies oxygenated blood
aorta to the walls of the to the heart muscles.
62. Coronary sinus / It arises from the walls of Carries deoxygenated blood
vein the heart to the inferior from the heart walls to the
vena cava. right auricle.
63. Eosinophil Floats in blood plasma. It Secretes anti-toxins.
64. Fibrin In the blood plasma. It forms mesh in blood
clotting process.
65. Haemoglobin Present on the RBC of It is a carrier of respiratory
the blood. gases.
66. Heart In the centre between To pump blood and other
the two lungs and above circulatory fluids throughout
the diaphragm. the body.
67. Hepatic Portal Connects small intestine It carries digested food from
vein/system and stomach to the liver. small intestine and stomach
to liver for assimilation.
68. Left atrio- At the aperture between Left atrio-ventricular valve
ventricular valve / the left auricle and left prevents the backflow of
bicuspid / mitral ventricle of the heart. oxygenated blood from left
ventricle to left auricle.


69. Liver In the abdomen, above i. Production of body

the right kidney and proteins (albumin,
below the diaphragm. globulin, prothrombin,
ii. Converts excess
glucose to glycogen.
iii. Decomposition of red
blood cells.
iv. Detoxify the food
v. Deamination (During
production of body
proteins, removal of an
amine group and
converting it into urea
for elimination).
vi. Production of
70. Lymph In the lymph vessels and i. Nutritive: Provides
lymphatic organs such as nutrition to cells
the spleen and the where blood cannot
tonsils. reach.
ii. Drainage: Drains away
excess metabolites
from the body.
iii. Defense: Lymphocytes
in lymph produce
antibodies to kill the
germs, neutralize its
toxic effect and
localize the infection.
iv. Absorption: Lacteals
in villi absorb fat and
pour it into blood


71. Lymphatic nodes / Widely present Widely present throughout

glands / organs throughout the body, the body, mainly in
mainly in underarms and underarms and groins.
72. Lymphocyte Floats in blood plasma. Produces antibodies.
73. Monocyte Floats in blood plasma. Engulfs germs by
74. Neutrophil Floats in blood plasma. Engulfs germs by
75. Pacemaker or Sino- On the walls of the right Initiates an electric impulse
atrial node or SAN auricle near opening of to trigger heartbeat.
superior and inferior
vena cava.
76. Pericardial fluid Between the membranes i. Reduces friction
of pericardium of the during heart beat and
heart. ii. Protects the heart
from mechanical
77. Pericardium Covering around the It protects the heart from
heart. mechanical injuries.
78. Plasma In the blood. It carries nutrients, body
proteins, hormones, etc. to
different parts of the body
and carry wastes from all the
cell to the organs for
79. Pocket valve In the veins and lymph They prevent the backflow
vessels of the circulatory of the blood due to gravity.
80. Posterior vena cava Arises from lower part of It carries deoxygenated
/ Inferior vena cava the body and goes to the blood from the lower parts
/ IVC right auricle. of the body like the limbs
and abdominal cavity to the
right auricle.


81. Pulmonary Semi At the base of pulmonary It prevents the backflow of

lunar valves artery opening from right deoxygenated blood from
ventricle. pulmonary artery to right
82. Pulmonary Vein From lungs to the left It carries the oxygenated
auricle of the heart. blood from the lungs to the
left auricle.
83. Red blood cells/ Floats in the blood It transports oxygen from
erythrocytes plasma. lungs to the cells and carbon
dioxide from cells to lungs.
84. Renal artery The blood vessel which It carries oxygenated blood
enters the kidney. to the kidney.
85. Renal vein The blood vessel which It carries deoxygenated
leaves the kidney. blood from the kidney for
86. Right atrio- It is located between the Right atrio ventricular valve
ventricular valve / right auricle and right prevents the backflow of
tricuspid valve ventricle of the heart. deoxygenated blood from
right ventricle to right auricle
of the heart.
87. Spleen In the abdomen behind i. It produces
the stomach & above the lymphocytes.
left kidney. ii. It produces RBCs in an
iii. It acts as a blood
88. The pulmonary From right ventricle to Carries deoxygenated blood
artery lungs. from right ventricle to the
lungs for oxygenation.
89. Tissue Fluid Between the tissues of Tissue fluid acts as a medium
(intercellular Fluid) the body. of exchange between body
cells and vessels (blood and
lymph) to diffuse gases,
wastes and nutrients.


