Ned University of Engineering & Technology

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Course title: Water Supply & Sewerage

Course Teacher : Sir Javed Aziz

Prepared by: Faraz Nazar

3rd Semester

Hydraulics is a topic in applied science and engineering dealing with the

mechanical properties of liquids. Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical
foundation for hydraulics, which focuses on the engineering uses of fluid

Once the treatment units are selected and designed, it is important to

determine that plant is able to pass the equal amount of flow at each
stage of process. Therefore it is very important to determine hydraulic
losses and determine the hydraulic profile of the plant.

Hydraulic profile describes the water level required for the wastewater to flow
through the plant.

Hydraulic profile is normally prepared for the main liquid flow path i.e. from plant
entrance to point of discharge but can also be prepared for ancillary flow directions
viz sludge treatment and disposal
Major Types of Flow

Open Channel flow or Gravity Flow vs. Closed Conduit Flow

Open channel flow has a free surface as in a natural stream, swale, or

man-made channel. The slope of the channel will be classified as
hydraulically mild, critical or steep depending on whether this slope is
less than, equal to, or greater than the critical slope computed for the
channel on the basis of its critical depth, discharge and roughness.

In Open channel flow, Atmospheric pressure is acting on the surface of

the water.
Open Channel flow or Gravity Flow vs. Closed Conduit Flow

A closed conduit (pipe or culvert) may flow full or partially full, depending on
whether the runoff event is larger or smaller than the design value. Full flow in
a conduit is confined without a free surface and is sometimes referred to as
pipe flow or pressure flow.

In Planning the hydraulic design of a wastewater treatment plant, designer

should look into the possible maximum flow in the plant is gravity flow, and for
this he take the first treatment unit on higher ground level, so that flow for
further treatment units is through gravity thus conserving cost of the pumps
and energy expenses.

Calculating losses in pipes

Total Head loss = Friction loss + Minor loss

∆H = ∆Hf + ∆Hm
Friction Losses (major Losses)

Friction losses are a complex function of the system geometry, the fluid
properties and the flow rate in the system. By observation, the head loss is
roughly proportional to the square of the flow rate in most engineering flows
(fully developed, turbulent pipe flow).

The most common equations are used to calculate frictional losses in close

- Darcy-Weisbach
- Hazen William
Darcy Weisbach Equation

∆H = fL V2/D2g

∆ H = Head loss due to friction
F = Friction factor (meter)
L = Length of pipe (meter)
D = Diameter of pipe (meter)
V = Velocity in pipe (m/s) [range 0.6-3.0, ideally 0.9-1.5]
Hazen William Equation

∆Hf = 10.68 x L x Q1.85 / C1.85 x D4.87

∆Hf = Head loss due to friction
Q = Flow
D = Diameter of pipe (meter)
C = Coefficient of roughness
Minor Losses

These losses represent additional energy dissipation in the flow,

usually caused by secondary flows induced by curvature or
recirculation. The minor losses are any head loss present in addition to
the head loss for the same length of straight pipe.

∆Hm = ∑K V2/2g

K is the sum of the loss coefficients in the length of pipe, each

contributing to theoverall head loss.

- Globe 10
- Angle 2
- Gate 0.15
- Swing check 2
Pipe Entrance (Reservoir to pipe) 0.5

- 90o 0.3
- 45o 0.4

- Line flow 0.2

- Branch flow 1.0
Pipe Exit (Pipe to reservoir) 1.0

Open channel flow (gravity flow) does not necessarily mean that channel
is open from top; it is rather a flow situation where hydraulic grade line is
same as the water surface. Open channel may be required to design
while detailing any component of wastewater treatment unit or
interconnection between two units.

Manning equation is used for the determination of flow velocity

V = 1/n x R2/3 x S1/2

Most conventional water treatment plants require 16-17ft of headloss across the plant. This
means that a difference of 16-17ft must exist between the water level at the head of the plant
and the high water level in the clearwell, which is at the tailend of he processes. An advanced
plant with preozonation, postozonation and GAC may require 25 ft of headloss. A flat and level
site is NOT the best choice for the average plant. The ideal plant will have a 3-5% slope.
The hydraulic profile involves a careful consideration of frictional losses in pipes, minor losses
and losses in control structures.
Typical headlosses

Treatment Unit Headloss Range

Bar Screen .5-1
Grit Chamber 1.5-4
Primary Sedimentation 1.5-3
Aeration Tank .7-2
Trickling Filter 10-20
Secondary Sedimentation 1.5-3
Filtration 10-16
Carbon adsorption 10-20
Chlorine contact tank .7-6


Weirs are more commonly used as flow control devices i.e. to maintain
required water surfaces in unit process, in wastewater treatment plants.
They are some times also used for flow measurement in treatment plants.
Weirs are classified according to the shape of notch. Common weir types
are : triangular (V-notch) and rectangular.
Rectangular Weir

Rectangular weir may be constructed with or without end contraction.

When weir is constructed without end contraction then flow over rectangular
weir is calculated as follows:

Q = Cw x L x H1.5
Whereas head on weir at known discharge can be calculated as:

H = [Q / Cw x L]0.67

Cw = Coefficient of discharge
L = Length of weir
Triangular (V-Notch)

Triangular weir angle ranges from 22.5 to 120 degree, but 900 V-notch is the
most commonly used weir. Discharge through V-notch weir is calculated
through following formula;

Q = Cw x H0.4

Whereas the head on weir can be calculated using :

H = [Q/Cw]0.4

Q = flow
H = Head on weir
Cw = coefficient of discharge
Inlet and Outlet Hydraulics

A. Inlet A A

Section A-A

Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1

Section B-B

Center Line

1.Q4  .90 Q1, In order to achieve equal flow through the orifices,
the head through the orifices should be >> than the flume losses.

