Imp. Central Govt Schemes_398874_crwill
Imp. Central Govt Schemes_398874_crwill
Imp. Central Govt Schemes_398874_crwill
dsæa ljdkj dh egRoiw.kZ ;kstuk,¡
JAN DHAN YOJNA (tu /u ;kstuk) Under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
August 28, 2014 (Launched Date) ç/kuea=kh dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk ds varxZr
28 vxLr 2014 ('kq: gksus dh frfFk) Ministry : Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepre-
To connect maximum people with banks so that they neurship
can be encouraged to save money. ea=kky;% dkS'ky fodkl vkSj m|ferk ea=kky;
vf/d ls vf/d yksxksa dks cSadksa ls tksM+uk rkfd mUgsa iSls Objective :
cpkus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk ldsA mís'; %
This scheme is operated by the 'Ministry of Finance'. The mission of Skill India is to enhance the skills of poor
;g ;kstuk ^foÙk ea=kky;* }kjk lapkfyr dh tkrh gSA
ILL children who have put their studies on hold due to
45.25 crore (Approx) Accounts have been opened so some reason.
far till December 2022 (Estimated). fLdy bafM;k dk fe'ku mu xjhc cPpksa ds dkS'ky dks
fnlacj 2022 (vuqekfur) rd vc rd 45-25 djksM+ fu•kjuk gS ftUgksaus fdlh dkj.ko'k viuh i<+kbZ jksd nh gSA
(vuqekfur) •krs •ksys tk pqds gSaA To remove youth unemployment in the country, and
create a system to make youth employable.
Under the scheme bank does not charge you any fee if
the balance is zero. ns'k esa ;qokvksa dh csjkstxkjh dks nwj djuk vkSj ;qokvksa dks
;kstuk ds rgr cSysal 'kwU; gksus ij cSad vkils dksbZ 'kqYd jkstxkj ds ;ksX; cukus dh O;oLFkk cukukA
ugha ysrk gSA Under this scheme different types of courses like Arti-
ficial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Robotics, Big Data, VR
Dhan accounts in various banks of the country is more This course is completely free.
than Rs 1.30 lakh crore. ;g dkslZ iw.kZr% fu%'kqYd gSA
rktk vkadM+ksa ds eqrkfcd] ns'k ds fofHkUu cSadksa esa tu/u Youth get personal accident insurance of Rs. 2 lakh
•krksa esa tek jde 1-30 yk• djksM+ #i;s ls T;knk gSA under the scheme.
The participation of women in Pradhan Mantri Jan ;qokvksa dks feyrk gS ikap yk• #i;s dk O;fÙkQxr nq?kZVuk
Dhan Yojana has been 55.2% (Approx.). chek ;kstuk ds rgr 2 yk• #-
ç/kuea=kh tu /u ;kstuk esa efgykvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh 55-2% MAKE IN INDIA (esd bu bafM;k)
(yxHkx) jgh gSA Launched : September 25, 2014
Maximum accounts have been open in UP till october ykWUp% 25] flracj 2014
2022. The main objective of 'Make in India' scheme is to trans-
vDVwcj 2022 rd lcls T;knk •krs ;wih esa •qys gSaA form the country into a global manufacturing hub.
SKILL INDIA MISSION (dkS'ky Hkkjr fe'ku) ^esd bu bafM;k* ;kstuk dk eq[; mís'; ns'k dks oSf'od
Launched : July 15, 2015 ykWUp% 15 tqykbZ 2015 fofuekZ.k dsaæ esa cnyuk gSA
This initiative is to invite potential investors and part- ;g vfHk;ku egkRek xka/h dh t;arh ij 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA
ners from across the globe to New India. The Main objective of this mission is to elemination of
;g igy nqfu;k Hkj ls laHkkfor fuos'kdksa vkSj Hkkxhnkjksa open defecation.
dks u, Hkkjr esa vkeaf=kr djus ds fy, gSA bl fe'ku dk eq[; mís'; •qys esa 'kkSp dks •Re djuk gSA
The share of manufacturing sector in the country's GDP The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has achieved a great suc-
is to be increased from 16% to 25% by the year 2022. cess in spreading awareness across the country.
