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overnment Scheme Scheme of

 Scheme
• Make in India Objective:- Enhance the availability, accessibility, and
esd bu bafM;k quality of AYUSH healthcare services across the country.
mís'; & ns'k Hkj esa vk;q"k LokLF; lsokvksa dh miyC/krk] igqap vkSj
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 17.11.2023 Shift-3) xq.koÙkk c<+kukA

The government has decided to continue the National

Ayush Mission (NAM) till 2026.
ljdkj us jk"Vªh; vk;q"k fe'ku ¼NAM½ dks 2026 rd tkjh j[kus
It was Launched on 25th September 2014.
dk QSlyk fd;k gSA
bls 25 flracj 2014 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 22.11.2023 Shift-1)
• Digital India
It aims to promote the manufacturing sector in the fMftVy bafM;k
country and is based on four pillars:

bldk mís'; ns'k esa fofuekZ.k {ks= dks c<+kok nsuk gS vkSj ;g pkj
LraHkksa ij vk/kkfjr gS:

1.New Process / ubZ çfØ;k

2. New Infrastructure Launched : on 1st July 2015.
u;k cqfu;knh <kapk 1 tqykbZ 2015 dks y‚Up fd;k x;kA
3. New sector,
The Main aim of this scheme is - The creation of digital
u;k {ks=]
infrastructure, Delivering services digitally, Digital
4. New Mindset literacy.
ubZ ekufldrk bl ;kstuk dk eq[; mís'; gS& fMftVy cqfu;knh <kaps dk fuekZ.k]
fMftVy :i ls lsok,a çnku djuk] vkSj fMftVy lk{kjrk gSaA
(RRB NTPC 02.03.2021) SSC CHSL 19.04.2021), (SSC CPO 11.11.2022 shift-3)
Symbol: A lion Made of Cogs Ministry: Electronics and Information Technology and
Ministry: Commerce and Industry Ministry of Finance
çrhd: dksXl (Cogs) ls cuk flag ea=ky;: bysDVª‚fuDl vkSj lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh vkSj foÙk ea=ky;
• Skill India
ea=ky;: okf.kT; vkSj m|ksx dkS'ky Hkkjr
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 24.11.2023 Shift-2) (Const. Male
and Female in Delhi Police 2023 03.12.2023 Shift-1)
It is similar to Import substitution policy of the 1970s
and 1980s in India.
Hkkjr esa 1970 vkSj 1980 ds n'kd dh vk;kr çfrLFkkiu uhfr ds
leku gSA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 20.11.2023 Shift-1)
• National Ayush Mission
jk"Vªh; vk;q"k fe'ku Launched: 15 July 2015
y‚Up% 15 tqykbZ 2015
(RRB NTPC 02.02.2021)
The initiative aimed to develop industrial and
entrepreneurial skills among Indians through a training
bl igy dk mís'; çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe ds ek/;e ls Hkkjrh;ksa ds chp
It was launched in September 2014 under Department of vkS|ksfxd vkSj m|e'khyrk dkS'ky fodflr djuk gSA
AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
bls flracj 2014 esa LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds vk;q"k Ministry : Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
foHkkx ds rgr y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA ea=ky;: dkS'ky fodkl vkSj m|ferk
• Jal Kranti Abhiyan
AYUSH stands for- Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, ty Økafr vfHk;ku
Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
vk;q"k (AYUSH) dk vFkZ gS&vk;qoZns ];ksx vkSj çk—frd fpfdRlk
(Naturopathy) ;wukuh] fl) vkSj gksE;ksiSFkh

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bldk mís'; ?kjks]a leqnk;ksa ds fy, 'kkSpky;ksa dk fuekZ.k djds [kqys
esa 'kkSp dks [kRe djuk gSA

It is Mahatma Gandhi's dream of a clean and hygienic

;g egkRek xka/kh dk LoPN Hkkjr dk liuk gSA
It was launched on 5 June 2015 by Ministry of Jal Shakti.
Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) was launched by
The main objective of the Jal Kranti Abhiyan is
Ministry of Jal Shakti.
“strengthening grass root involvement of all
LoPN Hkkjr fe'ku ¼xzkeh.k½ ty 'kfä ea=ky; }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k
stakeholders including Panchayati Raj institutions and
local bodies for Participatory Irrigation Management.”
bls 5 twu 2015 dks ty 'kfä ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA • Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0- It was launched on
ty Økafr vfHk;ku dk eq[; mís'; "lgHkkxh flapkbZ çca/ku ds fy, 1st October 2021 to achieve the vision of ‘Garbage Free
iapk;rh jkt laLFkkuksa vkSj LFkkuh; fudk;ksa lfgr lHkh fgr/kkjdksa dh Cities’ over the next five years (2021-2026).
tehuh Lrj ij Hkkxhnkjh dks etcwr djuk gSA" LoPN Hkkjr fe'ku 'kgjh 2-0& bls vxys ikap o"kksZa ¼2021&2026½
(SSC CGL 25.07.2023 SHIFT-1)
esa ^dpjk eqä 'kgj* ds –f"Vdks.k dks çkIr djus ds fy, 1 vDVwcj
• Smart Cities
2021 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
LekVZ flfVt~
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 17.11.2023 Shift-2)
It was launched by Ministry of Housing and Urban
bls vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeyksa ds ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA

Slogan: Ek Kadam Swachhata Ki Ore

VSxykbu : ,d dne LoPNrk dh vksj
It was Launched on 25 June 2015 for the developing 100 (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 03.12.2023 Shift-2)
smart cities with smart amenities Viz- E- Governance,
waste management, water management, Energy • FAME India
management, Urban Mobility and other.
Shillong Became the 100th Smart city under Smart cities Qse bafM;k
bls 25 twu 2015 dks LekVZ lqfo/kkvksa tSls bZ&xousZl a ] vif'k"V
çca/ku] ty çca/ku] ÅtkZ çca/ku] 'kgjh xfr'khyrk vkSj vU; ds lkFk
100 LekVZ 'kgjksa ds fodkl ds fy, y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
LekVZ flVh ifj;kstuk ds rgr f'kykax 100oka LekVZ 'kgj cu x;kA
(SSC CHSL 04.08.2023 Shift-2) (SSC CGL 19.07.2023 SHIFT-1)
Ministry : Housing and Urban Affairs
It is stand for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of
ea=ky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeys
Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles in India
• Swachh Bharat Mission
;g Hkkjr esa bysfDVªd vkSj gkbfczM bysfDVªd okguksa dks rsth ls
LoPN Hkkjr fe'ku
viukus vkSj fofuekZ.k ds fy, [kM+k gS
Phase I: Started in april, 2015 and was completed on
31st March, 2019
pj.k I : vizSy] 2015 esa 'kq: gqvk vkSj 31 ekpZ] 2019 dks iwjk gqvk

Phase II: started from April, 2019, and was completed on

31st March, 2022.
Launched date: 2 October 2014 pj.k II: vçSy] 2019 ls 'kq: gqvk vkSj 31 ekpZ] 2022 dks iwjk gqvkA
y‚Up dh rkjh[k: 2 vDVwcj 2014
It will focus on 4 major areas- Technology development,
It is restructuring of Nirmal Bharat abhiyan to achieve Demand Creation, Pilot Projects, Charging
universal sanitation & Making India a clean country till 2 Infrastructure.
October 2019. ;g 4 çeq[k {ks=ksa ij /;ku dsafær djsxk& çkS|ksfxdh fodkl] ekax
;g lkoZHkkSfed LoPNrk çkIr djus vkSj 2 vDVwcj] 2019 rd Hkkjr fuekZ.k] ik;yV ifj;kstuk,a] pkftaxZ baÝkLVªDpjA
dks ,d LoPN ns'k cukus ds fy, fueZy Hkkjr vfHk;ku dk iquxZBu • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
gSA lqdU;k le`f) ;kstuk
(RRB NTPC 17.01.2021, 18.01.2021, 25.01.2021. 10.02.2021, 08.04.2021)
It Aims to Eliminate open defecation by constructing
toilets for households, communities.

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• Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana
csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks ;kstuk

Launched: 22 January 2015f

y‚Up: 22 tuojh 2015

It is small deposit scheme for girl child Scheme,

Launched By PM Narendra Modi. Launched: 22 January 2015
;g ckfydkvksa ds fy, y?kq tek ;kstuk gS] ftls ç/kku ea=h ujsæa y‚Up: 22 tuojh 2015
eksnh }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k gSA
(RRB NTPC 30.12.2020)

(RRB NTPC 28.12.2020, 04.01.2021, 10.02.2021) It was launched from Panipat, Haryana.
It is the Part of Beti Bacho Beti Padhao Campaign. bls gfj;k.kk ds ikuhir ls y‚Up fd;k x;kA
;g csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks vfHk;ku dk fgLlk gSA
The goal of this scheme is to make girls socially and
The Interest rate of this scheme is 8% in 2023. financially self-reliant through education & address the
bl ;kstuk dh C;kt nj 2023 esa 8% gSA issue of declined in girl child sex ratio.
bl ;kstuk dk y{; yM+fd;ksa dks f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls lkekftd
The minimum and maximum amount to be deposited in vkSj vkfFkZd :i ls vkRefuHkZj cukuk vkSj ckfydk fyaxkuqikr esa
the account is 250 and Rs.1,50,000 respectively. fxjkoV dh leL;k dk lek/kku djuk gSA
[kkrs esa tek dh tkus okyh U;wure vkSj vf/kdre jkf'k Øe'k% 250
(RRB NTPC 18.01.2021)
vkSj 1]50]000 #i;s gSA
The Central government has announced the inclusion of
It can be opened at any moment between the birth of the ''skilling of girls in non-traditional livelihood (NTL)
girl child and the age of 10 years. options has been Included in Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
bls ckfydk ds tUe ls 10 o"kZ dh vk;q ds chp fdlh Hkh le; scheme.
[kksyk tk ldrk gSA dsaæ ljdkj us xSj&ikjaifjd vkthfodk ¼,uVh,y½ esa yM+fd;ksa ds
dkS'ky dks csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks ;kstuk esa 'kkfey djus dh
Ministry: Finance Ministry ?kks"k.kk dh gSA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 16.11.2023 Shift-
1) (SSC CHSL 10.03.2023 Shift-1)
ea=ky;: foÙk ea=ky;
Ministry: Women and Child Development
• Pradhan Mantri Suraksha
ea=ky;% efgyk ,oa cky fodkl
Bima Yojana
• Atal Pension Scheme
ç/kkuea=h lqj{kk chek ;kstuk
vVy isa'ku ;kstuk

Launched : 9 May 2015 Launched: 9 May 2015( Kolkata)

y‚Up% 9 ebZ 2015 y‚Up: 9 ebZ 2015 ¼dydÙkk½
Objective: Provide General insurance / accident (SSC CHSL 05.08.2021)

insurance for people between 18 and 70 years. Under this scheme provision of monthly pension for
mís';: 18 ls 70 o"kZ ds chp ds yksxksa ds fy, lkekU; chek@nq?kZVuk people from the unorganized sector between age of 18
chek çnku djukA to 40 years.
bl ;kstuk esa 18 ls 40 o"kZ dh vk;q ds vk/kkj ij vlaxfBr {ks= ds
It risk coverage under the scheme is Accidental death yksxksa ds fy, ekfld is'a ku dk izko/kku gSA
cum disability cover of Rs.2 lakh (Rs.1 lakh in case of
partial disability) for death or disability due to an It provides a minimum guaranteed pension ranging from
accident against a premium of Rs.20/- per annum. Rs 1000 to Rs 5000 on attaining 60 years of age.
bl ;kstuk ds rgr tksf[ke dojst esa nq?kZVuk ds dkj.k e`R;q ;k ;g 60 o"kZ dh vk;q çkIr djus ij 1000 #i;s ls 5000 #i;s rd
fodykaxrk ds fy, 2 yk[k #i;s ¼vkaf'kd fodykaxrk ds ekeys esa 1 dh U;wure xkjaVh—r isa'ku çnku djrk gSA
yk[k #i;s½ dk nq?kZVuk e`R;q lg fodykaxrk doj gS] ftlds fy,
çfr o"kZ 20/& #i;s dk çhfe;e fy;k tkrk gSA (SSC MTS 12.05.2023 SHIFT-2)
(SSC CPO 09.12.2019) (RRB NTPC 23.07.2021)(RRB NTPC 22.01.2021, (SSC CPO 14.03.2019, 09.12.2019, 12.12.2019) (SSC CGL 21.07.2023 SHIFT-1)
12.03.2021) (SSC CPO 09.12.2019)
Ministry : Finance Ministry (RRB NTPC 20.01.2021)
ea=ky;% foÙk ea=ky;

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If a person is or has been an income tax payer after 1 y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj Lo.kZ t;arh 'kgjh jkstxkj ;kstuk
October 2022, he is not eligible to join the APY scheme. ¼,lts,lvkjokbZ½ 1997 esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
;fn dksbZ O;fä 1 vDVwcj 2022 ds ckn ls vk;dj nkrk gSa ;k jgs
gSa] rks og APY ;kstuk esa 'kkfey gksus ds ik= ugha gS A But in 2015 Aajeevika – NRLM is renamed as Deendayal
(SSC CGL Mains 2022, 02.03.2023) Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission
It is Administered by the Pension Fund Regulatory and (DAY-NRLM).
Development Authority (PFRDA). ysfdu 2015 esa vkthfodk & ,uvkj,y,e dk uke cnydj
bldk çca/ku isa'ku QaM fu;ked vkSj fodkl çkf/kdj.k nhun;ky vaR;ksn; ;kstuk & jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k vkthfodk fe'ku
¼ih,QvkjMh,½ }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA ¼Mh,okÃ&,uvkj,y,e½ dj fn;k x;kA
• HRIDAY (National Heritage City Development (SSC MTS 11.05.2023 SHIFT-2)
(SSC MTS 08.09.2023 SHIFT-2)
and Augmentation Yojana) scheme
Aims to cover at least one woman member from each
ân; ¼jk"Vªh; fojklr 'kgj fodkl vkSj lao/kZu ;kstuk½ ;kstuk
rural poor household under the fold of Self-Help Groups
(SHGs) and reduce poverty by enabling the employment
opportunities for poor households and increase
household income through sustainable livelihood
bldk mís'; Lo;a lgk;rk lewgksa ¼,l,pth½ ds rgr çR;sd xzkeh.k
xjhc ifjokj ls de ls de ,d efgyk lnL; dks 'kkfey djuk
Launched : 21st January 2015 vkSj xjhc ifjokjksa ds fy, jkstxkj ds voljksa dks l{ke djds
y‚Up% 12 tuojh 2015 xjhch dks de djuk vkSj LFkk;h vkthfodk o`f) ds ek/;e ls ?kjsyw
vk; esa o`f) djuk gSA (ACIO Grade II Exec. 19.02.2021 Shit -1)
The primary objective of the HRIDAY scheme was to • Prajjwala Challenge:- It was launched in December
preserve the unique character of heritage cities while 2022 to invite ideas, solutions and actions to transform
promoting urban development with a strong heritage the rural economy under DAY-NRLM.
focus. çTToyk pSyt sa %& bls DAY-NRLM ds rgr xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk esa
ân; ;kstuk dk çkFkfed mís'; ,d etcwr fojklr ds lkFk 'kgjh cnyko ds fy, fopkjks]a lek/kkuksa vkSj dk;ksZa dks vkeaf=r djus ds
fodkl dks c<+kok nsrs gq, fojklr 'kgjksa ds vf}rh; pfj= dks fy, fnlacj 2022 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
lajf{kr djuk FkkA
(ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-1) launched by ministry of rural development
The 12 cities selected for this scheme are Ajmer, xzkeh.k fodkl ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k
Amritsar, Amravati, Badami, Dwarka, Gaya, Warangal, • Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign:- it was launched
Puri, Kanchipuram, Mathura, Varanasi and Velankanni. in April 2023 under DAY-NRLM With the aim of Leaving
bl ;kstuk ds fy, pqus x, 12 'kgj vtesj] ve`rlj] vejkorh] no Rural Woman Behind 10 crore women from rural
cknkeh] }kjdk] x;k] okjaxy] iqjh] dkaphiqje] eFkqjk] okjk.klh vkSj households under the Self-Help Group (SHG) .
osyadUuh gSaA laxBu ls le`f) vfHk;ku%& bls vçSy 2023 esa DAY-NRLM ds
rgr Lo;a lgk;rk lewg ¼SHG½ ds rgr xzkeh.k ?kjksa dh 10 djksM+
Ministry : Housing and Urban Affairs
ea=ky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeys efgykvksa dks ihNs u NksM+us ds mís'; ls 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA
(RRB NTPC 31.007.2021) • Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
• Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural ç/kkuea=h thou T;ksfr chek ;kstuk
Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)
nhun;ky vaR;ksn; ;kstuk & jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k vkthfodk fe'ku

Launch:- 9 May 2015

y‚Up& 9 ebZ 2015

It is a one-year life insurance scheme of 2 lakh which

renewable from year to year offering coverage for death
due to any reason.
It was launched by the Ministry of Rural Development ;g 2 yk[k dh ,d lky dh thou chek ;kstuk gS tks fdlh Hkh
(MoRD), Government of India in June 2011 as a dkj.k ls e`R;q ds fy, dojst çnku djrs gq, lky&nj&lky
restructured version of Swarna Jayanti Gram uohuh—r gksrh gSA
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 24.11.2023 Shift-3)
Swarozgar Yojna (SGSY) which was launched in 1999
and Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) Age Group- 18-50
was launched in 1997.
vk;q lewg& 18&50
bls xzkeh.k fodkl ea=ky; ¼,evksvkjMh½] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk twu
Premium- 436/-per annum
2011 esa Lo.kZ t;arh xzke Lojkstxkj ;kstuk ¼,lth,lokbZ½ ds
çhfe;e& 436@& çfr o"kZ
iquxZfBr laLdj.k ds :i esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk] ftls 1999 esa

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(SSC MTS 09.05.2023 SHIFT-2)

Department: Financial Services under Ministry of Mudra loans are available in three categories, which are
Finance. as follows –
foHkkx% foÙk ea=ky; ds v/khu foÙkh; lsok,¡A eqæk _.k rhu Jsf.k;ksa esa miyC/k gSa] tks bl çdkj gS&

(SSC CGL 19.07.2023 SHIFT-2) (SSC CGL 27.07.2023 SHIFT-2) Shishu Scheme - up to 50,000
• Soil Health Card Scheme f'k'kq ;kstuk & 50]000 rd
e`nk LokLF; dkMZ ;kstuk
Kishor Scheme- above 50,000 and Up to 5 lakh
fd'kksj ;kstuk& 50]000 ls Åij vkSj 5 yk[k rd
(SSC MTS 02.11.2021)
Tarun Scheme- above 5lakh and Up to 10 lakh
r:.k ;kstuk& 5 yk[k ls Åij vkSj 10 yk[k rd
(SSC MTS 14.09.2023 SHIFT-3)
Ministry : Finance Ministry
Launched - 19 February, 2015
ea=ky;% foÙk
y‚Up % 19 Qjojh] 2015
• Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
This scheme gives each farmer soil nutrient status of
lkaln vkn'kZ xzke ;kstuk
their holding and advises them on soil health.
;g ;kstuk çR;sd fdlku dks mudh tksr dh feêh ds iks"kd rRoks
dh tkudkjh nsrh gS vkSj mUgsa feêh ds LokLF; ij lykg nsrh gSA

It will provide status of 12 soil nutrient – Electrical

Conductivity (Ec), Organic Carbon (Oc), Nitrogen (N),
Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), Sulphur (S), Zinc (Zn),
Launched Date: 11 October 2014
Boron (B), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) and Copper (Cu).
y‚Up frfFk% 11 vDVwcj 2014
bl ;kstuk ds rgr feêh ds 12 iks"kd rRoksa dh fLFkfr dh tkudkjh
a h & fo|qr pkydrk ¼Ec½] dkcZfud dkcZu ¼Oc½] ukbVªkstu
feysx The goal is to develop three Adarsh Grams by March
¼N½] QkLQksjl ¼P½] iksVsf'k;e ¼K½] lYQj ¼s½] ftad ¼Zn ½] cksj‚u 2019, of which one would be achieved by 2016.
¼ch½ ] vk;ju ¼Fe½] eSaxuht ¼Mn½ vkSj d‚ij ¼Cu½A ekpZ 2019 rd rhu vkn'kZ xzke fodflr djus dk y{; gS] ftuesa
ls ,d 2016 rd gkfly fd;k tk,xkA
Ministry: Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) will
ea=ky;% —f"k vkSj fdlku dY;k.k be selected and developed by 2024.
• Pradhan Mantri Mudra Bank Yojana (PMMY) blds ckn] 2024 rd ikap ,sls vkn'kZ xzke ¼çfr o"kZ ,d½ dk p;u
ç/kkuea=h eqæk cSad ;kstuk vkSj fodkl fd;k tk,xkA

Ministry :Rural Development

ea=ky;% xzkeh.k fodkl
(SSC CGL 18.08.2021)(RRB NTPC 04.02.2021)
• AMRUT(Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Launched: 8 April 2015
ve`r ¼vVy fe'ku Q‚j jstqous 'ku ,aM vcZu VªkalQ‚es'Z ku ½
y‚Up% 8 vçSy 2015

Objective: To funding non-corporate funding small

business or provide loan to small businessmen from 50
thousand to 10 lakh.
mís';% NksVs O;olk; dks xSj&d‚iksZjsV QafMax çnku djuk ;k NksVs
O;olkf;;ksa dks 50 gtkj ls 10 yk[k rd dk _.k çnku djukA Launched: 25 June 2015
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 01.12.2023 Shift-1) (Const. Male
y‚Up% 25 twu 2015
(Const. Male and
and Female in Delhi Police 2023 23.11.2023 Shift-1)
Female in Delhi Police 2023 14.11.2023 Shift-1) AMRUT Mission focuses on development of basic
(ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-1)
(SSC CPO 11.12.2019), (SSC MTS 13.10.2021, 02.11.2021) (SSC CHSL 21.03.2023 infrastructure, in the selected cities and towns, in the
Shift-4) (SSC Selection Post 27.06.2023 SHIFT-4) sectors of water supply; sewerage and septage
(RRB NTPC 22.02.2021, 27.02.2021)
management; storm water drainage; green spaces and
• Mudra - Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency
parks; and non-motorized urban transport.
eqæk & ekbØks ;wfuV~l MsoyiesVa ,aM fjQkbusl
a ,tsl
a h fyfeVsM

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ve`r fe'ku ty vkiwfrZ ds {ks=ksa es]a p;fur 'kgjksa vkSj dLcksa esa
cqfu;knh <kaps ds fodkl] lhojst vkSj lsIVst çca/ku] rwQku ds ikuh Ministry: Rural Developments
dh fudklh] gjs LFkku vkSj ikdZ vkSj xSj&eksVj pkfyr 'kgjh ea=ky;% xzkeh.k fodkl
ifjogu bR;kfn ij dsfa ær gSaA
(ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-1) (SSC CGL 17.07.2023 SHIFT-3). (RRB NTPC 29.01.2021) (SSC STENO 17.11.2022 Shift-1) (SSC MTS 18.10.2021)

AMRUT 2.0 is designed to provide universal coverage of • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban
water supply through functional taps to all households ç/kkuea=h vkokl ;kstuk&'kgjh
in 500 Cities till 2025-2026.
ve`r 2-0 dks 2025&2026 rd 500 'kgjksa ds lHkh ?kjksa esa dk;kZRed
uy ds ek/;e ls ty vkiwfrZ dh lkoZHkkSfed dojst çnku djus ds
fy, fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA
(RRB NTPC 01.02.2021) (SSC CGL 20.08.2021),
(SSC MTS 22.10.2021)
Launch :- 25th June 2015
Ministry: Housing and Urban Affairs y‚Up % 25 twu 2015
ea=ky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeys (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 14.11.2023 Shift-2)
• Ujala Yojana Objective: Slum rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers and
mtkyk ;kstuk Affordable Housing for weaker section through credit
(ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-1)
linked subsidy.
mís';% ØsfMV fyaDM lfClMh ds ek/;e ls >qXxhokfl;ksa dk iquokZl
vkSj detksj oxZ ds fy, fdQk;rh vkokl dh O;oLFkk djukA

Launched: 05 January 2015 Ministry :Housing and Urban Affairs

y‚Up% 05 tuojh 2015 ea=ky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeys
(SSC CHSL 12.08.2021)(SSC MTS 10.05.2023 SHIFT-3)

It is initially known as LED-based Domestic Efficient • Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY)
Lighting Programme (DELP), it aims to promote the ç/kkuea=h tu /ku ;kstuk ¼ih,etsMhokbZ½
efficient usage of energy for all and Distribution of LED
bulbs at low price to reduce electricity consumption.
bls 'kq: esa ,ybZMh& vk/kkfjr ?kjsyw dq'ky çdk'k dk;ZØe
¼MhbZ,yih½ ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gS] bldk mís'; lHkh ds fy,
ÅtkZ ds dq'ky mi;ksx dks c<+kok nsuk vkSj fctyh dh [kir dks
de djus ds fy, de dher ij ,ybZMh cYcksa dk forj.k djuk
(RRB NTPC 05.04.2021)
Ministry : Power Ministry Launched: 28 August 2014
ea=ky;% fo|qr ea=ky; y‚Up% 28 vxLr 2014
• Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 24.11.2023 Shift-2) (ACIO G-II
(DDU-GKY) Exec. 18.02.2021 Shift-2) (RRB NTPC 05.04.2021)
nhu n;ky mik/;k; xzkeh.k dkS'ky ;kstuk Under this scheme more than 46 crore bank accounts
have been opened in 8 years.
bl ;kstuk ds rgr 8 lky esa 46 djksM+ ls T;knk cSad [kkrs [kksys
tk pqds gSaA
(SSC CGL 21.07.2023 SHIFT-3)

Launched: 25th September 2014 Total 67% rural population have jan dhan account and
y‚Up% 25 flracj 2014 total 56% woman population have Jan Dhan account.
dqy 67% xzkeh.k vkcknh ds ikl tu/ku [kkrk gS vkSj dqy vkcknh
Provide training to rural poor youth (age 15-35) so that dh 56% efgykvksa ds ikl tu/ku [kkrk gSA
they become economically independent and globally
relevant workforce. Department: Financial Services under Ministry of
xzkeh.k xjhc ;qokvksa ¼mez 15&35½ dks çf'k{k.k çnku djsa rkfd os Finance.
vkfFkZd :i ls Lora= vkSj fo'o Lrj ij çklafxd dk;Zcy cu foHkkx% foÙk ea=ky; ds v/khu foÙkh; lsok,¡A
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 02.12.2023 Shift-1)(Const. Male Slogan: Mera Khaata, Bhagya Vidhaata
and Female in Delhi Police 2023 15.11.2023 Shift-1) (SSC MTS 01.09.2023 ukjk : esjk [kkrk] HkkX; fo/kkrk (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police
2023 14.11.2023 Shift-2)
It is a part of National Rural Livelihood Mission. • Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana
;g jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k vkthfodk fe'ku dk ,d fgLlk gSA (PMBJP)

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
ç/kkuea=h Hkkjrh; tuvkS"kf/k ifj;kstuk ¼ih,echtsih½ mís';% ns'k esa uokpkj vkSj LVkVZvi dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, ,d
etcwr bdks&flLVe dk fuekZ.k djukA

The govt’s focus has been on three C’s – capital, courage

and connections
ljdkj dk /;ku rhu C& iwt a h] (Capital), lkgl (Courage)
vkSj dusD'ku (Connections) ij jgk gSA
Initially this scheme was known as Jan Aushadhi Scheme
(2008) but in September 2015 it was Revamped as Governing Body:- Department for Promotion of Industry
PMBJP. and Internal Trade Under Ministry of Commerce and
'kq#vkr esa bl ;kstuk dks tu vkS"kf/k ;kstuk ¼2008½ ds uke ls Industry
tkuk tkrk Fkh] ysfdu flracj 2015 esa bls ih,echtsih ds :i esa çca/kd fudk;%&okf.kT; vkSj m|ksx ea=ky; ds rgr m|ksx vkSj
u;k uke fn;k x;kA vkarfjd O;kikj lao/kZu foHkkxA
(RRB NTPC 17.01.2021) (SSC CHSL 20.03.2023 Shift-4)
The scheme aims to making generic medications
• Stand Up India
accessible to everyone at reasonable prices.
LVSaM vi bafM;k
bl ;kstuk dk mís'; tsusfjd nokvksa dks mfpr ewY; ij lHkh ds fy,
lqyHk cukuk gSA

Under this scheme various Jan Aushadhi center was

bl ;kstuk ds rgr fofHkUu tu vkS"kf/k dsaæ dh LFkkiuk dh xbZA Launch: - 5 April 2016
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 22.11.2023 Shift-2)
y‚Up % 5 vçSy 2016
Regulating Body- Department of Pharmaceuticals of the
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. This scheme aims at promoting entrepreneurship among
fu;ked fudk;& jlk;u vkSj moZjd ea=ky; dk QkekZL;wfVdYl women and scheduled castes and tribes.
foHkkxA bl ;kstuk dk mís'; efgykvksa vkSj vuqlwfpr tkfr vkSj
tutkfr;ksa ds chp m|ferk dks c<+kok nsuk gSA
(RRB NTPC 01.03.2021)
(SSC MTS 10.05.2023 SHIFT-2)
India has celebrated the Jan Aushadhi Diwas on March 7
every year since 2019. Regulating Body:-Department of Financial Services
Hkkjr 2019 ls gj lky 7 ekpZ dks tu vkS"kf/k fnol euk jgk gSA (DFS), Ministry of Finance
fu;ked fudk;%& foÙkh; lsok foHkkx ¼Mh,Q,l½] foÙk ea=ky;
• e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) Portal
Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS)
bZ&uke ¼jk"Vªh; —f"k cktkj½ iksVZy
Lo.kZ eqæhdj.k ;kstuk ¼th,e,l½
Launched by the Government of India in 2015.Under this
scheme, one can deposit their gold in any form in a GMS
account to earn interest as the price of the gold metal
goes up.
(RRB NTPC 16.02.2021)
Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk 2015 esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA bl ;kstuk ds rgr]
launched on:- 14 April 2016
dksbZ Hkh lksus dh /kkrq dh dher c<+us ij C;kt vftZr djus ds
y‚Up % 14 vçSy 2016
fy, th,e,l [kkrs esa fdlh Hkh :i esa viuk lksuk tek dj ldrk
gSA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 24.11.2023 Shift-3)
This portal links the existing APMC mandis to create a
 Scheme of 2016 and 2017
unified national market for agricultural commodities.
2016 vkSj 2017 dh ;kstuk
The Objective is to promote uniformity in agriculture
• Startup India/ LVkVZvi bafM;k
marketing by streamlining procedures across the
integrated markets, removing middle man and
promoting real-time price discovery based on actual
demand and supply.
;g iksVZy —f"k oLrqvksa ds fy, ,dh—r jk"Vªh; cktkj cukus ds fy,
ekStwnk ,ih,elh eafM;ksa dks tksM+rk gSA
Launched: 16 January 2016
y‚Up: 16 tuojh 2016 bldk mís'; ,dh—r cktkjksa esa çfØ;kvksa dks lqO;ofLFkr djds]
fcpkSfy;ksa dks gVkdj vkSj okLrfod ekax vkSj vkiwfrZ ds vk/kkj ij
Objective: To build a strong eco-system for nurturing
okLrfod le; ewY; [kkst dks c<+kok nsdj —f"k foi.ku esa
innovation and Startups in the country.
,d:irk dks c<+kok nsuk gSA
• Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
ç/kkuea=h mTToyk ;kstuk
The cost of this scheme is shared between Central and
State Governments in the ratio 60:40 in plain areas and
90: 10 for North Eastern and Himalayan States. The unit
assistance has been increased this scheme from Rs.
70,000 to Rs. 1.20 lakh in plain states and from Rs.
75,000 to Rs. 1.30 lakh in hilly states.
bl ;kstuk dh ykxr dsæa vkSj jkT; ljdkjksa ds chp eSnkuh {ks=ksa esa
(SSC CHSL 02.08.2023 Shift-2) 60%40 vkSj mÙkj iwohZ vkSj fgeky;h jkT;ksa ds fy, 90%10 ds vuqikr
Launched: 1 May 2016 esa lk>k dh tkrh gSA bl ;kstuk esa bdkbZ lgk;rk dks #i;s ls c<+k
y‚Up% 1 ebZ 2016 fn;k x;k gSA vc 70]000 ls #- eSnkuh jkT;ksa esa 1-20 yk[k vkSj #-
75]000 ls #- igkM+h jkT;ksa esa 1-30 yk[k fn;s tkrs gSaA
(SSC MTS 10.05.2023 SHIFT-1) (SSC MTS 27.10.2021)
The scheme was launched in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. Ministry :Rural Development
;g ;kstuk mÙkj çns'k ds cfy;k esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA ea=ky;% xzkeh.k fodkl (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
03.12.2023 Shift-2)
The scheme provides a financial support of Rs 1600 for • Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission
each LPG connection to the BPL households. ';kek çlkn eq[kthZ :cZu fe'ku
;g ;kstuk chih,y ifjokjksa dks çR;sd ,yihth dusD'ku ds fy,
1600 #i;s dh foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku djrh gSA

• Ujjwala 2.0- launched at Mahoba Uttar Pradesh on 10th

Launch: - 21st February, 2016 from Kurubhat, in
August, 2021.
mTToyk 2-0% 10 vxLr] 2021 dks egksck mÙkj çns'k esa y‚Up fd;k Rajnandgaon district , Chhattisgarh
x;kA y‚Up% & 21 Qjojh] 2016 dks NÙkhlx<+ ds jktukanxkao ftys ds
dq#HkkV ls
It is aimed to provide maximum benefit to the migrants The objective of the Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban
with the help of Self Declaration. Mission (SPMRM) is to stimulate local economic
bldk mís'; Lo&?kks"k.kk dh lgk;rk ls çokfl;ksa dks vf/kdre ykHk development, enhance basic services, and create well
çnku djuk gSA planned Rurban clusters.
';kek çlkn eq[kthZ :cZu fe'ku ¼,lih,evkj,e½ dk mís'; LFkkuh;
Ministry : Petroleum and Natural Gas vkfFkZd fodkl dks çksRlkfgr djuk] cqfu;knh lsokvksa dks c<+kuk vkSj
ea=ky;% isVªksfy;e vkSj çk—frd xSl lqfu;ksftr :cZu DyLVj cukuk gSA
(RRB NTPC 17.01.2021, 10.02.2021, 03.02.2021)
Ministry : Rural Development
• Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin ea=ky;% xzkeh.k fodkl
ç/kkuea=h vkokl ;kstuk&xzkeh.k
• Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
ç/kkuea=h Qly chek ;kstuk ¼ih,e,QchokbZ½