1.Orifice discharge formula:

Q = .6A(2gh)^1/2
Inlet and Outlet Hydraulics

Q = discharge, cfs
.6 = constant of for US Customary system
h = head on weir crest, ft
g = acceleration due to gravity, ft2/s
The velocity in the influent pipe should be sufficient to
main the suspended solids in suspension but < 4fps to
avoid excessive headloss.
Inlet and Outlet Hydraulics

B. Outlet


V-notch weir

Weir H0 d

Section B-B

Section A-A Center Line

1. If the weir is suppressed:
Q = 3.33LH^3/2

2. If a 90 V-notch weir

Q = 2.54LH5/2

Q = discharge, cfs
3.33, 2.54 = constant of for US Customary system
h = head on weir crest, ft
L= Weir length, ft

 Provide sufficient pressure to move the water through system at
the desire flow rate.
 Pump stations are normally required to remove wastes from areas which
cannot be served hydraulically by gravity sewers.

 In certain situations however, a gravity sewer system can be utilized, but

only at the expense of deep trench excavation, or construction of long
sewer runs to avoid high terrain.

 The selection of wheather pumping system or gravity flow system must

be based on economic evaluation of both options and pump station is
only justified when cost of pump station is less than or equal to 90% of a
gravity system.
Wastewater Pumping Station

 Wastewater pumping stations are used to lift or elevate the liquid

from a lower elevation to an adequate height at which it can flow
by graviy.

 There are many pumping applications at wastewater treatment

facility. These applications include pumping of

1. Raw or treated wastewater

2. Grit
3. Grease and flowting solids
4. Dilute or well thickened raw sludge, or digested sludge
5. Sludge or supernatant return
Types of Pumping Stations

Wet Well

 The pumping stations are classified as wet well and dry well. The
wet well stations employ either suspended or submersible pumps.
Suspended pumps have the motor mounted above the liquid level
in the wet well while the pump remains submerged.

 Submersible pumps have integral motors with special seals

suitable for operation below liquid level.
Types of Pumping Stations

Dry Well

 The dry-well stations employ either dry-well or self-priming

centrifugal pumps.

 The dry-well centrifugal pumps operate within a dry well adjacent

to the wet well. The volute of the pump is positioned below the
low water level in the wet well to ensure a positive suction or
prime as shown in next slides.
Types of Pumping Stations

Following are the major classifications of pumping stations in wastewater

treatment plant.

 Dry-wet Well Pump Station

 Submersible Pump Station
 Suction Lift Pump Station
Types of Pumping Stations

Pump Station Type Schematic Presentation Recommendation

Dry-Wet Well Pump Recommended for large

Station constructions
Dry Well
Wet Well

Types of Pumping Stations

Pump Station Type Schematic Presentation Recommendation

Submersible Pump Station

Wet Well

Types of Pumping Stations

Pump Station Type Schematic Presentation Recommendation

Pump Not recommended for

Suction Lift Pump Station wastewater applications,
avoid as much as possible,
hence not discussed in this
Wet Well section


• Avoid unnecessary fittings, be as simplistic as possible.  One standard

90 degree bend can have much less head loss than two 45 degree

• Pipe K values can be reported differently in a variety of

sources, and the designer needs to take this into

• Minimum flow velocities of 2 feet per second (0.61 m/s)

are usually desired to prevent solids from settling in the

• Run parallel pipes along as similar a path as possible. 

Pipe systems that have pipes laid out with a high degree of
variance may affect the upstream hydraulics and contribute to an
unequal distribution of flows.

• Understand that the hydraulic analysis of pipes is not an

exact science.  K values and roughness coefficients (relative roughness
"e" value, Hazen-Williams "C" coefficient, etc) are empirical estimates. 
Pipe age can greatly increase friction losses, as well as the solids
content of the flow.  Be conservative, but don't "over design".

• Use good flow splitting techniques.  If more than one pipe is used
to convey flow to multiple units, equally divide the flow using a
flow distribution structure or other technique.  This is especially
important for multiple pipes that do not have the same
characteristics, i.e. length and/or fittings.  Less flow will go through
pipes with higher head losses.  This may cause a significant variation
in the amount of flow to each unit (see next slide).".

• If possible, keep channel slopes to a minimum.  Steeply

sloped channels can create high flow velocities and
create unwanted flow scenarios, such as hydraulic jumps.  The
hydraulics of these flow scenarios can be difficult to predict:

Channel networks should distribute flow as equally as possible.  This can be

done by flow splitting techniques.  Examine the channel network used to
distribute flow to 9 final clarifiers shown next slide.  Flow is distributed to
each clarifier via channel “reaches”, which branch off from the main
distribution channel.  Flow will always follow the path of least resistance or
head loss.  In the design below, more flow will go to clarifiers 1, 2, and 3,
and the least amount of flow will go to clarifiers 7, 8, and 9.  This is because
the head loss from the main channel entrance to clarifiers 7, 8, and 9 will be
greater than the head loss to clarifiers 1, 2, and 3.  Depending on the
design, this loss may be fairly insignificant and there may be virtually equal
distribution.  But on long channel runs or other factors such as differing
geometry, this flow distribution anomaly can create hydraulic issues,
especially under higher flows.
Thanks to ..
 The Teacher
…. For encouraging me preparing presentation on this topic.

 The Audience
…. For being patient with me during presentation.

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