article about broject mangment
article about broject mangment
article about broject mangment
A competent project manager is familiar with the standards and practices of project management.
But only those who have mastered their communication skills succeed in their role again and
The demand for exceptional project managers will only increase in the coming years. So,
understanding how advanced communication skills distinguish project managers gives you a
competitive edge.
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Thus, the project manager isn’t responsible for the completion of the project. He is responsible
for the people who are going to complete the project. This is a distinction that separates the great
from the good project managers.
Similarly, all the project management tools, methodologies, software and techniques serve this
one purpose. To make people’s work easier. NOT to do the work for them.
Since we have a reliable understanding of the definition of project management, let’s dive into its
most fundamental concepts and key players.
The Project Management Institute introduced this project management life cycle as an overlay
to create a unifying and formalized way of structuring and organizing the various elements of
Essentially, these five phases establish a roadmap to a more consistent, successful completion of
Let’s take a brief, focused look into the five phases of project management:
This is the first phase of the project management lifecycle and the one most people like to skip,
often to their detriment.
It is where projects are born. The importance of this phase is that it provides context. It aligns
projects with strategy.
Explore this strategic planning template to understand where projects fit inside a strategy plan.
This phase might include brainstorming to come up with several project ideas. Then, each
project goes through its “initiation” process where you determine its key aspects like:
The scope
The deadline
The risk
The resources
The people needed
This should not be an exhaustive planning of the project (this comes later), but a
detailed estimation of whether it’s worthy of the time and resources it requires to achieve your
In this phase, the owner of the project (the project manager) is also determined.
This is the phase where most people start their project management process. However, only the
projects that have successfully gone through the initiation phase should progress to this one.
Or, even worse, end up with a product that is unrelated or damaging to the business.
The planning phase is where you build a schematic of the project. You break down the project
into smaller tasks and milestones, each with its respective deadlines.
Responsibilities are distributed to people and if the organization doesn’t have the necessary
people to complete the project (and has decided to commit to it), it includes recruitment as well.
The metrics that will determine the team’s progress are also defined at this phase, as well as the
details of the reviewing habit that will be installed.
The actual cycle of the project management cycle might start here. It depends on the nature of
the project and the methodology the project manager chooses to use.
As soon as the planning phase is over and people start attending to their tasks, the executing
phase starts.
The execution phase is where the magic happens. People make progress towards the final goal
and the project manager manages unexpected developments and supports their people.
Executing and monitoring are not two distinct phases in a project management life cycle. They
support and complement each other.
Building processes
The Development of the product
Monitoring and controlling the project’s progress is a crucial responsibility of the project
managers because it enables them to stay on top of the production and proactively manage it to
meet the requirements.
Even if the project’s estimations weren’t accurate in the planning phase, a practical monitoring
practice has a patching effect. It spots the inaccuracies early, providing the opportunity to
recalibrate the rest of the project.
That is exactly why it’s so essential to decide at the start of the project your reporting needs and
commit to them. Although your reviewing practices might evolve over time, they should never
decline or be treated as optional.
Even a simple update in a conversation can go a long way in maintaining velocity and focused
execution. Use this KPI template to simplify your reporting and save time.
The closing is the final phase in the project management lifecycle. It’s where the team
Two reports should be prepared with the completion of the project. One for the Supervisors (the
receivers of the project) and one for the team’s performance, a post-mortem if you’d like.
Along with the deliverables, the team provides a report on the outcome of the project that
To sum, the project management lifecycle is an effective high-level framework that provides
structure and formalizes the various phases and processes a project goes through.
It provides clarity and a basic structure to organize the work of each project.
There are, however, more specific and less high-level methodologies that offer more detailed
instructions to follow in the mess of the real world.
Before we discuss those methodologies, let’s highlight two crucial elements of project
management: the project’s milestones and the project’s stakeholders.
No matter the nature of the project, starting the project and completing it in one go is rarely the
case. More often than not, you break it down into smaller, less daunting milestones. Why?
Firstly, because you’re not intimidated by the size of the project and the amount of effort it needs
to be completed. You organize the work and move one step at a time to reach your final
And secondly, because each time you reach a project milestone, you can celebrate. Give your
team (and yourself) a pat on the back and give credit where due. Replenish their will and lift
their spirit.
Every small victory you celebrate boosts the morale of your team and refocuses their efforts.
Milestone Examples
Constructing a building:
For large projects, every milestone could also be treated as a new project with its own sub-
Pro tip: Milestones signal the project’s progress, not progress towards the project’s objective.