o"kZ 2022 rd ns'k dh thMhih esa fofuekZ.k {ks=k dh fgLlsnkjh LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku us iwjs ns'k esa tkx:drk iQSykus esa
16% ls c<+kdj 25% djuk gSA cM+h liQyrk gkfly dh gSA
National Single Window System (NSWS) To provide toilets, separately for boys and girls in all
jk"Vªh; ,dy f•M+dh ç.kkyh (,u,lMCY;w,l)
Speed power xfr 'kfÙkQ lHkh Ldwyksa esa yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa ds fy, vyx&vyx
One District One Product scheme 'kkSpky; miyC/ djkukA
,d ftyk ,d mRikn ;kstuk SANSAD ADARSH GAON YOJANA
Ministry : Ministry of Commerce and Industry (laln vkn'kZ xkao ;kstuk)
ea=kky;% okf.kT; vkSj m|ksx ea=kky; Launched: October 11, 2014
(nhun;ky mikè;k; vaR;ksn;) Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) was launched on
11th October, 2014 with the aim to translate the com-
Launched : September 25, 2014
ykWUp% 25] flracj 2014
prehensive vision of Mahatma Gandhi about an ideal
Indian village into a reality, keeping in view the present
Ministry: Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alle- context.
viation, Govt. of India
orZeku lanHkZ dks è;ku esa j•rs gq, ,d vkn'kZ Hkkjrh; xkao
ea=kky; % vkokl vkSj 'kgjh xjhch mUewyu ea=kky;] Hkkjr ds ckjs esa egkRek xka/h ds O;kid n`f"Vdks.k dks okLrfodrk
ljdkjA esa cnyus ds mís'; ls 11 vDVwcj] 2014 dks lkaln vkn'kZ
Budget: 3000 crores ctV % 3000 djksM+
xzke ;kstuk (,l,thokbZ) 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
Objective: The objective of the scheme is to increase
Under SAGY, Each member of Parliaments adopts a
livelihood opportunities and reduce rural poverty
Gram Panchayat and guides its holistic progress giving
through skill development and other measures. importance for social development at par with the in-
mís';% ;kstuk dk mís'; dkS'ky fodkl vkSj vU; mik;ksa ds frastructure.
ekè;e ls vkthfodk ds voljksa dks c<+kuk vkSj xzkeh.k ,l,thokbZ ds rgr] laln dk çR;sd lnL; ,d xzke
xjhch dks de djuk gSA iapk;r dks xksn ysrk gS vkSj cqfu;knh <kaps ds cjkcj
Social solidarity and institution development. subsidy lkekftd fodkl dks egRo nsrs gq, bldh lexz çxfr dk
to the urban poor
ekxZn'kZu djrk gSA
lkekftd ,dtqVrk vkSj laLFkk fodklA 'kgjh xjhcksa dks The Adarsh Grams are to become schools of local de-
lfClMh velopment and goverence, inspiring these gram
Shelter for the urban homeless. 'kgjh cs?kjksa ds fy, panchayat.
90% complete immunization coverage in India by 2022. (fe'ku baæ/uq"k ;kstuk 4-0)
;g ;kstuk 2022 rd Hkkjr esa 90% iw.kZ Vhdkdj.k dojst Effective year 2022
çkIr djus dh n`f"V ls 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA çHkkoh o"kZ 2022
The fundamental goal of the mission indradhanush is Annually more than three crore pregnant women and
to cover all children under two years and pregnent 2.6 crore children are to be covered through Universal
women, those who are not covered under the univer- Immunization Program (UIP) under the scheme.