Launched: 20 November 2016

y‚Up% 20 uoacj 2016 Launch : 18 February 2016
y‚Up% 18 Qjojh 2016
The erstwhile scheme of Indira Awaas Yojana has been
restructured into Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin Objective: Insurance coverage and financial support to
(PMAY-G) with effect from 1st April, 2016. the farmers for failure of crops.
bafnjk vkokl ;kstuk dh iwoZorhZ ;kstuk dks 1 vçSy] 2016 ls ç/kku mís';: Qlyksa dh foQyrk ds fy, fdlkuksa dks chek dojst vkSj
ea=h vkokl ;kstuk&xzkeh.k ¼ih,e,okbZ&th½ esa iquxZfBr fd;k x;k foÙkh; lgk;rk iznku djukA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
gSA 16.11.2023 Shift-1)
Farmers have to pay 2% of the total sum assured
(RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 01.02.2021) premium for Kharif crops, 1.5% for Rabi food crops and
Objective: To provide Pucca house to all who are oilseeds and 5% for commercial/horticultural crops.
houseless and living in dilapidated houses in rural areas fdlkuksa dks [kjhQ Qlyksa ds fy, dqy chek jkf'k dk 2%] jch [kk|
by 2022. Qlyksa vkSj fryguksa ds fy, 1-5% vkSj okf.kfT;d/ckxokuh Qlyksa
mís';% 2022 rd xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa vkoklghu vkSj th.kZ&'kh.kZ ?kjksa esa ds fy, 5% dk Hkqxrku djuk iM+rk gSA
jgus okys lHkh yksxksa dks iDdk ?kj miyC/k djkukA

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industry levels in the country and it was set up in 2016
It is Administered by the Department of Agriculture, under NITI Aayog.
Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare under the Ministry of ;g ns'k Hkj esa Ldwy] fo'ofo|ky;] vuqla/kku laLFkkuks]a ,e,l,ebZ
Agriculture. vkSj m|ksx Lrjksa ij uokpkj vkSj m|ferk dh laL—fr dks c<+kok nsus
bldk çca/ku —f"k ea=ky; ds rgr —f"k] lgdkfjrk vkSj fdlku ds fy, Hkkjr dh çeq[k igy gS vkSj bls 2016 esa uhfr vk;ksx ds
dY;k.k foHkkx }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA rgr LFkkfir fd;k x;k FkkA

• Meri Policy Mere Haath campaign is part of the Under this mission some major initiative are - Atal New
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. It is to be noted that India Challenge (ANIC), Atal Tinkering Labs, Atal
the scheme will launch a doorstep distribution campaign Incubation Centers (AIC), Mentor India Campaign, Atal
to provide 'Meri Policy Mere Haath' crop insurance Community Innovation Center (ACIC), Atal Research and
policies to farmers in all implementing states. Innovation for Small Enterprises (ARISE)
esjh i‚fylh esjs gkFk vfHk;ku ç/kkuea=h Qly chek ;kstuk dk bl fe'ku ds rgr dqN çeq[k igy gSa & vVy U;w bafM;k pSyt sa
fgLlk gSA xkSjryc gS fd ;g ;kstuk lHkh dk;kZUo;u jkT;ksa esa ¼,,uvkbZlh½] vVy fVadfjax ySCl] vVy buD;wcs'ku lsVa lZ
fdlkuksa dks 'esjh i‚fylh esjs gkFk' Qly chek i‚fylh çnku djus ¼,vkbZlh½] esVa j bafM;k dSaisu] vVy dE;qfuVh buksos'ku lsaVj
ds fy, ,d MksjLVsi ¼njokts½ forj.k vfHk;ku 'kq: djsxhA ¼,lhvkbZlh½] vVy fjlpZ ,aM buksos'ku Q‚j Le‚y ,aVjçkbtst
• Meri Policy Mere Haath campaign was launched at
Hassan, Karnataka in 18 February 2022. ANIC 1.0 was launched in 2018 and ANIC 2.0 was
esjh i‚fylh esjs gkFk vfHk;ku 18 Qjojh 2022 dks gklu] dukZVd esa launched in April 2022 to cover 7 sectors. S
'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA ANIC 1-0 dks 2018 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj ANIC 2-0 dks 7
{ks=ksa dks doj djus ds fy, vçSy 2022 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
(SSC MTS 09.05.2023 SHIFT-3)(SSC CGL 21.07.2023 SHIFT-2)
• Saubhagya – Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar
• Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
lkSHkkX;&ç/kkuea=h lgt fctyh gj ?kj ;kstuk
ç/kkuea=h lqjf{kr ekr`Ro vfHk;ku ¼ih,e,l,e,½

Launched :– 25 September 2017

y‚Up% 25 flracj] 2017

It aims to provide last-mile power connectivity to all the

un-electrified households in Rural and all poor
Launch: - 31st July 2016
household in Urban area by march 2019.
y‚Up % 31 tqykbZ 2016
bldk y{; ekpZ 2019 rd xzkeh.k {ks= ds lHkh xSj&fo|qrh—r ?kjksa
The program aims to ensure at least one checkup for all vkSj 'kgjh {ks= ds lHkh xjhc ?kjksa dks vafre Nksj rd fctyh
pregnant women in their second or third trimester by a dusfDVfoVh çnku djuk gSA
physician/specialist on the 9th day of every month and
Regulating Body:-The Ministry of Power
every pregnant woman must receive special care.
fu;ked fudk;% fo|qr ea=ky;
bl dk;ZØe dk y{; ;g lqfuf'pr djuk gS fd lHkh xHkZorh
efgykvksa dh nwljh ;k rhljh frekgh esa gj eghus ds 9osa fnu ,d (RRB NTPC 12.02.2021,23.01.2021, 31.07.2021)
fpfdRld/fo'ks"kK }kjk de ls de ,d tkap dh tk, vkSj çR;sd • Khelo India Scheme
xHkZorh efgyk dks fo'ks"k ns[kHkky feyuh pkfg,A [ksyks bafM;k ;kstuk

Ministry : Health & Family Welfare

ea=ky;% LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k
• Atal Innovation Mission
vVy buksos'ku fe'ku% Launched date:- October 2017
y‚Up % vDVwcj 2017

This Scheme is to revive the sports culture in India

ground level. It also focuses on developing sports
It is India’s flagship initiative to promote a culture of infrastructure, coaching, and other amenities for athletes
innovation and entrepreneurship across the country at to help them grow and build India as a sport nation.
school, university, research institutions, MSME and ;g ;kstuk Hkkjr esa tehuh Lrj ij [ksy laL—fr dks iquthZfor djus
ds fy, gSA ;g ,FkyhVksa ds fy, [ksy ds cqfu;knh <kaps] dksfpax vkSj

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
vU; lqfo/kkvksa dks fodflr djus ij Hkh /;ku dsafær djrk gS rkfd Ministry : Women & Child Development
mUgsa Hkkjr dks ,d [ksy jk"Vª ds :i esa fodflr djus vkSj cukus esa ea=ky;% efgyk ,oa cky fodkl
enn fey ldsA
• Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)
Ministry : Youth Affairs and Sports ç/kkuea=h o; oanuk ;kstuk ¼ih,eohohokbZ½
ea=ky;% ;qok ekeys vkSj [ksy
• UDAN Scheme
mM+ku ;kstuk

Launched: 4 May 2017

y‚Up% 4 ebZ 2017

Minimum Age- 60 years

Launched: - 21 October 2016 U;wure vk;q% 60 o"kZ
y‚Up% 21 vDVwcj 2016
Maximum investment Amount- 15lakh for 10 year
To provide affordable, economically viable and
vf/kdre fuos'k jkf'k% 10 o"kZ ds fy, 15 yk[k
profitable air travel on regional routes to the common
man even in small towns.
Minimum and Maximum monthly pension Rs. 1,000 and
NksVs 'kgjksa esa Hkh vke vkneh dks {ks=h; ekxksZa ij lLrh] vkfFkZd :i
Rs. 10,000 respectively.
ls O;ogk;Z vkSj ykHknk;d gokbZ ;k=k çnku djukA U;wure ,oa vf/kdre ekfld is'a ku Øe'k% 1]000#- vkSj 10]000-#-
• Ministry : Civil Aviation
Pension scheme with an aim to provide social security to
ea=ky;% ukxfjd mì;u
citizen and for the protection of the elderly against a fall
(RRB NTPC 10.01.2021) in the interest due to unfavorable market condition in
• Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) the future.
ç/kkuea=h ekr` oanuk ;kstuk ¼ih,e,eohokbZ½ bl is'a ku ;kstuk dk mís'; ukxfjdksa dks lkekftd lqj{kk çnku
djuk vkSj Hkfo"; esa çfrdwy cktkj fLFkfr ds dkj.k C;kt esa fxjkoV
ls cqtx
q ksZa dh lqj{kk djuk gSA
(ACIO G-II Exec. 19.02.2021 Shift-2) (RRB NTPC 22.02.2021)
LIC has been operating this scheme.
,yvkbZlh bl ;kstuk dk lapkyu dj jgh gSA
(SSC CPO 09.12.2019)
Effective from- 01.01.2017
This scheme lasted up to March 2020, but later it was
çHkkoh% 01-01-2017
extended until March 2023.
This Scheme provides maternity Benefits of 5000/- in ;g ;kstuk ekpZ 2020 rd pyh] ysfdu ckn esa bls ekpZ 2023 rd
three installments for pregnant women & lactating
c<+k fn;k x;kA
mother after their first delivery.
Regulating Body:-Department of Financial Services
;g ;kstuk xHkZorh efgykvksa vkSj Lruiku djkus okyh ekrkvksa dks
(DFS), Ministry of Finance
muds igys çlo ds ckn rhu fdLrksa esa 5000/& dk ekr`Ro ykHk fu;ked fudk; & foÙkh; lsok foHkkx ¼Mh,Q,l½] foÙk ea=ky;
çnku djrh gSA
• Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana
ç/kkuea=h fdlku lEink ;kstuk
Three Installment provides at different stage-
rhu fdLrsa fofHkUu pj.kksa esa çnku dh tkrh gSa&

Early registration of pregnancy, Ante-natal check-up and

completion of first cycle of vaccination
xHkkZoLFkk dk 'kh?kz iathdj.k] çloiwoZ tkap vkSj Vhdkdj.k dk igyk Launched: - 2017
pØ iwjk djuk y‚Up% 2017

The amount of maternity benefit in the revised PMMVY The objective of PMKSY is to supplement agriculture,
will be Rs. Rs.6000/- is also to be provided for the modernize processing and decrease Agri-Waste.
second child (but only if the second child is a girl). Under this scheme- Mega Food Parks, Integrated Cold
la'kksf/kr ih,e,eohokbZ esa ekr`Ro ykHk dh jkf'k nwljs cPps ds fy, Chain,
Hkh 6000/& #i;s ¼ysfdu dsoy rHkh] tc nwljk cPpk yM+dh gks½ Agro Processing Clusters Food Safety & Quality
çnku fd, tkus gSaA Assurance Infrastructure will be implemented.

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It was launched on 7 April 2016 by Ministry of Health
ih,eds,lokbZ dk mís'; —f"k dks iwjd cukuk] çlaLdj.k dk and Family Welfare.
vk/kqfudhdj.k djuk vkSj —f"k&vif'k"V dks de djuk gSA bls 7 vçSy 2016 dks LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; }kjk
y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
bl ;kstuk ds varxZr& esxk QwM ikdZ] ,dh—r dksYM psu] —f"k
çlaLdj.k DyLVj [kk| lqj{kk vkSj xq.koÙkk vk'oklu cqfu;knh <kaps Objective:- To ensure the availability of dialysis services
cuk, tk;sx
a sA free of cost to Below Poverty Line (BPL) beneficiaries at
the district hospitals in the country.
mís';% ns'k ds ftyk vLirkyksa esa xjhch js[kk ls uhps ¼chih,y½
Tenure has been extended for a period of 2021-22 to 2025 ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks eq¶r Mk;fyfll lsokvksa dh miyC/krk lqfuf'pr
26. djukA
dk;Zdky 2021&22 ls 2025&26 dh vof/k ds fy, c<+k fn;k x;k gSA Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha
Yojana Launched in 2016
iafMr nhu n;ky mikè;k; mUur —f"k f'k{kk ;kstuk 2016 esa 'kq:
Ministry : Food Processing Industries
dh xà (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 29.11.2023 Shift-2)
ea=ky;% [kk| çlaLdj.k m|ksx
• National Mission for Cultural Mapping Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS)
lkaL—frd ekufp=.k ds fy, jk"Vªh; fe'ku Launched in 2016 by the Government of India.
çèkkuea=h xjhc dY;k.k tek ;kstuk ¼ih,ethdsMh,l½ Hkkjr ljdkj
}kjk 2016 esa y‚Up fd;k x;kA
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 28.11.2023 Shift-3)
 Scheme of 2018 and 2019
2018 vkSj 2019 dh ;kstuk
It was launched in 2017 by the Union Ministry of Culture • Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
To develop a comprehensive database of art forms, Yojana (AB-PMJAY)
artists and other resources across the country. vk;q"eku Hkkjr&ç/kkuea=h tu vkjksX; ;kstuk ¼,ch&ih,ets,okbZ½
bls 2017 esa dsaæh; laL—fr ea=ky; }kjk ns'k Hkj esa dyk :iks]a
dykdkjksa vkSj vU; lalk/kuksa dk ,d O;kid MsVkcsl fodflr djus
ds fy, y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA

“Mera Gaon, Meri Dharohar” campaign was started

under this mission in 27th July 2023.
bl fe'ku ds rgr tqykbZ 2023 esa Þesjk xk¡o] esjh /kjksgjß vfHk;ku Launched: 23 September 2018
'kq: fd;k x;kA y‚Up: 23 flracj 2018 (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
• Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) 23.11.2023 Shift-2)

ç/kkuea=h jkstxkj çksRlkgu ;kstuk ¼ih,evkjihokbZ½ It provides a cover of Rs.5 lakhs per family per year for
secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across public
(SSC MTS 13.09.2023 SHIFT-3) (SSC CHSL 08.08.2023 Shift-1) and private empanelled hospitals in India, was started in
Launched: 2016 Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of
y‚Up% 2016 India, Shri Narendra Modi.
;g Hkkjr esa lkoZtfud vkSj futh lwphc) vLirkyksa esa ek/;fed
The objective of the scheme is to promote employment
vkSj r`rh;d ns[kHkky vLirky esa HkrhZ ds fy, çfr ifjokj çfr o"kZ
5 yk[k #i;s dk doj çnku djrk gS] Hkkjr ds ekuuh; ç/kku ea=h
bl ;kstuk dk mís'; jkstxkj l`tu dks c<+kok nsuk gSA
Jh ujsæa eksnh }kjk jkaph] >kj[kaM esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA
This scheme is targeted for workers earning wages upto (RRB NTPC 09.01.2021)
Rs. 15,000/- per month. There is no restriction on the family size, age or gender.
;g ;kstuk 15]000@& #i;s çfr ekg rd osru ikus okys Jfedksa ds Senior citizen health insurance scheme is not covered
fy, yf{kr gSA under the scheme.
ifjokj ds vkdkj] vk;q ;k fyax ij dksbZ çfrca/k ugha gSA
Ministry: Labour & Employment ofj"B ukxfjd LokLF; chek ;kstuk bl ;kstuk ds rgr doj ugha
ea=ky;% Je ,oa jkstxkj gSA
Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme (RRB NTPC 28.01.2021, 10.02.2021, 05.03.2021)
(SSC CHSL 10.03.2023 Shift-3)
ç/kkuea=h jk"Vªh; Mk;fyfll dk;ZØe
Funding in Himalayan and North Eastern state– Central
and state ratio is 90:10 and in other state it is 60:40.
fgeky;h vkSj mÙkj iwohZ jkT; esa QafMax& dsæa vkSj jkT; dk vuqikr
90%10 gS vkSj vU; jkT; esa ;g 60%40 gSA

Ayushman Bharat Diwas- 30th April

vk;q"eku Hkkjr fnol& 30 vçSy

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fu;ked fudk;% ty 'kfä ea=ky; ds rgr is;ty vkSj LoPNrk
Ministry: Health and Family Welfare foHkkxA
ea=ky;% LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k • Samagra Shiksha Scheme
lexz f'k{kk ;kstuk
(SSC MTS 17.05.2023 SHIFT-3)
• National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan)
jk"Vªh; iks"k.k fe'ku ¼iks"k.k vfHk;ku½
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 21.11.2023 Shift-2)

Launch :- 2018
y‚Up % 2018

Objective:- Provision of quality education and

enhancing learning outcomes of students, Bridging
Launched on :- 8 March 2018 from Jhunjhunu, Social and Gender Gaps in School Education and
Rajasthan. implementation of RTE Act 2009 in all states from
8 ekpZ 2018 dks >q>
a quw] jktLFkku ls y‚Up fd;k x;kA nursery to class XII.
mís’;% xq.koÙkkiw.kZ f'k{kk dk çko/kku vkSj Nk=ksa ds lh[kus ds
The focus of Abhiyaan is to lay emphasis on nutritional ifj.kkeksa dks c<+kuk] Ldwyh f'k{kk esa lkekftd vkSj ySafxd varj dks
status of adolescent girls, pregnant women, lactating de djuk vkSj ulZjh ls ckjgoha d{kk rd lHkh jkT;ksa esa vkjVhbZ
mothers and children from 0-6 years age. vf/kfu;e 2009 dk dk;kZUo;u djukA
vfHk;ku dk mÌs’k fd'kksj yM+fd;ks]a xHkZorh efgykvks]a Lruiku djkus (RRB NTPC 29.12.2020, 13.01.2021)

okyh ekrkvksa vkSj 0&6 o"kZ dh vk;q ds cPpksa dh iks"k.k fLFkfr ij The Schools and hostels under this scheme will be
tksj nsuk gSA renamed after Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
bl ;kstuk ds rgr Ldwyksa vkSj Nk=koklksa dk uke cnydj usrkth
Ministry : Women and Child Development lqHkk"k paæ cksl ds uke ij j[kk tk,xkA
ea=ky;% efgyk ,oa cky fodkl Samagra Shiksha Scheme 2.0 is launched from 1 April
2021 to 31 March 2026.
(SSC MTS 20.06.2023 SHIFT-1)
lexz f'k{kk ;kstuk 2-0 1 vçSy 2021 ls 31 ekpZ 2026 rd 'kq: dh
• GOBAR-Dhan Scheme
xbZ gSA
xkscj&/ku ;kstuk
Regulating Body:- Department of School Education &
Literacy under Ministry of Education
fu;ked fudk;%& f'k{kk ea=ky; ds varxZr Ldwyh f'k{kk ,oa
lk{kjrk foHkkx
• Atal Bhujal Yojana
vVy Hkwty ;kstuk
Launched date :- 30 April, 2018
y‚Up dh rkjh[k% 30 vçSy] 2018

GOBAR stand for- Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro

xkscj dk vFkZ& xSYoukbftax v‚xsfZ ud ck;ks&,xzks fjlkslt

The aim is keeping villages clean and ODF, increasing the

income of rural households and generation of energy
Launched date:- 25 December 2019
(Bio-Energy) from cattle waste.
y‚Up dh rkjh[k% 25 fnlacj] 2019
bldk mís'; xkaoksa dks LoPN vkSj vksMh,Q j[kuk] xzkeh.k ifjokjksa dh
vk; esa o`f) djuk vkSj eosf'k;ksa ds vif'k"V ls ÅtkZ ¼tSo&ÅtkZ½ Objective- Improve ground water management through
mRiUu djuk gSA community participation.
mís’;% lkeqnkf;d Hkkxhnkjh ds ek/;e ls Hkwty çca/ku esa lq/kkj
In recent budget govt. is planning to establish 500 new
djukA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 28.11.2023 Shift-2)
waste-to-wealth plants.
6000 crore is the sponsored amount, which is shared
gky ds ctV esa ljdkj 500 u, vif'k"V&ls&laink la;a= LFkkfir
equally (50:50) by the Indian government and the World
djus dh ;kstuk cuk jgh gSA
(SSC CHSL 09.08.2023 Shift-3) 6000 djksM+ #i;s çk;ksftr jkf'k gS] ftls Hkkjr ljdkj vkSj fo'o
Regulating Body: - Department of Drinking Water & cSad }kjk leku :i ls ¼50%50½ lk>k fd;k tkrk gSA
Sanitation under Ministry of Jal Shakati.

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
This Scheme is implemented in seven States- Gujarat, • PM Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan
Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, (PM-KUSUM)
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. ih,e fdlku ÅtkZ lqj{kk ,oa mRFkku egkfHk;ku ¼ih,e&dqlqe½
;g ;kstuk lkr jkT;ksa & xqtjkr] gfj;k.kk] dukZVd] e/; çns'k]
egkjk"Vª] jktLFkku vkSj mÙkj çns'k esa ykxw dh xbZ gSA

Ministry : Jal Shakti

ea=ky;% ty 'kfä
• Jal Jeevan Mission
Launched:- March 2019
ty thou fe'ku
y‚Up % ekpZ 2019

Objective:- Provide sources for de- dieselise irrigation

to the agricultural sector and install 30,800 MW solar
power capacity in rural India by 2022 but later it is
extended till 2026.
mís';%& —f"k {ks= dks Mhty jfgr flapkbZ ds fy, lzksr miyC/k
djkuk vkSj 2022 rd xzkeh.k Hkkjr esa 30]800 esxkokV lkSj ÅtkZ
{kerk LFkkfir djuk] ysfdu ckn esa bls 2026 rd c<+k fn;k x;k
Launch :- August 15, 2019 gSA
y‚Up % 15 vxLr] 2019

Objectve:- It provides supply of 55 liters of water per The first solar power plant under the PM-KUSUM
person per day to every rural household through Tap Scheme has been set up in India at Bhaloji, Jaipur.
Connections by 2024. ih,e&dqlqe ;kstuk ds rgr Hkkjr esa igyk lkSj ÅtkZ la;a=
mís';%&;g 2024 rd uy dusD'ku ds ek/;e ls çR;sd xzkeh.k Hkkyksth] t;iqj esa LFkkfir fd;k x;k gSA
ifjokj dks çfr O;fä çfr fnu 55 yhVj ikuh dh vkiwfrZ çnku
djrk gSA (ACIO G-II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shift-2) Farmers can also sell the extra power generated by the
The fund allocation between the Centre and states is plants directly to Government.
90:10 for Himalayan and North-Eastern States, 50:50 for fdlku la;a=ksa ls mRiUu vfrfjä fctyh lh/ks ljdkj dks Hkh csp
other states, and 100% for Union Territories. ldrs gSaA
dsaæ vkSj jkT;ksa ds chp QaM vkoaVu fgeky;h vkSj mÙkj&iwohZ jkT;ksa (RRB NTPC 13.03.2021)
ds fy, 90%10] vU; jkT;ksa ds fy, 50%50 vkSj dsæa 'kkflr çns'kksa ds Ministry : New and Renewable Energy
fy, 100% gSA ea=ky;% uohu ,oa; ÅtkZ
(SSC CHSL 19.04.2021)
• PM Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA)
Goa, Telangana, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra
ih,e vUunkrk vk; laj{k.k vfHk;ku ¼ih,e&vk'kk½
and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Puducherry and
Haryana are the states that can now have 100%
household water connections.
xksok] rsyx
a kuk] vaMeku vkSj fudksckj }hi lewg] nknjk vkSj uxj
gosyh] neu vkSj nho] iqMqpsjh vkSj gfj;k.kk ,sls jkT; gSa tgka vc
100% ?kjsyw ty dusD'ku gks x;k gSaA
Launched :- 12 September 2018
Har Ghar Jal mission is the part of this mission. y‚Up % 12 flracj 2018
gj ?kj ty fe'ku blh fe'ku dk fgLlk gSA
Objective:- Provide Minimum Support Price (MSP)
• Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh) has become the first assurance or ensuring remunerative prices to the
district to provide water to 100 % households through farmers.
tap connections under the Jal Jeevan Mission. mís';%& fdlkuksa dks U;wure leFkZu ewY; ¼,e,lih½ vk'oklu çnku
cqjgkuiqj ¼e/; çns'k½ ty thou fe'ku ds rgr 100%?kjksa esa uy djuk ;k ykHkdkjh ewY; lqfuf'pr djukA
dusD'ku ds ek/;e ls ikuh miyC/k djkus okyk igyk ftyk cu
x;k gSA Ministery:- Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
ea=ky;%& —f"k ,oa fdlku dY;k.k
100th Har ghar jal district is Chamba (Himachal
Pradesh) (SSC MTS 18.10.2021)

100ok¡ gj ?kj ty ftyk pEck ¼fgekpy çns'k½ gSA • PM Kisan Samman Nidhi
ih,e fdlku lEeku fuf/k
(SSC CGL 20.07.2023 SHIFT-4)

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
y‚Up frfFk& 12 flracj 2019

Objective:- Pension to Small and Marginal Farmers in

their old age when they have no means of livelihood and
Launched: 24 February 2019 minimal or no savings to take care of their expenses.
y‚Up% 24 Qjojh 2019 Age- 18-40 years
Premium Amount- between 55 to 200 (depending on the
Objective:-Financial benefit of Rs 6000/- per year in
three equal installments and provide income support to
On reaching the age of 60, the beneficiaries would get Rs
all land holding eligible farmer families. Earlier it was
3,000 monthly pension.
provided to small and marginal farmers with holding up
mís’;% NksVs vkSj lhekar fdlkuksa dks muds cq<+kis tc muds ikl
to 2 Hectares. Which receives 100% funding from the vkthfodk dk dksbZ lk/ku ugha gksrk gS vkSj muds [kpksZa dh ns[kHkky
Government of India. ds fy, U;wure ;k dksbZ cpr ugha gksrh gS rc isa'ku iznku djukA
mís';%&rhu leku fdLrksa esa çfr o"kZ 6000@& #i;s dk foÙkh; mez& 18&40 o"kZ
ykHk vkSj lHkh Hkwfe /kkjd ik= fdlku ifjokjksa dks vk; lgk;rk çhfe;e jkf'k& 55 ls 200 ds chp ¼mez ds vk/kkj ij½
çnku djukA igys ;g 2 gsDVs;j rd dh tksr okys NksVs vkSj 60 o"kZ dh vk;q rd igqapus ij ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks 3]000 #i;s ekfld
lhekar fdlkuksa dks çnku fd;k tkrk FkkA ftls Hkkjr ljdkj ls isa'ku feysxhA
Ministry : Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
100% QafMax feyrh gSA ftls Hkkjr ljdkj ls 100% QafMax ea=ky;% —f"k ,oa fdlku dY;k.k
feyrh gSA • Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan (PM-SYM)
Ministry: Agriculture and Farmers Welfare ç/kkuea=h Je ;ksxh eku /ku ¼ih,e&,lokbZ,e½
ea=ky;% —f"k vkSj fdlku dY;k.kA
(ACIO G-II Exec. 19.02.2021 Shift-3) (RRB NTPC 22.01.2021)(SSC CHSL
• Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan (Suman) Yojana
lqjf{kr ekr`Ro vk'oklu ¼lqeu½ ;kstuk
Launch – 15 february 2019
y‚Up % 2019

Any unorganized workers between the ages of 18 and 40

whose monthly income is less than Rs 15,000/-
;ksX;rk% 18 ls 40 o"kZ dh vk;q ds chp dk dksbZ Hkh vlaxfBr
Jfed ftldh ekfld vk; 15]000& #i;s ls de gSA
Launched: - 10 October 2019
(SSC CHSL 09.08.2023 Shift-2)
y‚Up frfFk& 10 vDVwcj 2019 Premium- 55-200 per month( Depends upon age)
This scheme will provide assured monthly pension of Rs
Objective:- This program provides affordable and
3,000 from the age of 60 years.
quality healthcare solutions to pregnant women and
Under PM-SYM, Donate-a-Pension Initiative is
newborns. Under this scheme, pregnant women, sick
launched in which employer/People can donate a
newborns, and mothers receive zero expense access up
premium of his support staff. The minimum and
to six months after delivery.
maximum amount is 660 and 2400 per month
mís’;% ;g dk;ZØe xHkZorh efgykvksa vkSj uotkr f'k'kqvksa dks
respectively depends upon their age.
fdQk;rh vkSj xq.koÙkkiw.kZ LokLF; ns[kHkky lek/kku çnku djrk gSA
Launched ‘Iconic Week’ from 7 to 13 March 2022 –
bl ;kstuk ds rgr] xHkZorh efgykvks]a chekj uotkr f'k'kqvksa vkSj
“Donate-a-Pension’ campaign.
ekrkvksa dks çlo ds Ng eghus ckn rd 'kwU; O;; dh lqfo/kk feyrh
çhfe;e& 55&200 çfr ekg ¼mez ij fuHkZj djrk gS½
;g ;kstuk 60 o"kZ dh vk;q ls 3]000 #i;s dh lqfuf'pr ekfld
isa'ku çnku djsxhA
Ministry :Health and Family Welfare ih,e&,lokbZ,e ds rgr] MksusV&,&is'a ku igy 'kq: dh xbZ gS
ea=ky;: LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ftlesa fu;ksäk@yksx vius lgk;d deZpkfj;ksa dk çhfe;e nku dj
• PM- Kisan Man Dhan Yojana ldrs gSaA U;wure vkSj vf/kdre jkf'k Øe'k% 660 vkSj 2400 çfr
ih,e& fdlku eku /ku ;kstuk ekg gS tks mudh mez ij fuHkZj djrh gSA
7 ls 13 ekpZ 2022 rd *vkbd‚fud ohd^ & *MksusV&,&is'a ku^
vfHk;ku 'kq: fd;k x;kA
(SSC CGL 20.07.2023 Shift-1)
Ministry: Labour & Employment
ea=ky;% Je ,oa jkstxkj
• National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT)
çkS|ksfxdh ds fy, jk"Vªh; 'kSf{kd lg;ksx ¼NEAT½
Launched Date:- 12 September 2019

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications

Objective:- Boost livelihood opportunities for returning

migrants and similarly affected rural citizens amid the
Launched :- September 2019
ongoing Covid-19 crisis.
y‚Up % flracj 2019
mís';%& ekStwnk dksfoM&19 ladV ds chp ykSVus okys çokfl;ksa vkSj
blh rjg çHkkfor xzkeh.k ukxfjdksa ds fy, vkthfodk ds voljksa
Objective:- Use Artificial Intelligence to make learning
dks c<+kok nsukA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 28.11.2023
more personalized and customized as per the
requirements of the learner. With Public-Private (SSC MTS 27.10.2021) (SSC CGL 20.07.2023 Shift-2)
Partnership (PPP) model. Operational Period:- 125 days (from 20 June 2020)
mís';% lkoZtfud&futh Hkkxhnkjh ¼ihihih½ e‚My ds lkFk lh[kus ifjpkyu vof/k%& 125 fnu ¼20 twu 2020 ls½ (SSC Selection Post
okys dh vko';drkvksa ds vuqlkj lh[kus dks vf/kd O;fäxr vkSj 28.06.2023 SHIFT-1) (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 16.11.2023
vuqdwfyr cukus ds fy, vkfVZfQf'k;y baVsfytsal dk mi;ksx djukA It will cover 116 district of 6 states (Rajasthan, Madhya
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha)
NEAT 2.0 was launched in February 2021
;g 6 jkT;ksa ¼jktLFkku] e/; çns'k] >kj[kaM] mÙkj çns'k] fcgkj vkSj
NEAT 2-0 dks Qjojh 2021 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk
vksfM'kk½ ds 116 ftyksa dks doj djsxkA
NEAT 3.0 was launched in January 2022 (SSC MTS 05.09.2023 SHIFT-1)
NEAT 3-0 dks tuojh 2022 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk Ministry : Rural Development
ea=ky;% xzkeh.k fodkl
Regulating Body:- AICTE under Ministry of Education
fu;ked laLFkk%& f'k{kk ea=ky; ds v/khu ,vkbZlhVhbZ (SSC MTS 13.09.2023 SHIFT-2)

• One Nation One Ration Card Scheme

,d jk"Vª ,d jk'ku dkMZ ;kstuk • SVAMITVA Scheme
LokfeRo ;kstuk

Launched on:- 9 August 2019

9 vxLr 2019 dks y‚Up fd;k x;kA

To ensure hassle-free delivery of subsidized food grains Launched on :– 24 April 2020

to all migratory beneficiaries anywhere in the country
y‚Up% 24 vçSy 2020
through nation-wide portability under National Food
SVAMITVA:- Survey of Villages and Mapping with
Security Act (NFSA).
Improvised Technology in Village Areas.
jk"Vªh; [kk| lqj{kk vf/kfu;e ¼,u,Q,l,½ ds rgr jk"VªO;kih LokfeRo % losZ v‚Q foYytsl ,aM eSfiax foFk bEçksokbTM
iksVfsZ cfyVh ds ek/;e ls ns'k esa dgha Hkh lHkh çoklh ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks
VsDuksy‚th bu foyst ,fj;ktA
lfClMh okys [kk|kUu dh ijs'kkuh eqä fMyhojh lqfuf'pr djukA
It will provide legal recognition of their land ownership
It is launched by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and in rural area using Drone technology from 2020 to 2024.
Public Distribution in 2019 in 4 states on a pilot basis.
;g 2020 ls 2024 rd Mªksu rduhd dk mi;ksx djds xzkeh.k {ks= esa
mudh Hkwfe ds LokfeRo dh dkuwuh ekU;rk çnku djsxkA
But later it was expanded to all states and UTs.
bls miHkksäk ekeys] [kk| vkSj lkoZtfud forj.k ea=ky; }kjk (SSC CHSL 03.08.2023 Shift-2)
2019 esa ik;yV vk/kkj ij 4 jkT;ksa esa y‚Up fd;k x;k gSA ysfdu Ministry : Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
ckn esa bls lHkh jkT;ksa vkSj dsæa 'kkflr çns'kksa esa ykxw dj fn;k ea=ky;% xzkeh.k fodkl vkSj iapk;rh jkt
x;kA (ACIO G-II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shift-2)

 Schemes of 2020 and 2021

2020 vkSj 2021dh ;kstuk,¡ • PM SVANidhi
ih,e Lofuf/k
• Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan
xjhc dY;k.k jkstxkj vfHk;ku

Launched from Khagaria district of Bihar on 20 June

20 twu 2020 dks fcgkj ds [kxfM+;k ftys ls y‚Up fd;k x;kA Launched on- June 1, 2020
1 twu] 2020 dks y‚Up fd;k xbZ

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• PM SVANidhi :- Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor’s mís';: Hkkjr esa eRL; ikyu {ks= ds lrr fodkl ds ek/;e ls uhyh
AtmaNirbhar Nidhi Scheme Økafr ykukA
Providing affordable loan of up to 10,000 (with the Help
of SIDBI) to more than 50 lakh street vendors who had Ministry: Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
been adversely affected from COVID with 7% interest
subsidy. ea=ky;% eRL; ikyu] i'kqikyu vkSj Ms;jh
This scheme is valid till March 2022.
ih,e Lofuf/k%&ç/kkuea=h LVªhV osaMlZ vkRefuHkZj fuf/k ;kstukA • Krishi Udan Scheme
50 yk[k ls vf/kd LVªhV osaMlZ] tks fd dksfoM ls çfrdwy :i ls —f"k mM+ku ;kstuk
çHkkfor gq, Fks] dks 7% C;kt lfClMh ds lkFk 10]000 rd dk
fdQk;rh _.k ¼flMch dh enn ls½ çnku djukA
;g ;kstuk ekpZ 2022 rd oS/k gSA
(SSC MTS 16.06.2023 SHIFT-2)(SSC MTS 12.09.2023 SHIFT-2) (ACIO Grade II Exec.
19.02.2021 Shit -1)
Ministry : Housing and Urban Affairs
ea=ky;% vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeyk

Objective:- To provide assistance to the farmers with

(SSC MTS 10.05.2023 SHIFT-1) respect to the transport of agricultural products so that
they will be able to get the value realization for their
(Wi-Fi Access Network Interface)
mís’;% fdlkuksa dks —f"k mRiknksa ds ifjogu ds laca/k esa lgk;rk
ih,e ¼okbZ&QkbZ ,Dlsl usVodZ baVjQsl½
çnku djuk rkfd os vius mRiknksa dk ewY; çkIr dj ldsAa

It was launched by Ministry of Civil Aviation with

coordination with Airport Authority of India (AAI) in
August 2020.
Launched on 9 December 2020.
9 fnlacj 2020 y‚Up fd;k x;kA bls vxLr 2020 esa ukxfjd mì;u ea=ky; }kjk Hkkjrh; gokbZvìk
çkf/kdj.k ¼,,vkbZ½ ds leUo; ls y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
Objective: Install public Wi-Fi networks throughout the
In Krishi Udan Scheme 2.0 launched on October 2021 it
country which will greatly increase internet access at
will expanded to 53 airports with focusing on the north-
cheap prices.
mís';% iwjs ns'k esa lkoZtfud okbZ&QkbZ usVodZ LFkkfir djuk ftlls eastern States and tribal regions. After evaluation of
lLrs nkeksa ij baVjusV dh igqap esa dkQh o`f) gksxhA Krishi Udan 2.0, five more airports have been included
making it to total 58 airports.
Ministry : Communication vDVwcj 2021 dks 'kq: dh xbZ —f"k mM+ku ;kstuk 2-0 esa mÙkj&iwohZ
ea=ky;% lapkj (SSC CGL 13.08.2021), (SSC CHSL 14.03.2023 Shift-2) jkT;ksa vkSj vkfnoklh {ks=ksa ij /;ku dsafær djrs gq, 53 gokbZ vìksa
To entail a complete framework involving multiple rd foLrkj fd;k tk,xkA —f"k mM+ku 2-0 ds ewY;kadu ds ckn] ikap
elements – Public Data Office (PDO), Public Data Office vkSj gokbZ vìksa dks 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS] ftlls dqy 58 gokbZ vìs
Aggregators and app providers.
gks x, gSaA

dbZ rRoksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq, ,d laiw.kZ :ijs[kk rS;kj djuk & Under this scheme E-KUSHAL (Krishi Udaan for
lkoZtfud MsVk dk;kZy; ¼ihMhvks½] lkoZtfud MsVk dk;kZy; Sustainable Holistic Agri-Logistics) portal was launched
,xzhxsVlZ vkSj ,si çnkrkA in October 2021

(ACIO Grade II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -3) bl ;kstuk ds rgr bZ&dq'ky ¼lLVsuscy gksfyfLVd
,xzh&y‚ftfLVDl ds fy, —f"k mM+ku½ iksVZy vDVwcj 2021 esa y‚Up
• Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) fd;k x;k FkkA
ç/kkuea=h eRL; laink ;kstuk ¼ih,e,e,lokbZ½
• Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana
ç/kkuea=h xjhc dY;k.k vUu ;kstuk

Launched :- 10 September 2020

y‚Up& 10 flracj 2020 Announced on :- 26 March 2020
(ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-2 ?kksf"kr% 26 ekpZ 2020
Objective:- Bring out blue revolution through
sustainable development of the fisheries sector in India.