90. Tonsils In the pharynx, on the They produce lymphocytes

sides of the neck. and protects the body from
91. Valves of the heart – Maintains unidirectional
flow of blood.
92. Vein Arising from all the It carries deoxygenated
organs throughout the blood from all parts of the
body and going towards body to the heart except the
the heart. pulmonary vein.
93. Ventricles Lower chambers of heart It contracts to pump blood
to lungs and all parts of the
94. White blood cells / Floats in the blood i. Protects the body,
leukocytes plasma. provides immunity
and prevents
ii. Engulfs bacteria by
iii. Production of
95. Bile Juice In the gall bladder. It emulsifies the fat for
96. Bowman’s Capsule/ In the cortex of the Receives the glomerular
renal corpuscle kidney. filtrate.
97. Collecting duct In the medulla of the It collects urine from the
kidney. tubules and pours into the
pelvis of the kidney.
98. Distal convoluted Cortex of kidney. i. Active reabsorption of
Tubule (DCT) glucose, Na+, K+;
ii. Passive reabsorption
of water
iii. Tubular secretion.
99. Glomerulus Cortex of kidney. Ultrafiltration.


100. Kidneys (Urinary On either side of the Performs Excretion and

System) backbone and protected Osmoregulation.
by the last two ribs.
101. Loop of Henle Medulla of kidney. i. Active reabsorption of
glucose, Na+, K+;
ii. Passive reabsorption
of water.
102. Nephron In the kidney. It converts blood urea to
103. Pelvis / Renal pelvis In the kidney on the Urine from all tubules is
front end of the ureter. collected in pelvis.
104. Proximal or First In the cortex of the i. Active reabsorption of
Convoluted Tubule kidney. glucose, Na+, K+;
(PCT) ii. Passive reabsorption
of water.
iii. Tubular secretion.
105. Renal artery The blood vessel which Renal artery carries
enters the kidney is the oxygenated blood to the
renal artery. kidney for purification.
106. Renal vein The blood vessel which Renal vein carries
leaves the kidney is the deoxygenated blood from
renal vein. the kidney for oxygenation.

107. Ureter It arises from the notch It carries urine from kidney
(hilum) in the median to urinary bladder.
surface of each kidney
and connects to the
urinary bladder.
108. Urethra Arising from the base of It carries urine from the
urinary bladder. urinary bladder to outside of
the body.
109. Urethral Sphincter At the opening of the This muscle contracts and
bladder into the urethra. relaxes at the impulse of the
110. Urinary bladder In the lower abdomen. Urinary bladder temporarily
stores urine.


111. Uriniferous tubules In the kidney. It converts blood urea to

or Nephrons urine.



112. Acetylcholine In the synapse of the Sets nerve impulse.
113. Afferent neuron/ Connects the sense It conveys the sensory nerve
sensory neurons organs to the central impulse from the sense
nervous system. organs to the central
nervous system (brain and
the spinal cord).
114. Arachnoid Middle layer of the It protects the brain.
115. Association neuron It is located in the gray It receives sensory impulse,
matter of the spinal cord. interprets and generates
motor impulse.
116. Axon (nerve fiber) Slender projection below It transmits nerve impulses
the cyton of a neuron. to different neurons,
muscles, and glands of the
117. Brain In the cranium of the It is the coordinating center
skull. of sensation, intellectual and
nervous activities.
118. Central canal It is the center of the It contains cerebrospinal
spinal cord which runs fluid, and protects spine.
longitudinally through
the entire length and is
continuous with cavities
of the brain.
119. Cerebellum (In hind In the hind brain just It balances the body and
brain) below cerebrum. controls and coordinates all
the muscular activities of our


120. Cerebrospinal fluid It is in between the i. It protects the brain

membranes of the and spinal cord from
meninges, ventricles of mechanical shocks.
ii. It serves as a medium
the brain and central
for the exchange of
canal of the spinal cord. food materials, waste
products and
respiratory gases for