sal immunization programme. ;kstuk ds rgr lkykuk rhu djksM+ ls vf/d xHkZorh
fe'ku baæ/uq"k dk ewy y{; nks o"kZ ls de mez ds lHkh efgykvksa vkSj 2-6 djksM+ cPpksa dks lkoZHkkSfed Vhdkdj.k
cPpksa vkSj xHkZorh efgykvksa dks doj djuk gS] tks lkoZHkkSfed dk;ZØe (;wvkbZih) ds ekè;e ls doj fd;k tkuk gSA
Vhdkdj.k dk;ZØe ds varxZr 'kkfey ugha gSaA
Indradhunush refers to 7 colours as we know it, the (iafMr nhun;ky Jeso t;rs ;kstuk)
government aims to provide immunity to children un-
October 16, 2014 vDVwcj 16] 2014
der 2 years of age from 7 vaccine- preventable diseases,
those are Diphtheria, Tetanus, Tuvenile, Culosis, Polio, Ministry: Ministry of Labour
Hepatitis B, and Measles. ea=kky; % Je ea=kky;
tSlk fd ge tkurs gSa] baæ/uq"k 7 jaxksa dks lanfHkZr djrk gS] Objective: To implement 'Make in India' scheme by
encouraging local manufacturers. Reforming labour
ljdkj dk y{; 2 o"kZ ls de mez ds cPpksa dks 7 Vhdksa ls laws and labour practices to industries
cpko ;ksX; chekfj;ksa ls çfrj{kk çnku djuk gS] os gSa
ILL mís';% LFkkuh; fuekZrkvksa dks çksRlkfgr djds ^esd bu
fMIFkhfj;k] VsVul] VÔwous kby] D;wyksfll] iksfy;ks] gsiVs kbfVl bafM;k* ;kstuk dks ykxw djukA m|ksxksa ds fy, Je dkuwuksa
ch vkSj •ljkA vkSj Je çFkkvksa esa lq/kj
MISSION INDRADHANUSH PLAN 2.0 Increase in wages limits and pension schemes for
(fe'ku baæ/uq"k ;kstuk 2-0) labourers across India.
Effective year 2017
iwjs Hkkjr esa etnwjksa ds fy, osru lhek vkSj isa'ku ;kstukvksa
çHkkoh o"kZ 2017 esa o`f¼A
Immunization coverage of 90% of children under 2 HRIDAY YOJANA
years of age (ân; ;kstuk)
2 o"kZ ls de mez ds 90% cPpksa dk Vhdkdj.k dojst
The Union Government launched Intensified Mission of the soul of heritage city and facilitate inclusive heri-
Indradhanush (IMI) 3.0 in February 2020 to expand the tage linked urban development by exploring various
coverage of the National Immunization Programme. avenues including involving private sector.
The main objective of this mission is to reach the
ân; dk eq[; mís'; fojklr 'kgj dh vkRek ds pfj=k dks
unorganised population for their vaccination as well
as to offer the vaccines available under the Universal lajf{kr djuk vkSj futh {ks=k dks 'kkfey djus lfgr fofHkUu
Immunization Program. rjhdksa dh •kst djds fojklr ls tqM+s lekos'kh 'kgjh
dsaæ ljdkj us jk"Vªh; Vhdkdj.k dk;ZØe ds dojst dk fodkl dks lqfo/ktud cukuk gSA
foLrkj djus ds fy, iQjojh 2020 esa xgu fe'ku baæ/uq"k Perserve and revitalize heritage where any tourists can
connect directly with citi's unique character.
(vkbZ,evkbZ) 3-0 ykWUp fd;kA bl fe'ku dk eq[; mís';
vlaxfBr vkcknh rd muds Vhdkdj.k ds fy, igqapuk gS fojklr dks lajf{kr vkSj iquthZfor djsa tgka dksbZ Hkh
vkSj lkFk gh lkoZHkkSfed Vhdkdj.k dk;ZØe ds rgr miyC/ i;ZVd 'kgj ds vf}rh; pfj=k ls lh/s tqM+ ldsA
Budget : 500 crores
Vhdksa dh is'kd'k djuk gSA
ctV % 500 djksM+
BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO (csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks) 1 ebZ] 2015
January 22, 2015 Under the UJALA initiative, the government provides
22 tuojh] 2015 two payment alternatives for purchasing LED bulb.
The goal of this scheme is to make girls socially and mtkyk igy ds rgr] ljdkj ,ybZMh cYc •jhnus ds fy,
financially self-reliant through education. nks Hkqxrku fodYi çnku djrh gSA
bl ;kstuk dk y{; yM+fd;ksa dks f'k{kk ds ekè;e ls Ministry: Power
lkekftd vkSj vkfFkZd :i ls vkRefuHkZj cukuk gSA ea=kky;% fctyh
Its objective is to prevent the gender-based sex selec- ATAL PENSION YOJANA (vVy isa'ku ;kstuk)
tion and ensuring the protection of a girl child. May 09, 2015
bldk mís'; fyax vk/kfjr fyax p;u dks jksduk vkSj
09 ebZ] 2015
ckfydkvksa dh lqj{kk lqfuf'pr djuk gSA Monthly pension for people in the unorganised sector
Ministries : Ministry of Women and Child Development, in the age group of 18 to 60 years.