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
Objective:- Ensuring sufficient food for the poor and
needy during the coronavirus crisis and providing 5kg
free food grain(wheat/rice) and 1 kg gram per month.
mís’;% dksjksuk ok;jl ladV ds nkSjku xjhcksa vkSj t:jreanksa ds
fy, i;kZIr Hkkstu lqfuf'pr djuk vkSj çfr ekg 5 fdyks eq¶r
vukt vkSj 1 fdyks puk miyC/k djkukA Launched on:- 15 August 2020
15 vxLr 2020 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k
Ministry : Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
ea=ky;% miHkksäk ekeys] [kk| vkSj lkoZtfud forj.k It is a digital health ecosystem under which every Indian
• Atma Nirbhar Bharat Scheme citizen will now have unique health IDs, which have
vkRefuHkZj Hkkjr ;kstuk relevant information about his/her previous medical
conditions, treatment and diagnosis.
;g ,d fMftVy LokLF; ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= gS ftlds rgr vc
çR;sd Hkkjrh; ukxfjd ds ikl vf}rh; LokLF; vkbZMh gksxh]
ftlesa mldh fiNyh fpfdRlk fLFkfr;ks]a mipkj vkSj funku ds ckjs
esa çklafxd tkudkjh gksxhA (SSC CHSL 10.03.2023 Shift-1)

The mission will significantly improve the efficiency,

effectiveness, and transparency of health services. Later
it is replaced by Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission in
Launched on:- 12 May 2020. 2021.
bls 12 ebZ 2020 dks y‚Up fd;k x;kA ;g fe'ku LokLF; lsokvksa dh n{krk] çHkko'khyrk vkSj ikjnf'kZrk esa
mYys[kuh; lq/kkj djsxkA ckn esa bls 2021 esa vk;q"eku Hkkjr
It has 5 important pillar Economy, Infrastructure,
fMftVy fe'ku }kjk çfrLFkkfir dj fn;k x;kA
Systems, Democracy, Demand.
blds 5 egRoiw.kZ LraHk gSa& • Regulated by National Health Authority (NHA) under
Ministry : Health and Family Welfare
vFkZO;oLFkk] cqfu;knh <kapk] flLVe] yksdra=] ekaxA
;g LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds rgr jk"Vªh; LokLF;
It will focus on land, labour, Liquidity and Law. çkf/kdj.k ¼,u,p,½ }kjk fofu;fer gSaA
;g Hkwfe] Je] rjyrk vkSj dkuwu ij /;ku dsafær djrhA • PM Poshan Shakti Nirman Abhiyaan
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 17.11.2023 Shift-3) ih,e iks"k.k 'kfä fuekZ.k vfHk;ku
• Atmanirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana
vkRefuHkZj Hkkjr jkstxkj ;kstuk

Approved on:- 29 September 2021.

Launched on 12 November 2020. 29 flracj 2021 dks eatjw h nh xbZA
12 uoacj 2020 dks y‚Up fd;k x;kA
It will provide one hot cooked meal Government – aided
Objective:- Boost employment in the formal sector and Schools from 2021-22 to 2025-26. Nutrition for primary
create new employment opportunities during the Covid is 450 calories and 12 g of protein and for upper
recovery phase under Atmanirbhar Bharat scheme. primary, calories are 700 and 20 g of protein.
mís’;% vkRefuHkZj Hkkjr ;kstuk ds rgr vkSipkfjd {ks= esa jkstxkj ;g 2021&22 ls 2025&26 rd ljdkjh lgk;rk çkIr Ldwyksa dks ,d
dks c<+kok nsuk vkSj dksfoM fjdojh pj.k ds nkSjku jkstxkj ds u, xeZ idk gqvk Hkkstu çnku djsxkA çkFkfed ds fy, iks"k.k 450
volj iSnk djukA dSyksjh vkSj 12 xzke çksVhu gS vkSj mPp çkFkfed ds fy, dSyksjh 700
vkSj 20 xzke çksVhu gSA
Ministry : Labour & Employment
It replaced Mid-day meal scheme.
ea=ky;% Je ,oa jkstxkj ;g feM&Ms ehy ;kstuk dk LFkku ysxkA
National Digital Health Mission
Ministry : Education Ministry
jk"Vªh; fMftVy LokLF; fe'ku ea=ky;% f'k{kk ea=ky;
• Gram Ujala Scheme
xzke mtkyk ;kstuk

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
It is a skill development scheme with a special focus on
providing training for jobs that are relevant to the
Under this scheme 50,000 candidate will training over a
Launched on:- 24 Mach 2021. period of three year. It is sub-scheme under Pradhan
24 ekpZ 2021 dks y‚Up fd;k x;kA Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
;g ,d dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk gS ftldk fo'ks"k /;ku jsyos ds fy,
It provides high quality 7-Watt and 12-Watt LED bulbs çklafxd ukSdfj;ksa ds fy, çf'k{k.k çnku djus ij gSA
with 3 years guarantee at a cost of INR 10 per bulb in bl ;kstuk ds rgr 50]000 mEehnokj çf'k{k.k ysx a sA
exchange of working incandescent bulb in rural area. ;g ç/kkuea=h dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk dh mi&;kstuk gSSA
(SSC CGL 20.07.2023 Shift-1)
;g xzkeh.k {ks= esa rkinhIr cYc ds cnys 10 #i;s çfr cYc dh
Ministry: Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.
dher ij 3 lky dh xkjaVh ds lkFk mPp xq.koÙkk okys 7&okV vkSj
On January 15, 2021, the Government of India launched
12&okV ds ,ybZMh cYc çnku djrh gSA
the third phase of
Every household can exchange a maximum of 5 bulbs. ea=ky;% dkS'ky fodkl vkSj m|ferkA 15 tuojh 2021 dks Hkkjr
çR;sd ifjokj vf/kdre 5 cYc cny ldrk gSA ljdkj us rhljs pj.k dk 'kqHkkjaHk fd;kA
• PM-Daksh Yojana (Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur
Ministry: Power Ministry Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi)
ea=ky;% fctyh ea=ky; ih,e&n{k ;kstuk ¼ç/kkuea=h n{krk vkSj dq'kyrk lEiUu fgrxzkgh½
• PM GatiShakti
ih,e xfr'kfä

Launched:- 13 October 2021

y‚Up%13 vDVwcj 2021 Launched on:- 07 August 2021.
07 vxLr 2021 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k
Gati Shakti scheme or National Master Plan for multi-
modal connectivity plan, with the aim of coordinated Objective:- To increase the skill levels of the youth by
planning and execution of infrastructure projects to providing them short term and long term skills, followed
bring down logistics costs. by assistance in wage/self-employment.
xfr 'kfä ;kstuk ;k eYVh&e‚My dusfDVfoVh ;kstuk ds fy, Trainee will get 3000/- of Wage Compensation.
jk"Vªh; ekLVj Iyku gS] ftldk mís'; jln ykxr dks de djus ds It is a National Action Plan for skilling marginalized
fy, cqfu;knh <kapk ifj;kstukvksa dh lefUor ;kstuk vkSj fu"iknu persons covering SCs, OBCs, EBCs, DNTs, Sanitation
djuk gSA workers including waste pickers.
mís';%& ;qokvksa dks vYidkfyd vkSj nh?kZdkfyd dkS'ky çnku
Under this scheme 11 industrial corridors and 2 defense djds muds dkS'ky Lrj dks c<+kuk] blds ckn osru/Lojkstxkj esa
corridors , 4G connectivity to rural area and extending lgk;rk çnku djukA
Gas pipeline to 17,000 km will developed till 2024-25.
The approach is driven by 7 engines- Roads, Railways, çf'k{kq dks 3000/& osru eqvkotk feysxkA
Airports, Ports, Mass Transport, Waterways, and
Logistics Infrastructure. ;g ,llh] vkschlh] bZchlh] Mh,uVh] dpjk chuus okyksa lfgr
bl ;kstuk ds rgr 2024&25 rd 11 vkS|ksfxd xfy;kjs vkSj 2 j{kk LoPNrk dk;ZdrkZvksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq, misf{kr O;fä;ksa dks
xfy;kjs] xzkeh.k {ks= esa 4G dusfDVfoVh vkSj 17]000 fdeh rd xSl dq'ky cukus ds fy, ,d jk"Vªh; dk;Z ;kstuk gSA
(SSC CHSL 02.08.2023 Shift-4)
ikbiykbu dk foLrkj fd;k tk,xkA ;g –f"Vdks.k lkr batuksa }kjk
Ministry : Social Justice & Empowerment
lapkfyr gS& lM+d] jsyos] gokbZ vìs] canjxkg] tu ifjogu] tyekxZ
ea=ky;% lkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk (Const. Male and Female in
vkSj jln volajpukA Delhi Police 2023 17.11.2023 Shift-1)
(SSC CPO 10.11.2022 Shift-1) (SSC CGL 27.07.2023 SHIFT-3
• Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana
Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana
ç/kkuea=h vkRefuHkZj LoLFk Hkkjr ;kstuk
jsy dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk

Launched on:- 17 September 2021.

17 flracj 2021 dks y‚Up fd;k x;kA It is now renamed PM Ayushman Bharat Health
Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM) was announced on
1st February, 2021.

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
vc bldk uke cnydj ih,e vk;q"eku Hkkjr gsYFk baÝkLVªDpj Under this scheme total 7 textile park would be
fe'ku ¼ih,e&,ch,pvkbZ,e½ dj fn;k x;k gS] ftldh ?kks"k.kk 1 established till 2026-27 in- Tamil Nadu, Telangana,
Qjojh] 2021 dks dh xbZ FkhA Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and
Objective:- To strengthen India’s critical healthcare bl ;kstuk ds rgr 2026&27 rd dqy 7 VsDlVkby ikdZ LFkkfir
system in both urban and rural areas. fd, tk,axs & rfeyukMq] rsyx
a kuk] xqtjkr] dukZVd] e/; çns'k]
mís’;% 'kgjh vkSj xzkeh.k nksuksa {ks=ksa esa Hkkjr dh egRoiw.kZ LokLF; mÙkj çns'k vkSj egkjk"VªA
ns[kHkky ç.kkyh dks etcwr djukA
Ministry: Textiles
It include Increased investments in research on infection
disease , development of Institutional Infrastructure and ea=ky;% diM+k ea=ky;
Laboratory will be IT- enabled and connected through
Integrated Health Information Portal. Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY)
blesa laØe.k jksx ij vuqla/kku esa fuos'k c<+kuk] laLFkkxr cqfu;knh vVy o;ks vH;qn; ;kstuk ¼AVYAY½
<kaps dk fodkl vkSj ç;ksx'kkyk dks vkbZVh&l{ke cukuk vkSj
,dh—r LokLF; lwpuk iksVZy ds ek/;e ls tksM+k tkuk 'kkfey gSA
(SSC CGL 19.07.2023 SHIFT-4)
Ministry: Health and Family Welfare.

ea=ky;% LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.kA

• PM Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel (PM Objective:- To enhance the quality of life for Senior
MITRA) Citizens by providing them with necessities like shelter,
ih,e esxk baVhxzsVsM VsDlVkby jhtu ,aM viSjy ¼ih,e fe=k½ food, medical attention, and recreational opportunities.
It was formally known as National Action plan for senior
citizens (NAPSrC)
mís’;% ofj"B ukxfjdksa dks vkJ;] Hkkstu] fpfdRlk ns[kHkky vkSj
Announced in Union Budget for 2021-2022. euksjatu ds volj tSlh vko';drk,a çnku djds muds thou dh
bldh ?kks"k.kk 2021&2022 ds dsaæh; ctV esa dh gqbAZ x q.koÙkk esa o`f) djukA bls vkSipkfjd :i ls ofj"B ukxfjdksa ds
fy, jk"Vªh; dk;Z ;kstuk ¼NAPSrC½ ds :i esa tkuk tkrk FkkA
It will provide Spinning, weaving, processing, dyeing,
printing and garment manufacturing at one location. It is launched by Ministry of Social Justice and
;g ,d gh LFkku ij drkbZ] cqukbZ] çlaLdj.k] jaxkbZ] NikbZ vkSj Empowerment in April 2021.
ifj/kku fuekZ.k çnku djsxkA
bls lkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; }kjk vçSy 2021 esa
y‚Up fd;k x;k gSA
• National Education Policy Curricular and Pedagogical e-contents to students across the
(NEP):- Structure (5+3+3+4) will adopted. country. It was launched in May
jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr ¼,ubZih½ ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; us jk"Vªh; 2020 by Ministry of Education.
f'k{kk uhfr rS;kj djus ds fy, M‚- ds- ih,e bZ&fo|k& bl igy dk mís'; nh{kk
dLrwjhjaxu dh v/;{krk esa ,d lfefr dk tSls fofHkUu bZ&yfuax
Z IysVQ‚eZ çnku djds
xBu fd;kA bl lfefr dk xBu twu vkSj ns'k Hkj ds Nk=ksa dks bZ&iqLrdsa vkSj
2017 esa fd;k x;k FkkA lfefr us 31 ebZ] bZ&lkexzh çnku djds v‚uykbu f'k{kk vkSj
2019 dks viuh fjiksVZ lkSaihA ,ubZih 2020 fMftVy f'k{k.k dks c<+kok nsuk gSA bls ebZ
dk mís'; "Hkkjr dks ,d oSf'od Kku 2020 esa f'k{kk ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k
egk'kfä" cukuk gSA ;g 1968 vkSj 1986 x;k FkkA
The Ministry of Human Resource
ds ckn Hkkjr esa f'k{kk ds <kaps dk rhljk  NISHTHA: The National Initiative
Development formed a Committee
cM+k lq/kkj gSA ftlesa ubZ ikBîp;kZ vkSj for School Heads' and Teachers'
chaired by Dr K. Kasturirangan
'kS{kf.kd lajpuk ¼5+3+3+4½ dks viuk;k Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA)
for preparing the National
tk,xkA is a capacity-building program for
Education Policy. The Committee
 Some Initiative under NEP- teachers and school principals in
was constituted in June 2017. The
jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr ¼,ubZih½ ds rgr dqN India. It was launched in August
Committee submitted its report on
igy 2019 by Ministry of Education.
May 31, 2019. The NEP 2020 aims
 PM e-VIDYA: The initiative aimed  fu"Bk+ ¼NISHTHA½ & Ldwy çeq[kksa vkSj
at making “India a global
to promote online education and f'k{kdksa dh lexz mUufr ds fy, jk"Vªh;
knowledge superpower”. It is the
digital learning by providing igy ¼fu"Bk½ Hkkjr esa f'k{kdksa vkSj Ldwy
3rd major revamp of the
various e-learning platforms like ç/kkukpk;ksZa ds fy, ,d {kerk&fuekZ.k
framework of education in India
DIKSHA and offering e-books and dk;ZØe gSA bls vxLr 2019 esa f'k{kk
after 1968 and 1986. In which New

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA (ACIO G- has been launched under the Smart Eastern states. It also bridges the
II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-1) (Const. Male and Cities mission. gap of various sectors by enable
Female in Delhi Police 2023 14.11.2023 Shift-2)
LekVZ flVht~ vkSj ,dsMsfe;k VqoMZ~l ,D'ku livelihood activities for youth and
 NIPUN Bharat Scheme (National
,aM fjlpZ ¼,l,,vkj½ dk;ZØe& LekVZ women. The Scheme with 100%
Initiative for Proficiency in
flVht fe'ku ds rgr ,l,vkj dk;ZØe Central funding, will have a total
Reading with under-standing
'kq: fd;k x;k gSA outlay of Rs. 6,600 core for the 4
and Numeracy) was launched by
• Padhe Bharat Campaign- year period from 2022-23 to 2025-
Union Education Minister Ramesh
i<+s Hkkjr vfHk;ku& 26.
Pokhriyal Nishank on the 05 July
;g ;kstuk mÙkj iwohZ jkT;ksa ds cqfu;knh
2021. The objective of this scheme
<kaps ds fodkl vkSj lkekftd fodkl
is to create an enabling
ifj;kstuk ds fy, 12 vDVwcj 2022 dks
environment to ensure universal
'kq: dh xbZ FkhA ;g ;qokvksa vkSj efgykvksa
acquisition of foundational literacy
ds fy, vkthfodk xfrfof/k;ksa dks l{ke
and numeracy, so that every child
djds fofHkUu {ks=ksa dh nqjh dks de djrk
achieves the desired learning
gSA 100% dsæa h; foÙk iks"k.k okyh bl
competencies in reading, writing
;kstuk dk dqy ifjO;; 2022&23 ls
and numeracy by the end of Grade
2025&26 rd 4 lky dh vof/k ds fy,
3 (3-9 years), by 2026-27.
6]600 djksM+ #i;s gSA
 fuiq.k /NIPUN Hkkjr ;kstuk% ¼le>nkjh It is a 100 days reading campaign (SSC CGL 17.07.2023 SHIFT-2).
vkSj la[;kRed Kku ds lkFk i<+us esa (starting from 1st January) to Ministry: Development of North
çoh.krk ds fy, jk"Vªh; igy½%& 05 support and encourage students to Eastern Region
tqykbZ 2021 dks dsaæh; f'k{kk ea=h jes'k read for joyful learning experience. ea=ky;% mÙkj iwohZ {ks= dk fodkl
iks[kfj;ky fu'kad }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA It was launched by Department of  Border Infrastructure and
bl ;kstuk dk mís'; ewyHkwr lk{kjrk ds School Education &Literacy. Management (BIM) scheme- The
lkoZHkkSfed vf/kxzg.k dks lqfuf'pr djus ;g Nk=ksa dks vkuannk;d lh[kus ds vuqHko BIM scheme will help in the
ds fy, ,d l{ke okrkoj.k cukuk gS] ds fy, i<+us ds fy, leFkZu vkSj creation of infrastructure such as
rkfd çR;sd cPpk 2026&27 rd xzsM 3 çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, 100 fnuksa dk iBu construction of border fence,
¼3&9 o"kZ½ ds var rd i<+us] fy[kus vkSj vfHk;ku ¼1 tuojh ls 'kq:½ gSA bls Ldwy border flood lights, technological
la[;kRedrk esa okafNr lh[kus dh n{krk f'k{kk ,oa lk{kjrk foHkkx }kjk y‚Up fd;k solutions, border roads and Border
gkfly dj ldsA ewyHkwr lk{kjrk vkSj x;k FkkA Outposts (BOPs)/Company
la[;kRedrk ds lkoZHkkSfed vf/kxzg.k dks (SSC CGL 27.07.2023 SHIFT-2)
Operating Bases (COBs). This
lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ,d l{ke  Govt. Approves continuation of
scheme will continue till 2025-26.
okrkoj.k cukuk ldsA Indian footwear and leather
lhek volajpuk vkSj çca/ku ¼chvkbZ,e½
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 06.12.2022 Shift-4), (SSC CGL development programme
Mains 2022, 03.03.2023) (SSC CGL 18.07.2023
;kstuk& chvkbZ,e ;kstuk lhek ckM+]
(IFLDP) till 2026 which aim to
Shift-2) lhek ck<+ jks'kuh] rduhdh lek/kku] lhek
developed the infrastructure of
 NDEAR: National Digital Education lM+dksa vkSj lhek pkSfd;ksa ¼chvksih½/daiuh
leather sector.
Architecture (NDEAR), an v‚ijsfVax csl ¼lhvksch½ ds fuekZ.k tSls
ljdkj us Hkkjrh; QqVfo;j vkSj peM+k
architectural blueprint, that lays cqfu;knh <kaps ds fuekZ.k esa enn djsxhA
fodkl dk;ZØe ¼vkbZ,Q,yMhih½ dks 2026
down a set of guiding principles ;g ;kstuk 2025&26 rd tkjh jgsxhA
rd tkjh j[kus dh eatjw h nh xbZ] ftldk
and building blocks to enable the Ministry: Home Affairs
mís'; peM+k {ks= ds cqfu;knh <kaps dks
creation of digital technology- ea=ky;& x`g ea=ky;
fodflr djuk gSA
based applications pertaining to Scheme For Residential
• Prime Minister’s Development
education. It was launched in Education For Students In High
Initiative For Northeast (PM-
February 2021 by Ministry of Schools In Targeted Areas
Education. (SHRESTHA)- This scheme was
iwoksÙZ kj ds fy, ç/kku ea=h dh fodkl
,uMhbZ,vkj% us'kuy fMftVy ,tqd's ku launched by Ministry of Education
igy ¼ih,e&fMokbu½&
vkfdZVsDpj% ,d okLrqf'kYi ;kstuk gS] tks and Ministry of social Justice and
f'k{kk ls lacaf/kr fMftVy empowerment on 3 June 2022.
çkS|ksfxdh&vk/kkfjr vuqç;ksxksa ds fuekZ.k Ldhe Q‚j jsftMsfa 'k;y ,tqd's ku Q‚j
dks l{ke djus ds fy, ekxZn'kZd fl)karksa LVwMVsa ~l bu gkbZ LdwYt bu VkxsVZ sM
vkSj fcfYMax Cy‚Dl dk ,d lsV rS;kj ,fj;kt ¼Js"B½ & ;g ;kstuk 3 twu 2022
djrk gSA bls Qjojh 2021 esa f'k{kk dks f'k{kk ea=ky; vkSj lkekftd U;k;
ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ
 Government Schemes of 2022 FkhA (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 02.12.2022 Shift-1)
This scheme was launched on 12
2022 dh ljdkjh ;kstuk,¡ This scheme offers quality
October 2022 for the development
Smart Cities and Academia education and opportunity to
of infrastructure and social
towards Action & Research students of SC Category to uplift
development project of the North
(SAAR) Program- SAAR program their socio-economic status. Under

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
this scheme 3000 students of 9th bls 16 Qjojh 2022 dks lkekftd U;k; advise school boards regarding
and 11th class will selected through vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=h }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k new assessment patterns and the
an Entrance test, by which they FkkA latest research and promote
could get admission in best CBSE Under this scheme government collaborations between them. It
affiliated Private schools in the will provide free competitive exam provides common platform and
country. coaching for students, health framework that ensures fairness,
;g ;kstuk vuqlwfpr tkfr oxZ ds Nk=ksa insurance, housing assistance and equity and seamless transitions for
dks mudh lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkfr dks uplift clusters of De-notified, students across different boards
Åij mBkus ds fy, xq.koÙkkiw.kZ f'k{kk vkSj Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes and regions.
volj çnku djrh gSA bl ;kstuk ds (DNT) through livelihood jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr ¼,ubZih½&2020 ds rgr]
rgr 9oha vkSj 11oha d{kk ds 3000 Nk=ksa initiatives. tks u, ewY;kadu iSVuZ vkSj uohure 'kks/k
dk p;u ,d ços'k ijh{kk ds ek/;e ls bl ;kstuk ds rgr ljdkj vkthfodk ds ckjs esa Ldwy cksMksZa dks lykg nsus vkSj
fd;k tk,xk] ftlds }kjk mUgsa ns'k ds igy ds ek/;e ls Nk=ksa ds fy, eq¶r muds chp lg;ksx dks c<+kok nsus ds fy,
loZJs"B lhch,lbZ ls lac) futh Ldwyksa çfr;ksxh ijh{kk dksfpax] LokLF; chek] ,ulhbZvkjVh dh ,d ekud&fu/kkZj.k
esa ços'k fey ldsxkA vkokl lgk;rk vkSj xSj&vf/klwfpr] fudk; ds :i esa dk;Z djrh gSA ;g
(SSC CGL 20.07.2023 SHIFT-4) [kkukcnks'k vkSj v/kZ&?kqearw tutkfr;ksa lkekU; eap vkSj <kapk çnku djrk gS tks
 SMILE: Support For Marginalized ¼Mh,uVh½ ds mRFkku lewgksa dks çnku fd;k fofHkUu cksMksZa vkSj {ks=ksa esa Nk=ksa ds fy,
Individuals For Livelihood And tk,xkA fu"i{krk] lekurk vkSj fuckZ/k ifjorZu
Enterprise Scheme-  Services E-Health Assistance and lqfuf'pr djrk gSA
 Lekby% liksVZ Q‚j ekftZufyt~M Teleconsultation (SeHAT)- Ministry: Education
bafMohMqvYl Q‚j ykboyhgqM ,aM lfoZlst bZ&gsYFk vflLVsl
a ,aM ea=ky;% f'k{kk ea=ky;
,aVjçkbt Ldhe (Const. Male and Female in VsyhdUlyVs’ku (SeHAT½&
Delhi Police 2023 15.11.2023 Shift-3)
 Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of
Micro food processing
Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme:-
 ç/kkuea=h lw{e [kk| çlaLdj.k m|e
vkSipkfjdhdj.k ¼ih,e,Q,ebZ½ ;kstuk&

It is an online medical consultation

platform Services for home
It was launched by the Ministry of delivery of medicines for veterans
Social Justice and Empowerment and serving military personnel. It
on February 12, 2022. It aims to was launched by Ministry of
provide comprehensive welfare Defense on 27 May 2021 but it was
and rehabilitation measures to the started from 1 February 2022. Objective:- It aim to enhance the
Transgender community and the ;g fnXxtksa vkSj lsokjr lSU; dfeZ;ksa ds competitiveness of existing
people engaged in the act of fy, nokvksa dh gkse fMyhojh ds fy, ,d individual micro-enterprises in the
begging. It has provisions for Skill v‚uykbu fpfdRlk ijke'kZ eap lsok gSA unorganized segment of the food
Development and Livelihood under bls j{kk ea=ky; us 27 ebZ 2021 dks y‚Up processing industry and promote
the PM-DAKSH scheme. fd;k Fkk ysfdu bldh 'kq#vkr 1 Qjojh formalization of the sector. Under
bls 12 Qjojh 2022 dks lkekftd U;k; 2022 ls dh xbZ A this scheme fund were allocated
vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k  Performance Assessment, from 2020 to 2025.
x;kA bldk mís'; VªkaltsM a j leqnk; vkSj Review and Analysis of It was launched by Ministry of
Hkh[k ekaxus ds dk;Z esa yxs yksxksa dks Knowledge for Holistic Food Processing Industry on 29
O;kid dY;k.k vkSj iquokZl mik; çnku Development (PARAKH)- June 2020.
djuk gSA blesa ih,e&n{k ;kstuk ds rgr  ijQ‚jesl
a vlslesVa fjO;q ,aM ,ukfyfll mís’;% bldk mís'; [kk| çlaLdj.k
dkS'ky fodkl vkSj vkthfodk ds çko/kku v‚Q u‚yst Q‚j gksfyfLVd MsoyiesVa m|ksx ds vlaxfBr {ks= esa ekStwnk
gSaA ¼PARAKH½% O;fäxr lw{e m|eksa dh çfrLi/kkZRedrk
(SSC CGL 18.07.2023 Shift-3) dks c<+kuk vkSj {ks= dh vkSipkfjdrk dks
 Scheme For Economic c<+kok nsuk gSA bl ;kstuk ds rgr 2020
Empowerment of DNTs (SEED)- ls 2025 rd /kujkf'k vkoafVr dh xbZA
Ldhe Q‚j bduksfed ,EikojesVa v‚Q bls 29 twu 2020 dks [kk| çlaLdj.k
DNTS ¼lhM½% m|ksx ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
It was launched by Minister of  Technology Innovation Hub on
Social Justice and Empowerment Under National Education Policy Autonomous Navigation
on 16 Feb 2022. (NEP) -2020 which acts a (TIHAN)-
standard-setting body of NCERT to

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
VsDuksy‚th buksos'ku gc vkWu v‚Vksu‚el The norms of ‘Mission Shakti’ will  Pradhan Mantri Schools for
usfoxs'ku ¼TIHAN½& be applicable with effect from Rising India (PM-SHRI) Scheme:-
 01.04.2022 and valid till 2025-26. ç/kku ea=h Ldwy Q‚j jkbftax bafM;k
Ministry: Women and Child ¼ih,e Jh½ ;kstuk&
lkeF;Z% efgykvksa ds l'kfädj.k ds fy,
'fe'ku 'kfä' ds ekunaM 01-04-2022 ls
ykxw gksx
a s vkSj 2025&26 rd oS/k jgsaxAs
It is India’s first Autonomous ea=ky;& efgyk ,oa cky fodkl
navigation platform which  Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan
It was announced by Prime
provides high quality research 2.0:-
Minister Narendra Modi on the
facility between industry, l{ke vkaxuokM+h vkSj iks"k.k 2-0&
Teacher Day 5 September 2022,
academia and R&D labs at local But Cabinet has been approved PM
and global levels. It’s aim to make SHRI on 7 September, 2022.
India a global player in ‘smart bldh ?kks"k.kk ç/kku ea=h ujsaæ eksnh us
mobility’ technology for futuristic f'k{kd fnol 5 flracj 2022 dks dh Fkh]
and next generation. ysfdu dSfcusV us 7 flracj 2022 dks ih,e
It was launched at IIT Hyderabad Jh dks eatjw h ns nh gSA
by Ministry of Science & Objective:- It will provide
Technology on 4 July 2022. qualitative teaching, learning with
;g Hkkjr dk igyk Lok;Ùk usfoxs'ku showcase all components of the
IysVQ‚eZ gS tks LFkkuh; vkSj oSf'od Lrj National Education Policy 2020.
ij m|ksx] f'k{kk vkSj vuqla/kku ,oa fodkl These schools will be equipped
ç;ksx'kkykvksa ds chp mPp xq.koÙkk okyh The Government of India
restructured the Integrated Child with modern infrastructure
vuqla/kku lqfo/kk çnku djrk gSA bldk
Development Services (ICDS) and including labs, smart classrooms,
mís'; Hkkjr dks Hkfo"; vkSj vxyh ih<+h ds
POSHAN (Prime Minister's libraries, sports equipment, art
fy, 'LekVZ eksfcfyVh' rduhd esa room etc. which is inclusive and
fo’oO;kih cukuk gSA bls 4 tqykbZ 2022 Overarching Scheme for Holistic
Nourishment) Abhiyaan into accessible.
dks foKku vkSj çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; }kjk mís’;% ;g jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr 2020 ds
vkbZvkbZVh gSnjkckn esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Saksham Anganwadi and POSHAN
2.0. It seeks to address the
lHkh ?kVdksa dks çnf'kZr djus ds lkFk
FkkA xq.kkRed f'k{k.k çnku djsxkA ;s Ldwy
 Mission Shakti:- challenging situation of
malnutrition among children up to
ç;ksx'kkykvks]a LekVZ d{kkvks]a iqLrdky;ks]a
 fe'ku 'kfä [ksy midj.k] dyk d{k vkfn lfgr
the age of 6 years, adolescent girls
vk/kqfud cqfu;knh <kaps ls lqlfTtr gksx a s
(14-18 years) and pregnant and
tks lekos'kh vkSj lqyHk gSaA
lactating women.
Hkkjr ljdkj us ,dh—r cky fodkl Under the first phase 14,500
lsokvksa ¼vkbZlhMh,l½ vkSj iks"k.k ¼çkbe schools will be upgraded with this
fefuLVjl~ vksojvkfpax Z Ldhe Q‚j scheme in period of five years from
gksfyfLVd ukSfj'esVa ½ vfHk;ku dks l{ke year 2022-23 to 2026-27.
vkaxuokM+h vkSj iks"k.k 2-0 esa iquxZfBr igys pj.k ds rgr o"kZ 2022&23 ls
fd;kA bldk mís'; 6 o"kZ rd ds cPpks]a 2026&27 rd ikap lky dh vof/k esa bl
Mission Shakti is a scheme in fd'kksj yM+fd;ksa ¼14&18 o"kZ½ vkSj xHkZorh ;kstuk ls 14]500 Ldwyksa dks vixzsM fd;k
mission mode aimed at vkSj Lruiku djkus okyh efgykvksa ds tk,xkA
strengthening interventions for chp dqiks"k.k dh pqukSrhiw.kZ fLFkfr dk Ministry: Education
women safety, security and lek/kku djuk gSA ea=ky;% f'k{kk ea=ky;
empowerment. It has two sub- (SSC CHSL 17.03.2023 Shift-1)  Agnipath Scheme:-
schemes- Under this mission 2 lakh vfXuiFk ;kstuk&
fe'ku 'kfä fe'ku eksM esa ,d ;kstuk gS anganwadi would be upgraded to
ftldk mís'; efgyk lqj{kk vkSj Saksham Anganwadi. It is launched
l'kfädj.k ds fy, gLr{ksi dks etcwr by Ministry of Women & Child
djuk gSA bldh nks mi&;kstuk,¡ gSa& Development in August 2022.
Shambhal- is for safety and bl fe'ku ds rgr 2 yk[k vkaxuckfM+;ksa
security of women, dks l{ke vkaxuokM+h esa vixzsM fd;k
'kaHky% efgykvksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, ] tk,xkA bls vxLr 2022 esa efgyk ,oa
Samarthya: is for the cky fodkl ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k
gSA Launched: 14 June 2022
empowerment of women y‚Up& 14 twu 2022