121. Cerebrum It is located in forebrain It controls all the voluntary

region protected in the activities, seat of
cranium of the skull. intelligence, consciousness,
will power and helps to
think, memorize, invent.
122. Corpus callosum In between the 2 It transmits impulses from
cerebral hemispheres. one cerebral hemisphere to
the other cerebral
123. Dendron On the Cyton of neuron. They reach the finest part of
the body and conduct nerve
impulses to the Cyton.
124. Dura mater Outermost membrane of It protects the brain.
the meninges.
125. Gray matter In the cerebral cortex of It helps in muscle control
the brain. and sensory perception.
126. Hypothalamus Below thalamus in the It regulates our body
brain. temperature and controls
pituitary gland.
127. Medulla Oblongata In the hind brain, below It controls the involuntary
(In hind brain) the cerebellum and pons. activities of the internal
organs like heartbeat,
respiration etc.
128. Meninges On the brain and spinal They protect the brain and
cord below the skull. the spinal cord from
mechanical injuries.
129. Mesencephalon It is located between It controls reflexes involving
(mid brain) fore brain and hind eyes and ears.
130. Motor nerves Connects the brain and They carry motor impulse
spinal cord to the from the brain and spinal
muscles or glands. cord to the respective
muscles and or glands.


131. Myelin sheath / It is located on the outerMyelin sheath acts as an

Medullary sheath layer of axon. insulating layer to prevent
the mixing up of impulses.
132. Neuro transmitters In the terminal end of It helps to set a new impulse
the axons of a neuron. in the dendrites of the
adjacent neuron.
133. Neuron (or Nerve In the brain and the They receive, send and
Cell) spinal cord. interpret the nerve impulses
in a body.
134. Nissl’s granules In Cyton of neuron. They are site of protein
synthesis in neuron.
135. Parasympathetic On the spinal cord on the It is concerned with re-
nervous system region above the neck establishing normal
and below the waist. conditions after the violent
act is over.
136. Pia mater Innermost membrane of It nourishes the inner layers
the meninges. of brain.
137. Pons (Pons Varolii) Inferior to mid brain and i. Transmits impulses
(In hind brain) above medulla from brain to
oblongata. cerebellum and
sensory signals to
ii. Transmits signals from
one cerebellar
hemisphere to the
other cerebellar
hemisphere to
coordinate muscular
movements on both
the sides of the body.
138. Sympathetic On the spinal cord It prepares the body for
nervous system between the neck and violent action against
the waist region. abnormal conditions.
139. Synapse It is located between the It passes an impulse from
axon of one neuron and one neuron to the other by
dendrite of another diffusion of a
neuron. neurotransmitter.


140. Spinal Cord In the vertebral column. i.Conducts sensory

impulses to the brain.
ii. Conducts motor
responses from brain
to the whole body.
iii. Controls all the
reflexes from below
the neck.
141. Thalamus Between the cerebral It relays pain and pressure
cortex and the mid brain. impulses to the cerebrum of
the brain.
142. The cell body On the axon of a neuron. They receive or send
(Perikaryon or impulse.
143. White matter In the cerebral medulla It is helps to pass messages
of the brain. to CNS and all parts of the
144. Aqueous Chamber It is the front chamber Holds the watery aqueous
between the lens and humour.
the cornea.
145. Aqueous humour In aqueous chamber in Keeps the lens moist and
between the lens and protects from mechanical
cornea. shocks and refracts light.
146. Blind Spot / Lateral to the yellow spot Allows optic nerve and blood
Punctum caecum on the horizontal axis of vessels to leave the eye ball.
(The area of no the eyeball.
147. Choroid It is located between i. It provides
sclera and retina of the nourishment to the
eye. eye.
ii. It prevents light rays
from reflecting and
scattering inside the


148. Ciliary It is situated around the It alters the shape of the lens
body/muscles lens at the junction of for near and far vision.
choroid and iris.
149. Cones They are located on the Gets stimulated by bright
yellow spot region of the light to allows perception of
retina. colour.