Ministry of Health Family Welfare and Ministry of Hu-
18 ls 60 o"kZ dh vk;q ds vlaxfBr {ks=k ds yksxksa ds fy,
man Resource Development.
ekfld isa'kuA
ea=kky; % efgyk ,oa cky fodkl ea=kky;] LokLF; ifjokj
Ministry: Ministry of Finance
dY;k.k ea=kky; vkSj ekuo lalk/u fodkl ea=kky;A
ea=kky;% foÙk ea=kky;
January 22, 2015
ILL (iz/kuea=kh thou T;ksfr chek ;kstuk)
22 tuojh] 2015
May 09, 2015
The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna is a government saving
scheme created with the intention to benefit girl child 09 ebZ] 2015
under the initiative called 'Beti Cachao Beti Padhao". Life Insuracen of Rs. 2 lakh for the people between age
lqdU;k le`f¼ ;kstuk ,d ljdkjh cpr ;kstuk gS tks ^csVh of 18 to 50 years.
cpkvks csVh i<+kvks* igy ds rgr ckfydkvksa dks ykHk 18 ls 50 o"kZ dh vk;q ds yksxksa ds fy, 2 yk• #i;s dk
igqapkus ds bjkns ls cukbZ xbZ gSA thou chekA
The parent or guardian of the girl child who is 10 years Ministry: Ministry of Finance
of age or younger can open an account under the ea=kky;% foÙk ea=kky;
(ç/ku ea=kh eqæk ;kstuk) ns'k ds 100 p;fur 'kgjksa dk fodkl djukA
8 April 2015 Ministry: Ministry of Urban Development
8 vizSy 2015 ea=kky;% 'kgjh fodkl ea=kky;
To provide credit of upto Rs. 10 lakh to small entrepre- AMRUT SCHEME (ve`r ;kstuk)
neurs and act as a regulator for micro- finance institu- 25 June, 2015.
25 twu] 2015
#i;s rd dk ½.k çnku djukA NksVs m|fe;ksa dks 10 yk• The Amrut scheme is an initiative to provide basic
#i;s vkSj lw{e&foÙk laLFkkuksa ds fy, fu;ked ds :i esa amenities fo the urban areas to improve the quality of
dk;Z djukA life with major focus of the poor and the disadvant.
Ministry: Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enter- ve`r ;kstuk xjhcksa vkSj oafprksa ds eq[; iQksdl ds lkFk
prises, Government of India. thou dh xq.koÙkk esa lq/kj ds fy, 'kgjh {ks=kksa esa cqfu;knh
ea=kky;% lw{e] y?kq vkSj eè;e m|e ea=kky;] Hkkjr ljdkjA lqfo/k,a çnku djus dh ,d igy gSA
UJALA SCHEME (mtkyk ;kstuk) Ministry: Ministry of Housing and Urban development
May 1, 2015 ea=kky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh fodkl ea=kky;
AMRUT 2.0 (ve`r 2-0) Ministry: Ministry of Finance.
October 1, 2021 ea=kky;% foÙk ea=kky;A
1 vDVwcj] 2021 UDAY (mn;)
Amrut scheme 2.0 upto 2025-26 were approved by the October, 2015
cabinet during october 2021. vDVwcj] 2015
2025&26 rd ve`r ;kstuk 2-0 dks vDVwcj 2021 ds The Pradhan Mantri UDAY scheme has been launched
nkSjku dSfcusV }kjk eatwjh nh xbZ FkhA for a sustainable financial and operational growth to
PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOJANA-URBAN residents of unauthorised colonies in Delhi.
(ç/ku ea=kh vkokl ;kstuk&'kgjh) fnYyh esa vuf/Ñr dkWyksfu;ksa ds fuokfl;ksa ds fy, LFkk;h
foÙkh; vkSj ifjpkyu fodkl ds fy, ç/kuea=kh mn;
June 25, 2015
25 twu] 2015 ;kstuk 'kq: dh xbZ gSA
To provide financial assistance to all homeless and Ministry: Power
people living in dilapidated houses. ea=kky;% fctyh
lHkh cs?kjksa vkSj th.kZ&'kh.kZ ?kjksa esa jgus okys yksxksa dks PRIME MINISTER FASAL BIMA SCHEME
foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku djukA (ç/kuea=kh iQly chek ;kstuk)
(ç/ku ea=kh vkokl ;kstuk&xzkeh.k) 18 iQjojh] 2016
November 20, 2016 To reduce the premium of the farmers who take loans
20 uoEcj] 2016
To provide financial assistance to all homeless and
for their farming.
