6. Measuring Structures & Division Boxes
The flow in irrigation networks needs to be measured for various reasons like:
a- to match demands and supplies
b- to know the total water delivered for billing purposes etc.
In irrigation networks with in the tertiary unit, the flow has to be divided and distributed to
different lower canals and ditches. The division of water is effected by division boxes.
Measuring structures
Flow in open channel can be measured by using flow measuring structures. These are structures
installed in the canal and depend generally on stage measurement (water level) for discharge
Measuring structures can be:
- Broad crested weir (over flow)
- Sharp crested weir ( over flow ) (rectangular)
- Sharp –crested weir (V- notch )
- Baffle distributor
- RBC flume
- Partial flume etc.
Broad Crested Weir
This is an over flow structure. The crest is broad parallel to the flow direction and stream lines are
fairly parallel to each other. Whether the upstream face is rounded or sharp affects the Q-H
The discharge equation for a broad crested weir is:
H1< ½ *B
Irrigation Structures Chapter Six
- Broad crest weir flow occurs when
- For modular flow to occur over the crest, there should be sufficient head loss ( HL)
Thus, for validity.
HL >
- A broad crested weir is applied in canal where head is a problem. This is because the head
loss needed for the structure is small. Moreover, it is applied when debris has to pass over the
structure. It can be used at tertiary off-takes and within tertiary units at quaternary off-takes
under adjustable conditions. Moreover at headwork and secondary off-takes, it can be
Irrigation Structures Chapter Six
Parshall Flume
Consists of a conveying transition with a horizontal floor and a throat with downward sloping
floor. Flow is controlled and measured at the downstream end of the horizontal floor. Due to
complicated design of the structure the rating curves depend on laboratory investigation.
Romijn weir
This is a weir with movable broad crested weir. It is a measuring as well as a regulating structure.
Can be effectively used for tertiary off-takes and secondary off-takes. The crest is made of steel
and placed on top of a vertical sliding gate.
The discharge equation is the same as that of a broad – crested weir
Q = Cd. B. 2/3 * * He 3/2
He = upstream energy head above crest
B = Crest length
Cd = 0.93 + 0.10 * H/L
Q = discharge over the weir.
Irrigation Structures Chapter Six
Division Boxes
Division boxes divide the flow into two or more canals or ditches. The division of the flow can be
on continuous basis or rotational basis.
a- Continuous: In this case the flow is divided proportionally to two or more small canals . This
can be achieved by providing the width of the openings in proportion to the flows required to be
conveyed. For proportional division the sill level has to be the same for all the opening. Moreover,
there should be modular flow (the downstream water level should not influence the discharge).
b- Rotational supply: the openings should be equipped with gates to close and open on turn.
The discharge through each opening is given by the broad- crested weir equation
Cd = is a function of H1 and L.
Cd 0.95 to 1.00
The sill height, P is not high and is in the order of 0.20 to 0.50 m for farm structures (tertiary
b1/Q1 = b2 /Q2 = b3/Q3 Discharge passing can be determined from broad- crested weir
Sluice Gates
Slice gates are gated- underflow structures for flow regulation
The flow under sluice gates is complicated and there is no straight forward equation and depends
on the flow condition.
- Free orifice flow: Q = Cd*B*Q* Submerged Orifice flow
(Cd = 0.62 generally)