150. Conjunctiva It covers the front of the Allows the light to pass
eye ball and inner parts through the eye.
of eyelids.
151. Cornea In front of pupil and Refracts the light rays into
beneath the conjunctiva the eye ball.
of eye.
152. Eyes Located deep inside the Helps in vision.
orbits or sockets.
153. Iris In front of the lens and It controls the amount of
around the pupil. light entering the eyeball by
adjusting the size of the
154. Lens It is located just behind It converges and refracts the
the pupil and iris. light rays to form an image
on the retina.
155. Optic nerve Arises from the retina of It carries nerve impulses of
the eye to the occipital vision from the retina of the
lobe of the brain. eye to the brain.
156. Pupil It is in front of the lens Allows the light to pass into
between the iris. the eyeballs.
157. Retina It is located between the Site of image formation in
choroid layer and the the eye.
vitreous chamber of the
158. Rod Cells They are located on the Gets stimulated by dim light
entire retina. to regenerate rhodopsin.


159. Sclera It is outer part of eyeball It protects the inner parts of

above the choroid. the eye from mechanical


160. Suspensory It arises from the ciliary It hold the lens in position.
ligaments body.
161. Tear Glands They are located at the Secrets lysozyme which kills
(Lacrimal gland) upper sideward portion the germs; keep front
of the orbit. surface of eye clean.
162. Vitreous chamber It is larger cavity of the Holds the vitreous humour.
eyeball between the lens
and retina.
163. Vitreous humour It is filled in the eye ball i. It maintains the shape
between the lens and of the eyeball.
the retina. (Thus, helping
accommodation of
eye at different
ii. It protects the retina
and its nerve endings.
164. Yellow Spot / fovea It lies on the retina, at Helps in the formation of
centralis / macula the centre, on the sharp, bright and colour
lutea (Area of best horizontal axis of the image.
vision) eyeball.

165. Ampulla It is located at the base It converts motion into nerve
of the end of each semi- impulse.
circular canal in the inner
166. Auditory Canal It is located between i. It directs the sound
pinna and ear drum. waves inwards.
ii. It traps any germs or
167. Auditory nerve Arises from the inner ear It transmits sound and
to the temporal lobe of balance nerve impulses from
the brain. the inner ear to the brain.
168. Ear drum / At the end of the It converts sound waves to
tympanum/ auditory canal. sound vibrations.

169. Ear ossicles It is located in the middle It amplifies and transmits

ear. the vibrations to the inner
170. Eustachian tube It is located between the It equalizes the air pressure
middle ear and pharynx. on both sides of the ear

171. Oval An opening between It increases the frequency of

window/fenestra middle ear and vestibule vibrations by 22 times and
vestibuli of inner ear. transmits it to inner ear.
172. Pinna (auricle) It is located on either To collect sound waves from
side of the head. all direction and transmit it
173. Round window It is situated below the It stimulates vibrations in the
oval window and fluids of cochlea.
between middle and
inner ear.
174. Sacculus/Saccule On the lower and front Contains sensory cells for
part of vestibule of the static balance - detects linear
inner ear. accelerations when head tilts
in vertical plane.
175. Semi-circular canal It is located in the inner It maintains the dynamic
ear above vestibule and balance / equilibrium of the
cochlea. body.
176. The cochlea Embedded in the skull, in Helps in hearing.
the inner ear.
177. The inner ear or the It is embedded in the It deals with hearing and
membranous skull. body balance.
178. Utricle/Utriculus It is upper larger part of It contains sensory cells for
vestibule. static balance.
179. Vestibule In the central part of the It maintains static balance /
inner ear. equilibrium of the body.