•srh ds fy, dtZ ysus okys fdlkuksa dk çhfe;e de djukA
people living in dilapidated houses. Providing financial support to farmers suffering crop
lHkh cs?kjksa vkSj th.kZ&'kh.kZ ?kjksa esa jgus okys yksxksa dks lost/damage arising out of unforeseen events.
foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku djukA vçR;kf'kr ?kVukvksa ls iQly dh gkfu@uqdlku ls ihfM+r
Ministry: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. fdlkuksa dks foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku djukA
ea=kky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeyksa dk ea=kky;A Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
DIGITAL INDIA MISSION (fMftVy bafM;k fe'ku) ea=kky;% Ñf"k ,oa fdlku dY;k.k ea=kky;A
fMftVy bafM;k Hkkjr ljdkj dk ,d çeq• dk;ZØe gS LVkVZvi bafM;k ;kstuk Hkkjr ljdkj dh ,d igy gSA
ftldk mís'; Hkkjr dks fMftVy :i ls l'kÙkQ lekt vkSj The primary objective of startup India is the promo-
Kku vFkZO;oLFkk esa cnyuk gSA tion of startups and wealth creation.
Ministry: Ministry of Electronics and Information Tech- LVkVZvi bafM;k dk çkFkfed mís'; LVkVZvi dks c<+kok
April 5, 2016 2017
5 vizSy] 2016 The aim of the mission is to promote sustainable
The objective of the stand up India scheme is to faciliate livlihood for rural poor families such that they come
bank loans between 10 lakh to 1 crore to at SC/ST out of poverty.
woman for setting up a new company. fe'ku dk mís'; xzkeh.k xjhc ifjokjksa ds fy, LFkk;h
a vi bafM;k ;kstuk dk mís'; vuqlfw pr tkfr@vuqlfw pr vkthfodk dks c<+kok nsuk gS rkfd os xjhch ls ckgj vk
tutkfr dh efgykvksa dks ubZ daiuh LFkkfir djus ds fy, ldsaA
10 yk• ls 1 djksM+ #i;s ds chp cSad ½.k dh lqfo/k Ministry : Ministry of Rural Development
çnku djuk gSA ea=kky;% xzkeh.k fodkl ea=kky;
April 14-24, 2016 'SAUBHAGYA'
14&24 vizSy 2016 (ç/ku ea=kh lgt fctyh gj ?kj ;kstuk ^lkSHkkX;*)
Emphasis on development of villages for proper de- September 25, 2017
velopment in the counrty. 25] flrEcj] 2017
ns'k ds leqfpr fodkl ds fy, xkaoksa ds fodkl ij tksjA This Scheme is to provide electricity to every house-
PRADHAN MANTRI UJJWALA YOJANA (iz/kuea=kh mTToyk ;kstuk) hold.
May 1, 2016 ILL ;g ;kstuk gj ?kj rd fctyh igqapkus ds fy, gSA
1 ebZ] 2016 NATIONAL NUTRITION CAMPAIGN (jk"Vªh; iks"k.k vfHk;ku)
Providing subsidized LPG connection to BPL familes. November 30, 2017
chih,y ifjokjksa dks lfClMh okyk ,yihth dusD'ku miyC/ 30 uoEcj] 2017
djkukA Prevent and reduce under nutrition, under weight
Ministry : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. prevalence in children (0-6 years).
ea=kky;% isVªksfy;e vkSj çkÑfrd xSl ea=kky;A cPpksa (0&6 o"kZ) esa vYi iks"k.k] de otu dh O;kidrk
PRADHAN MANTRI UJJWALA YOJANA 2.0 dks jksdsa vkSj de djsaA
(iz/kuea=kh mTToyk ;kstuk 2-0) Reduce the prevalance of amenia among young chil-
10 August, 2021 dren.
NAMAMI GANGE SCHEME (uekfe xaxs ;kstuk) The scheme aim to positively impact village cleanliness
10 July, 2014 and generate wealth and energy from cattle and or-
10 tqykbZ] 2014 ganic waste.