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Age:- 17.5 to 21 years  Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh ea=ky;% foKku vkSj çkS|ksfxdh
vk;q& 17-5 ls 21 o"kZ Gram Yojana (PMAAGY)  Pradhan Mantri Virasat ka
Objective: For recruitment of Ministry of Tribal Affairs has Samvardhan (PM VIKAS)
soldiers below the rank of revamped the existing Scheme of Scheme-
commissioned officer into the ‘Special Central Assistance to Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Ko Kaam
three service of the armed forces Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS) Karyakram (PMKKK) has been
only for four years period. with nomenclature ‘Pradhan named as Pradhan Mantri Virasat
mís';% l'kL= cyksa dh rhuks lsukvks esa Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojna Ka Samvardhan (PM VIKAS). PM
dsoy pkj lky dh vof/k ds fy, (PMAAGY)’, for implementation VIKAS aims to improve the
deh'ku vf/kdkjh ds in ls uhps ds during 2021-22 to 2025-26, which livelihoods of the minorities,
lSfudksa dh HkrhZ ds fy,A aims at transforming villages with particularly the artisan
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 12.12.2022 Shift-1)
significant tribal population into communities, using the
Ministry: Defence components of skill development,
model village (Adarsh Gram). It is
ea=ky;% j{kk ea=ky; envisaged to cover 36,428 villages education, women leadership &
 Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan
having at least 50% tribal entrepreneurship. It was launched
Urvarak Pariyojana - One Nation
population and 500 STs across in 2012-13 but was renamed as PM
One Fertiliser scheme :- Vikas in December 2022.
States / UTs with notified STs.
ç/kkuea=h Hkkjrh; tu moZjd ifj;kstuk & ç/kkuea=h vkfn vkn'kZ xzke ;kstuk ç/kkuea=h fojklr dk lao/kZu ¼ih,e
,d jk"Vª ,d moZjd ;kstuk &
¼PMAAGY½% tutkrh; ekeyksa ds ea=ky; fodkl½ ;kstuk- ç/kkuea=h dkS'ky dks
us 2021&22 ls 2025&26 ds nkSjku dke dk;ZØe ¼ih,edsdsds½ dks ç/kkuea=h
dk;kZUo;u ds fy, 'vkfnoklh mi&;kstuk fojklr dk lao/kZu ¼ih,e fodkl½ uke
dks fo'ks"k dsaæh; lgk;rk ¼,llh, ls fn;k x;k gSA ih,e fodkl dk y{;
Vh,l,l½' dh ekStwnk ;kstuk dks 'ç/kkuea=h dkS'ky fodkl] f'k{kk] efgyk usr`Ro vkSj
vkfn vkn'kZ xzke ;kstuk ¼ih,e,,thokbZ½' m|ferk ds ?kVdksa dk mi;ksx djds
uke ls u;k :i fn;k gS] ftls bldk y{; vYila[;dks]a fo'ks"k :i ls dkjhxj
egRoiw.kZ tutkrh; vkcknh okys xkaoksa dks leqnk;ksa dh vkthfodk esa lq/kkj djuk gSA
vkn'kZ xkao esa cnyuk gSA blesa de ls de bls 2012&13 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk
It was launched by Prime Minister 50% vkfnoklh vkcknh okys 36]428 xkaoksa ysfdu fnlacj 2022 esa bldk uke
Narendra Modi in October 2022. vkSj vf/klwfpr ,lVh okys jkT;ks@ a dsaæ cnydj ih,e fodkl dj fn;k x;kA
bls vDVwcj 2022 esa ç/kku ea=h ujsæa eksnh 'kkflr çns'kksa ds 500 ,lVh la?kks dks doj Ministry: Minority Affairs
}kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA djus dh ifjdYiuk dh xbZ gSA ea=ky;: vYila[;d ekeys
(SSC MTS 19.05.2023 SHIFT-3) Ministry: Tribal Affairs  The Power sector’s Revamped
This scheme aims at marketing ea=ky;% tutkrh; ekeys distribution sector scheme-
fertilizers and all subsidized soil  National Geospatial Policy 2022 The Prime minister launched the
nutrients - urea, di-ammonium The National Geospatial Policy, Ministry of power’s flagship
phosphate (DAP), Muriate of 2022 is a citizen-centric policy that revamped Distribution sector
Potash (MOP), and NPK - will be seeks to strengthen the Geospatial scheme in 2022. This scheme is
marketed under the single brand sector to support national aimed at improving the
• Bharat. development, economic prosperity operational Efficiencies and
bl ;kstuk dk mís'; moZjdksa dk foi.ku and a thriving information financial sustainability of
djuk gS vkSj lHkh lfClMh okys feêh ds economy. It is aimed at setting up distribution companies. This
iks"kd rRoksa & ;wfj;k] Mk;&veksfu;e high resolution topographical scheme proposes to provide 25
Q‚LQsV ¼Mh,ih½] E;wfj,V v‚Q iksVk'k survey and mapping, with a high- crore Smart Prepaid meters to
¼,evksih½] vkSj ,uihds & dk foi.ku consumers all over the country.
accuracy Digital Elevation Model
,dy czkaM Hkkjr ds rgr fd;k tk,xkA fctyh {ks= dh iquksRZ Fkku forj.k {ks=
(DEM) for the country by 2030.
(SSC MTS 15.05.2023 SHIFT-1)
jk"Vªh; Hkw&LFkkfud uhfr 2022% jk"Vªh; ;kstuk& ç/kku ea=h us 2022 esa fctyh
For distribution of fertilizers 600
Hkw&LFkkfud uhfr] 2022 ,d ea=ky; dh çeq[k iquksRZ Fkku forj.k {ks=
Pradan Mantri Kisan Samruddhi
ukxfjd&dsfa ær uhfr gS tks jk"Vªh; ;kstuk 'kq: dhA bl ;kstuk dk mís';
Kendras (PM-KSK) will be set up.
fodkl] vkfFkZd le`f) vkSj ,d laiUu forj.k daifu;ksa dh ifjpkyu {kerk vkSj
moZjdksa ds forj.k ds fy, 600 ç/kku ea=h
lwpuk vFkZO;oLFkk dk leFkZu djus ds foÙkh; fLFkjrk esa lq/kkj djuk gSA bl
fdlku le`f) dsæa ¼ih,e&ds,lds½
fy, Hkw&LFkkfud {ks= dks etcwr djus dk ;kstuk ds rgr iwjs ns'k esa miHkksäkvksa dks
LFkkfir fd, tk,axAs
(SSC MTS 16.05.2023 SHIFT-1) ç;kl djrh gSA bldk mís'; 2030 rd 25 djksM+ LekVZ çhisM ehVj miyC/k djkus
Ministry: Chemicals and ns'k ds fy, mPp lVhdrk okys fMftVy dk çLrko gSA
(SSC MTS 05.09.2023 SHIFT-1)
Fertilizers ,fyos'ku e‚My ¼MhbZ,e½ ds lkFk mPp
fjt‚Y;w'ku LFkyk—frd los{Z k.k vkSj  Prime Minister of India
ea=ky;% jlk;u vkSj moZjd
ekufp=.k LFkkfir djuk gSA launched Grih Pravesh
Ministry: Science and Technology programme for over 2 lakh
beneficiaries under Pradhan

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Mantari Awas Yojana - Urban, Metric Tonne) hydrogen per xbZ Fkh ysfdu y‚Up 7 tuojh 2023 dks
Rural in Tripura. It is implemented annum, alongside adding fd;k x;kA
by the Union Ministry of Housing renewable energy capacity of Regulating Body: NITI Ayog
and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). about 125 GW (gigawatt) in India fu;ked laLFkk% uhfr vk;ksx
ç/kku ea=h us f=iqjk esa ç/kku ea=h vkokl by 2030. It was announced by  Broadcasting Infrastructure and
;kstuk&'kgjh] xzkeh.k ds rgr 2 yk[k ls Ministry of New and Renewable Network Development (BIND)- It
vf/kd ykHkkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, x`g ços'k Energy in Jan 2023. will provide financial support to
dk;ZØe 'kq: fd;kA bls dsaæh; vkokl bldk mís'; 2030 rd Hkkjr esa yxHkx Prasar Bharati bring
vkSj 'kgjh ekeyksa ds ea=ky; ¼MoHUA½ 125 xhxkokV ¼xhxkokV½ dh; modernization to public
}kjk dk;kZfUor fd;k x;k gSA ÅtkZ {kerk tksM+us ds lkFk&lkFk çfr o"kZ broadcasters i.e. AIR India and DD
(SSC MTS 12.09.2023 SHIFT-3) 5 ,e,eVh ¼fefy;u ehfVªd Vu½ National till 2025-26.
 Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat gkbMªkstu dk mRiknu djuk gSA bldh çlkj.k volajpuk vkSj usVodZ fodkl
Abhiyan:- ?kks"k.kk tuojh 2023 esa uohu vkSj ¼chvkbZ,uMh½&
It's an initiative of ministry of; ÅtkZ ea=ky; }kjk dh xbZ ;g 2025&26 rd lkoZtfud çlkjdksa
Health and Family Welfare FkhA vFkkZr ,vkbZvkj bafM;k vkSj MhMh us'kuy
(MOHFW) to accelerate the Strategic Interventions for dks vk/kqfudhdj.k ykus ds fy, çlkj
country’s progress towards TB Green Hydrogen Transition Hkkjrh dks foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku djsxkA
elimination by 2025. Programme (SIGHT) is also Ministry: Information and
ç/kkuea=h Vhch eqä Hkkjr vfHk;ku%&;g introduce to fund the domestic Broadcasting
2025 rd Vhch mUewyu dh fn'kk esa ns'k manufacturing of electrolysers and ea=ky;% lwpuk ,oa çlkj.k
dh çxfr esa rsth ykus ds fy, LokLF; vkSj produce green hydrogen under  Vibrant Villages Programme
ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; dh ,d igy gSA this mission. (VVP) Scheme:-
(SSC MTS 10.05.2023 SHIFT-1)
(SSC Selection Post 27.06.2023 SHIFT-4) bl fe'ku ds rgr bysDVªksykbtj ds ?kjsyw okbczVsa foystt
s çksxzke ¼ohohih½ ;kstuk&
 The NIKSHAY 2.0 portal : fofuekZ.k dks foÙk iksf"kr djus vkSj gfjr
provides additional patient gkbMªkstu dk mRiknu djus ds fy, xzhu
support to TB patients to take gkbMªkstu Vªkaft'ku çksxzke ds fy,
advantage of Corporate Social j.kuhfrd gLr{ksi (SIGHT½ Hkh 'kq: fd;k
Responsibility (CSR) opportunities x;k gSA
to improve treatment outcomes,  Aspirational Block Programme:-
enhance community participation It is based on the model of
and fulfill India’s commitment to Aspirational District Programme
TB eradication by 2025. (ADP) that was launched in 2018
fu{k; 2-0 iksVZy% ;g mipkj ds ifj.kkeksa and covers 112 districts across the
esa lq/kkj djus] lkeqnkf;d Hkkxhnkjh c<+kus country with Objective of provide It will provide funds for
vkSj 2025 rd Vhch mUewyu ds fy, essential government services development of essential
Hkkjr dh çfrc)rk dks iwjk djus ds fy, across multiple areas such as infrastructure and creation of
d‚iksZjsV lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ro ¼lh,lvkj½ nutrition, health, agriculture, skill livelihood opportunities along the
ds voljksa dk ykHk mBkus ds fy, Vhch development, education, financial bordering state- Himachal Pradesh,
jksfx;ksa dks vfrfjä jksxh lgk;rk çnku inclusion, water resources and Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh,
djrk gSA basic infrastructure. The Sikkim and Ladakh from 2022-23
(SSC MTS 10.05.2023 SHIFT-1) Aspirational Block programme to 2025-26. The Union
 Government Schemes of 2023 covers 500 blocks across 27 States Government has approved on 15th
2023 dh ljdkjh ;kstuk,¡ and 4 Union Territories. It was February, 2023. But it is launched
 National green Hydrogen announced in Budget 2022-23 but by Home Minister Amit Shah at
mission:- launched on 7 January 2023 . Kibithu, a border village in
 jk"Vªh; gfjr gkbMªkstu fe'ku& vkdka{kh Cy‚d dk;ZØe& ;g vkdka{kh Arunachal Pradesh on 10 April,
ftyk dk;ZØe ¼,Mhih½ ds e‚My ij 2023.
vk/kkfjr gS ftls 2018 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k ;g 2022&23 ls 2025&26 rd lhekorhZ
Fkk vkSj blesa iks"k.k] LokLF;] —f"k] dkS'ky jkT;&fgekpy çns'k] mÙkjk[kaM] v#.kkpy
fodkl] f'k{kk] foÙkh; lekos'ku] ty çns'k] flfDde vkSj yík[k esa vko';d
lalk/ku vkSj cqfu;knh <kapk tSls dbZ {ks=ksa cqfu;knh <kaps ds fodkl vkSj vkthfodk ds
esa vko';d ljdkjh lsok,a çnku djus ds voljksa ds fuekZ.k ds fy, /ku çnku
mís'; ls ns'k Hkj ds 112 ftyksa dks djsxkA dsæa ljdkj us 15 Qjojh] 2023 dks
The mission has a stated aim of 'kkfey fd;k x;k gSA eatjw h ns nh gSA ysfdu bls 10 vçSy] 2023
making India a global hub for the vkdka{kh Cy‚d dk;ZØe esa 27 jkT;ksa vkSj dks v#.kkpy çns'k ds lhekorhZ xkao
production of green hydrogen. Aim 4 dsaæ 'kkflr çns'kksa ds 500 Cy‚d 'kkfey fdfcFkq esa x`g ea=h vfer 'kkg }kjk y‚Up
is to produce 5 MMT (Million gSaA bldh ?kks"k.kk ctV 2022&23 esa dh fd;k x;k gSA

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 New India Literacy Programme organized textile and related
(NILP):- Objective: sectors, covering the entire value  Seed Traceability,
To address all aspects of adult chain of textiles, excluding Authentication and Holistic
education, including Foundational Spinning and Weaving. It will be Inventory (SATHI) Portal:-
Literacy and Numeracy, Critical implemented until March 2024. lhM VªklfcfyVh] v‚Fksfa Vds'ku ,aM
Life Skills, Vocational Skills diM+k ea=ky; diM+k {ks= esa {kerk fuekZ.k gksfyfLVd bUosaVjh ¼lkFkh½ iksVZy&
Development, Basic Education and ds fy, ,d çeq[k ;kstuk] leFkZ ;kstuk
Continuing Education. These are its ykxw dj jgk gSA bldk mís'; drkbZ vkSj
five major components. The NILP cqukbZ dks NksM+dj] diM+k dh laiw.kZ ewY;
program is being implemented for J`a[kyk dks doj djrs gq,] laxfBr diM+k
five years from the FY2022-23 to vkSj lacaf/kr {ks=ksa esa jkstxkj iSnk djus esa It was launched in April 2023. The
2026-27. The government has m|ksx ds ç;klksa dks çksRlkfgr djuk vkSj Portal has been developed by
allocated Rs 1037.90 crore for this iwjd djuk gSA bls ekpZ 2024 rd ykxw Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers
program. fd;k tk,xkA Welfare with National Informatics
(RRB NTPC 07.04.2021)
U;w bafM;k lk{kjrk dk;ZØe ¼,uvkbZ,yih½ Centre on theme of ‘Uttam Beej –
 Mahila Samman Savings
& mís';%& cqfu;knh lk{kjrk vkSj Samriddh Kisan. It deals with
la[;kRedrk] egRoiw.kZ thou dkS'ky] Certificate (MSSC):-
challenges of seed production,
 efgyk lEeku cpr i= ¼,e,l,llh½&
O;kolkf;d dkS'ky fodkl] cqfu;knh f'k{kk quality seed identification and seed
vkSj lrr f'k{kk lfgr o;Ld f'k{kk ds certification.
lHkh igyqvksa dks lacksf/kr djukA ;s blds bls vçSy 2023 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
ikap çeq[k ?kVd gSaA foÙk o"kZ 2022&23 ls iksVZy dks —f"k ,oa fdlku dY;k.k
2026&27 rd ikap o"kksZa ds dk;kZUo;u ds ea=ky; }kjk jk"Vªh; lwpuk foKku dsaæ ds
fy, ,uvkbZ,yih dk;ZdeZ pyk;k tk jgk lkFk feydj 'mÙke cht&le`) fdlku'
gSA ljdkj us bl dk;ZØe ds fy, Fkhe ij fodflr fd;k x;k gSA ;g cht
1037.90 djksM+ #i;s dk vkoafVr fd;k mRiknu] xq.koÙkkiw.kZ cht igpku vkSj
gSA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 cht çek.khdj.k dh pqukSfr;ksa ls fuiVrk
03.12.2023 Shift-3) gSA
(SSC CHSL 03.08.2023 Shift-1) (SSC CGL 25.07.2023
SHIFT-1)  National Quantum Mission:-
The scheme aims to cover a target Objective: To seed, nurture and
of 5.00 crore non-literates in the It is a small savings scheme scale up scientific and industrial
age group of 15 years and above. launched by the Ministry of R&D and create a vibrant &
bl ;kstuk dk y{; 15 o"kZ vkSj mlls Finance (in Budget 2023), to innovative ecosystem in Quantum
vf/kd vk;q oxZ ds 5-00 djksM+ xSj&lk{kjksa commemorate the Azadi ka Amrit Technology. This mission planned
dks doj djuk gSA Mahotsav, aimed at encouraging by the Ministry of Science &
Note:- National Literacy women investors. Technology for 2023-2031.
Mission(NLM) was set up in 1988. ;g vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo ds miy{; jk"Vªh; DokaVe fe'ku& mís’;% oSKkfud
uksV& jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku ¼,u,y,e½ esa foÙk ea=ky; ¼ctV 2023 es½a }kjk 'kq: vkSj vkS|ksfxd vuqla/kku ,oa fodkl dks
dh LFkkiuk 1988 esa dh xbZ FkhA dh xbZ ,d NksVh cpr ;kstuk gS] ftldk c<+kok nsuk vkSj DokaVe çkS|ksfxdh esa ,d
(SSC MTS 13.06.2023 SHIFT-2) mís'; efgyk fuos'kdksa dks çksRlkfgr thoar vkSj vfHkuo ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=
 Scheme for Capacity Building in djuk gSA cukukA bl fe'ku dh ;kstuk foKku vkSj
Textiles Sector (SAMARTH):- Women of any age group, including çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; us 2023&2031 ds fy,
diM+k {ks= esa {kerk fuekZ.k gsrq ¼leFkZ½ girl children, can open an MSSC cukbZ gSA
;kstuk & account with a minimum deposit of  Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi (PBPB)
Rs 1000 and a maximum deposit of Scheme:-
Rs 2 Lakhs for a two-year period iks"k.k Hkh] i<+kbZ Hkh ¼ihchihch½ ;kstuk&
until March 2025, which offers an
interest rate of 7.5% per annum.
The Account holder can withdraw
maximum 40% of the total amount
after one year.
The Ministry of Textile is ckfydkvksa lfgr fdlh Hkh vk;q oxZ dh
implementing Samarth Scheme, a efgyk,a ekpZ 2025 rd nks lky dh vof/k It will focus on Early Childhood
flagship Scheme for Capacity ds fy, U;wure 1000 #i;s vkSj vf/kdre Care and Education (first six years
Building in the Textiles Sector. It 2 yk[k #i;s tek ds lkFk ,e,l,llh of children) at anganwadis centers
aims to incentivize and [kkrk [kksy ldrh gSa] ftl ij çfr o"kZ 7- across the country. It was launched
supplement the efforts of the 5% dh C;kt nj feyrh gSA [kkrk/kkjd on 10, May 2023 by Union Women
industry in creating jobs in the ,d o"kZ ds ckn dqy jkf'k dk vf/kdre and Child Development Minister.
40% fudky ldrk gSA

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;g ns'k Hkj ds vkaxuokM+h dsæa ksa esa çkjafHkd mís';%& ÅtkZ {ks= ds fy, mHkjrh
cpiu ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk ¼cPpksa ds igys çkS|ksfxfd;ksa/Hkfo"; dh çklafxdrk ds
Ng o"kZ½ ij /;ku dsafær djsxkA bls 10 {ks=ksa dh igpku djuk vkSj ,d thoar
ebZ 2023 dks dsaæh; efgyk ,oa cky vkSj vfHkuo ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= cukuk vkSj
fodkl ea=h }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA 2023&24 ls 2027&28 rd ,d lk>k eap
çnku djukA
 New Integrated Food Security Ministry: Power & Ministry of
Scheme New and Renewable Energy jointly
It was launched on 1 January 2023 It was Launched In February 2023 launched in June 2023.
by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, by Ministry of Railway for ea=ky;% fctyh vkSj uohu vkSj
Food & Public Distribution. upgradation/modernization of; ÅtkZ ea=ky; us la;qä :i ls
ubZ ,dh—r [kk| lqj{kk ;kstuk% bls 1 1275 Railway stations. twu 2023 esa y‚Up fd;kA
tuojh 2023 dks miHkksäk ekeys] [kk| bls Qjojh 2023 esa jsy ea=ky; }kjk  PM VIshwakarma KAushal
vkSj lkoZtfud forj.k ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up 1275 jsyos LVs'kuksa ds Samman (PM-VIKAS):- PM VIKAS
fd;k x;k FkkA mUu;u/vk/kqfudhdj.k ds fy, y‚Up scheme will provide holistic
Objective: To strengthen the fd;k x;k FkkA support to the artisans and crafts
provisions of the National Food It involves preparation of Master persons. It was announced in
Security Act (NFSA), 2013 in terms Plans and their implementation in Budget 2023-24 under Ministry of
of accessibility, affordability and phases to improve the Passengers Minority Affairs and also PM Modi
availability of food grains for the amenities at the stations like declared to launched this scheme
poor and the vulnerable. Under improvement of station access, on Vishwakarma Jayanti (17
this scheme Government of India circulating areas, waiting halls, September 2023).
targeted to supply food grains to toilets, lift/escalators as necessary, ih,e fo'odekZ dkS'ky lEeku
more than 80 crores beneficiaries cleanliness, free Wi-Fi, kiosks for ¼ih,e&fodkl½&ih,e fodkl ;kstuk
under the National Food Security local products through schemes dkjhxjksa vkSj f'kYidkjksa dks lexz lgk;rk
Act. like ‘One Station One Product’, çnku djsxhA bldh ?kks"k.kk vYila[;d
mís’;% xjhcksa vkSj detksj yksxksa ds fy, better passenger information dk;Z ea=ky; ds rgr ctV 2023&24 esa
[kk|kUu dh igqap] lkeF;Z vkSj miyC/krk systems, Executive Lounges, dh xbZ Fkh vkSj ih,e eksnh us Hkh fo'odekZ
ds lanHkZ esa jk"Vªh; [kk| lqj{kk vf/kfu;e nominated spaces for business t;arh ¼17 flracj 2023½ ij bl ;kstuk
¼,u,Q,l,½] 2013 ds çko/kkuksa dks etcwr meetings, landscaping etc. keeping dks y‚Up djus dh ?kks"k.kk dh FkhA
djukA bl ;kstuk ds rgr Hkkjr ljdkj in view the necessity at each  MSME Competitive (LEAN)
us jk"Vªh; [kk| lqj{kk vf/kfu;e ds rgr station. Scheme:- It is launched by
80 djksM+ ls vf/kd ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks [kk|kUu blesa LVs'kuksa ij ;k=h lqfo/kkvksa esa lq/kkj Ministry of MSMEs in March 2023
vkiwfrZ djus dk y{; j[kk gSA ds fy, ekLVj Iyku rS;kj djuk vkSj to provide a roadmap to global
(SSC CGL Mains 2022, 07.03.2023) mUgsa pj.kc) rjhds ls ykxw djuk 'kkfey competitiveness for the MSMEs of
The Cabinet led by Hon’ble Prime gS vkSj blesa LVs'ku rd igqap] ldqZysfVax India. The MSME sector includes
Minister Shri Narendra Modi had ,fj;k] osfVax g‚y] 'kkSpky;] enterprises primarily engaged in
approved new integrated food vko';drkuqlkj fy¶V/,LdsyVs j] lQkbZ] the production, manufacturing,
security scheme for providing free eq¶r okbZ&QkbZ] LFkkuh; mRiknksa ds fy, processing, or preservation of
foodgrains to Antodaya Ann Yojna fd;ksLd bR;kfn 'kkfey gSaA çR;sd LVs'ku goods and commodities.
(AAY) & Primary Household (PHH) ij vko';drk dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, ',d ,e,l,ebZ çfrLi/khZ ¼yhu½ ;kstuk& bls
beneficiaries, to roll on 1st January LVs'ku ,d mRikn' tSlh ;kstukvksa ds Hkkjr ds ,e,l,ebZ ds fy, oSf'od
2023. New scheme has been ek/;e ls csgrj ;k=h lwpuk ç.kkyh] çfrLi/kkZRedrk dk jksMeSi çnku djus ds
named as Pradhan Mantri Garib dk;Zdkjh ykmat] O;kolkf;d cSBdksa ds fy, ekpZ 2023 esa ,e,l,ebZ ea=ky;
Kalyan Ann Yojana (PMGKAY) fy, ukekafdr LFkku] HkwfuekZ.k djuk vkfn }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k gSA ,e,l,ebZ {ks=
ekuuh; ç/kku ea=h Jh ujsæa eksnh ds gS A esa eq[; :i ls oLrqvksa vkSj oLrqvksa ds
usr`Ro esa eaf=eaMy us 1 tuojh 2023 ls  Mission on Advanced and High- mRiknu] fofuekZ.k] çlaLdj.k ;k laj{k.k esa
varksn; vUu ;kstuk ¼,,okbZ½ vkSj Impact Research (MAHIR) :- yxs m|e 'kkfey gSaA
çkFkfed ?kjsyw ¼ih,p,p½ ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks fe'ku vkWu ,MokaLM ,aM gkbZ&bEiSDV  Amrit Dharohar Scheme:-The
eq¶r [kk|kUu miyC/k djkus ds fy, ubZ fjlpZ ¼ekfgj½& scheme will conserver wetlands by
,dh—r [kk| lqj{kk ;kstuk dks eatjw h ns Objective:- Identify emerging promoting their optimal use and it
nh FkhA bls ç/kkuea=h xjhc dY;k.k vUu technologies/areas of future is to be implemented in the next
;kstuk ¼ih,ethds,okbZ½ uke fn;k x;k relevance for the energy sector and three years. The scheme will
gSA create a vibrant & innovative increase eco-tourism, carbon stock
 Amrit Bharat Station Scheme: ecosystem and provide a common and also will help the local
ve`r Hkkjr LVs'ku ;kstuk% platform from 2023-24 to 2027-28. communities in their income

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generations. It was announced in alternative fertilizers and balanced dusfDVfoVh vkSj lqfo/kk esa lq/kkj ds fy,
Budget 2023. use of chemical fertilizers. It was dfBu igkM+h {ks=ksa esa ikjaifjd lM+dksa ds
ve`r /kjksgj ;kstuk&;g ;kstuk announced in Budget 2023-24. LFkku ij ,d ilanhnk ikfjfLFkfrd :i ls
vknZzHkwfe;ksa ds b"Vre mi;ksx dks c<+kok /kjrh ekrk ds iqu#)kj] tkx:drk] iks"k.k fVdkÅ fodYi gSA
nsdj mudk laj{k.k djsxh vkSj bls vxys vkSj lq/kkj ds fy, ih,e dk;ZØe ¼PM- 3. Rejuvenating Watersheds for
rhu o"kksZa esa ykxw fd;k tkuk gSA bl PRANAM½& oSdfYid moZjdksa vkSj Agricultural Resilience through
;kstuk ls bdks&i;ZVu] dkcZu LV‚d esa jklk;fud moZjdksa ds larqfyr mi;ksx dks Innovative Development
o`f) gksxh vkSj LFkkuh; leqnk;ksa dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, jkT;ksa vkSj dsæa 'kkflr (REWARD) Project- This is a
mudh vk; l`tu esa Hkh enn feysxhA çns'kksa dks çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, bls project signed by the Central
bldh ?kks"k.kk ctV 2023 esa dh xbZ FkhA y‚Up fd;k tk,xkA bldh ?kks"k.kk ctV Government, Karnataka, Odisha
 Pradhan Mantri PVTG 2023&24 esa dh xbZ FkhA and the World Bank. It will help in
Development Mission:- It was  Marketing and Logistics the adoption of improved
announced in Budget 2023. The Development for Promotion of watershed management practices.
Pradhan Mantri PVTG Tribal Products from North uoksUes"kh fodkl ds ek/;e ls —f"k
Development Mission will be Eastern Region (PTP-NER): It yphysiu ds fy, tylaHkjksa dk iqujks)kj
launched to improve the socio- was launched on 18 April 2023 by ¼fjo‚MZ½ ifj;kstuk & ;g dsæa ljdkj]
economic conditions of the Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun dukZVd] vksfM'kk vkSj fo'o cSad }kjk
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Munda. The scheme aims to gLrk{kfjr çkstsDV gSA blls csgrj
Groups (PVTGs). It is a part of s strengthen the livelihood okVj'ksM çca/ku çFkkvksa dks viukus esa
part of ‘Reaching The Last Mile’, opportunities of tribal artisans by enn feysxhA
one of the seven Saptarishi promoting and showcasing their 4. Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha
priorities enlisted in this year’s products from the North Eastern Abhiyan (RUSA)- This Mission
Budget. States. will provide strategic funding to
ç/kku ea=h ihohVhth fodkl fe'ku& mÙkj iwohZ {ks= ls tutkrh; mRiknksa dks eligible state higher educational
bldh ?kks"k.kk ctV 2023 esa dh xbZ FkhA c<+kok nsus ds fy, foi.ku vkSj jln institutions. It was launched in
fo'ks"k :i ls detksj tutkrh; lewgksa fodkl ¼ihVhih&,ubZvkj½&bls 18 vçSy 2013 and now it is extended till 31
¼ihohVhth½ dh lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkfr;ksa 2023 dks tutkrh; ekeyksa ds ea=h vtqZu March 2026. This scheme now
esa lq/kkj ds fy, ç/kku ea=h ihohVhth eqaMk }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA bl launched as “Pradhan Mantri
fodkl fe'ku 'kq: fd;k tk,xkA ;g bl ;kstuk dk mís'; iwoksZÙkj jkT;ksa ds mRiknksa Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-
o"kZ ds ctV esa lwphc) lkr lIr_f"k dks c<+kok nsus vkSj çnf'kZr djds USHA)” in June 2023.
çkFkfedrkvksa esa ls ,d] 'jhfpax n ykLV vkfnoklh dkjhxjksa dh vkthfodk ds jk"Vªh; mPprj f'k{kk vfHk;ku ¼:lk½&
ekby' dk ,d fgLlk gSA voljksa dks etcwr djuk gSA ;g fe'ku ik= jkT; mPp f'k{k.k laLFkkuksa
 Mangrove Initiative for Projects, Programme and dks j.kuhfrd foÙk iks"k.k çnku djsxkA
Shoreline Habitats and Tangible Portals- bls 2013 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj vc
Incomes (MISHTI):- It aims to ifj;kstuk,a] dk;ZØe vkSj iksVZy& bls 31 ekpZ 2026 rd c<+k fn;k x;k gSA
restore and protect the mangrove 1. Purple or Lavender Revolution ;g ;kstuk vc twu 2023 esa Þç/kkuea=h
ecosystem in India. Over the next was launched by the Ministry of mPprj f'k{kk vfHk;ku ¼ih,e& m"kk½ß ds
five years (Since FY 2023-2024), Science & Technology at Ramban :i esa y‚Up dh xbZA
approximately 540 square (J&K) through the Aroma Mission, 5. SAMARTH initiative will provide
kilometers of mangrove area will which aimed at increasing women with self-employment
be extensively developed in 11 lavender cultivation in Jammu and opportunities and make them self-
states and 2 union territories. Kashmir. reliant and independent. It was
eSUxzkso bfuf'k,fVo Q‚j 'kksjykbu cSaxuh ;k ySoaM s j Økafr% dks foKku vkSj launched by Ministry of MSME on
gfcVSV~l ,aM VUthcy bUkdEl ¼fe"Vh½& çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; }kjk jkecu ¼tEew vkSj 8th March 2022.
bldk mís'; Hkkjr esa eSaxkz so ikfjfLFkfrdh d’ehj½ esa vjksek fe'ku ds ek/;e ls 'kq: leFkZ igy efgykvksa dks Lojkstxkj% ds
ra= dks cgky djuk vkSj mldh j{kk fd;k x;k Fkk] ftldk mís'; tEew vkSj volj çnku djsxh vkSj mUgsa vkRefuHkZj
djuk gSA vxys ikap o"kksZa esa ¼foÙk o"kZ d'ehj esa ySoMsa j dh [ksrh dks c<+kuk FkkA vkSj Lora= cuk,xhA bls 8 ekpZ 2022 dks
2023&2024 ls½] 11 jkT;ksa vkSj 2 dsaæ 2. National Ropeways ,e,l,ebZ ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k
'kkflr çns'kksa esa yxHkx 540 oxZ Development Programme – FkkA (SSC CGL 14.07.2023 SHIFT-4)
fdyksehVj eSaxkz so {ks= cM+s iSekus ij “Parvatmala”, a preferred 6. Fast and Secured Transmission
fodflr fd;k tk,xkA ecologically sustainable alternative of Electronic Records (FASTER),
 PM Programme for Restoration, in place of conventional roads in a digital platform for court officials
Awareness, Nourishment and difficult hilly areas to improve to instantly send e-copies of
Amelioration of Mother Earth connectivity and convenience for orders, was launched by Chief
(PM-PRANAM):- It will be local residence. Justice of India N. V. Ramana on
launched to incentivize States and jk"Vªh; jksios fodkl dk;ZØe & March 31, 2022.
Union Territories to promote "ioZrekyk"] LFkkuh; fuokl ds fy,