180. (ACTH) Adreno It is attached to the Controls the activities of the
corticotropic hypothalamus, under the adrenal cortex.
Hormone (anterior cerebrum in the brain.
tropic hormone)
181. (GH) Growth It is attached to the It regulates growth and cell
hormone or hypothalamus, under the metabolism of the whole
Somatotropin cerebrum in the brain. body.
(anterior pituitary)
182. (LH) Luteinizing It is attached to the Male: Regulates secretion of
Hormone (anterior hypothalamus, under the testosterone.
pituitary, cerebrum in the brain. Female: Regulates ovulation,
gonadotropic Formation of corpus luteum
hormone) and Secretion of
183. (TSH) Thyroid It is attached to the Stimulates thyroid gland to
stimulating hypothalamus, under the secrete thyroxine.
hormone cerebrum in the brain.
(Anterior pituitary,
tropic hormone)
184. ADH It is attached to the Increases the permeability of
Anti-diuretic hypothalamus, under the renal tubules to reabsorb
Hormone cerebrum in the brain. water. Constricts blood
Vasopressin vessels with rise in blood
(Posterior pituitary) pressure
185. Adrenal cortex On the periphery of the To secrete hormones
adrenal glands. Mineralocorticoids,
Glucocorticoids and Sex
186. Adrenal glands The adrenal glands are Produces hormones
cap like structure cortisone from cortex and
attached above each adrenaline from medulla for
metabolism and regulates
stress response.


187. Adrenal Medulla In the adrenal gland. To secrete hormone

188. Adrenaline In the medulla of adrenal Helps body to prepare for
(medulla) gland. emergency situations.
189. Calcitonin It is in the front of the It regulates calcium
neck just below the metabolism.
190. Cortical hormones In the cortex of the Influence fat and protein
adrenal glands. metabolism and regulates
salt and water balance.
191. Follicle stimulating It is attached to the Male: Stimulates sperm
hormone (FSH) hypothalamus, under the formation by
(anterior pituitary, cerebrum in the brain. spermatogenesis.
gonadotropic Female: Stimulates egg
hormone) formation by oogenesis and
oestrogen secretion.
192. Glucagon (alpha Scattered in the It increases blood sugar level
cells) pancreas. by converting glycogen to
193. Glucocorticoids It is outer layer located Regulates carbohydrate,
(cortex) on the periphery of protein and fat metabolism.
adrenal glands.
194. Insulin (beta cells) Scattered in the It decreases blood sugar
pancreas. level by converting glucose
to glycogen and promotes
the glucose utilization by the
body cells.
195. Islets of Langerhans Scattered in the They produce three
pancreas. hormones by three different
i. Alpha cells –
ii. Beta cells – Insulin.
iii. Delta cells –


196. Mineralocorticoids It is outer layer located Regulates mineral

/ Aldosterone on the periphery of metabolism specially Na+ &
(cortex) adrenal glands. K+ ions.
197. MSH Melanocyte It is attached to the Stimulates the production of
stimulating hypothalamus, under the melanocyte in skin cells
Hormone cerebrum in the brain.
198. Oxytocin It is attached to the It causes contraction of
(posterior pituitary) hypothalamus, under the uterine muscle during child
cerebrum in the brain. birth, in a female.
199. Pancreas In the abdomen below i. It secretes pancreatic
the stomach. juice for digestion.
ii. It secretes insulin,
glucagon and
somatostatin, which
collectively regulates
the blood sugar levels.
200. Pituitary / It is attached to the It controls growth,
hypophysis / hypothalamus, under the reproduction and secretes
“Master Gland” cerebrum in the brain. tropic hormones to regulate
all endocrine glands.
201. Prolactin It is attached to the Stimulates Lactation process.
(anterior pituitary, hypothalamus, under the (Milk production in
tropic hormone) cerebrum in the brain. breasts of female after
202. Sex corticoids It is outer layer located Stimulates the development
(cortex) on the periphery of of reproductive organs
adrenal glands. during child hood.
203. Somatostatin (delta It is located in the It inhibits the secretion of
cells) abdominal cavity below insulin and glucagon.
the stomach.
204. Thyroid It is in front of the neck To release hormone
just below the larynx. thyroxine and calcitonin.


205. Thyroxine It is in the front of the i. It regulates the basal

neck just below the metabolism of the
larynx. body.
ii. It regulates mental
iii. It regulates
ossification of bones.