For example, your team might be completing the tasks on time, but your marketing campaign
doesn’t necessarily perform against its objectives.
Pair your milestones with the proper metrics to make sure you’re doing what matters most. Use
this metric template to craft leading measures that help you shift through the noise.
Project stakeholders: the 3 groups
The Supervisors
Supervisors don’t directly run a project. Their main focus is hitting higher-level objectives and
moving metrics tied to multiple projects. For them, the projects are the “activities” that drive the
metrics and the progress to their respective objectives.
Projects populate the operational plan. So, Supervisors are essentially project portfolio
managers. As a result, if a project isn’t contributing substantially to a specific metric or
objective, they easily discard it.
Typically, Supervisors are the senior leadership, the C-suite, the Board of
Directors or program managers.
The Managers
A Manager is more narrowly focused. They are leading the team that has undertaken a specific
project. Resource management, people coordination and making sure to meet the project’s
specifications are all the Manager’s responsibilities.
A Manager is highly invested in the project and must have a tight grip on
the communication between stakeholder groups.
Managers are the most important group in the project management process.
Typically, the Managers group includes roles like the project manager, the team leader and
the project coordinator.
The Executioners
The Executioners are the people who bring the project to life. They are the people in the
trenches, the people who execute and do the work. These individuals are responsible for the day-
to-day progress of the project.
Executioners are focused on delivering the project’s milestones. They are invested in the
completion of their own tasks as well as the project overall.
Consistently successful project managers recognize this. That’s the reason they focus so much
on improving their communication skills and processes.
Project integration management is the set of decisions that the project manager takes when
they consider all the project’s components and objectives holistically.
It includes the core responsibilities of the project manager that cannot, and should not,
be delegated.
These decisions don’t occur at a specific phase of the project management lifecycle. Integrating
processes and activities come up repeatedly from the start of the project until its completion.
Complex requirements and expectations can easily skyrocket the difficulty and the convolutions
of the project integration management.
Because of that, project managers use various tools to make their work (and life) easier, such as:
At almost every phase of the project management lifecycle, the project manager will be forced to
make decisions on conflicting matters like quality versus deadline, budget versus quality, safety
over speed and many others.
For example, a marketing project manager might have to deal with questions like
“Do we fix the brand inconsistencies in the video ad and miss the deadline or not?”
“Do we target a very small but better-converting audience or a much bigger one with medium
conversion rates?”
To answer these questions, the project manager needs to have a deep understanding of the
project’s components and, at the same time, how it fits in the organization’s overall strategy.
For this reason, knowing how to write a strategic plan is hugely beneficial. There’s no need to
go too deep, this free strategic planning template provides all the context a project manager
For better or worse, the smooth flow of information between all stakeholder groups falls into
the project manager’s responsibility.
As such, they use tools and processes to collect and display relevant information.
The Supervisors
Supervisors don’t need to get deep into the details of every project. This is what you, as a project
manager, should communicate with them:
Automate this process with a KPI report that focuses on capturing only the most essential
The Managers
Project Managers are near and dear to everything regarding the project they’re leading. They
need to have a good understanding of every task their team is working on so they can provide the
necessary support and organize the work.
Managers also have administrative responsibilities, so they need to have a clear overview of the
project. Basically, Managers know and understand almost everything about the project,
The Executioners
The Executioners are in the front line. The project’s progress relies almost entirely on them
completing their tasks. Thus, they need to have every piece of information that will make their
work easier, simpler and achievable.
Now that we have gone through the fundamentals of project management, let’s have a look at
some of the tools that project managers use to succeed in their roles.
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First, it emphasizes the planning phase of the project and secondly, it proceeds from process to
process linearly. This means that until a process has been successfully completed, the next one
cannot start.
1. The Requirements Stage is where all the necessary requirements and specifications of
the project are collected and recorded.
2. The Design Stage is where the detailed outline of the project’s final deliverable is
formulated, including the milestones and their respective deadlines.
3. The Implementation Stage is where people execute the designs and build the product.
4. The Verification Stage is where the product is tested for defects and whether it meets all
of the requirements.
5. The Deployment Stage is where the project’s final product is delivered or published.
If, after its deployment, the final product requires constant support and attention, then there is
one more stage in this methodology, the Maintenance Stage.
The Waterfall project management method has low adaptability once the project has moved to
the execution phase, but high predictability, fast pace and respects the requirements best.