To reduce the pollution of the river Ganga alongwith bl ;kstuk dk mís'; xk¡o dh LoPNrk ij ldkjkRed çHkko
the conservation and rejuvenation of the river bank. Mkyuk vkSj eosf'k;ksa vkSj tSfod dpjs ls /u vkSj ÅtkZ
xaxk unh ds çnw"k.k dks de djus ds lkFk&lkFk rV dk mRiUu djuk gSA
laj{k.k vkSj 'kks/u djukA VAN DHAN YOJANA (ou /u ;kstuk)
Ministry : Union Ministry of Water Resources River April 14, 2018
Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. 14 vizSy] 2018
ea=kky;% dsaæh; ty lalk/u unh fodkl vkSj xaxk laj{k.k Van Dhan yojna emphasizes the economic
ea=kky;A developmend of tribes involved in the collection
AAJEEVIKA GRAMEEN EXPRESS YOJANA through the utilization of nature resources and provid-
ing them with a sustainable livlihood.
(vkthfodk xzkeh.k ,Dlizsl ;kstuk)
ou /u ;kstuk çkÑfrd lalk/uksa ds mi;ksx ds ekè;e ls
laxzg esa 'kkfey tutkfr;ksa ds vkfFkZd fodkl vkSj mUgsa Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk ns'k esa NksVs vkSj lhekar fdlkuksa dks
LFkk;h vkthfodk çnku djus ij tksj nsrh gSA çR;{k vk; lgk;rk çnku djukA
PM ASHA (ih,e vk'kk) Ministry : Agriculture.
12 September 2018 ea=kky;% Ñf"kA
To ensure remunerative prices to farmers for their pro- (ç/ku ea=kh dqlqe ;kstuk)
duction. March, 2019
fdlkuksa dks muds mRiknu ds fy, ykHkdkjh ewY; lqfuf'pr ekpZ] 2019
djukA For setting up solar pumps and renewable energy
(vk;q"eku Hkkjr (fo'o dh lcls cM+h LokLF; ns•Hkky ;kstuk)) fdlkuksa ds fy, lkSj iai vkSj; ÅtkZ la;a=k
September 23, 2018 LFkkfir djus ds fy,A
Improving public health and achieving the goals of sus- (iz/kuea=kh xjhc dY;k.k ;kstuk)
tainable development. April 2020
lkoZtfud LokLF; esa lq/kj vkSj lrr fodkl ds y{;ksa dks vizSy 2020
çkIr djukA ILL A food distributiohn scheme started by the government
It aim to provide a service to create a healthy, capable for the poor.
and context new India. xjhcksa ds fy, ljdkj }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ •k|kUu forj.k
bldk mís'; ,d LoLFk] l{ke vkSj çklafxd u, Hkkjr ds ;kstukA
fuekZ.k ds fy, lsok çnku djuk gSA JAL JEEVAN MISSION (ty thou fe'ku)
Ministry : AYUSH August 15, 2019
ea=kky;% vk;q"k 15 vxLr] 2019
PRADHAN MANTRI KISAN MAANDHAN YOJANA Har Ghar Jal is a scheme initiated by the ministry of Jal
(ç/ku ea=kh fdlku eku/u ;kstuk) Shakti of Government of India under Jal Jeevan mis-
dh •srh ;ksX; Hkwfe gS] mUgsa de ls de 20 o"kZ vkSj August 29, 2019
vf/dre 42 o"kZ rd 55 ls 220 #i;s rd dk ;ksxnku 29 vxLr] 2019
djuk gksxkA Fit India Mission encourages people to become part of
PRIME MINISTER KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI Fit India movement by including at least 30-60 minute
(ç/kuea=kh fdlku lEeku fuf/) of physical activity in their day to day lives.
February 24, 2019 fiQV bafM;k fe'ku yksxksa dks vius nSfud thou esa de ls
24 iQjojh] 2019 de 30&60 feuV dh 'kkjhfjd xfrfof/ dks 'kkfey djds
To Provide direct income support to small and marginal fiQV bafM;k vkanksyu dk fgLlk cuus ds fy, çksRlkfgr
farmers in the country by the Government of India. djrk gSA
(lqjf{kr ekr`Ro vk'oklu ;kstuk) ;kstuk) 12 uoEcj] 2020
October 10, 2019 The Government of India is bearing both the employ-
10 vDVwcj] 2019 ees share and employee share of contribution payable
To reduce in maternal mortality rate and infant mor- or only the employee share, depending on employ-
tality rate.
ekr` e`R;q nj ,oa f'k'kq e`R;q nj esa deh ykukA Hkkjr ljdkj jkstxkj ds vk/kj ij ns; ;ksxnku dk deZpkjh
fgLlk vkSj deZpkjh fgLlk nksuksa ogu dj jgh gS ;k dsoy
deZpkjh fgLlk ogu dj jgh gSA
December 25, 2019
25 fnlEcj] 2019
The major objective of the scheme is to improve the
(ç/ku ea=kh thou T;ksfr chek ;kstuk)
May 09, 2015
management of ground water resources in select wa-
ter stressed areas in identified states Haryana, 09 ebZ] 2015
Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. Facilitating low premium insurance scheme to the
;kstuk dk eq[; mís'; fpfUgr jkT;ksa gfj;k.kk] dukZVd weaker and poor sections of the people.
vkSj eè; çns'k esa pqfuank ty ladV okys {ks=kksa esa Hkwty detksj ,oa xjhc oxZ ds yksxksa dks de çhfe;e okyh chek
lalk/uksa ds çca/u esa lq/kj djuk gSA
ILL ;kstuk dh lqfo/k çnku djukA
April 24, 2020 (ç/ku ea=kh dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk 3-0)
24 vizSy] 2020 January 15, 2021
To give the ownership rights of the people living in the 15 tuojh] 2021
rural areas to their land. To provide employment to such people who are less
xzkeh.k {ks=kksa esa jgus okys yksxksa dks mudh tehu dk ekfydkuk educated or drop out of school.
gd fnykukA ,sls yksxksa dks jkstxkj miyC/ djkuk tks de i<+s&fy•s gSa
ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT SCHEME (vkRefuHkZj Hkkjr ;kstuk) ;k Ldwy NksM+ pqds gSaA
June 8, 2021 To provide loans to street vendors on low interest rates
8 twu] 2021 and easy terms.
To improve overall development of the affected Per- jsgM+h&iVjh okyksa dks de C;kt njksa vkSj vklku 'krks± ij
son in COVID. ½.k miyC/ djkukA
dksfoM ls çHkkfor O;fÙkQ ds lexz fodkl esa lq/kj djukA AGNEEPATH SCHEME (vfXuiFk ;kstuk)
(^tku gS rks tgku gS* vfHk;ku) 14 twu] 2022
June 21, 2021 The youth of the country have to be recruited in the
21 twu] 2021 army for 4 years.
To promote Covid vaccination. ns'k ds ;qokvksa dks 4 lky ds fy, lsuk esa HkrhZ fd;k tkuk
dksfoM Vhdkdj.k dks c<+kok nsukA gSA
Ministry : Ministry of Defence.
NIPUN INDIA PROGRAM (fuiq.k bafM;k izksxzke)
July 5, 2021 ea=kky;% j{kk ea=kky;A
5 tqykbZ] 2021 MOST IMPORTANT FACTS (lcls egRoiw.kZ rF;)
To develop basic literacy and numeracy skills among MY POLICY, MY HAND ABHIYAN esjh uhfr] esjs gkFk vfHk;ku
the students. An institative by Ministry of Agriculture.
Nk=kksa esa cqfu;knh lk{kjrk vkSj la[;kRed dkS'ky fodflr
ILL Ñf"k ea=kky; }kjk ,d igyA
djukA PM YUVA 2.0 (2 OCTOBER 2022)
It aims to cover the learning needs of children in the ih,e ;qok 2-0 (2 vDVwcj 2022)
age group of 3 to 9 years. To Train the writers upto 30 years
bldk mís'; 3 ls 9 o"kZ dh vk;q ds cPpksa dh lh•us dh 30 o"kZ rd ds ys•dksa dks çf'kf{kr djuk
t:jrksa dks iwjk djuk gSA Salary 50000/Year osru 50000@o"kZ
Ministry : Ministry of Education. STREE MANORAKSHA PROJECT L=kh euksj{k ifj;kstuk
ea=kky;% f'k{kk ea=kky;A Ministry of women & child development.
PM MITRA SCHEME (ih,e fe=k ;kstuk) efgyk ,oa cky fodkl ea=kky;A
October 6, 2021