206. Acrosome In the head of the sperm. Secretes an enzyme called
Hyaluronidase, which
dissolves the walls of ova for
the entry of sperm nucleus.
207. Allantois It is an outgrowth of the It forms the foetal part of
foetal membrane lying the placenta.
below the chorion.
208. Amnion Amnion is a sac which It protects the growing
develops around the embryo.
embryo even before the
formation of allantois.
209. Amniotic fluid It surrounds the embryo i. Protects the embryo
and fills the space from physical damage
between the amnion and and mechanical
embryo. shocks.
ii. Keeps even pressure
all around the embryo.
iii. Allows the foetus,
some restricted
iv. Prevents sticking of
the embryo/foetus to
the amnion.
210. Bulbourethral Opens into the urethra The secretion serves as a
(Cowper’s gland) just before it enters the lubricant.
penis, in a male
211. Chorion Outermost membrane It helps in formation of
surrounding the embryo. placenta.
212. Corpus luteum Remnant of follicle after Produces hormone
ovulation, in the ovary of progesterone.
a female mammal.


213. Endometrium On the inner lining of It prevents adhesion

uterus in a female between the opposed walls
mammal. of uterine cavity.
214. Epididymis On the upper pole of To temporarily store sperms
testes in male. for few days till they are
matured and motile.
215. Follicle In the ovary of a female It produces matured ova and
mammal. hormone oestrogen prior to
216. Graafian Follicle In the ovary of a female It contains the matured ova.
217. Inguinal canal On the lower front i. It allows the testes to
abdominal wall in a descend in the scrotum
male. sac before birth.
ii. It allows the testicle
blood vessels and
sperm ducts to enter
the abdomen.
218. Interstitial cells Between the coils of the It produces the male
(leydig cells) seminiferous tubules in hormone testosterone.
the testes of male.
219. Oestrogen It regulates menstrual cycle
and is responsible for
developing secondary sexual
220. Ovaries In the lower abdomen To produce matured ova by
below the oviducal the process of oogenesis and
funnel of a female. the female hormones
progesterone and oestrogen.
221. Oviducts / Fallopian In the lower abdomen, It is the site of fertilization.
tubes / Uterine below the oviducal
tubes funnel of a female


222. Penis In front of the scrotum It serves for the passing out,
outside the body, in a both the semen and the
male mammal. urine.
223. Placenta Attached to the fundus i. Placenta allows
of the uterine wall in a diffusion of oxygen
female mammal. and nutrients from
mother’s blood to the
foetus blood and
disposal of carbon
dioxide and wastes
from foetus blood to
mother’s blood.
ii. Placenta acts as an
endocrine gland and
secretes the
hormones oestrogen
and progesterone.
224. Progesterone It prepares the uterus for
receiving the embryo.
225. Prostate gland Surrounds the urethra Its alkaline secretion
close to its origin from neutralizes the acid in
the bladder in a male female genitalia (so that the
mammal. sperms can survive) and acts
as a medium of
transportation of sperms.
226. Scrotum/scrotal sac Outer covering of testis Thermoregulation of testes.
of a male mammal.
227. Seminal vesicles Between the posterior It secretes a fluid which
surface of the urinary serves as a medium for the
bladder and the rectum. transportation of the
228. Seminiferous In the lobule of testes of Site of sperms (male
tubules a male mammal. gamete) production by the
process of spermatogenesis.


229. Sperm Duct/ vas From the epididymis, at It carries sperms from the
deferens/ the back of the urinary epididymis to urethra for
ejaculatory duct bladder joins the elimination.
230. Testes (singular: Contained in scrotum of To produce sperms by the
testis) a male mammal. process of spermatogenesis
and hormone testosterone.
231. Testosterone In the interstitial tissues Male sex hormone
of the testes of a male responsible for development
mammal. of secondary sexual
232. Trophoblast Outer layer of blastocyst It provides nutrients to the
of the embryo in the embryo, helps implantation
uterus of a female and develops into large part
mammal. of placenta.
233. Umbilical cord Arises from the foetus to It connects placenta with
the placenta in the foetus.
uterus of a female
234. Uterus In the pelvic cavity It protects and nourishes the
between the urinary growing embryo.
bladder and the rectum
of a female mammal.
235. Vagina Arises from the cervix of i. The vagina is the
the uterus up to the region of copulation.
outside in a female ii. The vagina serves as a
mammal. birth canal.


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