Thus, it is ideal for projects that have clear, concise requirements and deliverables with explicit
properties. If there is clarity, then the Waterfall model works wonders.
Software development projects, construction projects, system development projects like supply
chain systems or healthcare systems are all examples where clear-cut requirements and
sequential processes are more common or necessary.
It’s when an organization conducts a gap analysis and decides on its top strategic priorities that
most projects with high predictability are born.
The Agile approach to project management is a much more responsive model to changes in the
specifications of the project’s deliverables.
It’s mostly applied to software development projects, but the agile method in non-tech
businesses finds a lot of application opportunities.
It’s an iterative approach where the team works in small sprints, distinct bursts of focused work
according to current requirements. Each iteration is followed by new feedback and
specifications, so the next iteration improves.
The Agile methodology is ideal for projects that have ambiguous requirements, deliverables with
undefined qualities or any of these are expected to be changed before the final product is
The iterations allow the team to conserve resources, adapt to the changing specifications and at
the same time meet other requirements like deadlines and budget constraints.
The Agile method has sparked the development of many specific agile project management
methodologies. For example:
Scrum methodology
Kanban methodology
Extreme programming methodology
Adaptive project framework methodology
There are several other widely used methodologies, but generally speaking, few people apply a
methodology intact.
Every team, project manager or organization uses a hybrid method that combines parts of various
What are the 4 key skills of a project manager?
The project manager is a leadership position.
Specifically, it’s a lot like a middle manager’s position in the sense that a project manager has to
connect the high-level strategic intentions to the reality of the front line.
Consequently, every project manager needs to have 3 distinct sets of skills to succeed in the role:
1. Industry-specific knowledge
2. Proficiency in the common project management tools
3. Expert-level ability on two certain soft skills: paranoia and communication
Industry knowledge
Industry-specific knowledge enables a deep understanding of the scope of the project, the
accurate estimation of the effort and the time of each milestone, as well as the needs and the
budget of the project.
It’s what allows the project manager to make the best trade-offs that align with the
company’s strategic initiatives.
This knowledge is the least transferable but also the stronger asset of a project manager because
it multiplies the effectiveness of the other two sets of skills.
The larger the project or the more people involved, the bigger the need for project management
There is a plethora of project management software out there, each with its own advantages and
disadvantages. When the project manager tracks a lot of details with complicated relationships,
then he needs to be proficient in various sophisticated tools.
They want to be able to have a quick overview of the progress and share it easily. When, for
example, project managers have update meetings with the Supervisors, they need digestible bits
of the team’s current tasks and status updates. Not any painstaking details.
It’s more useful to link the projects to the company’s strategic initiatives to demonstrate the
project’s contribution than to go into which team member owns each task.
For example, in Cascade you can have every part of the project accounted for by a specific
person, but also create reports that don’t get those details. Instead, your reports focus on exactly
the information you wish to share.
The most consistently successful project managers are paranoid. They obsess over all the ways
the project might go wrong and the processes in place fail.
Let’s see two of the best practices that you can apply as well:
1. Remove bottlenecks.
Think of information and process bottlenecks. If, for example, your team needs constant
approval and authorization by you to execute their tasks, then you’re putting a huge drag
on the whole project (and yourself).
Push authority to your people and stop being an information bottleneck.
As a project manager, you have a responsibility to protect your team’s work and progress as well
as the investment of resources to your project.
This skill is intentionally broad because it is the core of several soft skills that, when highly
developed, distinguish great project managers from the rest.
It’s also the most transferable of all the project management skills.
Let’s see on which specific instances a project manager benefit the most from exceptional
communication skills:
When a tourist asks you for directions to get to a place, it’s your fault if they get lost. Your
instructions weren’t specific, clear or concise enough (assuming they followed your instructions
to the letter).
Team members are more transparent and adaptive in their approach when they understand
exactly how their work contributes to the bigger picture.
Project managers that lack the skill to shift through the noise and communicate exactly what the
Supervisors want to know, nothing more and nothing less. fair much better than their colleagues.
The role of a project manager: examples
Although every project is unique, it’s typically beneficial for a project manager to specialize in
industry-specific projects or develop skills applied to particular projects.
A creative project manager has a deeper understanding of the creative process. They are better
equipped to give more accurate instructions to their team, perceive the project’s requirements
clearly, oversee the creative process and offer meaningful feedback.