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QkLV ,aM flD;ksMZ Vªkalfe'ku vkWQ dk;ZØe ¼vkjbZthih½ 1995 dks foy; djds çkS|ksfxdh½ ds mi;ksx ds fy, ;wusLdks ds
bysDVª‚fud fjd‚MZ~l ¼QkLVj½% vnkyr ds 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA bl ;kstuk ds rgr] fdax gen fcu bZlk vy&[kyhQk iqjLdkj
vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy, vkns'kksa dh rqjar ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks ubZ fofuekZ.k bdkb;k¡ ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA
bZ&çfr;k¡ Hkstus ds fy, ,d fMftVy LFkkfir djus ds fy, 50 yk[k #i;s vkSj 13. Going Online As Leaders
IysVQ‚eZ] Hkkjr ds eq[; U;k;k/kh'k ,u oh ubZ lsok bdkb;k¡ LFkkfir djus ds fy, 20 Programme(GOAL):- GOAL
jeuk }kjk 31 ekpZ] 2022 dks y‚Up fd;k #i;s yk[k rd dk _.k fey ldrk gSA programme is joint initiative of
x;k FkkA (SSC MTS 14.06.2023 SHIFT-3) (SSC CGL
Facebook India with Ministry of
25.07.2023 SHIFT-2)
7. E- Shram Portal- The portal will Tribal affairs to provide
10. Jan Samarth Portal- It is a one-
create unified database for mentorship and digitally upskill
stop digital portal that links
unorganised workers to help them tribal youth through digital
thirteen Credit Linked Government
access various benefits of central medium. It was launched on 15
schemes. It was launched on 6 June
and state government welfare May 2020.
2022 by Prime Ministry Modi.
schemes. The workers will be tu leFkZ iksVZy& ;g ,d ou&LV‚i xksbax v‚uykbu ,t yhMlZ çksxzke
issued an e-Shram card containing fMftVy iksVZy gS tks rsjg ØsfMV fyaDM ¼xksy½& xksy dk;ZØe tutkrh; ekeyksa
a 12 digit unique number. It was ljdkjh ;kstukvksa dks tksM+rk gSA bls 6 ds ea=ky; ds lkFk Qslcqd bafM;k dh
launched by Ministry of Labour twu 2022 dks ç/kku ea=h eksnh }kjk y‚Up la;qä igy gS] tks fMftVy ek/;e ls
and Employment on 26 August fd;k x;k FkkA tutkrh; ;qokvksa dks ekxZn'kZu vkSj
2021. 11. National Import export Record
fMftVy dkS'ky çnku djrk gSA bls 15
bZ&Je iksVZy% iksVZy vlaxfBr Jfedksa ds for Yearly Analysis of Trade
ebZ 2020 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA
fy, ,dh—r MsVkcsl rS;kj djsxk rkfd (NIRYAT) Portal- It is developed 14. Mission Vatsalya: Aims to achieve
mUgsa dsaæ vkSj jkT; ljdkj dh as a one stop platform for the objectives of child protection
dY;k.kdkjh ;kstukvksa ds fofHkUu ykHkksa stakeholders to get all necessary and development. It was launched
rd igqapus esa enn fey ldsA Jfedksa dks by the Ministry of Women and
information related to India’s
,d bZ&Je dkMZ tkjh fd;k tk,xk Child Development in 2021-22 as a
foreign trade. It will provide
ftlesa 12 vadksa dk vf}rh; uacj gksxkA revamped version of the Integrated
important real-time data of import
bls Je vkSj jkstxkj ea=ky; }kjk 26 Child Protection Scheme (ICPS),
and export. It was launched by PM
vxLr 2021 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA which was started in 2009-10.
(ACIO G-II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shift-2)
Narendra Modi on 23 June 2022.
O;kikj ds okf"kZd fo'ys"k.k ds fy, jk"Vªh; fe'ku okRlY;: bldk mís'; cky laj{k.k
8. Prime Minister’s Special
vk;kr&fu;kZr ¼fu;kZr½ iksVZy & bls vkSj fodkl ds mís';ksa dks çkIr djuk gSA
Scholarship Scheme (PMSSS) bls efgyk ,oa cky fodkl ea=ky; }kjk
was introduced in 2011 to provide fgr/kkjdksa ds fy, Hkkjr ds fons'kh O;kikj
ls lacaf/kr lHkh vko';d tkudkjh çkIr 2021&22 esa ,dh—r cky laj{k.k ;kstuk
funding to 5,000 meritorious
djus ds fy, ou LV‚i IysVQ‚eZ ds :i ¼ICPS½ ds ,d la'kksf/kr laLdj.k ds :i
students each year to study in
esa fodflr fd;k x;k gSA ;g vk;kr vkSj esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk] ftls 2009-10
private and government
fu;kZr dk egRoiw.kZ okLrfod le; MsVk esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA
educational institutions across
çnku djsxkA bls 23 twu 2022 dks ih,e 15. National Intellectual Property
ujsaæ eksnh us y‚Up fd;k FkkA Awareness Mission (NIPAM):-
ns'k Hkj esa futh vkSj ljdkjh 'kS{kf.kd
12. PM eVIDYA- It was launched by The aim is to provide awareness on
laLFkkuksa esa i<+us ds fy, gj lky 5]000
Ministry of Education in May 2020. intellectual property and inculcate
es/kkoh Nk=ksa dks /ku miyC/k djkus ds
It unifies all efforts related to the spirit of creativity among 1
fy, 2011 esa ç/kku ea=h fo'ks"k Nk=o`fÙk
digital/online/on-air education to million students. It was launched
;kstuk ¼ih,e,l,l,l½ 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
enable multi-mode access for on 8 December 2021 by the
9. Prime Minister’s Employment
imparting education by using Ministry of Commerce and
Generation Programme
technology to minimize losses. It Industry and aimed to achieve the
(PMEGP) - It was launched in 2008
has been awarded with the target by 15 August 2022.
by merging the two schemes
UNESCO’s King Hamad Bin Isa Al- jk"Vªh; ckSf)d laink tkx:drk fe'ku
namely Prime Minister’s Rojgar
Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICT ¼NIPAM½& bldk mís'; ckSf)d laink
Yojana (PMRY) and Rural
(Information and Communications ij tkx:drk çnku djuk vkSj 1
Employment Generation Program
Technology) in Education for the fefy;u Nk=ksa ds chp jpukRedrk dh
(REGP) 1995. Under the scheme,
year 2021. Hkkouk iSnk djuk gSA bls 8 fnlacj 2021
beneficiaries can get loans up to Rs
ih,e bZ&fo|k& bls ebZ 2020 esa f'k{kk dks okf.kT; vkSj m|ksx ea=ky; }kjk
50 lakh for setting up new
ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA ;g y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj 15 vxLr 2022
manufacturing units and Rs 20
çkS|ksfxdh dk mi;ksx djds f'k{kk çnku rd y{; gkfly djus dk y{; j[kk x;k
lakh for setting up new service
djus ds fy, eYVh&eksM igqap dks l{ke FkkA
djus ds fy, fMftVy@ v‚uykbu@ 16. National Integrated Database on
ç/kku ea=h jkstxkj l`tu dk;ZØe
v‚u&,;j f'k{kk ls lacaf/kr lHkh ç;klksa Arrested Narco -offenders
¼ih,ebZthih½% bls 2008 esa nks ;kstukvksa
dks ,dh—r djrk gSA bls o"kZ 2021 ds (NIDAAN) - It is a first-of-its-kind
vFkkZr~ ç/kku ea=h jkstxkj ;kstuk
fy, f'k{kk esa vkbZlhVh ¼lwpuk vkSj lapkj database and one-stop solution for
¼ih,evkjokbZ½ vkSj xzkeh.k jkstxkj l`tu

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
all narcotics offenders related data rather than depend on original
of arrested narcotics offenders for 20. Mission LiFE (Lifestyle For manufacturers. Ministry of
prosecution agencies. It is Environment):- The Aim of the Consumer Affairs, Food and Public
developed by Narcotics Control mission is at least 1 billion Indians Distribution unveiled ‘right to
Bureau (NCB). and other global citizens to take repair’ portal on occasion of
us'kuy baVhxzsVsM MsVkcsl vkWu vjsLVsM individual and collective action for National Consumer Day 2022
Z v‚QsM a lZ ¼NIDAAN½ & ;g viuh protecting and preserving the (December 24).
rjg dk igyk MsVkcsl gS vkSj vfHk;kstu environment in the period 2022 to jkWbV Vw fjisj iksVZy & iksVZy ij] fuekZrk
,tsafl;ksa ds fy, fxj¶rkj u'khys inkFkksZa 2027. It is launched by PM Modi at xzkgdksa ds lkFk mRikn fooj.k dk eSuqvy
ds vijkf/k;ksa ls lacaf/kr lHkh u'khys Statue of Unity. The Nodal agency lk>k djsx a s rkfd os ewy fuekZrkvksa ij
inkFkksZa ds vijkf/k;ksa ls lacaf/kr MsVk ds for this mission is NITI ayog which fuHkZj jgus ds ctk; Lo;a ;k rhljs i{k
fy, ou&LV‚i lek/kku gSA bls is backed by Ministry of }kjk ejEer dj ldsAa miHkksäk ekeys]
ukjdksfVDl daVªksy C;wjks ¼,ulhch½ }kjk Environment, Forest and Climate [kk| vkSj lkoZtfud forj.k ea=ky; us
fodflr fd;k x;k gSA Change. jk"Vªh; miHkksäk fnol 2022 ¼24 fnlacj½
17. Paalan 1000 campaign- is a fe'ku ykbQ ¼i;kZoj.k ds fy, thou ds volj ij ^ejEer dk vf/kdkj* iksVZy
National Campaign and Parenting 'kSyh½& fe'ku dk mís'; de ls de 1 dk vukoj.k fd;kA
App launched by the Ministry of vjc Hkkjrh;ksa vkSj vU; oSf'od ukxfjdksa 24. Credit Guarantee Scheme for
Health & Family Welfare to reduce dks 2022 ls 2027 dh vof/k esa i;kZoj.k Micro and Small Enterprises
child mortality. Journey of the dh j{kk vkSj laj{k.k ds fy, O;fäxr vkSj (CGMSE):-The scheme was
First 1000 Days' focus on the lkewfgd dkjZokbZ djuk gSA bls ih,e formally launched in 2000 to
cognitive developments of children eksnh }kjk LVSP;w v‚Q ;wfuVh esa y‚Up strengthen credit delivery system
in the first 2 years of its life. fd;k x;k gSA bl fe'ku ds fy, uksMy and facilitate flow of credit to the
ikyu 1000 vfHk;ku& cky e`R;q nj dks ,tsalh uhfr vk;ksx gS tks i;kZoj.k] ou MSE sector.
de djus ds fy, LokLF; vkSj ifjokj vkSj tyok;q ifjorZu ea=ky; }kjk lw{e vkSj y?kq m|eksa ds fy, ØsfMV
dY;k.k ea=ky; }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k ,d lefFkZr gSA xkjaVh ;kstuk ¼lhth,e,lbZ½& ;g ;kstuk
jk"Vªh; vfHk;ku vkSj isjÇsa Vx ,si gSA igys 21. MAARG (Mentorship, Advisory, vkSipkfjd :i ls _.k forj.k ç.kkyh dks
1000 fnuksa dh ;k=k vius thou ds igys Assistance, Resilience and etcwr djus vkSj ,e,lbZ {ks= esa _.k ds
2 o"kks± esa cPpksa ds laKkukRed fodkl ij Growth) portal is to facilitate çokg dks lqfo/kktud cukus ds fy, 2000
dsafær gSA mentorship for startups across esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
18. UGC e-Samadhan Portal:- diverse sectors, functions, stages, 25. Green Rating for Integrated
Through this portal, UGC will geographies, and backgrounds. Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) is
monitor and resolve all grievances This is initiative of Department for India’s own green building rating
of students and staff or facing any Promotion of Industry and Internal system jointly developed by the
kind of problem after admission Trade (DPIIT). Energy & Resources Institute
will be able to find solutions to ekxZ ¼esVa jf'ki] ,Mokbtjh] vflLVsl a (TERI) and Ministry of New and
their problems. jsflfy,al ,aM xzksFk½ iksVZy fofHkUu {ks=ks]a Renewable Energy.
;wthlh bZ&lek/kku iksVZy & bl iksVZy dk;ksZ]a pj.kks]a Hkwxksy vkSj i`"BHkwfe esa xzhu jsfVax QkWj baVhxzsVsM gSfcVsV vlslesVa
ds ek/;e ls ;wthlh Nk=ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa LVkVZvi ds fy, esVa jf'ki dh lqfo/kk ¼GRIHA½ Hkkjr dh viuh xzhu fcfYMax
dh lHkh f'kdk;rksa dh fuxjkuh vkSj çnku djrk gSA ;g m|ksx vkSj vkarfjd jsfVax ç.kkyh gS ftls n ,uthZ ,aM
lek/kku djsxk ;k ços'k ds ckn fdlh Hkh O;kikj lao/kZu foHkkx ¼DPIIT½ dh igy fjlkslsZt baLVhVîwV ¼TERI½ vkSj uohu vkSj
çdkj dh leL;k vkus ij os viuh gSA; ÅtkZ ea=ky; }kjk la;qä :i
leL;kvksa dk lek/kku <w<a ldsaxsA 22. DIGITAL SHAKTI: It was launched ls fodflr fd;k x;k gSA
19. KIRAN Scheme (Knowledge by National Commission for 26. Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital
Involvement in Research Women in 2018, in collaboration Saksharta Abhiyan
Advancement through with CyberPeace Foundation and (PMGDISHA):- It will provide
Nurturing)- It provides various Meta, to create safe cyberspace for Digital Literacy of all digital
career opportunities to women women and girls. villages, a flagship Digital Literacy
scientists and technologists. It will fMftVy 'kfä% bls efgykvksa vkSj scheme of the Government for
bring gender equality in Science, yM+fd;ksa ds fy, lqjf{kr lkbcjLisl rural areas. In the year 2017,
Technology, Engineering and cukus ds fy, lkbcjihl QkmaMs'ku vkSj Government was approved this
Mathematics field. esVk ds lg;ksx ls 2018 esa jk"Vªh; efgyk Abhiyan. (RRB NTPC 18.01.2021)
fdj.k ;kstuk ¼u‚yst buo‚YoesVa bu vk;ksx }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA ç/kkuea=h xzkeh.k fMftVy lk{kjrk
fjlpZ ,MokalesVa Q‚j upZfjax½& ;g 23. ‘Right To Repair’ Portal:- On the vfHk;ku ¼PMGDISHA½& ;g lHkh
efgyk oSKkfudksa vkSj çkS|ksfxdhfonksa dks portal, manufacturers would share fMftVy xkaoksa dks fMftVy lk{kjrk
fofHkUu dSfj;j ds volj çnku djrh gSA manual of product details with çnku djsxk] tks xzkeh.k {ks=ksa ds fy,
;g foKku] çkS|ksfxdh] bathfu;fjax vkSj customers so that they could either ljdkj dh ,d çeq[k fMftVy lk{kjrk ds {ks= esa ySafxd lekurk yk,xkA repair by self, by third parties,

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
;kstuk gSA lky 2017 esa bl vfHk;ku dks SHWAS ¼dksfoM&19 dh nwljh ygj ds LVMh osCl v‚Q ,fDVo yfuax Z Q‚j ;ax
ljdkj dh eatjw h feyh FkhA f[kykQ ;q) esa LokLF; lsok {ks= dks flMch ,Lik;fjax ekbaM~l ¼SWAYAM½& bls
UNESCO is the international lgk;rk½ vkSj AROG/,vkjvksth ¼dksfoM19 v‚uykbu ikBîØeksa ds fy, ,d ,dh—r
partner in the implementation of egkekjh ds nkSjku iquZIkzkfIr vkSj tSfod eap vkSj iksVZy çnku djus ds fy, ekuo
PM Grameen Digital Saksharta fodkl ds fy, ,e,l,ebZ dks flMch lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; }kjk 9 tqykbZ]
Abhiyan. lgk;rk½ & ;s v‚Dlhtu flysM a j] 2017 dks y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA SWAYAM
;wusLdks ih,e xzkeh.k fMftVy lk{kjrk v‚Dlhtu lkaæd] v‚DlhehVj vkSj 300 ls vf/kd mPp xq.koÙkk okys O;kid
vfHk;ku ds dk;kZUo;u esa varjkZ"Vªh; vko';d nokvksa dh vkiwfrZ ls lacaf/kr vksiu v‚uykbu fu%'kqYd ikBîØeksa dk
Hkkxhnkj gSA mRiknu ds fy, /ku miyC/k djkus ds fy, HkaMkj gSA
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 Rofjr _.k forj.k ;kstuk,a gSaA bu ubZ 3. Jal Jan Abhiyan:- It was
29.11.2023 Shift-1)
igyksa ls ,e,l,ebZ dks viuh lqfo/kkvksa esa inaugurated by PM Modi on Abu
27. Scheme for Harnessing and
rsth ls lq/kkj djus esa enn feysxhA bUgsa Road in the Sirohi district of
Allocating Koyala Transparently
vçSy 2021 esa Hkkjrh; y?kq m|ksx fodkl Rajasthan. It will be implemented
in India (SHAKTI), was launched
cSad ¼SIDBI½ }kjk y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA by the Ministry of Jal Shakti and
in 2018 by Ministry of Coal. The
30. National Initiative for the Brahma Kumaris organization.
aim of the Shakti scheme is to
ensure the availability of coal to all Development and Harnessing Various public awareness
the Thermal Power Plants in India Innovations (NIDHI) :- NIDHI was campaign on preserving water will
launched in 2016 as part of the be conducted under this mission.
and it will ensure 4500 MW supply
of electricity. Startup India initiative, to inspire ty tu vfHk;ku& bldk mn~?kkVu ih,e
dks;yk ea=ky; }kjk 2018 esa Hkkjr esa innovation and entrepreneurship eksnh us jktLFkku ds fljksgh ftys ds vkcw
ikjn'khZ rjhds ls dks;yk nksgu vkSj among young individuals, by jksM ij fd;kA bls ty 'kfä ea=ky;
vkoaVu ds fy, ;kstuk ¼'kfä½ 'kq: dh cultivating a culture of creativity, vkSj czãkdqekjh laxBu }kjk dk;kZfUor
xbZ FkhA 'kfä ;kstuk dk mís'; Hkkjr ds risk-taking and problem-solving. fd;k tk,xkA bl fe'ku ds rgr ty
lHkh FkeZy ikoj IykaVksa dks dks;ys dh uokpkjksa ds fodkl vkSj nksgu ds fy, laj{k.k ij fofHkUu tu tkx:drk
miyC/krk lqfuf'pr djuk gS vkSj blls jk"Vªh; igy ¼NIDHI½& fuf/k dks 2016 esa vfHk;ku pyk;s tk;sxa sA
4500 esxkokV fctyh dh vkiwfrZ lqfuf'pr LVkVZvi bafM;k igy ds fgLls ds :i esa 4. Millets and other Ancient Grains
gksxhA y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk] rkfd jpukRedrk] International Research Initiative
28. Aatamanirbhar Skilled tksf[ke ysus vkSj leL;k dh laL—fr dks (MAHARISHI):- It will focus on
Employee Employer Mapping fodflr djds ;qok O;fä;ksa ds chp Research and Awareness about
(ASEEM) portal- It is launched by uokpkj vkSj m|e'khyrk dks çsfjr fd;k agro-biodiversity, food security,
Ministry of Skill Development and tk ldsA and nutrition aligning with
Entrepreneurship to help skilled Projects, Programme and International Year of Millets 2023.
people find sustainable livelihood Portals -2023 cktjk vkSj vU; çkphu vukt varjkZ"Vªh;
ifj;kstuk,a] dk;ZØe vkSj iksVZy&2023 vuqla/kku igy ¼egf"kZ½& ;g varjkZ"Vªh;
opportunities in July 2020.
vkRefuHkZj dq'ky deZpkjh fu;ksäk eSfiax 1. Sustainable Aquaculture in cktjk o"kZ 2023 ds vuq:i —f"k&tSo
¼,,lbZbZ,e½ iksVZy& bls tqykbZ 2020 esa Mangrove Ecosystem (SAIME) fofo/krk] [kk| lqj{kk vkSj iks"k.k ds ckjs esa
dq'ky yksxksa dks LFkk;h vkthfodk ds Initiative is a community-based vuqla/kku vkSj tkx:drk ij /;ku dsafær
volj [kkstus esa enn djus ds fy, pilot project in West Bengal under djsxkA
dkS'ky fodkl vkSj m|ferk ea=ky; }kjk which farmers are planting 5. PRAYAG Platform:- PRAYAG
y‚Up fd;k x;k gSA mangrove trees around shrimp stands for Platform for Real-time
29. SHWAS (SIDBI assistance to ponds. Analysis of Yamuna, Ganga and
Healthcare sector in War Against eSaxzkso bdksflLVe esa lLVsuscy ,DokdYpj their Tributaries. It will real time
Second wave of COVID19) and ¼SAIME½ ;g igy if'pe caxky esa ,d monitoring centre for planning and
AROG (SIDBI Assistance to MSMEs leqnk;&vk/kkfjr ik;yV ifj;kstuk gS monitoring of projects, river water
for Recovery & Organic Growth ftlds rgr fdlku >haxk rkykcksa ds quality, etc. It is launched by
during COVID19 pandemic)- These vklikl eSaxkz so isM+ yxk jgs gSaA Ministry of Jal Shakti, Under
are quick credit delivery schemes 2. Study Webs of Active Learning Namami Gange Programme (NGP).
to provide funding for production For Young Aspiring Minds ç;kx IySVQ‚eZ& ç;kx dk vFkZ ;equk]
related to supply of oxygen (SWAYAM)- It was launched on xaxk vkSj mudh lgk;d ufn;ksa ds
July 9, 2017 by the Ministry of okLrfod le; fo'ys"k.k ds fy, IysVQkeZ
cylinders, oxygen concentrators,
Human Resource Development to gSA ;g ifj;kstukvksa dh ;kstuk vkSj
oximeters and essential drugs.
provide one integrated platform fuxjkuh] unh ty dh xq.koÙkk vkfn ds
These new initiatives would help
and portal for online courses. fy, okLrfod le; fuxjkuh dsaæ gksxkA
MSMEs quickly improve their
SWAYAM is a repository of more bls uekfe xaxs dk;ZØe ¼,uthih½ ds
facilities. These were launched by
than 300 high quality Massive rgr ty 'kfä ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k
Small Industries Development
Open Online free Courses. x;k gSA
Bank of India (SIDBI) in April

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
6. Vivad Se Vishwas I Scheme:- çkstDs V oso& bafM;u cSad us viuh 10. PM Modi launches National Sickle
Ministry of Finance has launched fMftVy ifjorZu igy 'çkstDs V oso Cell Anaemia Elimination
scheme Vivad se Vishwas for Z y ,Dlihfj;al½'
¼oyZ~M v‚Q ,Mokal opqv Mission (NSCEM) from Shahdol,
providing relief to Micro, Small and ds rgr ubZ lsokvksa dk vukoj.k fd;k Madhya Pradesh in July 2023. The
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for gSA mission aims to tackle the
COVID-19 period. 9. Adopt a Heritage Initiative:- It challenges posed by sickle cell
fookn ls fo'okl I ;kstuk& foÙk ea=ky; was launched in 2017 but it is disease, particularly among the
us lw{e] y?kq vkSj e/;e m|eksa ¼MSME½ revamped as Monument Mitra by tribal population in India by 2047.
dks COVID&19 vof/k ds fy, jkgr Ministry of Culture. Under the ih,e eksnh us tqykbZ 2023 esa e/; çns'k
çnku djus ds fy, fookn ls fo'okl scheme, monument amenities will
ds lgMkSy ls jk"Vªh; fldy lsy
;kstuk 'kq: dh gSA adopted by the private sector
,uhfe;k mUewyu fe'ku ¼,u,llhbZ,e½
7. One Station One Product (OSOP) under PPP model. The government
dh 'kq#vkr dhA fe'ku dk y{; 2047
Scheme:- Ministry of Railways has has set the target to hand over 500
rd Hkkjr esa fo'ks"k :i ls vkfnoklh
launched OSOP scheme to promote vkcknh ds chp fldy lsy jksx ls mRiUu
sites under the revamped
‘Vocal for Local’ vision and create pqukSfr;ksa ls fuiVuk gSA
Monument Mitra Scheme by the
additional income opportunities 11. Atmanirbhar Horticulture Clean
end of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
for marginalised section. Plant Programme was announced
on15 August 2023.
,d LVs'ku ,d mRikn ¼vks,lvksih½ ,d fojklr igy dks viuk,a& bls 2017 on 1 February 2023 to provide
;kstuk& jsy ea=ky; us 'oksdy Q‚j esa y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk ysfdu laL—fr quality and disease-free planting
yksdy' –f"Vdks.k dks c<+kok nsus vkSj ea=ky; }kjk bls Lekjd fe= ds :i esa material for high-value
gkf'k, ij jgus okys oxZ ds fy, vfrfjä u;k uke fn;k x;k gSA ;kstuk ds rgr] horticultural crops till 2030.
vk; ds volj iSnk djus ds fy, Lekjd lqfo/kkvksa dks ihihih e‚My ds 2030 rd mPp ewY; okyh ckxokuh
vks,lvksih ;kstuk 'kq: dh gSA rgr futh {ks= }kjk viuk;k tk,xkA Qlyksa ds fy, xq.koÙkkiw.kZ vkSj jksx eqä
8. Project WAVE:- Indian Bank has ljdkj us 15 vxLr 2023 dks vktknh jksi.k lkexzh çnku djus ds fy, 1
unveiled new services under its dk ve`r egksRlo ds var rd la'kksf/kr Qjojh 2023 dks vkRefuHkZj ckxokuh
digital transformation initiative Lekjd fe= ;kstuk ds rgr 500 LFkyksa LoPN la;a= dk;ZØe dh ?kks"k.kk dh xbZ
‘Project WAVE (World of Advance dks lkSaius dk y{; j[kk gSA FkhA
Virtual Experience)’.

Other Important Portals and Apps: ¼,vkbZ,l½ esa ns[k ldrs gSaA
vU; egRoiw.kZ ,sIl vkSj iksVZy: Yuva Ministry of To build close ties between the
Portal/ Launched By/ Objective@mís'; Sangam Education/ youth of the North East Region
App y‚Up Portal/;qok f'k{kk ea=ky; and the rest of India under the
iksVZy/,si laxe iksVZy spirit of Ek Bharat Shreshtha
Yuva Science and To connect and identify Bharat./ ,d Hkkjr] Js"B Hkkjr dh
Portal/;qok Technology potential young Start-Ups/ igy ds rgr mÙkj iwoZ {ks= vkSj 'ks"k
iksVZy ministry/ laHkkfor ;qok LVkVZ&vi dks tksM+uk Hkkjr ds ;qokvksa ds chp ?kfu"B laca/k
foKku vkSj vkSj igpkuuk cukuk gSA
çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; Aab IIT Delhi/ To address waterlogging issues
Sanchar Department of To prevent frauds such as Prahari vkbZvkbZVh fnYyh in urban areas during the
Saathi Telecom/ identity theft and banking fraud App/ vkc monsoon/ ekulwu ds nkSjku 'kgjh
Portal/ nwjlapkj foHkkx by misusing mobile phones./ çgjh ,si {ks=ksa esa tyHkjko dh leL;k dk
lapkj lkFkh eksckby Qksu dk nq#i;ksx djds lek/kku djsxk
iksVZy igpku dh pksjh vkSj cSafdax /kks[kk/kM+h Prahari Ministry of BSF Jawans can get personal and
tSlh /kks[kk/kM+h dks jksdukA App/ çgjh Home Affairs/ service related information,
Call Before PM Narendra To prevent uncoordinated ,si x`g ea=ky; housing, Ayushman-CAPF and
u Dig / Modi/ ç/kkuea=h digging that can cause damage to leave related information on
d‚y fcQksj ujsaæ eksnh underground utility assets, such their mobile./ ch,l,Q toku vius
;q fMx as optical fibre cables./ vla;fer eksckby ij O;fäxr vkSj lsok laca/kh
[kqnkbZ dks jksdus ds fy,] tks v‚fIVdy tkudkjh] vkokl] vk;q"eku&lh,ih,Q
Qkbcj dscy tSlh Hkwfexr mi;ksfxrk vkSj Nqêh laca/kh tkudkjh çkIr dj
laifÙk;ksa dks uqdlku igqapk ldrh gSA ldrs gSaA
AIS Income Tax Taxpayers can view their tax- Jaldoot Ministry of To measure the water level in a
App/,vkbZ, Department/ related information in the App/ Rural well twice a year before and
l ,si vk;dj foHkkx Annual Information Statement tynwr ,si Development after monsoon./ ekulwu ls igys
(AIS)./ djnkrk viuh dj laca/kh and vkSj ckn esa o"kZ esa nks ckj dq,a esa ty
tkudkjh okf"kZd lwpuk fooj.k Panchayati Lrj dks ekius ds fy,A

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
Raj/ xzkeh.k Sanchar Communicatio mechanism to achieve the goal
fodkl vkSj Portal/ ns/ lapkj of “Broadband for All” and
iapk;rh jkt xfr'kfä ea=ky; Centralised Right of Way (RoW)
ea=ky; lapkj iksVZy as a part of National Broadband
e-KUMBH Droupadi In this engineering courses and Mission./ jk"Vªh; cz‚McSaM fe'ku ds
(Knowledg Murmu/ ækSinh books would be available in 12 ,d Hkkx ds :i esa ÞlHkh ds fy,
e eqewZ scheduled Indian languages./ cz‚McSaMß vkSj lsVa ªykbTM jkbV v‚Q os
Unleashed blesa bathfu;fjax ikBîØe vkSj fdrkcsa ds y{; dks çkIr djus ds fy, ,d
in Multiple 12 vuqlwfpr Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa esa etcwr ra= çnku djsxkA
Bharatiya miyC/k gksxa hA Jan Prime Minister It links the government credit
Languages) Samarth Narendra schemes and It is first of its kind
portal/ Portal/ tu Modi/ ç/kku platform, connecting
bZ&dqaHk iksVZy leFkZ iksVZy ea=h ujsaæ eksnh beneficiaries directly to the
¼fofHkUu (SSC CGL lenders/;g ljdkjh _.k ;kstukvksa
Hkkjrh; SHIFT-3) dks tksM+rk gS vkSj ;g viuh rjg dk
Hkk"kkvksa esa (SSC CGL igyk eap gS] tks ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks lh/ks
QSyk;k x;k SHIFT-3)
_.knkrkvksa ls tksM+rk gSA
Kku½ e-DAR Ministry of (e-Detailed Accident Report)
SCALE Education The SCALE (Skill Certification Portal/ Roads, provide instant information on
App/ Ldsy Minister Assessment for Leather bZ&Mh,vkj Transport and road accidents and help
,si Dharmendra Employees) provides a one-stop iksVZy Highways/ accelerate accident
Pradhan/ f'k{kk solution for the education, lM+d] ifjogu compensation claims/¼bZ&fMVsYM
ea=h /kesZæa ç/kku testing and employment vkSj jktekxZ ,DlhMsVa fjiksVZ½ lM+d nq?kZVukvksa ij
requirements of the leather ea=ky; rRdky tkudkjh çnku djrk gS vkSj
sector./ SCALE ¼peM+k deZpkfj;ksa ds nq?kZVuk eqvkots ds nkoksa esa rsth ykus
fy, dkS'ky çek.ku ewY;kadu½ peM+k esa enn djrk gSA
{ks= dh f'k{kk] ijh{k.k vkSj jkstxkj ABHA National Ayushman Bharat Health
vko';drkvksa ds fy, ou&LV‚i App/ vkHkk Health Account (ABHA) App will
lek/kku çnku djrk gSA ,si Authority/ manage health records under
e-AMRIT NITI Ayog / This is the e-AMRIT (Accelerated jk"Vªh; LokLF; Ayushman Bharat Digital
App / uhfr vk;ksx e-Mobility Revolution for India's çkf/kdj.k Mission./ vk;q"eku Hkkjr LokLF;
bZ&ve`r ,si Transportation) portal for [kkrk ¼,ch,p,½ ,si vk;q"eku Hkkjr
creating awareness about fMftVy fe'ku ds rgr LokLF; fjd‚MZ
electric mobility in India /;g dk çca/ku djsxkA
Hkkjr esa fo|qr xfr'khyrk ds ckjs esa Digital Lok Sabha To make it easier for people to
tkx:drk iSnk djus ds fy, bZ&ve`r Sansad secretariat/ follow proceedings in
¼Hkkjr ds ifjogu ds fy, Rofjr App/ yksdlHkk Parliament and their
bZ&eksfcfyVh Økafr½ iksVZy gSA fMftVy lfpoky; lawmakers./ yksxksa ds fy, laln
Bal Minister of Creating awareness of paediatric laln ,si vkSj muds lkalnksa dh dk;Zokgh dk
Raksha Ayush preventive healthcare through vuqlj.k djuk vklku cukrk gSA
App/ cky Sarbananda Ayurveda intervention amongst Dak Minister of To Enhance the competencies of
j{kk ,si Sonowal/ parents / ekrk&firk ds chp vk;qoZn
s Karmayog communicatio Gramin Dak Sevaks and
vk;q"k ea=h gLr{ksi ds ek/;e ls cky fuokjd i Portal/ n Ashwini department employees by
lckZuan lksuksoky LokLF; ns[kHkky ds ckjs esa tkx:drk Mkd deZ;ksxh Vaishnav/ providing them training through
iSnk djuk iksVZy lapkj ea=h this portal/ bl iksVZy ds ek/;e ls
Aadhaar UIDAI/;wvkbZMh, App will to capture person’s vf'ouh oS".ko xzkeh.k Mkd lsodksa vkSj foHkkx ds
FaceRd vkbZ face for authentication deZpkfj;ksa dks çf'k{k.k çnku djds
App / purposes./ ,si çek.khdj.k mís';ksa mudh n{krkvksa dks c<+k,axsA
vk/kkj ds fy, O;fä dk psgjk dSIpj djsxkA Dishaank Karnataka/ Ensuring easy availability of
QslvkjMh ,si App fn'kkad dukZVd original land records/ ewy Hkwfe
Pariksha CBSE/ lhch,lbZ To Integrated board ,si fjd‚MZ dh vklku miyC/krk lqfuf'pr
Sangam examination results, sample djsxkA
Portal/ papers, and other details in one Kaaval Tamil Nadu/ helps citizens to seek police
ijh{kk laxe single window./ ,d gh foaMks esa Uthavi rfeyukMq assistance during any
iksVZy ,dh—r cksMZ ijh{kk ifj.kke] uewuk i= App/ dkoy emergency./ ukxfjdksa dks fdlh Hkh
vkSj vU; fooj.k çnku djrk gSA mBkoh ,si vkikr fLFkfr ds nkSjku iqfyl lgk;rk
GatiShakti Ministry of It will Provide a robust ysus esa enn djrk gSA

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
Jan Jammu&Kash To help people lodge their evidence to present before the
Nigrani mir/ complaints related to various court/ yksx jkT; esa vf/kdkfj;ksa ds
App/ tu tEew&d'ehj schemes online/ yksxksa dks fofHkUu f[kykQ Hkz"Vkpkj ls lacaf/kr f'kdk;rsa
fuxjkuh ,si ;kstukvksa ls lacaf/kr viuh f'kdk;rsa ntZ dj ldrs gSa vkSj bl ,si dk
v‚uykbu ntZ djus esa enn djrk gSA mís'; vnkyr ds le{k is'k djus ds
Beach Goa/ xksok To benefit tourists and the fy, QqyçwQ lcwr lqfuf'pr djuk Hkh
Vigil App/ institutions working in the beach gSA
chp fofty tourism sector in a holistic Lucky Bill Kerala/ dsjy Aims to curb GST evasion/
,si management of beaches./ leqæ App/ ydh th,lVh pksjh ij vad'q k yxkuk
rVksa ds lexz çca/ku esa i;ZVdksa vkSj fcy ,si
leqæ rV i;ZVu {ks= esa dke djus okys CM Da Manipur/ To gather complaints and
laLFkkuksa dks ykHk igqapkus ds fy, gSA Haisi lh,e ef.kiqj concerns from the general
AAYU Karnataka/ To address and help heal chronic nk gSlh public/ vke turk ls f'kdk;rsa vkSj
App/ vk;q dukZVd diseases and lifestyle disorders fpark,¡ ,d= djuk
,si through yoga/;ksx ds ek/;e ls Amar Tripura/ f=iqjk To ensure all central and state-
iqjkuh chekfj;ksa vkSj thou'kSyh laca/kh sarkar sponsored schemes reach every
fodkjksa dks Bhd djus esa enn djsxkA Portal/ doorstep/;g lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,
Sambhav Uttar Pradesh/ Systemic Administration vej ljdkj fd lHkh dsaæh; vkSj jkT; çk;ksftr
Portal/ mÙkj çns'k Mechanism for Bringing iksVZy ;kstuk,a gj njokts rd igqaps
laHko iksVZy Happiness and Value (Sambhav) 'MANI' RBI/ vkjchvkbZ To help visually challenged to
portal for disposal of public app/ MANI identify the denomination of
grievances and monitoring ,si notes in the year 2020. /o"kZ 2020
programmes./ flLVfed esa –f"Vckf/krksa dks uksVksa ds ewY; dh
,MfefuLVªs'ku eSdfs uTe Q‚j fczafxax igpku djus esa enn ds fy, (ACIO G-II
gSIihusl ,aM oSY;w ¼laHko½ iksVZy Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-3)

lkoZtfud f'kdk;rksa ds fuiVku vkSj Udyami SIDBI/ flMch To improve accessibility of

fuxjkuh dk;ZØeksa ds fy,A Mitra credit and handholding services
@m|eh fe= to MSMEs/,e,l,ebZ dks ØsfMV vkSj
14400 Andhra People can register corruption- (Const. Male
App/14400 Pradesh/ vka/kz related complaints against the and Female in gSaMgksfYMax lsokvksa dh igqap esa lq/kkj ds
Delhi Police fy,
,si çns'k officials in the state and This app 2023
also aims to ensure fool-proof 16.11.2023
India came together to ensure high (RRB NTPC 04.01.2021)

Important schemes asked in quality education to all school → Hariyali watershed development
previous years going children in these States. and management program is being
fiNys o"kksZa dh ijh{kkvksa esa iwNs x, SATH-E ifj;kstuk f'k{kk ls tqM+h gSA implemented by central and state
egRoiw.kZ ;kstukvksa ds ç'u >kj[kaM] eè; çns'k vkSj vksfM'kk dh jkT; government.
→ SAMAGRA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN is ljdkjsa vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj bu jkT;ksa esa gfj;kyh okVj'ksM fodkl vkSj çca/ku
a Scheme for School Education Ldwy tkus okys lHkh cPpksa ds fy, mPp dk;ZØe dsæa vkSj jkT; ljdkj }kjk
which extends from pre-nursery to xq.koÙkk okyh f'k{kk lqfuf'pr djus ds dk;kZfUor fd;k tk jgk gS
(RRB NTPC 07.01.2021)
class XII started on May 2018. fy, ,d lkFk vkb±A
lexz f'k{kk vfHk;ku Ldwy f'k{kk ds fy, (RRBNTPC 30.12.2020)
,d ;kstuk gS tks çh&ulZjh ls ckjgoha → SATH stand for sustainable action launched in March 4, 2016, to free
d{kk rd lapkfyr dh tkrh gS ftls ebZ for Transforming Human. all national highways from railway
2018 esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA SATH dk;ZØe dk eryc lLVsuscy level crossing.
(RRB NTPC 29.12.2020, 13.01.2021) ,D'ku Q‚j VªkalQ‚feax
Z áweu gSaA lsrq Hkkjre dk;ZØe lHkh jk"Vªh; jktekxksZa
→ Operation green is a government (RRB NTPC 08.04.2021) dks jsyos Ø‚flax ls eqä djus ds fy,
scheme for supplying stabilization → NITI Aayog started the Women 2016 esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA
of TOP Crop (Tomato, Onion, and Transforming India Awards in
Potato). 2016. (RRB NTPC 07.01.2021,23.01.2021)
v‚ijs'ku xzhu TOP Qly ¼VekVj] I;kt oqesu VªkalQ‚feax
Z bafM;k vokMZ uhfr → BHARATMALA Pariyojana is
vkSj vkyw½ ds fLFkjhdj.k dh vkiwfrZ ds vk;ksx }kjk 2016 esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA associated with highways.
fy, ,d ljdkjh ;kstuk gSA (RRB NTPC 04.01.2021) Hkkjrekyk ifj;kstuk jktekxksZa ls tqM+h gSA
(RRB NTPC 30.12.2020) → Pradhan Mantri Swasthya (RRB NTPC 07.01.2021)
→ SATH-E project is associated with Suraksha Yojana launched in 2003 → The National Urban Health Mission
education. The State Governments ç/kku ea=h LokLF; lqj{kk ;kstuk 2003 esa approved by the Government of
of Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and 'kq: dh xbZA India in 2013.
Odisha and the Government of

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
jk"Vªh; 'kgjh LokLF; fe'ku dks 2013 esa (RRB NTPC 19.01.2020)
Lok/kkj x`g ;kstuk ¼2015½ ds rgr
Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk eatjw h nh xbZA → SAKSHAT portal is cater to the
dfBu ifjfLFkfr;ksa dh f'kdkj efgykvksa
(SSC CGL 20.07.2023 Shift-1) need of student, starting from
dks laLFkkxr lgk;rk çnku djus dk
The National Urban Livelihood elementary student to research
y{; j[kk x;k gSA
Mission (NULM) aims to provide scholar, teacher and lifelong (RRB NTPC 22.01.2021)
permanent housing along with learner. → Public school education for all is
essential services to the urban l{kr iksVZy] çkjafHkd Nk= ls ysdj part of growth are under the
homeless in a phased manner vuqla/kku fo}ku] f'k{kd vkSj vkthou Digital India program.
under the Shelter for Urban f'k{kkFkhZ rd Nk= dh vko';drk dks iwjk fMftVy bafM;k dk;ZØe ds rgr lHkh ds
Homeless (SUH) scheme. djrk gSA fy, ifCyd Ldwy f'k{kk fodkl dk fgLlk
jk"Vªh; 'kgjh vkthfodk fe'ku (RRB NTPC 20.01.2021)
¼,u;w,y,e½ dk mís'; 'kgjh cs?kjksa ds → The National Disability Pension
fy, vkJ; ¼,l;w,p½ ;kstuk ds rgr Program and the Indira Gandhi (RRB NTPC 22.01.2021)
pj.kc) rjhds ls 'kgjh cs?kjksa dks National Widow Pension Scheme → The National Mission for
vko';d lsokvksa ds lkFk&lkFk LFkk;h Annapurna Yojana is related to the Manuscripts was established in
vkokl çnku djuk gSA (Const. Male and national social assistance program. February 2003, by the Union
Female in Delhi Police 2023 29.11.2023 Shift-3) jk"Vªh; fodykaxrk isa'ku dk;ZØe] bafnjk Ministry of Tourism and Culture,
→ GANGA GRAM PROJECT was xka/kh jk"Vªh; fo/kok is'a ku ;kstuk vkSj Government of India.
launched by ministry of drinking vUuiw.kkZ ;kstuk] jk"Vªh; lkekftd jk"Vªh; ikaMqfyfi fe'ku dh LFkkiuk Qjojh
water and sanitation. lgk;rk dk;ZØe ls lacaf/kr gSA 2003 esa dsaæh; i;ZVu vkSj laL—fr
xaxk xzke ifj;kstuk is;ty vkSj LoPNrk (RRB NTPC 20.01.2021)
ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk dh xbZ FkhA
ea=ky; }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA  Annapurna Scheme: Launched by
(RRB NTPC 13.01.2021) the Government of India in the (RRB NTPC 22.01.2019)
→ UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAN is aim year 2000 for providing food → Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was
to enable higher educational security. launched in 2001-2002, it aims to
institutions to work with the vUuiw.kkZ ;kstuk : Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk provide useful and relevant
people of rural India in identifying [kk| lqj{kk çnku djus ds fy, o"kZ 2000 elementary education for all
development challenges and esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA (Const. Male and Female children in age of 6-14. The Motto
evolving appropriate solutions for in Delhi Police 2023 16.11.2023 Shift-3)
of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is
accelerating sustainable growth. → National TB Program is Directly
Education for all.
mUur Hkkjr vfHk;ku dk mís'; mPp Observed Short Course (DOTS) loZ f'k{kk vfHk;ku 2001&2002 esa 'kq:
f'k{k.k laLFkkuksa dks fodkl pqukSfr;ksa dh was launched in year 1993. fd;k x;k Fkk] bldk mís'; 6&14 o"kZ dh
igpku djus vkSj lrr fodkl esa rsth us'kuy Vhch çksxzke ds rgr Mk;jsDVyh vk;q ds lHkh cPpksa ds fy, mi;ksxh vkSj
ykus ds fy, mfpr lek/kku fodflr v‚CtoZM 'k‚VZ dkslZ ¼MhvksVh,l½ o"kZ çklafxd çkjafHkd f'k{kk çnku djuk gSA
djus esa xzkeh.k Hkkjr ds yksxksa ds lkFk 1993 esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA loZ f'k{kk vfHk;ku ¼,l,l,½ dk vkn'kZ
dke djus esa l{ke cukuk gSA (SSC CGL 06.06.2019)
okD; lHkh ds fy, f'k{kk gSA (Const. Male
(RRB NTPC 16.01.2021) (RRB NTPC 20.01.2021)
and Female in Delhi Police 2023 28.11.2023
→ NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH → Mid-Day meal scheme comes Shift-1)(RRB NTPC 07.03.2021, 05.04.2021)
MISSION was launched by prime under the purview of the Ministry → Nai manzil scheme launched by the
minister 12TH April 2005, aim to of education (Ministry of Human government of India is related to
provide accessible, accountable, Resource Development). Skill training for minority Youth.
effective and reliable primary feM&Ms ehy ;kstuk f'k{kk ea=ky; ¼ekuo Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ ubZ eafty
health care lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;½ ds nk;js esa vkrh ;kstuk vYila[;d ;qokvksa ds fy, dkS'ky
jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k LokLF; fe'ku ç/kku ea=h gSA çf'k{k.k ls lacaf/kr gSA
(SSC CGL 06.06.2019) (RRB NTPC 25.01.2021)
}kjk 12 vçSy 2005 dks y‚Up fd;k (RRB NTPC 21.01.2021)
→ National mission for sustaining the
x;k Fkk] ftldk mís'; lqyHk] tokcnsg] → Mission IndraDhanush is related
Himalayan ecosystem was
çHkkoh vkSj fo'oluh; çkFkfed LokLF; with child vaccination, it was
launched in June 2010 under
ns[kHkky çnku djuk gSA launched in 2014 to full
national action plan for climate
(RRB NTPC 07.01.2021, 16.01.2021, 19.01.2021) immunization coverage for
→ IGNOAPS: Indira Gandhi National change (NAPCC).
Old Pension Scheme, under which tyok;q ifjorZu ds fy, jk"Vªh; dk;Z
fe'ku baæ/kuq"k cky Vhdkdj.k ls lacaf/kr
pensions are provided to all people ;kstuk (NAPCC½ ds rgr twu 2010 esa
gS] bls 2014 esa cPpksa ds fy, iw.kZ fgeky;h ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= dks cuk, j[kus
aged 60 years or older belonging to
Vhdkdj.k dojst ds fy, y‚Up fd;k ds fy, jk"Vªh; fe'ku 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA
households below the poverty line. x;k FkkA (RRB NTPC 25.01.2021)
bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; iqjkuh isa'ku (RRB NTPC 22.01.2021, 10.02.2021) → Mahatma Gandhi national Rural
¼IGNOAPS½ ;kstuk ftlds rgr xjhch → The Swadhar Greh Scheme employment guarantee (MNREGA)
js[kk ls uhps ds ifjokj ds 60 o"kZ ;k (2015) is target to provide scheme was launched in 2005,
mlls vf/kd vk;q ds lHkh yksxksa dks isa'ku institutional support to women guarantee 100 days of wage
çnku dh tkrh gSA victim of difficult circumstances.

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
employment in a year. The ensures harvest the crops and to transport via emails outbound dialing and
the ‘right to work’. the produce also promote organic SMS.
egkRek xka/kh jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj farming. bZ&laidZ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk Hkkjr Hkj esa
xkjaVh ;kstuk (MNREGA) 2005 esa ijEijkxr —f"k fodkl ;kstuk 2015 esa ukxfjdksa ls bysDVª‚fud :i ls bZesy
'kq: dh xbZ Fkh] ;g ;kstuk ,d o"kZ esa 'kq: dh xbZ Fkh] bl ;kstuk ds rgr vkmVckmaM Mk;fyax vkSj ,l,e,l ds
etnwjh ds fy, 100 fnuksa ds jkstxkj dh çR;sd fdlku dks rhu lky rd ds cht ek/;e ls laidZ djus ds fy, mi;ksx
xkjaVh nsrh gSA;g ;kstuk dke djus dk ds [kpZ esa 20]000 #i;s çfr ,dM+ çnku fd;k tkus okyk ra= gSA
fd;k tk,xk] ftldk mís'; Qlyksa dh . (RRB NTPC 02.03.2021)
vf/kdkj lqfuf'pr djrh gSA (Const. Male
and Female in Delhi Police 2023 03.12.2023 dVkbZ] mit dk ifjogu djuk rFkk → The DISHA (District development
Shift-3)(RRB NTPC 27.01.2021, 07.03.2021) (SSC
tSfod [ksrh dks c<+kok nsuk gSA coordination and Monitoring
CHSL 02.08.2023 Shift-2) (SSC CHSL 14.08.2023
(RRB NTPC 02.02.2021, 05.04.2021) Committee) scheme aim at setting
→ The Integrated Child Protection → The Ganga action Plan was up disha center for early
Scheme (ICPS) is a centrally launched in 1986. Its main aim was intervention for person with
sponsored scheme aimed at to reduction of pollution in Ganga disabilities in 01-10 year of age.
building a protective environment river. fn'kk ¼ftyk fodkl leUo; vkSj fuxjkuh
for children in difficult xaxk dk;Z ;kstuk 1986 esa 'kq: dh xbZ lfefr½ ;kstuk dk mís'; 01&10 o"kZ dh
circumstances, as well as other Fkh bldk eq[; mís'; xaxk unh esa çnw"k.k vk;q ds fodykax O;fä;ksa ds fy, çkjafHkd
vulnerable children, through dks de djuk FkkA gLr{ksi ds fy, fn'kk dsæa LFkkfir djuk
Government-Civil Society (RRB NTPC 03.02.2021) gSA
→ Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (RRB NTPC 04.03.2021)
Partnership. It was launched in
was launched in 1999. → National Policy on Electronics
tokgj xzke le`f) ;kstuk 1999 esa 'kq: 2019 aims to create a Sovereign
,dh—r cky laj{k.k ;kstuk ¼vkbZlhih,l½
dh xbZ FkhA Patent Fund (SPF) to promote the
,d dsaæ çk;ksftr ;kstuk gS ftldk
mís'; ljdkj&flfoy lkslk;Vh lk>snkjh (RRB NTPC 04.02.2021) development and acquisition of IPs
→ Swajaldhara Yojana was started in (Intellectual Property) in ESDM
ds ek/;e ls dfBu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa cPpksa
2002, for ensuring drinking water sector.
ds lkFk&lkFk vU; detksj cPpksa ds fy,
supply to all villages. bysDVª‚fuDl ij jk"Vªh; uhfr 2019 dk
,d lqj{kkRed okrkoj.k cukuk gSA bls
2009&10 esa y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA Loty/kkjk ;kstuk 2002 esa lHkh xkaoksa mís'; bZ,lMh,e {ks= esa vkbZih ¼ckSf)d
(RRB NTPC 30 .01.2021) esa is;ty vkiwfrZ lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, laink½ ds fodkl vkSj vf/kxzg.k dks
→ PAHAL ('Pratyaksha Hastaantarit 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA c<+kok nsus ds fy, ,d l‚ojsu isVsaV QaM
Laabh) scheme is related with (RRB NTPC 05.02.2021) ¼,lih,Q½ cukuk gSA
direct transfer of LPG subsidy. It is → ASHA stand for ‘Accredited Social (RRB NTPC 05.03.2021)

health activist’, is a Community → National Social assistance program

launched by Ministry of Petroleum
Health worker, was appointed in came into effect on 15 August
and Natural Gas in 2013.
igy ¼*çR;{k gLrkUrfjr ykHk½ ;kstuk 2005 by Ministry of Health and 1995. It is a welfare programme
,yihth lfClMh ds lh/ks gLrkarj.k ls Welfare as part of National Rural being administered by the Ministry
lacaf/kr gS bls 2013 esa isVªksfy;e vkSj health mission. of Rural Development.
çk—frd xSl ea=ky; }kjk y‚Up fd;k vk'kk dk vFkZ 'ekU;rk çkIr lkekftd jk"Vªh; lkekftd lgk;rk dk;ZØe 15
x;k gSA LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ' gS] ,d lkeqnkf;d vxLr 1995 dks çHkkoh gqvkA xzkeh.k
LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ gS] ftls 2005 esa jk"Vªh; fodkl ea=ky; }kjk lapkfyr ,d dY;k.k
(RRB NTPC 30. 01.2021) (SSC MTS 12.05.2023 xzkeh.k LokLF; fe'ku ds fgLls ds :i esa dk;ZØe gSA
SHIFT-1) (SSC MTS 17.05.2023 SHIFT-1)
LokLF; vkSj dY;k.k ea=ky; }kjk fu;qä (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
→ National program of nutrition 23.11.2023 Shift-1)(RRB NTPC 07.03.2021,
fd;k x;k FkkA
support to primary education 19.03.2021)
(RRB NTPC 22.02.2021)
started in 15 august 1995. → The objective of SAGARMALA
→ In 2008, the government of India
çkFkfed f'k{kk ds fy, iks"k.k lgk;rk dk Project is to reduce logistics cost
launched the (Innovation in
for domestic cargo an EXIM cargo.
jk"Vªh; dk;ZØe 15 vxLr 1995 esa 'kq: Science Pursuit for Inspired
It is infrastructure development
dhs xbZ FkhA Research) INSPIRE Program relate
(RRB NTPC 01.02.2021)
project with aim of promoting ‘pro-
to the promotion of science and
→ National Family Benefit Scheme led development’ in India.
was started in August 1995. lkxjekyk ifj;kstuk dk mís'; ?kjsyw
2008 es]a Hkkjr ljdkj us foKku vkSj
jk"Vªh; ikfjokfjd ykHk ;kstuk vxLr dkxksZ vkSj ,fDte dkxksZ ds fy, jln
çkS|ksfxdh dks c<+kok nsus ls lacafèkr ¼çsfjr
1995 esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA ykxr dks de djuk gSA ;g Hkkjr esa
vuqlaèkku ds fy, foKku [kkst esa uokpkj½
(SSC MTS 15.05.2023 SHIFT-1)
INSPIRE dk;ZØe 'kq: fd;kA
'leFkZd usr`Ro okys fodkl' dks c<+kok nsus
→ Parmparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana ds mís'; ls cqfu;knh <kapk fodkl
(RRB NTPC 22.02.2021)
was launched in 2015, every ifj;kstuk gSA
→ E-Sampark is mechanism used by
farmer under this scheme will be (SSC CPO 11.12.2019) (RRB NTPC 09.03.2021)
the government of India to contact
provided Rs 20, 000 per acre in
citizen across India electronically
three years of seed, aimed to

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→ Clean India Mission was launched (Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha lfdZV] vk/;kfRed lfdZV] xzkeh.k lfdZV]
on 02 October 2014 by ministry of Abhiyan) scheme was launched jkek;.k lfdZV] fojklr lfdZV] oU;tho
Drinking water and sanitation. in March 2009. lfdZV] rhFkad
Z j lfdZV] lwQh lfdZVA
LoPN Hkkjr fe'ku 02 vDVwcj 2014 dks  lwpuk vkSj lapkj çkS|ksfxdh ¼vkbZlhVh½ (SSC CPO 12.03.2019)
→ In Swadesh Darshan 2.0 scheme
is;ty vkSj LoPNrk ea=ky; }kjk 'kq: 2004 esa y‚Up dh xbZ Fkh] ftls vc
the aim to increase private sector
fd;k x;k FkkA vkj,e,l, ¼jk"Vªh; ek/;fed f'k{kk
investment in tourism and
(RRB NTPC 13.03.2021) vfHk;ku½ ;kstuk ds rgr ,dh—r fd;k
→ Sakhi Center or One Stop Centre hostility.
x;k gS] ftls ekpZ 2009 esa y‚Up fd;k
is a fully sponsored scheme of Lons'k n'kZu 2-0 ;kstuk esa i;ZVu vkSj
x;k FkkA
central government under the (RRB NTPC 09.01.2021)
vkfrF; esa futh {ks= ds fuos'k dks c<+kus
ministry of women and Child → Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra dk y{; gSA
(SSC CHSL 09.08.2023 Shift-2)
development for addressing the Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY): The
→ Project Mausam: This initiative is
problem of violence against Ministry of Mines launched
launched in June 2014 by the
women. It was launched on 1st PMKKKY Scheme in 2015 for the
Ministry of Culture to be
April 2015. welfare of areas and people
implemented by the Archeological
l[kh lsaVj ;k ou LV‚i lsaVj ;kstuk affected by mining-related
Survey of India.
efgykvksa ds f[kykQ fgalk dh leL;k ds operations, using the funds
çkstDs V ekSle% laL—fr ea=ky; }kjk twu
lek/kku ds fy, efgyk ,oa cky fodkl generated by District Mineral
2014 esa 'kq: dh xbZ bl igy dks
ea=ky; ds rgr dsaæ ljdkj dh ,d iw.kZ Foundations (DMFs).
Hkkjrh; iqjkrRo los{Z k.k }kjk dk;kZfUor
çk;ksftr ;kstuk gSA bls 1 vçSy 2015 ç/kkuea=h [kfut {ks= dY;k.k ;kstuk
fd;k xk;kA
dks y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA (ACIO G-II Exec. ¼ih,edsdd s os kbZ½% [kku ea=ky; us 2015 (SSC CHSL 03.07.2019)
20.02.2021 Shift-2)
(SSC CPO 13.03.2019) (RRB NTPC 21.03.2021)
esa ftyk [kfut QkmaMs'ku ¼Mh,e,Q½ }kjk → Members of Parliament Local
→ Indian Social conference launched mRiUu /ku dk mi;ksx djds [kuu ls Area Development Scheme
the pledge movement. its motive lacaf/kr dk;ksZa ls çHkkfor {ks=ksa vkSj yksxksa (MPLADS): The Local Area
was to prohibit child marriage. ds dY;k.k ds fy, ih,edsdsdsokbZ ;kstuk Development Scheme known as
Hkkjrh; lkekftd lEesyu us çfrKk 'kq: dhA MPLADS is a government scheme
(SSC CPO 12.03.2019) launched on 23rd December 1993.
vkanksyu 'kq: fd;k ftldk edln cky
→ Swadesh Darshan Scheme: laln lnL; LFkkuh; {ks= fodkl ;kstuk
fookg ij jksd yxkuk FkkA
(RRB NTPC 03.02.2021
This scheme is launched in 2014- (MPLADS) ds :i esa tkuh tkus okyh
→ Vidyanjali is an initiative led by 15 by the Ministry of Tourism,
LFkkuh; {ks= fodkl ;kstuk 23 fnlacj
Ministry of Education (Shiksha Government of India for the
Mantralay) to provide non- integrated development of theme- 1993 dks 'kq: dh xbZ ,d ljdkjh
educational practices (through based tourist circuits. The scheme ;kstuk gSA
(SSC CHSL 08.07.2019)
volunteers) to the students. aims to promote, international and (RRB NTPC 10.01.2021).
fo|katfy Nk=ksa dks xSj&'kSf{kd vH;kl domestic tourism across India. This scheme was started by late
¼Lo;alsodksa ds ek/;e ls½ çnku djus ds Lons'k n'kZu ;kstuk% ;g ;kstuk 2014-15 Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha
fy, f'k{kk ea=ky; ¼f'k{kk ea=ky;½ ds esa i;ZVu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk Rao. The scheme is now
usr`Ro esa ,d igy gSA fo"k;&vk/kkfjr i;ZVd lfdZV ds ,dh—r administered by the Ministry of
(RRB NTPC 08.04.2021) fodkl ds fy, 'kq: dh xbZ gSA bl Statistics and Implementation but
→ The Ministry of Tribal affairs ;kstuk dk mís'; iwjs Hkkjr esa varjjk"Vªh; was earlier administered by the
launched the Sharma Shakti Portal vkSj ?kjsyw i;ZVu dks c<+kok nsuk gSA Ministry of Rural Development.
to collect data related to tribal Under this scheme government 15 bl ;kstuk dh 'kq#vkr fnoaxr ç/kkuea=h
migrant worker. circuits identified for development ih-oh- ujflEgk jko- }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ Fkh
tutkrh; ekeyksa ds ea=ky; us vkfnoklh namely, which as follows-
çoklh Jfed ls lacaf/kr MsVk ,d= djus , ;g ;kstuk vc lkaf[;dh vkSj
bl ;kstuk ds rgr ljdkj us fodkl ds
ds fy, Je 'kfä iksVZy y‚Up fd;kA dk;kZUo;u ea=ky; }kjk ç'kkflr gS]
fy, 15 lfdZV dh igpku dh gS] tks bl
(RRB NTPC 26.07.2021) ysfdu igys bls xzkeh.k fodkl ea=ky;
çdkj gS&
→ Clean development mechanism }kjk ç'kkflr fd;k x;k FkkA (Const. Male
North East India Circuit, Buddhist and Female in Delhi Police 2023 01.12.2023
program is used to reduced
Circuit, Himalaya Circuit, Coastal Shift-3)
greenhouse has emission. → Pravasi Teerth Darshan Scheme:
Circuit, Krishna Circuit, Desert
LoPN fodkl ra= dk;ZØe dk mi;ksx This scheme is started by Prime
Circuit, Tribal Circuit, Eco Circuit,
xzhugkml xSl mRltZu dks de djus ds Minister Narendra Modi on 22
Spiritual Circuit, Rural Circuit,
fy, fd;k tkrk gSA January 2019. This scheme will
(RRB NTPC 26.07.2021)
Ramayana Circuit, Heritage Circuit,
Wildlife Circuit, Tirthankar Circuit, sponsor a Non Residential Indian
→ Information and
Sufi Circuit. (NRI) Religions Tour in India.
communication technology
mÙkj iwoZ Hkkjr lfdZV] ckS) lfdZV] Under this Scheme accords first
(ICT) launched in 2004, now
fgeky; lfdZV] rVh; lfdZV] —".kk preference to people from
integrated under RMSA
lfdZV] MstVZ lfdZV] Vªkbcy lfdZV] bdks Girmitiya countries such as

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana, VkjxsV vksyfa id iksfM;e Ldhe ¼TOPS½ vkthfodk fe'ku ds Lo;a lgk;rk lewgksa
Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. dks 2014 esa ;qok ekeys vkSj [ksy dh LFkkuh; dyk vkSj dkjhxjksa ds leFkZu
çoklh rhFkZ n'kZu ;kstuk% ;g ;kstuk 22 ea=ky; }kjk rS;kj fd;k x;k FkkA bl ds fy, Jhuxj varjkZ"Vªh; gokbZ vìs ij
tuojh 2019 dks ç/kku ea=h ujsæa eksnh ;kstuk dk mís'; ,FkyhVksa dks vksyfa id mEehn cktkj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA
(SSC MTS 05.09.2023 SHIFT-3)
}kjk 'kq: dh xbZ gSA ;g ;kstuk Hkkjr esa vkSj vU; varjjk"Vªh; [ksy vk;kstuksa esa
→ Pradhan Mantri Krishi
,d xSj vkoklh; Hkkjrh; ¼,uvkjvkbZ½ ind gkfly djus ds fy, foÙkh;
Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) was
/keZ ;k=k dks çk;ksftr djsxhA bl ;kstuk lgk;rk vkSj vU; lgk;rk çnku djuk
launched by the Ministry of
ds rgr e‚jh'kl] fQth] lwjhuke] xq;kuk] gSA
(SSC CGL 24.08.2021)
Agriculture Cooperation & Farmer
f=funkn vkSj VkscSxks vkSj teSdk tSls Welfare in January 2006. The
→ National Mission for Clean Ganga
fxjfefV;k ns'kksa ds yksxksa dks igyh major objective of PMKSY is ‘Per
(NMCG) is implemented by the
çkFkfedrk nh tkrh gSA Drop More crop’.
(SSC CPO 14.03.2019)
National Council for Rejuvenation,
Protection and Management of ç/kkuea=h —f"k flapkbZ ;kstuk
→ The Central Rural Sanitation
Programme was started in 1986. River Ganga also known as the ¼ih,eds,lokbZ½ dks tuojh 2006 esa —
It was one of India’s first efforts for National Ganga Council. This f"k lg;ksx vkSj fdlku dY;k.k ea=ky;
providing safe sanitation in rural mission was established in 12th }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA ih,eds,lokbZ
areas. August 2011 under the Societies dk çeq[k mís'; ^çfr cwna vf/kd Qly*
dsaæh; xzkeh.k LoPNrk dk;ZØe 1986 esa Registration Act, 1860 as a gSA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
registered society. 28.11.2023 Shift-3) (SSC CHSL 06.08.2021)
'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA ;g xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa
LoPN xaxk ds fy, jk"Vªh; fe'ku → Nikshay Poshan Yojana is a
lqjf{kr LoPNrk çnku djus ds fy, Hkkjr
¼NMCG½ dks xaxk unh ds dk;kdYi] government scheme in India that
ds igys ç;klksa esa ls ,d FkkA
(SSC MTS 09.08.2019) laj{k.k vkSj çca/ku ds fy, jk"Vªh; ifj"kn was announced by Prime Minister
→ Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas }kjk dk;kZfUor fd;k tkrk gS ftls jk"Vªh; Narendra Modi in April of 2018
Yojana (PMKVY) is the flagship xaxk ifj"kn ds :i esa Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA with the aim of helping
scheme of the Ministry of Skill tuberculosis patients. Under this
;g fe'ku 12 vxLr 2011 dks
Development & Entrepreneurship scheme government provide 500
lkslk;Vh iathdj.k vf/kfu;e] 1860 ds rupees per month for tuberculosis
(MSDE) implemented by National
rgr ,d iath—r lkslk;Vh ds :i esa patients to buy food.
Skill Development Corporation.
LFkkfir fd;k x;k FkkA fu{k; iks"k.k ;kstuk Hkkjr esa ,d ljdkjh
This scheme was launched in 2015. (SSC CHSL 15.04.2021)
ç/kkuea=h dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk ;kstuk gS ftldh ?kks"k.kk ç/kkuea=h ujsaæ
→ Namami Gange Programme is an
¼ih,edsohokbZ½ jk"Vªh; dkS'ky fodkl Integrated Conservation eksnh us vçSy 2018 esa risfnd jksfx;ksa
fuxe }kjk dk;kZfUor dkS'ky fodkl vkSj Mission, approved as a ‘Flagship dh enn djus ds mís'; ls dh FkhA bl
m|ferk ea=ky; ¼,e,lMhbZ½ dh çeq[k Programme’ by the Union ;kstuk ds rgr ljdkj risfnd jksfx;ksa
;kstuk gSA ;g ;kstuk 2015 esa 'kq: dh Government in June 2014 to dks Hkkstu [kjhnus ds fy, 500 #i;s
xbZ FkhA accomplish the twin objectives of çfr ekg çnku djrh gSA
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 (SSC CHSL 10.08.2021)
effective abatement of pollution
29.11.2023 Shift-2) → Mission Antyodaya is a mission
(SSC CGL 24.08.2021) (SSC MTS 15.05.2023 and conservation and rejuvenation
SHIFT-3) (SSC CHSL 02.08.2023 Shift-1) (SSC CGL mode project envisaged by the
of National River Ganga.
24.07.2023 SHIFT-1)
uekfe xaxs dk;ZØe ,d ,dh—r laj{k.k Ministry of Rural Development.
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas This mission is convergence and
Yojana. This scheme launched in fe'ku gS] ftls twu 2014 esa dsæa ljdkj
accountability framework aiming
600 districts across all states of }kjk 'çeq[k dk;ZØe' ds :i esa vuqeksfnr to bring optimum use and
India is related to this phase. fd;k x;k Fkk rkfd çnw"k.k ds çHkkoh management of resources. It was
15 tuojh 2021 dks Hkkjr ljdkj us mUewyu vkSj jk"Vªh; unh xaxk ds laj{k.k adopted in the union budget 2017-
ç/kkuea=h dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk dk vkSj dk;kdYi ds nksgjs mís';ksa dks iwjk 18.
rhljk pj.k y‚Up fd;kA Hkkjr ds lHkh fd;k tk ldsA fe'ku vaR;ksn; xzkeh.k fodkl ea=ky;
jkT;ksa ds 600 ftyksa esa 'kq: dh xbZ ;g (SSC MTS 11.10.2021)
}kjk ifjdfYir ,d fe'ku eksM ifj;kstuk
;kstuk bl pj.k ls lacaf/kr gSA → AVSAR Scheme of Airports
gSA ;g fe'ku vfHklj.k vkSj tokcnsgh
Authority of India; Lieutenant
<kapk gS ftldk y{; lalk/kuksa dk b"Vre
(ACIO Grade II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -3) Governor inaugurated Umeed
→ Target Olympic Podium Scheme mi;ksx vkSj çca/ku djuk gSA bls dsaæh;
Bazaar at Srinagar International
(TOPS) was formulated by the ctV 2017&18 esa viuk;k x;k FkkA
Airport to support local art and
Ministry of Youth Affairs and artisans of Self Help Groups of (SSC MTS 02.11.2021)
Sports in 2014. The objective of the Jammu and Kashmir Rural → Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana or
scheme is to provide financial Livelihood Mission. DAY is one of the Government of
assistance and other help to Hkkjrh; foekuiÙku çkf/kdj.k dh India scheme for helping the poor
athletes in their pursuit of medals (AVSAR) ;kstuk; ds varxZr by providing skill training, Rs.
in the Olympics and other mijkT;iky us tEew&d'ehj xzkeh.k 15,000 expenditure is permissible
international sporting events.

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per person on training of the urban objective of this scheme to make 1. To integrate rehabilitation
poor. The Scheme launched by our cities/town and municipal concerns into development
Ministry of Rural Development in areas beggar-free. planning and implementation
June 2011. vxLr 2022 esa lkekftd U;k; vkSj process.
nhu n;ky vaR;ksn; ;kstuk ;k Mh,okbZ vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; }kjk "Lekby&75 iquokZl laca/kh fparkvksa dks fodkl ;kstuk
dkS'ky çf'k{k.k çnku djds xjhcksa dh igy" 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA bl ;kstuk dk vkSj dk;kZUo;u çfØ;k esa ,dh—r djukA
enn djus ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj dh ,d mís'; gekjs 'kgjksa/dLcs vkSj uxjikfydk 2. To minimize displacement and to
;kstuk gS] ;kstuk ds vUrxZr 'kgjh xjhcksa {ks=ksa dks fHk[kkjh eqä cukuk gSA promote, as far as possible, non-
ds çf'k{k.k ij çfr O;fä : 15]000 O;; (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 02.12.2022 Shift-4) displacing or least displacing
vuqeU; gSA ;g ;kstuk twu 2011 esa → DACE Scheme (Dr. Ambedkar alternatives.
xzkeh.k fodkl ea=ky; }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ Centres of Excellence) was foLFkkiu dks U;wure djuk vkSj tgka rd
gSA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 started by under the Ministry of laHko gks] xSj&foLFkkfir ;k de ls de
17.11.2023 Shift-1) Social Justice and Empowerment in foLFkkfir fodYiksa dks c<+kok nsukA
(SSC STENO. 17.11.2022 shift-2) April 2022. It was also started in
→ Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) is 3. To provide a better standard of
31 Central Universities across the living, making concerted effort for
one of the biggest initiatives country. It aims to provide high-
undertaken by the Government of providing sustainable income to
quality free coaching facilities to the affected families.
India. It is a public distribution the Scheduled Caste students for
system scheme that was
csgrj thou Lrj çnku djuk] çHkkfor
the UPSC Civil Services ifjokjksa dks LFkk;h vk; çnku djus ds
implemented in India in 2000. The examinations.
main purpose of the system is to
fy, Bksl ç;kl djukA
M‚- vEcsMdj mR—"Vrk dsaæ ¼DACE½
provide food security to the people ;kstuk vçSy 2022 esa lkekftd U;k; vkSj (SSC CHSL 03.08.2023 Shift-2)
India in the minimum price. It was vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ds rgr 'kq: fd;k → The twenty Point Programme
implemented first in the Rajasthan x;k FkkA bls ns'k Hkj ds 31 dsaæh; (TPP) is launched in 1975.
State. fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa Hkh 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA chl lw=h dk;ZØe ¼Vhihih½ 1975 esa 'kq:
vaR;ksn; vUu ;kstuk ¼,,okbZ½ Hkkjr bldk mís'; ;wih,llh flfoy lsok fd;k x;k FkkA
ljdkj }kjk dh xbZ lcls cM+h igyksa esa ijh{kkvksa ds fy, vuqlwfpr tkfr ds Nk=ksa (SSC CHSL 03.08.2023 Shift-2)
ls ,d gSA ;g ,d lkoZtfud forj.k dks mPp xq.koÙkk okyh eq¶r dksfpax → NAMASTE scheme is a central
ç.kkyh ;kstuk gS ftls Hkkjr esa o"kZ 2000 lqfo/kk,a çnku djuk gSA sector scheme launched in August
esa ykxw fd;k x;k FkkA bl ç.kkyh dk M‚- vEcsMdj mR—"Vrk dsaæ ¼DACE½ 2022. The scheme is work
eq[; mís'; Hkkjr ds yksxksa dks U;wure ;kstuk vçSy 2022 esa lkekftd U;k; vkSj undertaken jointly by the Ministry
ewY; esa [kk| lqj{kk çnku djuk gSA bls vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ds rgr 'kq: fd;k of Housing and Urban Affairs and
lcls igys jktLFkku jkT; esa ykxw fd;k x;k FkkA bls ns'k Hkj ds 31 dsaæh; the Ministry of Social Justice &
x;k FkkA fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa Hkh 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA Empowerment.
bldk mís'; ;wih,llh flfoy lsok ueLrs ;kstuk vxLr 2022 esa 'kq: dh xbZ
(SSC STENO. 17.11.2022 shift-2) ,d dsaæ çk;ksftr ;kstuk gSA ;g ;kstuk
ijh{kkvksa ds fy, vuqlwfpr tkfr ds Nk=ksa
Under this scheme, wheat is vkokl vkSj 'kgjh ekeyksa ds ea=ky; vkSj
dks mPp xq.koÙkk okyh eq¶r dksfpax
provided at Rs.2 per Kg, Rice for lkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky;
lqfo/kk,a çnku djuk gSA
Rs.3 per Kg. All eligible families (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 03.12.2022 Shift-2) }kjk la;qä :i ls 'kq: dh xbZ gSA
receive 35 kg of food grain every → Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Objectives/mís';%
months. Yojana was launched in 2000. It
bl ;kstuk ds rgr xsgwa 2 #i;s çfr aims of meeting rural needs like (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 06.12.2022 Shift-3)
fdyksxzke] pkoy 3 #i;s çfr fdyksxkz e primary education, health care, 1. Zero fatalities in sanitation work in
çnku fd;k tkrk gSA lHkh ik= ifjokjksa drinking water, housing and rural India.
dks gj eghus 35 fdyks vukt feyrk gSA roads. (SSC MTS 04.05.2023 SHIFT-1) (Const. Hkkjr esa LoPNrk dk;Z esa 'kwU; ekSrAsa
(SSC STENO. 18.11.2022 shift-3), (RRB NTPC
Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 30.11.2023
27.01.2021) 2. All sanitation work performed by
→ The Training of rural youth for ç/kkuea=h xzkeksn; ;kstuk; 2000 esa y‚Up skilled workers.
Self-employment (TRYSEM) fd;k x;k FkkA bldk mís'; çkFkfed lHkh LoPNrk dk;Z dq'ky Jfedksa }kjk
scheme launched by Government f'k{kk] LokLF; ns[kHkky] is;ty] vkokl] fd;k tkrk gSA
of India in 1979 . xzkeh.k lM+dksa tSlh xzkeh.k t:jrksa dks 3. No sanitation workers come in
Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk 1979 esa xzkeh.k ;qokvksa iwjk djuk gSA direct contact with human faecal
dks Lo&jkstxkj ds fy, çf'k{k.k → National Rehabilitation and matter.
¼TRYSEM½ ;kstuk 'kq: dh xbZA Resettlement Policy (2007) of
dksbZ Hkh lQkbZ deZpkjh ekuo ey ds lh/ks
(SSC CPO, 10-11-2022 SHIFT&1) (SSC MTS laidZ esa ugha vkrk gSA
the Government of India
04.09.2023 SHIFT-3) 4. Sanitation workers are
→ SMILE-75 Initiative was launched Objectives-
Hkkjr ljdkj dh jk"Vªh; iquokZl ,oa collectivized into Self-help group
by Ministry of Social Justice & and empowered to run sanitation
empowerment in August 2022. The
iqulZF~ kkiu uhfr ¼2007½ ds mís'; &

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
LoPNrk deZpkfj;ksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewg 31 December 2023, which as 5 Year
esa ,df=r fd;k tkrk gS vkSj LoPNrk follows (SSC CGL Mains 2022, 03.03.2023) Recurring
m|e pykus ds fy, l'kä fd;k tkrk gSA y?kq cpr ;kstuk dks fnlacj 2022 esa Deposit/5 6.5 6.7
5. Strengthened supervisory and foÙk ea=h fueZyk lhrkje.k }kjk la'kksf/kr lky dh vkorhZ
monitoring systems at National, fd;k x;k FkkA ukxfjdksa dks fu;fer :i tek
State and Urban Local Body (ULB) ls cpr djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr djus ds Senior
levels to ensure enforcement and fy, y?kq cpr lk/kuksa dk çca/ku dsaæ Citizen
monitoring of safe sanitation work. ljdkj }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA bl ;kstuk Savings
lqjf{kr LoPNrk dk;Z ds çorZu vkSj dk mís'; turk dks lqjf{kr vkSj vkd"kZd Scheme / 8.2 8.2
fuxjkuh dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, fuos'k fodYi çnku djuk gS vkSj lkFk gh ofj"B ukxfjd
jk"Vªh;] jkT; vkSj 'kgjh LFkkuh; fudk; fodkl ds fy, lalk/ku tqVkuk gSA cpr ;kstuk
¼ULB½ Lrjksa ij i;Zo{s kh vkSj fuxjkuh orZeku esa C;kt nj 01 vDVwcj 2023 (SSC CGL Mains
2022, 03.03.2023)
ç.kkyh dks etcwr djukA
ls c<+kdj 31 fnlacj 2023 dj nh xbZ Monthly
6. Increased awareness among
gS] tks bl çdkj gS Income
sanitation services seekers
(individuals and institutions) to Rates of Rates of 7.4 7.4
seek services from registered and Interest Interest ekfld vk;
skilled sanitation workers. from from [kkrk ;kstuk
LoPNrk lsok pkgus okyksa ¼O;fä;ksa vkSj 01.07.2023 01.10.2023
laLFkkuks½a ds chp iath—r vkSj dq'ky National
Instrument/ to to Savings
LoPNrk Jfedksa ls lsok,a ysus ds fy, lk/ku 30.09.2023 31.12.2023
tkx:drk c<+kukA Certificate /
/ C;kt nj / C;kt nj jk"Vªh; cpr 7.7 7.7
01.07.2023 01.10.2023 ç
→ The Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Yojana ls ls (SSC CGL Mains
was started in Eighth Five Year 31.09.2023 31.12.2023 2022, 03.03.2023)
Plan (1993). Saving Kisan Vikas 7.5 (will 7.5 (will
ç/kkuea=h jkstxkj ;kstuk vkBoha iapo"khZ; Deposit/ cpr 4.0 4.0 Patra/ fdlku mature in mature in
;kstuk (1993) esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA tek fodkl i= 115 115
(SSC CGL 17.07.2023 SHIFT-1) (Const. Male and
1 year Time months)/ months)/
Female in Delhi Police 2023 21.11.2023 Shift-2)
Deposit/1 o"kZ
6.9 6.9 7.5 ¼115 7.5 ¼115
→ Small savings scheme was
revised in December 2022 by dh lkof/k tek eghus esa eghus esa
Finance Minister Nirmala 2 year Time
ifjiDo gks ifjiDo gks
Sitharaman. Small savings Deposit/2
tk,xh½ tk,xh½
7.0 7.0 Sukanya
instruments are managed by the lky dk Vkbe
central government to encourage fMi‚ftV Samriddhi
citizens to save regularly. The 3 year Time Account
8.0 8.0
objective of the scheme is to Deposit/3 Acheme/
7.0 7.0 lqdU;k le`f)
provide safe and attractive lky dh lkof/k
investment options to the public tek
[kkrk Acheme
and at the same time to raise 5 year Time
resources for development. At Deposit/5
7.5 7.5
present, the interest rate has been lky dh lkof/k
increased from 01 October 2023 to tek
Major Schemes of State Government form October northeastern state./
2022- July 2023 ¼TOFI½ dk;ZØe iwoksÙZ kj jkT;
jkT; ljdkj dh çeq[k ;kstuk,¡ vDVwcj 2022&tqykbZ 2023 esa ikjaifjd ou {ks=ksa ds ckgj
State/ jkT; Scheme/;kstuk Objective/ mís'; o`{k dojst dk foLrkj djus
Assam/ vle Tree outside (TOFI) programme was ds fy, vle ljdkj vkSj
forest in India jointly launched by the ;w,l,vkbZMh ¼varjkZ"Vªh;
(TOFI) scheme/ Assam Government and fodkl ds fy, la;qä jkT;
Hkkjr esa ou ds the USAID (United States vesfjdk ,tsl a h½ }kjk la;qä
ckgj o`{k ¼TOFI½ Agency for International :i ls vle esa 'kq: fd;k
;kstuk Development) in Assam x;k FkkA
to expand tree coverage Orunodoi 2.0/ The scheme provides
outside the traditional vks#uksnksbZ 2-0 Financial Assistance of
forest areas in the Rs 1000 per month to
women in first phase but

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in second phase amount Chhattisgarh/ Mahatma Developing village
is increases to 1250 per NÙkhlx<+ Gandhi Rural Gauthans as Rural
month. Industrial Park/ Industrial Parks to
/;g ;kstuk igys pj.k esa egkRek xka/kh xzkeh.k provide employment
efgykvksa dks çfr ekg 1000 vkS|ksfxd ikdZ and means of income to
#i;s dh foÙkh; lgk;rk the rural poor families./
çnku djrh gS ysfdu nwljs xzkeh.k xjhc ifjokjksa dks
pj.k esa jkf'k c<+kdj 1250 jkstxkj vkSj vk; ds lk/ku
çfr ekg dj nh tkrh gSA miyC/k djkus ds fy, xzkeh.k
Ayushman The scheme provides xkSBkuksa dks xzkeh.k vkS|ksfxd
Asom scheme/ cashless medical benefit ikdZ ds :i esa fodflr
vk;q"eku vlkse upto Rs. 5 Lakh per djukA
;kstuk family per year in listed Gramin Awas To help eligible families
hospitals. /;g ;kstuk Nyaya Yojana/ to get grant under PM
lwphc) vLirkyksa esa çfr xzkeh.k vkokl U;k; Awas yojana/ ik= ifjokjksa
ifjokj çfr o"kZ 5 yk[k #i;s ;kstuk dks ih,e vkokl ;kstuk ds
rd dS'kysl fpfdRlk ykHk rgr vuqnku çkIr djus esa
çnku djrh gSA enn djus ds fy,
Digitising Digitisation of rare Delhi/ fnYyh SAMRIDDHI The Strengthening and
Asom/ vlkse dk Assamese journals and Program/ le`f) Augmentation of
fMftVyhdj.k books Published dk;ZØe Municipal Revenue for
between 1813 to 1970./ Infrastructure
1813 ls 1970 ds chp Development in Delhi
çdkf'kr nqyZHk vlfe;k Program, or
if=dkvksa vkSj iqLrdksa dk SAMRIDDHI, will start
fMftVyhdj.kA on October 26 and finish
Project Gajah Tackle the escalating on March 31, 2023. It
Kotha/ çkstsDV problem of human- was launched by L-G
xtg dksFk elephant conflict (HEC)/ Vinay Kumar Saxena. It
ekuo&gkFkh la?k"kZ ¼HEC½ dh is an one-time property
Ldsfyax leL;k dk fuokj.k tax amnesty program./
djukA fnYyh esa cqfu;knh <kaps ds
Andhra Pradesh/ Niramaya Provide Health fodkl ds fy, uxjikfydk
vka/kz çns'k Health insurance up to 1 Lakh jktLo dk lq–<+hdj.k vkSj
insurance for the persons with laonZ~/ku dk;ZØe] ;k le`f)]
scheme/ fujke; disabilities in 26 vDVwcj dks 'kq: gksxk vkSj
LokLF; chek Visakhapatnam/ 31 ekpZ] 2023 dks lekIr
;kstuk fo'kk[kkiÙkue esa fodykax gksxkA bldh ljkguk ,yth
O;fä;ksa ds fy, 1 yk[k rd fou; dqekj lDlsuk us dh
dk LokLF; chek çnku djuk FkhA ;g ,d ckj dk laifÙk
Jagananna Providing financial
dj ekQh dk;ZØe gSA
(SSC MTS 18.05.2023 SHIFT-1)
Amma Vodi assistance of 15000 per
Scheme/ txUuk annum for promoting Super Real time First city in India to
vEek oks/kh ;kstuk education and Pollution factors launched this project to
empowering mothers. Gathering identify factors
/ f'k{kk dks c<+kok nsus vkSj Mechanism/ responsible for air
ekrkvksa dks l'kä cukus ds lqij fj;y Vkbe pollution./ ok;q çnw"k.k ds
fy, çfr o"kZ 15000 #i;s dh çnw"k.k dkjd fy, ftEesnkj dkjdksa dh
foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku djuk ,d=hdj.k ra= igpku djus ds fy, bl
Bihar/ fcgkj Har Ghar It is initiative to provide ifj;kstuk dks 'kq: djus
Gangajal Ganga water on tap to okyk Hkkjr dk igyk 'kgjA
Project/ gj ?kj water scarcity area of 100 Day to Beat Aimed at making the
xaxkty ifj;kstuk state./ ;g jkT; ds ikuh Plastic civic body’s areas
dh deh okys {ks= esa uy ij Campaign plastic-free through
xaxk ty miyC/k djkus dh /'IykfLVd dks ekr public participation./
igy gSA nsus ds fy, 100 lkoZtfud Hkkxhnkjh ds
ek/;e ls ukxfjd fudk;

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications

fnu' vfHk;ku {ks=ksa dks IykfLVd eqä cukuk ekfydksa ds fy, VsyhesfMflu
gSaA dk mi;ksx djds ?kj ij
Goa/ xksok Mukhyamantri State government will i'kq/ku dh ns[kHkky çnku
Devdarshan fund the meals and djrh gSA
Yatra Yojana boarding of the people Him Care The Himcare scheme for
/ eq[;ea=h nson'kZu during pilgrims visit and scheme and jail inmates by providing
;k=k ;kstuk People over age 50 are ISHTH Himcare cards to the
(SSC MTS 13.09.2023 eligible to go on pilgrims campaign/ fge prisoners and also
in this scheme./ jkT; ds;j ;kstuk vkSj launch of the Integrated
ljdkj rhFkZ;kf=;ksa dh ;k=k ISHTH vfHk;ku STI, HIV, TB, Hepatitis
ds nkSjku yksxksa ds Hkkstu vkSj (ISHTH) campaign in
vkokl dk foÙkiks"k.k djsxh prisons/ tsy dSfn;ksa ds
vkSj 50 o"kZ ls vf/kd vk;q ds fy, fgeds;j ;kstuk] dSfn;ksa
yksx bl ;kstuk esa rhFkZ;k=k dks fgeds;j dkMZ çnku
ij tkus ds fy, ik= gSaA djuk vkSj tsyksa esa ,dh—r
Heli- Tourism To boost the tourism ,lVhvkbZ] ,pvkbZoh] Vhch]
Service/ sector of Goa, the State gsiVs kbfVl ¼ISHTH½ vfHk;ku
gsyh&i;ZVu lsok government partnership Hkh 'kq: fd;kA
with soaring Aerospace Mukhyamantri Setting up 101 crore
Pvt Ltd and Flyblade Sukh Ashray Kosh for the Poor
india./ xksok ds i;ZVu {ks= Kosh/ eq[;ea=h students and destitute
dks c<+kok nsus ds fy,] jkT; lq[k vkJ; dks"k women of the state ,this
ljdkj us ,;jksLisl çkbosV Kosh will encourage
fyfeVsM vkSj ¶ykbZCySM them for higher
bafM;k ds lkFk lk>snkjh dh education./ jkT; ds xjhc
gSA Nk=ksa vkSj fujkfJr efgykvksa
Gujarat/ xqtjkr Antyodaya It is accident insurance ds fy, 101 djksM+ dks"k dh
Shramik scheme which will LFkkiuk dj jgk gS] ;g dks"k
Suraksha provide financial mUgsa mPp f'k{kk ds fy,
Yojana/ vaR;ksn; assistance to laborers çksRlkfgr djsxkA
Jfed lqj{kk and their families at Sashakt Mahila Empowering women by
;kstuk work place./ ;g nq?kZVuk Rin Yojana/ providing loans for
chek ;kstuk gS tks dk;ZLFky l'kä efgyk _.k entrepreneurial dreams
ij etnwjksa vkSj muds ifjokjksa ;kstuk and livelihood activities
dks foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku etc./ m|e'khyrk ds liuksa
djsxhA vkSj vkthfodk xfrfof/k;ksa
Horticulture The state with an aim to vkfn ds fy, _.k çnku
Development provide waste land of djds efgykvksa dks l'kä
Mission the state government on cukukA
/ ckxokuh fodkl 45 year lease for Haryana/ gfj;k.kk Haryana Aim to promote Good
fe'ku forming of horticulture Sushasan governance among
(ACIO Grade II Exec. and medicinal crops/
Puraskar government officers and
19.02.2021 Shit -1)
mís'; ckxokuh vkSj vkS"k/kh; yojana/ gfj;k.kk honour excellent
Qlyksa ds fy, jkT; ljdkj lq'kklu iqjLdkj officials and officers of
dh catj Hkwfe dks 45 lky ds ;kstuk the state government./
iês ij çnku djuk gSA bldk mís'; ljdkjh
vf/kdkfj;ksa ds chp lq'kklu
Himachal HIMCAD/ To Provide irrigation dks c<+kok nsuk vkSj jkT;
Pradesh/ fgekpy fgedSM facilities to the farmers/ ljdkj ds mR—"V vf/kdkfj;ksa
çns'k fdlkuksa dks flapkbZ lqfo/kk,a vkSj vf/kdkfj;ksa dks lEekfur
çnku djsxk djuk gSA
Project Provide livestock care at CM e- Review of all
Sanjeevani doorstep using Dashboard departments will
/ çkstDs V lathouh telemedicine for small Yojana/ lh,e provide on the
(SSC MTS 04.09.2023 dairy farmers and bZ&MS'kcksMZ ;kstuk Dashboard portal and
livestock owners. / NksVs information related to
Ms;jh fdlkuksa vkSj i'kq/ku all government schemes

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will be available at the to the Startups./ bl
portal./ MS'kcksMZ iksVZy ij ;kstuk dk mís'; LVkVZvIl
lHkh foHkkxksa dh leh{kk dks vf/kdre 10 yk[k #i;s
miyC/k gksxh vkSj lHkh dh QafMax lgk;rk çnku
ljdkjh ;kstukvksa ls lacaf/kr djds çkS|ksfxdh
tkudkjh iksVZy ij miyC/k ykblsl
a @LFkkukarj.k
gksxhA LVkVZvIl dk leFkZu djuk
Jharkhand/>kj[kaM Panchayat Level Aimed at making gSA
Medicine Shop essential medicines Vanikaran It aims to root out
Scheme available in remote Project/ ouhdj.k invasive plants,
/ iapk;r Lrjh; areas./ mís'; nwjnjkt ds ifj;kstuk especially Senna
nok nqdku ;kstuk {ks=ksa esa vko';d nok,a spectabilis, and restore
miyC/k djkuk gSA natural forests./
ifj;kstuk dk mís'; vkØked
Mukhyamantri ikS/kks]a fo'ks"k :i ls lsUuk
Krishi Ashirwad LisDVsfcfyl dks tM+ ls
Yojana / eq[;ea=h m[kkM+uk vkSj çk—frd ouksa
—f"k vk'khokZn dks cgky djuk gSA
;kstuk One Panchayat, Arousing sports culture
(Const. Male and One Play in the state by
Female in Delhi Police
2023 01.12.2023 Shift-
ground/,d establishing excellent
3) iapk;r] ,d [ksy playgrounds in every
dk eSnku panchayat in the State./
Karnataka/ Shakti Providing free travel for jkT; dh çR;sd iapk;r esa
dukZVd Scheme/'kfä women and transgender mR—"V [ksy ds eSnku LFkkfir
;kstuk in selected state-run dj jkT; esa [ksy laL—fr dks
buses across tkx`r djukA
Karnataka./ iwjs dukZVd esa K-FON Under this project, about
p;fur jkT;&lapkfyr clks (ACIO Grade II Exec. 2 million poor (below
18.02.2021 Shit -1)
esa efgykvksa vkSj VªkaltsM
a j ds poverty line – BPL)
fy, eq¶r ;k=k çnku djrh families in the state will
gSA be provided free high-
Karnataka’s Providing 5 Kg of free resolution internet
Anna Bhagya rice per month to each connections./ bl
Scheme/ dukZVd member BPL families./ ifj;kstuk ds varxZr jkT; esa
dh vUu HkkX; chih,y ifjokjksa ds çR;sd yxHkx 2 fefy;u xjhc
;kstuk lnL; dks çfr ekg 5 ¼xjhch js[kk ls uhps&
fdyksxzke eq¶r pkoy miyC/k chih,y½ ifjokjksa dks eq¶r
djkukA mPp&lVhd baVjusV dusD'ku
Gruha Lakshmi Providing financial dh lqfo/kk çnku dh tk,xh
Scheme/ x`g assistance of 2000/- per Madhya Ladli Lakshmi Providing monetary
y{eh ;kstuk month to the women of Pradesh/ e/; 2.0 / ykM+yh y{eh benefits to the eligible
the state./ jkT; dh çns'k 2-0 girl children to ensure
efgykvksa dks çfr ekg (SSC MTS 15.06.2023 they get good
2000/- dh foÙkh; lgk;rk education./ ik= ckfydkvksa
çnku djrh gSA dks vPNh f'k{kk lqfuf'pr
Kerala/ dsjy Women-friendly To ensure safe and djus ds fy, vkfFkZd ykHk
tourism hygienic destinations for çnku djukA
project/ women./ efgykvksa ds fy, Mukhyamantri This scheme intends to
efgyk&vuqdwy lqjf{kr vkSj LoPN xarO; Awasiya Bhu distribute plots/land of
i;ZVu ifj;kstuk lqfuf'pr djukA Adhikar Yojana/ maximum 60 m2 to the
Technology This scheme intends to eq[;ea=h vkoklh; families who are poor
transfer support Technology Hkw vf/kdkj ;kstuk and do not own any land
scheme/ License/Transfer or property in the state.
çkS|ksfxdh Startups by providing a / bl ;kstuk dk mís'; mu
gLrkarj.k ;kstuk funding support of ifjokjksa dks vf/kdre 60 oxZ
maximum of Rs.10 Lakhs ehVj ds Hkw[kaM@Hkwfe forfjr

Best App for Govt. Jobs : (Download Now) Neon Publications
djuk gS tks xjhc gSa vkSj Dari/'kklu Bring Government
ftuds ikl jkT; esa dksbZ viY;k nkjh Schemes and Services to
tehu ;k laifÙk ugha gSA Citizens’ Doorsteps to
Mukhyamantri Providing financial the people of
Ladli Behna assistance of 12000 per Maharashtra./ ;g
Scheme/ annum or 1000 per egkjk"Vª ds yksxksa ds fy,
eq[;ea=h ykMyh month to the needy ljdkjh ;kstukvksa vkSj lsokvksa
cguk ;kstuk women in the state of dks ukxfjdksa ds njokts rd
age between 23 to 60 igqapkus dh ,d igy gSA
/23 ls 60 o"kZ vk;q dh jkT; Meghalaya/ Mental Health first north-east state to
dh t::jrean efgykvksa dks es?kky; and Social Care approve the policy and
12000 çfr o"kZ ;k 1000 çfr Policy/ ekufld 3rd state in India after
ekg dh foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku LokLF; vkSj Kerala and Karnataka.
djukA lkekftd ns[kHkky /;g uhfr dks eatjw h nsus
(SSC CHSL 10.08.2023 Shift-3))
uhfr okyk igyk mÙkj&iwoZ jkT;
Mukhyamantri Will waive off interest vkSj dsjy vkSj dukZVd ds
Krishak Byaj on outstanding crop ckn Hkkjr dk rhljk jkT;
Mafi Yojana/ loans taken by the cu x;k gSA
eq[;ea=h —"kd farmers for agricultural (SSC MTS 13.09.2023 SHIFT-1)
C;kt ekQh ;kstuk purposes./ —f"k mís';ksa ds
fy, fdlkuksa }kjk fy, x, Rural Backyard Ensure the farmers earn
cdk;k Qly _.k ij C;kt Piggery a sustainable livelihood
ekQ dj fn;k tk,xkA Scheme/ xzkeh.k through different
Mukhyamantri This scheme seeks to fiNokM+s lqvj livestock farming
Seekho-Kamao provide unemployed ikyu ;kstuk activities. /;g lqfuf'pr
Yojana (CM youth with the djuk fd fdlku fofHkUu
Learn and Earn necessary skills and i'kq/ku ikyu xfrfof/k;ksa ds
Scheme)/ knowledge to enhance ek/;e ls LFkk;h vkthfodk
eq[;ea=h their employability and vftZr djsaA
(SSC MTS 14.06.2023 SHIFT-3)
lh[kks&dekvks income potential./ ;g
Odisha/ vksfM'kk Mo Ghara/ eks Providing financial aid
;kstuk ;kstuk csjkstxkj ;qokvksa dks
(SSC MTS 04.09.2023
?kjk to the poor families to
mudh jkstxkj {kerk vkSj
SHIFT-3) transform kutcha houses
vk; {kerk c<+kus ds fy,
into pucca ones./ xjhc
vko';d dkS'ky vkSj Kku
ifjokjksa dks dPps edkuksa dks
çnku djsxhA
iDds edkuksa esa cnyus ds
Maharashtra/ Asia’s Largest The scheme is for mass
fy, foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku
egkjk"Vª Cluster redevelopment of djukA
Development unauthorized and
Ama Pokhari/ This scheme aims to
scheme/,f'k;k official dangerous
vek iks[kjh rejuvenate all water
dh lcls cM+h buildings./ ;g ;kstuk
bodies in the urban
DyLVj fodkl vuf/k—r vkSj vkf/kdkfjd
areas of the state./ bl
;kstuk [krjukd bekjrksa ds cM+s
;kstuk dk y{; jkT; ds
iSekus ij iqufoZdkl ds fy,
'kgjh {ks=ksa esa lHkh ty
fudk;ksa dk dk;kdYi djuk
Namo Shetkari Under this scheme,
Mahasanman farmers in Maharashtra
SAFAL portal/ Simplified application
Yojana/ ueks will receive an annual
lQy iksVZy for agriculture loans
'ksrdkjh egklaeku payment of Rs 6,000 in
(SAFAL) portal is a
;kstuk addition to central
common credit portal
government’s PM Kisan
for the welfare of
Samman Nidhi Yojana./
farmers / flfEIyfQ,M
bl ;kstuk ds rgr] egkjk"Vª
,Iyhds'ku Q‚j ,xzhdYpj
ds fdlkuksa dks dsaæ ljdkj
yksUl ¼lQy½ iksVZy fdlkuksa
dh ih,e fdlku lEeku fuf/k
ds dY;k.k ds fy, ,d
;kstuk ds vykok 6]000 #i;s
lkekU; ØsfMV iksVZy gSA
dk okf"kZd Hkqxrku feysxkA (SSC MTS 19.05.2023 SHIFT-2)
Shasan Aplya This is an initiative to Mo Jungle Jami Strengthen forest rights

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Yojana/ eks taxy among tribal vk'oklu lqfuf'pr djus
tkeh ;kstuk communities and forest okyk jktLFkku Hkkjr dk
dwellers across the igyk jkT; gSA bl igy esa
state./ jkT; Hkj esa fxx odZlZ osyQs;j cksMZ dh
vkfnoklh leqnk;ksa vkSj LFkkiuk dh tk,xhA
ouokfl;ksa ds chp ou Sikkim/ flfDde Mero Rukh It is an initiative to
vf/kdkjksa dks etcwr djukA Mero Santati/ connect Human and
Ama Odisha, The scheme aims to esjks #[k esjks larfr Nature by planting 100
Nabin Odisha enhance rural tree on the birth of every
scheme/ vek infrastructure and child in the state./ ;g
vksfM'kk] uchu preserve the rich jkT; esa çR;sd cPps ds tUe
vksfM'kk ;kstuk cultural heritage of the ij 100 isM+ yxkdj ekuo
state, particularly the vkSj ç—fr dks tksM+us dh ,d
Jagannath culture./ bl igy gSA
;kstuk dk mís'; xzkeh.k Tamil Nadu/ Sanitation Identify Sanitation
cqfu;knh <kaps dks c<+kuk vkSj rfeyukMq Workers Health workers and ensure
jkT; dh le`) lkaL—frd Welfare and their welfare through
fojklr] fo'ks"k :i ls Safety various government
txUukFk laL—fr dks lajf{kr (SHWAS)/ initiatives./ LoPNrk
djuk gSA LoPNrk deZpkjh dfeZ;ksa dh igpku djuk vkSj
Mission Shakti Providing subsidy in the LokLF; dY;k.k fofHkUu ljdkjh igyksa ds
Scooter/ fe'ku bank loan up to 1 lakh vkSj lqj{kk ek/;e ls mudk dY;k.k
'kfä LdwVj on the purchase of ¼SHWAS½ lqfuf'pr djukA
scooter to the women of
the self-help group or Pudhumai Penn To enhance the
community support Scheme/ iq/kqebZ enrolment ratio of girls
staff./ Lo;a lgk;rk lewg isu ;kstuk from Government
;k lkeqnkf;d lgk;rk LVkQ (SSC MTS 03.05.2023 schools to Higher
dh efgykvksa dks LdwVj 03.08.2023 Shift-3) Education Institutions.
[kjhnus ij 1 yk[k rd ds For which the financial
cSad _.k esa lfClMh çnku assistance of Rs.
djukA 1000/month will be
Rajasthan/ Minimum Provides 125 days provided to the girls till
jktLFkku Guarantee employment to the their completion of
income Bill/ unemployed youth in a higher education./
U;wure xkjaVh vk; year and also provide a ljdkjh Ldwyksa ls mPp f'k{kk
fo/ks;d pension of Rs 1,000 per laLFkkuksa esa yM+fd;ksa ds
month to the elderly, ukekadu vuqikr dks c<+kukA
widows, single women, ftlds fy, yM+fd;ksa dks
and specially abled mPp f'k{kk iwjh gksus rd
people of 1000 #i;s çfr ekg dh
Rajasthan/csjkstxkj ;qokvksa foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku dh
dks ,d o"kZ esa 125 fnu dk tk,xhA
jkstxkj çnku djrk gS vkSj TN-REACH Regional Aerial
jktLFkku ds cqtx q ksZ]a fo/kokvks]a Initiative / Connectivity through
,dy efgykvksa vkSj fo'ks"k Vh,u&jhp igy Helicopters (TN REACH)
:i ls fodykax yksxksa dks is an initiative to create
çfr ekg #i;s 1]000 dh an intra-state network of
isa'ku Hkh çnku djrk gSA aerial routes using
Guarantee Rajasthan is the first helicopters./ gsyhd‚IVjksa
Social security state in India to ensure ds ek/;e ls {ks=h; gokbZ
to Gig workers/ social security assurance dusfDVfoVh ¼TN REACH½
fxx Jfedksa dks for gig workers. In this gsyhd‚IVjksa dk mi;ksx djds
lkekftd lqj{kk dh initiative Gig Workers gokbZ ekxksZa dk ,d
xkjaVh Welfare Board will be varj&jkT; usVodZ cukus dh
established./ fxx Jfedksa ,d igy gSA
ds fy, lkekftd lqj{kk Anaivarukkum It is an initiative for

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IIT-M/ students from and promotes the usage
vukbZo#Dde economically weaker in of cool roof./ jkT; esa xehZ
vkbZvkbZVh&,e Tamil nadu with aim of ds çHkko dks de djus ds
making the IIT's quality fy,] rsyx a kuk dwy :Q
education accessible to i‚fylh 'kq: djus okyk
all./ ;g rfeyukMq esa igyk jkT; cu x;k gSA ;g
vkfFkZd :i ls detksj Nk=ksa uhfr BaMh Nr ds mi;ksx dks
ds fy, ,d igy gS ftldk çksRlkfgr vkSj c<+kok nsrh gSA
mís'; vkbZvkbZVh dh Geeta Under this scheme
xq.koÙkkiw.kZ f'k{kk dks lHkh ds Karmikula Toddy tapper will
fy, lqyHk cukuk gSA Bima/ xhrk provide financial
Thiranari 1000 students of 10th dfeZdy
q k chek assistance of 5 lakh ,
Thervu class shall get stipend of who died in accident
Thittam/ 1000 per month until while collecting Toddy
fFkjkukjh FkoqZ fFkÙke they finish 12th class, from Palm tree./ bl
and Selected students ;kstuk ds rgr rkM+ ds isM+
will get 12000 stipends ls rkM+h bdëk djrs le;
annually for their nq?kZVuk esa ekjs x, yksxksa dks
graduation and post- 5 yk[k dh foÙkh; lgk;rk
graduation./ 10oha d{kk ds çnku dh tk,xhA
1000 Nk=ksa dks 12oha d{kk Aasara pension ‘Aasara’ pension scheme
iwjh djus rd çfr ekg 1000 Scheme/ vkljk is meant to protect the
#i;s dk Nk=o`fÙk feysxh, isa'ku ;kstuk most vulnerable sections
vkSj p;fur Nk=ksa dks of society and providing
xzstq,'ku vkSj iksLV xzstq,'ku monthly pension from
ds fy, lkykuk 12000 Rs. 200 to Rs. 1000 for
Nk=o`fÙk feysxhA the old aged, widows,
Pengal The Tamil Nadu Police weavers, toddy tappers
pathukaaptu launched this initiative, and AIDS patients and
Thittam giving top priority to the Rs. 500 to Rs. 1500 for
scheme/ a y matter of women safety
isx disabled persons/^vkljk*
ikFkqdkIrq fFkÙke especially in night in the isa'ku ;kstuk dk mís';
;kstuk state./ rfeyukMq iqfyl us lekt ds lcls detksj oxksaZ
jkT; esa fo'ks"kdj jkr esa dh j{kk djuk gS vkSj o`)ks]a
efgyk lqj{kk ds ekeys dks fo/kokvks]a cqudjks]a rkM+h
loksPZ p çkFkfedrk nsrs gq, fudkyus okyksa vkSj ,M~l
;g igy 'kq: dhA jksfx;ksa ds fy, 200 #i;s ls
Telangana/ Kanti Velugu In this scheme Universal 1000 #i;s vkSj fodykax
rsyaxkuk Scheme/ dkafr Eye Screening to be O;fä;ksa ds fy, 500 #i;s ls
osYxq ;kstuk done for all the citizens 1500 #i;s rd ekfld isa'ku
of Telangana, providing çnku djuk gSA
free spectacles and Saagu Baagu Will provide AI-based
educate people on Project/ lkxw agriculture technology
various diseases related ckxw ifj;kstuk services with the help of
to eyes/ bl ;kstuk esa the World Economic
rsyxa kuk ds lHkh ukxfjdksa ds Forum (WEF) and
fy, ;wfuolZy vkbZ LØhfuax collaboration with the
dh tk,xh] eq¶r p'ek çnku state government./ fo'o
fd;k tk,xk vkSj yksxksa dks vkfFkZd eap ¼MCY;wbZ,Q½ dh
vka[kksa ls lacaf/kr fofHkUu enn ls rFkk jkT; ljdkj ds
chekfj;ksa ds ckjs esa f'kf{kr lg;ksx ls ,vkbZ&vk/kkfjr —
fd;k tk,xkA f"k rduhd lsok,a çnku
Cool Roof Policy To reduce heat impact in djsxkA
2023-2028/ dwy the state , the Telangana Uttrakhand/ Mukhya Mantri It aims to accelerate
:Q i‚fylh become the first state to mÙkjk[kaM Pratham Gram economic activities in
2023&2028 launch cool roof policy. Samekit Vikas villages close to the
This policy encourages Yojana/ eq[;ea=h border areas./ bldk

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çFke xzke lesfdr mís'; lhekorhZ {ks=ksa ds in urban areas./ ;g 100
fodkl ;kstuk utnhd ds xkaoksa esa vkfFkZd fnuksa dk vfHk;ku gS ftlesa
xfrfof/k;ksa esa rsth ykuk gSA 'kgjh lqfo/kkvksa esa lq/kkj] ok;q
Resham Keet Uttarakhand has become xq.koÙkk] LoPNrk vkSj
Bima Scheme/ the first state in the lkSan;hZdj.k ds lkFk&lkFk
js'ke dhV chek country to start 'Resham 'kgjh {ks=ksa esa mfpr dpjk
;kstuk Keet Bima' scheme for fuiVku ij /;ku dsfa ær fd;k
protecting its x;k gSA
sericulturists which One Family, One Under this campaign
insured from the ill ID/,d ifjokj] state government will
effects of climate change, ,d vkbZMh collect comprehensive
scarcity of water and (SSC MTS 14.09.2023 data of each family so
other hazards./ mÙkjk[kaM that one member of each
vius js'ke mRikndksa dh family will get
lqj{kk ds fy, *js'ke dhV employment./ bl
chek^ ;kstuk 'kq: djus okyk vfHk;ku ds rgr jkT;
ns'k dk igyk jkT; cu x;k ljdkj çR;sd ifjokj dk
gS] tks tyok;q ifjorZu] ikuh O;kid MsVk ,d= djsxk
dh deh vkSj vU; [krjksa ds rkfd çR;sd ifjokj ds ,d
nq"çHkkoksa ls chek djkrk gSA lnL; dks jkstxkj fey ldsA
Mukhyamantri To make women self- Aarohini The Samagra Shiksha
Ekal Mahila reliant and empowered Initiative Abhiyan will work under
Swarozgar and to improve the Training the Aarohini Initiative
Yojana/ eq[;ea=h standard of living of Program/ Training Programme
,dy efgyk women/ efgykvksa dks igy for the safety and
Lojkstxkj ;kstuk vkRefuHkZj ,oa l'kä cukuk çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe security of girls in
rFkk efgykvksa ds thou Lrj Kasturba Gandhi
esa lq/kkj ykuk Residential Girls Schools
Mukhyamantri State government will in State.
Kaushal provide skill and UP government also
Unnayan Evam training to youths launched the Samagra
Vaishvik Rojgar interested in pursuing Shiksha Abhiyan to
Yojana/ eq[;ea=h careers abroad. / jkT; empower girls from the
dkS'ky mUu;u ,oa ljdkj fons'k esa dfj;j cukus underprivileged class./
oSf'od jkstxkj ds bPNqd ;qokvksa dks dkS'ky lexz f'k{kk vfHk;ku jkT; ds
;kstuk vkSj çf'k{k.k çnku djsxkA dLrwjck xka/kh vkoklh;
Uttar Pradesh/ One district, Identifying specific ckfydk fo|ky;ksa esa yM+fd;ksa
mÙkj çns'k One Sport sports in each district dh lqj{kk ds fy,
Scheme/,d and arouse sports igy çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe ds
ftyk] ,d [ksy culture among rgr dke djsxkA
;kstuk youngsters so that they ;wih ljdkj us oafpr oxZ dh
can represent state at yM+fd;ksa dks l'kä cukus ds
national and fy, lexz f'k{kk vfHk;ku Hkh
international level./ 'kq: fd;kA
çR;sd ftys esa fof'k"V [ksyksa School Health A digital health report
dh igpku djuk vkSj ;qokvksa program/ Ldwy card for the overall
esa [ksy laL—fr txkuk rkfd LokLF; dk;ZØe physical and mental
os jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj well-being of municipal
ij jkT; dk çfrfuf/kRo dj school students is also
ldsAa being prepared under
Up Global City It is a 100 days the project./ ifj;kstuk ds
Campaign/ mÙkj campaign with a focus rgr uxjikfydk Ldwy ds
çns'k Xykscy flVh on improving urban Nk=ksa ds lexz 'kkjhfjd vkSj
vfHk;ku facilities, air quality, ekufld dY;k.k ds fy, ,d
cleanliness, and fMftVy LokLF; fjiksVZ dkMZ
beautification, as well as Hkh rS;kj fd;k tk jgk gSA
proper garbage disposal Nand Baba Milk Increasing income of

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Mission/ uan milk producers and scheme/ y{ehj month is given to
ckck nqX/k fe'ku providing opportunities HkaMkj ;kstuk women of the General &
(SSC MTS 06.09.2023 to them selling milk at a SC/ST categories
fair price in villages respectively. It also won
through dairy SKOCH award./ bl
cooperatives./ nqX/k ;kstuk ds rgr] lkekU; vkSj
mRikndksa dh vk; c<+kuk vkSj ,llh@,lVh Jsf.k;ksa dh
mUgsa Ms;jh lgdkjh lfefr;ksa efgykvksa dks Øe'k% 500 #i;s
ds ek/;e ls xkaoksa esa mfpr vkSj 1]000 #i;s çfr ekg
ewY; ij nw/k cspus ds volj fn, tkrs gSaA blus SKOCH
çnku djukA iqjLdkj Hkh thrkA
Mukhyamantri State government will
Khet Suraksha Provide 60% subsidy or
Yojana/ eq[;ea=h 1.43 lakh rupee of the
[ksr lqj{kk ;kstuk total cost per Hectare for
installation of solar
fencing of 12 watt to
protect crop from
deterring animals to
small and marginal
farmers./ jkT; ljdkj
NksVs vkSj lhekar fdlkuksa dks
tkuojksa ls Qly cpkus ds
fy, 12 okV dh lkSj ckM+
yxkus ds fy, çfr gsDVs;j
dqy ykxr dk 60% lfClMh
;k 1-43 yk[k #i;s çnku
West Bengal/ Lakshmir Under the scheme, Rs
if'pe caxky Bhandar 500 & Rs 1,000 per
Previous Year Questions Related cfguh ;kstuk flfDde ljdkj }kjk 'kq: Government in September 2022.
State Government Scheme dh xbZ Fkh ftldk mís'; ek/;fed vkSj The objective of this scheme was
jkT; ljdkj dh ;kstuk ls lacaf/kr fiNys ofj"B ek/;fed fo|ky; tkus okyh rejuvenating and improving water
o"kZ ds ç'u yM+fd;ksa dks eq¶r vkSj lqjf{kr lSfuVjh resources, groundwater.
• Swasthya Sathi Scheme: This is a iSM 100 çfr'kr çnku djuk gSA Nkrk ¼dE;qfuVh gkusZflax ,aM gkosZfLVax
health insurance scheme launched (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 02.12.2022 Shift-2) v‚Q jsuokVj Ý‚e Vsjsl Vw ,fDoQj½
by Government of West Bengal on • Indira Gandhi Shahari Rojgar ;kstuk flracj 2022 esa vksfM'kk ljdkj
30 December 2016. Guarantee Scheme 2022 has been }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ A bl ;kstuk dk mís';
LokLF; lkFkh ;kstuk% ;g 30 fnlacj implemented by Rajasthan ty lalk/kuks]a Hkwty dk dk;kdYi vkSj
government. lq/kkj djuk gSA
2016 dks if'pe caxky ljdkj }kjk
bafnjk xka/kh 'kgjh jkstxkj xkjaVh ;kstuk (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 03.12.2022 Shift-3)
'kq: dh xbZ ,d LokLF; chek ;kstuk gSA • Tamil Nadu government is
(SSC CGL 16.08.2021) 2022 jktLFkku ljdkj }kjk ykxw dh
launched the naval ‘Chief
• Aama Yojana started by Chief xbZ gSA
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 01.12.2022 Shift-2) Minister’s Breakfast Scheme’ in
Minister of Sikkim in the year
• Mission Kushal Karmi was September 2022. The scheme
2022, to give Rs 20,000 each to
launched to upgrade the skills of covers around 1.14 lakh students
non-working mothers Yearly.
construction workers. This in 1,545 schools.
vkek ;kstuk o"kZ 2022 esa flfDde ds
program was launched by the eq[;ea=h uk'rk ;kstuk rfeyukMq ljdkj
eq[;ea=h }kjk çR;sd xSj&dkedkth
ekrkvksa dks 20]000 #i;s okf"kZd nsus dh government of Delhi. us flracj 2022 esa 'eq[;ea=h uk'rk
'kq#vkr dh xbZA fe'ku dq'ky dehZ fuekZ.k Jfedksa ds dkS'ky ;kstuk' 'kq: dh gSA bl ;kstuk esa 1]545
(SSC STENO. 17.11.2022 shift-2) dk mUu;u djus ds fy, 'kq: fd;k x;k Ldwyksa ds yxHkx 1-14 yk[k Nk= 'kkfey
• Bahini scheme was launched by FkkA ;g dk;ZØe fnYyh ljdkj }kjk 'kq: gSaA
Sikkim Government aims to fd;k x;k FkkA (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 05.12.2022 Shift-3)
providing 100 percent access to (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 01.12.2022 Shift-2) • Matrushakti Udaymita Scheme
free and safe sanitary pads to • CHHATA (Community Harnessing was launched by government
secondary and senior secondary and harvesting of rainwater Haryana in March 2022. The
school going girls. artificially from Terrace to Aquifer) Objective of this scheme is to
Scheme was launched by Odisha

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provide support to women for Vishwanath Temple in Uttar educational institutions, local
becoming entrepreneurs. Pradesh's Varanasi. bodies, etc.
ekr`'kfä mn;ferk ;kstuk ekpZ 2022 esa dk'kh ;k=k ;kstuk tqykbZ 2022 esa uxj ou ;kstuk 'kgjh {ks=ksa esa uxj oSu
gfj;k.kk ljdkj }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA dukZVd ljdkj }kjk 'kq: dh xbZA bl ds fuekZ.k ds fy, twu 2020 esa uxj oSu
bl ;kstuk dk mís'; efgykvksa dks m|eh ;kstuk dk mís'; mÙkj çns'k ds okjk.klh ;kstuk 'kq: dh xbZ Fkh] tks LFkkuh;
cuus ds fy, lgk;rk çnku djuk gSA esa dk'kh fo'oukFk eafnj dh rhFkZ;k=k leqnk;ks]a xSj ljdkjh laxBuks]a 'kS{kf.kd
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 09.12.2022 Shift-1) djus ds fy, yxHkx 30]000 rhFkZ;kf=;ksa laLFkkuks]a LFkkuh; fudk;ksa vkfn dks 'kkfey
• Ennum Ezhuthum scheme was dks 5]000 #i;s dh udn lgk;rk çnku djds 'kgjh okfudh dks c<+kok nsrh gSA
launched by Tamil Nadu Chief djuk gSA (ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-3)

Minister M.K. Stalin in June 2022. (SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 13.12.2022 Shift-1)
 Padhna Likhna Abhiyan :
The objective of this scheme is to • Mana Uru – Mana Badi September 2020
achieve basic literacy and to Programme:- It was started by the  i<+uk fy[kuk vfHk;ku : flrEcj 2020
(ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-3)
ensure numeracy by 2025. This Telangana State Government to
scheme was launched to bridge the start classes in English medium in  Production Linked Incentive
learning gap among students aged government school. (PLI) Scheme : April 2020
under 8. eu Å#&eu cM+h dk;ZØe:& bls ljdkjh  mRikn laca/kh izksRlkgu ;kstuk : vizSy
,Uue ,>qFkqe ;kstuk (Ennum Ldwy esa vaxszth ek/;e esa d{kk,a 'kq: 2020 (ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-3)
Ezhuthum scheme) rfeyukMq ds djus ds fy, rsyx a kuk jkT; ljdkj }kjk • CLAP Mission was launched by
eq[;ea=h ,e-ds-LVkfyu }kjk twu 2022 esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA Andhra Pradesh State Government
'kq: dh x;h Fkh bl ;kstuk dk y{; (SSC CGL 17.07.2023 SHIFT-1) on 2nd Oct 2021.
2025 rd ewyHkwr lk{kjrk vkSj • Desh Ke Mentor Programme was DySi fe'ku 2 vDVwcj 2021 dks vka/kz
la[;kRedrk lqfuf'pr djuk FkkA ;g launched by the Delhi Government çns'k jkT; ljdkj }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k
;kstuk 8 o"kZ ls de vk;q ds Nk=ksa ds in Oct 2021 for the class IX to XII. FkkA
chp lh[kus ds varj dks ikVus ds fy, ns'k ds esVa j dk;ZØe fnYyh ljdkj }kjk (SSC Selection Post 28.06.2023 SHIFT-4)

vDVwcj 2021 esa d{kk IX ls XII ds fy, • Prakash Hai To Vikas Hai
'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 09.12.2022 Shift-2) 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA Scheme:- This scheme was
• Technology Transfer Scheme (SSC CGL 17.07.2023 SHIFT-3) launched by the Government of
was launched by Kerala • Matrishakti Udyamita Yojana:- Uttar Pradesh on the occasion of
Government in November 2022. On International Women's Day former Prime Minister Atal Bihari
The objective of this scheme to 2022, this scheme was announced Vajpayee's birthday (25 December
developing technologies both in by the Haryana government to 2017) as a free household
the advanced/emerging areas and provide assistance to women electricity connection scheme for
in traditional sectors/areas. entrepreneurs. the poor in the state.
çkS|ksfxdh gLrkarj.k ;kstuk uoacj 2022 ekr`'kfä mn;ferk ;kstuk:& varjkZ"Vªh; çdk'k gS rks fodkl gS ;kstuk:& ;g
esa dsjy ljdkj }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA efgyk fnol 2022 ij] gfj;k.kk ljdkj ;kstuk mÙkj çns'k ljdkj }kjk iwoZ ç/kku
bl ;kstuk dk mís'; mUur/mHkjrs {ks=ksa }kjk efgyk m|fe;ksa dks lgk;rk çnku ea=h vVy fcgkjh oktis;h ds tUefnu
vkSj ikjaifjd {ks=ksa nksuksa esa çkS|ksfxfd;ksa djus ds fy, bl ;kstuk dh ?kks"k.kk dh ¼25 fnlacj 2017½ ds volj ij jkT; esa
dks fodflr djuk gSA xbZ FkhA xjhcksa ds fy, eq¶r ?kjsyw fctyh dusD'ku
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 09.12.2022 Shift-3) (SSC CGL 17.07.2023 SHIFT-4) ;kstuk ds :i esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
• Naari Ko Naman' scheme was • Paray Shikshalaya Scheme was (UPPSC 2022)
launched by Chief Minister of launched by the West Bengal ⦁ ‘SAKSHAM’ Campaign is related
Himachal Pradesh in July 2022. government in February 2022. with to create awareness among
The objective of this scheme give iSjk f'k{kky; ;kstuk if'pe caxky the consumers of fossil fuels.
50% discount in ticket prices to ljdkj }kjk Qjojh 2022 esa 'kq: dh xbZ ⦁ l{ke vfHk;ku thok'e bZa/ku ds miHkksäkvksa
women in state government buses. FkhA ds chp tkx:drk iSnk djus ls lacaf/kr
'ukjh dks ueu' ;kstuk fgekpy çns'k ds (SSC CGL 20.07.2023 SHIFT-4) gSA
eq[;ea=h }kjk tqykbZ 2022 esa 'kq: dh
(SSC CGL 27.07.2023 SHIFT-1) ⦁ (ACIO Grade II Exec. 18.02.2021
• ‘Kaushalya Matritva Yojana’ Shit -1)
xbZ FkhA bl ;kstuk dk mís'; jkT;
launched in March 2022 by ⦁ On 27th July 2020, Ministry of
ljdkj dh clksa esa efgykvksa dks fVdV
Chhattisgarh state government. Electronics and Information
dh dherksa esa 50% dh NwV nsuk gSA
(SSC CGL Pre. 2022, 12.12.2022 Shift-3)
dkS'kY;k ekr`Ro ;kstuk* NÙkhlx<+ jkT; Technology (MeitY) introduced PLI
• Kashi Yatra Scheme started by ljdkj }kjk ekpZ 2022 esa 'kq: dh xbZA or Production Linked Incentive
(SSC CGL 21.07.2023 SHIFT-4)
Karnataka Government launched Scheme for pharmaceutical
 Nagar van scheme was launched
in July 2022. Aimed of scheme is to manufacturing. This scheme shall
in June 2020 for creation of Nagar
offers around 30,000 Pilgrims cash be operational during the period
Vans in urban areas, which
assistance of Rs 5,000 each to take FY 2020-2021 to 2024-2025.
promotes urban forestry by
up a pilgrimage to the Kashi
involving local communities, NGOs,
⦁ "27 tqykbZ 2020 dks] bysDVª‚fuDl vkSj
lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; ¼MeitY½ us

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QkekZL;qfVdy fofuekZ.k ds fy, PLI ;k (ACIO Grade II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -3) ⦁ Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan
⦁ In Budget 2020, Out of the total Yojana (PMGKY) launch :2016
çksMD'ku fyaDM balsafVo ;kstuk 'kq: dhA
amount allocated for Healthcare, ⦁ iz/kkuea=h xjhc dY;k.k ;kstuk (PMGKY)
;g ;kstuk foÙk o"kZ 2020&2021 ls
Rs. 6400 crore was assigned to ‘PM
2024&2025 dh vof/k ds nkSjku pkyw : 2016
jgsxhA Jan Arogya Yojana’. ⦁ (Const. Male and Female in Delhi
(ACIO Grade II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -1) ⦁ ctV 2020 esa gsYFkds;j ds fy, vkoafVr Police 2023 14.11.2023 Shift-1) ,
⦁ In Budget 2020, Dividend dqy jkf'k esa ls #- 'ih,e tu vkjksX; Shramev Jayate Yojana :2014
Distribution Tax (DDT) was ;kstuk' ds fy, 6400 djksM+ #i;s ⦁ Jeso t;rs ;kstuk :2014
abolished. Tax on cooperative vkoafVr fd, x,A (ACIO Grade II Exec. ⦁ (ACIO G-II Exec. 20.02.2021 Shift-2)
societies was to be reduced to 22% 18.02.2021 Shit -3) ⦁ The Local Area Bank (LAB) Scheme
plus surcharge and cess as against ⦁ 'KAPILA' Campaign is a campaign introduced in the year 1996.
30% at present. for Intellectual Property Literacy ⦁ yksdy ,fj;k cSad ¼,y,ch½ ;kstuk o"kZ
⦁ ctV 2020 esa fMfoMsM
a fMLVªhC;w'ku VSDl and Awareness campaign which 1996 esa 'kq: dh xbZA
¼DDT½ dks [kRe dj fn;k x;k lgdkjh was organised on the 89th birth ⦁ (ACIO G-II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shift-2)

lfefr;ksa ij dj orZeku esa 30% ls anniversary of former President ⦁ In August 2020, Narendra Singh
Late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Tomar has launched the
?kVkdj 22% Iyl vf/kHkkj vkSj midj
'dfiyk' vfHk;ku ckSf)d laink lk{kjrk Integration of ICAR-IIHR Seed
fd;k tkuk FkkA
(ACIO Grade II Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -1) vkSj tkx:drk vfHk;ku dk ,d vfHk;ku Portal with YONO Krishi Web
⦁ The ‘Health in India – 2020 Report’ gS tks iwoZ jk"Vªifr LoxhZ; M‚- ,ihts Application of SBI.
released by the Ministry of vCnqy dyke dh 89oha t;arh ij ⦁ vxLr 2020 es]a ujsaæ flag rksej us SBI ds
Statistics and Programme vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA (ACIO YONO —f"k osc ,fIyds'ku ds lkFk
Implementation, The report Grade II Exec. 19.02.2021 Shit -1) ICAR-IIHR cht iksVZy dk ,dhdj.k
highlighted the health of religious y‚Up fd;k gSA (ACIO G-II Exec. 18.02.2021
List – I List – II Shift-2)
communities in the country,
Name of Related Ministry ⦁ ‘Mahatma Gandhi National
Women remained more
Government / lwph-II Fellowship’ (‘MGNF’) is a two-year
susceptible to suffering then men.
Scheme/ lwph-I ¼lacfa /kr ea=ky;½ academic programme that was
⦁ lkaf[;dh vkSj dk;ZØe dk;kZUo;u ea=ky;
¼ljdkjh ;kstuk dk launched by IIM Bangalore in 2020
}kjk 'Hkkjr esa LokLF; & 2020 fjiksVZ' uke½ as part of the SANKALP
tkjh dh xbZAfjiksVZ esa ns'k esa /kkfeZd programme.
A. The Venture 1 Ministry of
leqnk;ksa ds LokLF; ij çdk'k Mkyk
Capital Agriculture and egkRek xka/kh us'kuy Qsyksf'ki ¼'MGNF' ½
x;kAiq#"kksa dh rqyuk esa efgyk,a ihM+k ds
Assistance Farmers Welfare ,d nks lky dk 'kS{kf.kd dk;ZØe gS ftls
çfr vf/kd laosnu'khy jghaA (ACIO Grade II
Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -1)
Scheme 1. d`f"k
,oa fdlku IIM cSaxyksj }kjk 2020 esa SANKALP
⦁ In August 2020, Union Minister, A. n osapj dSfiVy dY;k.k ea =ky; (Const. dk;ZØe ds fgLls ds :i esa y‚Up fd;k
Nitin Gadkari has launched a vflLVsl
a Ldhe Male and Female in Delhi x;k FkkA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi
Police 2023 15.11.2023
Police 2023 15.11.2023 Shift-2)
mobile app, to monitor plantation Shift-2)
⦁ The ‘Shiksha Karmi ’ initiative and
along national highways, named as B. Support for 2. Ministry of
the ‘Lok Jumbish ’ programme are
Harit Path. International Electronics &
schemes that helped increase the
⦁ vxLr 2020 es]a dsaæh; ea=h fufru Patent Information
literacy rate of Rajasthan.
xMdjh us jk"Vªh; jktekxksZa ds fdukjs Protection in Technology
o`{kkjksi.k dh fuxjkuh ds fy, ,d Electronics & 2. bysDVªkWfuDl ,oa ⦁ 'f'k{kkdehZ' igy vkSj 'yksd tqafc'k'
eksckby ,si y‚Up fd;k gS] ftls gfjr Information lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh dk;ZØe ,slh ;kstuk,a gSa ftUgksua s
iFk uke fn;k x;k gSA (ACIO Grade II Exec. Technology (SIP ea=ky; jktLFkku dh lk{kjrk nj c<+kus esa enn
18.02.2021 Shit -3) – EIT) dhA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police
2023 16.11.2023 Shift-1)
⦁ In June 2020 Economic corridor B. liksVZ QkWj
projects of worth Rs 20,000 crore ⦁ Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan
baVjus’kuy isVVsa
has inaugurated in Haryana. Yojana is a government scheme
izksVsD’ku bu
⦁ twu 2020 esa gfj;k.kk esa 20]000 djksM+ meant for old age protection and
bysDVªkWfuDl ,aM
#i;s dh vkfFkZd xfy;kjk ifj;kstukvksa social security of Small and
bUQkWe’sZ ku
dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;kA (ACIO Grade II Marginal Farmers (SMF). It
VsDuksykWth (SIP-EIT)
Exec. 18.02.2021 Shit -3) provides for an assured Pension of
C. Single Point 3. Ministry of
⦁ Sahakar Pragya is an initiative ₹3,000 month.
Registration Micro Small & ç/kkuea=h fdlku eku /ku ;kstuk ,d
launched by the National ⦁
Scheme Medium ljdkjh ;kstuk gS tks NksVs vkSj lhekar
Cooperative Development
C. flaxy ikWbaV Enterprises fdlkuksa ¼,l,e,Q½ dh o`)koLFkk lqj{kk
Corporation (NCDC).
lgdkj çKk jk"Vªh; lgdkjh fodkl jftLVsª’ku Ldhe 3. lw{e y?kw ,oa e/;e vkSj lkekftd lqj{kk ds fy, gSA ;g
m|e ea=ky;
fuxe ¼,ulhMhlh½ }kjk 'kq: dh xbZ ,d ₹3]000 çfr ekg dh lqfuf'pr isa'ku
igy gSA ⦁
(ACIO G-II Exec. 19.02.2021 Shift-3)

Download Free PDFs & e-Books from App web. :
çnku djrk gSA (Const. Male and Female in x;k] dk;ZØe 2004 esa 'kq: gqvkA (Const.
Delhi Police 2023 16.11.2023 Shift-2) Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 23.11.2023
⦁ Digitisation of Self-Help Group Shift-3) (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police
2023 30.11.2023 Shift-2)
details for banks is the purpose of ⦁ The ‘Mission Solar Charkha’
the ‘EShakti’ programme. scheme was launched in the year
⦁ cSadksa ds fy, Lo;a lgk;rk lewg ds
2018 by Ministry of Micro, Small
fooj.k dk fMftVyhdj.k ' bZ 'kfä' and Medium Enterprises of the
dk;ZØe dk mís'; gSA (Const. Male and
Government of India.
Female in Delhi Police 2023 17.11.2023 Shift-3)
⦁ Under ‘Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan ⦁ Hkkjr ljdkj ds lw{e] y?kq vkSj e/;e
Yojana’, up to 50 per cent of m|e ea=ky; }kjk o"kZ 2018 esa fe'ku
average wages is provided as lksyj pj[kk ;kstuk 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
payment relief which is payable up 28.11.2023 Shift-2)
to maximum 90 days of ⦁ Ministry of Women and Child
unemployment. Development is the implementing
⦁ vVy chfer O;fä dY;k.k ;kstuk' ds ministry for ‘PM CARES for
rgr] vkSlr etnwjh dk 50 çfr'kr rd Children Scheme.
Hkqxrku jkgr ds :i esa çnku fd;k tkrk ⦁ efgyk ,oa cky fodkl ea=ky; ' ih,e
gS tks csjkstxkjh ds vf/kdre 90 fnuksa ds;lZ Q‚j fpYMªsu Ldhe' dk dk;kZUo;u
rd ns; gSA djus okyk ea=ky; gSA (Const. Male and
⦁ (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023 Female in Delhi Police 2023 02.12.2023 Shift-3)
20.11.2023 Shift-1)
⦁ The Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar
Yojana launched in 2001.
⦁ laiw.kZ xzkeh.k jkstxkj ;kstuk 2001 esa 'kq:
dh xbZA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police
2023 20.11.2023 Shift-2)
⦁ The ‘Valmiki Ambedkar Awas
Yojana’ (VAMBAY) was launched in
2001 by the Government of India.
⦁ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk 2001 esa 'okYehfd
vEcsMdj vkokl ;kstuk' ¼VAMBAY½ 'kq:
dh xbZ FkhA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi
Police 2023 28.11.2023 Shift-1)
⦁ ‘Higher Education Leadership
Development Programme for
Administrator’ is a programme
launched by Ministry of Human
Resource Development.
⦁ ç'kkld ds fy, mPp f'k{kk usr`Ro fodkl
dk;ZØe ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;
}kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k ,d dk;ZØe gSA
(Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police 2023
21.11.2023 Shift-2)
⦁ In the year 2005 was the SFURTI
scheme launched by the Ministry
of Micro Small and Medium
⦁ o"kZ 2005 esa lw{e y?kq vkSj e/;e m|e
ea=ky; }kjk LQwfrZ ;kstuk 'kq: dh xbZ
FkhA (Const. Male and Female in Delhi Police
2023 22.11.2023 Shift-3)
⦁ Food for Work Programme was
restructured and renamed as
‘National Rural Employment
Programme, begin in 2004.
⦁ dke ds cnys vukt dk;ZØe dk iquxZBu
fd;k x;k vkSj bldk uke cnydj '
jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj dk;ZØe' dj fn;k


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