A creative project manager might be a creative themselves (writer, designer etc.) or have a
creative background. There is a high demand for this role in marketing, where a campaign might
involve a set of creative products (video, copy, article, ad etc.).
Marketing project managers come in all shapes and sizes. That’s because every industry has its
own way of doing marketing and every project has different needs.
A marketing project manager has many traits of a creative project manager and knowledge of
marketing principles and practices.
Depending on the project, the manager might have to do market research, design a marketing
campaign with a timeline and budget, decide what to outsource, or even be involved with
crafting the marketing message and design of ads.
A digital project manager is a terrible title because it’s so broad, it’s nearly indistinguishable
from a “simple” project manager. The discerning factor is that all the work, processes and tools
of a digital project manager are, well, digital.
In addition, all communication with team members might also be digital and the whole project
takes place mostly in the digital space. As a result, the skills of a digital project manager involve
proficiency in various online tools and software, besides project management.
The engineering project manager is one of the most demanding project manager roles. Usually,
the complexity of engineering projects is humongous and requires deep and specialized
knowledge of the project’s specific requirements.
An engineering project manager has a rich academic background and ample hands-on experience
on various aspects of the project to be able to comprehend, organize and keep up with the work.
Healthcare project manager roles are typically more process-oriented and can get fairly complex.
Healthcare projects range from infrastructure and commercial to leading business initiatives with
complex analysis and high expertise.
A healthcare project manager usually has a relevant background in the health industry (e.g.
administrative or managerial) and could have specialized in certain healthcare processes and
No matter the industry, a project manager needs to understand how the project contributes to
the company’s overall strategic plan to have a clear context for every decision.
What’s the difference between a program manager and a project manager? First of all, they
belong to different stakeholder groups.
A program manager is a Supervisor. They are responsible for a program, a collection of related
projects and activities. A project manager is responsible for their project only.
For example, a business has the strategic Focus Area of “Increasing Brand Awareness”.
One of the programs that will contribute to that is “Increase our Brand Impressions”, which will
include multiple projects, like “Launch a TV ad campaign”, “Launch a social media campaign”,
or “Get featured in several major publications”.
Each one of these projects might have a specialized marketing project manager that organizes the
work while a program manager oversees the successful outcome of all the components of the
program, i.e. the projects.
Another way to distinguish between a program and a project is that the former focuses on
achieving a specific strategic objective while the latter on delivering a specific product or
Project coordinator vs project manager
A project coordinator has fewer responsibilities than a manager. The coordinator takes away a
lot of the administrative tasks from a project manager’s plate. His role is of an assistant to the
project manager.
A project coordinator is responsible for the day-to-day progress of the project. He facilitates the
communication between stakeholders and removes friction from processes and workflows. He
makes stuff move smoother.
Usually, a project coordinator has a clear and accurate understanding of all aspects of the project
and undertakes many executive tasks. However, he’s not limited to those. The reason
coordinators are so valuable is that they enable project managers to focus on more important
aspects of the project management process, without neglecting its execution or the support of the
team members.
A lot of project managers went through the role of project coordinator before leading their own
This is an immediate danger for projects that skip the initiating phase of project management.
Projects that are not aligned with the company’s higher-level objectives might get canceled at
any time.
Here is what it looks like. You’ve spent, collectively with your team, countless hours of work
and resources to bring the project to life. You have overcome serious obstacles and the team is
ready to reach a great milestone.
Instead, you receive a message that tells you to discard your project because it doesn’t contribute
significant value to the business or doesn’t align with the company’s strategy.
This is what happened to so many developers in 1997 when Steve Jobs decided to abandon
OpenDoc technology. Some developers saw years of work being dumped with one single
Failing at delivery
The ultimate responsibility of a project manager is to deliver the final product within the
project’s requirements. Every decision, trade-off and tool contribute to that exact goal.
Although every project has its own failing requirements, some common requirements matter
more than others, like deadlines, product specifications or certain quality traits.
This is why industry-specific knowledge and alignment with the business objectives are so
important. They ensure that the project manager can make the right decisions that will adapt the
project to have the desired outcome.
Early signs of delivery dangers are scope creep and feature creep.
The strategic project management proactively deals with questions about alignment and
impact. It manages projects at a portfolio level and at the same time, it ensures that every project
is properly resourced and contributes to at least one strategic objective.
Strategic project management examines the project’s scope and goal in the broader context of a
company’s strategy. It prevents the investment of time and resources to low yielding projects.
Key Takeaways
Consistently successful project managers have these common traits: